Muiz Bukhary – Who Do You Want To Be Resurrected With ?

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The Hadith, a man who claimed to be the only person who could come to a gathering and kill people, is a man of tremendous significance to the world. The importance of digitalization of the key to gender in Islam is emphasized, as it is crucial to fulfill certain conditions to become eligible for the digitalization of the key. Going back to the importance of loyalty to allies and being loyal to them is emphasized, along with the need for acceptance of the Sun determinants of Islam and avoiding embarrassment to dress like the Prophet.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Hiro BRM in Mohali Rosalie Mana ashrafi ambia evil mo serene Nabina Wahhabi Vina wa karate ioannina Mohammed Abdullah Aileen

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all praise and thanks to Almighty Allah Subhana Allah who is our Creator sustainer nourish, protect and cure. We ask Allah azza wa jal to Sharma his choices of blessings and salutations upon our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of fear. I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship other than Allah azza wa jal, and then Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his slave and His Messenger, the one whom Allah azza wa jal guides, none can lead astray and the unfortunate individual whom Allah azza wa jal lets to go astray nun can guide the best of

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speech is the speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the best guidance is the guidance that which our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Cambridge, the worst of matters are the newly invented matters for every newly invented matter is an innovation and every innovation is a misguidance. And every misguidance is in the fire of Johanna. Mel Isaiah Joseph was all from the fire of Johanna amin,

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slaves of Allah, our children of Adam, first and foremost, I advise myself and then all of y'all who are present here to adopt a life of taqwa. And that is to fear allies of agenda during every single second of our lives to fear Him and to be conscious of him. If we wish to attain success in this world, as well as the hereafter maleness behind them was Allah make us all from the people of taqwa, my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, a very famous Hadith. The Hadith is known as the hadith of gibreel alayhi salatu was Salam. Romero de long line, he narrates the hudy dynamin new juuso narinder Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam added to one fine day the narration goes along

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the lines of these words, one fine day we were seated. Tomorrow the alarm line went out at one fine day we were seated with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he tala Alena Rajan shady Dubai all the CRB shadie de vida de Sha. Suddenly a man emerges they were seated with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a gathering, Allahu Akbar, what a great opportunity to speak with a pseudo line. He said a long while he was there were seated. Suddenly a man emerges and look at the observance of the Sahaba return Allahu taala. I imagine marine they were so observant look at the vivid detail, the long line who gives us in regard to the men who approach the gathering. Look at the details. A

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man approached the gathering. He was wearing sparkling white clothes, Shadow biographia sparkling white clothes, and he had jet black hair. Allahu Akbar, a man approaches the gathering. He was wearing sparkling white clothes and he had jet black hair, that the gathering all of them had seated. This man instead of coming in sitting at the back, he went straight up to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he sat by the prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam in a strange way. And over the long run, we went on to say like

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none of us knew this individual. We could see no signs of fatigue. We could see no signs

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of him being tired or after a journey because unlike today, in those days, you had to travel, horseback knew that you had to cross desert. So if an unknown individual were to suddenly come to a gathering, he would have to come in a very disheveled manner, because unless you would have come the day before, taken some breaths, and then freshened himself up, and then came to the gathering, but this was not the case with this individual, because this was the first time the Sahaba in one way, Allah Allah was seeing this individual. So they were shocked from Where did he come from, and he is so crisp, clean and smart. He comes straight to the profits that a long while and he will sell them

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and sits by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He sits by the for the one he said a long while he would sell them and look at the way he said. He sits in a way that his knees were touching the knees of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then he placed his hands on his thigh. And now an amazing dialogue begins between the two between this man and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam Yeah, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with neon in Islam. Tell me about Islam.

