Nadim Bashir – Kaleemullah #09 – How to overcome self doubt

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The transcript describes the success of Musashi's " though" and describes a conversation between a man named developers and a woman named Monica. Monica uses her " but" and she explains that she is nervous and scared. Subhanab is confident in his position and is given ideas to help her grow. The use of snakes in culture is seen as a way to eliminate fear and strengthen people, and individuals are expected to show weakness when seeing a snake. The importance of overcoming obstacles and building up confidence in oneself is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah him Hamid while he was a big marine and my brother Welcome to another segment of Ghanaian moolah where we go through the lessons and reflections learn from the story of Musa alayhis salam. So we are now in sort of Baja where Allah subhanho wa Taala he has just he has addressed Musala his son for the very first time, he says in any and a lot as you know, in the NFL with a new puppy Misrata victory. And this is you know, this is a time when Musashi has some he's still going through this shock phase. Because we remember the story that when he tells his

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family that I see a fire in a distant and this is the time when you have to understand the musalla you something just out with his family one day he's not expecting anything. And he's not expecting that ALLAH SubhanA is going to make him a prophet either. But he sees a fire he comes to the fire ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada or is him. Ilana alake Take off your take off your shoes. He then says to him in any an Allah. So this is all still very big for Musa alayhis salam and he's still trying to grasp all this. Now at this moment, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala is about to tell Musashi, Assam to go and invite fit onto Islam. And we see that the fact that Musa ism is the most mentioned prophet in the

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Quran, and he was able to stand up against her own and he was able to save the people of Bani Israel, even from his tyranny, and from his oppression, you have to understand that this requires a great deal of confidence. And this requires a lot of internal strength to do something this big. Now the question is that did Musala you somehow have this confidence to begin with? Did he have this inner strength and this courage to do something like this to the beat to begin with? Absolutely not. One of the key reasons why we're going through the story today in this part of the story today is because there are times when you as a person, or even I myself, we lack confidence. We may have the

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skill set, we may have the qualifications, but there is such a there's such a big task ahead of us that we began to doubt ourself, can I do it? Will I be able to succeed or not. So whenever we are stacked up against odds in the future, or whenever I feel like I'm doubting myself, or I lack self confidence, and so forth. Remember that you're not the only one who is going through something like this, or you're not the only one who has been through something like this, we find even in the story of Musa alayhis salam, he is going through something like this too. And Allah subhanho wa taala, he wants to build this confidence within Musa alayhis salam. Because at the end of the day, confidence

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is something that is developed when you study the stories of the MBR. When you say the stories of even people today that people you know, people in media or people who are looked up today, people that are revered for their success. We learned about them today to that they were stacked up against all odds to at some point in their life. But they were able to develop that self confidence within themselves. Or someone was able to develop that confidence within them, and put that courage within them. And then they were able to accomplish and overcome the tasks ahead. So always remember that if you're ever in a situation like this, where you doubt yourself, or someone is doubting you, or you

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lack self confidence, remember that there's always a way to overcome that lack of self confidence. So let's go into the story of Musa alayhis salam, the very first thing is that Allah subhanho wa Taala he wants to create strength and Musashi Islam, he's giving him a big responsibility. But if he goes and he begins to invite it on, without having that confidence, then this is going to become you know, this is gonna become quite

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it's going to become something wrong and not only that, but it can become terrible for him and for his mission. So what does he say? The very first thing he asked him was, well, my ticket can be a meanie Kia Musa. He says what is in your hand Oh Musa, and he says here are soy is my staff. Now a lot of times we refer to this word or slight as stick. Some people have even referred to it as a cane. The word stick I can go outside and I can find a small stick. That's a stick. When you say the word cane. Usually canes are used by our senior

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ers cane is symbolic for weakness, you use a cane when you're not able to physically walk normally. And you need the support of a cane to walk and get from point A to point B. So we should never translate this as a stick or as a cane. But rather we should use this as we should translate this word as a staff. Now, if you look at, you know, some of the some in the past, and some certain cultures, whenever the hot leaves were given hautbois, you will see that they will hold a huge na stake but a staff, like a staff at that time was symbolic for power, it was symbolic for strength. So at that time, it's not a Musa has a small stake. And he's using that for his animal purposes. And

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for other purposes. He had a staff it's a symbolic for power. So he says, what is in your hand or Musa he says it is my staff, after work or on a while, who should we have run me, I lean on this, and I uses to be down branches. And there are many other things that I use this for. Now here, you have to understand the Musala exam is simply asked one question, what is in your hand? The answer to that question is it is my staff. That's all he could have said. But he the fact that he goes into all these details that I use this for this purpose, and I use this for this purpose. This tells us that he is enjoying this conversation. I mean, think about it, if you ever came across someone that

