Munir Ahmed – Session 39 Questions & Answers

Munir Ahmed
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of praying in the holy month and the need for men to make sure they are praying in the holy month. They stress the need for men to make sure they are praying in a home context and avoid discomfort with the term "wait." They also discuss the use of animal products for repairs and replacements and the importance of Christmas celebrations. They touch on the use of wixers and the importance of Christmas celebrations.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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Wa sub Allah Tala. Kapil Mina

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where you have Aruba now where you kept it Anessa yeah Tina Ness Allahu elmen nerfed what is can worse here? Well, Allah Hinata luckily over LA Hill ma save

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Hola Hola. Hola. Quwata illa Billahi Allah you love him. Praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds

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as we praise Him.

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And we sent decent blessings on his final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, aka saying salaam We ask Allah to accept from us our efforts

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to bless our efforts to be merciful and forgiving to us.

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And to give us

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useful understanding and knowledge that which is beneficial, and why assessments

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on Allah, we totally dependent to Him is our return and goal. And there is no power and might accept that of Allah, their brothers and sisters.

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I was already for actually doing the shots of

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the next Ethan 12.

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Then I had two or three questions. One was posed to me by one of you last week at the end in writing, so I thought I would deal with it. And there was another couple I thought you might find useful if I answer these questions, because it can be quite detailed.

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So I'll begin the first question was put to me was

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one of our brothers on the group was saying that he was having discussions with some non Muslim colleagues and

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the issue about Islam, and especially in inverted commas, subjugation of women in Islam.

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It's a big topic, actually.

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I don't point the fingers purely at those who are peddling these ideas from the non Muslim

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area, but also from the Muslims themselves. Because I find some of the views certainly give that

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give that

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Some of the views of some of our Imams and Alama inverted commas.

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Anyway, the question was more specific than that. Is that can a woman lead

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people in prayer? That's the question.

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Perhaps some of you have come across this before and got answers to it. I don't know whether I've answered it. I may have answered it in the mosque. But this is my answer. Firstly,

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there is nothing absolute clear cut from the Quran and from the Sunnah, direct and absolutely utterly, without any shadow of doubt, saying that, only men can lead the five daily prayers, number one.

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Number two,

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it depends on where the prayer is LED, because we certainly have in Hadith from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam of America that the prophesised made a Masala or a place of prayer in her home for her where she led her family in Salah in her home. And the province is appointed and more of them in the home for her as well. More as in gently the idea and all Amara agreed, the idea of a Muslim for call India is a male, so it must have been a male from that context from this hadith. This is the details we have leading a family it doesn't specify that it's only women that she led for prayer in her home. Yeah, and the fact that the one thing is calling the prayer must have joined in Salah as

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well. But this is not the public Masjid this was in a home context. So you could say in a home context we do have some evidence from the Sunnah. I will woman who is learned and and recitation of the Quran is good, etc. that she can lead her family in

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prayer at home

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now, the Masjid

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has a slightly different scenario for many reasons.

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Firstly, obligate obligatory prayer in the masjid, what we have from the prophesized time and from Sahaba and Tabby in and all the centuries after, and certainly from the Prophets time because that's our example of obviously the prophesy some lead the Salah, always unless he was ill, and then it was like Abu Bakr for example and we have one or two other cases or other Sahabi leading when the Prophet saw some came a bit later, while he was making wudu

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but in the in the masjid, even after him during one of our Ico, it was Ameerul Momineen, the leader who will lead the salah, in the mosque.

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So that's, that's where what we have

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in the masjid sense,

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we could say that it will be very difficult to envisage a woman leading men and women in prayer in the masjid. Why?

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the five obligatory prayers to find prayers are soon number AKQA. In some opinion of Allah ma like in the opinion of

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Hannah villa, for example, they believe it is obligatory for her to aim on every male Muslim to attend the Salah in the masjid, but the best opinion really, I believe, is a majority of it is highly recommended, which is also encouraged from the Hadith, etc. I don't want to go into that area. But that's whereas for the women, it is highly recommended but not quite at that level of obligation

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or recommendation, they have been given more leeway. Not like we see practices today where you hardly ever see women in the mosque. But there's many reasons to that. Partly it's lack of encouragement. Partly it's Miss

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Information and

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all the difference opinion on the Hadith, but actually the Hadith are weak to do with the woman, prayer being best at home and best in the smaller room of the home rather than the courtyard. And then best in a cupboard like space.

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Dark covered like space, even I've been the best prayer woman, this hadith, as was said by Abraham is not authentic, and also said more recently by Shakira I'm not doing and my teacher, Chef Abdullah debate as well. That's a separate issue. So Nevertheless, because of children, little children, babies looking after etc.

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Islam therefore reduce that level of recommendation but I still believe that the general recommendation or praying in GEMA having 25 or 27 times more reward is not just for the men but men and women. Because prayer in Jamar can be offered at home as well. Not necessarily in the mosque but the extra reward of the mosque is the effort made to travel to the mosque etc and back.

