Musleh Khan – The Ideal Muslim Society #02 – Watch your Tongue

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of reforming the Muslim society is emphasized, with Islam as a way to prevent mistakes and allow people to practice and implement their behavior. The use of narratives in media and media spaces is discussed, as well as the importance of monitoring one's tone and not losing control of one's voice. The importance of respect for people and leaders is emphasized, along with developing a discipline called "will" to achieve healthy society and family.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala shortfill India you will mursaleen Ali of total sada what attempt with Tasleem Ummah buried, brothers and sisters As salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. And welcome, welcome to Session Two, in our journey through the TFC are suited to who you're not. And all of you who are tuning in, please don't feel shy. Let us know where you're tuning in from, how has your day been? How's your week been? Let's engage, let's connect with one another. So those of you that are simply coming on, just drop in a Salam in the chatbox. Let us know where you are, and how you're doing. If there's anything

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interesting happening. By all means, if you wish to share you can, you are welcome to do that as well. And the second thing is, of course, your questions, as long as you have your questions, please do not hesitate, just drop your question questions in the comment section. And I will do my very, very best to get there in shot low to five. So let us do a quick recap, what I'm going to do just take you back to the previous screen. As you all see in front of you, these were some of the things that we've been talking about with respect to sort of turn hoogenraad Verse number one. So last week, we started the Surah, we did a deep introduction into its history, the context of the Surah,

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we did mention that this sort of in and of itself, at the end of the day, is all about reforming and creating the Ideal Muslim society. And that's ultimately what we want. Because a Muslim society caters to and facilitates the needs of the broader community. In other words, it's not necessarily just for Muslims. But one of the things that we did mention last week is that by creating this type of model for any society, Muslims are the leaders in terms of being the best example for humanity in all of the little things, so obeying the law, respecting rules and regulations, and exemplifying the most beautiful and perfect etiquettes mannerisms, which is what this sorter is all about. So some of

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the things in the first, as you see in front of your screen, where Allah subhanaw taala began by speaking to the believers and reminding us led to cut them obey the law, he was so early, that you don't ever step forth or go ahead of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam. And we did mention that this has two main interpretations. It's there's a literal, and there's an indirect interpretation, the literal is literally don't walk in front of him, he is the messenger of Allah, he always is going to be the leader physically, he's always ahead of you, as the followers. And secondly, the indirect meeting is in reference to his instructions in his commands, that when the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was

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Salam gives us a command to do something or not do something that takes precedence, that is going to be the leadership role, or the leadership opinion, we will stick to it we will commit ourselves to before we commit to our own whims and desires, to our own needs. And once. So it's all part of framing the conversation. But the first step to building that community is certainly understanding who Allah subhanho wa Taala is, and also following his greatest example that he placed for mankind, which is the example of our Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, we also talked about by doing that, it prevents you from creating and doing things unconsciously, that could have potentially been

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introduced into the religion, that it wasn't there before. So innovation, you could say something or do something or try something. And then later on, you realize Subhanallah that wasn't even from Islam to begin with. I cannot tell you how often that happens, how often Muslims will make a decision, because they either heard something, or they grew up learning in a certain way. And then later on when they take a class like this, or they go into the Quran, they start reading a hadith and you start looking at the acquire and the the opinions and the explanations of the Dhamma. Then they realize all these years, I was doing a totally different or I was doing it completely wrong. So

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this is a way to prevent them. And the Muslim is always mindful of Allah, we get that from what telco law

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that Allah subhanho wa taala. In the first i orders all of us, especially the believers to have Taqwa of your master. That means that when you falter or you are weak or you make mistakes along the journey of trying to perfect your etiquettes and trying to do the right thing, all of us are going to make mistakes. We're always going to have a point where we might say or do something that's wrong or unacceptable. It's human nature. And Allah subhanho wa Taala helps us to understand that once you're conscious of him, then be in the lucky to Allah there is always room and opportunity for his forgiveness and to repair the problem as best as you can. With that being said, it leads us to verse

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number two, which is today's lesson in the Lehi, Tyler, the theme of this area is watch your tongue being cautious of your tongue. Allah then continues and number two, yeah, you have Latina Ermanno here we go again, right? We're starting with you hon. Latina Amador. Oh, people have Amen. All believers. And we talked about the difference between a Latina aminu and the movement, a Latina am no, you recognize what is right. But you're not necessarily practicing it. But you totally acknowledge it, and you totally accept, yeah, that's the right way to do things. Minh, it's a quality in you. So when you have the title of Minh, you are not only acknowledging it, but you also

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practice and implemented it's a part of you, it's a part of your quality. So it's really interesting that Allah says a Latina and he will let you know because why Allah wants the starting point to at least be that if you can't do it, at least respect what is right and put forth with what is right. At least do that at least acknowledge support and appreciate that others are doing the right thing, even if you're not there. So that's really beautiful, how the A begins this way. Now here in this am Allah says letter farewell sweater confocal saltan Nabek do not to raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet will attach a hurdle bill will attach a hurdle we will attach to her rule law who

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Bill poli kedgeree barrel Deikun de Berlin and tech bought our medical, then nor speak loudly to him as you do to one another, or your deeds will become void. One two letter Sharon. And as a result, you will be at the same time completely unaware of what you're saying and the effects the after effects of that. So a couple of things that are happening here, let's take a look at the next slide.

