Muiz Bukhary – Why Seek the Forgiveness of Allah for Your Sins

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The Prophet Muhammad's sermon reminds people of the loss of humanity and the need for regular prayer to regain normalcy. The importance of finding joy and peace in one's heart and finding forgiveness is emphasized. forgiveness is a way to protect from consequences and inflation, and the need for everyone to strive for forgiveness is emphasized. The importance of obtaining forgiveness of Islam is emphasized, and the potential for prosperity to be instantly lifted through actions is discussed. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a book and a video about Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen also legals anymore either shut off Colombia he will move serene. Maybe you know have you been our quality Are you Nina Mohammed dibny Abdullah I like he was early he was heavy he uploaded solid they were done with the slim Mr. Bad.

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My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, we begin by placing Allah subhanho Allah Allah, we ask him the almighty to send his blessings and salutations upon the final messenger, Beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions, and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of karma.

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We start off by praying for humanity.

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We pray for healing.

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We pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala eases affairs for us. We pray that Allah subhana wa dialler brings about peace. We pray that Allah forgives us of our sins. I mean, we pray for normalcy, that Allah brings back things back to normal.

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May Allah protect us and give us a good life in this world as well as the hereafter.

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with every passing day, the headlines are disturbing.

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There's fear there's terror.

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But as believers it's important that we remind ourselves and that we look at things from a positive angle. This test this calamity, it has brought back humanity. It has brought back people to a loss of pain of mortality taala

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it has brought back people

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to turn to good deeds to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala to seek the forgiveness of Allah azza wa jal,

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places of sin, places of disobedience have been closed down.

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People are with their families, they're, you know, leading simple lives.

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So this calamity, it has brought us back to a loss of Hannah Montana. And it needs to serve as a reminder

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because at the end of the day, we believers

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we believe

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in what our maker subhanho wa Taala has informed us in the Noble Quran, we believe in that. So, Eliza gel, he says in the novel for an

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verhaal fussa do feel bad reavell bath rabee Makassar but Aiden is that calamities have appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of the people have learned. It is because of what we put forth. That we are reaping this the calamities that we see on land and on see

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the Mikasa but at NAS Leah de Pon Bowden at the hamilo Lula Allah nurture own, so that Allah subhana wa dalla makes them taste some of what they did in order that they may turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala in order that they may return to the right way.

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So we believe that it is because of our transgression. It's because of the vise put forth by our own hands. It is because of our own deeds that we are facing what we're facing.

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And it should serve as a wake up call to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala because Allah has the power to turn everything around there, however four to 11 there's no power no might accept from Allah subhana wa tan, this virus, this tiny virus that we cannot see with our own naked eyes, is causing so much of havoc, so much of chaos, and it is only a love is it this is another thing, it reminds us that you know what oh human being. Do not worship your intellect. Do not worship your own brains. Do not worship your advancement in technology in science, the progress that you have made know all of that put together. You cannot stop this it is only Allah, the Almighty Who has the power to bring

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about ease to bring about a solution to bring about normalcy. So it reminds us to turn to us.

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So for today's remind and inshallah Allah until we get back to Juma in the masajid

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I hope to every Friday in Sharla Around this time, the post a short reminder

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And that is the purpose of the Friday Sermon as well for us to spiritually rejuvenate ourselves and we need this spiritual rejuvenation, especially during these times of chaos and turbulence, we need these reminders to help us to turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala to fill our hearts with hope and with faith to spiritually feed ourselves. So every Friday I hope to be doing this inshallah with the help of Allah. And I thank you all for participating and, you know, joining me in this initiative, may Allah accept it from all of us. So for today's reminder, I hope to talk about several seven powerful benefits of STL file.

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Now, the idea that I mentioned earlier, lots of Panama analysis, low hurdle, facade to fill bedrijven battery Makassar but at NAS that calamities have appeared and land and sea, because of what the hands of people have earned, it is because of what we have earned what we have put forth. We are facing the consequences now. So from this we understand that through since the protection of Allah Subhana Allah is cut off, through since we only earn hardship, through sins, the blessings and bounties of Allah subhanho wa Taala are cut off through sins. Our doors are blocked. The answer to our prayers are blocked.

