Musleh Khan – The Prophets Prayer #09 – Khushu cont, Concentration in Salah

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of perfecting one's will and staying in front of Allah during prayer is emphasized, as it is crucial to develop one's devotion and avoid distractions. Prayerers should develop consistency, be mindful of surrounding people, and use all available tools for praying. It is important to avoid distractions during prayer, especially when eating is ready. Prayerers should recite the holy Bible at the beginning of the prayer and use the "will do" phrase. The importance of praying in a neutral environment and avoiding distractions is emphasized, and practicing the fruit of one's actions is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah he sallallahu alayhi wa ala early he was happy he he marine and buried Salaam Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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So we are looking at the means of developing the whole shore. And we begun this topic by discussing certain practical steps of how somebody can perform and increase their devotion with Allah subhanho wa Taala. We mentioned that the first one was to prepare perfectly for the prayer. And this entailed a person's will do and the place of prayer and what they were we're going to talk about this further when we get to a particular point relating to it. And we mentioned that perfecting the will do in and of itself is a way to improve your whole shore, taking your time and completing the entire will do and insha Allah as we continue with this discussion, we will go through all of the steps of the

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will do and just make sure that all of us here are on the same page in how much you should wipe up the arms and where you should stop this at include your elbows are not how do you perform certain acts and rituals when it comes to the window. So we will go through that as well as part of our discussion. Then in addition to them. We also we also mentioned that ensure that you pray on time, and at the beginning of it's time, not in the middle or at the end of that particular prayer time. But try to catch that prayer time when it officially begins. We also mentioned to clear your mind try to approach sada with a clear mind, try to eliminate any distractions and things that might be

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bothering you in your in your daily life. In addition to that remind yourself of Allah azza wa jal and his greatness and his attributes, and this is the theme of everything that we've been talking about throughout our discussion is that you're standing in front of Allah. So Allah should remind you of you standing in front of Allah azza wa jal on Yamaha piano. Some of them are limited. They said that when you sit, when we will stand on your piano, we will stand shoulder to shoulder we will stand literally beside each other, there won't be any gaps amongst us. So solid kind of gives you a brief feel or insight to what that might feel like, in addition to them. And this is where we're at

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today, in addition to improving our whole sure is that we remember, remember that this prayer could be your last remember that this prayer could be your last, the profits on the lahardee was settled them. This is one of the things that he always mentioned in in terms of perfecting our prayers, son lucilla, 10. More there are pray as if this is your last and final prayer. So when you do that, what that should cause you is your full devotion, your full attention, your full and complete focus. And the reality is very simple. For some people, the mother of that we just prayed. We don't know if that could be the last month that we just prayed. There, I shared that in sha Allah, we want to

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pray, we don't know if that could be the last show of our lives. So all of these things here are constant reminders and realities that we try to remember every single time we stand up for prayer, in addition to that is to remember death and the grave during the prayer itself, remember death and the grave during the prayer itself. So you also want to make sure that you remember all of this throughout the subtle, let you also remember that there will also be a time where others may pray over you as well. So all of these things are panela are things that should be constantly being reminded to us. In addition to that, remember the benefits of having true whole Sure. Now what's the

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benefits of being devoted. If a person can master Whoa, sure, then they would be devoted in everything they do in their life. So when they go to work, they're going to be focused on their job and their work and everything else that they have to do those duties. When they go to school. They're going to be mentally focused on school, getting my job done getting my exams and studying my work, when they're at home. They're going to be focused on I have this many chores to do I have these many responsibilities. I'm going to make sure I fulfill all of them. All of this is as a result of somebody who perfects their devotion and Whoa, sure, in the Salah itself, this is what we

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call true for sure. Another element to that is true. Whoa Sure, is that in the Siler every single time you feel distracted by something

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Immediately you try to combat that you don't just take it easy, you don't just become lazy about it and say, Well, you know, as the solid continues, I'm just gonna, you know, it'll eventually go away, you try to combat it immediately at that very moment. So true, who sure is something that you're constantly battling with, to make sure that it's always there. And it's always firm. Another way, or means of developing the whole shore is to think about how the self, the pious predecessors, the companions, and the early generations of Muslims, how they were when it came to the sada some of the side of when they stood up in prayer, a person can shoot an arrow, and it will just, it would strike

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them, but it wouldn't break them through the Sala, they would be that focused in their prayer. Some of the stuff they're focused on their whole show was at such a high level, that nothing no one any thought or element that that was surrounding them, nothing could deter them. When it came to their prayer. They had that much focus and that much attention to the sada there are certain etiquettes that we're also going to talk about in sha Allah, of how to prepare yourself to perfect Whoa, sure. There's even a stage before that where you want to prepare yourself before you get to that stage itself, which we will talk about as well.

