Muiz Bukhary – Bridges of Compassion – Connecting Generations

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The importance of worshipping one's parents and emotions in the context of actions is emphasized. The need to be mindful of one's actions and not to forget them is emphasized. The importance of acknowledging and not repeating actions that have caused harm is emphasized. The use of words and actions to convey teachings is also emphasized. The importance of dressing oneself in shoes of the Prophet sallday is emphasized. A woman was a high level emotional figure and had a history of yops her clothing. The segment also touches on the death of a woman named OMA slain on a bus in the UK and her emotional state.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Shafi Nambia you will know Celine, maybe Gina or Hadebe in our karate or UNITA Mohammed Abdullah Abdullah alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salatu wa the Muslim ummah back.

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I begin by praising Allah, Allah Allah mean the Lord of all words the exalted the majestic,

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the absolute, and asked him to send his choicest blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions, and every single individual who trades on the Prophet spot, who embraces the prophets path with the class with sincerity until the end of time.

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And as our maker says in the Noble Quran in Butina Mufasa indeed, for the people of Taqwa the multiple one, it is Mufasa with tree and success, victory and success in this world, as well as the Hereafter. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us all from the people of Taqwa and May He make us from the victorious and successful ones, I mean.

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The topic for today's sermon is bridges of compassion, connecting generations through respect.

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Allah azza wa jal, he says in Surah, Tallis Ra,

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which is the 17 chapter in the novel

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I number 23.

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Walk or Booker L.

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O do in

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India who won't be in Juanita uni if Santa

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were called or rob Booker, Allah taboo in India who have been worldly they

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and your Lord, your Lord Rob book, your Lord Kado he has decreed Allah taboo in

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that you do not worship anyone or anything other than him ill

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will be one day in Santa and that you treat your parents with

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with the Hassan

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with excellence with excellence upon excellence.

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In my Yeah, blue one nine Dackel Kibera huduma out Kyla Houma, fille de PUE Lahoma who Allah at and how Huma will pull Huma COVID and Karina,

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Allah then goes on to say

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whether one one parent beat your father or your mother, or both of them, your mother and your father, reach old age.

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Further pull Lahoma off whilst they're with you do not say to them, even to the extent of the word of

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or anything similar, while attend her humor, and to not repel them. We're cool Lahoma cold and Karima and, but speak to them. A noble word call Karim a noble word.

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My dear respected elders Brothers and Sisters in Islam.

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Look at the commandment of Allah azza wa jal after talking about worship, after mentioning to hate that you're not supposed to worship anyone, other than Allah azza wa jal right after that, what is the commandment that Allah subhanho wa Taala brings about what Bill Wiley Dania has to treat your parents with excellence?

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Law lies origin has expressed the binding obligation of worshipping Him alone, and subsequently he instructs all of mankind, to display excellence, good conduct the best of treatments, and to one's parents. And even though this worse, this idea, sternly warns us from even saying a word of all

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unto our parents in acknowledgement of the selfless sacrifices that they have made for us, our fathers and our mothers. My dear brothers and sisters, we must honestly ask ourselves

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having to be at times intentionally, at times

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Humans unintentionally said much worse things to our parents, may Allah forgive us, much worse things.

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Allah says Don't even say, Oh,

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don't even say

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that haven't we said much worse things happen. Three, retaliated in much worse ways.

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If you my dear brother, my dear sister, that we're watching the video later on, if your mother is alive in your lifetime, right now, if your father is alive,

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it is a blessing that cannot be compared with any other blessings of

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such a huge blessing.

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If your mother is alive, if your father is alive, in terms of worldly blessings, you cannot compare it.

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And to realize this, if you were to sit down with someone

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who has lost his or her mother,

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lost his or her father are lost both parents, you will see the anguish, you will see the grief, you will see the regret. And this one will only experience it after one lays his or her mother down in the earth.

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After you bury your mother, now your heart is filled with regret. Your heart is filled with guilt. Your heart is filled with remorse. After you lay your father to rest.

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And now you've been asked to lead the salah to Janaza the funeral prayer on your parent, on your father, on your mother. Now your heart is in bits and pieces. Your heart is in shreds. You are in tears. Why? Because you know that you have not fulfilled your rights. All the while it was at the back of your mind. You knew

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the right after to hate right after the worship of Allah, it is good treatment and to your parents and to your mother until your father, deep down you knew that you have broken your mother's heart. But you thought there is time for me to put it right. Or you let your ego get in the way.

