Muhammad West – The Women Around the Messenger SAW – Episode 40

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The hosts of the CD series express their gratitude for the success of their efforts to reach a milestone and receive acceptance from Allah. They emphasize the importance of staying safe and family, and the need for women to participate in the upcoming weekend. The Sharia book of morality highlights the sadness of the sun and the prophets of Islam, and emphasizes the importance of teaching others to treat women with respect and honor. The segment concludes with a brief advertisement for the upcoming episode of the show.
AI: Transcript ©
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100 reliable alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Marine, our beloved brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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thank you so much for joining us this episode 40 of our CDs the blessing of women around the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we begin Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah with the praise and thanks to Allah subhanho wa Taala for granting us the ability to reach this milestone Episode 40. What a wonderful milestone for us. When we began the CDs, we didn't expect that we would go this far, and we can only thank Allah that we have been able to get to this level. So we pray to Allah, Allah to grant us acceptance from him to grant this be a means of goodness and height and Baraka by Allah subhanaw taala make this a means by which the oma is able to reconnect to the

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Prophet sallallahu Sallam that all those who participated in putting this together, myself and in the team at bronto Islam, our partners at Muslim Central and it was the cape, Allah bless all of us, I mean, and our families. And for those of you who've listened and she'd and I've seen through the questions from Allah bless you as well. And Melis kind of accept that from you your efforts. And let this be a small token of our love to the profits of Solomon's family, these 20 minutes that we take twice a week that he just be counted the Allah This is our little contribution, that we love other prophets also lamb and his family. And this is our devotion to our mothers. I hope that Allah

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subhanaw taala places in us a sense of connection with the prophet SAW Selim and his family, as we know that they are not just our role models that are just, you know, I want to be and his family but this is really our family as a Lost Planet. Allah has placed the wives of the Prophet of Allah is our spiritual mothers, the prophets of Allah is our spiritual father, and this is one family and one woman and these are like our parents in a spiritual sense. So I hope inshallah, that will be small efforts, we have come a lot closer to the noble Salaam and explicit family. Then, of course, this being where I am in the world, Cape Town, this is the 31st of December, it's the last day of 2018. I

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pray that Allah Subhana Allah forgives me and those who my love and for all of you as well, the mistakes and the errors that we've done for 2018 We thank Allah for granting us one more year of fasting in Uppsala. I'll accept all our EBI that and forgive all our shortcomings. May Allah subhanaw taala forgive those who have passed away, very dear people have passed away this year to you and to me as well. My father in law in particular has passed away this year. May Allah forgive him and have mercy on him by his grave and the grace of all those who have passed away, be a guardian of a garden agenda. And when we read it together with him in gentle for those army, and

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then looking forward to 2019 I pray that Allah subhanaw taala makes 2019 better than 2018 let us affirm our near today, that when the clock turns over to the new year, that this will be a better year for all of us. From a personal sense, in terms of a dean and our dunya. Allah grant has always best Mullah keep us safe and our family safe from the fitness and the difficulties MLR alleviate the suffering for so many Muslims across the world. 2018 has been a difficult year for many, many people. May Allah make it easy and may 2019 be a big year for all of us. While hamdulillah I mean, back to our series, and we were talking with regards to our mother, Mary Alka Tia and this is the

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second last personality, you know series will be one or two discussions around certain other names that might have popped up Rihanna you might have heard about her. And where does she fit into the picture? You might have heard about the June lady, the lady of Joan is an interesting story surrounding her and those little issues will cap off we complete our discussion of our mother Maria and Amanda maimunah. But we are still talking about our mother Mary, I'll keep the we will remember that we said that she was a Christian lady. She was given as a slave to the church by her parents. She and her sister city. They grew up in the church in Egypt. Very beautiful ladies very educated,

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very sophisticated ladies, but they were slaves. Nonetheless. They were sent as gifts to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and the prophets Allah accepted Maria as his concubine and serene she was given to Hassan even if it hasn't even established the power of the prophet or Salah. Very interesting, so hubby has certainly been a fair bit. And just a side note on him, you'd find that Sandra de Alon did not have the qualities maybe in terms of strength like Harlequin Waleed was unknown to be on the battlefield. In fact, he was really great. He never participated in jihad, because he wasn't able to fight. But we he was unable to do certain things when it came to giving poetry and being able to

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respond to the crush. They know Sahabi could stand up except Hasani mini fair bit, and then he stood up and he was able to respond in that manner. So we find in family law that the prophet SAW Selim surrounded himself with a team of people, and each one was specialized, and each one was gifted in their own right. Not everyone was the scholar. Not everyone was the 100 makings hobby. Not everyone was the warrior in jihad. Not everyone was generous, but each one had these things and this Subhanallah looking towards 2019