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And Islam. Rasul Allah. He said a long while he was alone. He now answers. As we go further in the narration, my dear brothers in Islam, we will realize that this man was none other than jabril Elijah salatu salam, he had come. And he was asking questions from the mind. He said a long while he was a lamb with the intention of teaching the Sahaba as well as the oma at large teaching AP rd, Allahu Akbar rd. So he asked why he said a long while you send them Dr. Mohammed admitted me and Islam Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then went on to say, Al Islam, unterscheiden Allah ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah Islam is to bear witness that there is no deity there is no god

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worthy of worship other than Allah subhanahu wa Allah and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his slave and His Messenger. And then those were the one he said a long while you were send them went on to clarify, clarify the five pillars of Islam. Secondly, you're supposed to establish Salah fast the month of Ramadan, and pay out xhaka Pass the month of Ramadan and perform pilgrimage to the house of Allah azza wa jal if you have the capability to do so. Five Pillars of Islam, my dear respected elders and brothers Mr. Islam scholars Rahim Allah explain in regard to this narration, and there are other narrations to where he said a long while you send them is reported to have said

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along the lines of these words, man call Allah Allah in the law, the halogen, the one who verbalizes the one who utters the kalama will enter gender. So you and I, we might wonder, if it is so easy, then we just profess the kalama and we fly into Jenna, why do we have to strive so much? Why do we have to strive in terms of good deeds, where my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, there are certain conditions that need to be fulfilled in regard to the kenema if you fulfill these conditions, then you become eligible to enter Jannah Yes, indeed, the kalama is the key to paradise. It is the key to gender, just as how once an individual went to a scholar, and he asked the scholar

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The kalama is the key to gender. So if I have the key to Jen Now, why can't I intergender From where did these conditions come from? Now these conditions many respected elders and brothers in Islam is from the Koran and from the Sunnah, from the authentic teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So this particular scholar rahima hula, he went on to explain Yes, the kalama is the key to Jenna, but it is a blank key. I'm sure most of you know what a blank key is. When you go to the locksmith, when you go to a key cutter, he has many blank keys. When you give him a key, he will cut the key on that blank key and give it back to you. So with a blank key, you can't open anything, you

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can't open anything at times, it won't even enter a lot because it has no teeth. It has no beatings on that key. So this color of a mahoba went on to explain that if you fulfill the conditions of the kalama then those conditions are the teeth of that key. Those conditions are the beatings of that key and then the key to general will form and you will be able to enter general. So what are these conditions scholars rahima Humala, they explain that there are seven conditions in regard to

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Kadima seven conditions very important conditions. I have been talking about this for the past few days, because it is of utmost importance that we understand these conditions. At times we believe as we, we don't understand the magnanimity of the Kereama La ilaha illa Allah we think the minute we utter it like a parrot, that is if there is no life that we need to live in regard to the kenema But no, my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, gender is not cheap. The price for gender is very expensive. Therefore, if you fulfill these conditions, that's when you will enter Jenna, may Allah azza wa jal make us all from the people of gender.

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So condition number one, is Allah in condition number one, is Allah in, in the sense knowledge. As we all know, our Deen is knowledge based we need to seek knowledge, knowledge, seeking knowledge is obligatory upon each and every one of us. But now what type of knowledge am I talking about here? knowledge about allies? Allah subhanho wa Taala states in the novel for an

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know that there is no God, there is no deity worthy of worship other than Allah. So this knowledge, this consists of two parts, nothing, and it's bad. Don't worry, it's not going to get too complex or too technical. It's very easy. And I will explain as I go and share about Island nappy, and it's bad. In other words, if you were to translate it, negation, and affirmation, look at the kalama La Ilaha Illa la so the first part of the kalama it's part of the knowledge first part of the Kereama you negate la isla, there is no God. Now if you put a full stop there, then that becomes a dangerous statement. You have become an atheist if you put a full stop there because there is no God. You're

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completely denying the existence of a creator of a maker. But we believe as we don't do that, we negate we don't associate partners unto Allah subhanahu wa tada we free and purify our hearts completely, we negate and then affirm in no law except a loss of behind them what Allah so the Kadima is of two paths, La ilaha illAllah, WA, where you negate and you affirm, you negate completely, that there is no partner whatsoever to allies, the region and then you affirm that it is Allah who is the one and only God, He is the one and only God. So scholars Rahim Allah wa Rahim, Allah they explain that there are four matters that you need to negate for matters. Number one being