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You let your ego get in the way you let the devil you let Shavon get the upper hand. And you thought that oh you know, let my mother apologize that my father apologize. What has he done for me? I'm a self made man.

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But then when you get the call

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the sad news. Your father has passed away. Your mother has passed away. And now your heart is in bits and pieces.

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I have witnessed people who have cried to me and said chef if I can sit by my mother's grave and if only Allah would allow me to massage her feet, I would do it in tears. I have hurt her. I've broken her heart. She's cried, I've made her shed tears. I want to put it right. But now it's too late. It's too late.

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Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, if your parents are alive, acknowledge the blessing that they are with you Subhanallah think about it. They are your schools. They are your universities. Those of us who have our father's with us for every little thing, do we not run to them? We may be like I said earlier on self made men and you know, we have reached pinnacles in terms of this worldly life but still we go back to our fathers to discuss to get their views to get their opinions. We feel comforted. We go back to our mother's embrace. And for as long as an individual's mother is alive, he is that mother's child.

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But when the mother passes away, he has no longer an embrace to go back to. He yearns for the smile of his mother. He yearns for the smile of his father. He yearns for that. For that feeling where he knows that my father has got my back. My father is behind me. His hand is on my back.

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When that when you look back and when that hand is no longer there.

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When that hand is now buried,

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you feel a vacuum

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that cannot be filled. It cannot be filled.

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We try but it cannot be filled.

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Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, I remind you all again, if your parents are alive as mica says in the Quran

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or huduma, Oklahoma, if one of them, or both of them, acknowledge the blessing, and work hard towards fulfilling your rights and to your parents, they have huge, huge rights, huge rights

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that you have to fulfill so much to the extent that May Allah protect our parents, even if they were to be outside of Islam. Islam does not allow you to sever ties with them. Islam does not allow you to fall short in terms of your responsibilities and rights that you need to fulfill. You still have to treat them well. You still have to respect them, you still have to treat them with love and care, you still have to treat them with compassion. This is what Islam teaches us.

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Due to the brevity of time,

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I want to focus on one important facet that has been highlighted in this ayah.

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Allah says, fella taco Lahoma, who do not say even off to them. Wakulla Houma Colin Kariba, but rather speak to them a noble word. So what does this

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pivot on? What does this focus on? It focuses on communication, communication. Today, a lot of families have issues due to lack of communication.

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siblings don't talk to one another, because of issues they cannot communicate with one another. Spouses are having issues because they cannot communicate clearly with one another.

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parents and their children are having issues because either the children don't know how to communicate with the parents or the parents don't know how to communicate with their children.

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So communication is a key thing that you and I as human beings, we need to understand.

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We need to understand communication is of utmost importance. This is how we understand one another, understand one another, how we convey our feelings, our emotions, how we feel, how we explain things to others. So Allah, our maker who created us, and who created us upon so many tongues, meaning if you go around the world, so many languages, you have Arabic the language of the Quran, you have English, the one that I'm speaking to you all in, then you have the local languages, your friendship, this you have that you have so many languages. And these languages, they all articulate from our tongues that Allah Subhana Allah Subhanallah This is miraculous. We convey we, we explain

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we illustrate, we do so many things is extremely powerful. But we need to do it the right way. My dear brothers and sisters, because this tongue, it's so powerful. You can mend a heart and you can break a heart. You can break a heart, you can push a person over a cliff with your tongue with your words. Subhanallah some people have very sharp tongues, they are able to break hearts, while others use the same tongue to uplift people to motivate people to heal hearts to mend hearts to build bridges.

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So what kind of a tongue? Did Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam who really have what kind of a tongue did he have? Did he have you come across him being an individual with a sharp tongue hurting people breaking hearts causing disunity strife? Or was he an individual with a warm, kind, caring and compassionate tongue and heart where he built bridges where he united people where he spoke kind words where people warmed up to him Muhammad salallahu Alaihe values and Oh my beloved congregation, who are we supposed to follow? Who are we supposed to follow? Are we supposed to follow XYZ celebrity? Are we supposed to follow so and so successful businessman are we surprised supposed to

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follow so and so guru? So and So motivational speaker? Who are we supposed to follow?

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam?

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We as scholars and students of knowledge who convey his teachings through these pulpits, we are nothing we are No One To Follow. We are merely

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instruments to convey the teachings of the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and to you and your obligation lies in following him. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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the Sahaba Ridhwan Allah Tala, they match mine. They love the messenger so much, and they followed him beautifully beautifully. They followed his conduct. So all parents in the crowd

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look at the teachings of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and speak to your children the way he taught you to speak, or children.