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What we need in terms of this oma is for each and every one of us to do and play one role within each and every one of us. We could be gifted in some way maybe Allah has given you intelligence, maybe Allah is giving you strength, maybe Allah has given you youth, maybe Allison has given you the ability to be creative, use these talents and the strength for the benefit of the oma. And this was the genius of the prophets of Salaam. He found, you know, goodness in every single companion, and he made them in charge. So you are going to be in charge of knowledge, you're going to be in charge of the army, you're going to be in charge of giving propaganda speaking or giving poetry. And this is a

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panel on what we need. We are a room of 1.8 billion people. We are gifted and talented. And we should be using these talents for our dunya and aka Allah subhanho wa Taala. Grant all of us to find our place in this room. I mean, so I signed him in ether, but the poet of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he was joined with Syrian, the sister of Maria. So we spoke about slavery at length, and we mentioned how this issue of concubines is within Islam. It's a permissible issue, although it's not encouraged Allah Subhana prefers as to too many women. So when the Prophet receives Maria, he speaks to her and he invites her into Islam. And she rejects Islam, and she rejects being a Muslim. And you

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know, from if you looked at Julia and Sophia, they came to him as slave women, the prophets have made them an offer. You can be set free, you embrace Islam, and I'll marry you. Or if you don't want to embrace Islam, it's your choice. The two of them embrace Islam, and he married them. Maria does not embrace Islam, so she remains his concubine. And while she's in Medina, the prophets of Salaam, even though she's not a Muslim, even though she rejects Islam, he spends a lot of time with her. And I should say is that the Prophet Sam treated her very, very well, that she says Ayesha says that no woman made her and hafsa as jealous or upset as Maria did, because number one, she was extremely

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beautiful. She was something you know, very exotic V, you know, spectacularly beautiful. I mean, imagine one king giving another king a gift, of course, he's not going to give any kind of woman. It's a very special kind of woman. What I should say is really upset them. The Prophet Solomon didn't treat Maria like a slave, you know, he didn't treat her like a slave or talk to her like a slave. He knew that she was lonely. She clearly was very upset being sent away from her home. She wasn't happy about this arrangement. And he spent a lot of time with her talking to her being friends with her. And he says, This is what upsets us the most, that he was only intimate with her

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if you only use the beautiful physical needs, it was almost understandable. But he treated us so nicely. And sometimes he would actually visit her. When she was feeling lonely. He came to it visited her, he in many ways, he treated her like a wife. And so I shouldn't have said really became upset about this. And they began putting pressure on him to leave her. At the same time. Our mother Maria also show you the level of homesickness, basically, when Maria and serene was saying, they were seen also with a male, relative, a cousin to basically on the journey to keep watch with him. And he stayed in Medina, and we were rumors that he and Maria has some kind of fee happening because

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he would come visit her when she was alone. Now, even though as we said, Maria, at this time was not a wife of the prophet SAW Salem, being part of his household. And again, as I said, in the last episode, when a man took a woman raised her right hand, she was treated like a wife, in the sense that she was only with him, she would not be alone with other men, she would only be alone with her husband, or this man that she had arrangement with. And therefore you don't just visit like you don't visit a man's wife alone. So similarly, the Maria had the same level of hijab, like the otherwise we see the wider the process of not only quitting, you'll be alone with him, but they had

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this extra level of hijab between them. And so when this man visits Maria, it became big issue. And so the prophet of Islam says to say, nalli go and investigate what's happening here between Maria and her cousin, see if there's a problem here. And so it's a gnarly investigates he finds its panel, this man is actually a unique. Now, again, this is something which the previous nations and Islam is very much against, they would do something like this. So they would have kings would have had him they would have a whole house basically, of women which the king or the ruler or the master would enjoy his slave women. And of course, these women have to be guarded and protected. So they are

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surrounded with male guards. But now what prevents the male guard from being with the ladies being intimate. So what they would do is they would castrate they would remove the male organ from these men, of course, completely haram and Al Sharia, we don't do anything like this. But if we found that this man that brought Maria and CD into the column, he was the cousin and he's a male organ was removed, because this is what they used to practice in other cultures. Of course, Islam is totally against us. So prophets also love. You know, Maria and Prasanna became very close and very intimate. And this was very difficult for half so I shot and we began to pressurize him to leave her Elisa

