Musleh Khan – Quranic verses that change your life #10 Who Is Allah

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The suta loss and teleclass are common in the Bible, with the suta being the most powerful Sorter. The use of "by" in English is negated, as it represents the physical appearance of Allah. The importance of "has" in relation to "has" is emphasized, and the need for a deeper understanding of who Allah is. The speaker discusses the benefits of working with a certain type of Christian, including his teachings and attributes, and encourages listeners to use their own experiences and knowledge to make their own decisions and share their views on Christian values. The segment ends with a recap of the episode and a request for listeners to reflect on the final episode.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh at hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Welcome to the final episode brothers and sisters of a series that we've called poradnik verses that change your life. This final episode in sha Allah hota Allah is all about Allah subhanho wa Taala. And what I mean by that is we're going to shift our attention now to one of the last chapters of the Quran, suta loss, and suta teleclass is one of those suitors of the poor. And that is perhaps the most famous sorter in the world. After sorbitol Fatiha It doesn't matter what level of Islam that you practice and know. And even many non Muslims know suta tele helaas we all recite it in our prayers

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and the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam used to recite this in his sunon prayers, he would recite it after polikoff he would recite it before getting into the state of air from this particular sutra is one of the most profound sutras of the entire Quran. So let's get right into it in sha Allah. And let's see Bismillahi tala with a lust permission, if this sutra can really have a meaningful impact that can create good and positive change in our spiritual lives, in short, Allahu taala. This particular suta, in order to understand that we have to go back to why the Buddha was given what was the context, what was happening when the suta was revealed. There are actually two instances that to

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share some possibility of the suburb in New Zealand or the reason of Revelation, some of the Polish, the chieftains of the coloration in Mecca, would come to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, and they would ask him, Who is this creator, or this god that you're asking us to worship? And one narration states they would ask him, What is he made of? Is what kind of hush up is he made of? What kind of wood is he carved out of? Or what kind of copper is he made from? Because those are the gods that I make and that I worship from? So what's he made out of? So the Allah subhanho wa Taala reveals so to tell us to respond to that question. Another version is that they would come to him sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam and say, Who are you asking us to? To worship? And Oh, is he the daughter of the angels? Because remember, the chieftains of the corporation, the corporation General of Mecca of the meccan period, they believe that the angels were the daughters of God or Allah subhanho wa Taala. May Allah protect us from that belief a lot. I mean, and so they asked him is he the daughter of these angels? And the prophets I said, and received sort of a plus in that particular scenario. So the point is, is that this particular sorta is in a response to these types of questions, where people are coming to the messenger list, what was inquiring asking him? Who is Allah? Who is this

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creator that you're talking about that you're preaching? How do we know him? How can we speak to him? How can we connect with him? And people ask this question all the time, and let's listen to the answer in sha Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala begins and he says, Paul, who Allahu Ahad and say to them that Allah is unique, and I use this translation very carefully to come to that in a minute. This particular surah Allah starts it off with Paul. Paul is usually a direction or guidance that Allah gives to the Prophet Allah is sought to serve over 300 times in the entire poor and Allah tells the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, what to say. And the reason why is that, the scenarios that

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starts off with oil, our priority to Allah, so Allah wants the Prophet Allah Azza wa Salaam to respond to that situation in a very specific way. So he tells him exactly what to say. And so in this case, in response to these questions, say to these people, Allahu Ahad poldhu, Allahu Ahad, so say to them, so it's not necessarily a response to a question, but it's firmness. Okay, this is what they're going to ask you. We'll make sure this is what you say in return. Whoa, Allahu Ahad, who were in this a is emphasis. So Allah subhanho, wa Taala. And even in Arabic language, you can structure the sentence differently without who up point is that it's here, and it's to emphasize

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that Hawa Allahu Allah, as even our best sort of the Allahu anhu that tells us that Allah comes from the word Ella. And Ella means the one day t that is worthy of worship worthy of all worship. Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so the point here is that this particular word, Allah is the most comprehensive name of all of the names and attributes of Allah Jalla wa ala, it's found in the end more than 3000 times, and so it's also the most common most well known historically, as well as within the quarter end, and it's the most comprehensive name, you can literally sit and have an entire series