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Make sincere Dora to Allah azza wa jal for his help in achieving his shore in the prayer. So ask Allah azza wa jal to give you the whole shore. This is something you should never shy away from. So in your sujood, or even before the prayer or anytime you make Dora ask a lot of give you that, in addition to the praise slowly and calmly with sufficient pauses, take your time with the sada, the solar of the moon FL, R is is of two types. The solar of the hypocrite is the one that when he or she is in their home, they pray very quickly, just hasten through the solar, they rush to it completely. Whereas the Sala of the the men and the believer is that the same way that he or she

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prays at home is the same way that he or she will pray in the masjid. But the monastic know in the home, it's one style of praying, but in the masjid when people are there and people are around. And then of course, the Salah is perfected or so it seems. So one of the advices of how to improve that for sure, is to try to develop some sort of consistency with the prayer itself. Try to develop some sort of consistency that the way you pray wherever you are, whether it's in Gemma or not, is somewhat similar. Some of them are lemme even mentioned that this type of method of praying, where when you're by yourself, you rush through it, but when you're around people, you take your time, the

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one who rushes their prayer is a solid that is not accepted. But there are certain rules to them. The first rule to know if a person who rushed through their prayer if it's accepted or not, is the person who hastens through every single movement. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says the when you go into record, federal care had tautomer in all Karen. So go into the record until you feel somewhat peaceful, relaxed, your bones and your limbs fall into a relaxed position. This literally literally happens in an instant moment. It only takes a few seconds for you to pause in that position, and you have it every single one of us know what this feels like. Every single person

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here you will know what it feels like when you have that position there.

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In addition to improving for sure, ponder and think about the beautiful Dora's recited before the Fatiha. So this in Arabic is called the center where this is one type of Dora then there are also other narrations of different things that are recited and said before the Fattah itself. The moment you say Allahu Akbar, you should be in a state right away. Your focus should be so clear that what soon as you say Allahu Akbar, so many things now become how long for you you can smile You can eat, you can talk you can do any of the you fall into this sacred state between you and Allah azza wa jal what's the first thing that comes out of our mouths when that happens? It's only Dora it's

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Only as count, it's only versus in addition to that, think about the verses of the poor end that are being recited and react to their meanings and try to focus on what type of sorta is being recited. So this, of course, would require some background, some some knowledge of the language itself. But even if you don't know the language of the Quran, in other words, even if you don't understand Arabic, so what do you do in this case here? One of the mistakes when it comes to Salah is that a lot of people, and I'm sure we've seen this before, you notice when the Imam might be reciting, then they'll have somebody beside you who knows the surah. So they start reciting along with the Imam.

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Some of the elements say that the Sala here that will rock after that person is broken. And simply because the job of the Imam is not to be repeated or to simultaneously read with him. That job is that for us, those who follow the Imam is we literally follow him. So we listen to him, and we let him recite whatever it is that he wants to recite. So it is a highly, highly disliked act to recite along with the Imam. Some scholars advice that if you hear a person beside you, who is reciting, if you hear a person beside you who is reciting, along with the Imam, tap him on the shoulder a little bit, try to just bump him to let him know that this is something that is highly disliked and they

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shouldn't do that.

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In addition to that, recite in a slow rhythmic tone in a beautiful voice, this here Subhana Allah is something that any one of us can implement, recite beautifully. Make sure you try to beautify your voice, your voice, if you like, machete or Asha, try to imitate him when you're praying. If you like a bucket shouty or you know what's another famous reciter like Sudan use, or somebody tried to imitate them when you're praying your Salah, that's what these reciters are there for. They're, they're there as examples to us. So we try to imitate them. However, for the half of the Quran, this is just a personal advice to you, for the half of the Quran, don't try to imitate nobody, because

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99% of the time when somebody does try the half of the quarter and tries to do that. They lose that natural beauty of their own voice. Some of them are lemma they said that one of the blessings of a half of the Quran is that Allah gives them a natural voice that gives them a natural tone. That's why just look at it. Just see for yourself. All those brothers and sisters that memorize the poor en Subhana Allah This is one of the Baraka that comes with the Quran itself is that when these guys they recite, they just have a unique tone to their voice like no one else. And that's how you got all the suitcases and the short rains and the machete rations. Where did all of these individuals