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narration that you find in the books of the scene. We know that the first is sort of the last one says, Yeah, you and maybe Lima to harima

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Hello hulak Oh prophet of Allah, Allah, why have you made forbidden Allah has made halal now, in hurry, and in the vast majority of Deaf series, we know the reason for this ayah was when Zeynep had given the proper salam, honey, and I should have said, Why did you smell so bad? So he said, Look, the only thing I ate was honey. And then they said, No, but this really makes your brain smell bad. And he felt so embarrassed about this, that he said from today, honey is haram. This is the standard view that this is the view that you find in the authentic books of Hadith. These eight another alternate narration, you find also in our books that mentions that have settled the law on her. She

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was out of our house. And then when she came back, she found that she was visiting Maria on her day, and she became very upset. And she said, Look, this is my day. And you have visited with Maria in my house. You know, you've just made me and Ayesha so upset all your wives. You've really made a salad with this lady. Why don't you send her away, we don't want to see her. This is something which is natural. Another woman would be very upset, seeing her husband with another woman, even though it is halal, even though this is his concubine, even though this is permissible in terms of Islam, but when the Prophet Allah saw how sad it may have saw in Asia, and he saw that this thing was really

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upsetting them. He said, You know what, if this thing upsets you so much, I don't need a woman like this that I've made a hard on for me, and I'll send her away if this is what you want. So she said, but how can you make it hard on this is something which Allah has committed to you. So he said, I have made it hard on for me, and I will send it away If it pleases you. And she will stay on the outskirts of Medina and I want visitor so have said, How can you do this? So he said, I'm in the Prophet took an oath. I've made it hard on me. And the Prophet said, Fine, I've made how long but don't spread the news. Don't tell everyone because it's a matter of the now. So don't split it. And

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don't tell anyone. Of course after couldn't keep it to herself. So she runs to Ayesha immediately as is. You know what? I got rid of Maria. I was the one that pressurized him enough. And then a lot of universe Oh, yeah. Why? oenb? Why have you made her alma Allah made? holla? Why are you sending Maria away? Maria didn't do anything wrong. She's also what about her feelings? wW, my daughter is watching. You want to please your two wives. But what about Maria, you and I have a relationship and she's excited to see you. So this is another narration. And this is the reason for this ayah although you find in Tafseer, of Kuru, to be getting away, technically, is a great book of deceit,

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written by a scholar in Cuba, in Spain in Andalus, Cordova, many 100 years ago, one of the great books of the seat, and he puts both Malaysians in his book, and he says when you look at authenticity, clearly the story of the honey is the authentic one. And this one about Maria is rather a spurious one. It's one that we don't accept. But a lot of these two narrations are they, nonetheless, because the promises of love so how much his wives were not happy with him visiting Maria, he did put her on the outskirts of Medina, and he would visit her not very often, when she became lonely, he would come visitor, but to please his wives, he basically did not keep himself

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with her. Ever since wahala, something completely unexpected, something which none of the other lives besides Khadija would have this honor. We found our mother Maria, falling pregnant with the son of the prophet SAW Selim. So after all these years, the prophets of Salaam now is in his 60s. And we said all these kids at this point perhaps maybe all these children have died besides Fatima only Fatima is still alive. All the sons had died. And yeah, Maria who people she falls pregnant, and she gives birth to a healthy baby boy, Ibrahim, some names him Ibrahim after his great great grandfather in prophet number. Ebrahim is, of course, the great great grandfather many generations

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of the prophets of Allah. So he names his boy Ibrahim, and you know, as part of like, the Prophet cillum, in his old age, we could say, was hoping perhaps this little boy would love this little boy would love outlive him. He had buried all these children, all the kids that he had with Khadija all of them he himself had buried besides Fatima, perhaps this one would survive. And he was very, very fond of this little boy. So he said Maria was living a little bit outside of Medina. And when Ibrahim was born, the proper Salam would now make an effort to basically, as much as possible go all the way to the outskirts of Medina, to visit his son and play with him. Sahaba would say that he was

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so fond of playing with his boy, he couldn't, you know, control himself would kiss him and pick him up. And also beautiful. We learned from this encounter, when Maria gave birth to Ibrahim, the prophet who said her son has set her free a son sensitively meaning when a woman gives birth to a slave woman gives birth to a child of the of the master, then we say the child becomes like a normal child, as if though, on par with all the other kids and the woman that he was worth, she becomes set free immediately. So there's another mechanism within the Sharia to sit in slavery. So now Maria becomes free because of her giving of birth to Ibrahim. And also perhaps this time we're just before