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just explaining what the name of Allah itself represents and what it means. But then Allah subhanaw taala describes himself and he says Allahu Ahad, not Allah wa hid the difference between when you say a head and Whitehead and they both mean one. Whitehead refers to the being, the being the existence of Allah. Ahead which is what mentioned in the sutra is referring to Allah attributes the nature of who Allah is. And so this particular aim is addressing not just the Allah is one, but his nature and everything that you associate and all the things that we learn and we expect from Allah, and his names and his attributes and everything that we know of Allah, in and of itself represents

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one of the words it's the unique nature of who Allah subhanho wa Taala is LASIK, Amethi, he shows that there is nothing that is equal or similar to him. So that's what I had is referring to. So it kind of answers both questions. Well, if he is one, you see, just like us. So the fact when Allah uses the word I had it negates the fact that okay, well, he could have certain in existence, he could be one, but his attributes are similar to his creation, all of that is negated. The fact that Allah uses the word I had, it represents that him as as a creator of being a subject that is there is one and the attributes, the characteristics, the things that we know, they'll see fat, the

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descriptions of Allah subhanaw taala is also one. And this is actually alluded to it. It's found in so many Hadith but there was a particular companion that loved to recite, so tell us immediately after Fatiha before any long surah so he would recite surah, tell airfloss and then go into a longer surah every single rocker look, some of the companions had an issue with this and so they went to the Prophet Alayhi salat wa salam and said Yasuda Allah, this is what this companion is doing. After fact, he had that he would recite suta teleclass. And then a longer sorta Why is he doing this? So the Prophet alayhi salatu salam inquired, asked him, what's his reason? Why is he doing this, and

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the men responded, responded and says, I love the sea fat. I love how Allah describes himself in this surah. And I love to listen and reflect on those see fat on those descriptions of allies. So again, so in other words, it's the love of Allah that He has, that causes him to want to repeat and recite the sutra so much. And the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, when he heard that, he sent a message back to that companion, and said to him, tell him that as a result of his love for Allah, that Allah loves him back, that he is going to be in genital fear to dos he is going to be in a less paradise. So this Sora is just absolutely beautiful and profound, and it continues. So after Allah subhanho wa

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Taala introduces himself and affirms that he is one not just as in existence, but his nature is also one who will love ahead. Next day, Allahu Samad Allah is a summit summit. This is the only place in the entire poor and that the word summit is found. Some of the scholars differ what it's talking about, if you open various TIFF CEOs emammal Kota, bcfc, torani, IGNOU kathiawar. If you look at these different ffsc, or they all give certain descriptions and translations of what exactly summit is, we're going to jump to what is the most common understanding and Tafseer of the word summit, that the majority of them will first see around us. summit refers to when somebody turns to Allah in

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need, when they go through a difficult time, hardship etc. And they turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Even the atheist does this, that if they were in a plane, and it's about to go down, or God, God helped me Help me. It's naturally within our fitrah that we call and we turn to Allah, we turn to God Almighty, in the most difficult of circumstances, if you see a natural disaster coming your way, you're in a situation something terrible is happening. And the fact that your heart turns to and it leans towards a creator. That's what a summit is. And so, Allah Samad Allah is the one that we turn to, in times of need a level summit lemmya lit Well, I'm youlet he does not have any companion with

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him. So to associate anything with Allah is the most major spiritual crime in Islam. And so Allah subhanaw taala says, I don't have anybody with me or else I

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Would it be a lot to begin with? Because why? Lisa, chemically, Shay, in order for a lot to have a partner with him or to have children with him, there has to be a second there has to be something else with him. And Allah says, Let me yell it while I'm youlet. I don't have with with anybody, and I don't give or make any children. For myself, I don't make companionship for me. So, the a is negating any possibility of somebody saying, well, Allah has children or has a son or has a daughter. And secondly, Allah Himself is with anybody else, all of that is negated. May Allah so which will keep us upon the fitara Allah whom I mean, so the point here is that this particular a is

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in response exactly to some of the questions that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam would get very often he would get this especially in Mecca and poor and and seeing that how Sula tele floss is a mecu sorta it makes perfect sense right that Allah subhanaw taala would respond in such a way so, the fact that chieftains would ask him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Okay, well, what about his daughters, the angels. This negates that if other religions came and they associated partners, children, companionship with Allah, it negates it. And then finally Allah subhana wa Taala concludes. Well, me akula who Khufu one ahead, I mean, obviously, this a is recited differently in

