Musleh Khan – A Proud Canadian Muslim

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the meaning behind the phrase "be proud of your country" in Islam, with pride being a feeling that is encouraging and beneficial. They also touch on the use of pride in political and cultural settings, including religion or politics. The speakers emphasize the importance of protecting privacy and learning to be proud of one's success to create a strong community. They stress the need for acceptance and clarity in one's own culture and community, as it is essential for building a strong message and legacy.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Alhamdulillah

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Nakamoto who want to start you know who when it's tough hurdle when are all the below him in Shuri and fusina woman see tiara Marina, Mayor de la fille mo de la la woman, Lil feller, her de ella. Why should one La ilaha illallah wa hula Sheree Kayla wash shadow under Mohammed Abu who was Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala early he was herby woman so Darla energy, or Mr. nebby so Nettie elomi Dini, bad for taco la

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fukada Marana subhanho wa Taala Phaeton Zd EU Hill Athena M and a tupple la helppo, to a party, wallet mo tune Illa, one to musli Moon from buried.

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First and foremost, above, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to shower His love, and acceptance upon each and every one of us here today that observe the day, the time and the blessing hour of yomo jamara. Long, I mean, normally, I am very devoted, and committed to the opinion that the men bottom is the stage where whatever whatever is being given, it should always be related to either matters of the heart, or matters related to faith and Amen. This is not a political stage. But sometimes there are certain things that that should be talked about and should be addressed depending on the circumstance. So as you have heard, in sha Allah hotevilla, after this whole debate, and Sala, there

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will be a flag ceremony. And there were a few Muslims that were asking, just at least from an Islamic perspective, what this really signifies, and what's the wisdom and purpose behind this. Initially, I had prepared that I was only going to speak on this subject for maybe five minutes and get into a different topic. But in sha Allah hotelera my topic for you today is titled, a proud, patriotic Canadian Muslim. And I think this is a topic that every single one of us need to understand. We need to at least be educated of what exactly it means to be committed to a society, to a culture, or to even a country that you live in, or you belong to, first and foremost, a level

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above this subject of being proud or having pride. Normally, when Muslims hear the term pride, they immediately think of all the bad things that are associated with pride. And this is not of anyone's fault, the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam defined to us exactly what pride is. And he mentioned Salalah, while he was selling them that pride is when you lose respect for someone. And number two, when you look down on people, and this is the type of pride that is forbidden in Islam, we don't have the right to look down on people, because of our culture because of our background because of our achievements. And at the same token, we don't have the right to disrespect others

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simply because they haven't been given privileges that we enjoy. However, pride has several avenues and categories to them.

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Pride can actually be something encouraged.

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And pride can actually be something that is compulsory and why'd you have upon you.

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It's encouraged for the parents, that when you see your kid he brings home a good report card, what do you do? You congratulate your child and you're proud of your child. If you've achieved something in your life that you worked hard to achieve, and you see all of the positive results, you're proud of yourself. You're proud of your business. You're proud of your company, you're proud of certain efforts and the results that come out of those efforts. This isn't a shitty at pride. That's Mr. Habits encouraged Why? Because it also encourages people in a positive sense to also do the same. So wherever you see good the messenger Allah His salatu wa sallam told us encourage it. Then there's

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pride that's wajib

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we belong to the oma of Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and incore en Allah azza wa jal says several times Alhamdulillah he loves he hadn't and he had the woman qunar Lena Italia, Lola and her done a lot

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Several times Ally's always talking about praise Allah because he guided you, he guided you to what he guided you to Islam. And also thank him because you weren't guided towards another direction. In another surah Allah azza wa jal says what color in many mineral muslimeen the true believer is the one that believes in Allah does righteous deeds, but the A in suited for sila concludes and it says what parlor and they also say, in many mineral muslimeen, I am from an amongst the Muslims. On the one hand, this area, there's a sense of humbleness and modesty Alhamdulillah, Allah made me Muslim, I am humbled by that honor. But at the same time, and only poor and can do this, there's a sense of

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pride and joy, an honor Alhamdulillah, I am proud to be Muslim. So pride has its place. And as long as you know which category, a particular sense of pride belongs to, then the concept makes sense. So to feel proud about something is actually is actually Islamic. Now, the second, I guess, part of the title is patriotic, or patriotism. And this is where sometimes the confusion comes about, because there is still a stigma attached to this phrase, when you call yourself a Muslim, of somehow being patriotic towards a country. Now, let me explain to you a couple of things. Number one, understand what patriotism is, by definition, it's somebody who is devoted or emotionally attached to their

