Musleh Khan – Women Mentioned in the Quran Class #6 Final Class

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of the Prophet sallavi Alayhi wa teammates and their actions during the Islam's golden age is highlighted, along with the challenges and obstacles of achieving a certain status, such as being classified as a Muslim or not. The speakers also discuss the importance of maintaining a high level of spirituality and respect for their religion, particularly in women. The transcript also touches on the use of verses in the Bible and the importance of learning from great women in learning from them and being engaged in learning. The speakers also discuss the use of makeup and high heels in public, and the importance of avoiding embarrassment and misogyny in public.
AI: Transcript ©
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Oh check your your PowerPoint disappeared

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is it there? Okay No sir Okay.

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You can go ahead sure

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala shortfill MBE Wilmore, Salim Nabi and Muhammad Ali he'll follow Salah automata slim and Marbury Subhan Allah can you believe today's the final class and the final class for the year, we don't presume until September in sha Allah hotel Allah. So first and foremost, let me just thank Allah subhanho wa Taala thank all of you, thank the organizers. Thank you for the opportunity. And I pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala accept this effort from all of us Allahumma Amin, there have always been challenges. As we have these programs, there are a lot of logistics that are involved to make it happen. There are a lot of

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people who simply have so many things going on in their lives, so many challenges, so many obstacles, so many responsibilities, and yet, still on Hamdulillah we try to do our best to be remained consistent with you. The nice thing is, is that when in person doesn't work out, we always have this option where we can can come to you remotely and still keep some form of engagement going. I pray that Allah subhana wa Taala blesses it for all of us. We only have a little bit of content left Alhamdulillah we will complete all of the great women mentioned in the Quran in sha Allah hotel Allah and today we just have a couple more. And that's it. And then hamdulillah what a journey it's

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been, we will share some reflection with you at the end. We definitely have some of our Q and A's as well. So I will have that at the very end and cellos. Let's get right into it.

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So we are now into the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So these wives of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam are known to the Muslims or the Mothers of the Believers, or in Arabic woman meaning, and this actually comes from the Koran as well. Most of this conversation is found here students in sudut Zeb, so little Zab has the most conversation when it comes to the wives of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, because it's in that Surah, which is an early Surah given to the Prophet alayhi salat wa salam that is given to him, in order to introduce HIA and humility, as well as the outcome and rulings of the hijab. They all start that introduction in that Surah, and it's a

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mucky surah. So it makes sense that, you know, this was established very early in Islam. And all of these rulings that are important for the pious women of Islam to adhere by are all mentioned is particularly in this surah but of course and other students throughout the Quran. The point here is that Omen meaning or Oomen minute, when we say that, yes, the why

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Neighbors of the prophet Isaiah to Salam or our mothers, they are the truest, truest example of what a pious Mina is and should be in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala not in my sight, not in your sight, not in anyone else's sight, in the sight of Allah, they are the truest example of what it means, and what is required in order to uphold this perfect example of what a true Muslim believer should be. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is closer to the believers than their own selves and his wives or their mothers. So this is an authentic excuse me, this is the area that is mentioned in SUTA. A number six very early in the Surah. And be you will have been meaning and

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foresee him or, or ham Ebola be barrel. So Allah tells us in the Surah and B you will have been meaning the Prophet I thought was Salam is the first one and he is the closest to the believers. The more Iman you and I have, the closer we are to him. sallallahu alayhi wa salam. But in the same way, it concludes that as we do that, we also learn to appreciate and acquire the values and the teachings of Omen minute all of the Mothers of the Believers, they are mentioned in several places throughout the Quran, but of course not by name that is found in the Sunnah, except a shot of the Allah and the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam only married widows and the divorced women. The

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his wives were the first women to follow and practice the veiling of the hijab.

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You know why that's beautiful.

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This is important, let me just bold that as well. This is important because the fact that men Minette are the ones to first adhere to the hijab, teaches our sisters, and also for us as brothers to appreciate that when a Muslim Ummah adheres to these rules of Allah subhanho wa Taala with respect to her hijab, she is at the highest level of her faith,

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she reaches the pinnacle of her submission to Allah. Why, because Allah showed us that with the best example he has subhanho wa taala, with the best example, introduces and legislates the laws of the hijab. This is really beautiful. It's really, we're not talking about just average day to day Laymon Muslims that were in Medina, that were in Mecca, we're talking about a selected few, that Allah makes reference to Infracore M, and says, You will be the first group and the first women to adhere and follow these rules of the hijab. And those who come after you and they follow that are actually leading by the best example of what it means to be a Muslim.