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come from? How did their voice become so beautiful and so eloquent with the poor and it came with a lot of devotion, a lot of sincerity, and the fact that these all of these men and women, they all memorize the poor end, so just keep that in mind. But part of the Sunnah is to beautify your voice. And we mentioned this in our discussion of the end, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us is a you know, a SWAT token bill, and beautify your voices with the poor and itself. So this is an actually a very, very good subnet to practice. In addition to that, remember that a lot of the great is paying attention to you responding to each and to each Dora. So again, think about and reflect on

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what is being recited. Seek refuge with Allah subhanho wa Taala from the shell time. So this happens to you if this happens to you during the prayer, this sitting now or one of the Sunnah, acts to eliminate distractions in the sauna is to dry spit on your left shoulder three times. Now Be very careful of how you do this. Because some, some people get very carried away, and their dry spit doesn't become dry anymore. And they really want to attack that shaytaan beside them. And it's like one of those things in when you see when you go for Hajj. And everybody goes to the Jamaat, some people they just get so overly emotional when they're at the Jamaat, I remember used to we used to

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see this a lot that whenever they go to the Jamaat, you know you're supposed to throw pebbles, not bricks and stones but just tiny little pebbles, but you have some people they're like some of the women they take off they're off by and they throw it inside their their slippers, their Walkmans, their everything, their iPads, they throw it all inside there, too.

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to attack the shaitan at that very moment. So you want to make sure that you do that with some level of maturity and responsibility. Look at the place of prostration keep eyes open during the recitation of the Quran. Again, this is a very, very crucial way of improving your home. Sure, keep your eyes focus where you're going to hit down into sujood. Now, some of the elements, they have two ways of doing this, when you're not in front of the carrabba, you're looking down at the Macan of the sujood, the place of sujood some of the advice that it was actually more back and permissible membership. And he mentioned this as well, he had mentioned this as well, that it is permissible for

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you to stare at the carrabba if you happen to be directly directly in front of it. Because the carrabba in and of itself, is a way to improve your whole shore just by looking at it alone. And for those of us who have been to Mecca, and you've seen the cowboy yourself, Well, he you know, just sitting there, it's very difficult, at least for me, it's very difficult to recite, or and when you're when you're sitting in front of the carrabba. Because you just always want to look at it, you just always want to admire it, you just want always want to stare and handle law. And then one of the doors when you see the carrabba for the first time is you're saying that you know in the law, a

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law a quote, you know, you're praising Allah azza wa jal for seeing this and to and to be amongst that that circumstance. So it's also permitted for somebody to do this as well when they stand in front of the carrabba. You can even see this with some of the Imams who lead in Mecca. You can see this even in like the total weekend, so and when they're standing in front of the cabinet, they're not looking down at the place of sujood. A lot of them are staring directly at the carrabba itself. In addition to improving our foreshore pray with a barrier close by an example of a piece of furniture or something. This here, of course, is referring to the sutra. The sutra is a barrier that

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you place in front of you, that protects your place of prayer, what's your place of prayer, it's where you're standing, to where your head will touch in sujood that's your place it belongs to you, that's your spot, you need to protect that spot. So what do you do you place an object, something that spans at least the length of your hand, and it sits there right above the area of your sujood some of the rhythm and they have a difference of opinion if this is what you have or not majority of oral among the most correct opinion the most popular opinion with this situation? Is that the suit Iran is most the hub it is highly recommended for somebody to have this. Why for a number of

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reasons. Number one is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never prayed except that he had a sutra with him. Secondly, there is a hadith that is

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this a topic of discussion amongst the scholars, and that is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said there is no Salah, except with a sutra. But scholars they differ exactly what this means. Is this a command? Or is this a state or a way that the prophets I send them would speak part of his eloquence in his Arabic let me give you an example. If I say to you, you you have never visited Toronto, unless you go to the CN Tower. That doesn't mean that you've never actually gone to Toronto, it just means that you'll never really enjoy being here and being in the city unless you go to the CN Tower. So what the prophets I send them according to some are them and they mentioned is

