Sajid Ahmed Umar – Seerah S4 E13 – Adoption and Hijaab Laws before the expedition of al Hudaybiyyah

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the history of Islam, including the marriage of the Prophet sallali Alayhi wa sallam to the Prophet sallali alayhi wa sallam, the implementation of Islam's values, and the use of the "offering" of the Prophet sallama. The segment also touches on the importance of staying in a relationship with Islam, including the marriage of a child to the Prophet sallali Alayhi wa sallam and the secret marriage of the Prophet sallama. The segment also touches on the history of WhatsApp and the use of fostering children in the church. The segment concludes with a call to action for the next day to discuss the history of the "hams" and their use in the context of deeds.]]
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa buisiness stain on saliendo Salim Anahata Munna bien Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira lamb Deen a My bad. Rubbish actually sorry, were sadly Emery while you look at the tembi lissoni yufka, who probably are praise belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala. We praise Him, we seek his assistance.

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We seek His guidance and we seek refuge in Him from the evil of ourselves and the adverse consequences of our deeds. We testify always the room service Allah guides them can misguide. And whomsoever He misguided and then can guide and we request praises and blessings upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. If we were to start, there's no one worthy of worship besides one Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is His Messenger and to my brothers and sisters in Islam, Salam O Allah here alikum warahmatu wabarakatuh and welcome to another episode of blast from the past Sierra in the 21st century. This is our season four, and in particular, we are on

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episode number 13. Pamela, the days are moving along

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fast and we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to accept our efforts during the past

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and during the past days, and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless what remains I mean your Bellamy brothers and sisters in Islam. Yesterday we completed the expedition of Belo Cordova and

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we spoke about the Sierra entering a new phase that a tipping point has now taken place and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he declared that they will not now they will they will no more attack us, but rather the offensive will be from us. To them and to others. Islam will be taken offensively the message of Islam, the justice of Islam, the mercy of Islam will be taken offensively to to the others.

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So this marks a tipping point, right? Because

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you can imagine you have a situation where

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teams of tribes came together, and they failed to achieve the intended outcome. Islam, if anything, is stronger than before the arrival, the confidence of the Muslims, if anything, is stronger than before the arrival and their confidence is no doubt lower than it was before but no NaVi, you know managed to instigate them and cause them to regroup. So, you can imagine that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam statement here isn't just said in vain. He is highlighting a reality based on contemplation based on pondering over the situation and no doubt he's, he's guided by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, beating the heater Allah when we talk about this last phase of the Sierra, then

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generally It begins with the expedition of a Hodeidah when the Muslims left with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to perform, Amara, and then it continues until, like we said, this is the last phase of the Sierra so until the eventual passing away of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But before we go into

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the events of today via

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the headlines that we can't ignore, prior to this expedition expedition of of hood Abia and from them, I will pick to number one, the abolishment of adoption and secondly, the hijab becoming compulsory. Okay, so laws did come in there were there were other laws that came in, but I want to pick these two in terms of the scope of our lessons together to discuss and as I always remind my brothers and sisters, please do make it a point to go back to the zero books and read up and catch up the in betweens right the gaps that have been made out of necessity, given the scope of our series together, right. So it's not that we taking everything in our series together, there's much

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that we haven't taken, but inshallah It is hoped that our series together will be that which will act as a catalyst that which will instigate you to actually pick up a Syrah book and read it cover to cover, Viva La Italia. So there's two things

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Want to discuss before the expedition of Arabia number one, the abolishment of adoption, right. And secondly, the hijab and with regards to the first one the abolishment of adoption, we cannot discuss this before discussing a famous Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam zedi been haritha Ravi Allah and, and also Zainab bint jahsh Ravi Allah Who is the mother or a mother from the mother of the believers, the eventual wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So let's kick off with the abolishment of adoption. Now, in a nutshell, brothers and sisters in Islam during Jaya helliya. During the period of ignorance,

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a person could take the child of someone else under their care and bring them up in their home, and they could change their name. This is this is what we mean by adoption, right? They could change their name, change the name of the Father changed the lineage, they could edit their lineage. So if a person was Zaid, the son of haritha for example, he could now become Zaid, the son of Muhammad. This was a normal practice before Islam abolished it. And this is eight rhodiola. And he was brought up in the home of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. So he was known and he was called Zaid Ibn Muhammad. He wasn't the real son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and we know what the

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Divine Wisdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala decreed that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam buried all of his sons before they they grew up.