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And I think that that is just absolutely beautiful. You have the best, and the best is your example. And if you follow the best, then what are you, you are also in that category amongst the best, we will never be an issue, we will never be like the minute. But we get to sort of taste what it's like to be at that caliber. And in that category. And at that status of these great pious women met a lot of men who are trying to reward and honor our sisters for that sacrifice, because now you at least can understand and appreciate just how difficult that is like at the end of the day, despite that this is a law of Islam, that nothing comes easy. And so if you want to be counted from amongst the

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best, and you want to be counted within that category, then you follow the best but it's challenging, and you know, in soo little reserved. There are many challenges that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam and his companions had to face that are all talked about instrumental hazard hazard in particular. That's why there's such a strong emphasis and stress on remaining strong ie men submission, holding on to some of the basic things in life. You know, insha Allah Allah

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really thinking hard about doing an in depth Tafseer of pseudo accessibe alone in the very very very very near future hint hint to chill All right. Oh women so prophesy salams wives were the first and this is the area. Yeah. Uh you Yanni sir, we meaning

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so oh women of the Prophet yeah yeah and he said and Nebby are women of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, less students, okay, I didn't mean and he said, You're not like other women see that

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are women of the Prophet you're not like others, you know some of their element extracted a ton of fit with this wording here because now a lot of the rules like speaking behind the veil, covering the face, these were all the practices of the wives, little prophesy sell them.

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When Allah says you're not like others, means that others were living at a different standard than these particular women. So, it can also hint and it alludes to the idea that others are in you know, at a different stage and a different phase and are interacting with the religion at a different level, where they may not be fulfilling the exact rulings and the exact legislation that is given to the leaders of these women. And we do that till this date. Like the leader usually is the best, the strongest, the wisest, the smartest, the most devoted, in whether it be in business, whether it be in religion, usually the Imams are considered the scholars, the teachers, the ones who seek

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direction and guidance from they are usually at a higher state of everything with respect to knowledge and even devotion, they are doing more than the rest of their community. So think of them are like you know, these are the Imam max you know, these are like the true Imams and leaders for amongst the women. So Allah says you're not like the rest of them. If you remain pious then you do not be so much polite in speaking then Do not be so much polite in your speaking

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fellow Barnaby will poll. This here when we say not to be so much polite in speaking meaning, don't get carried away and socialize unnecessarily. It doesn't mean don't be polite, because that goes against everything of our Prophet it salat wa salam. So just be cautious of that fella. Barnaby Powell don't allow your tongue and your words to get carried away and soften up to the point where the the conversation just goes and it becomes so casual it turns into socializing and remember these are specific rules given to own a minute okay, so that he who has disease in their heart fail to fail toma and fail to fail toma I love your hobby. So those who have disease in his heart make a

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hope and speak in a recognized manner and stay in your homes do not show off your adornments like those while that type of Rajan Attabad Rojo Jaya Helia till Oola welcoming Salah Tina's, so those who became before you and offer your Salah and after years, okay, the point is that women of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam are here, everybody else is here. So they have a completely different and higher standard than the rest. That is all really that is mentioned about these great women, if you wish to read their Sierra, all of their Sierra and as much information as we are given about them are mentioned and talk to them. There are other places in the Quran and Sunnah to Hareem. And

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so on the whole some famous story of

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the wives and one of them who gave some honey to the Prophet ISIL, seven left the aftertaste, another one came and didn't like the aftertaste and so on. So there are other areas throughout the Quran, where they are mentioned, but there are very specific incidents that are talked about this surah here, they are all collectively being addressed. And that's why we chose these verses in sha Allah hooter, Allah. That leads us to the daughters now of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam process, LM had four daughters.

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Okay, four daughters. These are their beautiful names.

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Khadija binte hoilett zeyneb

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on Kulsoom row per year, so and faulty man, of course.

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The wife, of course, is cuddly, or they love wine. Hmm. And she is the mother of all four of these daughters Dana and consumer. Okay, yeah. And Fatima. Again, we go back to Seurat and his

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old prophet told the wives

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and daughters and

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believing women

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only as logical well being webinar, Attica when he said he'll mean

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that they should draw over themselves some of their garments. So the point of evidence is here.