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that that Hadith here does not entail that your Salah is broken without the sutra. what it entails is that you will never taste the full concentration and devotion and the whole shore of the Sala unless you have a sutra. You see how it ties in together? Why because many companions never had a sutra there are many narrations of companions that prayed without a sutra itself. So the fact that that happened, this is where scholars differ and exactly what that Hadeeth meant itself. Majority of the are of this opinion, majority of this contemporary scholars are also the opinion that this is highly recommended. But generally speaking, even amongst the scholars of Hadith, that's where the

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ruling is a little more strict some of the scholars of the Hadees they said that it is wise to take the Hadith for what it is and practice it will allow you the best advice I can give them is that we always try to pray with a sutra as much as we can. Because the reality is that we always want to perfect our prayer. We always want to make sure that we taste the sweetness of it.

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holeshot and we want to do whatever we can to achieve that. So we try to pray with a sutra as much as possible. A third question to ask is, is very simple. If you don't pray with a sutra? Is your Salah accepted or is it broken? So unanimously, if a person doesn't have a sutra, there, Salah is intact. So that's another reason that this Hadeeth here became a topic of discussion is because nobody can claim that just because you don't have a sutra that your Salah you need to repeat it over again. So that's how we understand the Hadith. And Allah azza wa jal knows best. In addition to that,

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in terms of improving our whole shore, is that

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we reflect on a particular surah that we wish to recite for that particular sorta what do I mean by this, this is a mental preparation, everyone, that when it's time to pray, think about what you want to recite, don't just jump into the Salah. And when you get to one, ball Nene, and then whatever sort of comes out, that's what you're going to recite. And maybe 99% of the time it's only oil Humala who had a loss, I mean, you're just reciting a floss for every single solder. I actually know individuals who've emailed me these problems. It'll I remember, the one person emailed me and said that they recited in that alpha unit Council for like three years straight in every single prayer in

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every single oral care, you want to know the saddest part about all of this, this person was almost half of the Koran, almost, I think they've memorized like 20 something just, but when it came to the seller, it was just this one sort of why? because it didn't require any effort on that individual. So they just let it out. This here is a person who was last whole Sure, think about the suitors that you want to recite. And even if you need to, on your way to the masjid or on your way to as you as you see the solid time approaching, start to think about and start to review it in your head. Make sure you can perfect it. What I like to do Honestly speaking, if I'm heading to a Masjid, every

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single time I go to a Masjid, I always have at least two sutras in my mind that I'm ready to recite if I'm called upon to lead the GMR. I always have it immediately. It's always said it's encrypted in my mind. But what the sutras are, it depends where I go. So for example, msgid like this one, question hollyburn Walid, you're not going to just come with your loss of knowledge. I mean, it's good that no, no big deal. But in sort of, in a place like this, it's challenging, because you have so many who fall that are in the gemera. So you want to make sure that the sooner that you pick is a sort of that everyone can relate to including the profile of themselves. So you know, I'm always

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thinking about a particular part of like soda, Toad or soda, you use it for something, something beautiful, that the her father can relate to. And at the same time, the rest of the gemera can also know and relate to as well, as opposed to other massage where I know that the majority of the gemera are like old men and women. No, I mean, they might have a half of walk in there 45 Ramadan or something. So they're, I take it easy on them. And you know, you want to make sure that the Salah is comfortable, you choose some of the shorter sodas that the people can relate to, the people can enjoy, and that sort of thing. This is just the wisdom and when you become an Imam and you lead the

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Gemma insula, as a matter of fact, even in this particular point here is a very important sight point. And that is how long should somebody lengthen the prayer especially when they're in a Gemma? There was a narration there's actually many narrations like this of two companions who were praying together in the middle of the desert. And this one companion, he he was by himself, he started the salt up, and he started with Surah Baqarah. And because he started off with so little Bukhara, another companion, saw him praying and decided he wanted to join him. This first companion was reading that sutra for so long, that it looked like he was going to finish the entire suit at Al

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Baqarah in one rocker. So before he could finish it, this second companion who joined the prayer, he broke out of it before it finished. Why because it was too long. Eventually he went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and told them what he did. He said, yo sola, I saw so and so person praying, and I joined them but they were praying so long that I broke out of the Salah. And then I pray

