Muiz Bukhary – Tafsir Intensive #4

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The transcript is a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and symbols, with no clear context or topic. The conversation is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a series of disconnected sentences and symbols, with no clear context or conclusion. The speakers discuss various topics, including the use of Facebook and the use of alcohol and cigarette, as well as the use of shavon fujitani Bula Lakhan as a way to get out of the world. The transcript is also difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of characters and symbols.
AI: Transcript ©
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Somalia can walk into level of cattle. So we're going to give everyone a few minutes as usual to tune in and then we will get started.

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So Mr. lebryk, actually one. So we're going to give the others a minute or two to tune in and then we will start in Charlotte Tyler.

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Okay, I think we're good to begin.

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A salaam aleikum warahmatullah e Bhavana. Cattle

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Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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wa Saliba. Sadly mohyla shawfield ambia he will more serene newbiggin our Habibi now a karate ioannina Mohammed Ebony Abdullah la vida. De he was happy he of the rue sala de la de moda slim and my back. So we begin by praising Allah Subhana Allah Allah, we ask him the almighty the Lord of all worlds the exalted for his help, we ask him to bring about ease, we asked him for relief, we asked him for healing. And we asked him to send his blessings and salutations upon the final messenger, our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his bat with utmost sincerity until the day of

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many brothers and sisters in Islam today it's tafsir intensive. So, we're going to be in Charlotte Dinah going on with the next session of the tafsir intensive class. Just to recap, and

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kind of jog our memories in terms of what we discussed in the previous class. Just going to pull up my notes now, so that we can go through what we discussed in the previous class.

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So last session, we spoke about a number of interesting and important factors. So like we have said in the past, these are introductory principles in regards to the science of themselves. So these are principles in regards to the science of Tafseer in regards to our illuminative seeds, so we're going to be going in to Surah Al Fatiha, we're going to be studying and discussing Surah Al Fatiha each ayah, in sha Allah Allah of SoTL Fatiha because sutra Fatiha is a very important surah we read it many times throughout a day and it is important for us to study that the spirit of certain Fatiha to be able to relate better to the words of a loss of Hannah what Allah in Salah. So we're going to be

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going into the state of silicon Fatiha. But before going into the state of Silicon Valley, it's important that we understand certain fundamental principles in regards to the Quran. In regards to the science of the seal, what is the seal? In the very first session we spoke about this term deficit? What does it mean? Then we spoke about the term Al Quran What does it mean? We spoke about different names that are in place for the Quran. As is taught to us

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Via Rasulullah he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and in the previous class we spoke about the first iron that was revealed unto Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because as Muslims, many brothers and sisters in Islam, it is important that we know all these foundational principles in regards to the Quran. What was the first ayah that was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the last ayah that was revealed unto the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. Now we discussed this in the previous class, and there were some of the students who said that the last ayah that was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the idea in Surah, Allah EDA, aluma, committed to the

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convener commitment to a community, and then we had other students who said that it is Surah Surah, Elijah and masala he will fetch. So I shared three opinions that are in place in regards to the last ayah that was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Now, we discussed that Aloma commercial accom Deena como Atlanta LA County, I'm at the iron suit and my dad was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when

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on the plains of Africa, during Hajj jatoba. During the farewell Hutch that was when Aloma multicom Dena Kumar metallic geometry was revealed. And then later on, we have sorted either Johannes Villa he will fetch was that was revealed. There, as you can see, these are not the last ayah that were revealed to the Prophet Elias in him. Nine Nights before our beloved messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away, we have an idea that was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in Surah, Al Baqarah What the Who young men to Jonah Fie, the law, the motto of Quran of sin, man Kesava formula Yoda moon, so that was the last ayah that was revealed to the prophets, that alone

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might even be said, For some of us. This is News, we don't know. So Panama, what was the last ayah that was revealed? So as you can see, it's very important as Muslims as believers, as readers of the Quran, to know which was the first ayah that was revealed to know which was the last IR that was revealed under the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and to also know other important principles and matters in regards to the Quran. For example, how many is the day in the forum. So we discussed that as per the count of the people of Kufa. 6236 and then you have this famous count that a lot of us are familiar with 6666 we discussed in the previous session, how the scholars arrived at this

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number 6666 6666 because if you were to take the Quran, and if you were to

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do what if you were to count the ayat you would find that it does not total up to 6666. And you might be wondering, how did they arrive at this total then? So, they arrived at this total, many brothers and sisters in Islam through a certain methodology of categorization and this we discussed in the previous class, in terms of the commandments, we have 1000 iron in terms of the prohibitions, we have 1000 stories and anecdotes we have 1000 examples and parables 1000 is the promises of Allah 1000 is the warnings of a lot 1000 iron. So there you have 12345 6000 is there in terms of halal and haram is related to halal and haram 500. If so, 6500 is now in terms of Dora the different doors