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She daughters are mentioned, you didn't even know I lay him in Gela BB him. So draw over themselves some of the outer garments went in public that is most convenient that they should be known as decent women and not annoyed and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah who have Fudo Rahim is often forgiven and often merciful, is one of the only places in the savanna affected see only a in the entire Koran where they're alluded to. So again, now the same ruling is extended to the daughters, where when we're talking about hijab, when we're talking about Hyah, and modesty, they are required to be at the highest level and an example for everyone else. Why? Because you are now the daughters of the

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year, the children of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. You know, what we learned from that?

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We learned that it is part of the Sunnah, that when you come from a religious home, that part of that training always and must extend extend to your children. And it's not just so that you can pass on Islam to them. But it's to maintain that high standard. So when people look at your family, and they see, you know, Michelle, lots of political love, very religious people, very devoted parents, they should also see the same in the children. And that children can carry on that legacy to their families, and so on. So it's also about just maintaining that standard, that high level. And you know what that does, in turn, it also encourages, especially when people who don't admire that for

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the wrong reasons, like they don't admire that because they're jealous, or they're upset, or, you know, they think they're better than on this, none of that stuff. But they're like, subhanAllah, if they're doing it, I hope I can do it. And they strive to do the same thing. So it's kind of like a standard in where you push yourself and you strive to do the right thing. And you strive to do it in a way that you set an example for those around you as well. So that's this verse here. That's all that is mentioned Subhanallah about with respect to

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the daughters of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam again, if you wish to look at their biography, this course here is not about the biography of any of these figures. And we've mentioned that already, we try to mention just some key elements that are connected to some of the A at or Hadith that we look at. Next, we have a whole a bit thought I'll ever reveal Allahu anha all her story is truly fascinating. How we live in calibre. It actually starts at the very first day of sulit l mucha Della?

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Where Allah subhanho wa Taala says pada semi Allahu Kola, letting Tujuh de Loup Cathy's, Zoji her indeed Allah has heard the argument of a woman the plea of a woman

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Oh Prophet, what the sticky eat Allah Allah who yes metal to what Akuma in Allah has semi or on Basia? Oh, Prophet concerning her husband and appeal to Allah has heard your exchange?

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Why is there one there? Surely Allah is all seeing, and all here. So let's talk about this. Let's talk about the story of Holub in third. So this area, who is who live in Florida, she is of course, a very, very important figure in the history of Islam. She was a very well respected woman. She was respected to such a point that even those who came after the Prophet isolette was salam. So up until the Khalifa period of remodel the loved one. She was well respected by her mom, we'll come to that story in a second. But her story actually begins and why this area is here and why there is reference to her here is she had a husband that was abusive to her. Right and

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she eventually had enough. And the story goes a very long narration, all the Tafseer of this area will mention the story. So any tafsir IGNOU Kathy or IGNOU. Emmanuel according to the top Barani any of them will always mention the story because it is the most famous story with respect to why this area was revealed and why there's reference to her. So, one day she had enough. Her husband said an unpleasant thing to her. He basically says you are like my mother's back. In other words, I would never ever, you know, be intimate with my own mother because that's haram Of course. So when he says You are like my mother's back, he's saying to that you are just like now my mother you become haram

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for me.

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Just like how my mother is haram, for me, that's what you are now. And before Islam, that was one of the ways of how people used to divorce their wives, they would utter this phrase. It's a degrading phrase. It's a condescending one. And it's simply wrong. When Islam came in abrogated, that you are no longer allowed to say that phrase in a divorce to your wife, right? So when this was said to to her,

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she went to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, the story is actually quite detailed. It said that she ran out of her house and she went to her neighbor, and she found like a cloak. And she kind of wrapped herself which tells you, she didn't even have clothing to cover herself properly. She had to go to the neighbor. So when she got this thing around her, then she goes to the profit. It starts with self said, Yeah, Rasulullah My husband's a good man in the sense, he's a good Muslim. You know, he prays, he wakes up during the night, you fast during the day, he does all of these things. But he abuses me, talks down to me, he upsets me, he doesn't provide for me. Now, before I continue, that's

