Munir Ahmed – Jumuah – Alhamdulillah

Munir Ahmed
AI: Summary © The history and significance of the Surahs in the Bible is discussed, including the importance of the Prophet ROF and the use of "will" and "will" in various context. The significance of praise and gratitude to God is emphasized, along with the use of "by the mouth" and "will" in English. The history and significance of the Bible is also discussed, including the significance of "Okra" and its use in religion.
AI: Transcript ©
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over that place kind of render, fill out the gap college and draw that back about full as well really very busy and outside of the day and the more you'll sleep late, it could be

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in the hamdulillah

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Navajo who is in Who knows 31 hours will be law he means show Rudy and fusina our means sejati Marlena may de la HuFa who will mustard? Well, may your lil Phelan tagit Allahu Walia Murshida wash Chateau a la ilaha illallah hula hula Cherie Cara. Were a shadow and Muhammad and Abu water Sulu. sallallahu alayhi wa ala early he was the habit he he were men Debbie Yahoo. Eli Yomi Dean, and about

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Bacala to Allah, Phil Quran Majeed

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al Hamdulillah. Here are Bilaal I mean are rough man or Rahim, Maliki you owe me, Dean. You cannot go to work you can stay in.

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Indeed, all praise is due to Allah.

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We praise Him and thank Him, we praise him thank Him

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and seek his forgiveness, guidance and his mercy.

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We seek Allah's protection from the bad insiders as we seek His protection and refuge from our bad deeds.

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No, then one who is guided by Allah, they are truly guided, one who is left to go astray, they will not find a guide or a protector or helper after that. And I bear witness that there is no God. But the one true God, Allah Glory be to Him, the Creator of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them. He has no partners. And I bear witness that Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him is the slave and messenger.

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They are brothers and sisters.

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On this day of blessing,

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I want to contemplate

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on a few words.

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And these are the words of

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Alhamdulillah In fact, the whole team starts with in Alhamdulillah.

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Surely, All praise belongs to Allah, as a matter of fact for the statement, and with the word inna to less stress on it in the truly surely, and then that Madhu, who

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but I want to contemplate really from the words Alhamdulillah from the beginning of Surah to Fatiha

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the opening of the Quran.

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Now, of course, there's a big debate about Surah Al Fatiha is its beginning Bismillah Bismillah, as we say,

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or is it Alhamdulillah?

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We're not here to go into that debate. Suffice it to say that there are scholars on both sides of the debate. And briefly,

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yeah, ones who say that, in fact, the whole debate of Bismillah is a big debate. To summarize it. Everybody's agreed that Bismillah is part of the surah of the Quran in surah tunnel, where it is in the letter of Soleimani and a salon where he comes back to the surah everybody agrees of course that's part of the Quran, the rest of the bus mullahs Bismillah except for the beginning of surah. Two Toba, there is big debate amongst the scholars from past and present from Sahaba Tabby in the debate will continue.

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But perhaps the best for it is what Abdullah Abbas from the Companions not the Allahu Anhu has said that the Prophet saw some didn't know the ending and beginning of the surahs until Allah revealed Bismillah R Rahman Rahim.

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What they're all agreed with is that it is Revelation it was revealed, no doubt. But whether it's part of the eye of the surah is where the debate happens.

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When we come to Surah Al Fatiha a further debate happens now because this is the beginning of the Quran and we have other evidences besides what I've just mentioned about Bismillah being separating the surahs and the provinces. So knowing that this is where the surah ends and under one starts,

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because in one rewire

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in Hadith, in Bukhari and others that report that the Prophet SAW slim said to one of the companions was reporting saying, Allah or berocca be asking me sorry, Quran or be asking the sewer filled Quran Shall I not inform you of the greatest of the surahs chapters of the Quran?

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And then some natal fee Hadith later on in the Hadith on the prophets less informed and I'm got time to go into the whole of it. He says Alhamdulillah Hara Rabbil Alameen.

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A Cebu al Madani? Well, Quran Allah Aleem a lovey Ooh Tito

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen are the seven oft repeated verses and the Great Quran

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that circle Fatiha. The greatest surah in the Quran from the Prophet saw some is al Fatiha and he called it the seven oft repeated verses and the Great Quran which has been given to me

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if it's seven day includes Bismillah R Rahman Rahim This is corroborated Hadith.