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This area will now take the instruction, another step forward. So we've taken care of the heart, we've taken care of the intention, we're taking care, we've taken care of the attitude. So we've taken care have all of the important things that are needed mentally and emotionally and psychologically to build and create the ideal society. Now the next step is the tang and suit it a hoogenraad has quite a few verses that you're going to see as we continue in sha Allah that is addressing the tongue, but different aspects of the tongue. A and number two is all about volume and tone of our voices, address people with gentleness, so as to encourage them to accept sincere

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advice. So this particular area along with area number one,

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this is one of the narration that scholars have given us as to why these areas were revealed what was the context what was happening. One time Abu Bakr and Omar are the Allah who were sitting with the prophet Ali Salatu was Salam Wiles he was receiving a delegation, a group from Benu, Tamim. Abu Bakar recommended that one of their number, so I will bet can recommended that a person from amongst Benu Tamim elkaar Cora Ibnu carb, l porque. El Clarcor. I usually mix this name with somebody else Alka Ibnu Mehrabad. So this individual here to be made a leader so that's the suggestion from Abu Bakr. He suggested that Akaka be somebody that should be their leader or Omar, on the other hand,

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had a different suggestion. he disagreed and he said that another that another of their number

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ocra Ibnu habits should be made their leader. So the point here is Abu Bakar makes one suggestion and our model the Aloha makes another suggestion. Okay, so what's going to happen here?

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As you continue,

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I could have said to her Omoto, you just wanted to contradict me. We're going to pause there for a second.

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Does this sound familiar?

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Does the way this hadith begin begins? Does it sound familiar? So often daily all the time, if you're having a conversation with your fellow Muslim, right, whether it be a family, friend relative or somebody in the community, and you know, you have an opinion about, for example, where to place the hands in prayer. So some would have their hands pretty high in the chest cavity area, some would have it on their stomach, some would have it below their navel. So you say to somebody that look, you know, it's supposed to be here, that's the sooner and then the other person says, no, no, it's a bit lower than that. You don't have to have it that hot. It's right in the dead center. So that's

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what's happening here. They both have two different opinions, two different suggestions. But look, what Abu Bakar what are the ALA mine, he says to Roma. So if you just wanted to do something different with me, you just wanted to contradict me, you want to to oppose my opinion. And I said, I had no intention of contradicting you. They started arguing, and their voices were raised in front of the Prophet ARIA Salatu was Salam. So here they are trying to figure out this situation. They get into a short argument. And the argument is that their voice some people heard their voices at a point where they weren't accustomed to hearing them speak that way. You know, it's just like maybe

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your local imam or your local shave or somebody that you know, you love in your respect, and one day, you're out in the parking lot, and all of a sudden, you hear him screaming at the top of his voice to somebody else, and for a lot of people are, they'll be like, wow, why is he speaking like that? I've never heard him shout in my life, that sort of thing. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam eventually intervened, because why, after he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard these two voices going at each other back and forth. Then this particular area was revealed. So this one narration, some of the reader may use it and say that this is the narration as to why a number one, two and

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three were revealed. Okay. Another narration states that Fabinho plays sort of the olive on a famous order of the unsought sat down in the middle of the road and began to cry. He sat down in the middle of the road and he began to cry. I'll sim Ibnu, Id happened to be passing by. So another companion habit to be passing and asked him what was wrong. He replied, this verse, meaning verse number two, he says, I fear it was revealed because of me. And as I have a loud voice, you know, lots of us have loud voices, naturally loud voices. That is not what this area is making reference to. So make a mental note of that. This area is not about people who have a not natural loud tone,

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above more or less the average person that they speak to. This is not that well, you know, when you're when you are the way that you are, and ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala designed you that way, and you just naturally have a loud voice. I personally think I have naturally loud voice like if the mic isn't working, students can still hear me. So this is not what the hadith is making reference to. But Saba did no case or the logline feared, and he when he heard the A, he feared immediately it was just talking about loud voices in general. He was sight slightly deaf. So here's the reason why he thought this way, because he had a hearing impairment or he was slightly deaf and spoke loudly

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without realizing it so naturally compensated for what he couldn't hear through his voice. He then secluded himself in his house, when the Prophet alayhi salatu salam heard about this, he called Babbitt and asked him why he had done this. So another beautiful note, to point out here is just how concerned the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam is specifically with people who have disabilities. I believe it was just yesterday or the day before. He was mental awareness day here in Canada. And you know, subhanAllah, you have companions. And this is one example of them, that Saba did not place order the ALA horn belongs to this community with a disability it was born this way. And so he felt

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immediately that this a was making reference

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to him so he secluded himself from the community, and the leader of the entire Ummah, hears about it, and makes an inquiry. What's wrong? He doesn't send a messenger he doesn't send a third person. He SallAllahu it was some himself asks that it had no please, what was the matter? Why did you leave? Why are you locking yourself up in your home? Why are you doing this? Just look at the concern that he had. Just look at the care the attention that he gave, and an area which I read, so he responds, and he says, an area which I read, I fear I may have raised my voice to you, and spoken loudly. And I think of all my deeds could well have been ruined without my knowing.

