Abdullah Hakim Quick – Fiqh Of Seerah 01

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary ©
The importance of Islam's guidance and practical implementation is discussed, along with upcoming conferences for young Muslims to discuss issues related to Islam. The speakers emphasize the need for people to use experiences to gain guidance and knowledge, as it is used to guide individuals and their lifetimes. They also touch on the spirituality of the universe and the concept of space-time, as well as a new film, The Biggest Worse, which describes a spiritual transformation and is a series of talks about the spiritual world. They conclude by saying they will take a break from usual calls to talk about the universe and the universe.
AI: Transcript ©
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Patience. You conveyed the noble message, Rod a slide

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please be upon my bill

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Manny Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa shadowgun La ilaha illallah wa Lia Salim, were a shadow under Mohammed Abdullah who was a solo pata Milan big one more saline, a lot more Salli wa sallam, Allah ab decoda zuleika Muhammad, wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa badak herself.

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All praise the due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. And surely Allah is the friend and protector of the righteous. And I bear witness that Allah is one and has no partners, and that Mohammed the son of Abdullah, is a servant in his last messenger. And may Allah always and constantly send peace and blessings to Mohammed, to his family, to his companions, to all those who call to his way and establish his sooner to the Day of Judgment. As to what follows my beloved brothers and sisters, Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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This is the beginning of a series of discussions,

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a series of research of understanding to try to get a full fic a full understanding of the life of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

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And this discussion is set up not only to

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open the door for you, in terms of research in this very important topic, but also for discussions in how we can make this study become one which is relevant to the world that we are living in today. And this is of critical importance of relevancy. And I recently, just last week,

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I traveled throughout Western Canada, with the United Islam Awareness Week, team, and 100 law students in

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Saskatchewan and Saskatoon, Regina,

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in Alberta,

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Edmonton, and British Columbia and Vancouver. The Student Unions came together

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and had open programs for the whole society to try to discuss the code and itself and how it impacted on the world.

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On Saturday, just last Saturday, the students came together with community members in Edmonton. And they had a generation's conference where they were bringing together the younger generation and the older generation to try to look at our situation, and to try to develop

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practical means of coming out of the situation we are in today. And just making this trip again reminded me

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of the very critical nature of the Muslim community. In a sense, we are at a crossroads in one direction, there is a well orchestrated plan to destroy us. It's well orchestrated, it's well financed. It is intended to literally either wipe Muslims off the face of the planet Earth, or to divert us from the path of Islam into another path. So that we would become Muslims in name and not in practice. And the younger generation especially is feeling at this point in time, a type of frustration

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of wanting to know

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what is the real Islam?

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What direction should we actually go in?

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And this is a question now which is arising.

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In so many parts of the world, there are scholarly gatherings for different issues. You know, what is Islam stance really on this? What is Islam stance in other? A politically, economically right now there's a conference in Morocco, where scholars have come together from around the world to discuss

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minorities living in Muslim countries. How do Muslims deal with people who are not Muslim in their own society. And when we look at what happens in these conferences, and the resolutions that have come out

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Many of the conferences already, you find that in most cases, they will give you something directly connected to the theater of the Prophet Muhammad SAW something, you literally see aspects of his life

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come out as the solutions. And you will literally see that we recognize that Islam is one, one thing, and Muslims are another.

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Muslims can live up to

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the level that a loss of our dollar wanted us to, or we can actually go off the path. And the prophet SAW some of them said, in one occasion, he drew a straight line. And he said, this is Serato mustafi.

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And there are little, he drew little lines. And he said, at the head of each one of these little paths is a shaytaan, to take you off the path. So literally these obstacles have been in front of Muslims from time immemorial. This is nothing new. And the blessing that we have is that Allah subhanaw taala has given us the last prophet Mohammed salah and

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rolled out his life in such a way that we could actually get practical solutions for the problems that we are facing. Today on the ground. We have huge numbers. We have Muslims all over the planet.

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We have beautiful masters. We have Islamic universities,

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we have different aspects of Islamic life, Islamic banks are coming up Islamic food, we excel in food halau food is now reaching the four corners of the earth.

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There are so many issues, which are very optimistic for us very positive for us, and can lead to an optimism but at the same time, in terms of bringing it together,

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bringing it together into a lifestyle.

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In other words, you may have sections of it. But how do we bring it together? How do we practically bring

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our understandings together. And this is where the Sierra of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salam is so important to us. Because it is practical guidance. It's practical guidance on how to really come about this understanding of Islamic lifestyle. And I Isha wrote the law on how I was asked about

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the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. And he said, she said, if you want to see the court and walking and talking, then look at the Messenger of Allah is literally the court and walking and talking.

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So, it is a literal, it is an IT IS A

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an implementation, a living implementation of the book,

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which is still alive, it is still there for us. But the challenge that we face, is that if we do not understand the circumstances around the Prophet's life, if we did not understand the environment that he came in, if we don't understand the challenges that you face, then we cannot fully understand

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what Allah subhanaw taala was meant for us. In other words, the code and being revealed over a 23 year period was revealed for living issues. It's not a book, a dead book, an intellectual book, it is actually a living guidance from the Creator of the heavens and the earth, which is which is structured specifically around the life of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him in order to guide his companions

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and also to guide us. So this really is the miraculous nature of the book of Allah subhanaw taala and many people would say,

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but history you know, you're crying over spilled milk is something in the past, we had a nice we had a glorious thing, what is the value of history today we should really be studying color and we should study the Sunnah we should study aqeedah

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we should be studying so called Islamic sciences. But what they what they don't they don't recognize because of the Western concept of history. The Western concept of history is a dry

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type of listing of dynasties and names and facts and you know what not which is twisted around in a particular way to meet the agenda of the author. We're talking about something else we're talking about

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Living experiences connected to the revelation.

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And surprisingly enough, scholars have found that over one third of the Quran is history. One third of the book of Allah is what is called cosas de cosas de Paris parables, the stories and the stories were originally revealed to us. Not really as entertainment not as a nice story, to to read to your children before they go to bed. But the stories of creation, the stories of Adam alayhis salaam of the evil of the beliefs, that the stories of the NBR the stories of the great nations add, and demoed and medallion solid, all the different stories that are in the court and have been revealed to us

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in a way that we could benefit from and in a way that we could gain direct guidance to put into our lives. And the court an answer to use a verse 111 Allah subhanaw taala tells us laqad Cara Fie Casa see him able to totally Allah Al Bab, that in their histories in their stories, there are great lessons for men of understanding or for people of understanding hula l bap. So these stories that we are reading,

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there is a bra.

