The Sahaba Fought For Us

Mufti Menk


Channel: Mufti Menk

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The speaker discusses the use of the symbol" clingy," in the context of Islam." He describes the struggles of some individuals to achieve success in the Islam world, including losing wealth and causing others to leave their homes. The speaker also mentions a video of a prophet named Jannah, who was praised by Allah for her accomplishments.

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My brothers, my sisters. The Sahaba radiallahu anhu

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fought for us. They they embraced others. They

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opened their hearts. It must have been a

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struggle but by the help of Allah it

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was made easy. Imagine strange people coming to

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your home. You share half of what you

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want you have from the bottom of your

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heart. We are so clingy, we will not

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our brothers to drive the new BMW

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that we've bought.

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You see?

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Don't even drive this. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.

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Don't drive. And you know what's the excuse?

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You're not insured on it. I agree you're

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not insured on it. Good. But move it

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down the drive. Come on. Now you're not

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allowed. It's illegal. And you know in your

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heart, don't want it. Just now he's gonna

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scratch the car.

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Scratch the car. The sahaba radiallahu anhu scratched

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their pockets and took out whatever they had

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and said, listen. This is mine. Take half

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and we share it. Abdul Rahman ibn Nawaf

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radiAllahu anhu went out into the marketplace. He

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says, show me where's the market. There's the

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market. He came back in the evening with

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a prophet. Allahu Akbar.

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He made money.

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Little while later, subhanallah, he made a lot

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of money. Sometime later he was known as

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one of the richest of the sahaba radiAllahu

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anhu. May Allah grant us all sustenance.

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May we all see the first 1,000,000,000 soon.

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You don't know whether I was talking about

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Zimbabwe dollars,

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or pounds or what it was. But mind

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you, that Amin was quite interesting.

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May Allah grant us 1,000,000,000 of rewards. My

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brothers and sisters,

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I tell you something very interesting.

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Allah praises the companions

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in the Quran.

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I start off with the end of that

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verse. Allah describes the Muhajireen who were the

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first people to accept Islam in Makkah as

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as sadiqun.

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The truthful ones. No matter what persecution

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came in their direction, they did not give

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up their faith. If anything it made them

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And they became those who were loved by

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Allah. Allah says those poor muhajirun,

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those poor people who were driven out of

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their homes.

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And their wealth was taken away from them.

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they were

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calling out to Allah alone.

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Allah says for the sake of Allah they

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left, and they had to leave their wealth

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behind. They were driven out of their homes.

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Allah says,

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they were the ones seeking the virtue of

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And the messenger sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam. They are the truthful ones.

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Imagine you're driven out of your homes.

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Imagine all your wealth taken.

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If a day comes when you lose things,

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always think of those better than you in

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the eyes of Allah who lost more than

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you. And it will help you.

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It will help you. They lost a lot.

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Allah praised them in the Quran. Allah says

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for them is Jannah. Then Allah says, as

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for those who lived in Madinah already, and

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they had their homes in Madinah already, and

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they opened their homes for those who were

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coming in as muhajireen.

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And they gave away things that they desperately

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because the other one needed it. Allahu Akbar.

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because the other one needed it. Allahu Akbar.