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The Prophet alayhi salatu salam then said, I you will not content, that you will live a praiseworthy life, that you will be killed a martyr and that you will enter paradise. So the Prophet Arnie's thought was Salaam is pretty much telling sabbat in no place three things about his life, that he will live a life pleasing to Allah. He will leave this world as a Shaheed or as a martyr. And he will enter paradise. And by the way, the shahada have the highest stage or honor in Jenna. So he's asking sabbat that look, aren't your content by these things? In other words, in other words, your sincere intention, your consciousness, of wanting to do the right thing of hearing this A and

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immediately critiquing yourself, that pretty much tells the Prophet already sought to ascertain that ALLAH inspires him and tells him about Thurber Tip No plays, this is going to be somebody who will be given gender, who will live a beautiful life. He replied, I am content with the tidings given to me by Allah and His messenger. And I will never raise my voice to Allah's Messenger. It was then that Allah revealed the next day of the surah. So let's go back.

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And let's take a look at the A again, okay, let's take a look at the

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first thing is lithographer of sweater calm. Don't raise your voice above the voice of the Prophet early sloth was sent in. What does that mean? Exactly?

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The first thing to note is that Allah subhanho wa Taala cares about the tone and the volume of our voices, especially when we can control it. And particularly when you're talking about Allah or His Messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So that's the first lesson. It's not about just what you say. But it's also about how you say it, how you project your voice, why? See after this verse, Take a look, Armando, the loved one, his voice was so low, when he learned about this verse, His voice became so low, the volume and the tone, that he was constantly asked to repeat himself. Now you might think, in our culture in society, that if somebody speaks, and you can't hear them, that

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that's rude. You know, come on, you should raise your voice, I can't hear you. That's, that's not polite. That's not what this is about. Our own little deal, loved one, had a level of humility. He had a level of humility and shyness that was attributed to him is it was one of his strongest qualities that he naturally developed and trained himself to speak in a tone that if you truly wanted to listen to him, or he really, truly wanted to be heard, you'd have to be pretty close or nearby. And it was all because of the respect of the Prophet earlier. So it was um, so what are we learning here? That the tone of your voice is an illustration of the level of respect you have for

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the person you're addressing? SubhanAllah? How many of us even pay attention to that?

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How just think about how many times that you have been speaking to somebody and their voice is so loud, that it's embarrassing. And we all feel it, except as you just be having a conversation at school or in the parking lot or in a restaurant somewhere. And if somebody is voice is just extremely loud, everybody would start to turn and look and be like, Oh my God, look how loud he is. Or somebody is on their phone and they're in the elevator, they're on the bus, and you can hear their entire conversation. It's an etiquette that if you can control it is worth a lot in the sight of Allah. So that's the first thing a lot pays attention.

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Listen to it. Number two,

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especially when you're in front of the prophet or around the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, Abu Bakar Rhodiola excuse me, I bought a lot of the alarms sent to Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah and by Allah wala he I will not erase my voice, keeping it as if I was whispering a secret to someone. So this is the second lesson. When companions heard this command, they immediately submitted themselves to it.

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Now you might be asking, what like, how, why is it so easy for them to do that? The answer is in a in number one.

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It was all in a in number one, do you see the connection now, a and number one prepared you for a and number two. And if you missed all of a at number one, all of its teachings, its instructions, the wisdom behind those instructions, what Allah subhanho wa Taala is looking for and expecting from all of us in any given society, in our own personal society, ie our home in our families. If you miss that first lesson, then this one is just going to seem trivial. What's the big deal if I'm just mentioning an A or Hadith, we're talking about something that my voice is loud. Our society teaches us that when you know you hear somebody's voice, and it's interrupting your own conversation, it's

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pretty loud. Our culture in society tells us mind your own business. So somehow you got to figure out how to block that out. Yeah, you know, you'll have to do that more often than that, you'll just have to block it out. These eight are talking about you and me as believers. Remember reset. As people have Amen, you have Amen. It should reflect in the tone and the volume of your voice. Talk about an easy, simple way to gain blessings and reward. And we're going to see very shortly what the rewards are for somebody who simply is aware and cautious, controlling their voice, the tone of their voice, we're going to see what the reward is in a second. And Hesson Rahima Hola, Hassan

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Vasiliki Mola said that the I was sent to a people that would sacrifice before acknowledging the Prophet alayhi salatu salam approval, he would order them to redo it. So this is in reference to a number one. It's here again, just so that you can piece the two together, that at the end of the day, listen to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, first and foremost, before you do anything, the prime lesson lesson now, monitoring the tone, and the level of your voice is part of the Sunnah. So that's the third lesson. Now, when we are cautious of the tone of our voice, we are immediately following the prophetic tradition and sunnah of our Prophet early his Salatu was Salam.