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that are incorporated in the Quran you have 100 is 6600. ayat, and then you have this category known as Nassif and Matsuev. The verses that abrogate previous versus previous if you have 66 ayat, so 6666 as per this way of categorization, so my dear brothers and sisters, for those of you who may be tuning in today as your first session, this is a weekly class that we have every Sunday and we hope to do it every Sunday as well with the help of Allah. It is titled Tafseer intensive, we hope to go into the Tafseer of the noble Koran of the words of our maker and study as much as possible glean as many lessons as possible. So we're going to start with simple Fatiha and we are going to try and

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cover as many chapters as possible, especially during the upcoming month of Ramadan. May Allah help us to make the most out of the upcoming month of Ramadan I mean now before we go into the sort of sutan Fatiha, we are discussing some important foundational principles in regards to the Quran as well as the science of sale. They're going to be studying how the Quran was compiled. We're going to be studying how the Quran was revealed unto the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam we're going to be studying the different recitations that are in place the Quran was not revealed as per one recitation. We have multiple recitations. So we're going to be studying a little bit in regards to

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these recitations and why it was revealed as such a few important pointers in regards to the Koran as well as the science of the sale before going into the local Fatiha inshallah. So,

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Having said that and having kept the previous class, let's go into the content that is in place for today's class inshallah Dan. So for those of you who are taking notes, please do take notes and if you could share it across with us, then we can share it with the other students as well and maybe even post it on social media. So please do that you can dm it across if you are taking down notes. So many brothers and sisters in Islam, the Quran

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was the Quran revealed unto the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam all at once? Or was it revealed gradually, stage by stage? What do you think? Was the Quran reveal them to the prophets that a lot earlier it was an all at once was it revealed? Joomla 10 wahida as in all at once, just like that. 6000 as per the count of the people of Kufa. 6236 is all revealed at once to the prophets that on Long Island SLM, or were the ayat revealed gradually. What do you think?

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Okay, so answers coming in through Facebook that the Quran was revealed gradually, because we said in the previous class, and even the one before that, that the Quran was revealed across a period of 23 years.

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So even on Instagram, everybody's saying gradually dissolve in the hair. Now you're going to be studying why gradually, and also you're going to be studying, Allah says in the Quran, in Surah prochordal. In

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Zelda movie, Lang Isla de la causa, Allah says, indeed, We revealed it. I eat the Quran, on the night of power, in answer now feel a little cottage. In another place, someone says, shall Rama born Allah the owners Adolphe Rocco on the during the month of Ramadan the Quran was revealed.

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And then Allah says in sort of the one in

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goofy Laila.

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Indeed we sent it down I either for an during a bliss at night. So from this we understand the photon was revealed during the month of Ramadan, and it was revealed during lesson father and in these ayat Allah subhana wa Adana does not say that the Quran was revealed gradually, but instead the Quran was revealed entirely. So how do we reconcile with these ayat and the actual line of events we know that the Quran was revealed to the Prophet ceylonese and I'm across a period of 23 years, the first ayat come down when the prophets lie Selim was at the age of 40. And then the last ayat that come down. The last ayah that came down was nine nights before the professor Allison

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passed away. So across a period of 23 years, the four angles reveal gradually. So how do we reconcile with these ayat that say that the facade was revealed all at once, many brothers and sisters in Islam, you have to bear in mind that the Quran was revealed all at once, from local food from the preserved tablet to sama dounia to the first heaven to the first heaven during Ramadan on the night of power. during Ramadan on laser cutter, it was revealed from local my fourth to the first heaven and from the first heaven many brothers and sisters in Islam, it was revealed unto the heart of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam Wiley please remember Salah whenever I mentioned his

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beautiful name across a period of 23 years.

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So let me repeat it. So because some of you might be thinking okay, can we gain some clarity in this regard, can we gain some clarity? So in terms of clarity, the Quran was revealed, as per the ayat in in the in sort of, interpreted in sort of Baccarat, sort of de Haan, the ayat were revealed, all at once,

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to from local mahul, from the preserved tablet, to sama Indonesia, to the first heaven to summer, Indonesia to the first heaven, and from the first Heaven, it was revealed unto Muhammad and to the heart of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam across a period of 23 years across a period of 23 years it was revealed from the first heaven and to the heart of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala he says in Surah, Al is Allah Subhana Allah de Asahi in that particular chapter. It is the 17th

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Chapter number 106. We'll call on

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Ellen McPhee. One is

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Walker and for Punahou. Lita, violinists and it is a four iron, copper iron and it is a foreign farakka nanhu which we have separated by intervals lithoco who Island us so that you may recite it to the people. Allah macphun over a prolonged period when necessary now Hooton Zilla and we have sent it down progressively we have sent it down stage by stage nazzer. Now Hooton Zilla. We sent it down stage by stage. So again, let me recap what I just said.