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Alicia, you negate that there is no other deity, no other God worthy of worship other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. So number one, you negate that there are no Gods other than Allah azza wa jal, there is no other God. It is Allah alone, he is the one and only creator. So number one. Number two,

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you negate any other person perhaps who claims divinity who claims that he knows matters of the unseen, say, for example, fear out he came about and he started to say that I am God worship me. We negate all individuals of that nature. And today you have certain fortune tellers certain suit says, they tell you, you know, I know the future. I know what happened to you next month, I will I know what will happen to you in one year's time. These are all people who are trying to claim divinity because it is only a loss of a higher hautala who knows the matters of the unseen It is Allah alone. He is alamelu He is the one who knows matters of the unseen no one else knows. Not even Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in regard to the day of Tiana in this same idea in this very Hadith towards the end,

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Jabra Serato. Sam asked why he said a long while he was sitting with me and he said, Oh Mohammed for a long while he was sitting there telling me about the last day about the Judgement Day of midnight and he said why he said a lot while he was sending them the answers, measurements food wine heavy. I have a minister in the one who is being questioned, knows no better than the questioner, the one who is being questioned. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knows no better than the questioner was gibreel. Liu Salatu was Salam. In other words, the best of angels gibreel Allahi salatu salam, and the best of mankind, the best of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Both of them are

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on the same level.

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In regard to the knowledge of the day of the AMA, in Allah in the horn Messiah, it is only Allah subhana wa tada who knows when the day of the AMA will take place. So we are supposed to negate all of these people who try to claim divinity, it can be anybody, if he says, I know the matters of the unseen world Ah, it is only Allah azza wa jal, who knows matters of the unseen world.

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Next in line to negate My dear respected elders and brothers in Islam is under and this is translated as rivals, rivals who distance you from the obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that can even be your family, at times, your wealth, your children, your spouse's, if they distance you away from the obedience of Allah subhana wa tada you need to free your heart, you must not be devoted to them so much to the extent that you start this obey allies of agenda that you start this obeying the commandments of Allah behind that what the Allah and finally mature, respected elders and brothers in Islam is

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or above in the sense, people who start giving out decisions opposing the law of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that can even be a scholar, if he were to decree against the teachings of Brazil why he said a long while he was against the laws of Allah subhanho wa Taala, it can be a ruler, it can be anyone, we free our hearts from such individuals and returned to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, coming back to the conditions of the Kereama condition number one is that you must negate and then affirm condition number two is a bool. condition number one is ideal condition. Number two is you need to be bring in conviction, you need to bring in certainty that it is Allah who is the one and only God,

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my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, if you have you seen 99.999% even that is not enough. Why? Because you have 0.0001% of doubt in your heart, it must be 100% completely that you have yet seen that it is Allah who is the one and only God, one and only creator, one and only maker, he is the one who provides for us, He is the one who nourishes us, He is the cure, you need to bring all of these beliefs in your heart. The condition number two is condition number three and four are very closely related. They are COBOL and an inferior COBOL. And an inferior COBOL is to accept a class behind them who was either, in other words, to accept the commandments of Allah azza

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wa jal, the commandments of Allah behind them with Allah, you accept them, and you stay away from the prohibitions of allies of agile. Now you see how the kalama forms, this is completely a complete way of life that you and I, we need to follow. So condition number three is alpha. condition number four is in Korea, which means to submit to the will of Allah Subhana. Allah, a time when you ask people what is the meaning of Islam, the first thing that pops into their mind? Peace. Islam means peace. In reality, Islam does not mean peace. That is a very much secondary meaning to Islam. The primary meaning of Islam, please get it right is submission. The primary meaning of Islam is

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submission. In other words, submitting to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So who is a Muslim? A Muslim is the one who submits to the will of Allah azza wa jal, certain scholars, they explain that the whole idea is the minute you submit to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala you will attain peace in sha Allah Allah, that is a completely different story. But the primary meaning of Islam is submission. So the fourth condition is an area where you submit to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, just to show you all how important these conditions are, let me give you a prime example of an individual who fulfilled the first two conditions but failed in the second two conditions.