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Through sins we attract calamities, dryers, obstacles and challenges through since our hearts fall ill since make our hearts dark and hard. May Allah keep our hearts seven I mean, Allah Subhan the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he is reported rep said in a hadith in regards to the happening and because of the heart that Allah in the field, just the mandala that know that indeed, in the body of a human being there is a piece of flesh and our initial just the motiva either sort of had solid * just Sudoku, if that piece of flesh is upright, then the entire body is upright, with the first of all just do if that piece of flesh goes bad, then the entire body goes back. Allahu Allah

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with the prophets that align his sentiment to and to say and that is the heart. So it's important to work on our hearts. It is important at this juncture to rectify our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala in another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he indicates towards the chest and he says a dupois Hakuna Matata, Hakuna Matata Hakuna Shah in Asada detallada. He went on to point towards his chest and say, That boy is over here, that boy is over here, that boy is over here. And scholars like him I'm a bit of a failure but I came online others

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they go on to inform us and tell us that you should know that your deeds are distinguished and upon ranks as per what is in your heart, not by its outer appearance, not by the quantity of your deeds. No. By what is in your heart, your heart determines the quality of your deeds. So handleless As you can see, a maintaining a heart filled with faith, a heart connected to a lot of pure and soft heart. That shudders in the remembrance of Allah subhana wa Adana is of utmost importance.

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A man goes to earlier the law one

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doesn't really

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know the law one. I find it difficult to wake up at night for prayer.

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And they are the one who looks at the man and he says

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and Roger

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called the play that good.

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You are a man who has been shackled by your sins, Allah.

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If you're finding it difficult to find joy and solace in the remembrance of Allah. If you're finding it difficult to relate to the words of your maker, if you're finding it difficult to savor and enjoy your Salah. And if you find yourself drifting away from Allah Subhana Allah and you my brother, media sister, you should know that you are being shackled by your sins. For the player that go no book, Your sins are shackling you, your sins have caused your heart to harden to become dark. It's weakening you. It's important that you turn to Allah subhana wa gyla and polish your heart, through the remembrance of Allah through his temple fall through seeking the forgiveness of Allah subhanho

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wa Taala.

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Whilst prepping for this reminder, I came across this study. And this is again connected to the idea that I read at the beginning of law her facade to feel very well but maybe Marchesa, but I didn't notice that calamities have appeared on land and see because of what the

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Hands of people have earned the prophets that alumni it really was sent him a report drafted and I want you all to pay

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a lot of attention to this narration because it's it's it's an aeration that puts things into perspective. It's very scary in today's climate in today's live landscapes of Han Allah

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his report to have said, Yeah, Marshall Mahajan come soon elaborate to lead to begin with our will to be Lehi and to the Riku hoonah Lim takahara alpha heisha to feel calm in What had you really know and we have Fisher fee motto our own will our gr le t lambda could mcguffey us PS laughing him Latina model.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his report rep said Omaha June There are five things come soon. Either which will lead to begin There are five things with which you will be tested which are to be llahi. And I seek refuge with ALLAH and to Draco hoonah

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lest you live to see them. And then he said a long while he was sentimental to say length of her alpha heisha to be a common pot.

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Whenever immorality appears amongst a people to such an extent that they're committed openly, the result of it will be plagues and diseases Allahu Akbar, plagues and diseases that were never known amongst the people will spread amongst them.

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When immorality when sins when evil deeds become the norm, when they are being committed openly and in public than the words of the prophets for a long while, it was 1 million dequan Ian However, he does not speak out of his own desires in who Illa who you have, but he speaks in regards to the deen is a revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala he informed us 1400 odd years ago that when sins become the norm, when sins are committed in public, then plagues and diseases that were not known amongst the people will start to spread will spread amongst the people, a lot of work. And then he said a lot of it but he was said and went on to say, Well, I mean, kusumi Kiana will me Zan. And when

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people start to cheat in weights and measures in their trade in their commerce, a lot of it will be seen, they will be seized and stricken with drought, with famine, with lack of food with the difficulties of Panama

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and severe calamities as well and the oppression of the rulers. So this lengthy Hadith the Hadith is in the book of Imam even imagine him Allah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam clearly goes on to outline these things, where you're going to face diseases, you're going to face sicknesses, plagues that will, that will, you know, spread very fast because of your deeds. And this is why this needs to serve as a reminder that Subhana Allah, this is why this is happening. We need to mend our ways we need to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala not drift farther away from Allah subhanho wa Taala it's most important that each and every one of us strive to seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho

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wa Taala at this juncture, because you and I my dear brothers and sisters, we are perpetual sinners, we are constant sinners, we sin left right and center.