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Now, so, nevertheless there is some difference in the establishing of the prayer therefore, there is more of a precedence for the men to be at the mosque and more responsibility on them to make sure that the prayer in the mosque are held and less responsibility of women and therefore the that gives them an edge and a priority that the lead in the press. Number two

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when the rows are made, when the rows are made, it is very clear in Islam from the beginning of time the Prophet saw some the way he showed he said Solu Kamara, Ito Mooney or Sally Salalah Islam because it's not in the Quran, how the prayer is prayed individually or in Java. So please pray as you see me pray and I include how he established Gemma in the message as well. And what did you do the man leading the front and he didn't have mixed rows are men and women's standing next to each other praying Salah

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that is not acceptable in Islam. Why? Not because women are inferior or in fact you could argue men are inferior is the idea of Islam keeps very much the nature of men and women is realistic with it. Prayer requires khushu humility and turkeys complete focus and

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Next one with God.

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For that purpose, it separates the men and women, we're not talking about making God put in your hands, are we talking about the salada ritual prayer itself? So the idea that you see, and those might have experienced what we see in Hollywood films of across the church, where the girl and boy are a need to the rope in the church, and they're certainly not focusing on the any prayer that's going on in the church. And that's even from across from one another, minimize the standing next to each other what that situation would be. So the idea of many women standing out, you could end up being next to a stranger or attractive a woman and and vice feelings either way, how's that going to

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affect this Hello, which involves standing shoulder to shoulder leaving no gaps, tightly knit in rows? Yeah. So keeping that in mind, of course, we don't have rows of men and women standing next to each other is to is to allow, yeah.

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Avoid the natural things that can happen of desires. Yeah. This is just insula we're talking about and, and allow us to focus on a very spiritual experience of connecting with God Almighty, which will be interfered with.

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Okay. So, so when we say that men and women not standing next to each other, and Salah in a mosque is in rows,

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then how are we going to establish the rows? Okay, how did the province So establish the rules?

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What did you probably start at? He said the best rows for men, this is authentically are the ones that are the front, the first row nearest to the front and the best rows for women are the ones nearest to the back.

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Coming forward. Yeah. But it is from the Sunnah, that men and women prayed in the same hall beside your screens and curtains and walls and other buildings, I believe is a bit up innovation invented by others? Yeah.

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That's where I believe that I said that the original sun for whatever excuse you may call our attraction. I all those excuses were there. So men on the front woman at the back not because women, this is also very misunderstood.

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Let's say it was the other way around.

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Okay, so the man is leading the the Imams leading the prayer, let's say a man and a woman stand behind with their rose and the men stand behind the woman.

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Well, if you look at salah, as I explained to non Muslim, when they visited the mosque, they could very easily understand especially the ladies could understand the girls. Now, Salah was going up and down and raising your bottom, clearly in prayer when you're going through Jude, and that's repeated. Imagine how a woman feels when men are right behind and they can see right in front of them. What kind of discomfiture that would cause. Yeah, for the females when they're going up and down in the pray that somebody could say, oh, well, men can feel that as London or men don't definitely go around thinking about

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that somebody's watching their bottom from the back and, and the shape of etc, etc. All the rest of it becomes very natural discomfiture.

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Yeah, whereas the other way around. Yeah, is

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much less likely, much less. I'm not saying it's absent, but much, much less likely, like much less likely, not only the females having this discomfort of being at the front, but the men behind are also going to have that kind of attraction, despite wearing a long, long robe, because when you go up in answer to the long robe falls upon the shape of the body, whether you wear a tent, or whether you were just normal clothes, you can't escape that

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that's going to happen. So that'd be a distraction for the men as well. Yeah. So that's why the idea is to avoid that kind of distraction again in salon and therefore naturally put the women in the back rows and men at the front rows following the Imam

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All right, now let's say we make this the Imam, a woman.

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Where are we going to pick when the Prophet saw some said the best rows of men adores the front rows and the best was a woman at the backroads. How would they apply this hadith now to this situation? Because if you met the woman, the imam in the Salah Are you going to stand the men behind her

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and her discomfiture with that and the men's discomfiture with that and the women and then further away from it, or are you going to switch around now and put the women behind the Imam and put the men behind and you still face the same problems again? Yeah. So these are the various reasons I believe that the way of the prophets Allah Salam, for Salah in Masjid is the way he established it and the way it was established by the Sahaba and under tab in a Toyota vein

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that is the way the Sunnah, which is that in the most men lead the prayer and men's rows are behind and women rows behind that but in the same hole

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What else do I have to say about that

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ah, about hot bath.

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Now hot but Jonah hot but we're talking about or any sermon, a reminder or talk just before prayer after prayer, there is nothing absolute about a woman not been able to do a hot bath.

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But generally, there's some that is that the man who's leading the prayer does the hot bath.

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But it is possible that and there's nothing hard and fast

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about it.

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The perhaps a learned woman, a scholar does the football and then she goes back and appraise behind the Imam. And the responsibility for leading the prayer shifts back to the the appointment to the man, the male imam in the masjid. That's my answer to that question. Any clarification? Anybody want to come back?

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Before I move to a second question?

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So I've got my current check just about whether it would be permissible for a woman to lead the prayer with a screen or again, is the screen considered the innovation that separates unnecessarily that isn't necessarily required? No, that there's no need for all that, again, we're

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adding to things and you're putting

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things in place, which are not necessary. Really?

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Because it's not just about the position, but also the fact that what I said earlier about the greater obligation of men establishing the Salah, and unless, you know, women are given more leeway. So the priority ends with them.

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As well, that's part of it.

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Just like

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anything else on that one?

