Muiz Bukhary – Become A Soul Searcher

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The sermon by Islam's Prophet Mohammed bin Salman highlights the importance of taking a life of taqwa, as it has made many mistakes and lost wealth. The sermon also references a slave who lived at the time of the Prophet's sallama and references the sadness and grief caused by the lack of sex and desire to live in a gendered identity. The conversation also touches on the importance of fulfilling obligations and bringing up the son of the Prophet to make a positive impact. The sermon emphasizes the importance of valuing one's good deeds and not losing hope in the future.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa ala Shafi Lamia, you will mousseline a beginner Wahhabi Vina wa karate Are you Nina. Muhammad ibn Abdullah Allahu Allah Allah He was happy he have a solid sleep bad

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for the for the Allahu terracota for analyzes that will be led him in a shape on your regime.

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feminine zemba houda If Allah you know Allah hi ash spa woman

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decree in Allah humare

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Why not shoot? Oh my

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All praise and thanks be to Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala who is no doubt creator sustainer and Orisha protector and cure. We asked him the almighty to shower his choices of blessings and salutations upon our beloved Prophet Mohammed salatu salam, his family members, his companions and all those who preyed upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of

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when he respected elders and brothers in Islam. First and foremost, I advise myself and then all of you all present here to adopt a life of taqwa. And that is to be conscious of a loss of Hannah Montana, during every single second of our lives, if we wish to attain success in this world, as well as the hereafter. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us all from the people of taqwa and may He make us from the victorious and successful ones me.

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inshallah Allah, The topic for today's sermon is become a soul searcher become a soul searcher.

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If you take this month,

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just a few days back, we crossed into a brand new year of the Islamic calendar we have commenced 1438 1438 the year that went by went by so fast, and at times when we think of it, we tend to think as to how much good have we done during that particular year? That's a big question mark. May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept the good deeds that we

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have done in the previous year. I mean,

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look, man, the wise, he once advised his son and these are profound words of wisdom. He is reported to have advised his son stating that oh my son, yeah, buena, buena, oh, my beloved Son,

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from the day you came into this world, from the day you arrived into this world, you have turned your face towards an afro, you have turned your face towards the Hereafter, and you have turned your back towards this dunya towards this worldly life. From the time you arrived into this world, you have turned your face towards that Arthur, in other words, you are headed towards an era and you have turned your back towards dunya towards this worldly life. And along the lines of these words, he is reported to have said that after every passing day, if you will, you are getting closer to the Abode to the Abode that you are facing towards and you are distancing yourself from the Abode that

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you are in IE this worldly life. Every single passing day as it goes by, we are getting closer and closer to the abode of the hereafter the Abode that we are facing towards. And on the other hand, we are distancing ourselves farther and farther away from the Abode that we are in this temporary abode, ie dounia maleness, Hannah Montana, opened the doors of understanding for all of us, I mean, you see this understanding this prioritization, of fixating your priorities towards an era was a concept completely understood by the Sahaba in one litre highly mature Marine, and this is why they have been declared the most victorious and successful ones with the declaration of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala. And all the long line one of the one they were pleased with Allah subhanho wa Taala and allies the region was pleased with them, so can a lot Panama Amaro the alone one, he is reported to have said has Cebu and full circle cabela and two handsome take yourselves into account

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Do some soul searching before you are taken into account. The day is headed we are getting close towards a day. a day when your mother and father oh man what happen when your wealth will not benefit you your children will not benefit you. The only thing that will benefit you on that day will be a good and healthy heart, a healthy spiritual heart and your good deeds. On that day. You are going to be taken into account and our motto the alarm line he states take yourselves into account before you are taken into account. audit yourselves before you are audited by Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Coming back to the Sahaba at one night Allah Allah which mine I have to

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mesmerizing and beautiful stories to share with you. The first story is in regard to a slave, a slave who lived at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he purchases this slave and he frees him subhana wa. So why is that? While he when he was in them, he purchases this slave and he frees him. His name was thoburn od a long line.

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He from the de Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam freed him. He was so much enthralled and he was in love with the prophets of Allah Allah he when he was in them, he used to admire Rama while he when he was send him so much to the extent that every single day he had to see Mohammed salatu salam why

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you would not be able to sleep until he had witnessed the beautiful and blessed face of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he loved Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so much so much. He loved him so much every single day, he would make his way to the gathering of Mohammed Salah Meiling when he was send them to see Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he loved him so much.