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you truly admire, someone that you wish that you could just meet in person. And when you meet that person, usually, you know you're shivering, you have these jitters or butterflies in your stomach. And they you know, you will tell them that I have a question for you. And that person will say okay, what is your question and you ask us a small question. That's because you admire that person and now you're meeting that person. You just cannot believe it. You're you're gonna remember that moment all your life, that the time when I met such and such person. Now here this conversation is happening between Musa alayhis salam and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tala think about the magnitude of that conversation,

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is that a conversation that Musa is ever going to forget never, he wasn't even expecting to talk to Allah subhanho wa taala. Here he and Allah are conversing with one another. So the fact that this is happening, Musashi, Assam is just soaking up this opportunity, this moment. And then that is why he goes into all these details that I use this, use my staff for this in this purpose. But something else that we learn very beautiful in this, this also is moves out a Psalm, he says two things. And then he says, Well, your fee hum Adam okra, and I use this for many other purposes. Subhanallah one of the things that we're our own mother teaches is that one thing that we learned from this is that

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when you are in front of someone who is superior than you in knowledge, or they are considered as your superior, someone of great status, someone of a someone who's a great scholar, a very well learned men, or even in front of your own parents at times too. It is good to stay as quiet as you can and to not to speak too much. Yes, Subhan. Allah when you study our lemma goes through the lives of our Allah when they would go and visit their teachers, they will talk very less, and they will let their teachers and their alumni speak even more. This is something that we find across the board. In fact, even if you pick up books written by Mr. Raja, I'll humbly document Allahu La or

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Imam. Zanu G Rahmatullah Allah when he writes a book known as the instruction of the student, and so forth, in there, they talk about that this is something called Adam, this is something called etiquettes and respect that when you are in front of your superior, you do not talk too much. And so here Mussolini's some, he's asked what is in your hand, he wants to soak up the moment and he speaks at the same time after a while he realizes too that I'm in front of a superior and let me stay quiet and therefore He says, When do you see him or her ah okra. So therefore, whenever we go in front of our superiors, the next time we are there, rather instead of us talking too much, let our superior

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talk more. This is part of other and part of respect. Now, the next thing is that Allah subhana wa Tada he says, unlucky Hi yah Musa. Oh Musa put it down on the floor for Allah call her for either he hired and Tessa. The Quran says uh, he put it on the floor, he put his stuff on the floor, and it turned into a serpent. And then Allah says on the hood her want to have Allah says, What are the half grab it? And do not be afraid and I want you to just think about this. Today. Subhanallah in America, I can say that today we see a spider or we see an ENT and we

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You know, people begin to yell, people begin to scream. I mean, think about going to a snake, you see a snake and you run usually that's what happens. Now in some cultures or not some cultures in some, in some parts of the world, there are so used to seeing snakes that they can just go and without any fear, they can go and grab a snake. You know, there are people like that. But in America, we don't often come across snakes. So when we see a snake, we usually get scared and we freak out. Now here Musa Islam probably has not come across so many snakes, he sees a snake and he's scared immediately. And so and imagine there's a snake in front of you and you're told go and grab

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that snake. Anyone will be scared. Here Musa yourself ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. He wants to eliminate this fear of the snake from the heart of Masada, Islam. Why? Because when you go in front of your own, and you show that you are fearful of something, or you are weak when it comes to something, if an own can exploit that weakness, Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to make Musa strong. He wants to make him fearless that when you go in front of fifth round, and you put down this stuff of yours, and it turns into a serpent, first of all, is that if you know initially, when Mussolini's on first put down the staff, the fact that he got scared is proof that this was not magic. Because anyone who

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does magic and they put down something, and it turns into something, they don't show any kind of emotions, because they're expecting something by here. The fact that Musa put down his staff, it turned to a serpent he got scared. First of all, that tells us that tells you that Musashi ism isn't a magician to begin with. But then number two is as I said earlier, that in order to eliminate this fear from the heart of Masada, you sit down so that when he is in front of it on, he does not show any kind of weakness, he does not show that he is fearful of the snake. This is why Allah subhanho wa Taala he is training moosari Islam, and he's building up this confidence and Mussolini Assam and

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this courage in the heart of Musa alayhis salam. So this is this is what happens now Allah subhanho wa Taala says Werbung get the KE that genetica the raja be law I mean ye su in is an okra, remember that Musa alayhis salam, he left his family, he's looking, he's coming for fire, so that it can illuminate the way for him. So Allah subhanaw Without did not also leave his family hanging, and he took care of his family. And not only that, but he's told Musala Hassan put your heart put your hand in your underarm area, and when you take it out, it will be an illuminating force, it will be an illuminating means or a tool that you can use for your to use on the way and so forth. So these are

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things that Allah Subhan Allah gave to Musa Islam now, Allah subhanho wa Taala he says that I gave you these kinds of ideas and these kinds of signs. Lee Nordea come in is a cobra so we can show you the Greater Signs and the bigger signs of ours. And then he says, In Hubie EDA for the owner in the hotel Hall, go to fit own and give him Dawa, and call them to Islam. Now here, once again, Musala is some isn't expecting to go to fit on. Here, a Musa is on once again, he's coming. Allah says I am Allah. And then he gives him two miracles in particular, and he's not expecting to go to fit all and then he gets the main news, you have to go to fit around. Now think about this, once again, his self