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That means you get rewarded for it. Just imagine, you could just be talking about like a game, you could be talking about cars, you can be talking about your phone, you could just be talking about anything.

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But the fact that during your conversation, you lower your tone, immediately, by default, your mind in your heart is conscious of people around you. So you go into autopilot that you don't want to disturb anybody.

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So now you start thinking about the people around you, this world in this society is not just about you, subhanAllah It's so unbelievable to me, how this sorta shifts us to a place that is the complete opposite of what the world and culture and society teaches us to be. This is why and how Islam becomes such a beautiful and perfect religion. Now take a look at this. Well, what about people who get into a downwash shouting match? You probably seen like YouTube videos of you know, young brothers and sisters going out into the park or going onto the streets and literally just screaming at people because why? Maybe they're screaming at them. So that's how they're giving their

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quote unquote Dawa. You're just going back to the Prophet peace be upon him said this. I said this. Allah says this, the Koran and they're just shouting at the top of their voices.

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What do we say about this?

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This is not from the advocates of our Prophet early so to slam you will never find a hadith

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even adore any form.

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You'll never find a Hadith of the Prophet, Aileen salatu salam, shouting at somebody with the intention of teaching them, or arguing with somebody to teach them never happened.

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So how can we do?

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Why do we do that?

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I mean, in this job, I confront this all the time, people who want to come and you know, want to make a smart comment, want to embarrass you want to put you down want to call you out on something, and they do it in front of people just to further embarrass you put you on the spot. And, and none of this, even if you're in the right, and the person you're talking to is in the room, the tone of your voice, the approach all of that Allah's paying attention to every single step, every movement. So the idea here is don't just think it's about what you say, and how you say it. That's not all. It's even the volume or the tone of your voice. How you use that. This, that's what Allah subhanaw

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taala is also watching Subhanallah So, in this case,

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the surah

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is encouraging us that even when you're giving Dawa even if you're doing something you're talking for the sake of Allah

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you're missing the whole point if you're just sitting there fighting and arguing, getting to this loud shouting match back and forth. In another sort of Allah says what Jed did whom bility here accent Okay, respond. Allah is not saying Just be quiet and just, you know, be like a tiny little mouse or little rabbit and just take all the abuse. No, no, no. Well, it says respond, and you should respond. Say something

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with liquid Allah says bility. Here SN with what is more righteous, more preferred. You know, sn comes from the word SN.

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N Sn is the peak, it's the climax. It's the highest level of Eman.

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Allah says, that's your starting point. When you're giving Dawa, some kind of love. That's your starting point. Start off with the best version of yourself the best. That's your starting point. That's why giving Dawa is so difficult. It's not that you won't have the answers. If you study you will have the answers. If you do the research, you'll have the answers. So it's not about that. It's about keeping yourself under control, keeping yourself civilized, keeping yourself in a state of peace as you're doing Allah's work. So just keep that in mind for any of you out there that are passionate about St. Derawan, or debates and that sort of thing. By all means, I mean, you know, I

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believe that there is a lot of hire, and a lot of good that comes out of it. But you don't want to, at the same time, lose the reward, like the promise of cinema saying that a student of knowledge who sins is like the candle that's, that's being lit, it's burning. On one hand, it's providing lightning guidance to everybody. So on the one hand, here, you are giving Dawa. So you're providing this knowledge and guiding people and so on and so forth. But at the same time, that candle as it's lit, it's burning itself out. So at the same time you're doing that, but because you might be losing control, shouting and arguing, you're losing all the reward that you're supposed to be gaining. Both

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is happening simultaneously. So you actually never move from the position that you're at with a lot. You stay right there. Subhanallah it's really unfortunate that all of that effort, and it takes you nowhere, may Allah subhanho wa Taala give us strength. So why does Allah subhanho wa Taala pay attention to the volume and tone of our voices? So we mentioned three reasons. Another one, is that usually when people raise their voice, generally speaking, when people raise their voice, it's a sign that they're running out of things to say. So if you think about any argument, usually the person who raises their voice above the other, and then they do it back to that person. It's usually

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because well, there's nothing else to argue or talk about. So they're just trying to shove their feelings and their opinions in one hand, and you're trying to do the same on the other hand, and even in debates and so on. It's the same idea eventually gets a little louder, a little louder. Even if you're repeating, which means very often, you're repeating the exact same thing. But you're just saying it then screaming it louder and louder and louder. That's the problem. That's one of the biggest issues that Allah subhanaw taala is addressing here, because the more you lose control of your voice

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The more you're going to say things you're going to regret things that that ultimately puts you in sin, you'll start making errors and mistakes that are so easily avoidable. So don't put yourself through that.