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And a bra here means there are lessons, there are gems of wisdom. For all Al Bab. These are the people who reflect upon things. And Babel is not the average person actually it is somebody who's who's actively thinking.

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So this story is these stories are set up for people who are who are actively thinking and looking for solutions to the problems that we are living in. And these historical narrations

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set in a certain environment, teach us certain quiet certain principles. So there are principles that we learn from these divine circumstances. And it is it is taking these principles and putting them in a living form. This is what we call fit pulsera. You see, because the word fic we think it just means jurisprudence. How do you make will do, how do you make soporific literally an Arabic means fam or understanding. That's what the word means understanding. So you can use other than other physical Islamic

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like meaning jurisprudence, you can use to mean your understanding of issues, your field of life. And the scholars even say there's a physical physical Walker, that is your understanding of reality. And that is a crucial form of fit. Because there are many great scholars who can give you information about the past. But how many of the scholars can make that information relevant to the present? See, so the issue behind fake Coursera

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is to be able to reflect upon the past, and learn how to live that reflection

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in the lifestyle that we are living today. And this, I believe is crucial in our,

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our solutions to the great challenges and obstacles and problems that we are facing on the ground because everybody and his uncle experts on Islam now your people, CNN, BBC, CBC people, they're experts on Islam now. And they're talking about Sunni and Shia Khalifa and the mom and you know, they're using terms they have no understanding what it means.

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But they throw out the terms in a professional way.

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And so, this is where the younger generation,

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you know, has a type of frustration and find themselves in a confusion and this is where the fitness era helps to ground us. It helps to ground us in perspective. If we have the right perspective, this is really crucial. So these stories have great lessons for us. And from amongst the stories, the beneficial stories, the greatest story is the story of the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salem. His theater itself we call us Sierra right so you can say see it out in a general sense, just me biography, right. But you when you when we say us, Sierra, we're talking about the biography, meaning the biography of the Prophet Mohammed bin Abdullah, peace and blessings be upon him and his life is

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connected to the lives of

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companions, and the Prophet peace be upon him said hydro NASS colony to Medina, yo Luna home. So mela, Xena, your Luna home, the best people of my generation,

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then the generation that follows them, and then the generation that follows them. And so this connection now, this, this

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understanding of the early generations is really crucial for us today.

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And so we have in front of us

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a Syrah.

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Again, why should we study it? Like, what benefit Are you got to get out of this? Now, some people will say it's a nice benefit, you get a nice lecture.

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And, you know, you come to Islamic Institute of Toronto, and they even have a new room. And in some places, they might even have coffee and tea in the back for you and doughnuts and you know, things like that to make you feel good. But we need to practically think you need to, you need to try to understand, what are you going to get out of this course.

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Right, you need to have an understanding of it. And the first thing is you got to have a deeper understanding in terms of the personality of the Prophet Muhammad peace before. And he has been described by the court and as a swan, Hassan,

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he is the best example. And so you will learn more about his personalities because people say, Well, you know, they talk about the Messenger of Allah. And some people try to attack him and say things against him. And we say no, you know, we love the Prophet peace of mind. But do you know who you actually love?

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Do you know what his personality is? Do you even know what he looked like? Do you know how he reacted in circumstances in his life? Okay, this is what the Ficus Sierra actually starts to give to the people who are studying. Also, it helps us to put in perspective, the phases of Islam. We want to study Actually, we want to begin before Islam

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and set a background for you. And then move into the time of the revelation. So you will have a feel of the world at the time of the revelation. Okay, the more you more we understand that world is the closer we can actually get to it. Because the world changes rapidly. I mean, even if you look at Russia, used to be called, you know, USSR, and now it's broken up into a lot of state, they even have to change the maps. If we look at Canada, which is actually an Iroquois word, Canada, which means a large village, if you go back four or 500 years, right, you will see there's hardly any Europeans here

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is a completely different world. And people have lived in Canada for over 10,000 years. Think about that 10,000 years, connect that to 500. Right, so what is the real Canada

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so if you really want to understand what Canada is what this land actually has produced, you'd have to go back in time, you'll never understand the First Nations people. Unless you can go back before the coming of the Europeans

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you'd have to go back into this society and understand the achievements that they have made in order to be able to fully understand the first nation. So we will learn about the meccan period, about the hegira the migration about the Medina period, right so you'll be able to see the phases now and get a better understanding. So when you read a chapter of the court and that it says Surah makhija.

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It's a Mexican chapter. Now you know what that means. Okay, somebody is okay Mexican chapter Mashallah Mecca. But what does it mean? What was the circumstances around the coming of these particular chapters, also the Quran itself now this again, this will open up the court and for us, as a living book, how it actually was revealed, how it impacted on people and the stages, it's stages right. Then we fully understand the book that we actually reading, instead of just reading the book as tilava like in Ramadan, people just read, right now we need to understand also, we understand, through this, the companions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW some, because you will see that

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many of the verses in the Quran and chapters were actually revealed around companions, and things that they went through as well as companions as the Sahaba as the best generation and companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And so, with the companions

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With the understanding of the prophet SAW Selim, then the what is called the Islamic sciences will start to open up. Now originally, in the time of the Prophet peace be upon him, you did not have a science or study called fick or Tafseer

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or aqidah.

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Nobody had this even grammar, Arabic grammar, nobody studied Arabic grammar, they spoke Arabic, they understood they got the grammar to oral tradition, nobody sat down and said muqtada and Hubbard,

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right, this is a Joomla is Mija. It's a noun sentence, nobody said that to them. They just said who are Kabir.