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In Angela, who feel a little further indeed it was revealed during the night of power shell Ravana De Anza Rafi Hill, and during the month of Ramadan, the Quran was revealed in that einzelnen movie Laila, Timo Baraka in Surah Taha, Allah says, indeed, the Quran was revealed during a press at night. So these ayat point to the fact that the Quran was revealed during the month of Ramadan during the night of power, the most powerful and blessing of nights. It's better than 1000 months, and it was revealed in its entirety, because when you look at the ayah, the word use the Ansel now, so that is translated as sending something down entirely, was when you say see the other word that

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is used in in in Surah. Al is raw nazzer. Now there's a difference between the scales used in the Arabic language and zela used to send down something entirely NAS Allah is to send it stage by stage piecemeal, bit by bit. So in Ramadan during the night of power, the Quran was revealed in its entirety, yes, but not to the heart of the prophets, Allah Islam it was revealed from la firma for the preserved the tablet to the first heaven. And then from there onwards from the first Heaven, it was revealed across a period of 23 years and to the heart of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa and he was setting I hope it's clear.

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Sorry about that there was just

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dropping the connection. All right. So having said that, now,

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we, let's discuss as to

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some of the wisdoms in regards to why the Quran was revealed gradually piecemeal, a few wisdoms that have been highlighted by the scholars will discuss them and these wisdoms have been deduced from the Quran again and from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So bear in mind, my dear brothers and sisters, that at times, an entire surah was revealed now in terms of how it was revealed unto the heart of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. At times, you would have an entire soul an entire chapter that was revealed under the professor Allison, for example, SoTL Fatiha sootel Fatiha the entirety of of it was revealed unto Muhammad Sallallahu and even he was in the

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entire chapter. Likewise circle an arm circle and arm the entire chapter was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And at times, you would have 10 ir that are revealed to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for example, the incident of El if in Surah to know, you know, the incident of Elif in regards to our mother eyeshadow, the logline Han, which is a discussion for another day, the ayat related or discussing Elif 10 ayat were revealed in Surah. To know all at once, and to the professor Lally center, sometimes you have five items that are revealed to the professor Lamar, even Islam at times, you have one idea that is revealed to the professor along

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while he was in him. And you also have times when you have a part of an ayah, a part of one ayah, that is also revealed unto the professor bommali when you see them so you have this methodology.

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This way of revelation at times an entire chapter at times 10 ir a times five ir a times one ir a times a part of an IR is revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now let's look at a few wisdoms behind this methodology of revelation under the prophets of Allah one evaluation, wisdom number one, wisdom number one,

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the Arabic language it is known as the de Roche at the Rouge. So at the dar Rouge, as in gradual revelation of the Koran was in place because of the gradual introduction of the Sharia. The gradual introduction of the Sharia. Now we have a hadith in the book of Imam Al Bukhari, Rahim Allah, Allah di Shara the Allahu anhu. She says, indeed, the first verses to be revealed were from the shorter chapters at the end of the Quran. in them is mentioned paradise.

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jahannam until people were firmly established upon Islam and the IR once they were firmly established upon the deen ayat in regards to halal and haram were revealed. And then she goes on to say, if the first ayah to be revealed was do not drink wine, then the people would have said we will never stop drinking wine. And if the first idea that was revealed was do not commit Zina, they would have said we will never stop committing Zina. So point being there was this gradual introduction of the laws, it was not all at once. The first IR that were revealed, spoke about paradise spoke about Johanna and once the man once the fate was established in the hearts of the people. Now the laws

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were introduced one after the other. And this is clearly clearly observed in regards to the law of intoxicants in regards to the law related to a hammer related to wine. And this many brothers and sisters in Islam you have to bear in mind this was this is from the wisdom of our makers of Hannah, what the highlight is sense of gentleness, it is actually a mercy upon the aroma of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the prophets that allow it very, very seldom was an individual who loved gentleness as well. As a mother I shall the loved one in another Hadid. It has been recorded on the book of Mr. Mohammed Rama hula. She says, I was on a camel alamanda Ayesha says I was on a

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camel that was misbehaving our mother. I showed the loved one who says I was on a camel that was misbehaving. So I started to hit the gamma. So I started to hit the camel. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to me Yeah, yeah Isha. You must be gentle. You must be gentle, verily, gentleness,

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gentleness, when gentleness is in something it beautifies it. When gentleness is in something as in when gentleness is with an individual, it beautifies that individual. And when it is removed, it disgraces that individual look at the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam our Medina shall be allowed one ha she was on a camera Let me repeat the Hadith she was on a camera that was misbehaving and she was hitting the animal. Our mother Ayesha or the loved one hadn't hears from the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet sallallahu Sallam say is yeah Ayesha, you must be gentle, you must be gentle, I like a risk. I like a bear risk. You must be gentle, for in lipca lY

