Muiz Bukhary – The Secret To Success

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The success of Islam as a means of achieving wealth is highlighted, along with the importance of remembering Allah's sub hangings and the physical makeup of the speaker's body. The importance of positive affirmations and bouncing back from negative experiences is emphasized, as well as the importance of gratitude and the weight of the throne. The importance of studying teachings of Muhammad sallali Alayhi wa Taala is also emphasized. The importance of finding the ring and maintaining pressure is emphasized, as well as the use of the " Rob" in the context of success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam O Allah, Ashraf cambia you will mousseline. Maybe you know Habib in our karate ioannina Muhammad Ali Abdullah Allahu Allah and he was happy he offered to salatu wa tomatis Nima NEMA back

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for the fall along with America, what are other people anila Z's bad to be learned him in a Shivani rajim

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Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim me

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Ella Dean is guru.

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I commence by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala, who is no doubt our Creator sustainer nareesha protector and cure

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the Lord of all worlds, the Exalted I asked him some kind of Mata Allah, to sharpen his choices, the blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity, until the day of

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many respected elders and brothers in Islam, first and foremost, I advise myself and then all of you all present here to adopt a life of taqwa. And that is to fear Allah Subhana Medina, and to be conscious of him during every single second of our lives, if we wish to attain success in this world as well as the hereafter. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us all from the people of taqwa. And may He make us from the victorious and successful ones I mean,

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to proceed, I would like to remind myself and then once again, all of you all, to be thankful unto Allah subhanho wa Taala for the number of bounties and favors that he has Virgil has conferred upon us and these bounties and favors no doubt, if we were to try and list them. If we were to try and count them, we would fail miserably as he rightfully states in a novel called an was in

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law. So

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that if you were to try and enumerate the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala, you would fail to encompass all of the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because, without a shadow of doubt, the blessings of Allah Subhana Medina are so numerous in number.

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Moving on the topic for today's sermon is the secret to success, as I'm sure every single one of us here, every single human being on the face of this earth is looking to attain success in this world, and obviously as the as well as the hereafter. For those who believe in the hereafter. May Allah subhanho wa Taala open the doors of understanding for all of us. And sadly, in the era that we live in this particular era, which is a very modern era, an exciting era, if you will, where there are many advancements and developments made in the field of technology, in the field of science, etc. Many of us suffer from spiritual punctures. Many of us are in this quote unquote vacuum, a spiritual

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vacuum, if you will, where we find it difficult to relate to God, we find it difficult to believe in the concept of God. We find many individuals questioning the existence of a creator and many other issues, and we believe is we believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. We believe in the world of the unseen we believe in the fact that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the final messenger to be sent by Allah subhana wa Tada. We believe in Allah voice. We believe in the message. We believe in Islam. We need to consider ourselves as fortunate individuals, because talking again about blessings heda is the greatest blessing from the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The fact that

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Allah has the agenda has opened our hearts to understand him subhanho wa Taala

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having understood a lot as the origin, having understood the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the creator, that He is the Lord of the worlds it is

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important that we adhere to what he has decreed upon us. And what he sent through Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam if we wish to attain success in this world as well as the Hereafter, so talking about the recipe of success or the secret towards success, that would be the broader version of it, if you will, that is to adhere to the commandments of a loss of Hannah Montana and the teachings of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But to be more specific, I have something to share with you all. And that I hope to base on a very interesting book that has been authored by Imam Abraham Rahim Allah by the title and why we lose sight game, which can be translated as drops

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of dew drops of dew, within which he talks about the concept of remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala in a very interesting way, he talks about liquor, he talks about the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He talks about it from a very broad angle. And then he also goes on to list almost around 70 to 80. If I'm not mistaken, benefits and virtues in regard to remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Some of us or most of us rather have a very confined view or understanding of liquor or the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. When we talk about liquor, when we talk about the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala, what we think is yes, I know what liquor is, I know what you're talking about. It's basically to sit in the masjid or to perhaps sit in a corner, a secluded corner, and repeat certain as God, like, perhaps to say, Subhan Allah to say, Alhamdulillah, to say, Allahu Akbar, to say that, you know, in the law, to say that, you know, in the law, Juan de la sharika, this is my understanding of the sea, I'm not even going to go into the area where other