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Other scholars go with another Hadith which is Sahih Muslim and others where the promise Aslam say Hadith could see call atta Allah, but some too, person to Salah benei ouabain Abdi

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Miss fain I have divided the salah between me Allah says, I've divided the salah between me and my slave into two parts, two halves.

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Why is all Abd Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen call to Hamadani Abdi and the Hadith carries on when my slave den says Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. Notice he didn't say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. So now the ones on this opinion, say look, he's saying I've divided the Salah, and he begins with Al Fatiha doesn't say when my slave begins with Bismillah he says Alhamdulillah head of the army. So they say no, no, no, it's not part of Surah Fatiha.

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So, the best is actually to say that would have to negate the first studies the best is to bring it together. Which is it is seven oft repeated verses and just because this he doesn't mention Bismillah R Rahman Rahim this Amina says not part of it. But the essence and the beginning of the praise is with Alhamdulillah of Surah Fatiha and thus it's mentioned like that. Perhaps that's the best then there's a whole nother debate which I won't go into about whether Bismillah should be recited loudly or quietly in Salah and otherwise. No time for that today.

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All of it is acceptable brothers and sisters, all our great opinions of great scholars from Sahaba and Tabby in others, they are not opinions in these opinions which are far away where I can say this is a wrong opinion. Okay.

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Now, the first real focus is Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen even just the two words Alhamdulillah before we get to rub your army,

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with Allah what Allah begins with the Quran.

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And this Quran

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and what was given to the Prophet SAW Salem, he was said it was six virtues I have been given over other and beyond prophets and messengers.

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One of them was ot to jawai I'll kill him. I have been given brevity in speech.

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So a few words has deep and powerful meaning.

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And they say eloquent people in any language are those who say a few words. And you get the point. Not like me standing here for half an hour trying to explain verbose. Well, perhaps it's not that bad, but there are people who Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup. And I've half an hour half an hour. You think what is he on about?

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What is he saying? Yeah, that's not brevity of speech.

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Yeah, that's just called talking rubbish.

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So the Prophet SAW Islam was given brevity of speech and Quran is part of that and his words is

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Well sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Allah Swidler begins with Al Hamdulillah.

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Al hunt, often is translated and for brevity even I say Praise be to Allah but actually has deeper meaning than that. Because in Arabic, Praise is mud, same letters, but in a different order.

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Not hummed mud. But mean dal ha it means to praise praise someone I'll hand is different. Because hand means to praise and to be grateful have gratitude and to thank

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that's the difference, the shocker which means to be grateful.

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So shaker and mud are separate words. So Allah could have said could have said MUD who was so cruel Allah

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but to reduce the two words down to one and handle makes it even more powerful and great. And I'll hand

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shocker can be for Allah and for others.

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And the school Lee Wally Wally day daycare elite you'll receive. So be grateful to me and be grateful to your parents, to me is your goal as Allah Allah says in the Quran,

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shocker. But its essence is Shaka. Even for parents, we thank Allah because he's the one who gave us parents.

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So the essence the foundation of Sucre is Allah subhanaw taala. But with Al hamdu, you cannot do that. We can't we don't even say Al hamdu lillahi Rasul de we neither does the Sahaba we can praise mud can be used for Praising others for mention their goodness in them. But Alhambra is only used for Allah

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Al Hamdulillah al hunt, which combines gratitude and praise. Notice Allah also didn't say who knew? All of you say Alhamdulillah.

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Some of us Iran said it is implied

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in Bulava and rhetoric, even though it comes as Alhamdulillah it means all of you say Alhamdulillah Psalm center, but even that's not necessary. Neither did Allah. In other words, he didn't say commanded us to do it because some will do it. Some won't do it. Not everybody will follow some will believe some will disbelieve. So it didn't come like that. Neither did it come in verb form to say I've medulla of medulla. Oh now medulla we praise Allah. I praise Allah. Or Hamid Tula. I have praised Allah in the past, not as a verb because verbs are limited in time, past, present or future. It came as a noun Alhamdulillah which is forever and ever it is not time limited. And it came as a

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fact and a statement. Whether you do it or whether I do it, or whether I don't.

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All praise and gratitude and thanks belongs to Allah. He is a fact. And here in rhetorical.

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The Hatim says in Alhamdulillah

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Is it okay for him to say that? Of course it is.