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Now one day, he misses the sight of Mohammed Salah one while in university. Perhaps he was busy or Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was busy. So the entire day passes and thoburn ld alum, one who has not witnessed the face of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa.

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Now he is filled with so much of sadness, His heart is flooded with sadness and grief because he's yearning for the sight of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam he's yearning to see him. And during that day, what happened was other thoughts started to cross his mind talks about death, thoughts about the hereafter.

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And then what happens is towards the evening, the latter part of the day, he meets Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasallam and Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam observes his face to be all flustered, red in color, and he looked so upset as soon as he listened, and he asks and yes, Oban mother had also gone. What's wrong? Why are you upset? What's wrong? So rhodiola I know he looks at the sort of mindset of Mr. Lee when he was in them, and he says Yasuda,

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I missed you dearly. I missed you so much. I missed you dearly. And throughout the day, I was thinking about Mt. I was thinking about death. I was thinking about an Arthur I was thinking about the hereafter. And I thought to myself, that in this world, I cannot be with you. I cannot be without you for one day. I'm so upset. I'm so sad. But what about when you go to Jenna, when you go into the life of the Hereafter, Allah subhanho wa Taala will take you to him and you will be upon another rank, you will be upon another rank and I will not be able to see you in Gemini or Rasulullah. I will not be able to see you in gender. I don't even have a guarantee that I will enter

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gender. And even if I am from the dwellers of gender, even if I am granted entry into gender, you will be upon another level Yasukawa I will not be able to see your beautiful face. How am I going to live in gender without you and he starts to break down he starts to weep and cry.

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Now, sooner this Sahabi wrote the alarm wine home after this particular statement gibreel alayhi salatu was Salam descends with an eye and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reads the eye. One may learn how to Russell Rasul

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Allah de Nina and I'm a long

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Ola Kamara la Vina Na Ma Ma.

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Ma si D.

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Mina de novo CDP Noah Shahada. He was on the one hand Sona una ecoffee.

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This powerful autobahn, I have been revealed unto me, the one who obeys Allah. And Allah Rasool and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam for Ola EMR, la Vina and Rama law they will be with those whom Allah subhanho wa Taala has bestowed his favor upon from the prophets meaning newbiggin was the theme from those who are truthful with Shahada and from the martyrs was silent he in and from those who are righteous from those who are pious. Well hacer una una eco FIFA What a beautiful companionship that will be a lot more about a person who obeys the law. A person who obeys Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he will be granted the companionship of Mohammed Salah long while you

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send them in Jenna, no sooner Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam read this ayah

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so burn through the Obama and who now he starts to smile and he starts to smile. And he is confident now. And he goes about telling people, you know, you know what this ayah was revealed because of me, this ayah was revealed because I love Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam so much, but he respected elders and brothers in this now think about this particular companions train of thoughts. Look, he's thinking about his love for Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his fixating is focused towards the hereafter. He's thinking Oh, in this worldly life, whenever I want, I rushed to the masjid of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and I am fortunate I am lucky to see the beautiful face of Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But what about the board that I'm headed towards? Like Look, man, the Why is said to his son every single day what happens is you're getting close, you're getting closer and closer to the Abode that you are facing towards wise you're distancing yourself and you're becoming farther and farther away from the Abode that you are in. So this companion thinks about Alaska this companion thinks about Jenna, he thinks Oh, when I go to Jenna Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam is going to be upon another level. How am I going to see him? According to the description of gender by Mohammed Salah Molly when he was lm gender has 100 levels, gender has 100

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levels Han Allah and each level. The distance between each level is the distance from the surface of this earth to the heavens in Canada. Has anyone ever come up with an accurate measurement of the distance from the surface of this earth to the heavens? No human being no scientist, no astronomer, no researcher has even covered the entirety of this universe, let alone come up with an accurate measurement.