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I saw I would say that picture of it was I think Amina will do some of you may have heard on Air America who came up with this idea that it was okay. I don't do tech feed of the woman who says she's Catholic because you don't listen. She's done a great haram or anything, but I think it's disliked. And I don't think it's acceptable. I think despite what some scholars said, I think women praying together in Jamar with a woman as an imam is absolutely fine as well. As is a situation of like on one or somebody praying and the woman leading at home with a family.

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That's that's also fine as well. I'm not happy with the idea. Sometimes I hear of a woman only Masjid. This is an innovation a beta.

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Massage for the public. Yeah, yeah, women can play a bigger role as unlike what has been played for some time now, especially in the Middle East and Asia and sub sub continents of male *, they can play a bigger role because there's much more to do in the mosque than just lead to prayers, of course. And when we shouldn't be very much involved. It's a community place. But to call it a women only mosque is a reaction to the male only mosques because that's just that's just going from one side of extreme but you see to the other side, and that's a reactionary, state and it's unacceptable in my opinion. But I can understand if

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things carry on like that, why there's a frustration amongst our sisters to feel that way. It's the same idea of

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well, I don't want to go into that question. But I said listen to the topic. Okay. So second question I was asked

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is the question of the flu

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vaccine. For the last few years a flu vaccine for children has been available as a nasal spray. They don't give the injection because they feel the nasal spray has better effect in children. I think it's under 16 rather than the injection.

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It it is a it has some elements of

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pork origin. Yeah, in the flu vaccine it is not pure pork that's been traded shocked and spread into the nose but it has some poke elements in it. The question was, Is it haram or is it halal? I've been asked that a few times. So in this situation, here's my answer.

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The first point is

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that majority of the scholars past and present have said

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and say that pig

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the pig the animal itself is notice

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is notice what does that mean? We're not talking about eating is haram that's obviously clear. We don't need scholars to tell us that no Quran makes it absolutely clear there's no difference of opinion all that know when this thing not just their meaning is not just filthy to touch not just filthy because it's not mud on it. They mean that just feel free to come in contact with that you'd have to go and have Walsall wash the area, etc, etc. Or that's the idea if it came in touch with your close contact with your close the animal itself.

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I believe

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when we started this many years ago with my teacher that there's no evidence for that. There is no direct evidence for

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the pig. The animal has been Niger's. Yeah. Which in other words, touching it would require ritual purification and therefore you are not allowed to touch it. That's totally mean. That's what I mean by that.

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So where's the evidence for that? There is nothing in the sun. And in the Quran, they use a verse

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who use this as evidence where Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah Al Anon for number six verse 145 or less what are says

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hola de Lo Fi

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here Illa Yamaha Ramin Allah ba me Boo

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a corner may you type in our

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school home our school had a will laugh Murphy's eating in now or it's in now oranges on our office can overheat or end up being among the poor rather

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in Aqaba for road Rafi say

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I do not find in what has been revealed to me anything forbidden for anyone who wants to eat unless it be dead dead meat carrying

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flowing blood or the flesh of swine

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all of which is rich in the whole rich

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Yeah, this is where they get it from they say reads means yeah filthy but they say rich means it's not just notice not just and rich are two separate words. Not just which is used by the Allamah clearly means that which is requires ritual purification if it touches your body or clothes or place rates

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here unless mana what Allah is saying

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for in the hood, it's so he mentions here that which is haram to eat is dead,

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flowing blood and the

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the flesh of the swine for in the whole rates some say means that because for surely the Kinsey is rich, filthy, but actually the verse

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Yeah. Is also interpretable as meaning all of this eating of this is rates. Eating into rich is rich. Otherwise, if it said all of these are rich, all of them are filthy or unclean it would say for in that our rich

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Yeah, it's possible to say that it is in the hoots can mean that it's a pig. But it best opinion here best interpretation for India who means the eating of this is healthy. The eating of these is filthy,

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which fits with the rest of the verse because it carries on saying old fiscal or hillbilly radial load or that which is slaughtered. For for aside from Allah meaning to idols that we slaughter that is an abomination

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that also is forbidden to eat.

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So race, what does it mean not just because it sees us in other places as well, not to mean not just Allah subhanaw taala says, for example, fajita Niebo

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al ofan Yeah.

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But find certain evil,

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original old son, men, which still old son, as the Quran says, then stay away from the filth of the idols, filth of the idols. Everybody is clear that the impurity is not touching the idol. The filth is the worship of the idols. It's called unclean, profane, filthy behavior that sounds Allah describes it unclean. Meaning it's not right. It's not acceptable. Unless my dad also mentions in the Gospel that which is haram in another area in Surah Magadha where he uses the word race again, and you can see doesn't mean impure to touch Allah so Allah says in verse number 90 Yeah a young Levine who enamel Honmaru while may see ruble sub well as lamb or Aegis raises some Mini Militia you

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on that journey boo hula I like to fly home or you who believe who have faith. Yeah, surely

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That's drinking that which is any any briefs all hammer? Yeah, alcohol you can say inverted commas, alcohol,

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that and gambling. While unsolved, yes, sacrificing animals or alters of statues and gods and goddesses well as lamb which is divination of arrows yet suit says telling the future by throwing arrows. They are all rich some men Amelie shape on they are all filthy from the works of the devil in front of the devil stare, so stay away from them so that you may be successful. So nobody from this therefore says gambling, all this stuff you use for gambling but when you touch it is filthy, or that the arrows are filthy. If you touch them rich doesn't mean that. Yeah, which is you being used is filthy behavior. It's filthy behavior to do these things, including drinking color,

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including drinking color, so stay away from them. Doesn't mean to say stay away from touching them. He's saying stay away from doing these things.