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But Zaid was known as Zaid, the son of Muhammad, and in the norm, they would consider this person the adopted son of another person. Now, this is different to the concept of Foster. Right. This is adoption as we have in some climates today in some locations today, whereby you adopt a child and that child takes the name of your family and is treated as part and parcel of the family even in terms of lineage. And this is what Islam came to change. And that's what we're going to discuss in sha Allah. So, the zayde and this Zane How does Zane have come in? Well, Xena fragola her and how she was the cousin of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. She was very pious, she was a

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righteous lady. She was known to stand the Knights in prayer, and she's too fast during the day, and she was extremely generous. And SubhanAllah. She was so amazing in terms of her character and in terms of her faith and her worship, that despite the sensitivities between co wives, they would praise Xena rhodiola and her and acknowledge Subhanallah her virtue eyeshadow the Allah who

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also is outspoken in terms of praising the faith and character of Zainab bint jahsh, in fact, that he narrates a famous event that happened between the wives and the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam in that

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they asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who will be the first one to pass away after you Who will be the first one to join you after you depart. Right so after you pass away, who will be the first one to join you? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the one with the longest hands. So the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they started putting their hands out, measuring who's got the longest hands.

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And to my memory, I recall it was soda. That was rhodiola that was declared to have had the longest hand when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam passed away. The first person to pass away from his wife often was enough, probably on the one hand, and Asia or the other one had declared then we understood what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam meant when he said the one with the longest hands, he meant the one who gives the most in charity to handler, right, so she was inspirational, Xena rajala and now

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everyone has everyone who's a human being is gonna have a weak spot. Okay, so it is also reported that zeyneb robiola her and her

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her weak spot was that she had a temper she could she could she could get upset and get angry quickly. But despite this, with her knowledge of the Quran, and what Allah subhanho wa Taala loves for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala she worked on it, and she would come herself down for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, Zaid, rhodiola and as we said earlier, he was the son of haritha. And he was the freed slave of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So he was he was a slave boy in the home of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam raised him and freed him, and he was considered to be the adopted son of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam as we said earlier, now, we've spoken about zayde. We've spoken about Zainab.

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Let's speak about context. What's the context here? Well, the context here is that Allah subhanho wa Taala. He abolished the adoption system. Okay, and we will take the details of it just now or the verses about it just now. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted

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To effect this in.

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Well, before we get there before we get there, there's some more context. We know that Islam came to preach equality in terms of everybody's proposition. To worship Allah, everyone's proposition to build their paradise. Islam came with this with this equality. It didn't differentiate between the male and the female. Nor did it differentiate between classes of people classes that no doubt what a system made by man. Islam came to abolish this, there were verses about this, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam wanted to, if to, to see meant to establish to consolidate this abolishment in practice. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam saw an opportunity. Zaid wanted

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to get married the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam wanted to help him get married, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam saw this as an opportunity in zayde, the freed slave of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam remember slave so he seen at a particular level of class, she wanted to get him married to Xena bins, jesh Xena bins Yashoda her and her there was no doubt with the Arabs in terms of how notable she was and how noble she was. So if St. Mary's zayde, then this in practice consolidates the reality of Islam, that Islam doesn't have a class system rather the yardstick for understanding who is greater from who is lesser with Allah subhanho wa Taala is

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darker. And nobody has a tequila meter on the head or on the heart or on the hand that you can just open and see what's your one meter. What's your take on meter. Okay, you better than him, does it work like that? Only Allah knows our levels of taqwa. And it will be these levels will be exposed on the day of gamma. So before that no one has a right to claim someone is better than the other person or judge based on skin color, or race and so on and so forth. Okay, so in this is the context here in terms of this discussion of Zainab and Zaid and also there's the context of adoption which we will come to just now. So what happened in a nutshell, and I'm summarizing this very quickly, the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he went to Zainab to propose on behalf of ziet.

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When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam proposed on behalf of Zaid, Zainab refused, she didn't feel comfortable, she wasn't happy. She refused. She says, No, I can't marry him. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said no, you should marry him.

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He said you should he insisted. So then Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed a verse in the Quran as you Mama tabari and others highlight in the books of tafsir were mechanically meaning and we recited this verse in earlier episodes the season one mechanically meaning what I mean nothing either tabula rasa. Hakuna homophile Rahman and Rahim Allah revealed that it wasn't for a believing male and a female that when Allah commands or his Rasool commands that these people that you feel the people receiving the command, they feel that they have a choice in the matter.