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Because I'm not reciting al Fatiha and adding to it.

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Then you saw stuff for Allah who you to add to Al Fatiha well I'm not reciting a fatwa when I say I'll in Al Hamdulillah. But I'm stressing on the fact that praise surely is for Allah to the audience, to the ones who are listening

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to remind them that surely All Praise and Gratitude belong to Allah.

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But Allah could have started al Fatiha like that as well in Alhamdulillah. So he did

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because of stress or in other words, sometimes Allah says while Illa Hill hummed in the Quran mentioned a few places always say

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in fact be right we had recently Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. Willa Hill hunt.

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Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest and Lila Hill Hunt is like a reversal of the sentence.

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Alhamdulillah is the normal sentence while Lila while hundreds, like he is going to work is a normal sentence to work he's going his the other way. But actually in English and rhetoric. It is also correct to say to work he is going why is it done that way? Because it is to say it is only to work he's going nowhere else

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was a little while hundies used to count a shift in the eye yet. Yeah, and it could be a lot um they have sacrifices to counter the Musa Keane who was sacrificing and worshiping others.

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To say that only to Allah belt belongs all praise. But here in a humble Allah didn't need to say yeah to only Allah belongs all praise because in rhetorical sometimes it comes as an obvious fact don't need to have any in front of it to stress upon it or to reverse it. It is an obvious fact. And not hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah brings it in All Praise and Gratitude belong to Allah, it is an obvious fact. Why because of what follows it.

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What follows it, of the IR the following makes it obvious that all praise and all gratitude belongs to Allah. Allah. Why Allah?

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Why Allah, Allah is the Greatest Name of Allah.

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As the prophesised Lim said,

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and even when the Asma UL Husna, the SIFAT and the names of good Beautiful Names of Allah has mentioned, it says, who Allah Who hula de la ilaha illa, who it is, He is Allah,

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whom there is no other God beside him.

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La ilaha illa who

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know God accept him, then it gives the other names of Allah subhanaw taala. I probably saw some says about 99 names Allah saw prophesized in,

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in Melilla, he, surely Allah has 99 names because that is the name and the 99 are aside from Allah.

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us aside from Allah, Allah, some scholars said Allah is the name we don't look into it other scholars and the most famous among some is the great Muslim linguists Acebo a who said another scholars agreed with him. I am not of that opinion, that Allah is derived from El de la.

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Isla means God, but really its meaning is he who is worthy of worship and praise.

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Similar meaning of in Hebrew, Elohim and ILAHA. In Syriac, the language of biblical language, and the language of Isa Alayhi. Salam.

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They have the same meaning and look, they're the similar in terminology, Allah, Allah Elohim.

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Because the sister languages is the same meaning, the one who is worthy of worship. So the word Allah comes from this the one who is worthy of worship. So when we say that Ilaha illa Allah, there is no one worthy of worship because La ilaha illa. De is God we say in small g actually means there is no word no one worthy of worship except Allah. The god. Actually Interestingly, some people have a real hang up of using the word God. There is no word no one worthy of worship except the god. Yeah, pray all praise and gratitude, gratitude belongs to God.

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So oh, you said God instead of Allah, it be interesting for you that linguistically the word God has an interesting origin as well. God of God in Arabic comes from Gil you know what it means its origins, it route is the one who is called upon the one you make dua to

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mazing. God means that actually, the one you make dua to and one of the prophets, Iceland's said about DUA and Eva

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in the DUA, who Alibaba surely dua easy bother.

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So as the god and Allah is the same thing.

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And I'm fine, we're using Allah because Allah was using that name in Arabic himself, and Christians and Jews have always used Allah as well in Arabic.

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But living in this society, where Arabic language is no longer familiar to them, then especially in Dawa and interacting with non Muslims, it is fine to use the word God.

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It is not a sin. You're not going to some sort of Hindu elephant God's name or something. Yeah, it is referred

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During the God who is praised and called upon,

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I call it only has I was the federal law he will come in

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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wa Salatu was Salam ala Ashraful NBI. Well, more saline VA early he was Sufi Ijeoma in a MOBA, Jaleswar

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Alhamdulillah here on Bilal Amin.

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All praise, All Praise and Gratitude is for Allah for God.

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Rub Bill beard Alameen Rob

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and this is so profound this statement. Look, the Quran is opening with something so profound.