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a prime example of many, many marriages today, where you have one and often it's the husband side, right? Sorry, brothers, but like, it's often it's that it's that side of the marriage. And basically, you know, he's practicing, he's going to the masjid, he's doing all of these things. But there's like verbal, emotional, psychological abuse. And it goes both ways. But in this case, he here it's talking about the husband site, so we'll just keep it within that context. And so he's a good Muslim, but he's not necessarily a good person. So when she tells the prophets are disciples, tell them all of this, he asks her, are you able to remain patient because why? There is another

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Hadith that the woman who is patient through this kind of

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difficulty, you know, if it's abuse and so on, that's a different story. Because their element, they say, there is no patience for abuse. So if you feel like it's at the point where it's literally abusive, in abusive situation, it's affecting your health. It's affecting your Eman. It's affecting your relationship with Allah, it's affecting your duties. It's affecting you as a human being. That's no longer Okay, challenges and difficulties, and I should just be patients. That's abuse. That's a whole different story. We're not talking about that here. But the point is, the prophet Iseult was salam says, like, are you able to hang in there and be patient with all of this because

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the woman who is patient through all that she suffers that she goes through, particularly in her marriage, Allah will guarantee her agenda. So he basically gives her that opportunity, because this is an opportunity that you know, you can be patient with and hold on to and pursue. She said, You also lie can't. So the Prophet alayhi salatu salam encourages her, that he will look into the matter, right, and he will decide like what is going to be the outcome, but he will deal with it. And

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she also turns to Allah subhanho wa Taala she complaints to him. She complaints, oh, Allah, this is what I'm going through. Here's the thing for all the sisters out there.

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How long are the Allaha anhand

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she complaints to Allah about a struggle that she's going through a pain that she's going through some of the Illuma took from this that when men call upon Allah is one thing, and when the women and particularly wives, they call upon Allah, that's a whole different thing. Like it's just different. Allah pays attention. Allah listens. Allah pays extra keen attention. The second benefit is, it's just between her and Allah, nobody else is involved here. So despite that, she talked to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, she complains to him. But Allah intervenes and says I hear a to will law who yes now to * water Kuma. So when she came, and she spoke to the Prophet about her husband, and

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then she appealed to Allah to Oh Allah guide me to what is best, Allah heard it.

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And then ultimately say that, you know, especially when she really really is at her lowest and she's at a point where she just turns to Allah and she just needs Allah. She just needs his help.

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That Allah subhanaw taala guarantees his response.

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So, we saw that throughout all the women mentioned in Korea, the vast majority of them, remember the mother of mozarella hysa when she talked to Allah, What did Allah say to him? What did Allah say to her? In now, Raju, la Khwaja, Illumina mursaleen we're gonna return Musar listen back to you and we'll make more profit than another area that Allah says that, you know, we want to ease your heart we want to comfort you for a China cat EULA or Makita. Korea you know how well that is?

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And we returned him back to the mother so that she can relieve her eyes and that she you know her heart and she won't grieve anymore to comfort her because why? She was probably praying and just asking Allah is Musa okay, it's my baby, okay and Allah just returns is just to comfort her. When she talks to Allah when a woman talks Well, it's different. Look at the story of ESEA look the story of Meriam look at the story of all his women. This is one of the patterns we saw it almost every single one of their stories, when they speak to Allah, it's different and I cannot explain to you how I won't say to you that one has a higher chance than the other. Because Allah subhana wa Tada

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will decide that I can't stay to the one category alone. Just listen to more. Right? I don't have that knowledge nobody does.

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But the way that Allah subhanaw taala responds and listens to when women speak to him. It's just different. It's just different. It's it's private, it's intimate. It's personal. To us, if Allah subhanho wa Taala decides upon Himself that, you know, I'm going to I'm going to be there. And I'm going to be firm, and I'm going to respond. Well Allah and I'm going to give her reassurance well lovely, yes. Now to what Akuma Allah has heard your exchange. We know Allah He heard her exchange with the Prophet Doris AutoSum Allah here's everything. That's why the in Allah has sent me on Basia, Allah hears and he saw everything. We know that. So why affirm it in the previous part of the

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A and concluded the same way? You know, it almost sounds like it's redundant. On one hand, Allah saying, I hear this a lot. I hear what you're saying, you know, and then at the same time, because I'm the one that hears everything.