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homeland. And that could be for several reasons. It could be just simply because you love where you grew up where you were born, you love the people the atmosphere, it could be some sort of historical factor. And it could even be political reasons as well, your devoted and you're patriotic towards that land. Whatever the case is, the point is, is that your homeland, you love where you came from. Now, if I ask the older parents and grandparents sitting here,

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those of you who have migrated from other parts of the world, for the most part, most of you miss where you've come from,

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and you love your homeland, you love that you know, the lifestyle that you have, and how you grew up in the people, etc, etc. You miss it, and your heart is attached to it to a certain degree. But if you ask me, and if you ask any of these students, their home is here. If you ask them what kind of foods they like, they're not going to tell you biryani or this or that they're going to say, well, we like burgers and fries. We like milkshakes, we like ice cream like this is their culture, this is their heritage. So when we think about an ice when we I'm referring to second and third generation Muslims, when we think about where our land is, where our home is, we're not going to think about

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where our grandparents came from, we're gonna think about where our grandchildren are gonna die. We're gonna think about ourselves in which land we live in, and we might die in. So the idea is that this is home for us.

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And speaking on behalf of someone who has traveled to different parts of the world, I can honestly tell you, that I love where I belong and where I live. I love this land. And I have made a commitment to myself and for my family that this is where I want to be. And I have my reasons why I do that. And I've been given opportunities to live in other countries. I've been offered passports and citizenships for other countries, but this is home for me. So being patriotic, you can take all the good things that you enjoy a land but it doesn't mean that you have to support every single element of legislation and politics, etc, etc. Or fitness that's involved. Let me give you an

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example. The messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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was born in a city

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that when he was growing up in that city, there were things that were happening that you and I could not imagine in 2016

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can you think for a moment imagine if you were making power of around the caliber and the person beside you was

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completely *.

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That was the time of the messenger sallallahu. It was.

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Can you imagine that when the order for prohibiting alcohol was given, there were people in Medina that had massive containers and barrels of alcohol that they actually lived on. Because back then clean water was a very scarce thing.

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It was very difficult to find. So what they used to do, and we're talking about companions, what they used to do is they used to have large containers and reservoirs of actual liquor and alcohol, and they would drink this stuff not to get drunk. That was just the result of them trying to quench their thirst. They were simply thirsty so they would go and drink.

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My question to you is, in this day and age, do you know families that have that amount of alcohol in their homes? Do you see people walking around, completely *, but at the same time, in the name of worshipping and obeying Allah subhanho wa Taala. Sir, if you think we got problems, then all you need to do is simply go back to the Sierra, go back to the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then you'll see what real fitna was about. Now, despite all of this,

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despite all of these personal issues of alcohol, and *, and Xena and crime was rampant in Mecca at that time,

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there were even more serious problems from a political point of view, because Mecca was a city of schilke idolatry. And not only was it a city of sherkin, but at the same time, it was also a place where certain individuals built an entire industry of worshipping everything except Allah. Or Omar, Bill Hopper, Brody, Allah who I know he always said, if you want to know the blessing of Islam, then study what people were doing before Islam came. Because people they worshiped anything they could find there are stories of homes that were worshipping the concrete on their walls. They took that as a date of worship. There were there are stories of families that would slaughter an animal and they

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would save the blood and then pray to it. And they would wipe it on their walls. Like we actually have narrations and stories of people doing some absurd things in the name of worship.

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Still, my point is,

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when the messenger salallahu alayhi wa sallam was traveling from Mecca to Medina, he stopped in a small city called El hasbara.

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And he turned towards Mecca.

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And he spoke, and he said, Oh metka by a law, you are the most beloved land on earth. And if I didn't get the order to leave you, I would have stayed and devoted my life to you.

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That was the land that had all of these problems. All of this fitna, but still the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam loved it. Then as life continued, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us in an authentic hadith in Sahih, Muslim,

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even if the day of judgment was tomorrow,

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go ahead and plant that tree.

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Take care of the earth, take care of the land that you belong to. So you might disagree on certain rules. But we still have a responsibility to love and protect where we live. We still have a responsibility to enjoy and be grateful of the blessings Allah gives you living in this part of the world. And if you still are confused with what I'm saying, all you have to do is turn on the TV and look at what any Muslim country is up to what's happening to them, their infrastructure, and I'm not getting into the politics. I'm just want you from a bird's eye view. Just take a look and see and then look at your circumstance. Alhamdulillah Allah gave you an opportunity, you can come to a

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Masjid and you can pray jumaan and you can do so peacefully. And you have a job to go back to you have children you can raise you can have access to healthy water, good food, you have all of these things clean water.