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He is the oldest individual

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living on the face of this earth. He is the oldest individual and don't think of other mileage is salatu salam. Yes. Adam is salatu salam was the first human being. He is our father. alayhi salatu salam but he passed away. He is passed away. The individual I am talking about is still living is still living and he is the oldest individual and he has been there even before Adam Island is Salatu was Salam.

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His name is

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Was Isaiah z. His name was as as in imambara kaseya Rahim Allah mentions his story in his book in his famous book albida. When we hire, his name was Isaiah z. And this story took place, many, many moons ago 1000s and 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of years ago before mankind was created. There was another species, there was another race that populated Planet Earth, and they were the Jena they were the Jena they start to cause so much of mischief so much of corruption that Allah subhana wa Taala had to send down an army of angels to contain them, to contain them. This army came down and chased the gymnasts away too far away remote islands, there was one individual his name was as, as

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he, he was taken up, and he started to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala so much, that he became a great worshipper of Allah azza wa jal, until the day when Allah subhanho wa Taala. proclaim to the melodica to the angels, that I am going to create other marriages or to set up

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what is

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in need.

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Fill out the following if

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and remember, when your Lord said to the angels, indeed, I am going to place a wise gentleman on Earth.

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Immediately the angels replied, for

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me you

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speak with deema Yama, are you going to place a creation that is going to cause corruption, there is going to shed blood

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on Earth. Now a question can arise. How did the angels know about this? How did the angels know that we are going to cause corruption that we are going to shed blood? They don't know matters of the unseen will the answer to that many brothers in Islam is because of their bitter experience with a Jena. They had already dealt with the Jena, the dinar for so much of problems so much of mischeif and corruption. They thought now this new creation will do the same thing. And then they went on to say, one afternoon osfp for the handy go and Oh god, this villa, Allah we are there we will glorify you, we will exalt you, we will worship you. There are lots of behind him for dialogue.

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He closed the matter by saying in me,

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demo. Indeed I know that which y'all do not know. And then a last behind that what Tyler created. Father, other Allahu salatu salam after creating other Malini Salatu was Salam. Now the commandment comes. What is

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is to

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last the height of Medina commanded the angels to make sajida to other Maliki salatu salam. Now what type is of a sajida was that it wasn't a sajida of a bada No, that is only for Allah subhanho wa Taala. It was just a gesture of respect. It was a sign of respect. And it was a command from Allah subhana wa. Now Allah azza wa jal commanded the agents and as as he was also with them, even though he is not from the angels, he is from the agenda in another I was behind him with Allah state. Can I mean Elgin, he was from the gymnasts. He is not from the angels. Like certain religions, they have this belief that the devil himself was a fallen angel. The devil himself was a fallen angel. They

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say this because to highlight that every individual, no one is born evil. Everybody has a good nature, everybody is good circumstances and things that are around them make them evil, and to support that they say that even the devil was a fallen angel. But he is not from the angels. He's from the Jeanette as allies have adjusted. Nevertheless, I was behind on what Allah commanded the angels and as Isaiah to make sense to that person to

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Ebony's all of them they made such that all of them immediately fell down in sajida. Except for he believes ABA was

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a pity. He refused. ABA was stuck. And he became proud he became arrogant.

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And he became from the Kufa from the ones who rejected the commandments of Allah behind them with the islands. Now look at the example. What did we say? He went up and he started to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala

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He has, he knows that it is Allah alone. He knows that Allah is the one and only God. He has. He has conviction, but he failed in terms of the next two conditions kaaboo and inferior. He failed to accept the commandment of Allah the highness Medina, he failed to submit to the command of allies divergent. He said for apatani

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Yama, you create a knee out of fire, and him from a from an inferior substance from clay, I am better than him.