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Allah subhana wa dialer he loves those who sin and turn to Him seeking His forgiveness.

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He loves those who seek forgiveness. The concept of is still far the concept of tober is is of utmost importance for us believers we need to hold on to it especially in today's time and yeah. When you when you when you look at the Sunnah of the Prophet alayhi wa salatu salam, we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala as per one narration more than 70 times in a given day, as but another narration

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100 times during a given day Mohammed Salah Watanabe wa salam whiny, and please remember exes will remember the Prophet sallallaahu Selim and please remember to send exorcists the blessings and salutations upon him on this Friday so long Why don't you send them a lot of money Hello Mohammed. Why?

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make excessive is still far he would seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala and along with that we have the other prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Seeking the forgiveness of Eliza virgin as when it is from the Sunnah of the prophet alayhi wa Salatu was Salam Adam Elisa to Islam Eliza which had mentioned that the noble Koran boiler up by now while I'm

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in total faith land

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What ohana coonan Amina for city in advisor to Islam Hebrew is Robin Valentina and fusina overlord we have oppressed ourselves. We're in limbo fitna if you do not forgive us What are Hana and if you do not have mercy upon us, Lynette coonan lemelin ha serene, we will become from the losers alarm. We need the forgiveness of Allah we need the mercy of a loss of Hannah Montana. No Haile salatu salam he prays, Rob big fiddly Wiley Wiley the one email and da da da da me know. meanie now I mean x, y, z de la de Mina in Latin

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rock bill Finley Oh my Lord forgive me while you Valley they forgive my parents really mad at me know what it means to me that and forgive every single believer that enters my house. Look at this door hustle handler he's making dough for himself for his family for the believers. musalla to Santa he makes the wrong color of beanie vollum tune FC for will fiddle leaf wolf

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Palo Alto hey I'm Rob be oh my lord in your volume to NFC I have wronged myself fiddly. Forgive me for offer Allah and Allah forgive him in for him. Indeed Allah is the most forgiving the Most Merciful. Sure, I bet he was. He does his people will stop Pharaoh Rob Akuma to boo la in obeah Rahim Anwar dude.

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seek the forgiveness of your Lord so matobo la and turn to Him in sincere Toba in Robbie rahima dude, indeed, my lord is the most forgiving the most loving.

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sila la Serato somber mood

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and to some mood to the people of the mood. We sent to them their brother saw a call and he tells them yeah call me or go do Lucha worship Allah and he also commands them first of Roma to boo la seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala and turn to Allah in Toba.

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So my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, as you can see is still far is from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallahu wa Salatu was Salam. And during this juncture at this time as we see so much of chaos, all this havoc wrecking around us. As believers we must maintain a cool head and turn to Allah subhana wa tada Hana because we know that a lot has Virgil has the power to turn things around, turn to Him or believers. So now very swiftly, I'm going to run through a few benefits

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that have been outlined in regards to is still far and by the way, this is not from my own pocket. This is from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is from the

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benefit, number one

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is still fall

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is a beautiful way for you to obtain the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala in regards to your sins, and it is a means for you to expiate your evil deeds. Allah subhanho wa Taala he says in the Noble Quran is sort of a nice app, when a young man Sue an elderly man Neff, Sadhu to Maya stone Villa yeji de la fora, rahima, the one who commits even he commits an evil deed is committed a sin out of the name nafsa or he has wronged himself. So Maya stop ferula and then he seeks the forgiveness of Allah, Elijah de la foto rahima he will find the Allah most forgiving, Most Merciful. Brothers and sisters in Islam, Allah is the most forgiving, the Most Merciful.