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Let's go back to the A so we can at least continue with the wording. So we've talked about you're looking at a minimum, let thorofare or sweater confirm assault in NaVi so now you understand what this is about. Its wisdom, some of the lessons behind it a Hamdulillah. Let's take a look at the next part of the right here.

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What a touch how to Bill will attach to her hula hoop Bill old

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nor speak loudly to him

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as you do to one another. Caja de Bharati, commonly barreled. So the next instruction now

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is you don't raise your voice above the process that we've gotten there. But at the same time, Allah is saying, well, that Ted hurdle level Bill Powell, don't even speak loudly to him. So the first instruction was to raise your voice. And the second one now SubhanAllah. If you have that natural voice, tone it down. That's what this because remember, we said if you have a naturally loud voice, that that's okay. But when you're talking directly to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, if you have a naturally loud vis with people, Allah is saying here, just tone it down. When you're talking to him. SallAllahu it was just tone it up. You know how, why you use this word, tone it down because of the

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word jehlen Tegile huddle, jet Hold on,

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is raising your voice to the point where you can hear yourself, you've achieved the jehlen. That's why fregean McRib inertia are called the Salawat with geria. Because they are obviously performed loud, the bare minimum, when you're performing these three prayers, in terms of how loud you recite the bare minimum is our LMS say the least that should happen is you are able to hear yourself. So if you're praying alone, I mean, obviously you'd be praying alone when this is happening. You're praying alone. And let's just say, you know, somebody's sleeping in the same room, you know, everybody's quiet or what have you, right? But you don't want to cause much disturbance. You're

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allowed to tone your voice down, but not get it to the point where it's completely silent. No, because then you would lose the instruction of Jehovah when you're allowed to lower your voice to the point where only you can hear yourself and your solar is still intact. So the fetcher microbe inertia still intact. You can hear yourself. So what Allah now is saying, from Todd referral, now it went one grade lower than that, which is Ted huddle. So hope you see the difference. Thought Pharaoh, just don't ever go above the Prophet Ali's Auto Salon. Ted hudl. just tone it down.

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Tone it, don't talk to him. The way you talk to each other, don't do that with him. Salalah who are you?

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You know,

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how do we practice this area?

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Because the Prophet SAW Salamis in here, I suppose a practice this is just information.

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Because in Surah earlier Imran Allah subhanho wa Taala reminded us Well, if ecoman Rasul Allah, and amongst us the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was talking to the Companions after the Battle of better. But the point here is that when you look at that a, how do you relate to it? How do you feel that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is still here with us in 2022? And the answer to that is his legacy, his teachings, Bihari Muslim, Tirmidhi, all the Hadith books that we have available. And now mashallah to botica law, one of the greatest blessings we have in this day and age is access to information. So now you can download an app for every single Hadith collection in

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existence. You can have an app where it's all there at your fingertips in almost any language you want. It's incredible blessing.

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So how do you use this A, when you're simply reading and talking about a hadith or you're speaking and talking about the Quran, very simple. Just pretend the Prophet Adi so it was Salam is the person you're talking to. How would you act

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In front of him, how would you address him?

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Think about when people visit, you know, presidents and kings and so on? Do they start talking all loud and just look on TV look at how when people meet these individuals of high status and so on and position, how they speak, they smile, they use the best in the comments tone of their voice, out of respect. So you know what this area is? Our voice is a reflection of the respect we show to each other Subhanallah

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I, I'm amazed by this idea that Allah subhanho wa Taala would pay attention to something that many of us hardly think about. hardly think about.

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Then we come to the reward.

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And tomato armor, armor lucuma and Tula to Sharon, so here's the thing, you know, you're getting reward, reward reward.

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But this a will conclude now, that here is what happens as a result, here's the consequence, that if you don't control your tone, especially when you're talking about this religion,

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you don't control it. And talk about Luke combs and Allah

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or your deeds will become void.

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So wait a minute,

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we will lose our deeds. Because we didn't control our voice when talking about Allah or His Prophet.

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According to the majority of their dilemma.

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That's disrespectful. You're just respecting him. Salalah hearty listen.

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And you're certainly if you disrespect Prophet Ali's AutoSum

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then you're disrespecting Allah.

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And if you disrespect Allah, then of course, you're just disrespecting, higher high pillar, the greatest creation of Allah, the messenger, sallAllahu wasallam.

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I want you to just take a second and think about that.

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You could lose your deeds. Now scholars differ whether this will void your major good deeds are the minor ones only or both. And the majority of them say it's your minor deeds that you will lose. And what are you losing here, you will lose the majority of the reward. Let me put it to you in a different way.