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confidence, Allah is putting that So confidence in him. But at the same time, he's still scared that I do have these tools, I do have these means I have these, these miracles of Allah subhanho wa taala. But at the same time, I have to go and face fear to own the one who has already told everyone that I am a criminal, because I have committed murder. And that's what's happening. Not only that, Mussolini is some grew up he is sort of indebted to fit on that he grew up in his palace. He had everything, whatever he wanted. Not only that, but he's scared of the fact that he has speech difficulties. And not only that, but the biggest obstacle that he has, is that he's going into a

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foreign land when he's already been convicted of a crime. And he's trying to save the home and he's trying to save his people that are enslaved by fear. Oh, and so think about the the odds that he stacked up against remember if you're ever stacked up against odds in your life, there's ways of over overcoming that or those obstacles and one of those ways. The very first thing that we see in from the story of Musa Islam is that they will be learned this we learn this also from the CEO the Prophet SAW Selim, that whenever you have to do something, whenever ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala here

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Allah Subhan, Allah is expecting something from Musa alayhis salam, we find a seed of the prophet that Allah is expecting for the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. So what we learned from the stories is that when we are expected to do something, you put your trust in Allah subhanho wa taala, and you do your best, that's honestly, that's the best thing that you can do. You try your best, to make the best decision, do your best, and keep Allah subhanho wa Taala in front of you. The second thing that we must do in order to overcome obstacles in order to overcome the lack of self confidence when it comes to doing something is that do not overlook the obstacles and any matter.

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Obstacles are part of every single part of our life. And it is important that we acknowledge those and those obstacles. And we also acknowledge that I may not have the experience to do so. Because when you are mentally prepared, that there are going to be obstacles, and when you are mentally prepared, that I may not have all the skill sets to overcome those obstacles. And I'm in number three is that you're not ignoring those obstacles, that you're mentally prepared, that as the obstacles come my way, I'm going to overcome them in sha Allah and I'm going to find ways to overcome them. That's the second thing. The third thing in that we need to do in order to overcome

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obstacles in our life. And when we find a lack of self confidence, is that we should always ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala and make dua to Allah. Here once again Musa ism has speech difficulties. And so what does he do? He makes dua to Allah he says a rubbish rally Saudi. Oh Allah expand my chest. Yes, silly Amani and make this matter easy for me and we should always make dua to Allah subhanho wa taala. Here Musa is stacked up against some odds, he's making dua to Allah subhanho wa taala. He's not ignoring the obstacle. He's not ignoring the obstacle. So this is why to always make dua to Allah subhanho wa taala. And this is what he says he says, we're still the only one aka the

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terminally Sunni that there is a knot on my tongue that please untie that knot yes go hook only that the that they can understand what I'm trying to tell them I will go into I will communicate, but they may not understand so oh Allah make this matter. Easy for me. And not only that, but then Mousavi Assam, he also asked for support. He says, he says how he should do the be as they were I should it Kofi Emily that my brother Harun, please engage him in my matter, please bring him along. So he can be a support in my matter. So number four is the fourth thing that we can do to overcome obstacles is to ask for support or look for support. Looking for support is not a weakness, it is

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not a weakness, it will make you stronger. So once again, we learned from the story that Musa alayhis salam, Allah subhanaw taala created self confidence in him, he gave him two blessings or two miracles. And then he told me to go to fifth round, he realizes that this is a very big task, and he has self confidence issues at this time. So what did Allah subhanho wa taala? Do? He built that self confidence in him? And we learned from the story that there are four things that you always do. Number one is you do your best, make the best decision, and then do your best number two is always do not, do not overlook the absolute on the obstacles, acknowledge the obstacles, and try to make a

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plan to overcome those obstacles. The third thing is always ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for help in everything that you do. And number four is that they look for support and whatever you're doing. So these are four things that we should always do in all matters of our life when we are stacked up against obstacles, and there is a lack of self confidence. This story teaches us how to overcome our lack of self confidence. I ask Allah subhana wa to Allah, that He gives us the ability to learn from the stories may Allah subhanaw taala give us ability to apply the teachings from the stories in our life. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala make the Quran a guiding force for all of us in every aspect

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of our life. I mean obala mean is that Kamala hayleigh Saddam Alikum rahmatullahi wa barakato

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in Al Mussolini now almost Lima D one meaning me 91 quantity now

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the most

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important the one saw the Rena was Slavia at all do you want to for sharing you know

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what unfortunately no one was watching it one downside BP now one downside being party was all in me now was all in

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one heavy Lena photo gentlemen one Hatfield law D was lucky

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No long I guess you know what the guilt or I don't

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genuine nauseam

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