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other care all at you. As you all know, there are 10 authentic, piddle, or recitations of the poor and the most common is Khufu one ahead, while me akula, who Khufu one had Allah subhanho wa Taala, his Khufu one I had, in other words, a lot doesn't depend on anyone, he doesn't need anyone, a lead doesn't survive as a result of what his creation does or doesn't do. He is not in reliance on anything or anyone. And so Allah is laser chemistry, he Shay, there is nothing that can be equal to him. Otherwise, again, as we mentioned, he wouldn't be Allah subhanho wa Taala either. And so what this sorta does, is that it captures a number of different principles for us to really appreciate

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the Quran what the Quran is teaching us. And this is why I tell a lot of students, whenever you're debating who is Allah? Or who is God, or what is God and trying to prove Alice's existence. Understand that that does require a natural sense of faith or inclination or faith from within. Like, there has to be a part of you that is willing to understand and have an open mind to see and study just exactly how detailed the quarter end is. how detailed the life of the messenger at least salat wa salam is, all this questions in the scenarios that came about that he would be asked about. And the answers were so precise, they were so specific, all of these intricate details that we have

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of explaining who Allah is, all are these, all of these things are indications of a less existence, it's how we describe. And this is one of the things that we learn, as a general rule of thumb, is that whenever you talk to somebody and you ask them to describe something, usually somebody that's very generic, as opposed to somebody that can give you all the intricate details about something. It's, it's obvious that okay, if you're trying to figure out who's telling the truth, you would always go with the one who's more detailed, because they have more information. And it gives you an account as though that that person was actually there. And they saw this for themselves, or they're

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well acquainted of what you're asking about, as opposed to the person who is generally speaking, very generic. Yeah, I saw it. I don't know exactly what I saw, but I know it was there. You know, how reluctant are you to believing that person as opposed to the person who gives you a good, detailed, solid, comprehensive answer? That's what the poor n is. That's how it describes what Allah is. And so I tell students this all the time, if you're going to have this conversation, make sure that you're having a conversation with somebody who's willing to understand, listen to all the details, all of the components that come into this conversation of who Allah is what Allah is, if he

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exists, where does he exist and how we connect with him. Sula, airfloss, helps us to do that, for especially those of us that are the Muslims listening to this. Just keep in mind, that Sunil Klaus, our Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam told us that the person who recites it, it's as though and memorizes it it's as though they have recited a third of the poor, or they've they've received a third of the poor and what does that mean? It doesn't mean like it's equal soda teleclass is equal to one third of the poor and because one third of the poor n is devoted to tell heed to the oneness of a lot to our, to our creed system, that we have our belief system with Allah, one third of the

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poor and is there so what is this actually talking about? The one

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Third that the messenger RNA subsystem is referring to our scholars explain that it's referring to a third of the buttock and blessings of the quarter end. And if you sit there and you study sorta a class with detail, you'll notice that it also captures the third of the poor end that talks about and introduces a lot to us. That's the connection there. But Sunita airfloss is one of those suitors a lot placed extra Baraka and blessing in it so much. So just listen to this a beautiful, beautiful, I guess you could say benefit that one of our scholars had taught us that. It's amazing that there are two suitors that Allah azza wa jal put Baraka in it that no other suitors have, and that is su

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little airfloss and sawtell catheter, and they are the two shortest sutras in the entire port, and one of them is talking about La ilaha illAllah and suta. Tal katha is referring to Mohammed or Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in our clinical catheter, we gave you the fountain of El caltha was it talking to the Prophet alayhi salatu was Salam. And so these two Sutras, they complement each other and they complete the message of La ilaha illAllah Muhammadan rasul Allah. And it just so happens that these are the two suitors that Allah placed extra Baraka in the sense that it doesn't matter where you are, it doesn't matter who you are, there's a good chance you're going

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to memorize the surah. It's that simple. It's easy a love, put it in a short, comprehensive manner, that every Muslim and even non Muslim can understand and read it through and even memorize it. Even when somebody reverts to Islam. One of the first sutras that after Fatiha they memorize is so little Atlas, and eventually sawtell catheter, and so on and so forth. We recite these sodas all the time, every single day. And so it really shows that the soda in particular is very beautiful, extremely important and comprehensive. And, you know, one of these days, we will spend some time and do an entire session on the top secret of this beautiful soda. This is the sutra that can change your