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things are incorporated, where people perform certain other incantations and whatnot, because this is anyway, not from the teachings of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam based on the authentic teachings of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, we have a few occur. And when I say few, I don't mean to undermine engine in any way. We obviously have a lot of cars that have been taught to us by Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but in comparison to the incantations that are being read today, I will say that what has been taught to us by Mohammed Salah al Islam is true in comparison to that, nonetheless, there is what is being conveyed to us in an authentic manner, where we repeat

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certain Africa and I will come to that in Charlotte, China. But in general, if you were to look at Vicar or the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala from a more broader angle, then there is a bigger discussion in regard to that, and I hope to delve into that discussion in shallow time. But before I go into that discussion, I would like to touch on something that is very important.

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And that is the fact that you and I, we must never, ever deny our natural inclination towards a hero.

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He each and every one of us, we human beings, the slaves of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is ingrained within us that we have a natural inclination, inclination towards an afro towards the hereafter. And to understand this inclination better, we need to discuss about our physical makeup. Allah subhanho wa Taala is our Creator, he has created us, okay. And as he states in the noble Koran, our physical makeup consists of a number of elements, and I'm sure you all will agree with me. Primarily we have our bodies, our bodies that have been created out of clay as omega states in the noble Koran. And then we have another element that we are all aware of, but not in depth, and that is the roof which

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can otherwise be translated as the soul of Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the roof and the foreign

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when he states wias calluna Annie ro Cooney, roomin ambria, Robbie wama ot minella illa kanina and Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they will come to you and ask you about the roof, about the soul, Cooley roof I mean, I'm Robbie, tell them and say unto them, that the roof, the soul is from the matters of my Lord. It is from the matters of my Lord, who am I to mineral Elmina kalida. And you have not been given in terms of knowledge except very little. So in terms of the rule, we don't have a lot of information with us in regard to it. But we know for a fact that our physical makeup consists of the body and the soul. And apart from that, we have another element as well, which is

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known as nefs that some people have a misconception that the nuts and the row is one and the same, but in reality they are two different elements. The rule is otherwise known as the soul. It is

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different elements and the neffs, which can be translated as one's ego, one's base desires, one's selfish interests, there are many ways that you can define. It is a different element. And we're not going to discuss about next we're going to talk about a little bit about the body and the soul.

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Now, what did I say earlier, the body has been created out of clay as Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the novel for us, our body has our bodies have been created out of clay.

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Now clay is something that is related to this world, clay is related to dunya. Okay, and that is why our bodies in general, keep yearning for the life of this world. We indulge in materialistic pursuits, we indulge in keeping ourselves focused towards this particular world, because our bodies the physical makeup of our bodies, originate from this world. And another point to be highlighted is that there is always a need to nourish our bodies. If you and I, if we were to stay away from food and drink for a period of time, no doubt, inevitably we would perish. We have this strong need towards nourishment, and that nourishment towards our bodies can only be attained from things that

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are from this dunya Be it fruits, vegetables, water, whatever it may be, that you nourish your bodies with it is all from this worldly life from dunya. So we understand that it is of utmost importance that we keep our bodies nourish now what about our souls, our souls have not been created from elements related to this world, but rather, our souls have been created from elements related to the era, the eternal here after the life of the next, okay? And that's why our souls keep yearning for the life of the hereafter. Our bodies keep yearning for the life of this world, whilst our souls I'm not talking about our new foods. I'm not talking about our egos. I'm not talking about

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our lower and base desires. I'm talking about our pure souls, our pure souls that have been created from elements related to the hereafter keep yearning for the eternal life of the Hereafter, and just as how our bodies need nourishment, our souls to need nourishment. Now we have concluded that our bodies can only be nourished by things that are from this world. Now what about our souls? Can you nourish your soul by feeding it some rice? Can you nourish your soul by feeding it some bread? Can you quench the thirst of your soul by pouring some water down? No, most definitely not. Your souls are to be nourished by things that are related to the hereafter by Eva da by acts of worship, all of

