Hadith of the Day #04 – Having the Best Manners and Character

Nadim Bashir


Channel: Nadim Bashir


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The importance of strong faith in Islam is emphasized, along with the need for individuals to show good character. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding one's own behavior and not just focusing on one's anger. The speaker also discusses the meaning of love and family, including the importance of credit and protection for loved ones. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being around family members and being kind.

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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Welcome to another segment of Hadith of the day where we take a quote of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and we expand upon it and we try to understand it within our current context. Today I want to share with you a very beautiful Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a very short one. And this short, Hadith, really exempt really tells us that how concise the Prophet SAW Allah while he was saying he was in his speech, as we all know, and if you have studied any book on the CEDAW, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, or if you have studied the Shema aid of the Prophet alayhi salam, the one thing that we learned is that he

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was Joab or the kalam he was very concise in his in his speech, but his speech would would include so much meaning to it, that we find even in our books of Hadith, that one line, a hadith that is only one line, there are pages and pages written upon that one that one Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So here's a hadith I want to share with you today. But here's a question I have for all of you.

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You know, we all strive for Iman, we all strive for sun. As we all know based on the hadith of Gibreel, either Alayhis Salam, there are three things there is Islam, then the notch higher or if you go a little higher than that it is Iman and the highest level is air sun. Of course we all strive for air sun, and Islam is simply making a verbal declaration that we believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala Iman is where we begin to apply it within our life. This is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he mentioned in another Hadith this other Hadith of the day, he mentioned another Hadith of Eman waka, Rafi Colby was sadaqa Hola, Mal. The Iman is that which set

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in the heart and then it is manifest. It is justified through the actions. And this is why in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there were people that they claimed to have Iman, they claim to have faith. But these were people who that who would harass people when they would pass by them. And when these people came forward and they said that we have Iman, Allah subhanho wa Taala said to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that informed these people, that they do not have Iman, because Iman is that that is something that I am aware of, and then I do it. So for example, we all as a Muslim Ummah, as a Muslim nation, we understand that we have to pray five times a day. I have

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too fast for the month of Ramadan, I have to give zakat on an annual basis, I have to go for Hajj at least once in my lifetime, if I fulfill the conditions. Now if a person says I understand them, I acknowledge them. But I don't pray. That means that there is a weakness in their faith and they may not be a believer, that is not my place to say that is for Allah subhanho wa Taala to decide. So the question I have for all of you is that when it comes to our iman, even within Iman there, this is a spectrum there is there's a person who has weak faith and weak Eman and there's a person who has the highest level of iman. And so the question I have for you is that what kind of Imam Do you have? Do

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you have Iman, that really when you hear the Ayat of Allah, when you hear the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you implement immediately? Or do you have such weak faith? That when you listen to a Hadith of the Prophet, when you listen to an ayah of the Quran, you acknowledge it, you acknowledge that we may be weak, but then you simply stop there, stop at that place and you say, I cannot do any more. So this is what we find in the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he has told us, in many a hadith, that what signifies common Iman what signifies complete faith? So the Hadith I want to share with you today is Hadith similar to that there is a Hadith

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narrated by a shadow the Allah Tala Anna, and beautifully you will see and I want you to when you listen to the Hadith, I want you to try to find the connection between the narrator and the Hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because a lot of times we hear a hadith and we don't draw a parallel between the Hadith and the narrator. So here the narrator is once again I shall have the Ultron ha. There's a hadith mentioned in January telling me the where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says in them in acmin IMANI e man. Now here I'm going to stop here for a second the province of some says rarely the most complete of believers in faith are those with what the Apostle

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mentioned two things Number one, I said whom hollowcore they

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Have the best character. Now we talked about this yesterday in our Hadith of the day segment that treat people as you like people to treat you. This is what our our deen teaches us. This is what the Hadith teaches us. And so