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life. And with that being said, this is our final episode in this series. And the reason why I chose this particular sutra is very simple. Brothers and sisters, if all of the episodes that we have done on this subject didn't get to you didn't understand it, or what have you. That's a weakness on my part. It's not the message itself. But at least my humble request, is that you take this final episode, and reflect on this final episode. I hope that inshallah once you finish listening to this, that maybe you can go online, download a nice TIFF seed or a PDF or something, a nice TIFF sort of pseudo class and read it through. And I promise you, I promise you sooner till a class, even as a

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Muslim will change your life, you will appreciate Allah subhanho wa Taala so much more, you will get to know him so much more. Certainly philos. If there was ever a soda, that was like a biography of Allah, it would be this particular sort of introducing who Allah is giving us an insight to some of his names and attributes, explaining to us the presence and the existence of Allah, explaining to us even further what that means to the average layman person. You know, when we think about Allah's existence, can we compare that to any other existence, this is one of the problems that many who don't believe in Allah don't believe in a creator have an issue with that, if they can't make that

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connection, deny the whole concept altogether, that he doesn't exist. So within a class helps us to navigate through all of that. So if none of the episodes really impacted your life, then hopefully so little Klaus will. This is why I've chosen to end the series with this particular short soda in this short reminder, very short soda, very comprehensive meaning. And we saw this from some from many of the companions who love this soda and recited it often. And the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam told us that this is a representation of the third of the third of the quarter and in terms of its blessing, and it's Baraka. And so I pray that when you recite this order, when you reflect on

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it, and you've memorized it, that you receive the bottom of it as well in sha Allah hoteller. And so with that being said, as we always do when we conclude a series, I want to thank first and foremost Allah subhanho wa Taala for allowing us to complete the series. Number two, I want to thank all of you who listen to this every single day and you know who you are. I see your names in the comment sections all the time, you're always sending your salams you're always there commenting something and you know some of you who find or see some of the trolls that come online and make you know, awful comments and insults, I can see that some of you handle those comments. Just want to encourage

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Everybody and to remind everybody, don't get caught up with haters don't get caught up with online trolls, these people literally have no life, they're just useless at the end of the day in the sense that, you know, Subhanallah, you have nothing better to do in your day in your life than to come and harass somebody that's just reminding people about their religion. So you know, just try if you're going to respond to that to that kind of message, just try to do it in a way that, that you don't put yourself at that level, show that you have some sense of respect and dignity and honor as a human being. So I'm going to leave that to how you choose to do that. And finally, thank you all.

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Male Lysol bless you for your support. And I guess you're wondering what we're going to do next, what's our next series? Well, you're gonna have to stay tuned, because tomorrow in sha Allah huhtala, we're going to start a brand new series. And as a matter of fact, we're gonna shift away from the core end for a little while. And I want to bring your attention to a beautiful collection that I have, it's a one title of 12 volumes of a collection of something that I'm going to share with you not all 12 volumes, of course, or else, the series will go on to like 1000 episodes or so. But just I'm going to extract for you some of the most beautiful characteristics and qualities of a

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believer, but not just the believers in general, but one particular individual. And I'm going to show you what that book is, I'll bring it for you on camera tomorrow. So you'll see it for yourself. And I'm gonna explain to you what we're going to do and how we're going to explain this this subject what the subject is even, but I don't know, I think I'm going to have a little fun today and just leave you in suspense, wondering, what's he going to talk about what book is this he's going to do, I have the book at home, just gonna leave that with you, right, and inshallah that's my cliffhanger for this for this series. So just like a mellow hybrid, please stay tuned. Again, as you all know,

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those of you who tuned in for the first time, as you all know, I don't have any specific times when I do this, it's really that when I start my day, this is one of the first things that I do before I do anything for my entire day. So I kind of developed that routine for the past three or four months now. So just look out for it for roughly around this time. So it's usually around 11 to one o'clock eastern standard time. And you can look out for this if you want to join us live otherwise it's always online, it's on my page, you can click on it and watch it however as many times as you want anytime that you want inshallah so it'll always be there for you. Last but not least, I do have a

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YouTube channel so if you don't have Facebook or your this is not your thing. I'm on YouTube as well. I have a YouTube channel, every single episode that I post that I make I put it on the channel as well. So it's going to be there for you in sha Allah hotel Allah, just like malachite and everyone and stay tuned for a brand new series tomorrow in sha Allah, I promise you in sha Allah, you're going to love it. Just like Molo hydromat Allah subhanho wa Taala keep you safe and healthy wherever you are, was sent Mr Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh two

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