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Clearly, that's what really is talking about.

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another evidence that I have is a Hadith in Bukhari Muslim,

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which mentions from others and but no, at least one in Bukhari Muslim mentions that at Hiber

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the Sahaba

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the Battle of Pharaoh the victory over hybird the Sahaba started cooking some donkey meat. Yeah, and then under said the prophesy sort of sent an analysis announcing amongst the Sahaba where this meat was being cooked. In one version it told him to throw throw, throw it up from the pan, but anyway, behind him was gonna mention that there publicize them sent an announcer to announce in the Lucha water solar who yonder honeycomb and Le home in Homer fan in the heart rates. Surely Allah and His Messenger have stopped you forbidding you from the meat of the donkey. That's the

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the meat of a donkey What did he say what the problem is, as Sam said, in the house, which was surely it is rich, filthy. Doesn't mean by that not to touch a donkey you have to go and make wudu and also go and have a dog whistle bath the way

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you don't hear people from the Allah man the man saying the donkey is is not just Yeah, but the same was being used for the donkey very directly here. Whereas in the Quran, it can be implied it was the

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eating away or doing other things. Here it is directly saying that the meat of a donkey is rich.

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is rich.

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So reds

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is anything but more to do with behavior. Yeah, it seems when you brought all these Hayato things together of a behavior, whether it's eating of dead or eating of meat has been slaughtered the altars of other gods and goddesses, or whether it's gambling or whether it's even divination, a virus, or eating pig, or eating donkey, all of it is counted as a rich filthy behavior. Yeah. That nothing to do with touching really? Okay. Why do I mention that? Because

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on this issue of something like this vaccine, there's a difference of opinion, majority of the imams in this country are Hanafis. Yeah. And one of the angles they come from is a pork. Yeah, is

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filthy, it is not just a touch, and therefore we can't have it anywhere near our body, whether it's our nostrils are in the index and blah, blah, blah, even though we're not eating it, and we'll come back to that point. I don't believe there's any evidence for that. Number two

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the pig or the poke in this vaccine, which is nasal.

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From what I've researched, and read so far, and I may be corrected, but it needs perhaps more research with the scientists. But what I know there are molecules which have which have been used from the pig, and then they've been transformed. Yeah, and it's on a molecular level. Yeah, it's not like a piece of meat chicken on a molecular level, which has gone under change. And in, in the Alama, in Arabic, from time immemorial, to this day, they call this change undergoing change is the Harleigh is the Hala is accepted by many of the Allama and folk Aha, including the 100 fear

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that something which is haram like something dead, we can't eat yet, but if it goes through transformation or chemical transformation, then it becomes halal and allowable. Yeah, because it's not in its original form. So, the pork here definitely has gone through is the Harleigh definitely has, I read somewhere where I need to corroborate that to the extent that no DNA of the pork is even detectable in this vaccine. But I am not absolutely certain of that does swing quoted by someone I need to check that but even if it was detected, the DNA doesn't change anything is the highlight is an accepted acceptable chemical change 100 Fear and therefore some 100 We are still accepting some

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still rejecting even though the idea was to holla is a Hanafi idea very much so.

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And therefore that vaccine on that basis of going through his to holla would be absolutely fine to eat, never mind anything else and same applies to Den sweets with pork gelatine which has gone on undergone is the harlot etc, etc. Okay.

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Thirdly, thirdly,

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the vaccine, whether it's a nasal spray, or whether it's an injection.

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No one can say it is being eaten and drunk.

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pig meat, the flesh of swine. Yeah, whether it's bones or it's

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fatik all that has been forbidden to eat, they're off to eat, they're off, putting a spray molecules of it up your nose or injecting it for vaccination public, nobody would call that eating and drinking. You'd be stupid if you said, Well, I'm eating and drinking this vaccine. Okay, people are just laughing at you. So it's not on the category of eating and drinking. If you look at the issue of the famous hadith of Maimunah,

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or otherwise the prophesy Salam that there was a hadith mentioned about a dead sheep, the Prophet saw some came across, which

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was a belong to me No, no, as far as I remember. But the Hadith mentions that he was there with some Sahaba and he came across a dead sheep not slow to death, and he said perhaps you can benefit from this. They said Yara saw love but he's dead. They thought dead means we can't do anything with it prophesied. Slim said only it is forbidden for eating. It is only been forbidden for eating. That's why he meant you can make benefit from its role and

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It's bones etc, etc. Yeah, not to eat but to do other things with. Yeah. So the same idea here, this is not eating and drinking.

00:35:11 --> 00:35:14

It's interesting that even though

00:35:15 --> 00:35:46

majority Allah ma, they said that the pig is not just Molokhia Hanafi are absolutely fine using the pig head to make garments willing to stick to it. They don't see that as a problem, Shafi I see that even as a notice and filthy and unacceptable, but malakian and a fear, they're okay with using take care for, for sewing, etc. Yeah, or there'll be alright therefore with it in the form of brush, etc, to be used. So

00:35:48 --> 00:35:51

this third point is to do with the idea

00:35:53 --> 00:35:57

that you're not eating and drinking it is for medicinal purposes.