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when we understand this concept, first of all is if I want people to exhibit good character when it comes to me, that I need to exhibit good character when it comes to other people. And of course, we learn and we have studied a hadith of Roswaal salaam, the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW Salem, more people came into Islam through the o'clock have Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, before even Islam came, as I mentioned yesterday, there was a clog the problem he had o'clock even before Islam came, and this is why it is so important that before even knowledge, you know, there are some people who are so you know, they're so determined. And there's so overzealous about, you know, studying and

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studying and studying and acquiring this knowledge and that knowledge, but before everything comes o'clock, we have to really truly look at look at ourselves in the mirror and ask ourselves is, is my o'clock? lighty o'clock of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And you know when you say they're clever, the prophet Salam, you know, sometimes people say that, you know, we come across a hadith that are very unreasonable, or a hadith that we cannot truly practice and apply in our life. Like, you know, the Hadith prophets, I'll send them were in a man came to him and he says, that give me an advice, oh, Prophet of Allah. And the Prophet SAW Allahu Allah He was sent them, he says, Let them

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do not get angry. Now a person says, Well, I can't even get angry. Like, okay, I understand this is the crux of the problem Salam, but it can never get angry. And the answer is that no, you can, you can become angry. And yes, we will get angry time and time in our life. But the difference between a person there's the difference is not or the problem is not that we get angry or we get frustrated. The problem is how we react to that anger. Now there are some people the way they react to the anger is that they swallow it. This is why In another Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says that the most strong person, the most strongest person is a person who is able to control their

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anger, they don't react, they don't become subservient. They don't become a victim to their anger. And there are some people Subhan Allah, may Allah not make us fall amongst them that when they become angry, they become abusive. They are verbally abusive, they physically become abusive. So this is an this is what we've done for the prophets of Salaam. And once again, during going back to the subject of anger, the Prophet SAW Allah some did a get angry at times in his life, too. But he never would become, you know, you never become a victim to his own anger, he always would have control himself. So this is just one example. I'm trying to share with you that how we need to apply

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the clock of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but the most important thing is looking at ourselves and asking ourselves is my clock like the clock of the Prophet SAW Selim. Now when we go outside, for example, in we don't, when we go to work, when we go to the masjid, we are generally in most cases, our o'clock is very, very good. Our character is very good, our approach, our demeanor is very positive. But where we fall weak, and this is where the true test is, is how we behave when we go home. And, you know, I have to truly say, and I know I'm going to be I'm gonna have to be a little blunt here about this. There are people that I have come across, and families that have come

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to me, youth who have come to me, and they have told me about people in their family, that when they are at the masjid, they are a total different person. But when they go home, they are the complete opposite person. Brothers and sisters, the second thing that the Prophet SAW, he mentioned in this hadith, about being a complete bliss, a believer is not only you have good character, the Prophet saw some says, What a tough one be. And he and he is most kind to their families. So it's easy to be outside and being, you know, jolly and being, you know, respectful towards everyone. But the true test is when we go home, and we have to be with our families, and we have to be around our children

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and our spouse, and what do we do in those kinds of situations? That's the question that you and I, we need to ask ourselves. Now if I go outside, and I'm a different person, and when I go home, I'm a different person, then that's not a sign of our common Eman. And remember that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he tells us another Hadith, that when a person abuses another person, then that person should remember that Allah subhanho wa Taala is more clouded over that person. Up

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Allah subhanho wa Taala has more power over that person when a person becomes abusive. And you know, I have to say that in days like these that we are going through this pandemic.

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I've been reading a lot of articles online, about like how to spend quality time with your family and so forth. But it also makes me sad, because I read articles that highlight and it talks about that abusive families. You know, there are a lot of abusive families or people living and they are victims of abuse. And especially in days like these when they are around the abuser all day long. I mean, may Allah subhanaw taala make it easy for them. But I want you all to remember first of all, is that if you are a follower, if we are followers of the deen of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then I will not abuse anyone. You know, Allah subhanho wa Taala at the end of day he's