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We live in a universe that consists of so many so many billions and billions of galaxies. We are part of the Milky Way galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy that has millions and billions of stars, some which are smaller than the sun, some which are bigger than the sun, we have the planets, we have all of this within one galaxy. And according to modern day researchers, there are almost 200 to 300 billion galaxies like the Milky Way galaxy within our universe. And they put forth a disclaimer after stating that number, stating that if certain advancements are made within technology that we have to study the skies and the heavens, the number most probably will double or triple, resulting

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in a grand total of 600 to 800. Not million billion with a B billion galaxies within this particular universe have had one. And that's the distance between one level in Jenna and you've got 100 levels. And the 100th level the topmost level is Jen natural for those the grandest and most beautiful of paradise. The beautiful, the most beautiful garden from the gardens of Paradise May Allah subhanho wa Taala open the doors of Jonathan for those for all of us. I mean,

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so this is a hobby is thinking Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam is obviously going to be upon the topmost level we had in mind, I'm going to be somewhere thrown somewhere and how will I be able to see the beautiful face of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam Look at his concern.

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One day, someone went to

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One of our pious predecessors, one of our scholars of the past and asked him simply agenda, describe the pleasures of gender for me and listen to his response. Describe the pleasures of gender for me. One report states that you know what he said? He said, from the pleasures of Jenna, I don't have to mention anything apart from the fact that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is in general

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what more do you think we would require? We don't need any other pleasure other than to be with him sal Allahu Allah when he was in how I envy the companions who used to sit by Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who used to see his face day in and day out. me my mother, my father and myself be sacrificed and ransom for him son, the Long Island you know.

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Another report states that the scholar responded by saying from the pleasures of Jenna, I don't have to mention anything apart from the sight of the face of Allah Subhana. Allah, this site will be granted to the righteous believers we cannot see a lion surgeon in this world. But in the next word, Allah subhanho wa Taala will grant us an opportunity to see his face. And when we say face we don't mean that Allah subhana wa Jalla has a face like our faces laser committed he says there is nothing in comparison to Allah Subhana Medina, his face command will be shut near generally, His face is in a manner that befits His Majesty and slowly but on that day, Allah will grant us the opportunity to

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see his face and there will be no greater pleasure than to see the face of Allah subhanho wa Taala it will be such a mesmerizing sight that we will be transfixed for years on end staring at the face of our maker, the King of all kings, the Lord of all worlds with Hannah who was a Hana and then obviously right after that is the companionship of Mohammed Salah long while he when he was in the companionship. What more do you think we would require? And Allah says in the Quran, the one who obeys Allah, the One who obeys Mohammed Salah longlining University Sallam will be granted the companionship of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam

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Mousavi So that was another Easter Island you

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know, la

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la la salat wa salam Leute alayhi salatu was Salam. We will be with the prophets IRA hemos Salatu was Salam and not just the prophets, when an ABN was a deity, and those who have been truthful throughout the annals of history, the ones who are have been declared as the Koran companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam just emerging to sit by Abu Bakr, Siddiq or the Alon, Omar Abdullah Fabiola. One man even affirmed will be a long one. I live in Abu Dhabi A long time ago who they follow the one one Khalid bin Albury rhodiola one Sandman and fiery cod a long line, think about it to stick with these companions with one Allahu Allah Allah image of mine. And it doesn't

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mean there was Shahada and the martyrs, every single individual, be it male or female who has died in the path of Allah subhana wa Tada, you're going to be with these individuals, and finally was signed in and you're going to be with the righteous sipan Allah, think about that companionship, and all you have to do is obey Allah and His messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is why you need to become a solo researcher. Each and every one of us, we need to take time out to do some soul searching. We need to analyze, we need to study we need to think about the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala that we are enjoying day in and day out. Are we rendering gratitude for

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these blessings? Are we fulfilling the responsibilities that these blessings have come with? If Allah subhanho wa Taala has blessed you with wealth now that that wealth has been given to you with strings attached strings attached in the sense you have responsibilities to fulfill in regard to that, well, you cannot waste the world you cannot squander the wealth, you need to fulfill the responsibilities that are in regard to that particular blessing. If Allah has blessed you with children, then you have responsibilities to fulfill in regard to your children. At times we think of our children and we say oh my child, my child, my child, but in reality, the child is a laws and the

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child has been given to you as an A minor. If Allah Subhana Medina wishes he can take the child away from you right now. And then what will you say you can cry all you want my child, my child, my child, but your child will not be with you anymore. It is an Amana it is a blessing from Allah. And the responsibility in regard to that child is that you have to bring up