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He is more loving, more merciful and to us, that our own mothers, this is our last panel attend. So don't lose hope in his mercy. Don't lose hope in the fact that he's going to forgive you turn to Him and He will definitely forgive you of your sins. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he mentioned a hadith who had it good to see is a narration where the prophets lie to them tells us the statements of Allah subhanho wa Taala but it is not considered the plan it is from the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so Elias virgin he says yeah, he buddy in the how ROM to bowl Milan FC. Oh, my slaves I have made oppression haram upon myself upon myself.

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Which is to Habana qu Maha Brahma and I've made it haram upon you all as well Fela the water mu therefore do not oppress one another

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And in that Hadith Allah subhanho wa Taala he goes on to say yeah he by the in the owner be lelee one haha all my slaves let me actually run through the words because it's such a beautiful headed yeah a birdie could look on bald on 11 had data on my slaves each and every one of you has gone astray illman had data except the 111 had a two except the one I have guided a lot but first dooney as you can see guidance from me and I will guide you all yeah anybody could look them jack here in addition to all my slaves each and every one of you is hungry, except for the one I give food except for the one I feed. Therefore seek food from me seek sustenance from me and I will feed you all my

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slaves each and every one of you is naked, you do not have clothes except for the one I have closed. Therefore seek clothing from me seek protection from me and I will close with you. I will I will close you I will cover you. Oh my slaves. Indeed you commit sins you make mistakes in the night and during the day when an outfit will do no but Jimmy

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and I forgive all sins for stole ferroni Avila calm so seek forgiveness from me and I will forgive you or

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seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah is commanding a segment forgiveness and I will forgive you. In another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he mentioned in another Hadith FoodSaver Allah subhanho wa Taala says you have an Adam Oh son of Adam in Canada out and Eva Joe Tawny for in nice Avila Kyla Makana feek or the son of Adam, as long as you call upon me and as long as you have hope in me, I will indeed forgive you of your sins, I will indeed forgive you of your sins. Even if you were to meet me with sins amounting to this entire planet. We are co opted out of the hotwire as long as you meet me having hope in me having faith in me and having having

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sought my forgiveness, I will forgive you. And then the prophets lie Selim and don't do mention Allah subhanho wa Taala saying hello amyl terminal Jolla double ohana sir sama malam to shriek be shy to must offer plenty of offer to lacquer to men who are barely, even if you were to come to me with sins reaching the heavens, as long as you have not associated partners unto me. And as long as you see my forgiveness, I will forgive all of those sins from Allah or Bernie and I will not look back at it, I will not care about it. These are the words of our maker subhanho wa Taala. He wants us to seek His forgiveness. So benefit number one. Fruit number one is that by seeking the

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forgiveness of allies of Virgin, you are going to achieve the forgiveness of Allah, you're going to have all of your sins erased. You're going to expiate yourself for your sins for the mistakes that you have done. So that is powerful benefit number one, as to why we should seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala because we have ample narrations that tell us that by seeking the forgiveness of Allah azza wa jal, we achieve the forgiveness of Allah and he is waiting to forgive us. He as Virgil is waiting to forgive us.

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Benefit number two, I might lose track of the numbers but inshallah we have a list to cover. Benefit number two is that by seeking the forgiveness of the land this is very important My dear brothers and sisters in Islam in today's climate in today's landscape, by seeking the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala you are protecting yourself and saving yourself from the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Eliza gel he mentioned in the normal course an installer tool and file one cannot log on widely but one well whom is selfie who woman cannot log more ID but one well whom you stop following.

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So this is in Surah two and fell. I am number 33. We are makers of Hannah who Allah Allah, He says

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Allah would not punish them while they seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala so whilst you are seeking the forgiveness of allies of a journal, the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala is not going to descend upon you. So you are protecting us securing the protection of Allah subhanho wa Taala What do they say at the inception since result in the protection of a law being removed? Since result in US attracting calamities and punishments towards us? We know of the people of the past and why they were destroyed. They were destroyed because of their sentence. They were destroyed.

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Because of turning away from Allah subhanho wa Taala so to save ourselves from the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Turning to Eliza Virgil seeking His forgiveness, we protect ourselves, we secure the protection of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So making excessive is still far secures the protection of Allah subhanho Medina, Abu Musab al Sharia law one, he is reported to have said

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Mr. Nanny can either do sue the law he said a lot while he said he was sending him rufiyaa huduma whenever you said a long while he was in trouble.

