Shadee Elmasry – How Shaytan Tricks You (Avoid doing this!)
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The Devil's playbook entry number three, whatever the prophetic path
is IBLEES promotes the opposite, and then covers it up with the
virtue. That's a summary of the devil's playbook. He promotes the
opposite of what Allah and His Messenger have taught us in the
city on the dean. And then he covers it up in a virtue to make
you think you're doing something good. Here's an example. You
mentioned something discouraged, such as what such as leaning
against the wall at Jamal coming to Juma in grungy clothes. Some
people come in their pajamas in the summertime flip flops pajamas
in a T shirt. He just woke up. He had his waffles. Maybe he brushed
his teeth, who knows. And he came to the masjid in his flip flops
and his plaid pajamas and an undershirt. Now, as this stuff is
not funny, says my crew. It's not cute. It's my crew. You would not
go to anyone's house like this, let alone Allah's house when the
Prophet said Joomla put on your best of clothes. Because it's not
enforced. People don't take it seriously. I wish I had 100%
absolute control over Joomla I'll send you back. No, I'd send you
back. Don't you're not attending. Oh, you're not allowed to Yes, I'm
allowed to 100% It's an epidemic. We got to do something about this.
Go back home and change. Or I give you a soap. How's that? That's
more diplomatic and political politically, right here. Take this
Turkish Juba, put it on so you can respect yourself. Take drama. I
take it seriously. Like an in the opera. These opera singers will be
so demoralized. The day that people start coming in drowned in
like this in a Joma awareness PJs. What is this? There's no respect.
No people don't respect their own. Everyone respects his profession,
right? And you demand respect to your profession. I would send you
I want to have bouncers all along. I'll call them ushers all along
the wall. Get up, get up. Are you handicapped, there's chairs over
there for the handicapped? Are you sick, there's chairs over there,
get up, sit up in the rows, everyone fill up in the rows,
anyone's on their phone? He's gotten a little stick, tap, tap,
tap, put your phone away. You can go to a Broadway show right now.
And if you get caught doing this and they're just singing Lion King
and other songs like that, they're going to tell you to stop. Why is
it that they have far more respect for their profession, singing
songs, and we have for the deen of Allah. That's a command from
Allah, this what's going to save us is because we have this cheap
mentality. We just begging for people to come now I'm not begging
to come there's a lot of mosques, go to another restaurant. There's
a lot of mosques not begging for anyone to come. We're like
begging, we're just so happy you showed up. You know what people
actually like other things that demand respect. They respect what
demands respect. Now I'll tell you what people say, Oh, come on, at
least they're showing up. So I'll tell you why this is a false
approach. Number one, it makes the mediocre, acceptable. You are
accepting of mediocrity. Secondly, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
salam said, compare upwards in matters of Deen compared downwards
in matters of dunya. If you buy a new car, don't go around looking
at other wonderful cars. And then regretting what you have. In
matters of the dunya of this world, what you have you compare
down, if somebody gives you dinner, just some rice and
vegetables, you think about those who don't even have rice, those
who don't even have food at all. You compare down in matters of the
world, and you compare up in matters of religion. So if someone
was to say something like this, well, well, at least they show up.
What did you just do you compare down? So you've rendered what God
has made discouraged, to be acceptable? That's the problem.
Now, here's when you don't compare up. You don't compare up when
someone did something praiseworthy. So a child comes in
and says, you know, this happens all the time father comes up and
says, Son, my son memorized for suitors of Quran that you don't
compare down and say only for Sudha. So he's half your age and
you memorize for just know that's, that's, that would be wrong. He's
memorized for so what is this? Good? So the benchmark here of one
to compare up and when to compare down? Is, are they doing something
good? Or is it mcru or haram? Or worthy of blame? If Allah made it
blameworthy? Why are you making them and giving them an out?
That's the question. Allah made it blameworthy. Don't give them an
out. Context is a different thing. Context is a whole different
thing. Brand new Muslim, for example. Yeah, that's there's
context here. So the context that I'm talking about are people who
know better. That's the context. The context is very important. You
have a brand new Muslim, brand new, newly repentant, Muslim,
newly repentant, most of Allah. So you're lucky he's in the masjid.
That's there's context to the context is you've been 20 years
Muslim and you've been coming to and leaning for 20 years and
coming in your pjs for 20 years. There's a different excuse, right?
It's a totally different context. So that
That's where Be careful of shaytans tricks. And shaytaan will
trick parents to parents or liaison or even though sometimes
districts aren't, I think it's just people. They want to avoid
resistance. And if they have a kid who needs a push all the time,
they want to avoid the resistance. So how do they make giving up
looked good? is by comparing down? Well, at least he's not into
drugs. Yeah, he sometimes skips his prayers, and he gets C's. And
sometimes he's just spends the whole night on his phone, but at
least he's not in drugs. This is terrible. Like you're you're
basically giving yourself an out to be lazy, justifying laziness.
Remember what we're saying here, we're saying things that are
agreed upon discouraged, for a person who doesn't have an excuse.
That's the context, it's agreed upon to be blameworthy behavior.
For a person whose context does not give him an excuse. There are
contexts that give you an excuse, as we set a brand new Muslim
Hamdulillah that even took shahada let alone, you know, come in with
earrings, ripped, ripped jeans, who cares, right, you shaking your
head is the most important thing. So context is here is important.
This is the problem with comparing down IBLEES then makes you feel
that you know, the Merciful One makes you feel you're considerate.
And that's why I said the devil's playbook is to take the exact
opposite of what Allah and His Messenger call for, but yet cover
it up in mercy sauce, cover it up in a virtue. This is exactly what
Nietzsche said about the Christians, when he said that
Christians say turn the other cheek, and they don't fight and
everything. And he said, this is nothing other than cowardice and
weakness covered up in a virtue, it's a false virtue. So remember,
her dad says, The virtue that's out of place becomes blameworthy,
a virtue that is out of place, and that's something that we have to
be very careful about here.