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Amarna in a manner that is pleasing unto Allah Subhana hoisin If not, you are going to be questioned on the day of the AMA, mela, Azerbaijan is the reckoning upon all of us, I mean, moving on to the next story. And this is in regard to another important Companion of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam whom Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam love dearly, this companion. And the whole point of me mentioning these stories is was because many of us, we need to study about the lives of the companions with one made the highlight image of mine at times today, given the fact that we have access to social media, given the fact that, you know, the mobile phones that we carry about with us

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are literally computers today. They're so powerful you can do so much with your mobile devices. We can study about the companions we call life an island with mine, we can study about the Prophet sallahu wa salatu salam, the legends of the past, in results, in the sense to bring about a result where we strive to live like them and leave behind legacies just like the legacies that they left behind resonating of goodness throughout the annals of time. But instead, we are all up to date in regard to what's happening.

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In the political arena, we are all up to date in regard to what's happening in regard to the modern day sports. We know about these athletes, we know about these politicians. We know about these celebrities we know about actors, we know about actresses so much to the extent that we know what their favorite colors are. We watch interviews day in and day out, we read about them. We know about their favorite foods, we know all of that. But when someone asks you do you know about jewelry be brought to your loved one. Sometimes we think to ourselves today B that sounds like the name of a sweet

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we don't know about the companion there'll be a lot more than a famous Companion of the Prophet son alone while he when he was sent him a companion. Neelam said that he fell

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in love dearly, so dearly. He was a companion, a very poor companion, a very poor Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And due to his poverty, and due to him not having a great social standing, if you will, he was finding it very difficult to get married. And one day he goes to the supervisor and alarm while he when he was sent. I mean, he talks about it. That's why he said alarm, it very seldom looks at him and says you need to get married. Then JB brought the alarm on, he looks at the progress and it sentiment says yeah, rasulillah who is going to give me in marriage in the sense he was all alone. He did not have family members. He did not have a strong family backing him.

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When he was in him said, I will give you in marriage, go to so and so individual and tell him that I have sent to you and that he should give his daughter in marriage to use ginebra the Aloha and he was so happy. He was so happy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is giving me in marriage. And he has selected a spouse for me. He runs. He's so happy. He runs

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to the house of this particular individual. He knocks the dough. The person he opens the door he was from the unsolved of the long line, another companion. He opens the door and he sees Jul beep or the alarm line who's standing in front of the devil? He looks at him and says yeah, should I be yes. What do you want? Do you want some food? Perhaps? Because like I said he was a very poor individual. And in general people used to make fun of him today before the alarm wine ginebra the other one who he looks at the man and he says Rasulullah he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has sent me.

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Now the man listens attentively. Oh, what is it? What is the message that you have brought? Today people the other one who then went on to say Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has told me to get married. Love. The man congratulates July before the alarm line when he says my broke. Congratulations. May Allah bless you with a beautiful and righteous spouse. And then Today we will be among one went on to say he has sent me to propose and asked for your daughter's hand in marriage and that you should give your daughter in marriage to me. The man is flabbergasted. He's astounded my daughter to you. Now he's struggling. But now he knows that the command has come from Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now he does not want to say anything. He says Look, I need to consult my wife in this regard. And I will get back to you. He goes inside and he informs his wife, his wife. She loses it. She says no. anybody other than July babe, I don't want to give my daughter to July be no we have to go and talk to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about this. We can't get our daughter to do a beep

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now the daughter was listening to this conversation in the adjacent room. She heard the knock

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At the dough, she heard the conversation that took place between July before the alarm on and her father. And now she's hearing the conversation, the discussion that is taking place between her parents. She looks at her mother, she looks at her father and she says, What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Do you know from where the command has come from? And are you questioning the decision of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam if Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has chosen to lay beam or the Allahu anhu to be my husband. So be it give me in marriage to July be brought to your loved one.

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Look at the belief. Look at the love that they had for Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam aligns the agenda he says in the novel for an

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American and he moved many minutes in a long while.

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I'm on a

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in one minute. It is not befitting it is not appropriate for a believer or a believing woman either. Either. Acaba la hora, Sulu, if Allah and His Messenger have decided upon something, that they should have an opinion in regard to that issue in regard to that matter. If Allah and His Messenger have decreed something, if they have decided something, then it is not befitting upon the believing men and women, that they have an opinion in that regard. They have something contrary to what Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam have brought, while many hawara sulam the one who dis obeys Allah and His Messenger for the Walla Walla, Allah Medina, then indeed he has gone astray May

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Allah subhanho wa Taala save us all the ayah that I read at the inception, at the very beginning Allah subhanho wa Taala states for many Buddha Fela Yogi Lewin is the one who obeys the guidance of Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The new one is called he or she will never go astray will never ever faced misfortune, woman, Allah and victory but as for the one who turns away from my remembrance, Allah subhanho wa Taala is stating this for in humare schatten banca he will be given a life full of constraint, a life full of difficulty, a life full of trials and challenges. May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us all? We're not sure who Yamanaka Matsuyama and we shall

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resurrect him on the day of the AMA blind without eyesight.