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And you learn how to construct the sentence through the oral culture, right. And so, similarly,

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this is how the science has developed. So when when Islam now spread to Persia, and to areas where people did not speak Arabic, then it was necessary for people to learn how to speak Arabic. And so the grammarians of other languages came together with Arabic speaking people to put together now in sort of what we have as a type of grammar. It's put together for us, okay, it didn't originally exist. So what you learn with the siesta, you learn that the rudiment, the basis of the Islamic sciences, okay, and you're going to see, through this, you will see how the Islamic sciences developed because it literally in order to develop the Islamic sciences, the scholars had to go back

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to the Sierra.

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They had to go to the original revelation in the original situations that were going down amongst the companions, will understand what is called us, Baba news. All

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right, what is the reasons for the revelation?

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In other words, what were the circumstances around the revelation itself, we also learned a Nassef while Mansu we will, we will study also, what is called the cancelled verses, there are certain verses in the Quran that were revealed at one point in time, and then they were cancelled.

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So you read it, but you don't practice it. This is interesting. Because if you told some Muslims, you don't practice this verse, they will want to chop your head off

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not understanding what actually happened in the original teachings. So you will actually learn aspects of unethical admin, which is an important part of Tafseer. Right? When you understanding the interpretation of the book of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And so from this, we will gain many benefits. There's many benefits, okay, there will be clarity, clarity on controversial issues.

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And this is something which is really important. And I can say from my own personal experience, you know, how the Sierra has come, you know, to the rescue, to clear things up, especially with islamophobes and orientalist and people who are attacking Islam. And some of them now, they have actually reached the point where they learn to speak Arabic.

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And they study tafsir. They study Fiq, they study Hadith, right? They study grammar, sometimes more than we study.

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They get a PhD.

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But they they study in order to make it confused. to confuse people's minds. I'll give you an example.

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I was living in Cape Town for a period of time.

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And a person can I don't like to name individuals, but a famous orientalist or islamophobe. Came to South Africa. And he was causing massive confusion.

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And he was saying publicly on the radio, that the Quran itself is the problem.

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That book is the problem. That book is causing these people to fight and to do all kinds of things. You know, that Prophet, he's the problem. And this was unheard of in South Africa, because people there were divided into their communities. And the way apartheid is, is set up, you leave each other alone. You don't even go to the other side of town. Now, apartheid was lifted. And there are public radio stations and television stations. This person came he was attacking Islam. And so they asked me to come on a radio station because they have nobody really to respond to him. I told him, I don't usually do this. They said we don't have anybody.

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And I said okay, to accountability.

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lot then we will try to, you know, do this. And then we went on. And he started off his discussion. One of the key issues that he brought. He said that Prophet Muhammad Sal Salaam, he said that he was. He was he was a thief.

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Right? He was a camel driver. Thief. They robbed caravans.

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Right and he robbed the caravan of Abu sufian.

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This guy knows his history now, right? And he said, like, I got proof. He attacked the caravan. You see, there's the proof. Now, if you don't understand Sierra,

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right, because the P did attack the caravan.

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He was looking for the caravan. Now, if you don't know, Sierra, you'll be stuck there. And this is what these people do. But I settled Hungary law, that that he asked this question because I know the answer, right? It was something else I might not know the answer. Because the scenario was that the prophet SAW Selim and his companions,

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they were forced to make hegira to flee from their homes. And when they fled from their homes, they literally had to leave their possessions, everything of value. Sometimes businesses, animals, they have to run for their lives. And so Abu sufian gathered together their possessions, he stole their possessions, right? He went around to their houses and their crops, the animals whatever, gathered what he could carry in it, and put it in a caravan and then went north to Syria.

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So the prophet SAW Selim gathered 313 of his companions, in order to take back what was this?

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You see, they were not stealing Abu souviens thing. They were taking back their own possessions.

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And if you understand the circumstances, and I thought I'd put that back on him, and he was quiet, like he couldn't answer, right. Why, Sierra?

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Because I understood the Sierra right. So that gives you perspective, and a lot of the trick questions that are now coming toward this community are based upon misunderstandings of the life of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

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What also this will develop in us is what is called Mahabharata. And that is true love for the Messenger of Allah peace of blessings be upon him, because when we really understand what he went through, when you really can sort of like, in the best way we can try to live, what they actually lived, then true Merhaba true love will come into your heart. And the more you deeper you go into it, is the more love that you will have for this individual. And this is what this is what we all want. We want to be closer to the Prophet, peace and blessing be a part of that anything except Allah subhanaw taala.

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And so that might have been,

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you know, when you read his courage,

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when you see his mercy, when you see the stances that he talks with people, you see his lack of racism and tribalism, he broke down all of these different issues that are big problems to us. Okay, we have big problem with the color of someone's skin. We have big problems, you know, you're not from my family, you're not from my tribe. Maybe we're from the same tribe, but you my passports better than yours. Like we have a lot of little things dividing us up, but the prophet SAW Selim

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was able to overcome this. Okay. So this is one of the beautiful aspects that we will learn to gain Baba in sha Allah and through this through seeing what happened to them, and then the results it will increase amen and taqwa.

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Now, this is what we're looking for. Because many people will say, okay, you know, we're saying, you know, have Taqwa, how do I increase my taco? How do I increase my image, this is one of the ways by going back into the story

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into the Sierra, and to put yourself in a sense in that circumstance, and then see how Allah subhanaw taala

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you know, got them out of that, what they went through what they were ready to sacrifice. This builds

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this taqwa into our heart. It also builds a type of Yaki

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and yaqeen of course, is really like that's a high level of Eman and taqwa because Jackie is the true reality that we really have faith. We really believe in Allah subhanaw taala. This theater also

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will give us a practical application, practical application of how we will can do certain things. We're in a circumstance how do we respond to the circumstance

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and this is so important to us.

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Today, and we will also understand from this, you know, it will give us

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the greater picture. Because we're going to also see in this, some of the miracles, that Allah subhanaw taala, actually manifested in the time of the prophets on some, and the miracles is not only the court and itself, but there are miracles in the life of the Messenger of Allah peace and blessings be upon him. And so this will help us inshallah, to really have a more objective, well rounded look. So, these are some of the issues that we hope to gain from the Sierra, in terms of the sources of the Sierra. And you this May you may vary from individual to individual, how deep you want to take this, but just to help you understand it.