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So when this verse was revealed, Zeynep submitted she says all messenger of Allah, will you be happy that I marry him? Because Allah is saying that if the if Allah command or the Russell's command comes, you shouldn't feel that you have a choice. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Yes, I am happy that you marry him. So she said, I will not disobey the Prophet of Allah Subhana Allah look at the submission. Now it was the color of Allah subhanho wa Taala that the marriage didn't work out. Right? They got married, they lived together, but there was turbulence. It was, you know, Zaid was eight Zeynep was enough. She had her short temper, and you know, there was turbulence in

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the marriage. And then Zaid went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he was he complained to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allow this marriage to end and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him to be patient and told him to fear Allah with regards to Zeynep to remain in the marriage, right? And generally, this is the general this is the normative advice of Islam. Right? As Allah says panaway to emphasize for encourage to buena fossa and Takahashi wired your way Dr. La houfy

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right Allah subhanho wa Taala says that, you know, sometimes you might dislike her.

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But sometimes it's a case where you dislike something and Allah puts a lot of good in it.

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Right so a child comes from the marriage, and that child is a means of bringing you together and it's a means of you know, shifting your paradigms in the child becomes a means of your place in paradise growing because you raised that child well together with this with this woman. And that child went on to reach levels of emotion that the parents did it. And Allah subhanho wa Taala promised when Latina Amman whatever it Maria To him be a man it will happen a bean burrito. Allah says in the Hereafter, if the children are at a higher level in Paradise and the parents at a lower level in Paradise, Allah will raise the parents to the level of the children

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so that they can be together in paradise Subhana Allah so this is a this is amazing goodness that Allah subhanho wa Taala can sometimes put if

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A couple decided to be patient and live with each other

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upon that, which pleases Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then this child comes to me. So this is what the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam advised Zayed but the problems continued. And around a year after the marriage, they both did. They felt look, you know, we tried. We tried, it's not working out. And we don't want to be a burden for a Muslim brother or a Muslim sister.

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Right, we don't want to be a negative force on our Eman and our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because when a husband and I have lived together and it's not going well, then it affects the worship eventually, it affects the character, they start, you know, behaving in a particular way with each other. And this is no doubt not true to who they are. Right, so they retrogressive, they're going backwards, they leaving the values that they were upon. So here they shall be as as if it's a case whereby your union now is going to destroy you hear you hear after destroy your ability to become the potential that you wish to be in terms of your relationship with Allah subhanho wa

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Taala and you have sincerely tried, right? Then hear this as a last solution. You know, you depart from each other Islam doesn't create a prison in a system that's not sustainable. Right. So they mutually decided to end the marriage. Now our highlight mutually decided to end the marriage because unfortunately, those who have agendas against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they tried to use his eventual marriage to Zane up in the wrong light. And they try and lay claim that he instigated a one party and the other party and you know, he he wanted to marry Xena. So, you know he needed this marriage to end so then he could have her for himself and what he has to be? Well Hola,

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La quwata illa Allah.

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Allah Allah Allah, Allah, Allah volumen

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may Allah be upon those who oppress these are oppressive statements as we can see, it's the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the cousin to Xena. He grew up seeing her he knew her from before hijab if you wanted to marry her, why would he go to Satan and propose on its behalf to Zane up and then now in some, some people are getting creative with the imagination, come up with something that doesn't make sense that you do all this and then you work against your previous context or law understand. So it's important that we understand that it was mutually decided between the two parties that this should end in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't intervene further and

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their marriage broke and zeyneb went into the Edo period, the waiting period that a woman has to go into after divorce.

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Now, now that we're done with that, let's come to the adoption situation. Okay, it's bringing the adoption context back in the same year, in the same year of this event of zayde, marrying Zeynep Allah subhanho wa Taala forbade adoption, right? Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed my Jihad Allah Julio radziwill, immune kobane if he jiofi webmanager Allah azza wa jal Kamala e to the hero Lamine who nomadic, one magic

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Valley Kampala come before he come on La Jolla pool will help or who disobey Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed Allah is not made for a man to hearts in his interior. And Allah has not made has not made your wives whom you declare unlawful to you Your mother's because the Arabs had a practice before whereby they would say to the wife that you are to me like my mother.