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My dear, respected elders and brothers in Islam, the day of the AMA, do you know that you have to cross hurdle after hurdle or deal after ordeal? Do you know that after the questioning takes place, there is a situation where you have to cross a bridge. Many of us tend to remain oblivious of this bridge. It is another hurdle towards the end, even after the accounts have been taken. You have to cross a bridge and as per the words of the prophets, the line isn't them. This bridge will be finer or thinner than a hair and sharper than a sward it will have thorns overhanging thorns from all over. And if one were to look down, it will be the blazing pit of Johanna, there will be people who

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will cross the bridge, in the twinkling of an eye with the Prophet sallahu wa salatu salam in the twinkling of an eye they will cross the bridge, there will be those who will cross the bridge like a lightning bolt, there will be those who cross the bridge like a gust of wind, there will be those who will cross that particular bridge like galloping on a speedy horse, there will be those who will cross that bridge as if they are galloping wants 30 cameras, there will be those who will run across the bridge, there will be those who will walk across the bridge, there will be those who will crawl across the bridge, there will be those who will drag themselves across the bridge. And unfortunately

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there will be those who will drag themselves and fall straight into Johanna mela.

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Coming back to the studio today by the way. She says give me a marriage to him.

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And it was decided and she was given in marriage to delay before the deadline. They live happily until one day. The call was written to defend Islam and today be brought to your loved one. He answers the call and he leaves to fight for the sake of Allah.

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hanham hoysala

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it was a wirelend battle Angelababy battle the alum one was killed in the battle. And after the battle had taken place, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he comes and he asks people, he asks people

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did you lose anybody? Have you missed anyone? Have you lost anybody in this battle? And some would reply Yes, I have lost so and so. I have lost so and so. And some would reply No, I haven't lost anybody. All my loved ones are safe. I haven't lost anybody. He said a long while ago it was said and went from person to person, individual to individual and he kept saying, but oh I have lost someone. I have lost someone. I have lost my jewelry leave. I have lost my job it I have lost my tip. I have lost my jewelry. And he said a lot more anybody was in a winter everywhere looking for July we brought the alarm one, until finally, this fourth July we brought the alarm one at a far

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corner of the battlefield. He was on the ground. He was writhing on the ground. You know he was about to pass away or he had passed away. And Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he goes by July we brought the alarm on and he places his head on his lap. And he talks to JB but on the alarm line. He says that I am from him. And he is from me. I am from him. And he is from me. And I mean Kwanzaa mean me and a mink while terming me I am from you and you are from me. I am from you. And you are from me. Allahu Akbar. Look at the love. He had won the love of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and don't you think even though he was poor, even though he did not have a good social

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standing, he is victorious, most definitely victorious in this world as well as the he after he is a martyr Shahid, Panama.

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Don't you think that we have to strive to be victorious as well.

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And let me cap off the sermon by stating

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that don't ever lose hope in the mercy of of us.

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Sometimes we think after listening to perhaps the description of our new Yamuna, piano, the horrors of the day of karma, after listening to the description of Johanna, after listening to all of that, at times we feel Oh, you know what, I am such a sinner that Allah will never forgive me. Allah will never forgive me. For that thought of yours you need to make a separate Toba.