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I am better than him he became proud and he refused to submit to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So you can see my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam. At times, people fulfill certain conditions and fail in other conditions. So we need to fulfill all of the conditions if you wish to enter Jannah May Allah subhanahu wa tada make us all from the people of gentlemen. So four conditions done. The fifth condition is a system truthfulness. Now what do we mean by truthfulness? It is to be true to yourself.

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You can have you can have your claim you can have aboard an entire yard, but you can still fail in terms of service. Let me give you a prime example. The munafo at the time of the Prophet alayhi salatu was Salam

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wamena nassima he

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be moved meaning and from the people from the masses. There were those who said Elena, we believe villa in Allah will do me a favor. We believe in the last day for Allah subhana wa Taala stage mama who made more money, but they are not from the believers. You find the owner, ma la Vina, no, they are trying to deceive Allah subhanho wa Taala. They are trying to deceive the believers who Allah is their owner.

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But they are not deceiving anybody, except for themselves. Why? Because they will not prove to themselves.

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They believe in the laws behind them what the IRA, they submitted to the will of a law they used to play in the first row with the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, but then they had a different agenda inside. They had a different plan. They had different motives. They wanted the destruction of the Muslims, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. So they were not true to themselves. So condition number five, is that we need to be true to ourselves a civil condition number six is law.

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Since Yeah,

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whatever we do, we do it solely for the pleasure of a loss of the financial diet.

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Why have you all come to domestic? It's Friday, you can be at work, you need income, you can be at home? Why do we come to the masjid? Why do we come for falafels budget? Why do we come to pray? Why do we read the Koran? Why do we give out soda? Why do we pay out Zakah why we are doing all of this we're striving so hard to earn the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala and to enter Jenna through that. So for that we must not contaminate our good deeds by losing sincere and for that my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, we need to keep gauging our intentions and rectifying intention throughout the deed. At times we're involved in big projects, charitable projects, that

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our activities initially Our intention is good. We're doing it sincerely for the sake of a mosque behind them whatever. But gradually down the line the devil he is coming. Like I said, He is the oldest individual. So just imagine how much of experience the devil has. He has so much of experience he has dealt with generations and generations of mankind.

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According to the works of the supervisor, Long Island, USA Lam yesterday.

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He runs in our blood, he studies each and every one of us he knows what are your weak points, what are your weak spots, and he tailor makes traps for you in such a way. So we need to be even more clever. We need to be able to identify the traps of the devil and avoid the traps of the devil. We must not fall prey to the traps of the Devil May Allah subhanahu wa taala save us all. So at times

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He comes and contaminates our intentions. Once we are in a big project initially we started off lilla solely for the pleasure of Allah.

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And then he comes in and brings in fame brings in power, brings in wealth brings in authority. Oh, now you are so and so in the society, you are known to be a pious person, you are known to be a righteous person, if you don't make it for Fallout, oh God, the first row, if you don't make it for Juma to the first row, people are going to look down you need to be in the first row. So then this person makes a lot of effort and he comes to domestic but for the wrong purposes for the wrong intention, thereby that deed will be thrown back at you on your face like a dirty rag Maalox behind them will Dinah save us all and fill our minds with the cloud with sincerity. I mean, whatever we

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do, we do so only for the pleasure of Allah azza wa jal solely for the sake of Allah behind what the highlight the final condition, many respected

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elders and brothers in Islam, let me run through the conditions again, just in case y'all may have missed a few number one,

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number two,

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number three, number four, in Korea, number five, acidum number six, and flrs and the final condition, Alma have

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translated as love. Now what type of love the love of a law and the love of Rasulullah he sent along while he was alive. And now comes about a very important concept as well. But it is a very important concept in our theater that many of us we are not aware of.