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Right? So trying to say that she is haram for him. So they would try to punish their wives by saying I've made you forbidden to me. We cannot have the relation, the relations that a husband and wife can have that you are to me like the back of my mother.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala said, No, no, no, no, no, this statement doesn't make a haram for you. This statement doesn't make a harm for you. And there's an entire surah about this in

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this entire surah where the laws of this are highlighted in known as Surah mujaddid, at the beginning of the 28th juice of the Quran. So Allah said that Allah has not made your wives whom you declared unlawful. Your mother's even by you saying they're like, like they are to you like your mother. They're not your mother's. Allah hasn't made that

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hasn't revealed that law, so that's false. Then Allah says, Allah, Allah has not made you adopted sons, your true sons. Allah hasn't made that, despite what you say, and despite what you believe, and despite your culture, and despite your normative values, now receive the love from Allah. Allah has not made this true.

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You calling them your sons is merely you saying by your mouth that would you believe but Allah speaks the truth and Allah guides to the right way. Allah here

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goodwill help. Allah speaks the truth. Well, we have to Sabine Allah invites to the right way. Then Allah said, order room, Li Abba, he who were up in south or in the law, Allah subhanho wa Taala said call them by the names of the fathers. This is more just with Allah subhanho wa Taala. For Allah created them in connectivity to their parents, they were born to a mother, who and a father. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says it is more just to Allah, that you don't change the lineage and you call them by their father's names, not by the adopted father's names. Then Allah said, find them to Alamo aku. Now, this is a circumstances of situation. If it's a case whereby you do not know who

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their fathers are, then they are your brothers in religion. This son who you brought up, who is your adopted son, he is not your true son, he is your brother in faith. Allah says if you don't know who their fathers are, then they are your brothers in religion and those entrusted to you. And then Allah says and there is no blame upon you for that which you have earned, but only for that which your hearts intended. And Allah is Ever Forgiving and Merciful. Alright, so Allah subhanho wa Taala differentiates between a person who does something intending to do wrong, and the person who does it by mistake, because naturally it can happen that after a law comes down by mistake, you call someone

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by the adopted father's name and not the Father's name because you're getting used to the new legal system. Allah says if there's mistakes, there's no issues, but if it's intended, then you have indeed.

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Now, the scholars of the Sierra some of them have highlighted that this was revealed when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam married Zane up eventually. And the hypocrite started saying that look at this man. How can he marry the divorced wife of his son?

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Right? So Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed this to say that this this wasn't his son. It was his adopted son.

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And him marrying her further cements and consolidates that Zaid was not his son, because if Zaid was his son, then the law of Allah dictates that the father in law cannot marry the daughter in law once he's divorced. So the fact that zeyneb is married to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and Allah is the one who made this marriage happen because Allah says, Oh, well generika Allah married xenium to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is proving firsthand that that Zaid isn't the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, but the brother in faith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and someone who is interested to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, and someone who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam freed. So here we see. So we brought to context right, we wrote the context of the class system with the Arabs, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, wanting to break it in practice. And also here we see brothers and sisters in Islam, in practice, the adoption system being broken. So in one event, we see two values of Islam being cemented and consolidated to exist until the day of the AMA. So when Zaid came out of a waiting period, what happened? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this time sent Zaid to propose on his behalf to sign up.

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Right now remember, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam first went to sign up. And he proposed on xanes behalf. Right, but now we have a situation where Zaid is going to propose on behalf of

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of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Right. So this is this is just phenomenal. This is just phenomenal. So let's see what happens. So zayde goes to designers home. And it he said that he couldn't look at her. Why couldn't he look at her? Well, he couldn't look at her Firstly, because they are strangers to each other. Right. But you could argue that this was before hijab was revealed so he could look at her. So some other scholars have said he couldn't look at it because of the problems they had when they were together. Right. It was a difficult marriage. You know, sometimes when things are difficult and you look at someone who has a means of you know, you feeling negative

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all the time it you you feel you feel sad, so he didn't look at her. But he without looking at her. He said to her, oh, Xena Rejoice, rejoice. Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is proposing now saying that when she had this, she she didn't you know she was calm. She was a lady. She says, I don't have an answer. Now. I will seek guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala Subhana Allah, look how everyone felt they had direct contact with Allah subhanho wa Taala. I mean, we know that the messenger is getting revelation, which he didn't say I will go to the messenger and ask him to ask Allah. No, she says I will ask Allah myself and wait for guidance from Allah subhanho wa

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Taala then I will make this

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Asia Subhana Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala guided her heart.

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And the point here brothers and sisters in Islam is the Sahaba never felt that they needed a grave to go to,

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to worship Allah and ask from Allah.

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And some people say no, I don't go to worship the grave. I go to ask the dead person in the grave because the dead person was pious, so he can ask Allah and might be, where did this come from?

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If this was the case, why didn't they go to the prophets of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a rule in matters like this, they might have gone as an exception.