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akuna fisheye Illa de novo. Because indeed when gentleness is with something, whether it is with a thing or an individual with a person it beautifies that person when you are gentle, it beautifies you as per the words of the prophets of Allah Allah when you listen to me look at our messenger. What does Allah say about him? woma also NACA enlargement and denial I mean, you have been sent as a mercy as a mercy the prophets Allah Allah was sent as a mercy. And then another Hadith diplomacy that Islam has reporter said, You have Oman fill out your hammelmann Pisa have mercy upon the those on the earth, as in have mercy upon human beings have mercy upon the creatures of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala upon animals have mercy upon the plants have mercy upon those on Earth, your hammock Human Fish semma the ones in the heavens will have mercy upon you, a love it have mercy upon you, the angels will have mercy upon you. Are you not going to be a fortunate and successful individual then, when you show mercy to the creatures of Allah Subhana Allah, Allah and His angels show mercy to you. So my dear brothers and sisters in Islam is heavy tells us that you must be gentle. When you are gentle it beautifies you and if you are not going to be gentle, if you're going to be harsh, if you're going to be rude, if you're going to be very, very, the opposite of gentle basically if

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you're going to be all crude and rough, then as per the words of the Rasul Allah Islam that disgraces an individual may Allah protect us all. So based on this idea of understanding gentle gentleness, our maker subhanho wa Taala is gentle with us in terms of revealing laws and and revealing the ayat Eliza, which Allah was gentle with us. Now look, you see wine, intoxicants, they were not made haram all at once. There were three stages through which intoxicants were made her on the first stage, the first stage, we have ayat in Surah Al Baqarah, which is the second chapter and number 219. Allah subhanho dialer he says, Yes, Luna con el hombre. Well, my car pulled up NEMA is

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moussaka be

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fair only in what is more

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Bowman FA Hema

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they ask you about wine and gambling is I don't occur in hungry will Mesa kullfi Hema is mon cabbie Ron woman if your holiness, tell them in it, there is great sin, but maybe a little bit of benefit for the people. What is the muma akumina for EMA but their sin is greater than the benefit. Now the first stage was highlighting the negatives of intoxicants that was the first stage. You see, you have to understand the landscape upon which the prophets are the Long Island when he was an Amazon. You see, when you look at the Arabs that the pagans then for them, intoxicants meant a lot there was not a single gathering except that they would consume intoxicants.

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For them a meal was not complete without intoxicants, without wine, a meal was not complete, a gathering was not complete, a celebration was not complete, they used to drink so much, they were addicted to drinking, they would drink so much. So, our mother says over the eyes of the law says at that point, if initially immediately the ayah had come, intoxicants are Haram, all these people have said we can't live in toxins. So it comes down gradually look at the methodology of our last panel, there are so many lessons to be deduced here. This is how you learn and deduce and glean lessons in terms of you see, you see so much of lessons here in terms of how Allah subhanho wa Taala brought

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about the laws gradually that the roots This is this huge wisdom behind it, in terms of how you handle people, in terms of how you handle people look at how Allah subhana wa Taala is handling his creation.

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So first it was highlighted,

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that you know what it is harmful? There are negatives in it and yeah, you may get one or two positives, but the negatives outweigh the positives. Then now we have the second stage is revealed and this is Surah Nisa Ayah number 43. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah, are you Hi Lavina mano No, all you who believe. And as for the scholars of the sea, it like even as of the last one and a bit on one of the alumni, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam and Allah says yeah, you will. Idina Amano in the foreign You and I, we consider ourselves people of a man Yes or No, we consider ourselves people of Eman. Yeah you Ella Dina Amano. So when Allah says, Are you under the nama? No,

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no, listen attentively, because your maker is either going to command you to do something or prohibit you from something. Yeah, you

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know, ladipo Bousada

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Tom suka wrong, do not approach prayer whilst you are in a state of intoxication had the LM muma de PUE until you know what you're saying, until you have regained your senses until you are out of this state of intoxication do not approach prayer. So this was the second stage. So they were drinking they were drinking 24 seven. So initially, stage number one, the negatives were highlight stage number two, you can't approach prayer whilst being in a state of intoxication. Now when this ayah was revealed many brothers and sisters in Islam are Amaro de la one. You see the Sahaba the one the Dalai Lama had this intuition inside him they knew you know, this is this is wrong. Because you see

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the negatives have already been highlighted. And now Allah does not want us to approach prayer whilst being in a state of intoxication. So Amato, the loved one who he prays yeah Allah Allahumma en Xin feel hungry by and shafia or LA reveal in regards to form a clear explanation we want a clear ruling in regards to comp is it allowed or is it prohibited? Is it allowed or is it prohibited?

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The third stage, now we have the IR ensworth and Merida which is the fifth chapter is number 90. Yeah, you lie.

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Oh, you have brought in a man in

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saw one as lamb oranges. Mina Amelie Shea on. Indeed, el hombre, intoxicants. La Salle gambling while on sob, and sacrificing on stone structures for deities other than Allah. Well as lamb and arrows that are used for fortune telling and soothsaying and whatnot rageous minimally shy on they are defilement from the work of chevonne

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They are written Menominee shavon fujitani Bula Lakhan tuifly phone so avoided LAN la come to flee horn so that you may be successful. next ayah in my URI do shavon o au brb Nakula de

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veau shavon only wants to cause animosity and hatred between you through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and from Santa for Helen to moon, the moon So will you not desist?