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on my own and completed my prayer did I do What did I do? Is this correct or not? The prophets of Allah Almighty Who was selling them actually got angry at the brother or the companion who was praying who started off the Salah first, why? Because he was the Imam. He didn't use any wisdom when he knew that there was a quote unquote Gemma or behind him, even though it's just one person. The point is, there's someone else there. Part of the wisdom of being a great Mmm, is that you're always looking and you're very careful of the people that who's who are praying behind you. Let me tell you brothers and sisters and great Eb M is the one that would stand in front of the gym. And when he

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says stow era, Teddy Lou, Tim Mazel Tov and all of these things, he is scanning the entire gym at the same time, and no one would know it except him. And he would look around and sort of have a good idea of what kind of individuals are behind him. If he sees a man sitting on a chair, if he sees another one with a cane, if he sees a person who's all gray, and he sees like a lot of little children running around immediately what should happen to him. I mean, this is just common sense. Immediately, he should think, Well, you know what, maybe I won't lengthen the prayers this evening. Maybe I'll make it a little bit shorter, just to accommodate what I see that's in the forefront of

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my eyes at this moment. And then in addition to that, he can see what's happening in the women's section, when usually the children are there. Usually there's a lot of elderly women as well. So he needs to consider all of that and paint a picture for himself. And that's how he's going to judge it the salah and that's how he's going to pray. So all of these things here are important and crucial when you develop whole sure to use a lot of wisdom when it comes to the prayer.

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Remove everything from the immediate environment that might distract you. So if you happen to be praying in a room, make sure that the room is somewhat subtle neutral, that you can pray with ease and comfort. Nothing is going to really distract you when you're in that room as well. Lengthen your record and lengthen your sujood bearing in mind that this is the closest you can be with Allah azza wa jal Allah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned this in the authentic hadith that this is the closest word when we are when is when we become or when we fall into the prostration and the sujood. It is the Sunnah also to lengthen this period, lengthen your time with the sujood

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especially when you're alone. According to someone with Emma when it comes to the mother of their ratio, the Lord make it as long as you want. So you can literally pray for one entire hour. Just vote alone, just lengthening your prayer being in long sujood all of these things are praiseworthy acts especially when you are alone. Ensure that the sunon and then the Westfield prayers are done, and in the most secluded areas. In other words, sending the prayers the suddenness of Sunnah prayers is to be done in the homes. It's to be done in places where it's just you and you alone. That's why you see after the Salah, what happens a lot of the brothers and the sisters they'll find corners all

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over the masala and they will pray there sadhana that's the suddenness of the Sunnah. That's the sidna of the sinner prayers is to do find your corner find your little spot and pray your suddenness and pray your soon as as much as you can. And hold on to your Sunnah. The Sunnah prayers itself. I have an entire discussion on this. The sin of prayers, our protection of the wedge You bet. They're the protection of your prayers itself. And the person who prays their sadhana is a person of strong Amen. A person who praises some is the they've protected themselves or they've caused a greater and a stronger barrier between them and the shale clean. A person who prays the sudden that is an

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indication that they are a pious individual and insha Allah, they are a person of an agenda. Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the person who completes all of the sudden now rock our ads every single day, Allah azza wa jal will build for them a mansion in Jenna by simply praying all of those Sunnah prayers as well. So you never ever want to ignore that and try to hold on to it as much as you can. Having said that, brothers and sisters, this is just another section under the topic of the whole show is to stay away from everything that is forbidden in the prayer. In other words, do not pray in garments that have the potential to distract you from Whoa, sure.

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Other words, we talked about this we have it we had an entire discussion about this talk, wearing brightly colored

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materials and shirts and things like that, or on carpets that have distracting designs and pictures and so on. I remember

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in Saudi, we went into this Masjid. And honestly, this there was this nice, beautiful carpet really looked really, really elegant. But it was so fancy. And I don't know if this happens to anybody, but it happened to be it happened to some of the brothers when we were there praying, you know that how when you're trying to focus on your spot for sujood. And then you start looking at the designs, and you start putting together a face. So, so you're already laughing, you know exactly what I'm talking about, right? You start putting together faces with all the designs, and it's always a horrific satanic face. It's not some beautiful thing. It's always just like shaitan looking face, that's

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right there. These are all the things that cause problems in our soul. So you always want to try to find at least an area of place of prayer that's somewhat simple. And this is also the the sin of how the Sahaba is them, how they design their massage, and how they would pray is that they will always try to eliminate as many distractions as possible. Today, we have a whole you know, field of them, we have so many things to distract us in our solder. What we wear is just a minor portion of what can disturb us and and remove us from the prayer. Today we have like the one and only the cell phone woman adore aka cell phone, you know what is like the cell phone in this world today. I mean, we