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Like when you know Okasha told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, ask Allah to make me from the 70,000 that will enter Paradise without any accountability.

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And that was a unique situation. But look at Xena here. She's teaching us that as a rule, everyone had direct contact to Allah. You don't have to go to an Imam, to get to have made for you or for guidance to be received by you. Go to Allah directly. You don't have to go to a grave go to Allah directly. Zeynep said I will not answer until I see guidance from Allah. What did she do? She went to a place of worship. She had her dedicated place of worship and she worshipped Allah subhanho wa Taala and sort of Allah subhanho wa Taala his guidance and Allah subhanho wa Taala guided her heart and the marriage took place. Now. Just coming back to Zaid, we don't want to leave Zaid out in the

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cold. You know

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because remember he was zayde the son of Muhammad, this is an honor.

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Right there. I'm called Zaid, the son of Mohammed. Now this is taken away.

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This is taken away.

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He's no mosaic the son of Mohammed. He can't boast about that. But where did Allah subhanho wa Taala do? Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed his name in the Quran to be recited until the day of care. Allahu Akbar. What's an honor? That My name is the only name out of all the companions that exists in the Quran.

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Subhana Allah.

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Right so Allah subhanho wa Taala has arrived he mentions zayde Allah subhanho wa Taala his fellow merkaba ada min has a demeanor the Zed is a bill haritha.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says when zayde

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had no need for Zeynep for her, Allah says Allah married Zane up to you or Mohammed in order that they be upon that is that no discomfort falls upon the believers concerning the wives of the adopted sons when they no longer have a need for them.

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Because what can be said now any even if someone still was battling you know the the Jay Haley the period of ignorance that you know what? He married his adopted sons ex wife, right? No, Allah married him to Zane up. So by Allah doing it in this way any discomfort was lifted because these Sahaba were submitted to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala that forget about there's no way to interpret this. There is no way to interpret it. Nobody can say oh, you know, that person got Zeynep married to the Prophet because, you know, the Prophet told him and he had to know there's no room for interpretation here. Allah subhanho wa Taala himself, he officiated the marriage and Zane have

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used to be proud of the she's to boast about this to the other wives, that all of us you got married by your guardians, your guardians, your male guardians got you married to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah married me himself to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but as far as a to Han Allah, his name was now in the Quran until the day of pm and Subhana Allah, we talk about this time and time again. You know, whoever gives up something for the sake of Allah, Allah will give them something better.

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If you look at Zaid, he didn't complain when the rule was changed for the sake of Allah. So Allah gave him something better. If we look at Zeynep she didn't complain. She didn't dis obey the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam command for her to Mary's it

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she did it for the sake of Allah and to please Allah. So Allah gave her something better she became the mother of the believers in the wife of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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we're not talking fairy tales here, brothers and sisters in Islam, this is real, this is real life stuff.

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Now, sorry for the colloquial reference.

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Now one thing that I want to say subpanel I wanted to talk about hijab. inshallah, let's let's do that, because we want to we have to get through the series in sha Allah. But before that, I want to say something because I spoke to you earlier about how some of the enemies of Islam tried to spin this whole marriage of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam about his marriage to design the eyeshadow, the Allah and he says, If Allah messenger was to keep a secret, any verse in the Quran, any verse in the Quran, it would be

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verse number 37 from Curatola hub with the kulu levena and I'm Allahu alayhi wa and I'm le E mc Kalika xojo Tila was to Hafiz

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NFC comm Allah who nobody

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will know when Tasha

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Allah subhanho wa Taala said to reveal to Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that remember remember? Oh Mohammed, when you said to Zaid, the one whom Allah bestowed a favor, and you burst out favor by him getting married to Xena and being freed by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when you said to him when he came to complain to you and say I want to divorce my wife, and you said to keep your wife in fear Allah

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and you said that whilst concealing within yourself, that which allow us to disclose, what was Allah going to disclose? Allah is going to disclose the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam having to marry Xena.

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But Allah knows what's in the hearts of the people remember what Allah said about the country the Muslims that accept whatever Luna Bella Luna you had assumptions about Allah. When Allah Xu Q, Allah also knew what was in the hearts of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when the blockchain was at Karnataka, Lobo Chica sama, Allah said Allah can see you constantly looking to the sky for guidance. Allah knows what is in your heart. Here. Allah says to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah knew what you were shy to disclose what you feared disclosing because you feared the reaction of the people.

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Right now did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam know he was going to marry Xena.