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Why mentioned both of those why mentioned the same thing twice.

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One of them is in present tense.

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Meaning Allah was listening all this time. From the moment your conversation started, from the moment your pain started. Allah says, I've been listening all this time.

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I never left you.

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You thought I left. I never left.

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I asked you like, how does that make you feel?

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When you call upon Allah, Allah uses the present tense of the verb Allahu yesno. I'm always listening to how water every time you came to him. Salallahu Alaihe Salam, but in general, the fact that then the benefit for you here is every time you talk to Allah, Allah saying, I'm right there, even if you didn't, I was always there.

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You know, this reminds me of another pattern. You may have heard verses that end in the Lucha can. Indeed, Allah has always Canada's a past tense verb. What can Allah have a foot of Rahim and suited for? Allah was always forgiving and merciful. Why does Allah speak in past tense when he's talking about forgiveness and merciful? And some verses? Not all verses do this, but some of them? Why does Allah do that.

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And the ultimate, they say is that it's to remind you that when, at a time when you felt you were at your lowest, and you will usually when people are at their lowest, they lose a lot of hope, they lose a lot of that connection, they're not able to sort of comprehend and understand or find the strength when they need it the most and are able to do so there are elements, they say that this is Allah's way of reminding them even when you were at your lowest back then I was still there. I was always willing to forgive you and have mercy on you and listen to you. You're the one that thought I was not going to be there. Handle is it's it's really something, it's really something. It's really

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beautiful. Is that the kind of reassurance we get there. So

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Kohler been third level, or the Allahu anha got the reassurance that she needed, and she was able and later on, you know, she eventually, you know, left this husband process to them interfered and broke the marriage and so on. So, the point is, is that's her story later on in processing and passes away during the Khalifa period of remodel the loved one. How Lebbon tharla But she saw her own mother walking and he had like this delegation with him, you know, because he's the Amuro meaning he's the leader of the Muslims. And she started saying to him, yeah, Omar, not yet immunomodulation says, Oh, you are Omar, fear Allah. Make sure you have sincere you have fear Allah

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and the delegation came over to me like you're on board and you know, you're gonna let this old lady talk to you like that. And then when, when I'm out of the loop, I know stood in front of Hola. He started listening to everything. She said that she was like school and she was like telling him you better be a good man and

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Don't lose your humility. Don't think that you're a prideful man. Don't think that this and that just because you're the leader, you have to be sincere, you better fear Allah just really giving it to him. You know what the amount of did sat there and took it off and listened to? When they asked him Yeah, remember, why did you let her talk to you this way?

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And I'm always said,

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this woman, when she speaks Allah above the seven heavens, the seven heavens, listen to her.

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So I will listen to her as well. Even if I have to stand here all throughout the night, I will sit here and listen to her because why a lot listen to her. So who am I to say, no, no, I'm done. I don't want to listen to you. Unbelievable. Subhan Allah, may Allah give us strength. And finally students, the wife of Abu Lahab,

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the Koran mentors, the wife of Abu Lahab. And in Surah 11 111, which is so little method which we all know, but not my name. There's a famous Hadith that claims that her name is own. Jimmy had been horrible. And she was the sister of Abu Sufyan and she was also the wife of Abu Lahab will have caused a lot of pain for the Prophet alayhi salatu salam. And of course, he was of the paternal uncle of the Prophet Arley salat wa salam, and caused a lot of pain, either the worst of the worst, constantly insulted him, put him down, persecuted him that the polish of Mecca to constantly hurt him put him so much anguish and pain. And his wife was his strongest supporter in all of that.

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It is said that she interpreted the process sell them and Abu Bakar praying in the carrabba and unaware of the process Selim was present, spoke badly of him and his religion. So she basically she was talking about this incident and, you know, she didn't know the process seldom was around and heard this. And she was insulting him left, right and center and backbiting, insulting line doing all of that.