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You know, when somebody makes a presentation, and they just start shouting and screaming? Do they lose marks? Further? Does the teacher pay attention? Like why are you screaming? Why are you talking so out of control? Why talking with so much anger? Will they lose marks for that? Yeah, potentially they would? Because why? Do it in a professional way? When we make presentations at the office, front of clients and customers and so on, how do we speak to them? On why do we speak to them that way, because we want the service or we want the we want the business, we want them to invest, we want something from them. So if you put it together, you show that level of respect, this is what

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you get in return. So you show Allah and His Messenger Salah love, or it was this respect to the knowledge.

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And this is what you will get in return, we'll come to the reward in a second. But Allah starts off with this a warning

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attack about our murder.

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Then finally, what in turn led to Scharoun. And as a result, you're going to reach to a point where

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you don't you're not even aware you won't feel you want to realize that, you know, your voice is out of control. And that's the problem. Because when you don't when you leave something to run for a long time, and eventually you get used to it, then others get used to it. And then it becomes a trivial issue. Like nobody would care about it. Nobody would ask about it. Nobody would say anything. It's just thrown under the carpet, and you don't want to be in a place like that you don't want that to happen. So let's start to summarize some of the things that we're talking about. Let's put this all together for the next 15 minutes or so. Okay. So why does Allah subhana wa Tada that

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pay attention to the volume and tone of our voices. So now you know a bunch of reasons. Let's put that all together. So to summarize a and number two, we are rewarded for simply controlling our tone, which we've established, especially when speaking about a lot and His Messenger SallAllahu lucidum, which is crystal clear now,

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with each other, this rule is slightly loosened. However, one should still try and maintain calmness at all.

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times, there's another benefit of why the voice is so important. Because again, if you want to develop patience, if you want to be the kind of person that's calm, that's peaceful and an n, then this is certainly one simple but effective way to do that. We should avoid addressing the Prophet Ali's salatu salam directly using his name. This is amazing. Because the A says a Nebby, that tougher ASWAT to confirm kasoti Nebby, not Felco. So to Mohammed Subhana, Allah, amazing. You know, this point here, even Alisha, even the wives of the process of him or each other the love if there isn't a single Hadith that she narrates, except that she calls her husband Rasulullah.

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She never calls him by his name. Because why, because of who he is, despite she is his wife, Subhan Allah, and Allah Marina, she respected and loved and appreciated, who he was and what he stood for. So in this area, pay attention to those little things as well. That by using his titles and the profit already, so to sum, of course, as many titles, as long as you do that, again, it's one of the best, and it's a part of perfecting your etiquettes when you're talking about this religion. At the bottom of the screen. You see there deliberately raising your voice is an open door to the displeasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala intention and deliberately doing a couple more things. This

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law reminds the believer, their words are more important than the words of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. So this reminds the believer that if you don't control what you said, you're immediately immediately going to change. Train your mind and your consciousness to think that what you know and what you say and what you feel is better than the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, it happens so often. You know, I can't tell you how many times I've had conversations over the years with Muslims from everywhere all over the world. And I've had to in the conversation, say, Yeah, but ahi, the Prophet alayhi salatu salam said to do it this way, the prophet Ali's AutoSum would act this way. Like I

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always have to keep pushing that reminder. Why? Because I've even been told one time, that the process Selim doesn't live here. So he doesn't know about what the schedule is like in our routine and our nine to five jobs, and so on and so on. And I'm just sitting there and telling, you know, the Prophet alayhi salatu salam still said to control your voice still said, these are the doers to say you can't just make up now what you think based on where you live, and believe that that is a priority over him.

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That is the state that we ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect us from alone.

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Our deeds can be rendered void as a result of violating this law. The sanctity of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam remains after his passing, which is, again, going back to his teachings, his books, the books of the Hadith, the collection of all of his Hadith. This is his sanctity, his honor, his legacy still preserved till this day. And by the way, the best and most effective way to preserve his legacy is of course, by implementing those teachings. Take a look at what emammal Harare or himolla once said, to trivialize minor sins is a major sin SubhanAllah. So if anybody out there is listening to today's session, and thinking or wondering, what's the big deal?

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I'm practicing, I'm praying, I'm doing everything Islamic. Okay, so what if I get into an argument here and there?