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which has been decreed by Allah subhanho wa Taala so that we keep rejuvenating and nourishing our souls. And demandable Rahim Allah He highlights this point very clearly in his book, where he states that from the primary benefits of remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala is that the vicar of Allah azza wa jal rejuvenates our souls, it nourishes our souls, it rejuvenates our hearts and it nourishes our hearts hannula we have an authentic Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and please remember salvato. I mentioned the beautiful name of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he is reported to have said that the parable along the lines of these words, the parable or the

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metaphor of an individual, who remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala, and an individual who does not remember Allah subhanho wa Taala. Once again, let me repeat the beautiful words of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I urge you all to pay an attentive ear because at the end of the day, these are words of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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The parable or the metaphor, the example of an individual who remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the individual who does not remember Allah subhanho wa Taala is like that of the living and the depths of Panama is like that of the living and the dead. The one who remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala is like the living and the one who does not remember Allah subhanho wa Taala is like an individual who is dead.

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Now you might wonder, Well, okay, now if an individual were not to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala, does that mean that that individual would fall down dead? Would that individual fall down there? You have to understand the words of the prophets, Allah, Allah is Allah. And he at this point, he said a lot more Liberty was seldom is talking about spiritual life and death. An individual may be walking, talking and doing all kinds of things he may be moving around, and you may see him full of life. He may be enjoying a good life in this world. But if he is not remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala then we would pronounce him to be spiritually dead.

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We would pronounce him to be spiritually dead. But on the other hand, if your heart is connected in a very strong way to Allah subhanho wa Taala and if you keep remembering Allah azza wa jal, then you are most definitely spiritually alive. And this heart of yours that is connected to Allah subhanho wa Taala is what will benefit you. On a day when your children know your wealth will benefit you as the King of all kings states in the noble for an young mother

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Sunny on a day when your children know your wealth will benefit you. You may have a huge family, you may have a lot of children, a lot of siblings, a lot of family members, you may have a lot of wealth, you may have houses, cars, your bank accounts may be overflowing. But none of this is going to help you on that day. On that horrifying day. When Allah subhanho wa Taala will be so angry that he would never ever have become angry like that nobody ever become angry like that. So heinola Mela is the reckoning upon all of us. I mean, on that day, the only thing that will benefit you will be a pub, Sally will be a healthy and sound heart. Now we're not obviously talking about a heart that's

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free from cardiovascular diseases. We're talking about the spiritual heart that is free from spiritual diseases. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us all to purify our hearts. I mean.

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So coming back to Vicar imamura Rahim Allah mentions in his book, The primary benefit is that it strengthens one soul. It strengthens one's heart, and it rejuvenates one soul and rejuvenates an individual's heart, the more he remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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I mentioned at the very, very beginning that many of us today, we are in this Abbott's in this chasm, or we are suffering from spiritual punctures, where we feel like oh, I read the Koran, but I'm not relating in any way to the words of my maker. Subhana Allah, I pray Yes, but I feel like there is no spirituality involved. I feel it to be a ritual. I stand up Yes, I bow down Yes, I go down to sujood but that's about it. There is no relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala this, my dear brother is because you need to work on your heart. You need to work on strengthening your relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala you need to work on understanding what Allah subhanho wa

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Taala is saying in the noble foreign take certain Fatiha for example, at the very least, you and I, we read it how many times a minimum of 17 times per day, if only one word to study that I've seen certain factor is what if only one word to understand the depth, the gravity and the power of the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala in Surah Fatiha you are just going to be blown away and a lot blown away below him.

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These days because we are in spiritual chasms. And because we are suffering from depression, because we are all in this pursuit of happiness and success. We're looking for solutions everywhere, not realizing that it is so obvious and present within our Deen within our religion within the teachings of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And this is why many of us we tend to become oblivious of what is obvious. We are oblivious. We are ignorant of what is obvious.

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We tend to purchase books, motivational books, we tend to attend seminars, seminars that promote motivation, positive thinking, optimism, I'm not in any way against any of these concepts well and good. You can spend all the money that you have and benefit from all these concepts. You have very prominent motivational speakers these days, authoring prominent books, titled as the secrets towards success or the formulas for success, talking about positivity talking about optimism. But do you know that Surah Fatiha is the biggest formula for success and optimism. You don't even have to go through the entirety of Sorokin Fatiha. The second is after Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim, the ayah

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ami, this ayah. The two words that it begins with Alhamdulillah is sufficient to brighten your entire day. If only you were to contemplate on it properly when you read it during Southall, Pfizer or Serato tahajjud.

