Muiz Bukhary – Tafsir Intensive #3

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of learning the Prophet's teachings and promoting and sharing knowledge to benefit from it. They also discuss the need for individuals to promote and share knowledge to benefit from it and seek value in the people of knowledge. The success of the company in the US market and plans to expand internationally are also highlighted. They mention their success in the US market and plans to expand their customer base through their own sales force.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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We're just going to give everybody a few minutes to tune in yeah as usual inshallah.

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So Mr. Kumar from salobre care to everybody. You're going to give everyone a minute or two to tune in and shall and then we will start.

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Okay, I think we're good to go.

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I said Mr Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Bismillahi Rahmani r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam. So we begin today's class by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. We ask him to send his blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his bat with utmost sincerity until the day of okay.

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So today's class is the seed intensive.

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For those of you who are tuning in, only today, a brief intro. We have tafsir classes every week. So basically every Sunday at hamdulillah with the help of Allah, where we hope to go into the Koran, ponder, reflect and study the words of our maker, so Hannah Medina. So in terms of the episodes, this is the third class, if you will, the third episode, there were two classes that already have taken place, where we went into some introductory principles in regards to the science of Pepsi. We spoke about the importance of this going through my notes and for those of you who participated in the previous class, as well as the other one, you can refer to your notes. We spoke about the

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importance of ellipses we spoke about the importance of this particular science, I would say.

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And then we also went on dimension that you cannot understand the Koran except through the knowledge of Topsail. You have to go into the Koran to ponder and reflect on the Quran through the knowledge of Pepsi. Then we spoke about this word Pepsi and the word tafsir. What is the meaning of this word that is used a lot. Scholars mentioned the word Pepsi or Pepsi. So you might be wondering, okay, what does that actually mean? So if I'm not mistaken, it was during class one, Episode One, we discussed the word sale. And if you would like to check out those episodes, check out those classes, you can go to our YouTube channel, and inshallah you can look for a tuxedo intensive episode one,

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and episode two will also be uploaded shortly and even this one will eventually be uploaded in Sharla Diana.

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So from there onwards, we went on to discuss our obligation towards the Quran. Is it only paying lip service to the Quran? Are we only supposed to place the foreign on metal pieces as decoration pieces as decorative pieces? Is the Koran only meant to be gifted on occasions? Or do we have a bigger responsibility towards the foreign responsibility in terms of reading the Quran as well as making the Double of the four and pondering and reflecting on the Quran and this was also something that we discussed in the previous class if I'm not mistaken. And then from there onwards, we went on to study and discuss that was during Episode Two, in terms of the names of the Quran, in terms of the

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different names that we have for the foreign and I mentioned in the previous class that Imam Azhar Kashi Rahim Allah in his book Oberon, he mentioned almost about 55 names among Abraham online his book Debian, he mentions 90 names and I also went on to share with you all that in terms of these extensive lists put forth by the scholars are akima malami, Allah have mercy upon them.

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Certain lists have combined the names as well as the attributes that are in place for the Koran. So from these lists,

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We were able to take five authentic names five individual exclusive and authentic names that are in place for Al Quran. And we discussed each of those names in the previous class in a lot of detail. We discussed Alcon we discussed alpha con, and this is just to recap and brush up on our memories before we go on with today's class which is also a very important and interesting session as I was prepping for it, it was very interesting and hamdulillah so we have a Koran, we have alpha con we have keytab at Victor and at 10 z.

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So we discussed each of these names in detail and hamdulillah and then we went on to discuss in terms of the chapters in the Noble Quran so we mentioned that the Quran consists of 114 chapters we have 114 chapters in the noble foreign and then in terms of the number of ayat now that was a academic a detail the discussion that we had in the previous class in terms of the number of ions in the Noble Quran. So I mentioned as per the people of Kufa as the Kufa

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the count of the ayat is 6236 and according to those other than the people of Kufa, you have the total being 6666. And I also went on to mention Alhamdulillah, with the help of Allah in terms of the 6666 ayat how they arrived at that number at that total, because we said that the people of Kufa say that it's 6236. Now in terms of 6666, you arrive at that total by categorizing the ayat by by categorizing the different items that are in place, and in terms of the categories we have the commandments awami 1000 ayat, and Noah he prohibitions 1000 ayat stories and anecdotes causes 1000 ayat examples and parables and mtel will ever you have 1000 ayat and then the promises of Allah 1000

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is the warnings of a lot 1000 If so, we have 6000 is categorized as such. And then halal and haram is discussed in 500 items. So 6500 the do are the different types of door are that are in place in the noble core and Rob bernadina cydonia has an awful lot he has no Athena either, but now robina habla nermeen as Virgina will react in a whole lotta unit, you have different items that are in place in the Noble Quran that that basically in the form of DOS, we have 100 ir that are in the form of data, so 6600 in total, and lastly, you have analysis and monsoon the category called analysis and element. So, now this is a category that I discussed in some more detail in the previous class.

