Musleh Khan – Life #26 Religion – Do I really need it

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of following religion and not just following rules and guidelines. They give examples of how religion can be a comforting and rewarding way of life. The speaker also emphasizes the need for people to trust and be present with Jesus Christ, even in difficult situations.
AI: Transcript ©
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do I really need it?

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You know in this day and age the

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need for religion,

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the need to follow a system of laws

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and ethics

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is constantly being scrutinized.

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It's constantly being challenged.

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You might be sitting there and wondering do

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I really need to follow a set of

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rules? And do I really need to live

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my life within these parameters of these rules

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and guidelines? Well there's a couple things to

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think about.

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The first and foremost is you have to

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what religion does for the people who follow

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it. Religion gives perspective.

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There's gonna be times where things happen in

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our lives that we can't explain.

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We don't know why it's happening, where it

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came from. So I'll give you a real

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simple example to think about. Somebody could purchase

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a brand new car.

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The day they drive that car out of

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the dealership,

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somebody crashes into them. And they might be

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sitting there and they could either think to

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themselves what just happened? Why did this happen?

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I'm the unluckiest person in the world.

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Or with religion,

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you can put perspective and say to yourself,

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you know, this is from Allah. This is

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Allah's Qadr.

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This was written down for me. All these

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people purchased vehicles

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but Allah written this moment and this time

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for this event to unfold.

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Then you start to develop a sense of

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optimism. You start thinking positive no matter how

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terrible the situation is, which leads us to

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our second point. It's important to engage and

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talk with the people who follow religion. You'll

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notice that they will have the least stress.

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They will constantly

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feel at ease and peace no matter what

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situation you put them in. Why? Because they

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can always connect that situation back

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to the Qadr and the will of Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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And the third point,

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religion is comfort.

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Having a way of life that's been prescribed

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for you. You don't have to worry about

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what tomorrow will bring. You will plan, but

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you always know that there is a plan

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better than yours that comes directly

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from the creator. That kind of reassurance and

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that kind of peace,

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it really gives you comfort,

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and joy

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to wake up each and every day no

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matter what your situation is, no matter where

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you live, no matter who you're involved with,

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you will always find a sense of happiness

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and joy.

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Because you know that ultimately

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there is a creator

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out there that is in charge. It's not

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going to be your employers.

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It's not going to be your boss. It's

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not going to be anybody else with authority

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or power. The ultimate

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you know is Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, so

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you trust him above all others.

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How does that feel? In this month of

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Ramadan we're experiencing that, we're re energizing that

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and the need not only to follow this

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but the need for Allah to

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always be there that we can always turn

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back to him and trust him regardless of

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our decision.

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So religion is certainly

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a way of life, it's important

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and Insha'Allah

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I pray that you will experience

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that sense of peace and joy with religion

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the best way possible.

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