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These days we have concepts known as positive affirmations where motivational speakers tell you to list down all the boons and blessings that you are enjoying in life. If you were to list down all the boons, blessings and bounties that you are enjoying in life, what would happen is inevitably you would come to the conclusion that

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Oh, I am enjoying so many boons and favors and in terms of what is negative in terms of the trials, in terms of certain difficulties that I may be going through, in comparison, the boons and favors far outnumber what is negative. And it is incumbent upon me to thank Allah subhanho wa Taala, I'm sure most of you might have seen pictures on Facebook, memes on Facebook, where they portray good messages. There is this one particular string of pictures, if you will,

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a person who is in a, you know, somewhat an old vehicle, he's looking at another individual, okay, who's in a brand new shiny sports car, if you will, and he's yearning for that. He's looking at it. He's already in a car. He's already in a vehicle that is a bit outdated, if you will, but it's in perfectly good running condition. He's looking at the person in the flashy sports car and he is yearning for that, Oh, how I wish I had that set of wheels How I wish I was running around in that flashy car. And was he's yearning for that. There is a person next to him on a motorbike. He's looking at the person in that outdated car, he's, you know, under the odd son, he's riding around in

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a motorcycle, he's looking at the person in the outdated car. And he learns Oh, how I wish I had that kind of a car, four wheels to get around in comfort back to switch on the air conditioning unit and feel cool. Here I am sweating out in the hot sun.

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And then the next image is a person on a bicycle. He is looking at the person on a motorbike. And he learns Oh, how I wish I had a bike that is powered by an engine. Here I am I have to slave, you know, I have to put in a lot of effort to get from point A to point B, it may be healthy for me, it may be good for my cardiovascular system. But sometimes we tend to forget all of that. And he yearns for the bike for the motorbike. And then we see another individual who's sending to perhaps get on the public transport or perhaps he's walking he's looking at the person on the bicycle and hears Oh, how I wish I had the means to buy a bicycle, maybe around 10,000 rupees, 15,000 rupees to buy a

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bicycle so that I could get around easily. And then the person who is on the pavement walking, there is this person in a hospital or a person who is confined to a wheelchair, he cannot use his legs, he's looking at the person who is walking about in a very healthy way. And he starts to yearn for how I wish that my legs were fully functional, so that I could walk around and I could get my chores done by myself. But here I am confined to a wheelchair. And it's very difficult for me to get around, but yet he can get around. But he looks at the person who's walking around and he yearns for fully functional feet was another person who is paralyzed, who is confined to the bed, he looks at

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the person going around in a wheelchair, and he wishes Oh how I wish I could put myself on a wheelchair and perhaps move around, get around my house a little bit. So Subhanallah as you can see, it is important that you don't yearn for things that you do not have. But rather, look at the things that you have and render gratitude on to Allah subhanho wa Taala because the more gratitude you render, the more Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to give you as he states in the law in Chicago.

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If you render gratitude, most definitely I'm going to give you many fold. Who is saying this not the president of the country, not the king of a particular kingdom. berada Allah subhanho wa Taala, your Creator, your maker who never ever lies. He's saying that if you render gratitude, I'm going to give you many fold. And then right after that Allah says well in Kaffir

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but on the other hand, if you reject in the sense that you do not render gratitude, if you are not thankful, in either Vila should be, indeed my punishment is severe. My Torment is painful. May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us for therefore my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, it is upon us to contemplate, to ponder, to reflect on what we believe in certain Fatiha when we read the Koran, when we remember Allah subhanho wa Taala to the car that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has taught us, the more we ponder, the more we reflect, the more we contemplate and remember, contemplation is an art that you must master. You can't just think oh, I'm gonna contemplate and

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then try to contemplate it is an art that needs to be mastered. You need to keep doing it on a daily basis and the more you do it, the more proficient you become in the art and the more closer to pure success you become. There are people who always come

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in whatever situation however, you know, whatever turmoil they may be going through, or however turbulent a situation may be, they are calm, because they've understood this concept very well. Where they contemplate where they reflect and where they ponder, you know, Mama, hustle and bustle and hustle and bustle. You know him a whole lot.