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Therefore, Allah subhanho wa Taala recommended her. And of course, if you're going to mess with the Prophet Dolly's salatu salam, dead or alive is serious consequences for that in the Quran. Therefore, the Quran describes how she will be punished alongside her husband and the Hellfire for hurting the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa salam and these are the two verses here, one more or two Hanmer that'll help Bob. So in the hellfire, and so will his wife, the carrier of the thorny kindling. In other words, the husband's going to be punished. The better than a biller have been what tab. So tab, but the other main curse the hands of Ebola, Ebola, being whatever my ultimate and

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human who wanna kiss up his lineage nor his wealth is going to avail him he's going to help him my often our animal model who wanna kiss some say you're now on that tele hub. So he's going to remain in the fire that with tele hub, and then we're going to come to that in a second here. The tele hub

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is a type of punishment blood, and it's a type of fire and what's going to kindle and keep this fire burning as some of the elements they said it will be these coils that will go around him in certain parts of his body. But the point is, how is this fire going to be fueled? Well model to have my little help of his wife is the one that's going to be feeding the coal and feeding the fuel of this fire.

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TGD hablo method around her neck will also be a rope of palm fiber. In other words, around the head of Ebola hubs wife will also around her neck will also be sort of like a jewel or a ring that will also be made out of fire and they will suffer the punishment for the pain and the harm and the constant anguish that they put him sallallahu alayhi wasallam put him through

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metal line so we shall give a strength and may Allah subhanho wa Taala Lao us all to learn from the great lessons of these great women.

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May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to take all the good from their legacies from their lives from their interaction with Islam, with Allah and with all of the Prophets and Messengers. And may Allah subhanaw taala count that everything that we learn

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from them and about them that they become huger telenovela Pooja tuna eyeliner.

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That concludes officially the course of the great women mentioned in the Quran. I'm so delighted that we got to complete this course. I am absolutely delighted and grateful, first and foremost to Allah for all of you for joining us. Those of you who were able to tune in those of you that were able to be there in person as well.

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Will Allah subhanho wa Taala honor you for that extra effort for making the time and being there physically in person joining myself. And it was it is something that we're really hoping to continue to reignite and to encourage all of you that are able to to just come to the masjid to be amongst us be surrounded with the height of the baraka, the angels and the blessings of being in the masjid and be able to pray Salah with us and have like an overall complete experience, and not to just to jump online, listen to a talk and then come back out after we don't, that's not the experience that were hoping for. But certainly we're hoping for much more than that. This is a whole part of a test kiya

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to neffs a purification of the soul and the heart and the mind and the body. We don't just want to learn our deen we want the deen to also uplift us in every aspect of our lives. And as we begin this summer break, I just want to say to all of the students out there, there are them I have a very famous saying that there is no vacation for a student of knowledge. They are always engaged in some form of learning. So maybe the formal, you know, approach or type of learning that may pause. But you as a student of knowledge must always be engaged in some type of learning of your deen seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave, as our Prophet Aristotle slam taught us that never stops.

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It's the methodology of the alumna. That's the methodology of the Imams, the scholars to share you everybody that you know, you look up to and you seek knowledge from. And that's the methodology that we all try to use is we never ever stop learning the form or the approach might be slightly different. We don't actually have to get to msgid because the classes have paused for a little while. But you're always reading, you're always asking questions, you're always learning, you're always listening to some talks, go on YouTube, get into a series or something, and just listen to some of those episodes and keep yourself engaged. And the second thing is core and core and core and

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whatever you do in your entire life. Never ever allow yourself to be in a place where you're not reciting the Quran, it should be recited every single day of your entire life, the one who does that will always see the benefits and the effects of the baraka and blessing of simply the recitation of the Quran, it will always and forever have an effect on you. There are a limit, they say that the person who doesn't recite for any one day is literally spiritually dead. They're like a zombie for that day, you've lost the essence, the purpose of the fruits of waking up that particular day. So try to keep yourself doing these two things in the summer. And I pray that Allah subhanaw taala

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accept this effort alone. I mean, don't go anywhere yet. Guys laugh and we'll go on for another 10 minutes or so. Got some random questions, I enjoyed them when we were doing it with the, with the students in class, sort of definitely don't want to do it with you guys here. So these are some random questions that came up. Can I wear makeup in public?