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What Allah How do Rasul obey Allah and obey the messenger of Allah? So these I had to reveal completely prohibiting intoxicants. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, I was either in a hoodie or the last one where he mentioned how he is in Muslim the prophets of Allah valley where he was addressing the people in Medina and the Prophet said, Allah the Almighty is alluding to wine perhaps Allah will soon reveal an order regarding it.

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And then the order was revealed whoever so at that point

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Rasul Allah said Allah might Allah will reveal an order regarding it so whoever has some of it, let him sell and benefit from it. This was during stage number two. Now stage number three, the Sahaba say we did not wait a little while except that the IR revealed Verily Allah and the Rasul Allah Islam says Allah the Almighty has forbidden wine. Whoever now knows about this ayah and has some of the wine let him neither drink it nor sell it. And the Sahaba they go on to tell us many brothers and sisters in Islam, the minute this ayah was revealed. The third stage when the ayah was revealed, prohibiting wine people who had cups of wine by the lips as they heard the ayah reveal not to the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they dropped the cups. They drop the cups then and they are there anything Oh, let me have my last sip now. They immediately dropped the cups, and people who had wine stocked in their homes started pulling it out on the streets. So much of the extent as historians and aspersa narrations, the streets were all red and running with wine. Everybody immediately complied to the commandment of Allah subhanho wa Taala as it was revealed during stage number three, stage number one, step number two and stage number three Armada I shall be the one who says if it had been revealed during stage number one, stay away from wine. Perhaps they would ever said you

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know what, we can't we can't let go of our wine. But Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed it gradually stage by stage, prepare the people for it. And then by the time they came to stage number three, they just threw out the wine as the ayat came down, they poured it all out.

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So there is wisdom behind the gradual revelation of the Koran where it was gradually revealed. You see, this is one example to highlight the gradual, the wisdom behind the gradual revelation of the ayat of the noble for an

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another wisdom behind why the Quran was revealed across a period of 23 years.

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It was revealed to do what strengthen the heart of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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To strengthen the heart of the prophets of Allah, even Islam and these are not my words, my dear brothers and sisters, Islam, these are not my words, in Surah Furqan I am number 32. So 25th chapter I am number 32. Our maker saints will call in levena cafaro Lola Newsela la hill on June Latin wahida. So Allah subhanho wa Taala he says,

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we'll call Elena cafaro. And those who disbelieve they say, Lola Lucy the Koran why was the poor are not revealed unto him unto Mohammed Salam albinism all at once, Why couldn't it just be revealed all at once? 6000 odd ayat all at once. Then Allah Subhana Allah Allah He says, Okay, then he clearly knows them better be he for the kawara mucho de

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deus it was revealed as such why so that we may Lino step between behavoir deck so that we may strengthen through it your heart.

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Across a period of 23 years, we have revealed it piecemeal, stage by stage bit by bit to strengthen your heart to strengthen your heart, Allah subhanho wa Taala says because you have to understand many brothers and sisters in Islam, a period of 23 years challenging the mission of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was he was boycotted. He was persecuted. He was tormented.

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The Sahaba were boycotted. So the ayat were revealed across a period to strengthen them to boost their spirits. And if the ayat were revealed to strengthen the heart of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. By extension and by default it is to strengthen the heart of the oma of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam as well. It is to strengthen your heart and my heart as we go through trying times as we go through chaotic times. It is to strengthen our hearts many brothers and sisters in Islam canonically No Sir b2b for deck. So the Quran was revealed piecemeal to boost the spirit of the messengers of Allah Allah instead of to strengthen the heart of the messenger

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Remember when he went to the people of Thrive what the people of Thrive did to him, Allah aka the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam goes to them, not for not for financial benefit. He didn't go to them canvassing and asking for votes. He didn't go to them looking for leadership. He didn't go to them for power. He didn't go to them for wealth. He didn't go to them for material, materialistic worldly benefits. But did he go to them for hula in the bathroom?

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bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship other than Allah and then you will be victorious and successful in this world as well as the hereafter. But how did they respond? They responded by gathering the street urchins to run after the prophets Allah listen to stone, the messenger Salama,

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to stone him in return, Allahu Akbar.

00:36:33 --> 00:36:56

He's bleeding. The messenger Omar sanaka. In the middle in an amine, he was sent as a mercy to the worlds the angels are furious. They come down, they want the permission of the prophets that alone Wiley Valley was set up to bring the mountains down and crush the people who have done this to the messenger. And look at the response of the messenger you think the messenger Do you think the messenger

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you know exacted revenge? Do you think the messenger went on a mission of vengeance? No,

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you ni our our,

00:37:08 --> 00:37:19

our base nature would make us turn to revenge would make us turn to vengeance. If we had the engines at our beck and call law.