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There are is that abrogate previous I add now, for example, if you were to take the issue of intoxicants, the prohibition in regards to intoxicants did not come down immediately. Initially, the prohibition that was in place was

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to property it will Edina Amano la Prabhu salado salata, Anton suka as in oh you who believe do not do not approach Salah whilst you are in a state of intoxication. So when you are intoxicated, do not approach Salah. So that was the initial idea that was in place. And then after that I art were revealed to completely prohibit intoxicants. So today in today's context, one cannot take the initial idea and say, Oh, you know what this ayah says that I'm only not supposed to consume intoxicants when I am approaching Sala So that would mean that outside of Sarah I can drink I can consume intoxicants and Aria will be learned No, that is a flawed understanding. And that is why it

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is important for us to understand the NASA kundiman SUV, the IR that have abrogated previous ayah. So when talking about abrogation, it is only abrogated the hook of the law. As for the recitation of the IR, we still recite the ayah and you reap rewards for the recitation of the ayah. But the law of the IRA has been replaced with a newer IRA that is in place, the command has been abrogated in the previous AI, so NASA can man so for this particular category, we have 66 ayat, so then you arrive at a total of 6666 as per this method of categorization, and then from there onwards we went on to discuss the language of the Quran being local to Allah via the language of the Quran being Arabic

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the importance of the language of the Quran, and how important it is to learn the language of the Quran, the language of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. To understand that the Quran and to understand the words of our beloved messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa and he was

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moving on.

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Today being day three, today being session three, we start off by praying to Allah that Allah opens those are beneficial knowledge for all of us. I mean, that Eliza Virgil opens our hearts to words, his words and that Allah subhana wa dialler makes us from the people of the Quran, Allah Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Deena.

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livina lu said we pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala makes us from the people of the Quran. I mean, so today we're going to be discussing. So now basically in terms of what we have to discuss, it all depends on how much of time we have together today, it might spill on to the next class in the upcoming during the upcoming week as well in Sharla, Ghana, but in terms of what we have in place to discuss, we are going to be discussing how the Quran was revealed unto Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa and he was sending, we're going to be discussing how the Quran was compiled. And we're also going to be discussing in shallow dialogue. Why was the Quran revealed piecemeal, as in a few wisdoms? Why

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was the Koran revealed all at once? Why was it revealed piecemeal? And then we're also going to be discussing what was the first to be revealed from the noble four iron and the last of it, what was the last of it that was revealed under the under the prophets that allamani when he was selling

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now to go on?

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A loss of Hannah Hoare data, He willed that the Koran be revealed piecemeal. Now when I say piecemeal, what I mean was, it was revealed in stages, it was not revealed all at once the meaning of piecemeal, stage by stage is by ayat you know, chapter by chapter.

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The four iron was revealed a piecemeal upon the heart of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, across a period of 23 years across a period of 23 years, the four angles reveal piecemeal upon the heart of the prophets that allow it really was said,

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It started when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was 40 years of age. And it continued, the revelation continued until Nine Nights until nine nights before the passing away of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So it started off when the Prophet was 40 years of age that a lot of it really was in him and it went on until Nine Nights, Nine Nights before the passing away of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa said.

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So the first ayah that was revealed unto the prophets of Allah, Allah where he was saying them, and this is without a difference of opinion.

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The first ayah that was revealed unto him sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam were the opening Ayat of surah, Allah Allah, which is

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the 96th chapter of the noble for Allah subhanho wa Taala. He says,

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The Quran bismi Arabic Allah de la raza urgencies, cannot be smeared on the color the color. Now this was the first ayah that was revealed unto the prophets that along with a very we send them a corrupt Bismillah because

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now the commander that was revealed the first command that was revealed to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was read, read aloud, the first command to be revealed unto a messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and by extension to his entire nation to the entire home of the prophets of Allah Wiley when he was setting it up. This mirror began to be read in the in the name of Columbus mirrabooka. Larry Pollock read in the name of your Lord Allah rihana was created. So read this highlights now this is now in terms of in terms of understanding which Ayah was revealed the first which is revealed we have the ayat of surah Allah And like I said, there is no difference of opinion

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in this regard. And along with that, in terms of lessons in terms of provided that we can deduce and derive from this initial revelation and the prophets that allow it very seldom is the importance of seeking knowledge. This is how important it is to seek knowledge. The first command that was revealed unto this nation was to read law Aqaba Read, read the importance of seeking knowledge.

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Today's context too many brothers and sisters in Islam, it is due to the lack of knowledge. And it is due to the widespread of ignorance that we have with that we see that our community is in shambles due to the lack of knowledge unfortunate, due to the lack of knowledge, due to the lack of respect towards the people of knowledge, despite the teachings of the dean clearly stating otherwise. Today we have people due to the lack of knowledge. They say, Oh, you know what? Why do we even need scholars in the first place on law? Why do we need scholars in the first place? Why do we need people of knowledge in the first place? You know what, let's just do whatever we want to do.

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Why do we Why do we need all of this? Why do we need people of knowledge? Why do we have to seek knowledge? When you have the first ayah that is being revealed unto the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam being a cop

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Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah and we spoke about this great legend yesterday Alhamdulillah in a lot of detail and we'll be talking about him a lot in our Sahih al Bukhari classes. Remember Bukhari Rahim Allah has a chapter in his book Baba ilmi Kabila Kohli well Amell la Barbuda ilmi Cabell. County well amyl the chapter of knowledge before statements and actions, and in that he goes on to highlight the importance of seeking knowledge first, because many brothers and sisters in Islam, can you pray without seeking knowledge? Can you just you know what, today I feel like just rolling on the ground and let that be my Salah. Will that be accepted for you to just roll over the ground and