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watching. And this is why the problem he says is not just about luck, it's about being good to your family. Now, you know, interestingly, when you look at this word out of whom the words the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, these are the same rule letters that we find in the name of Allah subhanho wa taala, which is a lovely if and what is a lovely for me in a leaf when we talk about Allah subhanho wa Taala being Allah leave, it means that he is most kind, most subtle, most generous. So likewise, when we talk about the context of family, it means that when it comes to our family, we be most kind, most subtle, and we remote, most gracious. Another meaning of Allah leave

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is that Allah subhana wa Taala is doing something good for us without even us knowing it. Like Allah Subhana Allah says, Allah who luckily for him very badly, he Yasuko manga SHA, Allah subhanho wa taala, he is a leave to his slaves, and he gives risk and sustenance from places where we can never imagine and he gives this to whoever he wishes. So when Allah subhanho wa Taala says that he does this for us, likewise, in the context of family, we should be doing good with our family. And what was also important to note is that when it comes to ALLAH SubhanA, WA to Allah, Allah does not does not keep on reminding us, I did this for you, I did this for you. Everything is from First of all,

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from Allah subhanho wa taala. But in the context of family, when we talk about family, and this word looks at me means and implies that we should do something positive and something good for our family, and never try to make them acknowledge it. Like a lot of times you do something good, but you want to credit for it, you do something good, and you want someone to come and pat you on the back and give you some credit and you know, say something that is praiseworthy to you, when it comes to our family, there has to be a different rule would never should we do something in our family because I want credit from someone because I want my spouse to come and say something nice, do

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something from your own heart. This is what Lux means. And the third meaning of love is that we do something or Allah subhanho wa Taala knows what's good for us and what's bad for us. So when we know that Allah, Allah knows what's good for us and bad for us, then we feel secure. Likewise, when it comes to our families, they should feel feel secure when we are at home, they should feel protected, protected when when we are at home, they should not feel threatened when we are at home. So this is why it's very important. I want to share with you a very interesting story that happened with the grandson of Aliwal, viola and Xena RBD was in Aberdeen passed away.

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You know, many people did not, did not, were not aware of the fact that he was financially serving and taking care of a lot of people like he would go to people's homes, and he will just drop off food at their homes. And he never told them that he's the one who's dropping off the food. He never asked them to give him credit for it. He never asked them to praise him for the work that he was doing. The people realized after he had passed away when the food stopped coming to their home, that is when they came to the realization that the person who was dropping the food on our home every single day was in I believe the grandson of God Allah and this is what you call Lux. So once again,

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we understand that when it comes to our families, we have to be kind we have to be generous. We have to be gracious, we have to be merciful. Do good. Do you know good things for your family. And once again, this applies to everyone our family. This is not I'm just not I'm not talking about only to our fathers, or only to our mothers I'm talking about I'm talking to even the siblings here to do something nice for your older sibling. Do something good for your younger sibling and do not do it because you want someone to come and say something good to you. When it comes to our family. We have to go above and beyond. We do

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things out of our own heart. We don't do things because I want recognition. And And finally, you know what I said earlier, connecting the Hadith with the Ravi and the narrator who's narrating this hadith once again is who is you should have the Allah to Allah. So if there's anyone who knows how the Prophet SAW said I was behaves at home, it is people like I should have the ultra Anna and the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, our mothers, no matter what meaning they would understand more than anyone else, how the province would behave at home. So this is why especially in times like we are living today, this pandemic and we are required to be at home. You know, I give

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first of all my I give myself the advice first and everyone listening here and watching this video, that when it comes to your family, be extra kind to them, Go out of your way, do things for them, you know, cleaning around the house, if you see something around even if you did not do it, you know, go and clean up and you know, do something that can bring a smile to someone else's face. Be a means of mercy in your family, do things that you know that, that it will bring happiness to someone else in the family, even if you're not required to do it. Just go out of your way and do it. So this is what we learned from allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we all strive to be like the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I ask Allah subhana wa Taala that he gave us good character. Ask Allah subhana wa Taala that when it comes to our families, he gives us the ability that he makes us a means of mercy and not a means of threat and a means of an either or a means of discomfort or difficulty for our family. I mean, what would it mean? Does that come Allah Hi. Salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.