00:37:21 --> 00:38:01

I wonder how many wars would have been waged by now. But the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says what if later on, he goes on to blame himself. Maybe there's a shortcoming in me in the way how I presented the message. And what if later on down the line through the generations if people were to embrace the message, look at the messenger LOOK AT THE LOOK AT THE wast heart of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the ayat were revealed many brothers and sisters in Islam to strengthen this heart of the messengers and allow us to strengthen his heart as the people ill treated him as the people insulted him, you know the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, his brain

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and what did they do? They come and place all the insides of the camel. The into steens and whatnot on top of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa said he goes down for sujood and what do they do in a move to try and insult the messenger they come and just imagine you know, the camera is not a small animal. We're not talking about a goat here. But talking about a camel, a huge element and all of its innocence. They're talking about the the industry in all of that, you know, blood and filth and whatnot. They come and take and put all of that on the Messenger of Allah Allah listen and when he was in sujood

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five the amount of the alarm one hand, she hears about this that they have done this to her father, little Fatima she was young at that time little Fatima of the alarm one has she runs to the prophets of Allah valley where he would send him and with a little hands she's cleaning away all the filth that was on top of the profits and allow it to so heavy that the messenger could not get up from sujood. She cleans it away. She cleans it away. And then the professor Lannister looks at his daughter Fatima all day long on hand, she's crying, she's crying. Why are they doing this to my father? Why are they doing this to my father in law?

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Did he pray against them? Did he exact revenge? Did he go on? a mission of vengeance? No, no, no.

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No, sir bitter before that. It is to strengthen your heart or messenger. It is to strengthen your heart. So this is one of the biggest wisdoms behind why the Quran was revealed gradually across a period of 23 years media brothers and sisters in Islam to constantly keep strengthening the prophets that allow us to be to boost them the spirits of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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One last wisdom before we conclude

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and this is pretty obvious

00:40:00 --> 00:40:23

It is to make it easy. It was revealed across a period of 23 years to make it easy for the Sahaba ridhwan idi Lima Jemaine to memorize the Quran, just imagine, if all of the ayat were revealed at once. 6000 odd is no doubt the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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appointed by Allah, he would have been, but I used it. But what about the Sahaba? The Sahaba would have found it extremely difficult to memorize it all at once in one sitting, ask yourself can you sit down in one sitting and memorized the entire Quran just like that, if it were to be revealed unto the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so to to to make it easy for them to memorize the Quran and because we are going to be studying in sha Allah, Allah in terms of the preservation of the Quran, the first stage that was that it was preserved in the hearts and then onto the pages. And then on to the pages It was first preserved on hearts and then on pages first, so do in the Arabic

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language, saw the dial Wow, Ross, who do in the hearts of mankind, the hearts of the Sahaba and then so too, and then on to the lines on the pages when you take the form and you have lines but it wasn't first compiled and preserved on pages. It was first preserved in the hearts and from those hearts the first heart to preserve it was the blessing heart of Mohammed Salah Watanabe was the first heart to preserve it, the heart of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then the heart hearts of the Sahaba did wanna die Allah Allah Jemaine.

00:41:42 --> 00:41:51

So it was to make it easy for them to memorize the Quran it was revealed gradually stage by stage. So I add, for example, the chapter

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Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim Alhamdulillah Nero Pilla and me in a Rothman era.

00:42:03 --> 00:42:23

Mani kiyomi Dean egea cannot boo on iya Khanna standing in Dena Sara. Stop the game. So halt en la Vina and Nan de la him voy a real Maputo vi de

00:42:24 --> 00:43:07

Boer. Oh Nene, certified harvinder to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Sahaba would memorize. Allah says in the Quran in the Elena Gemma Hua Khurana, it is our responsibility to compile it to to jump on who to collect it in your heart or messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the Messenger of Allah Allah, Allah Islam would be the first to memorize it and then he would read it to the Sahaba read one like the image of mine, and they would then and then memorize the ayat from the lips of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So to make it easy for the Sahaba to memorize the Quran for the preservation of the Quran, it was revealed that gradually This

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is one of the wisdoms behind revealing the Koran and graduating. For example, we have the Hadith where the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he says,

00:43:18 --> 00:43:28

learn the Quran from foe. Learn the Quran from four individuals and then he said Mr. Evolution went on to mention four companions

00:43:30 --> 00:43:31


00:43:32 --> 00:43:34

Abdullah ebms road of the logline.

00:43:36 --> 00:43:41

Salim Mona abeokuta iffa Salim rhodiola

00:43:42 --> 00:43:43

obey even Cabo de la

00:43:44 --> 00:43:47

Mora, even jevin Rania Lama,

00:43:48 --> 00:44:39

the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam is vouching for them and he says, learn the Quran from these four Who are they have to live with Ms. Rudra de la one. Sally Mola, before Deva rhodiola, one Salim rhodiola one ma de bingeable rhodiola one and obey even cat or the llama. You see have to live in a bus route the first name in that list Abdullah him Mr. Udo the last one. He says he was delivering a sermon a hook by and he says one lie by a lot. I learned over 70 sutras 70 chapters directly from the Messenger of Allah, I memorized and I learned 70 chapters directly from the lips of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa ala he was sending them. You see Abdullah Massaro de

00:44:39 --> 00:44:40

la one My dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

00:44:42 --> 00:44:59

a great scholar, an ocean of knowledge in regards to the Quran. If you were to take a chapter, he would know in the chapter why this chapter was revealed on what occasion was this is revealed in regards to

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What it was revealed and the understanding that was imparted by the Messenger of Allah Subhan Allah.