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say, you know what your law This is my Salah. Now you have to seek knowledge, you have to learn how to pray, how am I to stand in there? What am I supposed to read? What am I supposed to read in rocor? What How am I supposed to read sortcl Fatiha so there is this strong emphasis on the seeking of knowledge and he at the moment Bukhari Rahim Allah He goes on to mention the idea that a lot of hiding with elementary is the mobile phone for 11 under hula Illa Illa Allah, you see the command where Allah isobutyl commands ffilm No, no come to know and no hula, hula in the law, that indeed there is no deity worthy of worship other than Allah. So as you can see the command to seek

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knowledge comes first ffilm come to know make yourself aware seek knowledge in this regard under hula, hula in the law, that indeed there is no deity worthy of worship other than Allah. And and you know, Alabama, Bihari and others go on to emphasize and explain how important it is to seek knowledge and the importance of the people of knowledge, the respect that you have to render towards the people of knowledge in dama yaksha la mina de la, Eliza Virginia he says the number four and that it is, I mean innama is used is restricted because to say exclusively that only the people of knowledge and Allah are the ones who fear and are conscious of Allah Subhana Allah Allah. So Allah

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Allah, Allah and accorded the reverse of the prophets of Allah whenever he was sending my Allah water to mbn the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said that they are only among the people of knowledge, are the inheritors of the prophets, Allah which led to a sinner. Now this particular tangent, I'm going to be coming back to it because it's connected to the to the first idea or the idea that were revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But I'm just going to conclude this discussion in regards to how the ayat or in terms of which is revealed under the Prophet Iseman first and which is revealed under the prophets and ICM last, and then we will

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come back to the importance of knowledge. So my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, Allah Subhana Allah Allah, He says,

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In surah TL Allah if you take sort of Ladakh, like I said, which is the 96th chapter, the corrupt this may not be calorie holla recite or read in the name of your Lord who created Carnival in Santa Mina Allah He created man from a clinging substance, a corrupt war of bukal a crumb read and your Lord is the Most Generous and lady I lemma bill column, who taught by the pen, I level in Santa ma lm Yeah, lm and he taught man that which he knew not a lot.

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Kela in insane Allah Tovar. No. But indeed, man, transgressors are raw who stole now, because he sees himself self sufficient. He thinks, you know what? I know it all. He thinks arrogantly of himself. He thinks that you know what, I don't need the help of a lie don't need the help of anybody. I'm self sufficient. I can do it by myself. Many brothers and sisters in Islam. just just just go back a few years. When we came to this world, we didn't even know how to walk. We couldn't even clean up after ourselves. That's how fragile we are. That's a weak we are.

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And if not anything that this pandemic teaches us. One thing that it should teach us is how fragile we are, how puny and how weak we are. That this tiny creation of a loss of Hannover dialect, something that we cannot even see with our own bare naked eyes. Something that experts are still trying to wrap their heads around. They're not even sure as to whether it is alive or not wise to whether it's something between life and death or this organism this this virus and look at the look at the chaos and confusion it has caused. Despite our advancements despite us thinking of ourselves you know, we are self sufficient. You know, we have money we have this we have advancements with

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technology. We have rockets going to the moon and other planets that looks at Hana law. We are in shambles and we are crying out for the help of the Almighty for him to bring about normalcy for him to turn things around. Without him. We are last laugh

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Nova quwata illa Billah so don't get into arrogance many brothers and sisters in Islam don't think that Oh, you know what I have sought knowledge now. So you know, I you know what? I'm just going to be proud I'm going to be arrogant I know it all I don't have to listen to anybody. And that was the trait of Chopin. That was the that's what that that was the quality of Chevron. You know what happened to share than it was because of his arrogance it was because of his pride. Allahu Akbar. You know what happened to him? Also Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. We seek refuge and protection in Allah from the cursed devil, the one was banished, the one was exiled to Chapin

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and the brothers and sisters in Islam. Don't give into arrogance. Don't get into pride that the more you seek knowledge, the more you learn, it should make you humble. It should make you humble panela shouldn't fill you up with arrogance and pride because those are the traits of shippon

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Okay, so moving on now, as you can see this ayah clearly are these ayat are basically the first is revealed and of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and there is no dispute in that regard. Eliza gel he says follicle inside I mean I locked in I remember to have that particular chapter that He created man from a clinging substance and in regards to that we have a hadith that has been recorded in the book of Imam Muslim Rahim a whole lot about the prophets lie service report to have said ujima houfy botany omy barbarina Yama su Mei upon of italica Allah Cotta and misled Alex to my kunafa Delica moto Houghton Mifflin Delhi. Suma uses Malika phi n for who feel ro, verily, the

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creation of each one of you is brought together in his mother's womb for 40 days in the form of a seed, then he's a clot of blood for another period, then a morsel of flesh for a lump of flesh for another period. And then there is sent to him, the angel who bros who blows who blows the breath of life into him mokuba so this hadith two talks about how at a stage we are an alpha, a plot, and then we become a Moldova a lump of flesh, as per this particular area in the novel for now moving on, in regards to the last ayah that was revealed to the Prophet Elias and what did I say? Now these are all from OSU that have said by the way, these are all foundational principles in regards to the

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science of Tafseer in terms of us getting a good understanding about the Koran before we go into studying the Tafseer of the Quran. Like I said, we're going to be going into the seat of certain Fatiha but before that we need to have certain foundational principles that are in place we spoke about the importance of Elmo Dempsey, we spoke about the names of the Quran and now we're talking about the ayat how they were revealed to the Prophet ceylonese in him. So the first idea or the first ayat that will reveal is that clear it is from su kalaloch. And there is no difference of opinion in that regard. If Cora misses Arabic Allah they follow and most of you are aware of the

