Musleh Khan – My Engagement Is Messed Up – 03

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the problems that marriage and engagement have caused in the relationship, and how they need to be addressed immediately. They recommend holding meetings with counselors to discuss these issues and resolve problems. The speaker also advises not rushing into a wedding day and not rushing into a marriage when it is meant to ruin one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam, alaikum, warahmatullahi wabarakatuh brothers and sisters, my engagement is messed up here is part three, you've postponed the wedding just once. So everything was in place. But for some reason a big problem has come about whether it's from the couple, whether it's from extended family, doesn't matter what happened. The point is, it's such a big problem that it actually affected the data that you two were supposed to get married. Now, it's been postponed for another six months, another year, whatever the case is, when, when when something is postponed to this degree, it's a clear indication that things need to be addressed, there are problems in that relationship that need

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to be addressed immediately. Even if you both have a mutual agreement that you both decided that look, we're not going to do this right now. What you decided here at this point is marriage is not appropriate, or it's not the right time to go into that kind of relationship, maybe he needs to save up a little bit more money, maybe there are certain things that she needs to learn about herself or about marriage, whatever the case is, the point is, is that this here is telling you that the engagement needs more time. Now, here's where the problem lies. If you still regardless how many times you postpone a marriage, you still at the end of the day, rush towards the next date, you rush

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towards putting together that next date so that you can get married. These are some of the things that brothers and sisters when it comes to our feelings, they don't actually have exact date lines. They don't have expiry dates, it just feels right at the right time. This is why we have selected is to huddle. And this is why with some of the signs that staccato is accepted is not an exact particular sign. You don't know exactly one thing that's going to indicate to you that your is the harder is accepted. It's a series of different things that you have to look out for, of how you feel what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described to us as Pharaoh set or that gut feeling

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inside of you that something feels right or something just doesn't feel right, you have to look for these indicators out there. So that you know from that these are the decisions that I need to make in sha Allah to plan my next wedding date. So brothers and sisters, you want to make sure that when something major like this happens that the date is postponed, that you really need to sit down, you need to talk about a lot of things. Why was it postponed, assess yourself, assess each other's personalities. And even if you need to, I recommend that you even sit down with a counselor and talk about these issues and talk about whatever is there that's caused you to postpone your wedding day

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and discuss these issues, have them resolved, bring clarity to them. So that insha Allah, Allah, that is One less problem for you to deal with when the marriage actually happens. Remember, brothers and sisters, marriage is a beautiful thing. And I've always said, Now when people complain to you, and say that when you get married, life literally goes downhill, then understand brothers and sisters that they're only talking about their own marriages, they're talking about themselves, whatever problems they're having. They're just talking they're referring to those problems. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Allah subhanho wa Taala we would never have the legislation

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of marriage if it was something meant to ruin your life. So that's really important for you to consider. And if a marriage is done properly, and it's done according to the Quranic teachings, according to the tradition of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then marriage literally feels like a little agenda in this world. It's the place where you will go to find happiness and find tranquility. Now if all of this is delayed for whatever reason, this is the sign you need to take your time. Don't rush your feelings. Don't rush into the engagement. Don't rush for that wedding day it will come in sha Allah, Allah at the right time. At the end of all of this brothers and sisters,

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this is a lust Potter and you don't ever want to question Allah soprano was was Allah subhana wa taralist clutter? May Allah azza wa jal Bless you all and make it easy for us, said Mr. alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato

Sheikh Musleh in this episodes explains the delay/postponement of the engagement/marriage.

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