00:45:07 --> 00:45:51

So from the wisdoms in terms of the gradual revelation of the ayat, many brothers and sisters in Islam is to make it easy for the Sahaba to memorize the Quran. As you can see, you have all these wisdoms in place. I've shared a couple of wisdoms in regards to the gradual revelation of the ayat of the Quran. So what we have established in today's class, is that the Quran was revealed piecemeal, it was revealed piecemeal, as in stage by stage across a period of 23 years. But then you have ayat in the Quran that stated that the Quran was revealed all at once in a Zelda movie later Putin shadow Rama Bonilla, the official Quran and Sunnah houfy Lera t mo Baraka, all these ayat in

00:45:51 --> 00:46:30

sutra further in Surah Baqarah in sort of the Han state, was revealed all at once. So how do we reconcile with those ayat and the ayat that's also say that the Quran was revealed stage by stage when zelner hutan Zilla that the Quran was revealed stage by stage. So how it is reconciled. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam is that during Ramadan, during the night of power, the Koran in its entirety was revealed from local food. And if you're wondering what lahoma food is, love for my food is translated as the preserved tablet. Many brothers and sisters in Islam, as per the words of the prophets, Allah and Islam 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens as before the creation of

00:46:30 --> 00:46:59

the heavens and the earth. And this is part of our he man is part of our a man, where we believe in the world of the unseen, we believe, and took me Nabila. melodica here, well, good to be here. Well, surely he will Yamanaka babila Katara. We believe in Allah, we believe in his angels, we believe in his messengers, we believe in his books, we believe in the day of the AMA, we believe in God. Now what is called a coder is that the is destiny, where Allah has pre designed everything.

00:47:00 --> 00:47:27

And this was done it is part of our belief in other that it was decreed by Allah 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth, not 50,000 years ago, 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth, if you could go to the very beginning of creation 50,000 years before that, and in terms of the years we don't know as to whether those years as

00:47:28 --> 00:48:16

the years of our calculation or yours by a loss of Hannah winter film in metadata who kalfus and Kalfa center in India, in India, on a day by Allah Subhana Allah is equivalent to 1000 years one day by Allah is equivalent to 1000 years of our time. So 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth, Allah subhanho wa Taala creates the pen the pen is created. And then a lot the notion goes along the lines of these words, Allah subhanho wa Taala commands the pen to write the pen asks a loss of Hannah Montana, what am I to write and then the pen is commanded to write every single event and occurrence that is to occur and the pen records everything and this was recorded in lover

00:48:16 --> 00:48:18

by food in the preserve tablet

00:48:19 --> 00:48:23

United at times, young children and individuals

00:48:24 --> 00:48:36

who you know, have this skeptic air around them. They're like oh, a pen, a pen talking. And then writing with your brothers and sisters in Islam.

00:48:37 --> 00:48:50

Today, you have technology, where when you talk to your computer, it writes you have dictation when you dictate it writes and you know, why is mine? Okay, so what is this?

00:48:52 --> 00:49:00

This is the Apple Pencil. So this is I think this is the second generation perhaps. Okay, so right now it's

00:49:02 --> 00:49:40

you know, not much of features. Yeah, of course it's a very useful tool that you can use to write and whatnot. But eventually this is going to evolve you're going to have Apple Pencil three Apple Pencil for five and whatnot. And you know, they are incorporating voice assistance everywhere you've got a smartwatch, you have a voice assistant, that is in it basically says either your UI diversity or you've got Google Assistant that could help you when you when you you know if you if you would ask your voice assistant, What is the time now it will tell you what time it is, if you were to say, type this message out, it will type the message out for you. And if you were to say type this

00:49:40 --> 00:49:59

message out and send it to so and so it would type the message and send it out to so and so. Eventually they're going to perhaps incorporate it in the pencils as well. And you'd have a voice assistant here and you talk to the pencil and below Allah maybe it would write maybe it would dictate maybe it could type. So many brothers and sisters Islam the point that I want to highlight If man with his weak

00:50:00 --> 00:50:12

Brain, if he can come up with a device of this nature, with with devices that have voice assistance that listen to you and answer your questions and type what you say,

00:50:13 --> 00:50:15

If man can come up with such such technology

00:50:17 --> 00:50:21

What do you think about the technology that is by Allah Subhana Allah Do

00:50:22 --> 00:51:01

you think it is a daunting task for Allah Subhana Allah to have a pen talk, and to command a pen to write and for the pen to write, law. So when, when, when Apple or Google launches something, we believe in it, and we accept it. But when we come across a hadith that says that a pin spoke in a lock, Amanda, the pin to write and the pen wrote, we tend to doubt it. And we're thinking, Oh, this seems to be like a fairy tale. You know what, I can't believe all of this. But then you believe in all these devices, these these flawed devices that are full of bugs that are full of, you know, so many things somehow that they have to keep developing it and coming up with new models and whatnot.