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We want to look at a part of what you're being taught, comes from early Arabic texts, which are called El mahasi. And Alma Ghazi This was the first form that the Sierra actually took. And this is the battles and the campaigns like campaigns of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. A person by the name of a band urban or urban, our fan or the lawn his son. He was one of the first people to do a mahasi person named Ottawa Urban azubi a bit of a warm, he is the son of a Zubair Abel awam, who's one of the 10 people promised paradise. Before his death rather law one his mother was asthma, the daughter of Abu Bakar so he was one of the first people to write the story stop to

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put it in. So this is not Quran. This is not Hadith, right? It's a person who is trying to give you a as factual as possible of a report. I issue herself for the lawanna not only reported the second most studied, but they also went to her for many of them of Ozzy of the stories surrounding the Prophet sell, sell them, a person by the name of Shara Beale, even sad. He has a famous song mikaze that he wrote, as well. There's a number of early writers in the early Sahaba generation in the next generations to come. You have a person named Mohammed bin Omar Anwar PD and aloka de has a very famous in the mikaze. His is one that is taken from you have Abul Walid Muhammad bin Abdullah Al

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Azhar RP okay famous as well. Another person Muhammad Eben sad. So when you hear the Takata Ebony sad, right, these are different levels the different

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biographies and stories of Eben sad, very important writer.

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Even Teva.

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Ahmed bin Yahya

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al Bella Dory, another famous person, you probably heard of Muhammad ibn Judea, October, October. He is a very famous historian. But his work is one which many of the later writers of Sierra actually depended on. I see Rafi also el mundo de

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la marwadi. He was also very famous writer as well. And he has writings about CSR, CSR, Sharia? What is the Islamic politics marwadi his book on the political systems of Islam is one of the source books in this area, as a yet is another famous person of the writers of history, even Cassia, even Cassia. You heard of his Tafseer, right? He also did Alberta when they hire. It's a very famous history book. And some of these books I believe a bit higher and higher is actually translated to English now, we can actually get this book even harder as Kalani, who did the federal body the explanation of Sahil Bahati, also great historian, and these people from these people? The one of

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the greatest writers of Sierra, whose name was urbanists, Hawk,

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and even his Hawk

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he lived.

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He died around 151 after the hegira in Baghdad, so he was an early writer of

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a Sierra. And his book was edited by a person named Abdul Malik Ibn Hisham. Okay, so the book that you will get is given as Hawk that is the source book, and one of the key books for the Sierra and even his Sham died in the year 218. After the digital now, this book here called the life of Muhammad, and I put it in your notes inshallah, you'll be getting some to be some notes you'll have access to, he has made a translation of the theater of of ebony sock is translated to English. So you can literally have the theater in a sack right. So this is one of the books which

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I will recommend to you and which you can see if you can get it. There's a lot of things online today that we have access to. But probably the best books one is done by safer Rahman Al Mubarak portee

00:35:16 --> 00:35:23

Ultra hickel Maktoum, this is the sealed nectar. Now this book is translated into English. I think you can get it in the bookstore here.

00:35:25 --> 00:35:59

And that is a good text because what he did was he, he took out a lot of the weak parts because some of the early writers of Sierra even even even as Huck, you know, he brought the information and the scholars did not consider this like a hadith is it's not a level of Quran and Hadith. Right, it's at another level that his is probably the most authentic. But, you know, if you're gonna deal with something that that has to do with your your your hokum, a judgment, then the scholars would not depend only on Theatrefolk

00:36:00 --> 00:36:24

you have to have something stronger. Your quote and from Sunnah, you know, from ej ma from chaos, you got to have something stronger than just the report from the Sierra. Right? So the Sierra sort of backs things up and gives us perspective and opens up the door for us. Okay, also allama shibley normanni shibley. normanni is an Indian scholar.

00:36:25 --> 00:36:26

And he did theater.

00:36:27 --> 00:36:38

And that's translated to English, that that's a very good two volume book that you can get in the bookstore and Mohammed Hamidullah,

00:36:39 --> 00:36:58

who was in the western counter battlefields of the Prophet Muhammad, then you have Sheikh Mohammed Al ghazali, who did a recent scholar 20th century fitness era. So he did a book fit concealer, is another serious scholar booty booty also fit cosied and some scholars who have done this work of

00:37:00 --> 00:37:04

Sheikh Mohammed Zakaria and others have done Shama Illa, telemedia

00:37:05 --> 00:37:31

chairman Lee telling me the, you know, the great Hadith, he also did a shamal. And this is the descriptions of the prophet SAW some. So this is a book that you need to try to get as well called a yet called, he had also did Muhammad the Messenger of Allah. And that is a book that some people, especially from the Maliki tradition, you know, depend upon party ads, book, an excellent book share ebano payam, did a book called saddle mahad.

00:37:32 --> 00:38:10

And that one is an excellent book of the, you know, states of the Prophet his, his descriptions, his life, how he reacted in all different situations. And we will be taking from saddle Mark also, but a very interesting book, and I think this book is translated to English. It was done by a Sudanese scholar. His name is Dr. Maha Maha de Rif Cola, I'll admit, right, and this is a similar to number Wi Fi, though al Masada asleep. And that is the prophets biography in the light of authentic sources. So what he did as a PhD in Riyadh and the University in Riyadh,

00:38:11 --> 00:38:21

he went through all the Sierra books from beginning to the end, looking at the controversies to try to bring the most authentic,

00:38:22 --> 00:38:33

you know, discussions in it. This is an invaluable book. It's a really, really exhaustive work that this brothers are looking at did, and I saw a translation in English.

00:38:34 --> 00:39:14

Okay, it's basically an Arabic but I saw a translation in English. And in the book that, you know, we'll have available for you possibly next week, all the sources that I just listed, will be there as well. Another side book, which has some weakness, but it's written well, is Martin Ling's book, the life of Muhammad. And, you know, then, of course, Gilliam's book, there's a number of other texts that you can get on history, but these are some of the sources that we will be taking from in terms of, you know, our understanding. I want to open up the floor for a minute or so before the event is called if anybody has any immediate questions. Concerning Yes, brother.

00:39:18 --> 00:39:34

Yeah, Elisa lobby also is a is a good writer as well. He's this an Arabic right. He's a Libyan scholar, this is an Arabic. So if I don't know how many people speak here, I Arabic speaking. But there are a number of other texts in Arabic

00:39:35 --> 00:39:45

that you can get, but at least alabi would be a good, he's an excellent writer, as well, but we're looking at texts that for the most part, these books are translated.