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Allah is to show loyalty. I'll borrow his own way. In other words, we need to be loyal to allies, the Virgil and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We need to love what Allah behind them what Allah loves, and what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam loves, we need to be very, we need to be free from that which displeases Allah that which allies have a general dislike, and that which Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam disliked, we need to give priority to that which Allah behind them what Allah loves, he said among allies have adjusted to the noble

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cause comment on to him boo

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Tabby oni yo baby como la jolla Villa condo, no back home.

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Say O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tell them if you love Allah, then follow me for study Rumi, your people whom Allah Allah will love you. We have Philip from the Nova and the Hydra, who will forgive you of your sins below. Rahim. Allah is the most forgiving, the Most Merciful.

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I said this the other day when I was conducting a nikka ceremony, I think last week, the week before that I was in Tokyo in Japan.

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The culture there is amazing. When you go there, you will notice that the Japanese they are people with a with a very good nature, good conduct. And what's really admirable of them is that they never ever let go of their culture. They are proud of their culture. And they take pride in displaying their culture. Wherever you go in Japan, you must eat with chopsticks. You must eat with chopsticks. I got a pump a fine to eat with the chopsticks wherever you go. But we on the other hand, we have embraced the culture of the Westerner

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where we eat with a fork and spoon. There's no harm. But you know according to fine dining etiquette, you're supposed to hold the fork with your left hand and eat with your left hand fine dining etiquette. For example, if you were to hold the fork with your right hand, they will look down upon you they think okay, he's not a classy person. He's not a person. He's not a refined individual. He's not an educated individual. He does not know how to find dine, fine dine, you hold the knife in your with your right hand and the fork with your left hand. So you cut and you eat with your left hand. We are ready to ditch the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for a

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mere fine dining etiquette that the Westerners introduced. But on the other hand, we look at the Japanese because they took so much of pride in their chopsticks. Now eating with the chopsticks is a fad is a style when you go to Japan everybody eats with the chopsticks. But we on the other hand, we have ditched the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. At times we feel embarrassed to lick our finger

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At times we feel embarrassed to dress like the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, we are embarrassed to grow the beard like the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, why? Because we are embarrassed to portray the lifestyle of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said a lot while he was sending me as reported to have said, Allah, Muhammad have

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Mr. Obama, on the day of the AMA, you will be with the individual you love. If you were following a certain athlete, a certain spokesman, a certain celebrity, a certain actor or actress, on the day of the AMA, you will be resurrected with that individual. On that day. My dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, when every nation will go from Prophet to Prophet, intercede on behalf of us intercede on behalf of us. every prophet will say enough's enough. See, go to the other prophet go to the other Prophet, until we are sent to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, where he said a long while he was alive, he will say yes, I will intercede and he will go and fall down in sajida in

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front of Allah on that day, when you and I will be stuck naked. We won't even be bothered yo mala, Mala Mala balloon, our children, our wealth, wealth will not benefit us. yo maya fear will Mar Amina fi that day when an individual will run away from his brother from his parents from his beloved why from his children on that day. Do you want to be resurrected with a certain celebrity with a certain actor with a certain athlete? Or do you want to be resurrected with our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? If you want to be resurrected with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, you must embrace the lifestyle the Sunnah of

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, let me reiterate, there is no harm in eating with a fork in food. All I wish to highlight because certain people do there is no harm. There is no harm. But avoid eating with your left hand. Because the sooner is to eat with your right hand. The sooner is to eat with your right hand, eat with your right hand and all other matters. Follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if you wish to attain success in this world as well as the hereafter. May Allah azza wa jal make us perfect believers and maybe help us to follow the Sunnah of our beloved master Mohammed said along while he was alive wholeheartedly, and maybe forgive our sins

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and maybe accept our good deeds. And just as how united us here this afternoon, may unite us in the gardens of Jenna with our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I mean after the Avaya in Hungary does little bit

Friday sermon delivered by Sheikh Muiz Bukhary on the 5th of  December, 2014 at the Wellawatte Jumu’ah Masjid, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

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