00:35:59 --> 00:35:59


00:36:01 --> 00:36:43

this medicinal purpose, it is also important because in the end it, it's it may not be life and death, but it doesn't need to be. I'll come back to that in a minute. It is an issue of the children being protected from flu, which can maybe mild for children, yet, but some who are more vulnerable, like asthmatics, etc, they'll they are in more danger of being affected by in a worst manner. But not only is it safeguard for children, but it's when they come home to their families and then be vulnerable elderly people in the home, as is in the case of many Muslims, and they are more vulnerable for the transmission of that flu bug from the children etc. or catching it in the

00:36:43 --> 00:36:51

schools. And it's passes on to the elderly, and they can get a pneumonia, which can be fatal for them. So it's still protection for them as well.

00:36:53 --> 00:37:16

So that is Musleh a benefit. Yeah, a clear benefit for the community for something which I believe in its original is is not haram. Yeah. It's not haram, whereas the Haram minute. And the final point here is that

00:37:17 --> 00:37:25

the benefit is there and we don't need to go. Some people try and use in this situation. The

00:37:27 --> 00:37:29

the maxim used by the folk AHA

00:37:31 --> 00:38:17

rule right to be able to go wrong. That necessity allows for you. Yeah allows makes MOBA Max allowable, that which is forbidden by law that haram things allows, of course, if you're dying, you're allowed to even eat the meat and drink and drink. Now barley be drying up. First, aren't you everybody is clear about that. But I don't believe that's necessarily here. Because people can say, well, the flu virus, you're just protecting from a mild illness in the children. It's not a necessity, which requires for you to go to haram, but I don't believe it's haram in the first place anyway. So I don't need to use the maxim. Yeah, to justify that. Of course, one can do Reese

00:38:17 --> 00:38:27

research into vaccines, which don't have molecules of pork, and they can use something else in its place. Of course, that requires

00:38:28 --> 00:38:34

a drug company spending money, etc, to find an alternative. And that's a possibility. And that can be done. There's no problem with that.

00:38:36 --> 00:39:20

That would be more to be inclusive of those who have a different opinion on this. Yeah, so that they can benefit from it as well. Rather than having to go for the injection and run around trying to get a private injection or trying to get the NHS to provide the injection fluids or instead of the nasal spray, which is more effective. So I would say in the end, that's my Allah knows best. There is difference of opinion that there are those who are of the opinion there. I'm mentioning not in the full details necessarily, but of course others will say that taking this flu vaccine in the phone is a nasal spray is haram. I don't believe that is the case. I believe it's halal. And Allah knows

00:39:20 --> 00:39:22

best. any clarification on that

00:39:37 --> 00:39:38


00:39:41 --> 00:39:42

I can see

00:39:43 --> 00:39:44

somebody wrote something.

00:39:45 --> 00:39:50

I'm not very good at picking up the messages brothers and sisters. You bet just shouting out.

00:39:51 --> 00:39:52

Don't be shy.

00:39:53 --> 00:39:56

I like to ramble on all these times. I'm sure you lock in Spain.

00:39:57 --> 00:40:00

Islamic country. Club number

00:40:00 --> 00:40:06

Tila, we have a question about capsules containing beef or swine gelatine. Yep.

00:40:07 --> 00:40:45

What they're asking, Are they allowed? Yeah. Sorry. Yeah, the sale of the same issue. Beef is a lot easier to deal with anyway. But the same thing with Pope gelatin as well, because if you apply the principle of st Hala is to Hala which means it's gone through that chemical transformation, then they're absolutely fine. Add to that they're used for medicinal purposes. Yeah, but you know, in the case of those who are very weary, there is often an alternative from the capsule, you can have it in tablet form, then I will prescribe tablet form just to get rounded to put everybody's mind at rest

00:40:50 --> 00:40:50

so I'll go

00:40:51 --> 00:41:01

below Rahmatullah okay just also should be aware that sometimes in surgery, we use animal products as part of the

00:41:03 --> 00:41:11

pathway you know, repair so whether it's defects, yet particularly poor sign and bovine classic one, of course, as you know, is the

00:41:13 --> 00:41:49

sometimes involves Yes, about surgery and stuff, but also replacement tissues, where there's a defect, because plastic equivalents get infected, and they just don't work as well. Yeah, I, you can imagine what that answer to that is, anyway, again, this is those who have an issue with the pig being nudges, will have a problem with this. But I don't believe there's any evidence for that. What came forbidding is eating or drinking. Some people say, Well, this morning, and drinking has become part of your body. But it's not eating and drinking.

00:41:50 --> 00:42:15

And you're not doing it for a joke and a laugh. This is to actually, medicinal purposes safeguard life. When people come with a better alternative in the future, then that's absolutely fine. But this is fine as well. So I was hoping to actually ask that question, because I think there is some query about whether the future COVID vaccine may have certain things within it.

00:42:16 --> 00:42:29

And actually, it's in terms of how we explain to our potential Muslim patients and stuff, sort of the staff members, obviously, because we're high risk of transmitting it to other people.

00:42:31 --> 00:42:34

So it's partly sort of getting ahead of the

00:42:35 --> 00:43:18

the curve when the actual thing comes out. So just wondering, maybe if this isn't the you can take on to the relevant scholarly body so we can actually, instead of looking I can mess with 20,000 different opinions if we can publish that to, to a suitable forum and stage. Yeah, this issue started a few years ago when with the same thing with the flu vaccine, the nasal spray, and it split the Olimar into two camps. And like I mentioned, there's two different opinions on it. Some were ardent, and Tolga. congregation's is haram, and others have said the opposite. I'm afraid that splits gonna carry on.