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incident and how it happened. We have the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, where it is mentioned that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So this hadith is in the book of imovel Bukhari, Rahim Allah, the prophet Alayhi Salaam, he began to like seclusions along and here we are, we are all in seclusion, we are in we are all in isolation. And we should use this time that we have in seclusion in isolation, many brothers and sisters in Islam, to to to introspect to reflect, to mend our ways to come out of this isolation, eventually a better person, let us have that intention, that once this is over and inshallah light will fit, it will end with the help of a

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lion once it is over. And when we come out of this isolation, it has come out better people, not people who have given into you know, a lot of the toxic and negative elements in our house, it does not come out of this isolation, worse than how we were, it has come out better than how we were with the help of Allah Subhana Allah Dan. So in this Hadith, it clearly states that the promise of Allah sent us to like seclusion, so he used to go into seclusion into the cave of Euro, where he used to worship a lot continuously for many nights before going back to his family to take the necessary provisions of food for the state. Now one day Why is the province an island it was in the cave of

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Euro in this particular cave Hara, an angel came to him and asked him to read Sabrina Elisa to Islam now comes revelation begins and the prophets of Allah SLM is commanded to the current this may not be calorie holla it essentially was commanded a corrupt read, and now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he responds, ma and ebihara ma and

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now we have scholars who interpret this statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asking this angel, melody, Melody Accra as in what am I to read Ma and a bakery melody up

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What am I to read? And then the command comes again ikura read melody Accra in his innocence manner because it What am I supposed to read? And then the angel he helped me and press me so hard, and then he released me and he asked me to read again manner before it. In the sense what am I to read the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, and then for the third time the angel almost embraces the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he holds the prophets of Allah Wiley when he was in them, and then he releases the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he says, If Cora bismi Rob beaker Larry haluk until I a number five he goes on to the dismay of be calorie haluk call upon

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insane I mean, Allah. Wa bukal Ekrem la vie lemme bill column, I level insane Amma lm Yeah, lm these ayat were revealed unto the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa ala he was sent him the Prophet then comes after this experience because I need you to put yourselves in the shoes of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam think about what a Serbian and powerful experience it must have been the first ayat being revealed to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam this angel coming and commanding the prophet to read. The Prophet comes rushing to his wife. He comes rushing to his wife, Khadija radi Allahu weinheim he says zombie loony ism Milani Cover me cover me because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam was trembling. It was such a powerful experience that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had underwent zamyla Nizam Milani Cover me up, call me up and our mother Khadija the loved one has she covers the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam and then that narration goes on from days and lengthy narration that talks about how

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the prophets of Allah Marley very seldom received revelation. Now moving on in terms of the last ayah. So that was the beginning. At the age of 40, that's when it began. And this went on for 23 years, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam piecemeal, I have to reveal that to the prophets of Allah, Allah, Islam stage by stage for a period of 23 years. And it went on until nine nights before the passing away of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, in terms of the last ayah, to be revealed, we have a slight difference of opinion. And I'm going to mention

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the three opinions at least that are out there for, for your information.

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So the first opinion that is in place,

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is that the last ayah that was revealed unto the prophets of Allah while he was in a man, and you know what, let's just ask everybody who has tuned in? What do you think is the last idea that was revealed after the Prophet celebration? or what have you heard, at least in regards to the last year, it was revealed that of the prophets analysis.

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And so panel lamidi, rather than citizen Islam, this is important knowledge, a lot of us, you know, attempts being Muslims, we don't know, in regards to the ayat that revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which was the first ayah which was an asked Ayah A lot of us we don't know, law.

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And you know, for that matter, I would say, all of us, you know, we all need to work on this, we all need to seek knowledge, may Allah open doors of beneficial knowledge for all of us, I mean,

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so we have responses coming in, we have things as saying that it is the idea of sort of NASA. Then we have another response ayatul kursi, another response sudama either. Okay.

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Any more responses in Sharla I on the completion, I think is the last Okay, so now the first opinion, I'm going to share the first opinion so those of you who are mentioned sort of minor, so, the brother or sister who said sort of Maya, you got it right as for the first opinion, and then the eye on the incompletion that is the eye and sort of Maya so that is the first opinion.

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We have another answer. Today I perfected my sister who says today I perfected my religion. Yes, Elio multicam. So that's the first opinion. All right. That's the first opinion. But don't conclude with that. That's the first opinion we have two more opinions and then towards the end, I'll tell you which of the opinions is the strongest one so that you are also aware. Okay, let's look at Facebook now. Okay, so your sister eyeshadow says I've completed your religion. Okay, I'll do my multicam Yeah, so that's the first opinion and that's the one a lot of us are familiar with. A lot of us are familiar with Allium acmella, tillicum but then you have to bear in mind many brothers and

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sisters in the because now your students have seen your students of knowledge seeking knowledge, you should know the other opinions as well. So we have another response here. And as soon as number five is number three, you're talking about the same is with the mind it is

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a lot of you know this particular opinion and I'm going to share the other two opinions as well.

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So opinion number one is like you mentioned chapter five, which is sort of minor iron number three. I will make some kind of a dialer. He says

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yo McMahon Tula Khun Dena Kumar at men to IRA company.