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So what what if I just, you know, scream and shout, and a or what's the big deal? It is a big deal. Now, you know, it is something that a lot pays attention to, and considers so this is just a part of our journey in perfecting our etiquettes

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This is an example of how a Muslim can accumulate sins without even realizing so behind the Law

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No, a number two so a number two is what we will conclude that we're going to do this a and I'm excuse me, I am number three. And we'll just a couple of things that we'll mention here, because it's going to reiterate the first two as some of the lessons is going to add a couple more things. And then inshallah we will conclude in this particular area, watch your tongue

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The same theme continues in Latina yo who do not have sweater, and Rasulillah. Now, here is the reward for all of this. So everything that we've talked about for the last almost 45 minutes, here's the reward. And this is a really pleasant way to end today's session in sha Allah. Allah says, Indeed, verily, without a doubt, and Levine IO, HK, Dona of sweater home, those who lower their voices in the presence of Allah's Messenger, are the ones, here's the reward are the ones whose hearts Allah has refined for righteousness. And number two, they will have forgiveness, and number three, and a great reward what a jewel gnarly, let's let's find out what this is all about. So to

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summarize this, there's a couple of things here to keep in mind. Number one, the word a HUBZone. So let's go back to this word right here. Since the third word,

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y'all don't is the plural comes from the word the hub doing a lot done literally means to steer away, to lean in one direction. Okay, so even to turn in sort of to note, your whole domain of sorry, him, your whole domain, I'm sorry, is that their eyes instead of being fixated on somebody, they shift their their view or their stare elsewhere. Right, so as to not, you know, you gazing and staring at somebody of the opposite gender, and so on, right for all the wrong reasons. So the same word is used to control our eyes, the same word is used to control our voices. So that's the hub. Now, the interesting thing about this word

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is Allah doesn't say, stay silent. He doesn't say stop talking, y'all have done is look, if the way that you lower your voice is an toning it down is just kind of think of yourself that you need to shift and turn and speak in a completely different direction in a completely different manner, as you normally would when you're facing this direction. So this could be your children or your family or so on and your best friends. When you talk to them. You talk to them with a certain tone and volume, and they don't have a problem with it. Everything is cool, that's great. But especially when you're talking about Allah and His Prophet, that you want to go into a different direction where

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your demeanor, your tone, your voice, everything changes. That's your whole tool. So it's a very subtle but effective way to at least understand what exactly do I have to do here. The next word that's used is Hola, EK Levine them to Hana Allahu Kulu. Belen into Hana into Hana comes from the word empty Han, an empty Han to refine and perfect grind until it's just right. That's why one of the names for a test, or a trial that you go through is Mt. Han. And the difference between Mt. Han and another word that is more commonly used, which is IP tila. If Tila is like this is a test you can't get away from it's coming to you. And there's nothing you can do about empty hands, on the

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other hand, is the kind of tests that you go through or the tests that you give somebody in order to achieve this. In order to really perfect their skills and their knowledge. You want to make sure that they really truly understand what you've just taught them. And the way that Allah gives us empty Han. Want to see if you truly truly are committed and sincere towards this religion, like you're in it and you're in it to stay. I want to see this level of commitment and perfection out of your, your sincerity out of your, your devotion. So you grinded you go through that until it reaches to a point that Allah subhanho wa Taala is pleased with. The third point about this

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is Allah Subhana Allah Tala knows there will be times we raise our voices unintentionally and that's okay. Where do we get this from? Take a look.

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This portion of the a here will equal loving and to handle love Hulu better than everybody see that word Hulu. Everybody knows what kolu is right from the word collarbone. We all know what called is the heart.

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So where does this discipline come from? How do you develop it?

00:49:53 --> 00:50:00

It's the voice right here in your heart. Subhanallah again, we might think okay, I just got to tone down my voice

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but your heart is screaming. Your heart wants to argue. Your heart wants to fight. But you're not projecting that through your voice. There's no games with Allah. You can't trick Allah can't fool him. Let says I want you to tackle and develop this in your heart for first, how do you do that? By realizing everything that we've talked about the importance of this, the wisdom behind it, and now the incredible reward, but don't lose sight of what we lose. How our deeds can be nullified, simply because this doesn't come from the heart.

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So here the fact that Allah highlights the heart shows that that's the starting point. This has to come from your intention. You've got to be willing and want and see the beauty and the wisdom in this. So Willa, he can lead in to Han Allah Who Luba home. The Taqwa is a third a and here we are seeing Taqwa again.

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Allah says that, you know, this is a heart that has real true Taqwa. Now, there's one point that we'll conclude with shortly. And the next but before we get there, the next number to the next reward for doing this is Mark fuller. And we all know what Mark fuller is. We gain Allah subhanaw taala this forgiveness, Mafia, what their children are Alvine I love this part.

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And a great reward. So what is it? We don't know?

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mentioned we don't know the reward.

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Allah is going to reward you and me in sha Allah right? He's going to reward us

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a beautiful reward that he subhanho wa Taala describes as are all theme are all theme is used to describe things that are grand, large undescribable takes your breath away. Just think about like, you know, a beautiful scenery or image like a beautiful mountain, nice greenery, beautiful rivers, whatever the case, think of the most beautiful image you can come across, that you've ever been exposed to in this world.

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And your reaction is all lean,

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or lean, you're blown away just how incredibly, incredibly amazing and beautiful it is. Allah says

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that's exactly what I'm going to give you just by developing this discipline.

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And so the last point, an immense reward awaits for those for this small but profound etiquette and immense reward. And it's amazing to me that we don't know. So now the last point, which we conclude with Inshallah, to summarize everything today, we now understand that the tone and the volume of our voice counts in the sight of Allah.