00:43:20 --> 00:43:34

Even with COVID, once we have the details of the COVID I mean, obviously, we haven't got the details yet. Unless it's available to you if there is information that's probably still showing there is port molecules that we need to know when it's available.

00:43:38 --> 00:43:46

Otherwise, for me follows the same criterion as the nasal spray flu vaccine. Thank you.

00:43:47 --> 00:43:49

I hope that clarifies it.

00:43:54 --> 00:43:56

What was that and it says?

00:43:57 --> 00:44:12

Question is sorry, just been told now by NHS that Pfizer and ASAP both do not have animal products regarding COVID vaccine. All right. Oh, GP up to date. Thank you very much for that notice on us.

00:44:16 --> 00:44:19

Well, that answers your question Tokyo.

00:44:22 --> 00:44:26

sha Allah. All right, anything else on this vaccine issue?

00:44:27 --> 00:44:32

We have another question that is not related to the vaccines installation to nail varnish.

00:44:34 --> 00:44:37

I'll deal with that another time because I have a

00:44:39 --> 00:44:49

I wrote a paper I'm not published it and this has to do with the issue of smoking, smoking cigarettes and include the shisha everything else.

00:44:50 --> 00:44:52

As to my views on it.

00:44:54 --> 00:45:00

That'll take actually half an hour or so to deal with, but I think we're running out of time for today. Anyways,

00:45:00 --> 00:45:03

So I may deal with it another time, which I think you'll find interesting.

00:45:06 --> 00:45:17

Going back ask the nail on this question because actually we've only got five or 10 minutes left anyway. Okay, so is it permissible for a woman to apply a nail varnish and pray please clarify just

00:45:18 --> 00:45:19


00:45:20 --> 00:45:25

On this the majority of the scholars will say

00:45:26 --> 00:45:34

it's permissible to apply it and pray in it the issue is not with the prayer the issues to do with the widow and the hosel

00:45:36 --> 00:46:03

we have nothing absolutely clear cut from the Quran and Sunnah here talking about nail varnish having to be taken off to wet every little part of miniscule part of every nail okay? We just have a general thing and you know Islam is very natural the prophesy Salam saying is Babu to make the wudu properly so obviously he meant you know, wash all the pots properly, okay.

00:46:05 --> 00:46:51

And therefore, then Allah MA and scholars being lawyers went into the miniscule detail of can a tiny little millimeter I'll never be left dry. If it's left dry, you would have been accepted blah, blah, blah, does it include a little bit here a little bit that this is all they go very technical into this where as the wudu performance of the prophesies Sahabas very natural process, you know, doing as you probably saw, some did without going into nitty gritty details and small print. On that basis, the nail gengel nail varnish, which covers the cuticle, that's why majority Allama present day because the President has said that it is not acceptable for her to make wudu or whistle who

00:46:51 --> 00:46:57

will do and whistle will not be accepted. If she has nail varnish on she has to remove it okay,

00:46:59 --> 00:46:59

that's what they say.

00:47:01 --> 00:47:03

If we follow that opinion for a minute

00:47:05 --> 00:47:11

which is the majority opinion is fine if you want to follow that opinion, I have an issue with it I'll come to in a minute

00:47:13 --> 00:47:18

the alternative now it's a bit more expensive of course they're made a porous

00:47:20 --> 00:47:38

majority an advantage to the oil base and therefore water can't penetrate. But now there's water soluble nail varnishes there are available a little bit more expensive so you can just use that and then absolutely fine tomato with an dosa. So that's the way around which sorts out the problem.

00:47:40 --> 00:47:50

Now original issue with the even the oil bisque, I have an issue with it, as we discussed with our chef as well many years that

00:47:51 --> 00:48:10

over a period of time that you can imagine that if that was the case, at the time was Sahaba Tabby in and they had makeup and nail varnish and all these kind of things at that time. That really in reality, the only time you'd find women wearing nail varnish then it

00:48:11 --> 00:48:51

would be when they're on their lenses because it will be impractical for them any time of any other time to have nail varnish on because you'd have to keep removing it and how difficult it would be especially in those days because nail varnish remover is one that easily available. Yeah, that when the need to met would have a prayer. So one of the indications of a wound or Menzies in the salon time would have been that oh she's very nail varnish she must be on a Menzies just, it just seems preposterous that the woman is wearing her full makeup on her life when when you sit on a Menzies and she can't have a relationship with her husband at that time anyway. So it's just a paradox. It

00:48:51 --> 00:49:29

doesn't fit. Yeah. So I believe that we don't need to go to the nitty gritty detail of every millimeter of nail and you are watching it still anyway you don't have to take the cover off of the paint that's landed on there to make sure that that skin underneath has been done. I don't I don't believe that's necessary. I don't believe that technology is necessary. And there is no absolute direct evidence for that anyway. So I believe just washing Yeah, even with the nail varnish Shawn washing the face and the hands whether they will do or whistle is acceptable as goosal Amador I hope that answers the question

00:49:32 --> 00:49:33

beginning to sound like

00:49:35 --> 00:49:36

what's his name?

00:49:40 --> 00:49:42

What's his name? Who's in India's been?

