Musleh Khan – Life #24 How do I build consistency with Allah

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of consistency in Islam, including building a relationship with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and creating a routine. They stress the need for repetition and finding one's surroundings as part of one's success. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of developing a positive habit and finding one's faith in oneself.
AI: Transcript ©
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How can I build consistency with Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala?

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We all want it. Does Islam teach us

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how to build and maintain

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a consistent relationship with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala?

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Number 1.

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Listen to this verse. Allah describes

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he revealed the Quran to the prophet alaihis

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salatu wasalam and said

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him we are going to reveal upon you

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a statement that is heavy.

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You notice the ayat doesn't say

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It says

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literally means a word.

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So what Allah is highlighting about the Quran

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is that no matter how little

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or how heavy

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one ayah or an entire surah,

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the entire Quran itself is heavy.

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Everything about the Quran requires study,

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reflection, and time.

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So what you learn by Allah using this

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word is

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take one word at a time.

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Take one step at a time as you

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develop in this deen. This This is why

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the ulama all from beginning to end have

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always started off one step at a time.

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One book, one science, one study, and you

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build from there.

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So consistency

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requires that you start off with baby steps.

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The second thing is you must have a

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routine. Just like what we have right now

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in Ramadan, it's a routine that we're in.

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We wake up at a certain time, suhoor,

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go out through the rest of your day,

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worship, tarawihah. That's the cycle we go on

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every day.

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Human beings are really amazing in the sense

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that we can get used to things. No

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matter what the circumstances, you can get accustomed

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to things.

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So the second way that Islam helps us

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to build consistency

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is repetition.

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The best example of that is salah.

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5 times a day, exact same time, every

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single day for your whole life.

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it's training the heart and mind to develop

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a routine.

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Develop a positive

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habit, and once you do that, you can

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build from those habits. So the second one

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is developing some sort of comfortable routine that

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you're able to maintain.

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Number 3,

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this is extremely important, that is your surroundings.

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Where is it that you spend time learning

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and understanding

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your faith? Where do you go? Do you

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sit in of a busy environment or place?

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Do you have some alone time whether it's

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in a room or at the masjid? Where

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do you go

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to really focus on you and focus on

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your relationship with Allah?

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I can tell you

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that alone time with Allah

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is a part of our iman. Just like

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the prophet alayhis salatu wasalam used to climb

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a mountain,

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the cave of Hira, and he would sit

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for hours

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at a time alone just contemplating

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and thinking about his life,

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thinking about the responsibility,

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thinking on his duties as a prophet.

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So sometimes when you're driving in your car

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or you're on the subway or just walking

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or on campus, wherever you might be, take

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advantage of those moments alone and just think

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and process.

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What is it that I have to do?

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How am I going to do it? You'll

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be surprised. It may shock you

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how little

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of your time you need to have to

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focus and develop that mindset of discipline and

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These three things insha'Allah I hope they are

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helpful to you as they are to me

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and may Allah

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bless your efforts.

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