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motivo de Tula cumulus Lucha Medina, so this ayah according to some is the last ayah that was revealed to the professor along while you were using it. But now let's look at a little bit of a background in regards to this. I'll make a he says on this day, I have perfected for you your religion and I have completed my favor upon you and I have approved for you Islam as your deen.

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Now, when was this ayah revealed under the prophets that allamani when he was selling, now this is radio brothers and sisters in Islam, please take note and pay close attention was revealed to the Prophet under the Prophet sallallahu Sallam during

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the day of arafa.

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During Hagit over there during the final pilgrimage of the prophets of Allah when he when he was sending, let me repeat, it was revealed to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam, on the plains of Africa, on the day of alpha, during the final pilgrimage of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and to be more specific, it was towards the latter part of the day of arafah, towards the evening of our offer.

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During the final pilgrimage of the prophets, Allah when he when he was sent,

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once again, it was revealed that the prophets of Allah Marley very was a lamb on the day of arafa, which was also a Friday. It was also a Friday, the day of arafah on Friday, during the final pilgrimage of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam.

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And now you might be thinking, Okay, sure. How do we know? I mean, how do we have so much of specifics in regards to this? How do you know that it is close to the evening and on Friday on the day of alpha during the final pilgrimage for this we have evidence? We have a hadith that has been recorded in the book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah

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who is narrating the Hadith or Omar Malhotra, Omar de la cuando. He says that

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a man from the Jews, a man from the Jews said he came to him all day long when he says, Yeah, I mean, I'm not meaning or leader of the believers. There is an ayah that you read in your book. And had it been revealed to us as Jews, we would have taken that day as a celebration. Now tomorrow the loved one who was intrigued says which is is this which is you talking about now this man from the Jews, he reads the ayah and the oma committed to the comb Dena como Atman to LA comme Namah de barra de la como Lisa Medina. Today I have completed your religion for you perfected my favorite upon you and I have choose chosen Islam as your religion, aroma or the logline who then response for the out

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of Metallica, Yom well mccannon Larry, he goes on to say, I have we know the day and place in which this ayah was revealed unto the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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it was whilst he was standing on the day of alpha on Friday. This Hadith is referred to the book of Mr. Bukhari we have another wording of the Hadith that has been recorded by Imam Ahmed and others. Were in that narration, there's more detail when he said that it was a Shia Jetta in the sense towards the evening of the day of arafah. Okay.

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On Friday, now I need you all to kind of reflect on this Hadith, this Jew say that we would have taken it as a day of celebrations panela the way Allah Queen decided the revelation of the ayah it was

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towards the evening of ROI. So when is alpha, the ninth of the hitcher? So if it was towards the evening of alpha, that means the day of alpha is coming to an end and the day of alpha is also an extremely powerful day. It is such a powerful day. So it was on the day of arafah. And given that the day of arafah is coming to an end, the 10th of the hijab is just there around the corner which is evil. It is a day of celebration. And on top of that it was on a Friday. So so this is this do comes and says if it had been revealed, was viewed or taken it as a day of celebration, this ayah was revealed to us on a Friday, which is a day of celebration for us in terms of the days during a

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week in a week. And then on the day of our fight was revealed on the day of arafah, which is also an extremely powerful day for us Muslims, and towards the end of the day of alpha and the beginning of the 10th of the hijab, which is by default either up half so you have virtues layer upon layer, on the day that this powerful Ayah was revealed unto them. Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So like I said, one opinion is that this was the last ayah that was revealed under the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now what is the second opinion that is in place? The second opinion, I think one of the comments mentioned it was taken I think it was one of my students is aided

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Little boy, Mashallah he had mentioned that answer in the comments. He said sort of Nestle. So they the given that he

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answered it. There's also an interesting story about a youngster you will have of the prophets that a long while he was in Him who had answered in a similar way, which I hope to share at this juncture. So the second opinion is that sort of NASA, sort of the NASA was the last IR to be revealed that the prophets lie Selim surah, sort of NASA, which is the 100 and 10th chapter in the novel for now, sort of the NASA was obviously revealed after the final pilgrimage. So from this, we understand, okay, so anioma multicam, the imi that was revealed in the final pilgrimage, and then we have sort of the NASA Now remember, Bukhari rahula. He mentioned in his Hey, that Omar are the one

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who he used to, he used to permit and a love abdulai. But as a youngster, a youngster, I believe it I busted with your loved one who to sit with him in the gatherings with the other Sahaba. So I'm going to give you the gist of the narration along the lines of these words. So I'm the one who would allow the loved one who to sit with the Senior Companions when they would discuss matters now certain of the people who would gather with with a hammer or a loved one who

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had reservations in this regard, because they too had sons who are similar in age to adeleye. But Ibis with the loved one who are at times older than abdulai rabbits for the last one. And they had reservations because their children are not allowed to sit in the gathering. But I do live in a bus with a loved one who a youngster was given, and exemption in this regard. And the last one who he senses these reservations, and one day to prove a point, he asks the entire gathering, he asked all of them, what the message of Sudoku NASA was a sort of to NASA, what was the message in regards to school to NASA? What what what is the message behind the revelation of so to NASA, now, some of them

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remained silent, some of them did not respond. Others mentioned that it was a command to engage in glorifying Allah and seeking the forgiveness of Allah and Allah assistance game. And when Muslims were entering the fold of Islam in droves in huge numbers, it was a command of Allah to glorify Allah because we have the rub because still fear Allah says towards the end of the chapter glorify Him and praise Him and seek His forgiveness. So they went on to say that that was the message that was the command in the surah. Now Amaro the last one who he asks abdulai, but I bet that youngster who was in the crowd, he asks him

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as to whether this was the message now they mentioned that it was to glorify Allah, praise Allah, and seek the forgiveness of Allah and Allah systems has come and may we see huge numbers embracing Islam.