00:39:46 --> 00:39:59

You know, but of course, if you can go into Arabic, and even in order to do there are scholars as well. Abu Hassan nadwi was an excellent scholar who wrote different books on aspects of history.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:08

As well, and there are, you know, in order to also you might be able to get, you know, some, some very interesting books as well, again,

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in many Muslim countries, not just Pakistan, the prophets of Salaam is presented, in a way, almost as though he's a divine being almost like what they'd say in the west of Christ like character.

00:40:24 --> 00:40:25

Okay, and

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people then look up to him in terms of divine, you know, and that is,

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that can have a big impression upon a child, young person, even adopt.

00:40:38 --> 00:40:53

But the problem is, is that that is not the essence of the message, that is not how it was delivered. And if it was the way it was delivered, if he was divided, fine, but he but he did not make himself like that. And when he used to describe himself,

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he would say, I am the son of one of your women.

00:40:58 --> 00:41:07

Like that, he wouldn't say I'm the king of kings and Lord of Lord, yeah, no, he would say, I'm the son of one of your women. That's all

00:41:08 --> 00:41:20

you know, and very humble, very simple. And he saw himself as Rasulullah, the Messenger of Allah, not Allah, you see. So, the messenger is a human being,

00:41:21 --> 00:41:23

right, the messenger is not a divine being.

00:41:24 --> 00:41:34

And that, in a sense, is also good for us. Because then we can actually look to him as a human being,

00:41:35 --> 00:41:50

and we can actually feel something of what he felt as a human being. Now, obviously, we cannot rival his character or anything like this, but still, as a human being, we can feel that even from the front that side, though,

00:41:52 --> 00:41:53

you know, even from,

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you know, the point of view of,

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you know,

00:41:59 --> 00:42:01

a father and a family

00:42:03 --> 00:42:04

a person who was working

00:42:05 --> 00:42:53

all different, you know, types of aspects of life, okay. And the Divinity is with a loss of pinata. And that is important, because one of the key issues that he did bring, and that's what we'll see in the meccan period, you know, the, the original key part of the message is tawheed. And that is that your reverence, your worship your divinity, everything is only for Allah, not for human beings. But the problem is, you know, with societies or societies have Buddha and they have Pharaoh and they have Jesus Krishna, we have individuals who have reached godlike status. So it's easy for people, people want to worship a human being, it's a weakness in us actually.

00:42:54 --> 00:43:01

You know, and, but that's what Islam came to erase, that we focus on the Creator. And we follow the prophet SAW some

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not worship him, but we follow Him, get the bar or wrestle. And so that is the difference in you know, how when you reading the Sierra, then you start to see him as a human being. And he allowed his companions to deal with him as a human being. Like sometimes he made mistakes. If he was a divine being you can't correct him.

00:43:27 --> 00:43:28

You know, he made mistakes even

00:43:30 --> 00:43:33

you know, the person makes mistakes. He can be a great Claudie.

00:43:34 --> 00:43:42

You know, and make a mistake, the province of solemn one time made tour cuts, and it was a forecast prep, and everybody's frozen.

00:43:44 --> 00:43:55

Now, if he's, if he's God, then that means it's not new Asa has become two rockets. And one bedroom one bedrooms are very straightforward. And he came to the prophet SAW Solomon said

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has a solid become shortened.

00:44:00 --> 00:44:10

You know, or, you know, did you make a mistake or like what happened and people looking at him? How dare you? But then the process is Why are you saying this? He said, because you made two rockets.

00:44:11 --> 00:44:18

So for a culprit here, and then he looked aboubaker. And he looked to Omar and the people he trusted? And they said,

00:44:20 --> 00:44:34

Yeah, so then he stood up, and he taught them how to, you know, correct yourself sigit to sour, if you forget how you do extra prostrations and how you repair a mistaken print.

00:44:35 --> 00:44:37

And through that we learn how to do

00:44:38 --> 00:44:54

you know, extra illustrations that if we make a mistake, you can still get the benefit of that prayer. You just do extra usages. At the end. He showed how to do that. Okay, but the fact remains, the Bedouin had the right to say that to him, like you're wrong.

00:44:55 --> 00:44:59

Now, if that's God, you can't ask him whether he's wrong. Just see

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But he's a human being. And that is, that's very important to us. Because it also helps us with our leadership, some of our leaders, especially right now in the Muslim world, they think they're gods. Like, you can't question them at all. If you question them, then they send the secret police or something.

00:45:18 --> 00:45:22

You know, they fight you like the enemy. But that's not how it was set up.

00:45:29 --> 00:45:30

But what about

00:45:37 --> 00:45:38

celebrate in a way that

00:45:43 --> 00:45:44

personality, but problem is

00:45:46 --> 00:45:47


00:45:51 --> 00:46:28

later on, right? This, this is where this is where the Sierra and the understanding of the Sierra is so important. Because if we really understand the Sierra, then we wouldn't have a lot of the arguments that we have. The problem is people don't understand it. And they take a practice that was developed 1000 years later, as though that is the Sierra because they don't understand the Sierra. If they understand the Sierra, then you can put it into perspective, you know, without an argument and personality or anything like that. So this is this is the value, like you said, and the other point clarity on controversial issues.

00:46:29 --> 00:46:31

It's kind of give you clarity,

00:46:32 --> 00:46:43

right, if you understand the theater, and that's really important, because there's a lot of gray areas today, people are throwing out a lot of confusions about what Islam is right? What is Jihad? What is Khalifa? What is Imam

00:46:44 --> 00:47:04

you know, who's a true Muslim? You know, how do you deal with the People of the Book have been to so many things. And this is where the Sierra, of course, obviously, the Quran and the Sunnah, you know, base, but what the Sierra helps many cases is, it gives you perspective, how did the Prophet deal with that very situation?

00:47:07 --> 00:47:10

The argument that people use for knowledge is

00:47:18 --> 00:47:24

the practice the practice after they came after 1000 years, the use that example

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that he fasts on Monday.