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These are the things that you're patriotic to. These are the things that you love.

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And all those that are misguided around you patriotism is you don't abandon them. The province I sell them was a minority in

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And in Medina, what did he do? There were tribes of different cultures and religions living in Medina when he arrived there, what did he do? Did he say all of these kofod we can't live here we got to go find somewhere else. He stayed there, and he started doing business with them. And the first thing he did was not build a Masjid not build a school. The first thing he sallallahu alayhi wasallam did when he arrives in Medina, is he built a brotherhood.

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Let's all get along with one another before we can get along with everybody else around us. So he said to everybody, find a brother, and stick with that individual, and share your wealth and knowledge with each other. Because when you create a strong family, then by default, you create a strong community.

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And the ripple effect began.

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That different tribes from the Jews and the Christians and others, they started noticing this movement. And this is how Islam began to spread. I've said this before,

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in 2016, this might be something difficult for some of us to understand.

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But I think this is the best time to be Muslim. Right now.

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I think this is the best time for you to be proud of your identity, to be proud of your label as Muslim, to be proud of who Allah brought you on earth to be somebody devoted to him. subhanho wa Taala you might be the only Muslim in your workplace, probably in your entire building, you might be the only hijabi on the entire street you belong to. But because of that, people around you can still see and observe. Who are these people and what do they do?

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So you still act just by purpose only you still act as a form of guidance. Use the time that you have at this day and age and in this land to be something positive. Don't be like what some Muslims do. They clutter themselves in a bubble.

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They don't want to talk or integrate with anyone just want to be by themselves. This is an I can you know you can prove this is actually contrary to the legacy of the Prophet sallallahu it was said them and even in poor en as well. Do you all remember the area in soo little apostles? In where Allah azza wa jal spoke to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he had his uncle in his arm and he was dying, I will call him and the prophets I send him is trying to give the message to his his his uncle, because his uncle was like a father to him. So he's trying to tell them Oh, my uncle just say the Shahada say it. And his last words was I'm not going to go against what my forefathers

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believed in. So he never took his Shahada. So you know what Allah told them a Nikola demon, but you can't guide the people that you love, while Akina La Jolla, de Masha, but it's only Allah that guides most people that quote this idea, they stop there. The conclusion of the AI is just as important, Allah concludes that and he says, well, who will be more hated him.

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At the end of the day, Allah has the deeper knowledge of who is guided your job. And my job is to make Tableau

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of this message, just say the message and teach the message message. And if you don't know how to say it, you don't know how to teach it, then become the message itself. Live and act like the message. The rest is Allah's job.

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Allah will take whatever message you give. And it's his territory, his job, that that message now solidifies with the people who see it or listen to it. That's what patriotism is. We want good for the people around us. And then the last portion of the title of this hope but Bob

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is a Canadian, Muslim.

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We're Canadians. Most of us if not all of us. We have passports that say Canada on it. That's just our label.

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But the most important thing to you at the end of the day is what we'll call it in any minute a Muslim in your Muslim

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and you can have both the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a Muslim, but he took pride in telling everybody in Mecca, that he was a hora sheep. He was from the Quran. He was

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Hashimi he was from the lineage of and Hashem. Then he also said, allowed to be, and he was also from amongst the Arabs. So even though he was proud of his descent and his lineage, it was just the title because before he died, you all know the farewell sermon, what did he tell everybody? The Arab is no different from another Arab, the Christian or the Jew or other religions are no different from one another, the black is no different from the red, meaning it's a phrase that it's referring to white with a tint, a reddish tint to their skin, and the red is no different from the black. The only thing that separates us is what

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our piety, it's our Islam, it's our Muslim in us. That's the only thing that separates us. So it's fundamentally wrong. And in some cases, it actually could be held on if you go to another country, and you tell those people look at you guys, I'm from this country. I'm from Canada. I'm from America, I'm from Europe, and you start looking down at them. This is a problem that scholars have talked about. This is where patriotism becomes hot on.

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Because at the end of the day you want which luxuries you have.

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Your heart must wanted for others who don't have

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and you pray and you hope that they're in sha Allah their circumstances improve. And you will have Baba conclude with one final point in sha Allah hotel Allah in the second part of the hookah, I hope and I pray that at least at this point, there is some clarity to why we do certain things. And where our position is at one at the one hand, we can still integrate in our culture in our society in the place that you and I call home. But at the same time, we don't do that at the cost of risking who we really are. Muslims, may Allah azza wa jal continue to give us strength. And may Allah azza wa jal continue to increase us in knowledge and fifth of knowledge, true clear understanding of the

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knowledge given to us along our kulu matters. merriwa Sofitel lalibela Kumari Surrey Muslim minimalism festival in the hall of a photo Rahim.