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Is that the message Abdullah have been adverse about the loved one whom he replies in the negative. And then on the last one who asks him, oh, so then what is the message? Abdullah and I burst out of the alarm line, he says, the sewer, the sewer sort of NASA, and listen to me closely, look at look at the knowledge Allahu Akbar. Look at the fifth. Look at the understanding this youngster little boy, he's saying,

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the surah conveyed the message that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is going to pass away. So Allah,

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the surah was revealed and the message behind it was that the Prophet is going to pass away, the prophet is going to pass away or model the loved one who then he says that he had also understood the same message when the IRS but he did

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not look at that. Look at that deduction. Look at that understanding with your brothers and sisters in Islam. And this is why this is why and he is known Allahu Akbar as an ocean of knowledge. If an Ibis with a loved one, an ocean of knowledge of the sea, even at best, there'll be a long line. So this is why he was given permission to attend the gatherings. So now anyway, coming back to the point that we were trying to prove now this occurred the second opinion, this chapter was the last to be revealed unto the prophets and

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now I'm going to be sharing the third opinion and my dear brothers and sisters in my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, please take note and pay close attention. This third opinion is the strongest and most favorable of the three opinions. And this has been cited by scholars the likes of Eben Abba's or the loved one whom and others the one that we just mentioned. The third opinion as to which is was revealed last onto the prophets of Allah money value wisdom. Now this opinion is what I personally favor. And we also have

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great scholars the likes of your boss or the loved one who mine others who have this opinion as well. And this opinion states that Nine Nights and that is why I started off by

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saying that the Quran was revealed unto the prophets of Allah Islam from the age of 40. Until Nine Nights before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away. So Nine Nights before the prophets of Allah alayhi wa sallam passed away.

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I number 281

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in Surah Al Baqarah make note, I am number 281 of Surah Al Baqarah, which is the second chapter was revealed unto the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what poor young man to Joe nafi he in a long don't matter was Kowloon FC Makassar but wha home la yo qalamoun what poo young men and bring in taqwa be aware fear a Day to john McAfee he in a law when you will be returned to Allah Suma to alpha Kowloon of sin, then every soul will be compensated Mark assabet for what it earned, for whom law EULA moon and they will not be treated unjustly. A lot of this was the last ayah that was revealed unto the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Nine Nights before the passing away of the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa and he was sent him so like I said, I gave you the difference of opinion you have three at least three opinions out there. The first one saying that the last item that was revealed was Elio macmall to the combat now if you look at the timeline, and this was important, if you look at the timeline, you see that this ayah was revealed on a Friday yo modify the day of arafah during the final pilgrimage of the prophets analiza and then we have sort of NASA that is revealed after that and the message behind it as per the narration or the loved one who in regards to a bad boss or the loved one who it states that that the the message behind the surah was

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that it indicated that the Prophet was going to pass away so you can see that was revealed after that. And then lastly, you have this ayah that was revealed Nine Nights before the Prophet Elias and passed away but the who Yeoman to down a fee you know last summer to orthok wouldn't have seen my cassava humla to the moon. So this is Ayah number 281 of SoTL bahara now if you're wondering if you're wondering Okay, so then why is the fron organized this way if the last ayah is in Soto Baccarat which is the second chapter should should that not have come towards the end? for some of you this question may have arised Don't worry I'm going to be discussing in regards to the compile

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ation of the Quran. The chapter is ation of the Quran and how this order was brought about eventually maybe in the upcoming session or the one after that for us to gain more clarity in that regard inshallah dal but for now make note that the first I add that were revealed when I add or shorten it up, there's no difference of opinion, as far as I know, in regards to the first ayah that were revealed to the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And as for the last ayat, I've given you three opinions, at least three opinions. The first one being Sumida, which is chapter number five is number three, and then we have the second opinion, which is sort of the Nussle and then we have the

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last opinion the third opinion which is a number 281 of total Baccarat what tokuyama to Jonah v la Suma twofer coolin Epson Mike Acevedo homelight. Ramon, and according to the three opinions, I will say this one is the most strongest and most favorable opinions in terms of the last idea that was revealed unto the prophets and along when he when he said,

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Now, moving on my dear brothers and sisters now

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in terms of

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the tangent,

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we had a tangent and then we came to conclude this. The first is that revealed unto the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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the first ayah that were revealed unto the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam it cannot read. So there is a lot of emphasis and a lot of importance given to seeking knowledge given to seeking knowledge, the students of knowledge and the people of knowledge. Our Deen is a knowledge based religion. We don't grow up around in darkness and in ignorance, may Allah protect us from ignorance. And it is incumbent upon us to understand the importance of knowledge, it is incumbent upon us to respect to the people of knowledge of their own Ummah, who are the inheritors of the prophets that allow it valuable. Now I'm going to quickly share a few narrations, a few statements of the Sahaba