00:49:43 --> 00:49:49

exactly nine that can make it sound like exactly make? I hope that answers your question.

00:49:53 --> 00:49:54


00:49:55 --> 00:49:57

is there any clarification on that?

00:50:01 --> 00:50:02

And Allah knows best

00:50:10 --> 00:50:12

No, that's fine

00:50:15 --> 00:50:16

all right.

00:50:18 --> 00:50:31

Check just one quick question on the timer professors some did they did mostly to do it they wouldn't have had to nail varnishes believe probably the same applied to like Mende on the Yes. Gala. Yeah, same idea. Like they covered it with that

00:50:35 --> 00:50:48

but I believe that's not even oil based anyway, but again, they said it covers it so you're not washing the skin. Okay. Many scholars have said that so it needs removing, so you won't even play you won't be able to apply that island.

00:50:49 --> 00:50:51

Except if they're on the Menzies.

00:50:55 --> 00:50:56


00:51:02 --> 00:51:06

All right. Um, there's another question.

00:51:12 --> 00:51:15

So there's a question regarding Christmas celebrations.

00:51:18 --> 00:51:30

God, what's the question? Well, Islam is a it's a time of the year I have noticed a lot of Muslim household puts up Xmas trees and decoration in their home? Is this Is that allowed?

00:51:33 --> 00:51:35

Refer to

00:51:36 --> 00:51:42

plenty of my football I gave in the mosque around this time a year in previously clarifying this.

00:51:44 --> 00:51:46

But anyway, let me answer it briefly.

00:51:49 --> 00:52:06

Christmas, originally, of course, is a Christian celebration. In Muslim world if you go there, whether it's in Egypt or other places where there's Christians living around this time of year, Christmas time, you can tell a Christian household with the decorations in the window, etc. And the lights

00:52:08 --> 00:52:40

around the time will be different. But you can tell that this is a Christian home. Despite what people say that this is now become just a cultural thing. It's nothing to do with Christianity. In fact, the atheists and the non believers don't even go to church celebrate Christmas a lot more. Because it's more to do with eating and drinking and partying, isn't it? And the markets, supermarkets are really happy, they're not Ultra religious, they've become the churches. They really are promoting all the goods and things for Christmas and the presence and the rooms and the party eating so because they can make tons of money out of it as they do with something like

00:52:44 --> 00:53:00

Halloween as well. So nevertheless, Nevertheless, despite that argument, it is really to do with Christmas to do with Christ and the birth of Christ. So it is a Christian festival

00:53:01 --> 00:53:10

in essence I am not of those people who do haram and halal on this issue. Yeah. Because

00:53:12 --> 00:53:54

to say haram and halal unless I find a verse in the Quran or Hadith saying Christmas is haram then I can say yeah, Christmas is haram to put or it says putting lights of Christmas is haram but I can say but I would say it's disliked and I don't like and this is a way of the classical scholars unless something is absolutely clear cut from the Quran and Hadith as being haram. Like eating pig I can say eating pig is haram, but putting like so. Yeah. And saying Merry Christmas. Yeah, there's many going around saying haram or you can go for yesterday, somebody will say it will go for yesterday as to the shadow again, because he said Merry Christmas to his neighbor or his friend. I'm

00:53:54 --> 00:53:55

just ridiculous.

00:53:58 --> 00:54:12

Because they're implying that when you said Merry Christmas to somebody, which is a form of behavior of greeting. It's as though you said I believe Jesus is the Son of God. It's just absolute nonsense. I don't believe that's because I've said Have a nice Christmas and Merry Christmas to you.

00:54:16 --> 00:54:51

So one is the greeting part and actually even like Shere Khan, we and others said many years ago and the very strict ones from Saudi went against chakra with views of giving gifts to Christian friends, etc, who celebrate Christmas sending them cards, etc. It's all fine as long as you don't give me a gift of alcohol of course, as some of our community went even that far. So there's the the answers in the middle road that one extreme of not even keeping the world Christmas, if it comes out of your mouth. I think you've done some sort of,

00:54:52 --> 00:54:53

you know,

00:54:54 --> 00:55:00

blasphemy and you'll become Catholic, which is absolute nonsense. But the other

00:55:00 --> 00:55:04

The size of it that we take lock stock and barrel everything. Yeah, and

00:55:05 --> 00:55:16

the Christmas tree decorations sing Merry Christmas, say Merry Christmas to each other as Muslims and send Christmas cards to each of those Muslims. Yeah, eat the turkey on Christmas Day as a Christmas dinner.

00:55:17 --> 00:55:44

This is not isn't not the way of Muslims, I dislike it. I would say it's karamba crew, but I don't say that Turkey is haram for them to eat. I have no, I have no evidence of that. Yeah, I have no evidence for that. But I would say it's dislike is the way of you can say if the Shabbat it is the way of imitating the People of the Book. And we are not from the Christians. We are Muslims. So that's about the strongest thing we can use in the Gaza that

00:55:46 --> 00:56:00

I'm not doing it eating turkey around this season, because it's generally available. No, it's absolutely fine. You don't have to look out for the 25th of December to have the turkey every day before the day after the week before a week after.

00:56:02 --> 00:56:08

If you're having it for a few days, and you happen to have in the 25th you don't need to spit it out and say how do we live? They say Taraji Milan.

00:56:09 --> 00:56:10


00:56:12 --> 00:56:25

So, and certainly, declarations falling into that same kind of criterion. And category. I would say that it's disliked macro.