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The scholars of Tafseer explained and this is a plausible explanation. They say that he didn't have the exact details. But he forecasted it happening when he understood Allah subhanho wa Taala abolishing adoption and Zedd being known to be his adopted son. So he understood a pattern and he

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forecasted this happening and it was something that you know, it was something that he felt disturbed about not disturbed because it's the law of Allah but naturally as a human being, you know, the people how are they going to manage this what turbulence what fitna is going to happen. So Allah is reminding the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now this is amazing from eyeshadow Viola and how because this shows her knowledge of the Quran. Firstly, remember during the slander, the great cylinder She goes, I don't know the Quran as much as the senior Sahaba do. But she knew the Quran she's saying if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was to hide anything from the Quran,

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he would have hidden this verse, because this verse is exposing him.

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It's exposing him. So Allah Allah He was, but he recited the verses by little mountain Zilla Alaykum Arabic as Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed him convey what Allah has revealed to you. While I'm different from a bill of 30 Salat and if you don't, you have gone against the trust, which is to convey the message.

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But Allah promised him Allah who asked him to come in and as Allah will protect you from the thoughts and the harm of people and Allah protected this messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this is, in a nutshell,

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the breaking of the class systems in practice and the breaking of the adoption rules in practice. And that's why today brothers and sisters in Islam, the term fostering is preferred over adoption that you do bring a foster child into your home and treat them as your child but you don't adopt in that you don't change their father's name.

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You don't create a system whereby with time, this person will be seen to be your real son and their children will be seen to be your real grandchildren, etc.

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Because Allah and the DF gamma will call us in association with our fathers names. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam married Zeynep. And when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam married Xena, there was a banquet and there were rules revealed about the do's and don'ts of the walima. As I said, Go back to the books of the zero this is not part of the scope of our discussion together.

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And also, the rules, the rules of hijab was revealed. Now Anasazi Allah and he says that Allah subhanho wa Taala is messenger when he was going to get married to sign up, or he contracted marriage, and he went to his wife. So the marriage was done. This was the walima he was going to feed people as as part of the marriage banquet, my mother also name, she prepared a meal, a small, small dish, it's not a which is, to my knowledge, it's like dates with honey and fat, or dry fat and dates and honey, right, it was something that was considered special.

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And she placed it in a in a in a clay vessel. And she told us take it to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and give him my Salaam and tell him this is a small gift for you. So he went and he told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, my mother passes you Salam and she has left you this kiss she sent me with this gift. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to to ns, remember and this also grew up for a while with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because he was in the service of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam for 10 years, he was like a hard helper. Right?

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to place it here, and then go and invite on

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My behalf. So, you know this person and this person and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam named some people and also whoever you meet.

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So, I just went and invited them.

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So, when ns is narrating this, the the person listening to us, he says and as how many people were there, right? So this inquisitive mind is nice because it helps us. And so the other one says there was about 300 people 300 people came, so, the entrance to the house of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was full, and the crowd went into, into the masjid of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to us, bring me that clay vessel of food, and let the guests Enter. And

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, said to the guests that sit in circles of 10, sit in circles of 10.

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And every person, so sit in circles of 10, around the dish, and everyone should eat from the dish, but eat from the part that is closest to you. So a group of 10 came, they ate their food, they left another group came, they ate to their food, they left, another group came, they ate to the food, they left panela until they were done, and they were full. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said to lift the pot, this clay pot, so he lifted it, and I say Subhanallah when I looked at it,

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I couldn't assess whether it had more food than when I came. Or when I lifted it. I don't know, when I came, it was full, but it feels like it's even more fuller now. So

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unless continues to say that after that, after the people had been served a group of the guests they remained, and they were talking in the house of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam you know, like what happens sometimes when you go and you meet someone and then you have the meal and then after the meal, you sit in the lounge and there's chit chat taking place. So they were sitting and they were chatting and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam You know, he his house is small, his wife was facing the wall. And Anna says this, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sitting all the time without her face facing the wall. Now Allah knows best was this before hijab,

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but after hijab, but around this period, this is when with regards to this banquet, the rules of hijab was revealed which means even before hijab, the women had modesty, when it came to themselves and their manifestations in the presence of men.

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So he was sitting, and she Oh, sorry, she was sitting facing the wall. And most probably and Allah knows best, the hijab was revealed after this event.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best but the point is, irrespective of when it was revealed, the point is modesty existed with the women, even before hijab was revealed. So the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sat facing the wall, and these men were here having their chit chat and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he felt, you know, a bit disturbed troubled by this by them not leaving but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam it wasn't his character to tell people to leave, you are shy. And honestly, you see this with the Arabs today, right? I've lived now for for more than 15 years. With the Arabs, they do have this courtesy, that even if they're busy,

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they'll tell you the football Come,

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come, right.