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One night, he spent the entire

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repeating one eye and that is the eye that I read at the beginning at the inception. We're in town we do a lot a lot of so that if you were to try and count the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala, you would fail to encompass all of the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. One entire night, he spent one entire night repeating this one words after the night passes, morning comes his students who observe this behavior of his his close to his close students. They go to him and they asked him, if you will repeat in one ayah throughout the entire night. Why? And how did you do so? He said why not? It is such a powerful idea. And I that talks about all the blessings that Allah subhanho wa

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Taala has blessed me with. So I was contemplating I was pondering and reflecting on every single blessing that aligns the budget has blessed me with you may be going through trials. I'm not saying no each and every one of us here. I'm sure if I were to ask for a show of hands, we would all clearly state that. Yes, I'm fighting a battle of my own. I'm fighting a battle of my own. And we know our batteries better than others. Each and every one of us we are all going through trials we all going through challenges we're all going through difficulties and that is part and parcel of life. It can be financial issues, it can be health issues, it can be marital problems, it can be

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business issues, it can be any type of a negative issue. We all face it in life, but still is supposed to focus on that which is positive on that which is good on that which Allah Subhana Allah has blessed us with to come up with this positive demeanor just as how Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was at all times. He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the most positive person to walk on the face of this earth. Mohammed Salah while you are listening, you want the formula for success. remember Allah subhanho wa Taala like how Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did so and most definitely you will be successful in this world as well as the hereafter.

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Once again, coming back to the discussion of the at the beginning I said that many of us we have a very narrow and confined understanding of liquor, and now that the others have come in as well. I think everyone will benefit in a long time. But talking about liquor on a more broad level. It is to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala at all times at all moments, is not only confined to perhaps going to a secluded corner in the masjid and repeating to Hannah last Panama Panama Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah hamdulillah This is not the only definition of Vicar but rather

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it is to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala at all times, wherever you are, wherever you are, you are in constant remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala Yes, one of the forms is to remember a lot of things to kind of law is to remember Allah by single hamdulillah. One of the forms is to remember Allah when you are in Salah. One of the forms is to remember Allah when you read the Quran, one of the forms is to remember loss of Hannah Montana when you're giving our charity Yes, but in general, licorice should permeate our entire life. It should basically become part of our second nature. Well we keep remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala at all times, there can never be a moment where we

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forget about hautala The minute you master this, you're no doubt going to become the most successful person in this world as well as the hereafter. Once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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he leaves his house and his wife if I'm not mistaken, Julia. Badiola one huh? She was offering Sala if I'm not mistaken, it was salatu salam to fetch the prophets Allah Allah for them was leaving for circle treasure.

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He leaves an area of the long line Hmm. She plays and she remains in that position. after praying the hundreds of pages.

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I think it's fudger. She remains in that position until for noon, for noon is the time for ferrata Baha Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he returns at the time of salado Baja.

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He comes at the time of Serato. Behind he finds his wife

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Julia rhodiola. One huh? In that same position.

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He looks at her and he sees her remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala. He looks at her and he tells her

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Should I not teach you have a few sentences? If you were to read it,

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it would bring about more rewards than all the time that you spend from after fetcher until four noon, and then he said a long while you already have a sentiment on to teach her a powerful Vicar. He said a long while he when he was self taught her to read to the hand of law he will be handed either the holiday worry about NFC was the netta outshooting woman

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The kalamansi the millipede for educational purposes, so behind on law he will be handing either the whole thing worry about NFC was the netta outer Xing one meter that can be messy. He said a lot while he taught his wife, this particular record. Let me translate it. Let me lose the translated and then let's try to touch on a little bit of its depth. So behind Allah He will be handing Glory be unto Allah and All praises be to be unto a loss of Hannah Montana Subhana Allah He will be humble.