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live in a time where you could be praying to Allah azza wa jal focusing on your milk em and everything. But Britney Spears is also there with you. Why because someone else's phone ringer is a song of britney spears and is blasting away right beside you. That's what we're dealing with today in 2013. Then in addition to that, occasionally, I don't know if any of you have seen this, I've seen this just once Alhamdulillah that, in the Sala, a brother picks out of his phone because it kept ringing. And so he took the phone out. And he said to the person, I'll call you back, we're in Sala and he hangs it up and he just continues praying.

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That's what we're dealing with today. That's what we have today. These are the distractions that we have. So again, you try to eliminate all of this as much as possible, do not pray when the food is ready, and you want to eat that food. In other words, the food is in front of you. The sun is actually the opposite of what a lot of people think a lot of people think that, okay, you know, you're sitting there and you're eating the food and it's time for Salah, drop the spoon and run and pray. The sin is actually the opposite the prophesy centum encouraged us to finish what we were doing. Or at least here's the heavy, satisfy your hunger and then go for the Sala. That's the beauty

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of the prophecy sellers words, the products they sell them doesn't say to complete the entire portion of food, he says to satisfy your hunger. Why? Because you don't want to be praying and thinking about that luscious meal that you just left behind. But if your stomach was satisfied, you're not going to be thinking about it as much. So only then you should leave it and this of course has rules. Obviously you don't some some of us are slower eaters than others. So a guy might be taking like a half an hour, 45 minutes to eat a plate of food and solid time started. And then it's finishing and finishing and he's like, no, it's the sudden now I need to just finish up what

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I'm doing here. Obviously these have barriers. This rule is only implemented once you can stay within the timeframe of the Sala itself if you know that you're a slow eater. And if you know that when you by the time you finish this food solid time is going to be over then obviously what you'll have to do is you'll have to pray first and then you definitely have to work on your eating etiquettes and speed that up a little bit.

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Last one that we want to pause here for today. And that is do not pray when you feel the need to answer the call of nature. So when you feel the need to go to the washroom do not pray. Honestly, I have no other way of you know explaining this. It's a very simple straight explicit Golden Rule. If you need to go to the washroom and it's time for Salah sacrifice missing the first rocker or the second or account and go to the washroom because what is the point of you standing there for salah and all you're thinking about is subpanel I hope he doesn't recite. So what about kata? I hope he finishes this sort of quickly. I hope that the record is not so long. Oh my god, it's this brother

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or that brother. This guy is notorious for making long prayers. You got all of these

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issues that are going to go through you and you just lose the whole essence of the Salah itself. So obviously to eliminate all of that this is you know, to achieve a greater good, you go ahead and you relieve yourself and then come to the salon This is of course also the advice of the prophets, Allah love it, he was sending them

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another advice and then we'll stop at this one in sha Allah is do not pray when you are feeling extremely sleepy, extremely sleepy, don't pray until you are fully rested. Again, this has rules. This obviously the rules behind this is don't sleep through salaat of time, but at least somehow gather yourself somehow try to get some rest before the prayer or after the prayer before the next prayer. Do whatever you need to do to at least make sure that you have some level of rest and comfort. Again, it's the same problem with the person who goes to the washroom, you're going to be sitting there and you're going to be praying like this.

00:36:04 --> 00:36:51

And you just gonna try to just scrape through the Salah, obviously you lose all of the the beauty and the essence of the prayer. Brothers and sisters, you see what's happening here. The Sala is not a ritual that we perform. It's a part of our character. It's a part of our life. It's not a routine. It's not like going to work every day. It is a part of who we are as our identity. So we have to perfect it as though the solder speaks to us and it's part of who we are as individuals. That's why the prophets I send them laid down such explicit guidelines to perfect all of the prayers and to perfect our whole show. This is where we will pause in sha Allah hauteur Ireland and Sunday we will

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conclude the topic of the whole show itself and after that, what I intentionally wanted to do was to go through the outer can of the Sala itself, but before I do that the can of the Salah are approximately 17 to 19 according some Parliament 19 majority they they list for us 17 of them. Now these are can or pillars of the solid, each of them deserve their own discussion, because there's a lot of implications. So reciting the sort of factor has standing up the sujood and all of these different things. They all have their own discussion behind him. But before I do that, I think it's important that we discuss the wardroom so we want to go into a systematic