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Speak to your parents speak to your father, speak to your mother, the way Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught you to speak now want to quickly give you a few instances from the life of the prophet Sallallahu sallam.

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He was an individual the Prophet ik model basically, he was an individual.

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The hadith is recorded in the Book of Imam Al Bukhari and Muslim Rahim Allah and it's a bit of Malik of Allah mindful, he narrates that once whilst walking with the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The narration goes along the lines of these words. The Prophet was wearing a shawl, a shawl in the sense it could be something like this what I'm wearing, perhaps it was wrapped around his neck, perhaps he was wearing it on his head.

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All of a sudden, a Bedouin, a Bedouin Arab, comes up behind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam holds him grabs the shawl and pulls it with great force pulls it with great force. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam immediately turned to face demand. And under the law, one who the narrator of the Hadith, he states I noticed that the force of the pool had left a mark on the neck of the prophets of Allah, Allah Allah where he was set up Allahu Akbar.

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And then this man who yanked the shawl of the property addresses the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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give me some of Allah's money which is in your possession.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looks at the man calm Li and smiles at him. Look at the response of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam responding to rudeness to Crude Behavior with a smile.

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Now I want you all to put yourself in the shoes of the Prophet Salas and, and obviously, massive shoes that cannot be filled. But think I want you all to think just imagine you're all dressed up. All smart, coming to the masjid. You've taken a shower, crisp, clean clothes. Yeah. And as you make your way to the masjid, if someone outside the masjid a needy person, were to come and yank your clothes. And let's say, you're also a person of

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repute in the sense people know you. So you know, everybody's actually flocking to greet you and all of that stuff. And then, myself included, you know, I'm telling you to put yourself in the shoes of the Prophet to relate to the narration. Let's say someone comes into yanks your clothing. How would you respond? How would you respond? Don't you think he would get frustrated, annoyed and angry, the fact that you know, you're wearing such clean and crisp clothes, and you're making your way to the masjid and someone comes in yanks your clothing. And on top of that, this individual was a Muslim. So he knew of the status of Muhammad Sallallahu ala when he was to look at how he's addressing the

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Prophet today, a doctor, if he's not addressed Dr. He takes offense. If you call him

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Mohammed or Mr. Mohammed, he'll correct you not Mr. Muhammad, Dr. Muhammad,

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which is understandable because he's gone through a lot. He's achieved his title and he would like to be addressed in other words with respect Belen, good

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Prophet of Allah,

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the Prophet of Allah

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and this man addresses him Mohammed, Mohammed using his name. Allah does not use the name of the Prophet sallallahu ala you and He will send them except sparingly. The Sahaba they address ya rasool Allah Yeah, and ABI Allah Yeah, Habib, Allah, who beloved one of Allah or prophet of Allah or messenger of Allah, and this man comes and he says, They are Muhammad. And look at the response of the Prophet calm.

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And then he goes on to say demands for something and the Prophet instructs for it to be given. This was the demeanor of the Prophet, and you will see this across the pages many brothers and sisters is not this is not one one rare instance you have the other incident where there was a man.

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Again, he comes to the message of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he goes to the corner and starts urinating. Urinating

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I asked you all media brothers and sisters think about it. Your house. If someone were to walk in and go to a corner and start urinating, what would be your reaction?

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And then on top of that your masjid, if you're living in this vicinity, this is your Masjid the house of Allah. If someone were to walk in now and start urinating in a corner, how do you think you would react?

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And it is understood the Sahaba reacted in a similar fashion. The prophet who was the leader calmed them down.

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He can't get them now. Why? Because obviously, now the man is urinating, you can stop a man halfway, while still doing his business. So he let the man finish.

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And then he instructs for some water to be brought, and the place the soiled place to be cleansed.

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And then he educates the man, he didn't call him out in public, he didn't shame him. But instead, he educates him now look at the manner of correcting someone, Allahu Akbar, look at how the Prophet educated.

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And this is the Prophetic model that you and I, we must strive for in terms of communication, I'm talking about it at a very high level, with your parents, with your children with your spouse. And then along with that, with the community, with your employees, with your employer, with your co workers, with your neighbors, with every single human being that you interact with.

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One more incident before I conclude, there was this is an interesting story. And you know,

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some of you might find it a little bit difficult to stomach the story, okay.

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Why, because you need a very high level, mark my words, you need a very high level of emotional intelligence.