00:47:29 --> 00:47:32

Right? Okay, but if a person

00:47:33 --> 00:47:46

if they have proof, and there is proof that He fasted on Monday, then they should fast on Monday. That has nothing to do with making an IED celebration on that day, which is even more stronger than it'll fit, and eat a lot Ha.

00:47:47 --> 00:47:54

That that's not proof of that. Plus the fact that if you read the Sierra, you will see that none of his companions ever did this.

00:47:56 --> 00:48:24

In the first three generations, even about 1000 years later that started in Egypt and Syria. None of his companions did this. So if it was something of such importance, than the province of suddenly say, he was mushara, he was a lawgiver. He did not have the right to leave things. If something was important, he had to say it. So he would have said, when I die, celebrate my birthday. Do not forget my birthday.

00:48:26 --> 00:48:34

He would have said it very clear. And there's no tradition like this. Nothing. There are traditions though, where he's saying

00:48:35 --> 00:48:54

that the people who came before were destroyed because they took their their profits, you know, as gods in the place of, you know, Allah, they made you know, they're the prophets, graves houses of worship. He said, he kept saying, Do not exaggerate with me. Don't do what they did to Jesus.

00:48:55 --> 00:49:07

You see, he's telling them don't do what they did. On his deathbed. He's saying this. Don't go to extremes with me, don't do it to me. Because he knows human being weakness, right? our weaknesses as soon as he dies.

00:49:08 --> 00:49:33

Buddha was a very humble person. They said the Buddha was against idol worship. He was a Hindu Prince. And he gave up idol worship. And he went on the road looking for, you know, inspiration, you know, whatever he was looking for. I'm not saying he was a prophet, because we don't have proof. But the point i'm saying is, he wasn't an idol worship, he was against idols. And now the biggest idol in the world is a Buddha.

00:49:34 --> 00:49:41

Right? That's the biggest idol in the world is Buddhists and he hated idols. You see what people will do to you, right?

00:49:42 --> 00:49:46

So this is where the understanding of CRM is so important. I want to give you

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a living example of this just to show you something that I actually experienced last week to show you how important understanding of the series we along with the

00:50:01 --> 00:50:02

The the

00:50:03 --> 00:50:12

Islamic, or the unity of the Muslim organizations of Western Canada, we had what is called united Islam Awareness Week.

00:50:13 --> 00:50:39

And this was this took place in Saskatoon, Regina, Edmonton, Vancouver. And there were four speakers and they shuffled us around in between the cities. Because a very ambitious thing that the students wanted to do. The idea was to come to the public and clear up a lot of differences. You know, whatever, and, you know, have good relationships. They were islamophobes, haters of Islam,

00:50:40 --> 00:51:06

who lay in the background. And when they see that Muslims are making progress, they come forward. So a few of these people that this smaller number, but begin, you know, they get big articles in the newspaper. They came forward and they made some terrible accusations against us. Right accused us, you know, Jamal bedri, you know, beautiful, soft, Dr. bedri. If you know him, right, they accused him of supporting suicide bombing.

00:51:07 --> 00:51:10

I mean, this man has struggled against

00:51:12 --> 00:51:14

these issues more than anybody else.

00:51:15 --> 00:51:24

Have another brother, Abdullah andalusi, from the UK, beautiful Brother, you know, good relations, whatever, they accused him of having terrorist links.

00:51:26 --> 00:51:39

Right? They accused me I had a social service here. For years, I was counseling all the youth, some of them even had gender issues about themselves, and all that, and I was dealing with them. Right, helping them, they accused me of homophobia.

00:51:41 --> 00:52:29

And they go on the media and write articles about this right. Now. How do we what perspective Do we have our intention was to show you know, my particular area was the whole title was the book that shook the world to talk about the Quran. And I was looking at it from a historical perspective. Okay, so now, this is where the theater comes in. Because there are groups of this number folks in Canada and America and the UK and other places, who are given millions of dollars in order to spin a negative evil narrative about Islam. Okay. Now, when you look back in the life of the prophet SAW seldom, he actually went through something similar to this, because it was around the fourth year

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after the Prophet would begin, you know, that, you know, his he was comparing they were really in a lot of problems, those first couple years, serious problems, being tortured, insulted,

00:52:43 --> 00:52:47

driven out, and the prophet SAW Selim, as we will see,

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he was protected by Allah subhanaw taala. And he was also protected by

00:52:53 --> 00:52:55

his tribe called the Banu Hashim.

00:52:56 --> 00:53:38

And tribal warfare was the most dangerous thing in Arabia at that time, because it was a tribal society. And the tribes were afraid to attack him, because he had tried to fight. And he was talking about the belief in one God, he was talking about, he broke down racism, he broke down class differences between people. He protected women, he gave them rights, he protected the girl children are being buried alive. He completely changed the actions of the society. And accordingly, they saw this not just as a theological threat, but they saw it as a political threat.

00:53:39 --> 00:53:50

Who would dominate Mecca and then dominate, you know, the whole Arabian peninsula. They saw it as an economic threat. Because the caravans were coming to Mecca, it was a very serious issue to them.

00:53:51 --> 00:54:00

So not in the same way that these islamophobes are weaving things about us. Right, the Meccans. They gather together

00:54:01 --> 00:54:06

and they gather together in the nadie. These little club houses they have around the Kaaba.

00:54:07 --> 00:54:11

And they went with one of their leaders, his name was led by the movie era.

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00:54:13 --> 00:54:30

they wanted to figure out, you know, how can we kill the message? Because this is the idea similar to what we were facing. You know, how can we, we can't stop the students. But if we put out enough some evil, nobody wants to attend the event.

00:54:31 --> 00:54:48

Okay, because these people are terrorists, and this and that, so nobody's going to want to go. So similarly, they said, How can we kill the message? We can't kill the messenger. But how can we destroy the message? So they first then said to Al Walid, why don't we call him a carrier.

00:54:49 --> 00:54:50

Okay, now, Kevin,

00:54:52 --> 00:54:54

were the wizards

00:54:55 --> 00:55:00

who were taking care of the kabar and male wizards. You know, and

00:55:00 --> 00:55:33

But one good point about the Arabs at that time, is that they were very straightforward. And they would prefer to base their arguments on something that was true. Right? They are very straightforward people. And it was an outright lie, you know that. They don't necessarily support that. And so he said, No, he's not a captain. He's not because he doesn't wear the clothes. He doesn't do the rituals like this. We know the kind that's a that's a job in the car, but he's not one of them. So they said, Why don't we say he's Majnoon? Let's say he's crazy.

