Muiz Bukhary – Ramadan FAQs #02 Hydration Hacks How to Stay Watered Without Water During the Day

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The host of a fast and curious video discusses the importance of staying hydrated during the day to maintain healthy health and focus on one's interests. They suggest various foods and foods high in water content to help with hydration and recommend drinking water throughout the day to boost energy and digestion. The video also emphasizes the importance of staying hydrated and healthy during the month ofFinancial.
AI: Transcript ©
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I warmly welcome you back to fast and

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curious, your Ramadan

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So today,

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we're diving into a topic that is crucial

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for every single fasting person.

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What is the topic? The topic is

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hydration hacks,

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staying hydrated without sipping a single drop of

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water during the daylight hours.

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So how do you stay watered without water

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during the day? Are you ready to quench

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your curiosity?

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If you are, lets get started Insha'Allah.

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So first off, why even focus on hydration?

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You don't understand my dear brother, my dear

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staying well hydrated

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is key

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to maintaining your energy.

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It is key to maintaining good focus

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and overall health during the month of Ramadan,

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especially when you can't drink water throughout the

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day. So I want to share some ingenious

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ways to help you stay hydrated throughout the

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day starting right from your suhoor meal. So

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let's talk about suhoor, your predawn meal, a

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meal full of barakah and blessings as per

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the teachings of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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This meal, my dear brothers and sisters, is

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your hydration

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So opt for foods

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high in water content to help release hydration

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slowly throughout the day. So think juicy fruits

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like watermelon, berries,

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or vegetables like cucumbers, lettuce,

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all these fruits and vegetables

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not only help maintain your fluid balance, but

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also provides vital nutrients to keep you energized

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during the day.

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So the next meal that we have to

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talk about is your

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when you break your fast.

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Now that is your chance

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at the time of dusk, at the time

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of makhrib, you break your fast.

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Now this is your chance again to replenish

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and hydrate. Now in between, you're going to

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be dry as a bone so that's why

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your suhoor and your fathoor are so important

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if you choose the right foods

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you know this hydration is going to slowly

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keep releasing itself

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to in into you keeping you soaked and

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hydrated throughout

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the day. So instead of guzzling water alone,

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you know, for or for combine

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it with hydrating snacks.

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Dates soaked in milk or water,

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hydrating soups,

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smoothies, these are all perfect for rehydrating

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your body and to kick start your digestion

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Now we come

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to nighttime

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The night is your friend when it comes

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to hydration during the month of Ramadan.

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So after iftar, after breaking your fast,

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pace your water intake throughout the evening.

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Drinking too quickly can overwhelm your system, and

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this is what happens to a lot of

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us. We tend to drink a lot and

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eat a lot and too quickly as well

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right after breaking fast, and it overloads our

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system, overwhelms our system, and we go into

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you know, state of food coma.

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So do it slowly

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and steady. Doing it slowly and steady does

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the trick. And don't forget about herbal teas

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as well they are great way to hydrate

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and unwind take it easy you know.

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Along with that you also have some innovative

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snacks and tips

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chia seeds soaked in water

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create a gel like substance that's excellent for

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don't forget

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coconut water.

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King coconut water or just coconut water,

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in my part of the world, they call

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it thambili.

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Okay? This

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water is packed with electrolytes, making it a

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drinking it.

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You know? It it it it

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it's packed with electrolytes. It's so much of

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It keeps you and it's it's it's natural.

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It's healthy. It keeps you hydrated really, really

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well. So my dear brothers and sisters, staying

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hydrated is a blend of smart choices.

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It is a blend of smart choices and

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understanding your body's needs. So remember, the goal

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is to maintain

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a balanced hydration level ensuring that you are

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and focused from dawn

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till dusk. Experiment with these hacks and find

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out what works best for you Insha Allahu

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Ta'ala. So thank you for tuning in to

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today's episode of fast and curious.

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Embrace these hydration hacks and transform your fasting

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experience this Ramadan.

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Stay tuned for more insights and remember

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your well-being is the key towards a fulfilling

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fast. So until next time, stay hydrated,

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stay healthy, and stay blessed

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