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And in the book again will be the same amount of time, Rahim Allah He states that the best of Vicar is to combine the glorification of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the praise of Eliza virgin where you say Subhana Allah you will be humble you glorify Allah and you praise Allah Subhana hotel. And this is why we have a hadith in Bukhari, where the Prophet sallahu Islam is report to upset Kelly my attorney Kelly mahtani hafi attorney Alan lizanne, southdale attorney Phil, Misa Habib, Attorney, you know, gosh man, two words, very light upon an individual's tongue, but heavy upon the scales and most beloved unto our Rockman unto Allah subhanho wa Taala What are these two words so the Han Allah

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He will be hunting subhana wa hillels him so behind Allah He will be handed subhana wa then now coming back to the hadith of God or the Alomar and his family when he teaches her Subhana Allah He will be handed Glory be unto Allah and All praises be to be on to a loss of Panama time, either the

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glorification and praise equivalent to the number of the creation of Allah Subhana Horta, Allah, Allah subhana wa, glorification and praise equivalent to the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So basically, you're praising Allah, and you're glorifying Allah, equivalent to the number of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala Let me ask you all a question even though you cannot respond to my question. Does anyone have you know, the entire creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala? Does any organization any scientist any research Think Tank, if you will? Does anybody have a conclusive number

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of the total number of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala No One No One. When I was in the Maldives, I met a few professional divers and I went diving as well. amazing experience, Mashallah, you go into the depths of the ocean, so cool, so serene, so quiet. So silent, I went around 30 feet deep.

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And anyway, before I went in you that you basically have to follow a crash course, because you don't want to go down there and drown. And you have to communicate with sign language. And this doesn't mean good in according to the divers language. So I went through a crash course. And these divers, they were telling me that each and every time they go into the depths of the ocean, when they come out, they can attest to the fact that they have witnessed some new creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Each and every time they go in, they come up saying we saw something new, we saw something new, be it some new coral, some new starfish, some species something. And then they went on to tell

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me that we are going in 30 feet, perhaps at the maximum 40 feet or maybe 50 feet below Island.

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But there are depths where no man has ever ventured as yet. There are depths where it is completely pitch black in darkness. And no diver has until this day ventured into those depths, there are only machines that go in and capture images and that to the machines to have not gone into certain depths. Because it's not easy going down as you go down. You have to maintain the pressure, you have to go in on a gradual basis, you can't even come up immediately if say, if there was something to happen in regard to your oxygen tank or something like that. You have to have a backup tank, you can't just come up because if you were to come up, your lungs could literally explode due to the

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pressure away. So there are depths where no man has ever ventured, and there are huge creations of a must be handled once Allah in those depths that are being sustained by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is the definition of Rob. Allah is our Rob, because he originated all of us and he is sustaining all of us. Let me ask you another question. If you were to be made, just ask yourself, if you were to be made the most richest person on the face of this earth, richer than Bill Gates and any rich person you know, even Bill Gates, it's all numbers. There are people who are times even richer. Say you had gold and you had all the wealth on the face of this earth. And you are the

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richest person on the face of this earth.

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If you were given the responsibility, of feeding all the creations that are within the oceans

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One day, one single day, or other one feeding one meal, if you will, do you think you would be able to accomplish that particular task? Do you think you'll be able to feed every single fish from the huge whale to those tiny little fish? The tiny little things that call around on the on the on the bed of the ocean? Do you think you'll be able to feed every single creation? But Allah subhanho wa Taala does it he has been doing it since the inception of this creation, and he will go on until the day of the AMA where every single creation will be destroyed. Subhana Allah and that is why he is known as Rob, and you are praising that Rob, you are glorifying that Rob, equivalent to the number

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of his creation award.

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And the vicar doesn't end there. It goes on was in our show and your praise you're saying Glory be to Allah Praise be to Allah, equivalent to the weight of the arch of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhana wa, the discussion in regard to this is lengthy but let me capital very quickly. You see, the outlines of a joke can be translated as the throne of Allah Subhana mortality. The Throne aligns the agenda has a throne.