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We had two massive protections during the time during the time of the prophets of Allah Almighty valuable center, two massive covers of protection.

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One of it has been taken away, and that is our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam he has been taken away, that cover of protection has been taken away.

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The other one remains and that is an STL file, because for as long as our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was alive, we had the comfort of the messenger sent along while he really was in a being with us. But now that the profits are a lot more it when he was in them as passed away, we have Bucklin Aha, we have

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the remaining. One is is too far to seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala by seeking the forgiveness of Elias imagine we secure the protection of Allah in that same eye Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, what kind of long will you idly by whom will defeat him and Allah would not punish them whilst you are Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are amongst them. Well Makana logmar as the Bahama home is still fear one and Allah would not punish them whilst they seek the forgiveness of Allah Subhana Allah And so once we have the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with us Allah would not punish us and vice we seek the forgiveness of allies of agenne Allah would not

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punish us. So these are the two covers right now we have one cover to hold on to and that is the protection of Allah that is the that is the fog that is seeking forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala to secure the protection of Allah subhanho wa sallam benefit number three and this is also very much applicable in today's climate that is still far is a means for us to relinquish and relieve ourselves of our worries, and to also secure a way out from our problems. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reputed to have said millesimal is still far the one who holds on to esta vida. Jaya Allah Allahu Allah woman Cooley hamin faraja along will make a way out for him from

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every single worry that he has. I mean, clearly they can Maharajah and from every difficult situation, he will have a way out, whereas aka hoomin hyperbola Yeah, that's him. And Allah subhana wa gyla will provide for this individual from Sosa's unimaginable from sources and imagined but the one who holds on to so far, your worries are removed from your worries are removed by allies. Imagine your burdens are eased and lightened. You are given away out from every single difficulty and Allah provides for you from sources unimaginable unless the Minister for the one who holds on to is still far.

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The next benefit that is in place is that

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by holding on to Mr. Farr, Allah brings about abundant rain. Rain that benefits not not rain that destroys May Allah protect us from rain that destroys Allah brings about rain that is positive and abundant.

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The proof for this is in sort of hood loss of hanging with Allah He says, Yeah, palm is still filled with love lebeau consumer to boo la eurisy sama, la comida Aurora.

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Our people seek the forgiveness of your Lord and turn to Him in Toba. Uncle Sam is a committer Allah and Allah will send down rain in tolerance and in showers. were easy to come over to the law. The common law will take you from strength to strength, a lot will increase our power a lot will increase our strength and take us from strength to strength.

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The next benefit that is in place is by seeking forgiveness of Allah subhana wa dialler by seeking the forgiveness of Allah azza wa jal by holding on to Step four, you secure the Rama of Allah subhanho Medina, sort of the nemen Allah subhana wa Taala says, Let the stuff around Allah Allah Allah come to her moon

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Why do you not seek the forgiveness of Allah Subhana Allah so that you are treated with mercy so that you may receive mercy? a rhetorical question is in place in the Koran Why do you not seek the forgiveness of Allah so that you may receive the mercy of a lion

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and from the benefits that are in place as well, is that yes, Allah will provide you with abundant rain, Allah will open doors of abundance, wealth and prosperity. And Allah will also bless you with the children and bless you with gardens and rivers.

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There was an individual who went to a scholar, if I'm not mistaken, or one of the Sahaba did one night an image of mine and told him also and so, I am in difficulty as in I am in a lot of debt.

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Tell me what to do. How am I to come out of my debt? And how am I to secure you know, provision from a loss pattern with this chef advisor, this individual hold on to Mr. Fogg, make s make make excessive is no fun. After a while another individual comes to the scholar and he says,

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Chef, I have not been blessed with children. What am I to do in terms of deeds? And can you make you know, can you please pray that I am blessed with the children.