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method of perfecting the prayer. So basically before we quote unquote start praying, we want to make sure that our will do is perfect. So we will go through the tool will do verse number six insert into the metadata. You know you're letting me know either pom pom Isla celerity falsetto would you work on my idea a little more often that is the area of will do in the poor. And so we will go through this ensuited matita Chateau de la Marina she says if you want to know phip study sold at the matita suited matita is the surah of itself. That's why some of the elements they mentioned that there is actually a difference of opinion. What was the last verse ever revealed to the Prophet

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salallahu alayhi wasallam the majority of our lemma they take that verse and sort of Bakara that we all know what Taku Yeoman told geralyn Effie Illallah so that's the last words this is the majority of scholars, but there are certain verses in sudut mat either that also talk about yo tm and the last days and things like that. But I Isha, she mentioned that one of the that saw that many that in and of itself is the last and final sutra that was revealed simply because it's the sutra of Islamic laws and ethics. In other words, Allah left us with a rulebook. This is how you perform this is the fifth of these are all the things the do's the don'ts to have as the hot arms. This is what's left

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with you. So suited matita is a really, really interesting sutra. It's a sutra that inshallah one of my dream as a dad, I used to do a detailed analysis of the sorta, but it's so comprehensive, it would literally take you know, months and months to prepare something like that. So inshallah we will only extract one verse, which is the A of the will do and then we will go through some of the basic physical rulings regarding the window itself. So for example, what happens if you're performing will do and the phone rings? Can you stop halfway answer the phone, come back and then continue or do you have to start all over again? What happens if you do talk on the phone, and you

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washed your arm? And once you're talking on the phone, the conversation got a little a conversation got long, so your arms started to dry up? Do you have to rush that arm again? Or is it

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Okay, because you already did it the first time. What happens if you just want to wash all the body limbs just once and not three times? What happens? If you want to do more than three times? Are you permitted to do that? When you wash up to the elbows? Does it include the elbows? Is it just up to the elbows? What do you do in this case? What happens if you want to wipe over your socks? And what are some of the conditions to do that? What happens if I have like Nikes? You know, Nike socks on? And I want to wipe over them? Do I have to wipe the top of my feet and the bottom of my feet or just the bottom of my feet and excluding the top or the top excluding the bottom? What do you do in this

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case here? What happens if you just have one bottle of water? And it's not enough for you to perform the will do? So what kind of choices do you have? Under these circumstances can you perform will do with the snow outside? If it was raining, raining really, really hard thunderstorm, and you want to just preserve your water or light bill or water bill or anything like that. So you go outside and you start making we'll do with the rain? Is this permissible or not? What happens when the summertime comes and you're fishing out in the ocean? It's time for a solar Can you make will do with the ocean water itself? So all of these things and many, many other issues is what we will look

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at in sha Allah. Perhaps maybe we may start it on Sunday, Allah Haarlem, if we finish up with the whole short discussion, so all of those great things are coming to us as well. If we can, I will also somehow I'm not sure how we'll do it. But we'll try to arrange to actually have a demonstration of how an appropriate will do should be done. How do you wash between the fingers? Would you believe that there is a difference of opinion amongst all of them out? there? When you walk between the fingers? Do you use your right pinky finger? Or your left pinky finger? So in other words, are you going to do this?

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And when it comes to your feet, can you use your right to wipe between your toes? Or should you use your left? And then when you're wiping your arms? You know, do you actually have to wipe them? Or can you just run them under the water? A lot of Muslims do this. A lot of them they just kind of let the water fall on their arms. And that's enough as well. What happens if you have a nice big chunky beard a very thick beard? Do you is it sufficient for you to just wipe the beard and that's it? Or do you have to you know, get water there and get down to the roots? All of those implications are things that are crucial for us to discuss when it comes to the womb. So that's when sha Allah will

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be our future discussion. So having said that, again, always in forever brothers and sisters, we ask Allah azza wa jal to help us to perfect our Salawat to help us to perfect our future. And most importantly, we ask Allah azza wa jal to accept at least at least our five daily prayers, and if Allah azza wa jal chooses to accept more than that, may Allah subhanho wa Taala enter us in his gender along mean so this is where we pause in sha Allah will refer to Darwin and in hamdulillah. Europe below the mean was Sara Mara alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato

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