00:55:34 --> 00:55:52

And alvalade answered in words. No, he's not much known because, you know, he doesn't have body motions and you know, Berg gurgling like an insane person. He's very calm, very relaxed. Okay. So he said, Okay, why don't we say he is shy, let's say is a poet.

00:55:54 --> 00:56:02

Okay, because this core ad is thing that is reading it's bewitching people. They're changing their life is like magic. Right.

00:56:03 --> 00:56:04

But then

00:56:05 --> 00:56:23

lll, Waleed said, No, it's not our poetry, you know, our poetry is has certain rhythm to it. You know, poetry has meters and rhythm and Arabs knew their language very well. That was the best thing that they had. And they will even a humble simple person was like a master in Arabic.

00:56:24 --> 00:56:28

And, and the Arabs had at that time, poetry and prose.

00:56:30 --> 00:57:12

Poetry being the rhythmic rhymes and meter prose like telling a story, right? The court and is coming in rhymed prose. Think about this. It's telling a story in rhythm. You can't talk like that. We have people today, the rhapis. They rap in English, they rap in order to to write they rap in Swahili. They have Somali rappers to write. They have Arabic rappers. And what they do they try to tell a story and rhythm, right? plan to this music. And an 80% of what they say is foolishness. Because you cannot tell a story and rhythm man. No human beings brain works that fast. Right? Okay, however.

00:57:14 --> 00:57:29

So the Arabs then he said, No, this course and it's rhyme you know, it's not it's telling a whole story and rhythm. We don't talk like that. Is he? So then they said, Why don't we say he is Saha? Let's say he's a magician.

00:57:30 --> 00:58:10

Right? Because he's, you know, putting a trap people in a trance when they hear the book being read. But then led actually said, No, I don't even agree with that. Because we have magicians who blow in knots. Now. fossati from God, and we have other things but he's not blowing and nuts, man. He's like, he's not doing magical formulas. So then they got frustrated. The same way like the, you know, islamophobes in their think tanks today will get frustrated. We call these people fundamentalists. And it didn't work because there's christian fundamentalists. We call them non Islamists. That's where enough the new one they want to say is Islam assist. Right? And that is new ones coming up.

00:58:10 --> 00:58:27

They gotta keep pumping out things right. And so finally they agreed, let's call him a magician, saya and they went around and they would they would you know, it was a negative campaign to people in particular boudjellal and possibly wireless.

00:58:29 --> 00:58:44

Okay, and Abuja how, you know, they made his son when the provinces when when Prophet peace upon him son, Ibrahim died, you know, they like made fun of him and, you know, like you don't have any male children, your waste of time. And Alas, said you are avatar.

00:58:45 --> 00:59:26

And Avatar and Arabic means cut off, useless, hopeless, like you have no male children, because in a male dominated society, you have to have male children. They defend you. Your genealogy of family genealogy is through the mail. They sing your poetry, so if you have no male children, think about this. Your cut off. Your genealogy ended right. So that's a serious insult, right? And for somebody who grew up in a male dominated that's a sit there must have hurt him a lot. Just like it hurts us. When they're calling Jamal Badawi a terrorist. This is insane.

00:59:28 --> 00:59:45

And they're calling us these names. And it's something that hurts you right? And at that time, Allah subhanaw taala revealed in the Quran Bismillah R Rahman. Rahim in Altai knockout ko thought for solider a bigger one heart in the Shani Yaga.

00:59:47 --> 00:59:59

So la revealed, verily, surely we have given you an abundance. Right I'll count that. So pray to your Lord and sacrifice Surely your enemy

01:00:00 --> 01:00:04

is the one who will be cut off in a Shani aka the one who insults you.

01:00:05 --> 01:00:21

He will be cut off. So yet, this is 10 words. It's a living miracle is the shortest chapter in the court. And I can believe everybody in this room has memorized so look how many people memorize sorts of kasar Raise your hand.

01:00:22 --> 01:00:23


01:00:24 --> 01:01:01

if you want to do express a lot, right this Casa right Falak ness that you express a lot. Everybody knows Serato console. Right? But this chapter is expanding and continues to expand. It's a miracle. How is it a miracle? El casa, is described as a river in paradise. And it flows into a lake allowed, which is on the Day of Judgment. It's liquid is white as milk sweet as honey cold as ice. If you drink it once, you'll never be thirsty again.

01:01:02 --> 01:01:09

This is Uncle Sam, but also a co author in Arabic. The setup of the word grammatically.

01:01:10 --> 01:01:14

The grammarians call it like mutlak are very Roma. Duda.

01:01:15 --> 01:01:29

They say it's Elmo, Bella, Garfield, Catherine. They say it is open ended word. It's an open ended word. That's what they can do with a word like in English, we say an ever increasing in abundance.

01:01:30 --> 01:01:48

So let's mubadala Phil kassala. So stay extreme in a large amount. That's what a culture means, right? Arabic is a very expressive language right? And when you say things in certain forms, it hits the people right away. You know, so this casa, they said What is it?

01:01:50 --> 01:01:55

And remember, now this is revealed at a time when the Prophet is being insulted.

01:01:56 --> 01:02:02

The column names they try to stop his message. And we were in the exact situation.

01:02:03 --> 01:02:10

Right? This is where the theater comes in. Right? Allah said to him, we have given you helicopter,

01:02:11 --> 01:02:14

we have given you an abundance, right?

01:02:15 --> 01:02:16

La ilaha illa Allah

01:02:18 --> 01:02:56

the connection with Allah subhanaw taala. The court and itself is an abundance all of us have been given us something that will increase an increase in increase Kapha tell us hub more and more Muslims are coming into Islam Alhamdulillah we're just finishing now we're going to open up the machine and evaluate now in the beginning of February and Sharla. First week in February and none of us right, this is going to be the first Masjid in the Province of Canada and the color next to green that right and there are people who are accepting Islam there Inuits, so called Eskimos, right. They have embraced Islam. Inuits have embraced Islam.

