Mufti Menk – You Can Be From This Group of Special People – Who Are They

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The importance of fasting during Easter, with Muslims being rewarded differently, is emphasized. Visits and outings can have negative consequences, but helping others can boost their chances of achieving goals. Visits and outings can lead to feeling overwhelmed and confusion, but it is important to purify intentions and facilitate change. Visits and outings can lead to feelings of frustration and confusion, but it's important to take action and change one's lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters,

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doing a good deed in the month of

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Ramadan in the condition of fasting is definitely

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rewarded differently by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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as compared to the same deed done outside

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the month of Ramadan,

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not in the condition of fasting.

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Similarly, when it comes to the supplications

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in the evenings in the month of Ramadan,

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the nights being the most powerful nights of

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the entire year

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as per our belief as Muslims,

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we need to realize Allah chooses

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us for Ibadah and acts of worship

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during those nights. May Allah Almighty bless us.

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We know and I'm sure we would know

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that Laylatul Qadr is not necessarily

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one of the odd nights, but more likely

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to be one of the odd nights according

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to narrations,

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but not necessarily.

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So we need to work hard all of

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those nights. I want to address you as

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mostly as volunteers who will be volunteering

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or who are volunteering for the event that

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is happening today.

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My beloved brothers and sisters, the first thing

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you need is purification of intention.

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There is no doubt. We are doing this

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for the sake of Allah.

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Just this morning, someone asked me a question

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about myself

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that why do you do this and why

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not. I said, why do you think I

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do it? Why do you think we do

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it? Do you really think that we are

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serving any other cause

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besides that of Allah?

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If we

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are and the intention is contaminated,

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this is the moment to rectify it and

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purify it. May Allah Almighty

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never make us

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just want to do things for people or

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for show. Nowadays with social media, it becomes

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very tricky

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with a person's intention because people love to

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Remember, if you are going to show something,

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do it in order to encourage others not

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to show off. There's a difference. And fine

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tune between the 2 in order not to

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lose the reward of such a great act

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of worship.

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What is the act of worship?

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Well, this act of worship is encouraging people

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to become better Muslims, to repent to Allah,

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to turn to Allah, to take

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the relationship with Allah more seriously, and we

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want to facilitate and help people coming in

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and going out. We want to help them

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be seated, we want to help them

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open their fast, we want to help them

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when it comes to the prayer that is

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going to happen and Insha'Allah they leave from

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and we were a tooth in the cog

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was part of the entire machine. Had it

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been missing, perhaps the machine

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would have

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been affected.

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If anyone of us does not do our

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job correctly,

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definitely the machine will be affected because one

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tooth missing in a cog, you know what's

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going to happen. May Allah help us to

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do the work correctly and properly for His

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sake. Amen.

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I want to mention that if Allah has

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guided a single person through you

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or if you were part of the entire

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mechanism through which one person was guided, you

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get a reward better than Humrin Naaam which

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means the red camel.

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The at the time, the most

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the most valuable of the conveyance

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and the mode of transport. Today, it's probably

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in its millions. May Allah Almighty

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grant us a reward bigger than that. Amin.

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Allah's used you to guide one person. Somewhere

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in the equation, you were there, the beauty

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of Islam, you get a full reward. Not

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just a reward

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which is a a portion of it. You

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are a 20% shareholder, 2%. No. 100%

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we all get. May Allah use us and

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continue to use us.

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when you are

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helping someone in Ramadan, it will be different

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from helping someone outside of Ramadan. Indeed,

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Aren't you fasting? Aren't you in the month

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of Ramadan in the last 10? Are you

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not at a time where you could've been

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anywhere else but here you are, Allah brought

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you here. And like I said, we purify

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And at the same time if you are

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used in the month of Ramadan,

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you will be rewarded 10 times, 70 times,

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700 times and beyond 700

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as per

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the discretion of your maker

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based on your intention and the situation and

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condition you are in. So it's amazing.

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Greet people with respect. As you know, they

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will be coming in. People from different backgrounds.

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People who perhaps you don't even know the

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issues they are going through. Offer them a

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smile, offer them a good greeting. Some might

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have just gone through difficulty.

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They might be difficult in the sense that

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they are stubborn on something. No problem. You

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continue to keep your cool and continue to

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offer them the respect right up to the

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end come what may. And Allah will bless

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you. Allah will bless you, your future, your

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your children, your families, and Allah will grant

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you goodness in your entire system by his

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This is the father of Allah. Bear in

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mind that in this particular night,

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there is a great possibility it would be

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Laylatul Qadr. So as you are working,

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constantly ask Allah, Allahumma innaqahafuwun

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Oh Allah forgive me. As you're working,

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and as you're working make your du'a. Whatever

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other supplication you want, there is a greater

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likelihood. Whatever you want, Allah will open your

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doors. Repeat the du'a. Allah loves repetition. Man

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does not like repeating. When you repeat the

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same thing to a person more than a

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few times, he will get agitated with Allah.

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It's the opposite. He gets happier when you

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repeat things.

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So this is a very, very blessed occasion.

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Many of you might be returning in 2

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days time to assist again.

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Congratulations. It's Allah.

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And remember when everyone is done and they're

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about to leave,

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leave right at the end usually. That's the

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reason why they have such a great reward.

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The most difficult

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part of everything

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is when everyone leaves, you gotta pack up.

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That's more difficult than laying things out because

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when you're laying things out, you're still energetic

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and excited.

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And once the excitement and everything has come

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to an end, then you know

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it's not so easy. May Allah Almighty bless

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us. I want to remind you, manqama Ramadana

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ralahu matakaddamaminthambe.

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The hadith says,

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whoever stands in the month of Ramadan in

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prayer in the evenings,

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and another narration speaks about the fasting in

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the month of Ramadan.

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Whoever fasts with conviction, hoping for a reward

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from Allah, Allah

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wipes out all the previous sins. But there

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is another narration, exactly the same reward

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for having stood only Laylatul Qadr,

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manqama Laylatul Qadr,

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iman and wahti saban Whoever stands in worship

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on Laylatul Qadr, the night of decree with

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iman, conviction, faith, yaqeen, hoping for a reward,

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expecting goodness from Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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All their previous sins will be wiped out.

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What I want to say

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on a night like this,

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understand its value and greatness. The first thing,

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we don't sin.

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We don't sin. Even if we have not

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engaged in many acts of worship, sin is

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heading in the right direction in the wrong

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direction. Reverse.

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And if you want to head in the

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right direction, you start off at a certain

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point. If you haven't done anything, at least

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you did not go in reverse.

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And then inshallah, you take it in your

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stride. Do as much as you can. A

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little bit of Quran and so on as

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you have a few moments and even later.

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May Allah make it easy.

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Then I want to speak about one last

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thing. My brothers, my sisters,

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this is an opportunity to change our lives.

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I know from amongst you, just like I

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said, there are so many people who are

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going to come this evening, each one has

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a different issue and different circumstances

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that you may never know, so go easy

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on them. Just like I said that about

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those who are going to come from amongst

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us, everyone has the same. The same in

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the sense that we have issues

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and our own unique

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I ask Allah to make it easy for

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every one of you. Whatever it is that

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is bothering you, the difficulties you are going

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through, the hardship, whatever it may be, may

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Allah make it easy for you. And may

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Allah bless you

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this is the time we want to get

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closer to Allah. May Allah make us closer

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to him. May Allah help us change our

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lives. Certain things we need to get done,

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certain habits we need to quit, certain things

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we need to adopt. This is the moment

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and this is the time. We don't wait

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for another time because that other time may

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not even come. May Allah Almighty

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grant us all goodness.

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