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You see when you take the concept of taqwa sometimes what happens is people make out a loss of Hannah hautala to be what they make out allies, to be some kind of a war god. That ally is always angry, and that you have to fear Allah subhana wa jal and nobody talks about the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala nobody talks about the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. I'm not saying that we completely dismiss the anger of alized origin. But you see when you take the concept of taqwa you are supposed to love Allah subhanho wa Taala and fear the anger of a wise origin fear the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala fear the punishment of alliances of origin. Look at the Iowa he himself

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describes himself. Then Pierre Eva, the

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who led him Oh, Mohamed Salah, tell them, tell them inform them. That Indiana lover for him informed my slaves that indeed I am the most forgiving, the Most Merciful. And then right after that, Allah says will there be will either Will any and tell them that my punishment is indeed a painful torment. My punishment, Allah is talking about his punishment. Although he's talking about his anger, he's not about himself. When talking about himself, he introduces himself as being the most forgiving, the Most Merciful. Each time you open up the Quran you read Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, In the Name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful In the Name of Allah, the Most

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Beneficent, the Most Merciful. Each time you open up the Quran, you come across the ayah he describes himself as a fool the most forgiving are Rahim the Most Merciful. This Allah is waiting for you to turn over a new leaf for you to take the initiative you need to take the step forward and Allah will most definitely forgive you of your sins in a beautiful Hadith codici Allah subhanho wa Taala states and also liason Allison has reported he has reported to have said to us through the Sahaba in one litre Allah Allah image Maria Nibbana demo son of Adam, La Bella, Nova Nana, Santa, even if your sins were to reach the heavens,

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but if you were to come to me, not associating partners unto me if you were to seek my forgiveness, I will forgive you of your sins.

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But I will barely and I will not care about your sins.

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And then he goes on to say that Oh son, Nevada, if you were to come to me with sins, equivalent to this planet to dunya, if you come to me without associating partners unto me, and if you seek my forgiveness, I will come to you with the forgiveness equivalent to that to match your sins.

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So think about it, look at how merciful Allah subhanho wa Taala is, and I mentioned this often, we were talking about Surat, right.

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There will be an individual who will cross the salaat last here with the last individual to cross the bridge. And with that, we'll wrap off the ceremony, Charles, he'll be the last individual to cross the bridge. And what did I say in terms of the individuals who will be crossing it towards the end, they will drag themselves they will crawl, there will be thorns, they will get, you know, they will become injured, they will scratch themselves, it'll almost be as if they're going to fall into the blazing fire of Jana.

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This last individual, his case will be the same. He will crawl he will drag himself and it'll almost be as if he's going to fall into jahannam. Many a time.

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He saves himself from falling into jahannam and he somehow crosses the bridge. If you cross the bridge you are successful because that is the last ordeal after which you will enter gender. If you have perhaps made it through all the other audios. The last one is the bridge if you make it past the bridge, what you learn in one minute you will save this man somehow he makes it to the other side. He looks back. He looks at the bridge and now he glorifies Allah, He thanks Allah, Allah Alhamdulillah I crossed the bridge, I'm safe now. I'm safe now. But still, he's worried he's scared, because he hasn't made it into gentlemen. nor has he been declared as a person of gender. Now what

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happens? He's bruised, he's injured, it's so hot, and he sees a tree. He sees a tree, a tree.

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So beautiful because it's not a tree planted by any human being. It is a tree planted by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the trees of Jenna, as per the description of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam to cover the shade of one tree of fast horse rider would have to get up for 100 years at a stretch without taking a rest to cover the shade of one single tree.

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Now this man, he sees a tree of gentlemen, and he cries and will last

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night at least rest by that tree by the shade of that tree. Let me go and fall down by the tree and let me just rest by the shade of the tree. Allah Subhana Allah will look at his slave and say, Oh, my slave.

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Will you promise Will you take a covenant and all of that you will not ask me anything if I were to grant you this wish of yours. And the men will stumble here and say well I promise I will not ask you anything else yet Allah I will not ask you anything else. Just let me go fall down by that tree. And Allah Subhana Allah will grant the request of the man and he will stumble and falter by that tree. Now when he respected elders and progress in Islam, this man is the last person to enter Jenna the last individual to enter Paradise bear that in mind, he goes and falls by the tree. He's now resting by the tree drinking from the waters by the tree. And then suddenly he observes another tree

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more beautiful than the tree that he's under. And now he cries to allow all law

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can I make it to that tree? It looks so much more beautiful a

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little wiser geneticists label myself slave. Did you not promise me that you will not ask me anything you know? Yeah, you are you asking something else? Will you promise me again that you will not ask me anything and I will grant you your request. The man cries or I promise you I will not ask you anything else y'all just let me go by that three lines. The Virgil grants the man his request, and he stumbles and falls by the next tree, only to observe another tree mo beautiful grand. He cries out.