00:51:03 --> 00:51:43

So think about the technology that Allah subhanho wa Taala has, if he if he has given man the brain to come up with all this, what about the technology by Allah azza wa jal, so don't ever doubt the words of the messenger sallallahu alayhi desser you see, Chapin, he comes in with an air of arrogance or living in 2020 you have all these devices around you why you going to believe in all these fairy tales. And you'll come and plant this, this this the seed of doubt, don't, don't give in to Chevron. Don't give into Chapin don't give into his traps, dismiss him, dismiss him the minute he comes in, dismiss him, just chase him away out to be land him in a ship on energy. We believe in the

00:51:43 --> 00:52:20

words of the messengers and allamani when he said the Prophet does not lie. So 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth, it was recorded in local mfold. The fact that you and I today we see that what is the date, it is the 12th of April, my local time it's 1230. In the afternoon, we're seated and we have connected from so many parts of the world. And we're talking about the words of the prophets of Allah Islam I'm dressed in white and dressed in this. This was a decreed by Allah 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth, wherever you may be seated, how you may be seated, what you're wearing, what you had for breakfast, what you're going to

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have for lunch, what you're going to have for dinner, it was decreed by Allah 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens at the end and the end. And this empowers I believe in my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, for him to understand that you know what? It is all part and parcel of this huge plan of our of my maker has been a loved one I'm going to kill them and Mona when MnSCU Allah is the best dispose of my offense. So the four iron to my dear brothers and sisters in Islam was recorded in local baffles. And during the month of Ramadan, during labor to father, it was revealed unto sama dunya after the first heaven, and from the first Heaven, it was revealed across a period

00:53:00 --> 00:53:37

of 23 years and to the heart of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wasallam as per the need. As per the occasion. As per people come into the prophets align Islam and asking him questions, sometimes they will come to the prophet and say, Yasser Allah, can we gain some clarity in this regard? What is this? What is that they would come to the prophet and ask him questions, the Prophet would wait. an IRA would be revealed to the Prophet ceylonese from Eliza Joe through Jabri, dallisa to Islam, and then the professor Allison would read the ayat now for example, what if you say yes, aluna can incomparable myself, they are asking you a messenger of Allah about humble and mindset

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about intoxicants and gambling. So perhaps the Prophet was asked about compromises and then the command cool, tell them fi Hema, Omaha mercenaries and tell them this is the answer. And then the answer would be given to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, through wahi through revelation. So across a period of 23 years, these ayat were revealed unto the Prophet salallahu alaihe, but and he will send them so my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, I hope we have gained clarity in this regard with the help of Allah, and we come to the end of today's class. So I hope to see you all the coming week in Chiang Mai Thailand, around the same time, where we will go on to more important principles in

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regards to how the Quran was preserved. So in terms of the memorization of the Quran, in terms of the combined ation of the Quran, when was it compiled in the book form that we have with us. And then we also have to discuss the different recitations of the four iron and I haven't really been covering a lot of ground in Sharla. So once we are done with all of this, most probably by the time we approach the month of Ramadan, which is Hannah law just a few days away, so at least as we come into the Milan or maybe during the first week of Ramadan, we will be able to go into the Tafseer of Silicon Valley, which I'm really really looking forward to, and I hope all of you are just as

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excited as I am.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:36

Just as excited as I am in regards of zero SoTL Fatiha. So in sha Allah Allah, I look forward to talking to you all soon. And I'm looking at a few comments. Some of you have asked, Would there be q&a at any time, inshallah, what we'll do is try to have a dedicated session for q&a for question and answers. And we'll even try to come up with a methodology of taking in questions. And then what I'll do is perhaps I can try to answer them then and there or maybe in the upcoming session, we can look at, you know, addressing your questions in Sharla. And in the meanwhile, if you do have questions, you can always dm them to me, you can send them in and I'll have a look at them and maybe

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I can try to address those questions in the upcoming class or the class after that.

00:55:42 --> 00:56:18

If it is a question to be addressed publicly, if it needs to be addressed privately that can be done as well inshallah Allah, so does that help. Thank you very much for tuning in. Does that mean the hair whatever right was from a loss of Hannah which Allah does me wrong, but I said it is from me and from Shere Khan. I seek refuge in a love from the Augusta devil out we live in a showdown regime. I pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala forgives our sins forgives our shortcomings, and that He rewards us for gathering digitally to discuss his words were not able to gather physically so we are gathering gathering digitally to discuss his words. Male allies, Virgil reward us Mel nomic Hi, he

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mentioned of us in the seven heavens, and just as how he unites us here across these platforms may unite us in the loftiest of gardens of gender. I mean, I mean, Dawa and hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen de como la Hannah was cinemark or they can walk from A to 94 but I get them

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