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The chef then goes on to advise this individual as well make excessively still far in this regard. Now, after these two individuals left, the students were around this particular scholar, the chef went on to ask him chef the initial individual who came in you advised him to make extra service therefore he came with a certain problem and your solution was to make this step fun. And this second individual comes to you with a different problem and you advise him as well to make so far. So what is the wisdom behind this? So this chef then went on to read the ayah for call to stop robber come in who can have a follow up city sama la comida Radha what you do, combi and why do you

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have any way gyla congenita Allah, Allah in the sort of to know Allah Subhana Allah Allah is is seek the forgiveness of Allah May excessive is still far of your Lord in Canada indeed he is the the most forgiving, you've seen is sama la comida. Aurora, he will send rain upon you intolerance and in showers, where you need to come be unwell. He will multiply your wealth by making Easter far your wealth is going to be multiplied verbally in and He will bless you with children, while AGI Lacan, Jenna and you will be blessed with gardens where gyla come and how and you will be blessed with rivers in other words prosperity, abundance of wealth by turning to is the farm by seeking the

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forgiveness of Allah subhanho Medina so as you can see

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video brothers and sisters in Islam we have so many benefits that are in place in terms of STL file in terms of seeking the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala it is from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallahu wa salatu salam, like I mentioned that the tsunami our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the prophets of the fact of the past. We have a demolisher to Islam we have no highlights that to Islam, we have solid hand Islam to Islam we have sure if an incident was met, we have all these prophets of Han Allah is mentioned in the Quran. And likewise you can see these benefits this list of benefits and at a time when there's so much of chaos spending money and people are running

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from you know, corner to corner stores, curfews are in place. Somehow people are worried about the future. We are worried you and I are worried about tomorrow, what is tomorrow going to hold? The numbers are increasing the so much of chaos there's so much of fear and terror that is gripping the hearts of mankind. At a time like this many brothers and sisters in Islam, the reminder for myself and for all of you is to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala seek the forgiveness of Allah azza wa jal do not lose hope in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala maintain a positive outlook. And once this is done, once we've established this link with Allah subhanho wa Taala and we as we keep praying, no

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doubt without a shadow of doubt, whether the novella has no do not lose hope do not agree you Do not be

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sad in the lava miner. Indeed Allah is with us and Allah will bring about his turn to him. Make excessive is the for the time that you at home, spend it productively, spend it in good deeds, spend it in a productive way Do not incur the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala. by falling prey to the traps of Shabbat and indulging in more sin. By law save Assad.

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Spend your time wisely in a productive manner. Spend your time in such a way that you are constantly pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala and insha Allah, Allah will bring about ease with that I conclude and inshallah Tyler tomorrow as well as they after we will have reminders of this nature that we will post in Sharla. Tomorrow, I hope to have a

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in regards to discussing the

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Book of a moment of Buhari Rahim Allah it's going to be a weekly class, where we will discuss the words of the prophets that alumni leave early or sell them from this timeless collection

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of Imam Al Bukhari Allah His book is known as the most authentic book after the normal time and on Sunday inshallah we will be having our usual SFC study circle where we will discuss the words of our maker subhanho wa Taala. So, Saturday morning Sahil Buhari, I will be posting posters in this regard inshallah. So, do tune in and, and be a part of these sessions. We understand that gathering for the sake of a loss of Hannum with Allah is the best, but the time that we are in it is not a love together and to mitigate the spread of this virus, we have to abide by the laws of our country, abide by the measures put in place by the health ministry. So it's important to abide by all these

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And, you know, be at home, hold on to

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the teachings of the Quran, the sun, place your trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And likewise, tie your camera by following the measures that are in place by the health ministries and all these organizations in shallow Thailand. There is light at the end of the tunnel, do not lose hope Allah will bring about ease with that I conclude. Now loss of Hannah Montana is our affairs May Allah protect us May Allah forgive our sins, please say I mean, may Allah bring about healing May Allah bring about safety and security. May Allah bless us with good lives in this world as well as the hereafter. May Allah fill our hearts with positive thoughts and help us to remove all negative,

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toxic and Ill thoughts from our hearts. May Allah bring about unit unity and May Allah help us to care for one another and be kind towards one another. And just as how he united us from different parts of the world across these platforms may unite us in the beautiful gardens of generika Beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I mean, I mean I heard that I need 100 here a bit I mean, does that come on? Lahu Hierarch for being a part of this session and look forward to talking to you all soon inshallah Allah wa salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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