Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A Help Your Child Memorize the Qur’an
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My son is becoming healthier than sha Allah. He prays Quran in the
morning and evening, however, he only manages to memorize a small
amount, how can you improve?
There's numerous things that you can actually see online about
strategies to memorize more. There's a few things that I can
mention to you, for example, to read, and I'm not sure like I saw
the rock a few times before he starts that is supposed to help
open up the * to learn, giving some sadaqa and eating
certain what they call mine strengthening knots and things
like boddam, which is almonds, and walnuts are supposed to be very
good. So give him some walnuts, Alma, his date may be an issue,
right? But one of the other strategies is that maybe their
strategy for learning is wrong, right?
What I what I have found to be beneficial, and what has worked
with one of my children, as well, at least, if not all of them,
because we can actually see it working right now is that you make
them read the lesson that they're supposed to learn tomorrow, you
know, the next page or half a page or whatever, make them read it 15
times the evening before, just looking inside, but going faster
with every read, because when you read it for the first time, it
will be a bit choppy, difficult. But then second time, third time,
by five times you get faster, needs to get faster. And anyway,
they're making a mistake, every time they're reading, they always
get that word wrong, even they're looking inside, right? Read that
10 times separately, like so smoothen that part out, right. So,
when you've done it 15 times a night before, generally speaking,
when you start learning it the next morning, it just kind of all
comes together in your mind, you're gonna have to learn it a
bit, the next morning, try it that way sleep over it. So sleeping
over something helps it to resonate, and to preserve itself
in the mind. Try that, and I'm hoping inshallah that will work.
And of course, lots and lots of doors to Allah. Having said all of
that, try all of these things. But having said that, there will come
a time, there could come a time for some parents, where they must
then accept the fact that their child may not be able to do heaps
of the Quran. I know I've gone through a mother's I've known
numerous students that came into the office, they just couldn't
hack it, they just couldn't do it. And eventually, they were put in
all in class. So they went and studied something else, instead of
slowly starting to keep tabs instead, they finished their hips.
And then a number of them did the Quran afterwards, because it
became much easier after their mind opened up. Right? Sometimes
you just can't click, you just can't get it. They're not very
smart in that sense, right? So there's no point putting over
pressure on your child if they cannot do it. If they can do it,
they need a bit of pressure. Yes, right. But if they cannot do it,
then don't put that pressure. Realize, like and realize
inshallah Allah will still give you a crown on the Day of Judgment
because of your intentions, I hope right? But don't just for that.
Oh, no, you must do and you do everything and you you know, don't
do that. Because that can backfire badly.
That's what I would say. Lots and lots of dua. The mothers who are
the fathers do attach it at night, can work miracles can work
absolute miracles. So may Allah subhanaw taala increase them and
increase all of our other children who are also doing their heads and
grant them real understanding of the Quran in their heart work with
that one and it hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen