Musleh Khan – The Life and Times of Imam Abu Hanifah (ra)

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The Definitely Right movement focused on debate and conservative conservative, rather than straight- codes values during the late 1800s and early 2000s. The movement used various methods, including cutting off theist arguments and researching the life and times of theife of the Defining God. The interviewer discusses the importance of the Big Development and the need for people to study the life and times of theife of the Defining God. The interviewer also mentions the death of someone named Ja'ou Hema Hema Humala and the need for people to study the life and times of theife of the Defining God. The interviewer also discusses the death of someone named Ja'ou Hema Hema Humala and the need for people to study the life and times of theife of the Defining God. The interviewer concludes with a statement about the importance of studying the life and times of theife of the Defining God.]]
AI: Transcript ©
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As you all know,

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the lives of these four men

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in Abu hanifa Rahim Allah. Allah Malik Rahim Allah will Eman will share theory yo Rahim Allah and the Last and Final Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal Rahim Mahalo to Allah.

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what is so important about these four men?

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In just basically to put this in just a few lines in a very short sentence.

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The lives of these four men

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are extremely important in the way us Muslims study and understand the religion of Islam. Without the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is why it's important. Of course, we don't have a prophet no more. We don't have that type of leadership where we can go to someone like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and get all of our answers all of our concerns straightened and, and understood. These four men, they live during the time of the tab your own and we will come to when they when they were born, and in the years that they were alive, and so on and so forth.

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Amongst these four inma there were other memes. So don't think that there weren't any other memes aside from these four there were others and him and him and Kathy, mm of raw cable as for honey, mm, shiftless, even taymiyah. Like many other memes were around, many other imams came and had reached a level of knowledge that none of the other scholars of that time had reached, an imam of the hubby and so on.

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However, these four imams excelled far more than all of the rest. This is why these four people stood out or understood more, their names are mentioned more. And then as a result, an entire school of thought was derived from these four men.

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Because when they would, for example, speak about fifth,

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they all spoke about fifth in such a level it was never seen before. When they spoke about Hadith, they spoke at a level and tackled Hadith in a manner that was never seen before. And we will come when speak more about that when we come to the life of Imam Malik Rahim Allah.

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When it came to Tafseer, when it came even to the grammar of the Arabic language, these men reached a level that was never seen before. And this is why all of the other scholars that were alive at that time, as these men were alive in their cities or in their countries, there were other scholars there. As a matter of fact that these times it was flourishing with either in was flourishing. It was like a fountain of knowledge was constantly growing during the lives of these men. However, still, there wasn't any fatwah that was given once these men were in this city. And in that particular city, no other scholar would want to give a fatwa, they would keep it just for those one

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of these four men, so that you can understand now that this is the level of realm that these people have reached.

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Another reason why it is important for us to know the lives of these men is that it is with them their hip, or the methodologies that these men the school of thought that they that have been extracted from them.

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It is because of these four school of thoughts, a Muslim study knowledge in a proper, constructive manner. You'll hear people say, there's so much to learn. You know, there's this whole there's this opinion, there's that opinion, there's difference in this there's different is how do I know what to do? How do I know how to choose which is which and which is the correct and so on? What do I do? The best way to come out of this is by studying a meth head. Now studying a meth hub does not mean you belong to that method. Okay, and we'll come to that. What are the rulings regarding someone who says that I am hanafy or I am chef or I am whatever the case is right Maliki and so on.

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So it is to study the religion in a constructive manner that you can excel. And here we mentioned a site point. There isn't a single scholar pastor present that has not done this.

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There isn't a similar past or present that has not studied a method. All the scholars have studied a method and studied it from beginning

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To end study it well memorize the

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the famous scholar who passed away about 35 or 36 years ago, a chef Mohammed Al Ameen a shell PT Rahim Allah

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a shift Mohammed Al Amina shinpei to rahima hula studied the Maliki method. And then what he did is he wrote a poetry 7000 lines long and memorize the entire method. And he wrote it out. His students are still alive today. His sons are still alive here today. And this was their father, a shift or a theremin or akima hula same thing, studied and grew up and understood in from the Maliki method.

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Shift Abu Bakr Rosario Hatfield was still alive with us today. studied a meth lab, Shaikh Mohammed Matata Shan PT. Have you ever studied a method a chef bimbos, Rocky mala? studied a bathtub, I share hotel Bernie yo Rahim Allah studied a method all these scholars when they began to seek knowledge, they chose a meth lab or they studied a meth head that was practiced at that time, or that place they were living in or the country they found that majority of people, maybe they didn't know they were doing this, but they were following a certain method. There's certain opinions will always be traced back to a certain opinion of one of these imams. So they studied that. And that's how they

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began to excel. That's why scholars don't ever have this problem of trying to figure out what is correct. What is wrong, what is the right opinion? How do we get out of this confusion, they never have this problem.

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Or that man don't have this problem at all. main reason is that their foundation in Ireland comes from studying and understanding a method and they move forward from there.

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Just so the time doesn't continue to tick on us.

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Quickly that well. Let's just begin in sha Allah with our first Imam. And we choose to begin with an Imam Abu hanifa Rahim Allah. He was the first man that was born. He was the eldest of all the four. So we'll begin by stating that

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an Imam Abu hanifa todo Rahim Allah in terms of his birth, he was born in the year 80, after the hedgerow the year 80 there are various opinions amongst all the amongst all of four of these imams when they were born. Imam Abu hanifa they say that he was born from at 7565 there is an another narration and he was born somewhere in the mid 80s. After the hegira However, the most correct opinion and Allah knows best is that he was born in the year at

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an Imam Abu hanifa was an extremely brilliant man. Even at the time when he was a young child, he was extremely brilliant. He was a great man in various fields. It was said that Mmm, Abu hanifa

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wore perfume to such an extent that if anybody came to kiss him, the perfume would be left on their cheeks. If anybody came to shake his hand, the perfume would be left on their hands. If anybody came to hug Abu hanifa the perfume would be left on their clothes. And Abdullah bin, even mobile doc or Rahim Allah who was a great scholar and teacher of Amendment No we and others set a belief

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in who

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he is the actual center of knowledge among Abu hanifa he was highly praised, almost a ranked supine Allah as I was doing the research for this. For this particular Mmm, I found that there were even statements that there were some people of the past who had a bit of extremism in them. With regards to praising this amendment, they said that they almost ranked him as a prophet. This is at the level that he was.

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As far as he where he was born. He was born in the city of Kufa.

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And this is according once again to the most correct opinion that I could find a last town hall with our island knows best. In terms of his name. His name is uh, not men. Remember that Abu hanifa is sort of like a nickname. He's the father of hanifa. But his actual name was a Norman, the son of fair bit, and then lineage continues but we'll just leave it at that.

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Insha Allah

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there are some opinions saying that he was originally an Arab person, but this is incorrect because in the lineage of his name, there are various names that don't have an Arab origin to them. Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best, but they say that emem Abu hanifa was originally Fadi C. Okay, from that part from Iran, and so on from this part of the Arab peninsula peninsula.

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His father was a Muslim. His father was a famous businessman, very wealthy, and people used to come and travel from all parts of the cities to come and purchase from them. Later on, mmm, Abu hanifa, also inherited the business. And he continued to do this business as we will soon come to see, as far as is concerned, there is nothing mentioned about his mother, not to even a name, whatever names were mentioned, many of the scholars made it by many of the scholars made it a lie, many of the scholars said there were no basis for it. So we won't mention any of those names. We will just say that there have been narrations that Imam Abu hanifa was alive when his mother was alive as well.

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Okay, so his mother didn't die early, or whatever the case is. And an example of this is

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there is a story of once when his mother wanted to ask a question to a great scholar at that time.

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And so she asked her son, take me to the scholar. So he took her he put her on the horse and he took her when they arrived that the scholar,

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Imam, Abu hanifa, went up to the scholar and said, my mother wishes to ask you so and so question. You know, what the scholar said to him? That why would you ask me this? I'm, if I had to ask this question, I come to you.

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And you're coming and asking me the same thing. You have more knowledge than me. So Imam, Abu hanifa said, my mother ordered me. She gave me an order, and I obeyed her. So I've come to you, I've traveled all this distance and come to you so that you can tell me an answer. So what do you think this scholar did? scholar said, Listen,

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tell me the answer to this question. And I'll repeat it back to you. So this way, at least you have obeyed your mother and I would have said the answer. So an Imam Abu hanifa said the answer to him. He just repeated it back. Then he went to his brother and said this, the shakes that so and so.

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The point of this story is to understand that the Imam Abu hanifa, his mother was there, as far as the name, age where she came from what she when she was born, etc. There mentioned about her, we move now to his upbringing. The upbringing of Imam Abu hanifa Rahim Allah as we mentioned, he was engaged in trading. Since he always used to spend time in the markets, he used to be in a business where they would sell phobes something like what I'm wearing right now a long coat, but obviously the style was very different back then.

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This is what he used to sell and used to sell very, very elegant garments where people used to purchase from him and they used to make clothing out of this. And he continued to stay in this business until his death.

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As far as a businessman is concerned, Imam Abu hanifa Rahim, mahalo was the most generous, most honest businessman that anybody has ever come into contact with. People used to come from distances from different cities and countries on their horse or camels on boats, just to purchase from him.

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There was once a time when

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mm Abu hanifa had an employee with him. And they were and he had a garment. And on that garment, there was a fault. It had a tear, or it was dirty, whatever the case was. So he told his employees said, Listen, if you're going to sell this piece of garment, make sure you tell the person who buys it, that there's a fault on it. Make sure you do that. So the person said, Okay, so somebody came along and bought the garment. The man sold it and completely forgot to tell them that there was a fault in that garment.

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The employee eventually told Abu hanifa So listen, I forgot. I've completely forgot to mention to the person who bought that garment, there was something wrong with it. Mmm, Abu hanifa became upset.

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And he began to cry. He began to sit is business area and he started to cry. And he took all the profits that he had that he made. For that day. He took all the money that he made and he gave it into South Africa.

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This is the kind of person that he was extremely generous, extremely kind and caring. Sometimes when people would come and buy from him and they didn't have the money or all the money, he would give them the garment, you would give them whatever they want. And He will say to them, take it.

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And this is just a side note that every person who does business, there should never be any, there should never be any indication of greed. In whatever business someone does. This is the difference between a Muslim businessman and everyone else who is a businessman, the Muslim, he has characteristics that the rest of the business people don't, he is only he is always willing to stretch his arm out. Whereas other businessmen who are not Muslim, they will stretch their hand out.

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The Muslim person is always willing to assist and help as long as his business is able to do that. whereas others that will say, Listen,

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you owe me 10 cents, you better come back to me and give me 10 cents, you owe me $1. For this for this thing that you purchased from me, you better come back and pay this for Amazon. But however Muslim,

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if they are able to they will overlook these minor details. As a businessman.

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We continue inshallah, as you can see, we're moving quickly because we only have three sessions in sha Allah to discuss four lives for people. So we will move quickly in sha Allah. And we will come to something that I found very, very interesting. And I found it so full to read about which was the point of learning, how Imam Abu hanifa How did he seek knowledge, his road to knowledge,

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and Imam Abu hanifa, the first field that he began to study from was the field of the Arabic language, studying the grammar of the Arabic language. And this is interesting, because those of us here who know Arabic or who have studied it, you will know that Arabic

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It is a language that is very straightforward.

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It can be complicated in the ways in the in the breakdown of certain words. But however, the actual or in itself, the actual field of the Arabic language is very straightforward, you will hardly find differences of opinion in the Arabic language. It's not as much as fifth and Hadeeth and Tafseer and so on. So as Imam Abu hanifa is studying this field of natural of Arabic grammar, he left it and the people asked him, Why did you leave this? You know, he started in and he said, You know, this is not for me.

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And that people ask them, why did he do this? He replied, he said,

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I need to study in an area where I can think and I can voice my opinion. And I can challenge what is being taught to me. And this is the basis now of the method of Imam Abu hanifa is now being born. Because if you look into his books, you will look into the various books of Imam Abu hanifa, you will find that he is always quoting his own opinion on them all what he thinks or what he sees about a certain issue about a certain messala and this is one of the most unique things about his method is no other Imam does this more than him. Rahim Allah, Allah. So the Arabic language was very straightforward for him.

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Imam Abu hanifa always tried to do two things, whatever he was learning. The first was, he loved to think and ponder about what he was learning. memorable. hanifa was a person that when he learned something for the day, he would go back. And he would close his books and sit by himself and start to think about everything that was that he was taught everything that he learned and that he heard whatever his shave said to him, he would sit and he would ponder, to double.

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And secondly, we just mentioned Mmm, Abu hanifa always wanted to have that ability and gift to give his opinion about an issue.

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It was never enough or most of the times it wasn't enough for him to say, okay, you teach him something and he said, Okay, I understand it. Unless it was something extremely, you know, very straightforward. Other than that, he was wanting to try to tackle whatever was being said and give his own opinion.

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Imam Abu hanifa Rahim Allah memorize the Quran when he was a young child.

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When he was a young child, and he started to memorize the poor end, he started off with so little fatty hair. And when he finished sorbitol fatty how his father sent 1000 dinars 1000 dinar to the teacher. Now back then 1000 dinar, you could buy almost an entire community. You can purchase an entire community with 1000. Do you know an Imam, Abu hanifa his father sent this as a gift to the teacher who taught him only sorbitol Fatiha and the teacher asked, Why are you sending this to me. He said you have given my son the greatest gift. You have given him a song all the surah of the Quran.

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And if I had more money to give you I would have sent it to you.

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And the fact that the father said this, if I had more money, it shows one of two things that either he gave all the wealth that they possessed at that time, or he gave all the savings that he was able to, and he gave it away. So whatever money that he had, that he couldn't leave harm to himself or his family, he gave all of the savings to teacher for just one solar solar 10 factor.

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As far as studying other fields, Imam Abu hanifa also studied some poetry. And I quote to you, he said, poetry is filled with lies, tearing apart the dean, this was the kind of this is what his opinion after studying poetry, he came to this conclusion. poetry was not for him. He's for an However, he find that when he studied the coral earn, children will come to him and ask about it. And he found Pamela he said the children would come and ask him about the horn. And he found that this was difficult for him.

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To learn how you understand this, is this is the care of the Dalai Lama have when speaking about the religion of a large soldier,

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not know when somebody is asked about the Koran or asked about the Sunnah.

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A person may have sat in his home and read the Tafseer of Surah gerat, or soda to tocopherol or soda to for pond or something, and he will cause the Tafseer.

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And when somebody will come and ask him about something to do with that, that have sort of that Sora immediately they will jump said Yes, brother says good question. The scholar said Canada and continuing continue to go on as the brother What is this aloha island?

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Have you memorized little photon? Have you memorize these sources? No, I have not. How do you recite the sutra and you'll find that a person will begin to recite to sorta and you'd sounds like it's in a different language alongs that this is this is plentiful in our time. This is something that happens common in our time, is that people will learn and have no foundation in their in.

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Over that's another topic. As far as Hadith is concerned, Imam Abu hanifa thought that he was not strong enough to be in the field of Hadith.

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This is what his opinion about himself when he was studying it, he said that this is not for me, I can't keep up with the field of Hadith. So then he finally came to the field of

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Islamic law.

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This is what he now came to down to. And he found, and I quote to you, he found it fruitful, full of esteem and benefit. And he described it as the alien will alakea. This was an alien a knowledge that was exclusive to those who possessed intelligence and understanding.

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Once Abu hanifa or Rahim Allah was walking past a great scholar by the name of a shabby, or a short movie. And he was sitting down, and he called him. So this scholar was sitting down and he sub honey for walking. And he called me and said come here said where are you going?

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Imam Abu hanifa replied and said I'm going to the marketplace. So the scholar replied and said to him,

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I don't go to the marketplace. I don't frequent the marketplace. I don't go there at all. But rather My only concern is going to the spending all my time with our lemma and seeking knowledge. So Abu hanifa told him, I rarely frequent them. I rarely go to the scholars, I spend most of my time reading and understanding by myself in the marketplace. So this great scholar

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turned to him and said,

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Do not be heedless. Okay. Do not be a person that doesn't accept advice that doesn't want to take from others don't be like this person. But you must look into knowledge and learn from the scholars because I see in you some type of alertness, some type of energy in you, meaning he could see that this person, Imam, Abu hanifa had a gift in him. He could see the piety in him, he could see that in this person, there is a brilliant man and Imam Abu hanifa said that when he heard that from this great scholar, it remained with him.

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And it was of these words, the meth hub of Abu hanifa began to construct itself began to build. Now, the real and true palpable are in six seeking knowledge of Abu hanifa began. This is when it all began. This is when Abu hanifa Rahim Allah began to excel like no other before, as far as his teachers is concerned, another category. During his time,

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it was said that there were four Sahaba us herbal Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that were alive in his time,

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according to the most correct opinion.

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And I've personally done some research in this is that Abu hanifa Rahim Allah never met any of the sahabas.

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And there are a number of reasons why this happened.

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As far as meeting others them, he never took from any of them.

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And the reason for this is number one, now you will hear this all the time that people who quote from Abu hanifa his method, they will always say he had met the sahabas. He had seen them or he had learned from them. And this is incorrect. You've never met any of the sahabas. But the sahabas were alive during his time. But one reason the first reason why he didn't meet any of them is that they were extremely far from him. The sahabas were living in different countries. They were living in different cities. And it was very difficult for Abu hanifa to reach them.

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Number two is that Abu hanifa was extremely young, for example, one of the great scholars of a sudden even Sarid, all the love wine.

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He died in the year 88, after his euro, when did we say Abu hanifa was born 80. So that would make up for how old when the Sahaba died just eight years old.

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So it was very difficult for him to meet these men and learn from them. Another Sahaba by the name of Abdullah ibn Abbey alpha auto, the loved one died when he was died in the year 86. Which meant that Abu hanifa was only six years old when he died when the Sahaba died, and such is the case with all the other sahabas

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that even when he was 20 years old, able to fail, which was when another Sahaba out of the 11 was still alive and of course Abu hanifa it was still difficult for him to get to these sahabas. So what do you think he did? Abu hanifa couldn't get to the Sahaba. So what did he do? He went to those who were beneath the sahabas the students have them. Now the students they traveled, the students were around close to four that he could get to them. And there are various narration stating that Abu hanifa took from the students of many of the sahabas.

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One of the most important teachers of Abu hanifa Rahim Allah is a teacher by the name of Hamad Rahim Allah, Allah He was one of the most important men. Hamad bin Abbey Suleiman. He was the scholar of fifth in the city of Kufa, where Imam Abu hanifa was born and was living. He was the main scholar in that city. Okay, his name is Ahmed ibn Abbe Suleiman.

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He died in the year 120 after the digital

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Imam Abu hanifa studied with this one shake until his passing until that shake passed away.

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Imam Abu hanifa described this one teacher as an ocean of air in

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and he took his place as the Philippine of Kufa after his passing So once this teacher passed away, mmm Abu hanifa took his place as the leader as the scholar as the judge of Kufa at that time. Hammer Rahim Allah

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describe that Abu hanifa was his most beloved student when they would sit in a helicopter like how we're sitting right now, all of us here have our shoes off. But Hamad Rahim Allah allowed Abu hanifa to come in with his shoes on and told him he can sit. And he didn't do this with the rest of the students. This is how much care and love that he had for him.

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We come to the students now of even Abu hanifa. So we only mentioned one of its shapes one of his one of his teachers. There are hundreds of teachers that Imam Abu hanifa had hundreds. We only mentioned one of them because of the time restraint. As far as this student is concerned, we will only mention one year. There are hundreds of students of Imam Abu hanifa Rahim Allah. However, the most famous of them is Abu Yusuf Yaqoob Ibrahim Rahim Allah, Abu Yusuf, anytime you open one of the books of film,

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and you see Abu Sayyaf quotes, is his name is in there is quoting something understand that this Abu Yusuf they're talking about is the student of Abu hanifa. So his name is mentioned in all the books of filk. And all of the various mega hip, all of the four emails. They quote, Abu Yusuf

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and his words and his opinions. Abu Youssef was extremely poor.

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He had a strong desire for in hanifa Rahim Allah used to take care of this one student used to provide for him used to give him money and used to take care of him. He became a great scholar. And he was the one that compiled most of the books of Abu hanifa. Do you know that Abu hanifa hardly wrote any books at all. You never authored anything, or whatever that he or many of what he authored had been lost. It's not available in our time anymore. It was his students that took his works, and put it together or would take their notes and put it into a book form. And obviously, when you're studying with someone like Abu hanifa, or any of the memes, and you take your notes together, and

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you put them together into a book, it doesn't equal one volume, it ends up being volumes and volumes of work. And it could be talking only about one science or one field.

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And then we come now to so this is a brief introduction to one of the top students of Abu hanifa used to travel with Abu hanifa used to stay by his home used to follow him side by side. And understand that Abu Yusuf whenever he walked beside Abu hanifa, he would never walk beside him or ahead of him, he would always stay a few steps behind him in love. For the scholars in love for his teacher, he'd never wanted to proceed him in any manner whatsoever. He would never speak unless Abu hanifa told him to speak. He would never answer a question unless Abu hanifa told him okay answer this question.

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He was also a person that when they would study, he would stay in such a manner that he would not turn pages.

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He would not turn his pages in front of Abu hanifa unless Abu hanifa notices that you know, he's running out of page running out of paper and will tell him okay turn

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is that he would not disturb

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Abu hanifa during his explanation during his teachings.

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As far as some of the statements of the self is concerned regarding Abu hanifa another category the statements of the salaf Rahim Allah, Allah Imam, a Scheffer, er Rahim Allah described Abu hanifa by stating that whomsoever wants to know filk

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then they should take from Abu hanifa and all those who learn from him.

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For everybody who wants to understand Philip

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should be a follower of Abba Hani, Abu hanifa Rahim Allah. Now notice that we're always mentioning filk. We're always just associating Abu hanifa and

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the reason for this is that, as we mentioned to you earlier, Abu hanifa studied all the brain drain. You name it, he studied from Arabic language to tafsir, to the core and to the Hadeeth, to a soul to Bulava to everything to poetry, everything he studied it all. And only fifth is where he spent most of his time studying. He spent most of his sweat and tears

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In fact, he spent most of his time learning from the Messiah studying.

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So this is why he was known to be a master of the field of filth.

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Another scholar by the name, as we mentioned, one of the teachers of Imam and no real Rahim Allah stated

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that if anybody was given the privilege of stating their own opinion about an issue, it was only Abu hanifa. No one else should be able to do this except Him. And obviously this was during the time when he was alive. Anybody who wanted to give their opinion about an issue, they would all remain quiet and just listen to what Abu hanifa said, and follow that opinion. Another quote from the sutliff

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once one of them had said, MT or a to saw Hebrew Hadith, f karhu min sofian a theory. Okay. This is the first part that one of the great self said I have never seen someone who studied Hadith and understood Hadith more than Sophia and authority. However, what can Abu hanifa F cohoon mean? However, Abu hanifa Rahim Allah was stronger than a Sufi nfld Rahim Allah. And what did we say? What did Abu hanifa say about it about Hadeeth when he studied, he found it difficult.

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He found that knowledge to be difficult for him. Yet this level that he was at where even other scholars said that he was still the strongest in had youth in his time.

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And even though there were other scholars who were there, who excelled only in one field, Abu hanifa still surpassed them. This is why

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we mentioned in the beginning, this is why these four amens, a meth head or a school of thought of thought extracted and was born from amongst these four people, when they spoke Hadith, you would think they were scholar only in Hadith. When they spoke about fifth, you would think they were a scholar only in fifth. When they spoke about any other field in the religion, you would think that they were a scholar in that particular field only.

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In terms of his description, another category, the description of Abu hanifa. Now we'll look first at one into two parts. We'll look at a physical description. And then we will look at an internal external, the internal qualities of or the inner qualities of an Imam Abu hanifa. In terms of his physical appearance, they described him his students describing to be a medium height person, a medium built body. He was beautiful in speech. Some of his students described that whenever Abu hanifa spoke Arabic.

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They said that they thought that the Koran was being recited those people who didn't know the poor, and they thought that the Quran was being recited just when he would speak the Arabic language. He had the most beautiful of appearance, the most beautiful clothing, always clean, always smell pleasant never left

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a place except that a trace of his perfume was left there. And everybody knew Yes, Abu hanifa was here, even if he left an area and you know, a few minutes or half an hour would go by they would know that Abu hanifa was here because of the fragrance of his perfume that was still left in that area. And earlier in the hookah if for those of you who are here today, we mentioned that Abu hanifa used to take such good care of himself that he used to clean the straps on his sandals,

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and the others who used to see him doing this they would ask him why are you doing this? And you used to say, as a student of knowledge I must be clean. Being clean is part of Amen. And this is understood. Being clean is part of an Amen. And so even when you find yourselves cleaning your shoes, and you do this for the sake of being clean, for the sake of taking care of the gifts that Allah has given you is that Allah azza wa jal is rewarding you for this simply by cleaning your shoes for the sake of being clean for the sake of a man for the sake of Allah azza wa jal, Suppan sapan Allah, we live in the most beautiful religion ever, that even when we clean our shoes when we

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clean our fingernails or we take off our watch, and we clean

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In it, all of this is from Amen. Eliza, which rewards everyone who does this from the simplest of things.

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Also Abu hanifa Rahim Allah cared about the appearance of others. Once there came a man who walked into the store, and Abu hanifa noticed that his attire

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was ripped, he had a piece of clothing that was ripped. And he asked the person who said, Is this all you have? He said, Yes, this is all that I have. Even Abu hanifa told them, go and lift up this carpet that you see in front of you carpet and take what is underneath it. So the man obeyed and he lifted up the carpet. And he found that there was 1000 dinars.

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And he said to the man, take it. So the man said, Are you making fun of me?

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Because I, you see that I don't have anything. And now you're treating me as some sort of charity case.

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I said, No. But realize that cleanliness is from the religion of Islam, and repeating the exact same quote, that this is part of a man. So take this and change the way you look. Change your attire, buy yourself something new, or clean what you have.

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And this is all from men. So he also cared for himself and others. And their appearance, as far as his inner qualities is concerned. Of course, everything that we've mentioned, by default, we all should know. And now understand that a man was a gifted child, extremely smart. Anytime people would ask him questions, he wouldn't reply right away, immediately reply. What Abu hanifa had a habit of doing is when he heard a question, he would remain quiet

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as almost to the point where his students thought that he wouldn't answer the question. But what he had a habit of doing is he had a habit of sitting and pondering on the question. I'm trying to analyze each and every word that the person said to him, and he would sit there and understand it, and then sometimes a few minutes would go by then he would reply the answer to it.

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There was once upon There was once a time

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when Abu hanifa.

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And some atheist, during his time, they wanted to debate with a great scholar, the atheists at that time, there was a group of they went to the halifa, at the time of Abu hanifa. And they said to him, bring us your smartest, greatest, most

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eminent scholar and bring him to us, we want to debate with him on the existence of Allah, the existence of God. So the halifa at that time said, okay, he said, Abu hanifa go, you go and debate with these people. So they set up a meeting place at a time.

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And they decided to meet

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the atheists them, they were waiting, and hours would go by, and they would wait. And Abu hanifa didn't show up. He didn't show up. And they talked amongst themselves and said what kind of scholar is this has no respect for time.

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Eventually, they decided, you know, what, forget this. We're leaving. And they were gonna gather themselves down and they decided, you know what we're gonna leave. As they were leaving Abu hanifa Rahim Allah came. And they said to him, what kind of scholar are you? You have no respect for time, you know, in here for hours, he said, Wait, let me explain to you what happened. I said, Okay.

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You said, the ferry that usually comes and takes us across the river so that I could have so that I could get to you guys. The ferry didn't come today.

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So that so obviously, now these these atheists asked him, Well, how did you make it here now said, Listen, I'll tell you what happened.

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As I stood there, and no fairy came,

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I saw a tree. Now listen to the tactics and the wisdom of Abu hanifa said I saw a tree and that tree began to break into pieces and came together into the water and formed a boat and the leaves of that tree. They began to intertwine and hold this the branches and the wood together and formed the boat. And I you know, I worked in a self here towards you.

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So that people started laughing the atheist started laughing. So are you crazy? This man is foolish. This man is Kedah waka waka. So Abu hanifa return and reply to them and said, Who are the real fools? You all don't believe that there is a creator but rather you believe that this world was created

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By what we all know today as the Big Bang, that everything just suddenly appeared, said Who are the real fools? You guys don't even believe that a simple boat could come together and build itself but you believe that the entire world was built this way.

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And they left an Abu hanifa won the debate, and they had no reply to give to him after that.

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This was the wisdom and the tactics of the great scholar of Abu hanifa or Rahim mahalo Tara

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now to his worship, and then his death and that concludes the life of Abu hanifa or Rahim Allah. And as far as his worship is concerned, three things he always did together. If he ever had money, he would give his money.

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Whatever knowledge he had, he would teach that knowledge. And whatever worship he performed for himself, he would have the most taqwa never seen at the time that when he was alive, whatever he smoked, he practice it.

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hanifa Rahim Allah hardly slept during the night. Some of his students described that they only would see Abu hanifa close his eyes for a few minutes. And this was it throughout the entire night. They described it only a few minutes, they would notice that his eyes would close. Other than that he spent the entire night in Sala and this is the methodology of all the scholars all the trilemma. They spend their nights in prayer. It was said that Abu hanifa Rahim Allah used to cry so much during the night that the neighbor's used to hear him cry.

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And when they used to hear him cry, they used to listen to see what is he crying about. And they would listen to the sources that he would cry about.

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And so panela from one sincere heart, it affects those who are listening. And so the neighbors would only listen and hear that Abu hanifa was reciting. And he would be crying and so they themselves will begin to cry just by listening to the recitation of Abu hanifa.

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It was said that in the city where he died, he completed the recitation of the entire course and more than 7000 times.

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This is supine alone when I read this.

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It really gives you an appreciation. This is why we study the life and the times of the sutliff is that it really gives you an appreciation of the work that these people have done.

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It was said that Imam Abu hanifa prayed all five prayers with the same will do for 40 years. He never had to make another will do between each solar.

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It was also said that he prayed solid on federal with the same will do for 40 years. The same will do that he had four solid solar Asia.

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He prayed with that same will do solid federal which told us what was it tells us what is that he spent his whole night doing something. Either it was seeking knowledge or you spent his time in prayer. These are the leaders of this oma, these are the leaders of this knowledge. Teleflora Hema Humala.

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And last but not least, we conclude in sha Allah, Allah with the life of Abu hanifa Rahim Allah or we come to his death.

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And the year the most correct opinion as far as the year he died, it was said that Abu hanifa Rahim Allah died in the year 150 hijiri.

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So that's how old he lived to be 70 years old. So this was the age and this is an approximate age. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best and the most correct opinion regarding this but most of the books that I turn to, I found that it was the year 150 in which he died. Mmm and no real Rahim Allah said that Imam Abu hanifa died in jail. As far as what happened to him, if he got sick, if he was poisoned, whatever the case is Allah who are nothing mentioned, there is nothing authentic mentioned about how he died

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when just before he died, and this is the last quote that we will leave you with. Imam Abu hanifa said that he wanted to be buried in a place where there was no filth at all whatsoever. A place that was clean, a place that people would not come and walk on top of is great.

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People will not come and use it as a place of enjoyment and sit and rest and read all sorts of doors, etc, etc. And from what I've heard, I don't know I've never visited Kufa where he passed away. But they say that this is the case. His grave is known. His grave is known if you go to the city of Kufa and you ask Where is the grave of Abu hanifa they all understand and know where it is. And it is in some sealed area where no one can come and walk near it. No one can carbage added no one can come and spend time there. And so, Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best but it is as if Allah azza wa jal accepted the dua of Abu hanifa Rahim Allah. And we conclude with one final statement of

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a great seller, a great scholar who said that when he heard that Abu hanifa Rahim Allah who passed away he sits in Panama. The ocean has now dried up.

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And these are the words that I leave you with, with a great scholar of Abu hanifa or Rahim Allah

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