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And if you don't know you will go and you've inconvenienced the person because they actually had something to do something they free the whole day just to meet guests. But to their credit, if you say okay, they will honor you, they won't make you feel like they had an appointment to go they will not do that. And you will find them coming with food and dates and coffee and juice and water and and and as if they were expecting you to come That's amazing. That's amazing, Mashallah. I mean, just the other day I I had

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I had a get together with

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with some brothers from our from our Arab brethren.

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And generally, my timetable is pretty, you know,

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it's pretty fixed. So I was trying to facilitate going because they told me you have to come.

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There were so kind to say like you the guest of honor you have to come. So I said to them that okay, I can come. You know, you guys thought maybe I can come in between between my appointments. When does the sitting end? When does the sitting end? So the host wasn't giving me an answer. The host wasn't giving me an answer. The host wasn't giving me an answer, then someone else messaged me privately. And this is a courtesy Mashallah because there was a group, a whatsapp group, as you can imagine. So that one person messaged me privately and said, the meeting we should leave by 9:30pm Max, because the host he has another appointment.

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Or I've understood that he has another appointment. So I felt that this person was also forecasting. So I contacted the host directly. And I said to him, when is the last moment that we have to leave

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You know, when is your deadline? When is your cutoff point? Please be frank because this will help me manage everything and I can come because I don't want to upset you guys by not coming. You've gone out of your way. But this is my circumstance. I wasn't trying to be rude we Allah forgive me. I said, When is your cutoff point? When does when do you When does everyone has to leave? And based on that inshallah I will decide. So, you know, he phoned me and he goes, what law he or she excited? I can't answer your question. I know you've asked and you've asked and you asked, I can't. I can't. It's beyond my ability to tell you that this is the time you have to leave. You leave when you

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leave. I said listen, the heavy.

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Let's put the air of courtesy aside and let's bring the western courtesy. I'm, you know, you guys consider me to be a Westerner. Right? in the in the West. This is easy. There's no problem here. No offense will be taken. So just imagine it a Westerner talking to a Westerner. So then he told me no 930 but latest 945 right. So anyway, I know I'm sidetracking here, but I just wanted to relay this to you because firsthand experience is phenomenal. And it had phenomenal courtesy.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam felt shy to tell the Sahaba to leave.

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So what did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam do he left the house and he went to his other wives. He let them sit and he went to greet his other wives. And we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam generally he was, you know, he was the best to his families. Right? So he had the banquet. Now he's going to check on his other wives, are they okay? And so on and so forth. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he returned, the guests could see on, I don't know, they were always observant of the the feet, the expressions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. They felt that the prophets Allah, Allah, Allah, that you know what, I think we troubling

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him, so they quickly rushed and left.

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That's what Anna says that they rushed and they left. And they went towards the door and all of them went out. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam he came in, and he hung the curtain and he went in. And, you know,

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the narrator says, I was sitting in his apartment and he did not stay. But for a short while. He then came to me, and these verses were revealed.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala. As messenger came out and recited to the people to the Sahaba all you who believe enter not the houses of the Prophet unless permission is given to you for me.

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And then Allah subhanho wa Taala guided them that don't wait once the meal is being cooked. Wait when the wait to enter when the meal is finished and ready to be served. And then Allah says when you've taken the food and you've eaten live, don't seek to talk to each other and listen to each other. Because by you doing so, you give the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam trouble, right? And then Allah subhanho wa Taala he reveals that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yes, income he shy to tell you to leave Allah Who is the hymnal, Huck but Allah subhanho wa Taala is not shy to tell you the truth.

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Right? So Allah subhanho wa Taala is not shy to tell you the truth and Allah subhanho wa Taala reveals to you always Allah subhanho wa Taala reveals to us

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the truth. So the believers were guided as a result. And unless even medic says I'm the first amongst the people to hear these verses, right. And part of these verses are part of this brothers and sisters in Islam, or part of this revelation had the revelation of hijab now prior to this honorable hubbub rhodiola, what I'm used to always tell the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that you know a prophet of Allah, you should get you know, you need a hijab system for your wives because people enter your home, you know, you some of them are good and some of them you know, not everyone is the same.