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What does that have to do with building a healthy society, a healthy community and a healthy family. And now you understand that there is more than one answer to that. It's about developing respect for people, for those around you. It's about following the tradition and the teachings of our Prophet Allah salatu salam, following the teachings of the examples of the companions, how they implemented this. It's also a very simple and effective way to develop respect, not just for yourself, but to respect for Allah's words, and the teachings of the Prophet Ali saw it was actually respecting it loving and respecting those teachings. And in turn, when you respect Allah and His Prophet, Alayhi

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Salatu was Salam. Allah blesses you to respect those around you, and in turn, they respect you. So there's respect all over the place all around, everybody's benefiting from this.

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Tell me one society that doesn't need that.

00:54:17 --> 00:54:18

That doesn't need that.

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Just Subhanallah just think about how our society lives in this day and age. Just think about you know, if you're standing in line at the cashier,

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and once you get there, you know, you order you get the wrong order. Just think about how easily people snap, they become agitated, they start screaming at the employees, there's shouting and fighting. All of that started from what because there was this fire that ignited in the heart. And it started the first stage was ignited there. So that's the boiling feeling of anger.

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frustration. So it starts cooking in the heart.

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And then it exits out of the mouth through our voices. And then what we say it's just another layer, another layer, and it can escalate from there. This is how the poor end tackles the problem from the root, right from the very root, start there in your heart.

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You then you not only develop respect, but you also develop patience. You develop mercy, tolerance, forgiveness, it seems like this one etiquette, starts drawing in, and bringing and welcoming in just a massive list of beautiful etiquettes you probably didn't even think about when you were concentrating on your voice, surprisingly, even think about those things. And here they are, by default. Is that not Baraka?

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Baraka it's just like how scholars of Arabic describe, it's when you when you plant something from the ground up, but once you plant it, and then you realize that from that one, the seed, you know, flourish to one particular plant or tree, and so many people were able to benefit and gain from it. You know, just the other day, just a couple of weeks ago, I was told about, I received like a couple of fruits from another country. And when I asked what this fruits were like, I've never had them before, and I'm hearing them eating, and it's just amazing undescribable I was asking my parents where's this fruit come from? They told me it comes from a tree in their village that's over 74

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years old.

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And it's still there. And it's still blooming and blossoming with these delicious fruits. And then it it gets to a point now after all these years, that 1000s of people all throughout the city come and benefit from it, you know, the fruits are given away or sold. And this is going on for that many years. Because of one seat, somebody planted 70 plus years ago. So you plant the seed of self control of what you say and how you say it and the tone of your voice. Then now the rest of SUTA hoogenraad. And the rest of Islam has a place to be welcomed in and it's under control. It's not just going to be spilled over because you lose control. It won't happen with Nilla. Such a beautiful

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a so profound. And with that being said, that's where we will conclude for today in sha Allah hooter item.

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What you see in front of your screen is actually next week's class B is Neela, he tarla, we will get into verse number four onwards. So it's just a quick sneak peek of what is to come. And this, as you see is all about respecting privacy. So now this surah is going to tap into a different aspect in a different area, a completely different theme. So now we have concluded those three, eight, which is all about respect to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. And now we will shift into a different theme Bethany Letty Tyler, before you all go, I'm going to

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take a look and see if we have any questions and what's going on in the comment section. Because you guys know I love to have get a sneak peek of who's online and what's going on.

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Masha Allah. So there's quite a few of you here. Does anybody have any questions, you can type it into the comments section? We have about five or five minutes or so I don't mind. As long as something comes in. We can entertain it in sha Allah. If not tell me tell me what is the Tony, something that you did today? What kind of food did you have? What kind of drink? Did you have? Do anything interesting. I've got water right here next to me. So this is what I'm having? What are you guys having.

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And in the meantime, we'll give you a few seconds the if anybody has anything on their mind, then by all means, but let me say that in the meantime, I am so appreciative. I'm so grateful. For those of you tuning in from all over the world Subhanallah so many countries, I see here, and I truly truly appreciate all of them. I appreciate that all of you continue to support us here at the Islamic Institute of Toronto. We are really doing our very best to stay connected with you during these difficult times. And so please do remember all of us in your prayers.

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And in your Dora's insha Allah Tala and that may Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us and lift this pandemic from us in sha Allah Who tiarella over me. So having said that, guys, okay, I don't see any questions. So we'll pause here for today. May Allah subhanho wa Taala reward you may Allah so He will perfect our voices in a manner that is pleasing to Him perfect the tone of our voices, the volume of our voices. May Allah subhanaw taala allow the tone of our voices to always be a reflection of respect and honor to Him and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allahumma Omean so with that being said, my brothers and sisters, metal lone soldier, bless you all. Thank you for

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being here and I will see you all next week. Same time, same place in sha Allah whoa Tara that as they're gonna level Hey, Iran, was Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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