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. While early he was hobby he woman whaler. My final point

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is whenever you have ceremonies like the one that will happen after Salah in sha Allah, look at it as a great opportunity. A great opportunity to present yourself as a person of La ilaha illa Allah in America, wherever you are, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took pride

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in walking in every corner of Mecca that he could, even in cities where there were no Muslims at that time. He still walked into pot if

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and he knew that the people there were going to attack him or insult him. And what happened to him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he walks in for five and he was almost killed, by whom, by children.

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Children started attacking him throwing stones at him. he bled as he was walking out of if he bled for over one kilometre before he found a pole and he leaned against it and he started to hold the wounds on his face. But sapan Allah, what is he say? Oh ALLAH forgive the people of PA, in Nome Laila more because they don't know.

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Still, after all that he went through, he actually made a dua for them. And today, I thought if over 90% of the city are Muslims,

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this is what you have to be. This is what I have to be.

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We have to take pride in who we are. And whatever land Allah has put you in, be happy. We have to be content. But we also have to make sure that we project them mega the message and the legacy of our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that's our way of life. And as long as we understand that, there isn't going to be no political system, there isn't going to be any ceremony. There isn't going to be any legislation that will take away that from you. Once you understand what it means to be a Muslim, and to act and behave like one wherever you go, then you will always find pride in being a part of whatever culture and whatever land you belong to. And so having said that,

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we ask Allah azza wa jal to give us strength.

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Make our message of La ilaha illAllah Muhammadan rasul Allah, loud and clear for the world to see who we really are. We are a nation we are an oma of peace, of safety of tranquility. We are law abiding citizens. How many Muslims know there are actual physical rulings of when you should honk the horn in your car, you can actually be sinful honking the horn in your car if you do it at the wrong place for the wrong reasons. We have rules all to that degree. Because why we are law abiding citizens.

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There was once upon a time and I conclude with this story just for you to think

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chef bin basil Rahim Allah was traveling from Medina to Mecca for Umrah. He fell asleep in the car. As many of you know when he was six years old, he became blind. So he he was blind for the rest of his life. His driver was passing through several checkpoints.

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And every time you pass through a checkpoint, you have to show your ID.

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So every checkpoint check members will pull out his ID and take it back, pulled out his ID and take it back. And then he eventually fell asleep. When they got to the borders of Mecca. They were crossing the borders. But chef embezzler, Rahim Allah was asleep and the driver didn't want to wake him up. So they got to the police officer to the Customs and Immigration guys. And the man recognized that was checked in by the Mufti of Saudi Arabia. So he recognized him. And he said, Go ahead. I don't need to see his ID.

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So they let them go. When chef bin Baz woke up when he arrived at the harem, he asked his driver, did we pass the border security? The driver said yes, everything is good. He says, but nobody asked me for my ID I have it in my pocket. The driver says to him, the officer knew you knew us and he recognizes so he let us go. Chef been basil rahima Hola. Grab the driver and said, Take me back to border security.

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And let me this is about 90 kilometres from the huddle. Take me back to him. The driver drove back to the border security. Chef bambas showed his ID and then he says Now I will enter because this is a health that you have over me. This is the law of the country so I have to obey it so panela

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take that story and reflect this is who we are. May Allah azza wa jal give us strength. May Allah azza wa jal continue to guide us to his most beautiful way of life and keep us there and Islam along mean, we send peace and salutations to our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam kemah Ahmad on s AP Hana who utter Allah Phaeton Zd, even Allah, hawala ecotel who use saloon Island NaVi Yeah, you Hello Tina M and o solu. Ali, he was suddenly moved to Lima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Allah Allah Mohammed kemah salata, Allah Ibrahim awada early Ibrahima innaka hamidah Majeed along Moffitt and Massimino when we met when we Nina one minute here even Humala omelet in a cup or even semi or Mooji

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Buddha or wet Allahumma Indian and silicon agenda with macabre la Hermann Colin a woman on our other becoming another one Mercado de la Herman colon alarma or banana Tina for dunya hacer una waffle authority has been working out as urban now supernormal because obesity our male seafood our salmon Island more Selena well hamdulillah are below the mean

Jumuah Khutbah/Sermon/Talk given on October 21, 2016.

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