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as well, in regards to the importance of knowledge and I want you all to pay close attention to this. So we have an erection of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that has been recorded in the book of Imam ebina magia, Rama hula

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and the narration is authentic, and assembly Malik are the last one who he says the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Paula Bula ilmi furreal latona Allah Cooley Muslim, Allah, tala Bula ilmi furry Donna

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a coolie Muslim seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim every Muslim. So this is we're talking about further I'm seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim it is an obligation upon each and every one of us. We have another Hadith now, Abu huraira are the a loved one who he mentions the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, When Celica sorry can you tell me Sophie here illman sal Allahu Allahu behavorial iljin whoever travels or undertakes a journey in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to paradise. Whoever travels apart in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to paradise my brother and sisters in

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Islam, you have to understand the words of the prophets of Allah Islam in today's context as well. In the past, you have to undertake journeys you have to set out to perhaps undertake see journeys, long journeys to seek knowledge in today's context to you do travel, but even seeking knowledge through platforms like this, as long as you're seeking beneficial knowledge as long as you're promoting it and sharing it, you too are inshallah going to be included in your in this hadith as part of your pursuit of seeking knowledge. Allah will make easy for that individual a path to paradise. And then the representatives of the mentor to say, woman is d'amato moonpie baiting me

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booty la luna Kitab Allah, where the data's hoonah who bainham elanders Allah Allah He must say key now. People do not gather in the houses of Allah, reading the book of Allah and studying it together. Now today we are prevented from visiting the houses of Allah we pray that Allah invites us back to his houses that reflect what have we done to displease our maker that he has stopped inviting us to his houses and we pray that he forgives us of our shortcomings of our wrongdoings and that he invites us back into his houses. So in this Hadith, the prophet said, Addison says people who gather in the houses of Allah reading the book of Allah and studying it together, the

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tranquility, the Sakina of Allah will descend upon them. So here we are, we are not, we are in a situation we are not able to go to the houses of Allah but we are sitting in our own houses, and we are reading the Quran we are studying the Quran, we are connecting digitally through all these platforms from different parts of the world, the sakeena of Allah Subhana which Allah is descending upon us, Allahu Akbar. And then the block size and we know to say, well, Bashir, tomo Rockman. And mercy will cover them. Well Halford tumori melodica and angels will surround them. Whether Cara Houma, la Femina, India and Allah will mention them to those near him. But the brothers and sisters

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in Islam this this hadith clearly highlights the importance of gathering for the sake of Allah to seek knowledge but in today's landscape in today's context, because we're not able to get there and we have been advised not to congregate, to stay at home, and we must heed that advice to ensure love fight the pandemic. So therefore, we're using these platforms to connect whilst you have people who are using these platforms for immoral things for for indecent things, for fascia and for all kinds of other things. We are striving to use these platforms to connect together to gather together to study and discuss the words of Allah we are gathering digitally, to discuss the words of our maker

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Subhan Allah subhanho wa Jalla we are staying at home, we are protecting ourselves and we are not putting others at risk. We're staying at home and gathering digitally to study and read the words of our makers of high net worth Allah so insha Allah this hadith applies upon us as well. And we pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala includes us

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amidst the ones mentioned in this hadith as well, I mean,

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so the next generation that is in place, above da da da da, da one. He says the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, but in Alma a katana Toba Oh, Jenny Hata ha ribbon, Latoya libera l

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Indeed, the angels lower their wings for the seeker of knowledge.

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The angels lower their wings for the seeker of knowledge, the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth. Even the fish in the depths of the water, seek forgiveness for the scorner

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even the fish in the depths of the ocean, seek forgiveness for the scholar were in fogo de la linea Allah avid capo de la cama de Layton beaudry Allah set it in collective, the virtue of the scholar over the worshiper is like the superiority of the moon over the stars. The scholars were in the Obama, our MBA, the scholars are the inheritors of the prophets. The prophets were in an MBR the prophets did not leave behind gold

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or silver coins, but rather the left behind knowledge, whoever has taken hold of it has been given an abundant share. Today we have people, many brothers and sisters in Islam, unfortunately due to ignorance, like why do we have to follow this course? Why do we have to follow the advice of this Congress? Why can't I just do whatever I want to do? The brothers and sisters in Islam? Would we say the same thing about our health? Why are you going to doctors then when you want to build a house? Would you sit down and build your house by yourself? Why are you reaching out to an architect may CRN a plumber and engineer Why don't you do it yourself? Why when it comes to your health, that you

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reach out to doctors and you're not, why don't you just go to the pharmacy and buy whatever you want to buy and drink Subhana Allah is supposed to reach out to the experts of different fields depending on what you're reaching out for. So when it comes to the deen, when it comes to medicine, you reach out to the doctors, when it comes to building a house, you would reach out to an engineer and architect, you know, people who are involved in that field.