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And that's the you know, brothers and sisters, the rest of the Quran is like that as well.

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Every word is chosen by Allah. Don't be fooled by those fools who say that the original Quran is from Allah, Allah Gibreel put it in his own words.

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Or Gibreel came in and the prophets and put it in his own words.

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Yeah, how can Allah speak, he's getting into all kinds of garbage debates. Don't be fooled. These are words, unlike Hadith, or the Quran, chosen every word chosen Allah subhanaw taala.

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And will first settle over centuries have looked at these and written encyclopedias on a few words and which have such deep and powerful meaning and the best word and the best form and the best way that they've been put together.

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And that and that is the miracle of Quran actually. In language. Aside from his guidance, and everything else that comes the more exotic Quran, which is unlike the miracles of other prophets, it is a miracle that will remain till the miracle of the Prophet Muhammad Salah Salamis

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is continuing after him. And we even thought about that. It is still here

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for us to realize, so praise and thanks and gratitude is obvious to Allah. Because everything he owns Rob is the creator, the honor the sustainer, the giver of life, the taker of life. He has full power and authority without him we are nothing we don't exist. Don't be fooled by science has taken away. God doesn't need God anymore. It's a lie.

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No scientists, real scientists can even say that.

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They say, Oh, evolution, they answered all the questions. Hang on, before evolution starts on a creature. Where did the creature come from? Where did life come from? Science. There's no answer to that.

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Or it happened like, gravity did this. And he did this apple and where did all that come from?

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Some fools are so bent on their atheism, they're trying to say, Yes, something can come from nothing. Nothing comes from nothing.

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They said or, and the ones who say Nothing comes from nothing. They say, yeah, there was some cosmic dust and then all the start Big Bang started happening. Hang on, where do you get your cosmic dust from?

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Somebody said, Allah says Get your own cosmic dust.

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So don't be fooled.

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Don't be fooled. There are so

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the reality of life and existence and everything we have is he's in total control. In other words, the statement Alhamdulillah How could one not praise and have gratitude to Allah subhanho wa taala.

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So when you say I'll humble our brothers and sisters, why I mentioned it is it's a profound statement, say with your heart and not just lip service of the tongue and realize what you're saying. Because it makes you realize who you are, how utterly dependent you are, if he's robbed Malala mean then you are a complete slave who has no power, no authority, no existence, nothing without him Glory be to Him brothers and sisters. So say it with your heart.

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Say it with full conviction and our humbly let me finish with two things.

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The prophesy Salam said in a hadith in Sahih Muslim at Tohoku Chateau Eman while hamdulillah while hamdulillah Tamela will Meezan that cleanliness

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purification is half of faith.

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And there's a whole explanation for that. Then he says, Well hamdulillah praise and gratitude to Allah fills the scales, fills the scales of goodness, you know the words you're saying Alhamdulillah while hamdulillah fills the scales was Subhana Allah he will humbly Allah Tamla autumn la en

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nabina sama you will Earth and saying Subhana Allah, which means Glory be to Allah or how far glory means? How far is Allah away from any imperfection that means somehow that's the meaning of Subhanallah

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how they both fill the space between heavens and earth.

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That's how much reward is in these. And we don't realize, but if we say with meaning and with our hearts, because it has a massive impact on us, and a realization for us, and the other Hadith in Bukhari Muslim the prophesy Salam said,

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it's beautiful SallAllahu Sallam giving us glad tiding he says, curry my turn, Habiba Tala man Satilla Tang fill me Zan, FIFA tan Allah Lisanne Subhana Allah he will be handy Subhan Allah Hilah green.

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Two words.

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They are so loving,

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to the Most Merciful.

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They are so heavy on the scales

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and they are so light and easy to utter with your with the tongue. In other words, why would you be not doing them and saying them Subhan Allah Subhana Allah he will be hundy Glory be to Allah and praise and gratitude be to Him.

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Subhan Allah, Allah, Allah Vehm Glory be to Allah, the greatest.

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May Allah smart Allah, makers of those who utter his praise and be always grateful to him from every cell and morsel of our body. May Allah make us those subservient slaves of his and only through his forgiveness and His mercy Have we got any chance of success somebody to say from the fire? Allahumma Amin

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in the Lucha milega W saloon, Allah Nabhi Yeah, you will have the nominal sallallahu alayhi wa salam with us Lima a

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