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just after she also embraces Islam, she also becomes a Muslim, and she remains and based on this generation, some scholars have said she remains a concubine, whereas others have 16 now

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becomes a wife of the Prophet of Islam based on the Hadith very clear Hadith, the prophet who says, her son has set her free, being a free woman, she's no longer a slave, yet she still remained a wife. When the prophet SAW them, they still had intimacy together. So from this basis, it's my opinion, although it'd be it's a minority view that she was actually a wife of the prophet SAW Selim. And of course, she had all the treatments of the white Laplacian and that she would not be married to anyone else besides Him, that you could not be alone with her. She had this extra level of hijab. So all these would indicate that she was and rather than a slave, she was really a wife of

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So now this little boy Ibrahim, and also lamb would visit him and also Ibrahim, living outside of Medina, he would be suckled by the wife of a blacksmith all the women who would come and they would say, give us the honor to breastfeed your son, yes, but also Salim, and one of the Sahaba he was a blacksmith, his wife got this honor. And so the problem would visit him in his workshop, sometimes with a smoke and just to visit the sun Ibrahim. After about a year and a half, 18 months or so, the small boy begins to get sick and his condition deteriorates. And so behind Allah, it becomes clear that this boy won't live very long. And this is very sad for

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the professor lamb. So this is a beautiful Hadith where the Prophet Allah goes with the Sahaba all the way to the blacksmith's house. And Ibrahim is the with Maria is within city and he's with and the small boy is basically dying. So the professor picks up the boy, and he holds the boy and he's crying, the university, his tears are flowing. And he says, oh, Ibrahim, it makes me very sad for you to go. But the only thing that gives me some happiness, the consolation is that I know that this isn't the decree of love. This is the will of Allah. And if Allah subhanaw taala decrees something we submit ourselves to eat, Allah only decrees that which is best. So we submit that this is the

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decree of Allah. And we also feel comfortable, he seems to be boring, I feel comfortable, I feel happy that we will soon meet each other that soon we will meet each other in Africa. So when the Sahaba see the prophecy from Corinne, and Pamela amazing. There are many, many hadith of him laughing and smiling father would say we always when we saw him, he was smiling. But they didn't see him crying very often, you know, to see him with tears was not something that was very common. So harbor city understood a lot. What are these tears, you're crying, and the Prophet peace be upon him says that to cry is nothing wrong. It's not haram for us to cry when someone dies. We we can cry in

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the eyes feel sad and the heartfield said, but the tongue never says anything disrespectful to allow ungrateful to Allah. Even if our rocket is hard if even if our souls are being pulled, we still give harmed we give praise to Allah spirit Allah, this is the believer. Yes, we allowed to feel sad. Yes, we miss those who have passed away. Yes, we cry when we think of them. But when we were to ask, How do you feel we said hamdulillah Praise to Allah, whatever Allah has decreed is the best, I submit myself to Allah, Allah knows, and I don't know. But I feel sad. I miss my father, my mother, my children, this is fine, no problem. So the problem is crying em, and Sahaba cry with him. You can

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imagine Maria and Siri and the two of them are very, very sad. So you know, of course, being auntie and Maria, the mother, she's crying, you know, really, really sad at losing her son, and Subhanallah at that moment, it was very sad environment. In this INSEAD atmosphere, something amazing happens. The sun itself becomes eclipsed, the sun is covered by the moon and the day becomes dark. And also haba become, you know, shocked. So naturally, the Sahaba they try to put two and two together. They say Oh, because of the Prophet son, as part of the way the sun the issue in the sun has become eclipsed. And this must be that the sun is maybe sad, or some sign that you know something amazing

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has happened. And when the prophets of the years this in his grief, in his moment of sadness, in his moment of a father losing a son, he's still gonna be he's still a teacher. And he says to the sahaabah, don't say this, that really the sun and the moon is the assigns of a law. And they basically travel according to the commandments of a law, they in their own orbit. And they do not Eclipse for people in the dunya nothing on the earth affects them. The processes are independent from the earth, the sun and the moon's processes the orbiting has nothing to do with what happens on the outside panel. Number one, we learned so many things from this number one, as we see even in his

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grief. When it comes to teaching the oma this comes first, his personal sadness secondary. Number two, this shows you the truth of his new book. This would have been an ideal opportunity for a fraudster a charlatan to take advantage of this harbor. But here the problem is very clearly teaching them that this eclipse and my son dying has nothing to do with each other. There's no link between it just a coincidence. And then he teaches them that these are special salada to make this a lot of the kossuth It's a lovely Eclipse when this The sun is being eclipsed when the moon is being eclipsed, in fact, then you make solar during the duration of the eclipse for quite a long play. You