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And the prophet had this. And the Sahaba, who followed the Prophet sallallaahu Salam had this, if you don't have

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that mature, high level of emotional intelligence, this is going to skim over your head and you're going to think what an absurdity. Now let me narrate the story. There was a female companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Her name was Romania, Romania, so I've been Tamil Han.

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She was a very intelligent Companion of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and who was she? She was the mother of NSW Mallika of your loved one. I'm sure most of you would deem this name familiar and Acibadem Malika the Allahu anha dimora select Surah Nisa Allahu Allah when he was the one who was at the beck and call of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and a super thematic so she was roommates who have been Tamil Han the mother of NSW Malika the Allahu Allah and her nickname was OMA slain on slain

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so almost Elaine. This hadith also is recorded in the Book of Imam Al Bukhari and Muslim Rahima Humala,

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her husband

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one day when he was leaving home

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their son was under Cebu. The Malik Radi Allahu Anhu is one of the sons This is another son. He was sick. He was ill he was ailing.

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So her husband, Abu Talhah broke the law one, he goes out.

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And now he comes back in the evening. And towards the latter part of the day, my dear brothers and sisters, this little boy passes away. He passes away just before her husband comes back home, he passes away.

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This lady of strong Iman of high intelligence, what does she do? She goes on to

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wash the body. She shrouds the body and now she's waiting for her husband to come back to inform him.

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Now obviously, unlike today, you know you don't just take out your phone and send out a whatsapp Voice Note or WhatsApp message. You there were certain ways of communication then we have to wait for someone to return back home to break the news.

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So he comes home

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and she does not immediately break the news. Why? Because she understood the temperament of her husband.

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He comes home, she serves him food.

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All the while I want you all to pause and reflect the Son has passed away. He is washed and shrouded and laid to rest in the cot in the room. The father as he enters

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He asks, How is our boy how is our son and she responds calmly. He could not be more tranquil than he is right now. He is in peace. So the father thinks perhaps his sleeping, and he goes on to eat the food.

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After eating in the Hadith, it is indicated because this Sahabi goes to the Prophet and tells him everything.

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The husband indicates his desire to spend the night with his wife,

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Allah Akbar, to indulge in intimacy with his wife. You know what she does? She goes, and she prepares himself, she takes a bath, she perfumes herself, she prepares herself for her husband. Now I want you all to think of that stability of this mental state law Rockabye look at how strong she is. Look at her emotional intelligence. She does not break the news, because he had indicated that he wants to indulge in intimacy, she immediately prepares herself. And also now he had indulged in intimacy and he was calm. Now she chooses to break the news, and how does she break the news, wailing and crying? And, you know, the usual drama?

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We're used to the word drama, right? Because we exposed to so much of drama. You know how she does it? She asks her husband, oh, my husband?

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What do you think? If someone were to lend us something and ask for it back? What is our responsibility? If someone were to give us something as a loan, and then ask for it back? How would we have to behave? She says, obviously, we have to give it back.

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Then she says, Seek your reward by Allah. For he has asked for our son back and he has taken him back.

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The Sahabi probably Allah one who was obviously in shock.

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He cleanses himself and he rushes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and tells him everything that had happened. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he goes on to make dua for that family, for that lady, for her husband, for the loss of their child for the entire family. And the narrator of the Hadith media, brothers and sisters goes on to say that after that, yes, they lost a child to his Allah's decree. After that, they were blessed with children, and in their generations, because of the DUA, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, nine boys, all of them who are known to be famous for fog and Quran, the Quran, they were all Guardians of the Quran, memorizes

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of the Quran and readers of the Quran.

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So my Dear Brothers

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and Sisters in Islam, as you can see, this art of communication, to know when to say what to say how to say it, you and I obviously, I can't impart all of you know, matters. You know, communication skills related matters through one sermon, but I hope that this serves as a stepping stone for us to proceed to for us to further our knowledge in regards to this for us to work on our communication skills, especially with our parents, especially with our children, especially with our spouses and then extend it to our neighbors to our workers to every single human being. Follow the profitec model Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you will be successful in this world as well as the

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next with that I conclude, I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to help us to improve our communication skills may help us to convey what is in our hearts, our emotions with clarity without distortion. May Allah subhanahu medalla beautify our hearts cleanse our hearts of toxic elements. May he help us to fill our hearts with pure thoughts towards one another. May He keep us united as the Ummah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa salam, and just as how he unite receiving this message may unite us in the beautiful gardens agenda in the companionship of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam, and in any worker that way and in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil

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