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Can I make it to that tree

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lizer Virgil once again addresses if reminding him of his promises covenant. And then He grants that request as well and he makes it to the next tree the final tree.

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He goes and falls by the tree and then he sees the gates of Jenna in front of him the gates of Paradise in front of him. He hears the dwellers of Jelena the people of Jenna inside Jenna enjoying frolicking and merrymaking. He hears them, he hears them. He hears the beautiful sounds of Jenna, he can smell the fragrance of Paradise and he cries Oh

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Can I make it two decades of gender to go into Gemini? Can I make it by the gates of Gemini?

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Allah subhana wa tada then looks at this slave of his the last person to enter agenda and he says, Oh, my slave, will you stop asking me? Will it make you happy? If I were to give you a gin, that is equivalent to dunya and double it, if I were to give you a paradise, a agenda that is equivalent to dunya and double it, to which the man will cry out all Are you making fun of me, Allah? Are you making a mockery out of me? And then at that point, the narrator of the Hadith, even if it's rude, there'll be a long line. He smiles. He smiles. And then he looks at the companions around him and he tells them, Why don't you ask me why I'm smiling now. And then they all ask him. Why are you

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smiling? Even the one who then went on to say, I'm smiling? Because I'm following Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he narrated the Hadith to us, he too, smiled and laughed.

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What a beautiful sight. And then we all asked him your photo, why are you laughing? Why are you smiling? To which he replied, stating that the minute the man said this statement, a law the King of all kings, the maker, he will smile and love, he will smile and laugh, not like how a human being smiles and laughs He smiles and laughs in a manner that benefits his majesty and glory, he will smile and laugh and then he will say unto the slave, oh, my slave, I am not making a mockery out of you. I am not making fun of you, but rather I am all powerful, and I can do whatever I want to do, I can do whatever I want to do. My dear, prospective elders and brothers in Islam, as you can see, a

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lot of mozzarella is so merciful. But remember, you have a limited opportunity to invest for that life. The only signs of regret of the dwellers of general will be that Oh, I should have said one more Subhana Allah, I should have said one more one hamdulillah I should have said one mo Allahu Akbar, I should have said one more La ilaha illallah wa de la sharika.

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I should have said one goes behind Allah, He will be humbly Subhana Allah allow them for if I had said so another tree would be planted for me in the orchards of Jenna, another palace would have been built for me, another mansion would have been built. For me. This is the opportunity that you and I we have to invest for the hereafter. So take a time out, to do some soul searching, to audit yourself, to take yourself to account in terms of the time that you have spent in this world, in terms of the good deeds that you have done in terms of your sins, in terms of evaluating the quality of your good deeds as to whether the good deeds that you have done the Hajj that you have performed

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the oma that you have performed the subtle power that you have given as to whether you did all of that for the sake of Allah, Allah what he loved for the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala? Or did you do it for name and fame? Did you do it to be known as a righteous person, a charitable person, evaluate yourself, keep evaluating yourself and enhance the quality of your good deeds. There was once a righteous person who did the same thing. He took some moments he took a timeout to evaluate himself, he sat down at the age of 60.

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And he does some soul searching, he calculates how many days have gone by and he comes to a conclusion 365 into 60 is roughly 21,000 odd days, 21,900 days of my life, and then he thinks to himself

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about and then he cries out he screams, he screams out of fear. And he says even if I had perpetrated one sin per day, that would result in me having a grand total of 21,900 sins. How am I to go in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala with 21,900 sins, but think about it. The irony of it is that we do not commit one sin per day. We are perpetual sinners, we are continuous sinners, we keep sinning on a daily and continuous basis. Just imagine how much we need to seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala therefore, don't lose hope in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala And likewise, do not stop turning back to Allah subhanho wa Taala keep turning back to him in sincere

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Toba keep seeking His forgiveness of Hannah hora de Allah and stay away from sins stay away from things that displease Allah subhanho wa Taala strive hard to do as many good deeds as possible to try and follow the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam if you love Allah and if you love Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam proved that love by living the life

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Elijah Jin is that upon us many forgive our sins many except our good deeds and just as how united receiving this message may unite us in the gardens of Jenna with our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who is a, I mean was named hamdulillahi Rabbil aalameen

A Jumuah sermon delivered on the 28th of October 2016 at the Bambalapitiya Jumuah Masjid, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 04 in Sri Lanka.

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