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What about oil or hidden? Now? What about high heels? Like, these are some of the questions that some students have been asking me? And I thought, you know, why not just put it make it part of the course. I mean, we're talking about a similar subject, you know, just the women in Islam in general, a lot of these issues are, you know, related to them. And it's just finding clarity, just learning something extra about our deen some of the day to day things and challenges and maybe even some confusions that we have to deal with them. So it's really just about that, right? Where there is hide where there is an opportunity to learn something, that's what we want to do. So don't just

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think of it as just random things that we just throw into this course. No, it's an opportunity for all also to learn a little bit of everything rather than everything about one thing, right? Can I wear makeup in public? So the scholars them say it really depends on your surroundings, right. And there are some conditions and one of them is that it shouldn't, you know, change or alter your appearance. So the cake looked is definitely something that is not permissible in public. If you want to just put some light makeup on to just freshen up to look like okay, I didn't roll out of bed five minutes ago, that sort of thing. That's a different story, right to freshen up to because Allah

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subhanaw taala is beautiful, and he loves that which is beautiful. And some of the element interpreted that that this is one way to make yourself beautiful. We met we do it to an extent where we will put like face cream or something, rub our eyes, comb our hair, groom ourselves, this could be part of her grooming as well. It was actually an oil and Hiner as well is also part of that. But again, the idea with makeup, oil and henna is that you don't go to a place where it attracts a ton of attention. And everybody's like, Oh look at what she has on or look at what she was wearing. Because then you defeated the whole purpose of what the hijab is. All of this is linked to the

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overall hijab. What about high heels sexually started from a woman in one

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During the time of Musa alayhis salam amongst many Surah Illa choose the first one she attached to like pieces of wood onto her heels. So one day she was a certain height the next day, she was like almost two feet taller. And it caught the attention of everyone and that's how high heels begin. The point here is is similar rules that it shouldn't be in a way that you know every step she takes you hear this CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK. Like think about it. You're somebody of higher and modesty and humility. And then you have this CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK, you're losing reward at the same time you're trying to gain. So this is where they're meant to describe it

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on the one hand you don't mashallah she's in her full day job and she's practicing everything that she can but at the same time, she's losing some of that reward because of things like that. So what I usually tell Sisters is when you're amongst your own sister when you're amongst private gatherings and so on with sisters, that's one thing that's okay, it's not a big deal there. But generally speaking, you're trying to avoid attracting as much attention as you want as possible. That's why many of the element did not like this in public in public to try to avoid doing that so Allah subhanaw taala knows best my allowed to buy clothes that I don't need wasting is never allowed in

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Islam. So try to avoid doing that.

00:41:28 --> 00:41:52

It is permissible to wear is it permissible to wear shorts or swimming suits at a ladies only pool party. As long as the elbow is covered properly, then that is certainly fine. So shorts in the game the outer has to be covered properly, right? And the outro for a woman is from the shoulders all the way down past her knees. And this is also this is in front of other women as well.

00:41:53 --> 00:42:35

Piercings fake eyelashes, fake nails, plucking of the eyebrow so all of these things when it comes to all of these things, so piercings absolutely as long as if she's married of course that her husband is okay with it and he encourages it that's the majority of the ultimate encourage that because obviously whatever piercings happen, it's more or less for his pleasure, right? So if he's okay with it, and he wants it, and it's not going to be displayed and it's not going to be in a way that not is not considered normal. Then and it's obviously it's it's it when I say normal, it's like the years maybe so some of the rhythms even allowed like one piercing on her nose, that in society

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and culture is considered to be somewhat okay. The point is, it's all about the attention that you attract the earrings are fine. That's that's completely valid, no issues amongst dilemma. How many piercings she wants is a different story. Some of the limit again dislike to check or claiming was very strict about the shift in beds and others. They said no, if it's just one, and it should be covered, it's only an adornment that is displayed to her family and her husband and so on and children, whatever, that's fine. But in public known, there are elements say that if it's the culture amongst the people, then it's fine. But again, even culture has its limited. It's the

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culture to put like 12 piercings on each ear and three on the nose and then one here the one I like that's where it goes too far. Slammed doesn't have a problem with culture, it has a problem with the Haram aspects of culture. So there are certain limitations just keep those in mind. With respect to the fake eyelashes, again, this is something that is highly highly disliked many are eliminated haram because it was attached to a hadith about wearing wigs. And that was something that that people have been sort of ill used to do in the process selling forbidden. So many of the dilemma forbade this as well. It changes the complete look of of her and gives of course the wrong