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actually come back up out you go into the pool and you come back up from Morocco and you continue the cycle again

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And then you go into the pool and you finish the rocker. It's quite long during the duration of Eclipse, because these are of the Ayat of Allah, it's something you see the magnificence of Allah. And you actually spend this time in all and fear and love of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But nothing to do with my son passed away, Ibrahim. So this Mandala very tender moment in the life of the prophets, Allah Ibrahim is buried along with all these other children, as we said, every single child of the rosary would pass away except Fatima only who passes away. You know, just a few weeks after he passed away about a few months of the passes away. And the professor lamp would remain as we said

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Maria would remain with him she embraces Islam, and she stays with him as his wife, she continues to along with the other wives once the apostle and passes away, she remains on Islam and she does not go back to her religion. And she stays as the wife of the prophet SAW Selim into the caliphate of say the middle the Allah and we don't know much about her she didn't do much after that, that she passes away and say normally it's mentioned performing the Genesis Allah on her and she's buried in Medina, along with the other women are the prophets also let me name Bucky cemetery close to Ebro him his son was buried the son of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So if we sit about the prophet SAW

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Selim, all of his children, seven children was given to him or born to him by ha deja Sahaja is the only woman that Bo, all his children, except for Ibrahim, right at the end, Maria had the honor of being a child of Salaam and you might ask, you know, what is the wisdom behind this? And he clearly one of the clear wisdoms of this is Allah is teaching once again through the family of the porcelain, how to treat a slave woman from this. Some may say, why did the person keep as a slave initially? Why didn't he just free her one of the reasons he didn't embrace Islam, the prophet SAW, so long as the Quran mentions, he's not allowed to marry a woman that's not a Muslim. So the fact

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that she didn't embrace Islam, number one, number two, it also teaches from this marriage. And at that time, it was relevant, our time is not so relevant anymore, how to treat these slave women that you treat them as if though they are your wives with the same level of care and comfort and respect. And then of course, how to set them free. So the prophets of Solomon says that what you should be doing is not keeping these women slaves, rather, train them, educate them, give them a label of honor, and then set them free and then marry them. This is a law once alone once as to sit the slave women free, and take them rather as wives, rather than concubines, and that the children born from

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these women are just as, as we said, legitimate, they are your kids as the kids of your other wives. In fact, I mentioned this to someone in the week that the majority of the hollyford of Islam, the rulers of this room, the mothers were slave women, because the king would have many wives, many slaves, and the firstborn son to the king would be the next Khalifa. And many a time it would be a slave woman, it would give him a beat him the first time, so many of the cadavers of Islam, the mothers were actually slave women, foreign women, and Subhanallah, we didn't distinguish a man based on his way his mother came from well, hamdulillah. And then of course, the final thing we take from

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this story is that if you look at the tendinous, the problem head for a woman with a concubine, a woman who wasn't even a Muslim, when we were to ask ourselves, what about your wife, your wife that is not a slave, your wife that came to you willingly, Maria, of course, didn't come willingly she came as a slave, your wife who gave herself to you, if nikka? How then should we be treating these women? how things should we kind of comfort and respect and softness? Should we be giving to our wives? I mean, swallow. And if this is how the problem treats a slave, then how should we be treating those closest to us, so behind a lot. And lastly, I mean, the final point is, we mentioned

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that you'd find when the person passes away, it says that he never ever kept slaves. It shows you his sooner that Zaid was a slave set him free, Sophia joia, Maria, many slaves came to him, and he said them for him, he did not die, except that all his slaves yet free. And every single person that was a slave to him, when given the option to be free, and to leave him, they made the choice that they would rather remain with him, to be surrounded with him like they'd prefer to be with him, than to even go with his family, to show you the kindness and the kind of men of some of them was my love, bliss has to be of the to follow the student have to be so solemn, not just in our actually by

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that, but more in terms of his character in how we treat others, and as follow you sooner, in the way he smiled in the way he treated his wives and his children and Sahaba when we bring that kind of love to our families into to all the people around us Muslim or non Muslim alike, and be a source of goodness in this dunya especially going into the new year. Thank you so much for any questions, concerns or comments with [email protected] will continue. In our next episode with the final personality maimunah the last wife of the Prophet says I love me more, and we'll discuss it and further other controversial issues with regards to women in Islam, and we hope that inshallah as we

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reach Episode 50 will conclude the series. Thank you so much, Solomonic light, but again, you

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