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You know, people understand that, as they say in the Arabic language, people have different types different character, not everyone is the same. Someone might look at her and feel something you know, I don't feel comfortable. Omar didn't feel comfortable. He says you should have a system through which they cover they shouldn't be exposed to different people who enter your home. So Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed

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with these ayat about when to enter the home and when you eat with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that you should leave and you shouldn't sit and chat and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is shy to tell you to leave but Allah is not shy to preach to you the hack Allah subhanho wa Taala then revealed what he said to Muna matter and first and hunedoara hijab rarely come upon only palooka mokulua him Americana dokumen toto Rasul Allah, Allah and 10 Kiku as well, gentlemen, by the ABA in America in the valley Concannon and Allah Halima. So Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed and said, that if you are to speak to the wives of the messenger, and ask the wives of the messenger,

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then ask them from behind a partition and avail that is pure for your hearts, and it's pure for their hearts, and it is not lawful for you to harm the Messenger of Allah, and you cannot marry his wives after him ever. That's how they became the mother to the belief

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Is that after you passed away, no one can marry them because they will be my arms to everybody. They are the mother of the believers. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says, indeed, that would be in the sight of Allah and enormity, meaning if anyone was to marry the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, after his passing, so that is the story of the hijab in a nutshell, brothers and sisters in Islam, but in case somebody says, but these laws were only for the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam his wives, that I is talking about the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It's not to do with the, you know, the general, the females who are not the wives of the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam? Well, in answer to that the majority of the scholars of Islam, the majority of the scholars of Islam, they are of the view that this verse applies to the females of the Ummah of Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wasallam in terms of the hijab, in terms of being covered.

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Why, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his wives were purer than the rest of the females of the Mohammed Salah who it was. And if they were pure, and they had to do it, then those who are less pure in terms of faith, no doubt they have to do it in the first instance, when Bobby Ola, and he, you know, it only makes sense, if this is a rule for the prophets wives, then what about those who are beneath them in terms of righteousness and piety? It applies to them even more. So here we see the rule of hijab

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being revealed Now,

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like I said, we've we've discussed the slander against Russia, robiola and how and how

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you know, suffer and when he found it, he said he recognized from before he jumped. Alright, so there's two ways to look at this number one, it could be that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Suarez, as we can see here, these to cover themselves,

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before hijab was made mandatory number one, or it could be, as we said, you have this differences in the dates in the dating system, when an idea came down when an event happened. And we said this is absolutely normal when it comes to historical context, especially at a time when there was no calendar in place. So this shouldn't be a reason to doubt the concept of hijab, right? If anything, if we bring the the story of the slander against eyeshadow, Bella and her into the scale of considerations, and bring this marriage of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with Tanzania and the banquet, the williamette that took place into the scale of considerations, it only further

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consolidates that hijab is a matter that has absolutely no doubt in terms of the religion of Islam, this concept of modesty and covering the hair. And according to the scholars who say covering the face, they bring both events from the zero together, they say covering the face as well is part and parcel of Islam. This is not something that they that can be doubted, okay. Scholars have differed in terms of the face does it have to be covered, but they all agree that if a female is wearing makeup, then she has to be covered she cannot expose herself to

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to the males. So if we look at the context of today, brothers and sisters in Islam, the 21st century, whereby putting on makeup in some capacity and leaving the home is part and parcel of life today.

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You know, how relevant is the discussion? Does a female have to cover a face or not

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become in the 21st century, because even those scholars who were of the view that the face the hands and the feet can be open and went against the view of the scholars who said even the face has to be covered. They agreed that it's better for her to cover her face, and they agreed that she must cover her face if she is wearing makeup. I leave you with these points to ponder over. This brings us to the end of today's episode

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Alhamdulillah we got through what we intended to get through it went much longer than anticipated. But like we said yesterday in sha Allah, this is time used in the obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala so we will not regret it in the later Allah inshallah, tomorrow when we get together, we shall discuss the beginning or the introduction to the expedition of who they be. Right, this longing of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam in the companions to go back to Mecca and perform armor. I'm sure we can understand this when we think about lockdowns and COVID-19 and the year 2020 and restrictions in terms of coming to Makkah and Medina and this longing that we have to go for Amara

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right inshallah we'll discuss this longing that the Sahaba and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam had to go for ombre and the expedition that took place as a result of this. Until next time, we Allah subhanho wa Taala accept from us our deeds. I mean, everything corrected is from Allah alone and he's perfect and any mistakes I found myself into upon and I seek Allah's forgiveness, me almost panaway to Allah except our deeds forgive our past. inspire our

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futures and preserve us in his obedience. I mean Yoruba alameen salaam Allahu alikum warahmatu, who are Bearcat?

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