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impression. Personally I also adhere to the same ruling that it is not permissible for it particularly in public amongst the girls just for fun, private gatherings, things like that is not a big deal. fake nails are loud as well but of course when we say fake nails we're not talking about okay, you know she has like nails that are like 25 inches long. And they have 17 Different colors that this one has like a Nike symbol this one has like all none of those things right. And of course they have to be removed for will do because they act as a barrier. So that will affect the validity of the will do. But other than that if she just wears it in it's very simple. It's generally okay

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especially if your husband is okay with it as well. But again, it has to be removed at times of will do the plucking of the eyebrow. There are some discussion about about this. This goes back to a very famous Hadith in Behati where the plucking of the eyebrow the shaving of the teeth and tattoo three things are mentioned at the last panel tireless curses upon anybody who does them. This goes back to a very famous practice during the time of Jackie Lee and it is still practiced amongst

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Many cultures around the world today, where how you pluck your eyebrow and how you shape it or how the shape of your teeth is or that's kind of tattoos you put on symbolizes a particular caste or tribe or culture or religion that you abide by. And so that is why this was haram then. So what their element they say is that you shouldn't pluck your eyebrow, unless it's it's a point where it's, it's difficult to maintain and manage put it that way, right. She's allowed to sort of groom it because Allah subhanaw taala loves that, which is beautiful. So if she wants to just groom it a little bit, so it looks presentable. That's perfectly fine, but plucking in and of itself and

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shaping it and then it looks like a triangle or a rainbow or something like that. That's what's being prohibited in the Hadith. And finally,

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take a look at those last one guys. So finally, can I say I love you for the sake of Allah to both male and female?

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So what do you think? Right? So can I go up to a sister be like, okay, just like Alfredo sister. I love you for the sake of Allah was set up more Kumar, she says that to me. Obviously, you can see how awkward that gets. Right, it definitely becomes awkward. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam did say that he loved when he spoke to women, he loved them for the sake of Allah. He never did it. One on one. He did say to a group of women, that is okay. But the earlier man, they say use your discretion here. What feel what's going to come off a little weird or uncomfortable? Use your discretion here. Because you can't say that because the Hadith itself does not prohibit any particular gender, right?

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It doesn't say that this is only restricted to your own. So that's where you kind of like are stuck between both opinions of do you say do not say. So the elements say the middle ground is user discretion. And you'll find that the vast majority of time it's just not necessary. We all love each other for Allah, it's understood. I don't have to, even if I don't verbalize and say it to you. I'm telling I love all of you for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala that those of you listening here, all my brothers and sisters around the world, I love all of you for the sake of Allah and I hope you feel the same way for me. But if I don't meet you individual I don't and even if I do, I don't have

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to say to your cages I call her by the way, I just want you to know, I love you for the sake of Allah. It's just one of those things that isn't necessary if it's not necessary, but if that you feel that it is user discretion, and don't make it uncomfortable and show love to either.

00:47:39 --> 00:48:27

Okay, thank you very much everyone. May Allah subhanaw taala bless you. May Allah azza wa jal reward you let's conclude with a final dua, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala Lama Taco Bell Amina indica intersymbol Eileen tuber Eileen amo learner indica into turbo toward Rahim Allah Mubarak fear Elmina ye Medina. Allahumma barik fee I have the higher Tina Allahumma barik ala Dena was well Gina with a three year Tina Butina Mohamed Brahimi Allahumma Taco Bell Amina into Seminole Eileen to Marlene amo learning into the web Rahim La ilaha illa into Subhanak in a quick minute volume in Hussmann Allah whenever my lucky husband Allah whenever I'm in work he'll Hussman Allah when our medical came while

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our How will wala Quwata illa biLlah macromol acromion Allah Houma. cobalamin Allah methylcobalamin Allah law, Taco Bell, I mean a lot of maintenance, who deal with Taco Bell artha will Alina law in an NS local genuine or corroboree they have been told in a while when the rules are becoming a note on my part, Robert E. Lee Herman called an alarming

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SubhanAllah. Because there is a term you'll see formulas solar and wind even more saline will hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen suck malapa halen brothers and sisters, wherever you are, wherever you've tuned in luck, keep you safe and keep you healthy. Until we meet again, whether it is in person, online, wherever it may be, I pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala always and forever reunite us all at some point at a time pleasing to Him in general periosteal Erina Lachman, which is a local Hydra brothers and sisters, take care of yourselves, until we meet again, was Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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