00:56:31 --> 00:56:42

We just have a follow up question in relation to can we have a eat tree and presence and decoration? presume the mean, at run e time I think

00:56:44 --> 00:57:06

May Allah save some such innovation of an E tree? I mean, in the end Christmas, we already said it lost its original meaning and the tree was introduced from pagan idea tree as a worship idea. So why do we need a? Why do we need especially a tree idea? I mean, find likes and things like that. I mean, bright lights and lanterns and

00:57:07 --> 00:57:14

you know, in the end, it's absolutely fine. It's not linked with worship with a tree idea is very, very pagan idea.

00:57:16 --> 00:57:18

So God save us from any tree.

00:57:21 --> 00:57:25

As much as you might think that might be of interest here.

00:57:26 --> 00:57:55

I actually had a colleague who was a pagan, he didn't accept Christianity at all and decided to go back to his Celtic roots and adopted being a pagan. I found it quite an interesting conversation to have with him about what he believed in and how it worked. That's a discussion for another time. But he when it came to Christmas time and all the other colleagues were starting to celebrate even if they didn't believe in Christianity, he started to accuse them of stealing his celebration.

00:57:56 --> 00:58:12

To say that Christianity was all sorry, Christmas was basically the event of the celebration of the birth of a Jew as we know to be SLS LOM incorrectly stolen from the pagans. And here

00:58:14 --> 00:58:31

as you will know, it is actually a pagan festival. It was adopted by the I think it was the Roman Empire. Who was the birth of the sun? God, yes, absolutely. To appeal to the Son of God. There was that a few but it's also to do with preserving of, I think the

00:58:32 --> 00:59:04

preserving of life through winter, which is why people brought trees into the house as a sign of living through the hardest and harshest time. So it comes from the northern climate. And obviously what you said completely aligns with this that that would bring in trees into the houses Muslims would surely be an acknowledgment of a pagan festival, which I think would have been absolutely totally abhorrent to Dar Islam. Obviously sharing gifts and so on with our Christian friends and unknown Muslims indeed, is inshallah encouraged anyway, but but just to give you a little bit of the history about that, I find that quite quite funny. What.

00:59:06 --> 00:59:13

By the way, he wasn't just a Jew, he was he may have been born as a Jew, but he actually believed in Islam. So that shut him up a little bit as well.

00:59:15 --> 00:59:16


00:59:19 --> 00:59:38

points about Christmas, which is one I think Charles Dickens popularized the idea of gift sharing, and Coke Cola made Christmas what it is in our current understanding, with the red Father Christmas, etc, etc. Because the colors somewhat resemble their own products. Surprise, surprise. Yeah, see what marketing has done? Yeah.

00:59:40 --> 00:59:59

You know, in the end, there's an element of that cell culture becomes you know, and we're affected by culture and culture, but it plays a role and what, how we live our lives, but we have to be also aware that it doesn't, to what extent that mixes with our religious rituals, I mean, the end you know,

01:00:00 --> 01:00:34

culture affects even the way we celebrate Eid by sending aid cards. I mean, some people say that's Billa but you know, is it really a religious issue sending cards? I mean, what is the max set of cards and then you need to look at all that kind of thing. And putting the lights we might put modern lights on compared to we have no likes in the past so obviously people when it first arrived, oh my god is the bit that they put like so. It's a bit like the microphone arriving for the masjid to do the alarm with when it first arrived. They said It's haram for us. So we have to, we have to decipher the difference

01:00:35 --> 01:00:55

between cultural change and that which has a significant significance in the actual beliefs and ritual practice. And a tree has a going back to that is very specific has a very pagan link to it.

01:00:57 --> 01:01:09

It's not a trees fault. Is it? I love Christmas trees. But I don't I mean, they're not really we call we call them Christmas it is God's creation. You know, we start going in the garden with the back is beautiful.

01:01:12 --> 01:01:17

Okay, I could say a lot more than I just tried to give a brief answer in regards to

01:01:18 --> 01:01:19

the Christmas question.

01:01:24 --> 01:01:25

Permission to go.

01:01:27 --> 01:01:44

Thank you, okay, for a very, very useful session. Exactly. I was a bit different from the 14 days but I had two or three questions. I thought, Well, why not let other people benefit rather than the ones who just asked the question, and I hope we're useful for you, inshallah. Next time.

01:01:45 --> 01:01:52

We met three weeks suffer Do we have a week off next week? Yes, yeah. Am I allowed? Yes, of course.

01:01:55 --> 01:02:21

Pretty much nice to get everybody's direct contact to send them the link for next time those who were joined this will perhaps couldn't join Yeah, I will send a message now in the chat group that my phone number and if everyone can make a please note of that and then I can if they can message me and I'll add them to the group. And obviously then you get you'll get a direct link sent to you then yet if you're interested in the future. So inshallah in two weeks then give me a week off.

01:02:22 --> 01:02:27

We'll do the shots of at least number 12. I think we're on in Sharla yeah

01:02:29 --> 01:02:42

yeah, and maybe we'll do a question answer in in some months again Charla but I'll cover this topic. The paper i i wrote in scribbles for myself on on smoking the issue.

01:02:45 --> 01:02:45


01:02:48 --> 01:02:54

Mark lofi come are glove working with that one, and you're handling later, Bill Alameen Salam Alikum

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