01:02:57 --> 01:03:17

Okay, so these are people, they don't know anything about the desert. Most of the year, it's freezing, have no concept of Arabic, but yet they're embracing Islam. This is a this is an abundance. And you'll see it all over the world and the more you travel around the world, and you see the different Muslims, you realize the blessings.

01:03:18 --> 01:03:47

You know that you know, Allah subhanaw taala has given to us, then it says, So pray to your Lord and sacrifice. Okay, so instead of worrying about your enemies, right, get into your prayers. Right? Do your job better, right? Get strong and you're about to get get close to Allah subhanaw taala. And don't worry about what they're saying about you. Right? Why? Because the one who said that he's going to get cut off. Now look at this miracle here.

01:03:49 --> 01:03:51

Alas, even a while.

01:03:52 --> 01:04:04

If you go to the Arabic average Arabic speaking person on the Arab street, and you ask them, who was given a wireless Sammy 99.9% of the people will tell you I don't know.

01:04:06 --> 01:04:32

Now if you said his son, Omar, even Alas, some people know him. He was great. Sahabi right. Or is his grandson Abdullah bin Amma everlast. radilla Juan Houma. People might know him. But alas, that name is gone. What about the name Muhammad? What about this name? They have recognized in the past 10 years. It is the most commonly used name in the world.

01:04:33 --> 01:04:40

in Alberta, they announced recently brothers sisters told me is the most common name in Alberta now.

01:04:42 --> 01:04:55

The British announced last year Mohammed has overtaken Harry. Harry used to be the most important most widely used Harry's gone now. Mohamed is the most

01:04:57 --> 01:04:59

popular word name

01:05:00 --> 01:05:04

In the whole of the UK, I had a friend in Medina from the Sudan.

01:05:05 --> 01:05:08

And his name was Mohammed and that's to Mohammed's

01:05:09 --> 01:05:19

right that was his name, right? He had to right is carrying another person. I looked at his passport that says him, his father and his grandfather, it said Mohammed, Mohammed Mohammed, three of them on his passport.

01:05:21 --> 01:05:23

Right? Look at the miracle now.

01:05:24 --> 01:05:44

This is a man who's whose genealogy is supposed to be cut off, he's finished, he's not going to be remembered. And now his name is Neo said more than anybody else on earth. And I'll ask if any, while even Arabs don't even know who he is, you see. So this is in understanding this chapter.

01:05:45 --> 01:05:52

And suburban Israel, the reason why it was revealed, this apply to us almost directly,

01:05:53 --> 01:06:41

the same evil, the same, making up with the names, you know, and the same resilience that the prophet SAW Selim, you know, had continued to go on pray to Lord sacrifice, the students in Alberta took a strong stand. One sister even went on CBC Radio and, and put down the islamophobes on CBC Radio, by the student, the students made a stand Alhamdulillah we had our programs, you know, number one, Regina, a number of non Muslims came out, no problems, no arguments, no demonstrations, positive interaction with society. Right. So by focusing on it better, by remembering the provinces on he went through the same thing, that it eases it for us now, right? This is how Sierra can help

01:06:41 --> 01:06:49

you, right? Because if you see they went through this, and now you're going through it, right? Then you take comfort in the book of Allah.

01:06:50 --> 01:06:56

Right? You take comfortness, that eventually the one who's insulting us, he's going to get cut off.

01:06:57 --> 01:07:01

So you don't have to worry and insult him worse than he did you.

01:07:03 --> 01:07:14

Right? You don't have to worry about that. These are small fries. These are ads, parasites, right trying to you know, like dogs barking at the sun. They can't put out the sun.

01:07:15 --> 01:07:22

And that's not us, right? It's Islam. They're trying to stop us as individuals. And so that is the beauty of

01:07:23 --> 01:07:28

you know, the book. And we actually took it a step further. And we showed that part of it

01:07:29 --> 01:07:58

was the fact that the prophet SAW Selim encouraged his followers to gain knowledge, seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. And he sent them out. And it was during that period between 622 to say, 15 hundred's golden age of Islam, that's when Muslims were making scientific achievements, and leading the world. And so we showed this to the public, bringing out many informations about culture,

01:07:59 --> 01:08:01

and how it was one man,

01:08:02 --> 01:08:15

right, it was just that individual. And now it's influencing the whole world. And that's something that many people did not understand. Because they think that when the lights went out in the Roman Empire after the year 400 or so,

01:08:16 --> 01:08:47

there's a dark ages. So there's nothing happening. But they didn't understand it was the golden age of Islam. So this is a practical use. This is what we're talking about now, to try to go through the life of the Prophet so seldom and to see to gain those ibra to gain the the lessons that will help us in our own lives in sha Allah. So I want to open up the floor for any final questions that anybody has concerning anything with the theater class floors open for any questions.

01:08:51 --> 01:09:04

Hopefully next week, inshallah, we're going to produce this booklet for you. We're going to produce we have to see how much it costs if it costs too much, you may have to make a slight contribution for the book, but this will be your book, will you have the basic information?

01:09:07 --> 01:09:24

Yes, slight, slight additions. But But basically, if you took it before, but but the narration will be different, you know, then, you know, but the base facts might be similar, because we, you know, we had about three years ago and we thought, Okay, any other questions anybody has floor is open.

01:09:25 --> 01:09:28

So spread the word. This is a very valuable course.

01:09:30 --> 01:09:59

We don't teach for numbers. But you know, sincerity, if you want to really gain from this, then you have to be sincere, and you have to spend some time and some money, which means I would, I would advise everybody to get a good book on Sierra of these books. And next week, you'll get the whole list, but get a good book on Sierra. And then so you can follow along even deeper than what we were able to cover in this class. It's a long study, we'll be dealing with the first part

01:10:00 --> 01:10:05

There's three parts to it actually. So it could stretch over three semesters could actually stretch over a whole year,

01:10:06 --> 01:10:25

depending upon how because we're doing it slowly right fit procedure to try to understand it properly and to analyze it and you know, try to research and find things. So we all can benefit from this experience. Okay, so Have a safe journey home. inshallah, we'll see you next week with Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

1st Class on Fiqh of Seerah held at the Islamic Institute Of Toronto

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