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When it comes to the dean to gain clarity in regards to the dean to gain under an understanding in regards to the matters of the dean, can you go and ask a doctor in regards to the dean, but you could if he is an island as well if he's a scholar as well, but generally speaking, you would reach out to the scholars to gain clarity and understanding in regards to the deen. Why, because they have devoted their lives My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, to the seeking of knowledge and the dissemination of knowledge to the seeking and the teaching of knowledge, they have spent 1015 an hour and you know, you will you will see in these narrations and in these statements of the scholars

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that the pursuit of knowledge never ends. I would say that no scholar on Earth right now or even from the past would ever say You know what? My journey of seeking knowledge is over. I'm retiring now. You know, you would have this word of retirement used in other fields, but not in the seeking of knowledge. No scholar would say you know what, I'm going into retirement Mashallah I've sought so much of knowledge. And I know so much I am and I love. I am a great chef. So you know what, I'm going to go into retirement. No scholar would say that my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, no proper student of knowledge would ever say that because this pursuit of seeking knowledge, this

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journey of seeking knowledge goes on and on and on. Subhan Allah Subhana Allah, you can never get enough of it. Allah says no one will never fill out the even sheduled inocula Manuel bathroom. What do you mean by this about 40 manaphy that Kadima to law, that if all the trees on earth were transformed into pens, and all the oceans, transformed into ink, and if the trees transformed, it depends for us the spins and the ink of the as in the water of the ocean is transformed into ink and if they were used to write the words of Allah Subhana Allah, ma nafi, that Kelly ma to law, the words of Allah would never be exhausted the trees we would run out of trees, we would run out of

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ink, but the words of a love and never be exhausted. So there is no end to seeking knowledge My dear brothers and sisters in Islam. So as you can see, this hadith clearly highlights the importance of seeking knowledge, the importance of the students of knowledge the importance of this Connors

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boo Kumar, the one who he mentioned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reputed to have said, foul blue Lally MI, LL abit. The virtue of the scholar over the worshiper is like my virtue over there.

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Over you as in now that the virtue of the scholar over the worshiper is like the virtue of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam over ordinary individuals. And then he goes on to say, the message is a lot Islam says, Verily, Allah, His angels, the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth, even the ant in its anthill, and the fish Send blessings upon the one who teaches people what is good law. So should So should we not strive to seek knowledge My dear brothers and sisters Islam, should we not strive to share the message of goodness with others so that we can we can attain the doors of the creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala where the fish in the ocean make dua for us. The

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ant in the anthill makes the air for us should even strive to achieve this this hadith is recorded the book of Imam at tirmidhi Himalayan it is an authentic narration. While we are the last one we states the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam his report rep said my URI de la jolla Ron Ufuk taiho my URI my URI de la would be higher and you felt you felt a goofy Dean. If a lot intense goodness for someone he gives him understanding of the religion if Allah intends goodness for someone he gives him the fifth or the understanding of the religions.

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In another Hadith, the Prophet salein Islam is reputed to have said Abu huraira the one who reports the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said hi rakuen Islam is

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In the best of you in Islam, a house in okuma flowerpot. The best of you in Islam are those with the best character if they have religious understanding. So when you have and this is what I said, the more knowledge you seek, the more humble you need to become. The more knowledge you seek, seek the more refined your character needs to become, the more refined your conduct needs to become, as per the words of the prophets that allow it but it was said

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in another Hadith, I believe it was rudo, the loved one who he states the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said, that la has said that he left with nothing, there is no envy, there is no jealousy, except in two cases, in two cases, you can positively be envious of another individual. Ah, you might be wondering, can I be positively envious? Yes, yes. How is it possible? Look at the words of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says you can be envious in two cases what are these two cases, man whom Allah has given wealth and he is spending it rightly? Allahu Akbar, Allah has given a man wealth, and he's spending it left, right and center, pleasing allies of again,

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pleasing allies, the budget, making investments. So look at this individual, Allah has blessed him with wisdom to make the right investments and he has made a lot of money and he's making a lot of money. And along with that, he's using that money again to make investments for himself in an IRA. So now such an individual you can envy such an individual, number two, man whom Allah has given wisdom, and he he judges and he teaches with that wisdom and with that knowledge, you can be envious of such an individual as well positively you can envy them a lot of work.

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Or smiley when I found out the loved one who not the earlier hydatid, I mentioned has been recorded the book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah. Now this Heidi again in emammal Bihari Rahim, Allah is compilation osmani when I follow the last one who he says the prophets that along earlier it was syllabus reporter I said, how you rupam Montana level for Anwar Allah. The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it to others. The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it to others. So in this Hadith, you have teachers who teach others how to read the Quran, the understanding of the Quran that the fear of the Quran all of that is included in this beautiful

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Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam

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and others another had in the book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah as you can see, like I mentioned in yesterday's class, for those of you who who tuned in, there is not a single class there is not a single session. There is not a single talk or lecture I would say, Islamic talk or lecture, except that the name of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah is mentioned so many times because of his contribution towards

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the oma the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala in terms of compiling the words of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam so this hadith has been recorded the book of mama Bukhari again, sadly been sad or the loved one who reports the prophets lie Selim is report to upset while law he by a law, a law guiding one person through you is better for you than an entire herd of expensive red cameras. Pamela, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam as you can see all these had the talk about the importance of seeking knowledge. I have just another one minute and 30 seconds before the livestream ends. So with that I would like to conclude today's class as you can see, there's so much

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of importance to seeking knowledge, importance towards the students of knowledge and the scholars of the deen the first idea that was revealed was a corrupt read. Therefore, let us strive to further our knowledge My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, read, read, read as much as possible. broaden your horizons by reading, seek knowledge as much as possible, dispel the darkness of ignorance, through the light of knowledge, dispel the darkness of ignorance through the light of knowledge. So with that, I conclude I look forward to seeing you all and talking to you all coming Sunday, same time in sha Allah de como la Hara with Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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