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You have ayatul kursi I could see some people translated as the words of the throne, but in reality, the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala is something different and the arch of Allah azza wa jal is something different. According to most of the scholars of the course you have a Muslim Hannah masala is akin to the footstool of a visor Virgil was the arch of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now to give you a brief understanding, even though we are weaklings, and our minds will find it very difficult to fathom this explanation, but let me put it out for you all imaginable. Cassie Rahim Allah mentions in his book I'll be the only hire based on the words of the

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Prophet sallallahu Sallam that to understand the Grand View and the greatness or rather to try and understand the Grand View and the greatness of the airship, Allah subhanho wa Taala. Look at this example. Think of the seven heavens, the seven Earths and everything that it contains. Okay, the seven heavens and the seven earth I mean, you talk about the heavens, I'm sure you all know that our galaxy is part of hundreds and billions of other galaxies, there have been scientists who state that within the universe, there are bound to be almost about 500 galaxies. And all of this is contained within the first heaven. We haven't yet covered the entirety of the first Heaven, we'll learn who I

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am as to whether there is life on other planets in other galaxies and each galaxy contains about 300 400 500 billion stars the size of our planet planet Earth. So this is the end of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now I want you all to think about it. seven heavens, okay, seven earth and all the creations of Allah subhanho wa Taala within it is they were all made into a tiny iron ring.

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A lot of imagery here. So I want you to imagine this example a tiny iron ring. And why is iron being used here to show how few times and how worthless this life of this world is. Anyway, coming back to the size of the ring, how big is it it's this big and I entering?

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And if you were to fly over the Sahara Desert, if you will, you're flying over a desert. And if you were to drop that ring, my question to you all is would you be able to find that ring? If you were to drop it from a helicopter if you will, or a plane? If you were dropped that iron ring in the middle of the desert? Would you be able to find it? I'm sure most of you be saying no. Now obviously we can't find it. It's like finding a needle in a haystack. But you can find it if it has GPS attached to it you will be able to find it. But this ring does not have GPS attached to it. So in reality, you are not going to be able to find it you will never be able to find it. That is the

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comparison between the seven heavens, the seven earth the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the kursi of Eliza. The desert is the seven heavens and the southern Earth of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala was the kursi is that tiny iron ring, the tiny iron ring, I'm sorry, the kursi is the seven heavens, the earth and the creations of Allah subhanho wa Taala the the iron ring and the kursi is the desert. Let me make it clear again. You've got the desert you've got the tiny iron ring, the seven heavens the seven Earths and all of its creation, okay is the iron ring whilst the kursi is the desert as you can see how fast it is. And the example does not end there now to

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understand the kursi and the outage of Allah subhanho wa Taala it is the same example but now what happens is the kursi becomes the tiny iron ring and the arch becomes the desert.

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Initially the seven heavens the seven earth and all it contains was the tiny iron ring and the desert the courtesy of Allah subhanho wa Taala as we move on to a comparison between the kusini al Shabaab lies the virgin The kursi is now the tiny iron ring

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The Arch of Allah subhanho wa Taala is that was desert and at the end of the day what Allah, Allah Allah Allah is above all these examples but it is just for our minds to fathom our minds to conceive. So we are saying in the vicar Glory be to Allah Praise be to Allah, equivalent to the weight of the

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water Allah.

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Buddy respected elders and brothers in Islam. At times when you look at the

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literal wording of the narration, you might think it is just four or five sentences, but so much of rewards. But in reality, you have to contemplate you have to ponder you have to reflect and when you do, that's when you realize how great Allah subhanho wa Taala is. And that's when you realize that yes, this particular Vicar most definitely deserves so much of reward. Likewise, every single Vicar that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam taught us if we were to ponder, reflect and contemplate, we would understand the depth, or at least we would scrape the surface of the depth and the power of these words, and we would realize what a great effect these words have upon us only if we were to harness

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the power of those words, somebody respected elders and brothers in Islam. With that I conclude, I urge you all, to seek knowledge in this regard. If you wish to be successful in this world, you need to study the teachings of the Quran, you need to study the teachings of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Sahaba they did so and that's why they were so successful. They were successful in this world, as well as the hereafter we are following in their footsteps, we are emulating Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So we need to do so in a holistic way, the minute we do that we can secure goodness and success for us. In both worlds in our lives. The budget is the path for us. May

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he help us attain and achieve success in this world as well as the hereafter may help us to purify our hearts. May he help us to remember him in the most befitting of manners in the most appropriate of manners, and just as how he unitrust and dismissed it may unite us in the gardens of gender with our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I mean we're further away and hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen

A Jumuah sermon delivered on the 29th of September 2016 at the Jawatte Jumuah Masjid, Torrington Avenue, Colombo 07 in Sri Lanka.

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