Nadim Bashir – Community Ethics – Surah Hujurat Tafsir Intro

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The importance of unity in society is emphasized, with a focus on peace treaty and the need for a peace treaty to ensure everyone is on the same page. Gerard Gerard recounts his experiences during the time of the Prophet sallha until the end of the day, including interactions with two people and social etiquette. The interviewer explains the history and implementation of Islam in various countries, including Iran, India, and the United States, and discusses cultural and political factors that have impacted the implementation, including the loss of certain culture, the use of ger retaliation, and the implementation of Islam in a political setting.
AI: Transcript ©
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today so I'm going to keep this a little shorter because we are starting a new series inshallah starting today's Saturday

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being, of course, part of the community and dealing with people all the time. Well Allah He, it is a very important reminder for all of us that what are the certain etiquettes in society that you and I we have to observe. At the end of the day, there's so many verses of the Quran that Allah subhanaw taala has mentioned, in order for us to have a very peaceful society, because you cannot do you know, we always talk about here at Epic. And not only that, but everywhere every single machine is talking about one important ingredient in order to keep the entire community together. And that is called Unity. And if you look at the word community, you will find the word unity in the word

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community you're inside. That means that you cannot have a community if they are not unified your son. Now the problem is that when we deal with people, everyone has their own different temperament. Everyone has their own different way of looking at things. And not only that, based on the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Salem, one of the things that we are going to see as we get closer to the day of judgment is everyone has their opinion about every single thing. So these are the times that we are living in. So at the end of the day, we always go back to the Quran. And we go back to the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet alayhi salam has demonstrated for us the

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Quran, and has taught us what Allah subhanho wa Taala has revealed. So today inshallah starting today, we're going to be starting sutra for gerat In sha Allah. So Gerard is a very well known surah you may have come across it before, but nonetheless, when we talk about education, it is not only about sharing new information, sometimes it's about repeating that information, and a reminder for all of us. Why? Because Allah says in the Quran was that kid in the cloth and found mumineen remind, because a reminder is always beneficial for everyone. So today inshallah starting today, we're going to be starting so to the Pajara to now quickly, I want to just give a very brief intro to solidify

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Gerrard sudra Gerard comes after pseudo fat. So the fat her talks about the entire holiday via incident that happened in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Basically, what happened was Ross was some sort of dream. He's performing. Amara, this was a message from Allah subhanho wa taala. He goes to Makkah, there's an entire situation that occurs there. He is not able to perform Amara and he and the people they're in Makkah, they have to sign a peace treaty, an agreement. And at the end of this verse, at the end of the Surah, Allah subhanho wa Taala the last idea of the surah Allah says, Mohammad Rasool Allah will Lavina ma Hua shi del al confetti, Ro

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Ruhama obey in a home there are home Rakhine Sujay Yeah, but that want to focus on me Allah He wouldn't wanna, this is Allah subhanho wa taala. First of all, Allah began the verse by saying Muhammad Rasul Allah, why did he begin to diverge by saying Muhammad Rasul Allah, because the Quraysh they were when they were writing the agreement, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told his scribe, Allah the Allah who I'm to write, that I am Hamid Rasulillah declares such and such, they said, we don't recognize you as Rasul Allah. So Allah subhanho wa taala, he reaffirmed this by saying in the Surah, Muhammad Rasul Allah, you may not recognize it, but till the Day of Judgment,

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everyone's going to recognize that Muhammad is the is the prophet of Allah. And then Allah describes the Sahaba of the Allah Tala and whom he describes those who are on the side of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and what do we find in and not only that, not only does he describe them, he describes their interaction with each other, Ruhama obey now whom they are merciful towards each other. And then instead of her gerat, Allah talks about social etiquettes, can you see the connection and at the end of sucralfate, Allah is talking about the interaction of the sahaba. And so the hijab, Allah Now continues that what does that interaction mean? And not only that, instead,

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Gerrard Allah goes into a lot of difficult scenarios. When there's a conflict between Muslims, how do you handle that that is found to the 100 how to have respect towards others. This is found in southern Iran, how to stay away from assumptions and rumors in the community that is found and suited for Gerard. So this is sort of a drought is some all of us say it is an expansion of this

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Praise Ruhama obey now home. Other another important information. important piece to understand is that when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to Medina, remember that in Makkah, there was no legislation, there was only majority of the verse of the Quran, the sutras that were revealed in Makkah, were related to Iman, or the Salah, which is the prophethood of Ursula Salah while he was setting them.

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And not only that, but only the stories that were relevant to the people in Makkah, such as the stories of iodin, smooth and solid and so forth. There was by the way, not not mentioned at all in the monkey sutras Illa mashallah, very few. But overall, there was no mention of reciting Eastern why, because these people were not aware of the Saudis, Saddam, these people that they were not aware of easily so there was not mentioned too much of a moosari Islam, there was no calm that were revealed in Makkah, except for salaat, of course, was revealed in Makkah, but overall majority of the outcome of our deen was revealed were in Medina. So when Ross was on Salam, he came to Medina

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and now they are focusing on their Iman and so forth. After that, what the prophet is some began to observe is that there was some social issues that were going on between the Sahaba or the Allah on them. Because now in Medina, the, the Halacha, or the community of Rasulullah Salallahu Salam is now expanding, and when it expands, you have people from all different ethnicities coming in. Because remember, in Mecca, many Muslims had already Abbotts migrated to Abyssinia and they were residing in Abu SR approximately 85 Muslims were residing in Amazonia not only that Muslims for the most part were living in in secrecy mean that they were hiding their Iman, in many cases, we know that only

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after the Islam of Ahmed and a hotdog or the Allahu Allah and Hamza or the Allah that I'm only then they were allowed to pray salads in the Haram before that they will not be allowed to pray salad or they could not pray salad in the Haram. So there was a lot of secrecy there was a lot of you know, even when the Holocaust will take place of the Prophet alayhi salam, they will not take place there they will take place where it has served anyone at the house of Allah calm so we see that there was a lot of difficulties in in Makkah, but now shifting to Medina. Now the Sahaba are able to come to the masjid, they're able to come in a public setting and sit with Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam, but

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then with that you have so many different Sahabas so many different ethnicities, people who are coming from different backgrounds and so forth, different temperaments, different, you know, they're raised in different ways. And so this is why this had an impact on the society of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, in order for this society of the province, Assam to get along, that is why Allah subhanho wa Taala he revealed SOTL for gerat. So that this is an education to all the Sahaba that if you want your society and communities to succeed, observe these rules. And not only that, those rules they apply to every single Muslim community, okay? It does not matter Wallahi if

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this hover were living at that time, or today, we are here this time, or even 100 years from now, or 1000 years from now. So therefore gerat is applicable to every single Muslim community. So inshallah we'll go ahead and finish here today in sha Allah this is just one second a brief intro to sort of fragility in sha Allah starting next week we'll start off with is number one inshallah I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to give us the trophy to understand these verses the Quran and apply them in our life and Mirabella. I mean what is that Kamala Hey assalamualaikum I'm too long here but I'll catch up

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all bone. Yeah, we

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all don't

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mean comes off here.

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