Muhammad West – The Women Around the Messenger SAW – Episode 01

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The course on Islam is designed to help women learn about their personal lives and their emotions, as well as address topics such as sex and gender issues. The course is designed to teach men how to become better husbands and better mothers, and is designed for all members of the community. The course is designed to be an online course, and participants will receive information and resources related to topics discussed. The culture of Islam is discussed, including the idea that women are considered property and men are not, as well as the importance of respect for the Prophet's family and being good to them.
AI: Transcript ©
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rajim Bismillah R

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Rahman, r salatu salam

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ala alihi wa sahbihi beloved brothers misamis Rahmani

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Al Hamdulillah Welcome to this our very first online, what's Islam equals presented yet, Islam and in sha Allah, this course is entitled The women around the messenger in celebration of August being women's month and in reality in Islam every month is women's month, we would like to spend this month in the weeks to come they after discussing the women around the messenger meaning the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the greatest and most blessing women that walked on the face of this earth, and Alhamdulillah this being our very first what Islam session, it's very simple in sha Allah, on a weekly basis, on a Monday and Wednesday, we will be singing little audio clips,

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hopefully not much longer than half an hour, we will go through this course is absolutely free of charge, you'll get the audio, you'll get any course notes, inshallah, that we've prepared will be sent to you as well. And at the end of the course, we will hope to have a little quiz for those who would like to do it. Well, perhaps there'll be a certification as well. For those who received this, this lecture and you're not keen on receiving it. Please send us a message won't bombard you with any lectures that you're not happy with. So this course the wives the women around the messenger sallallahu sallam, why are we doing this? What's the objective of this course? And why why do we

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want to attain this course? Well, number one, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that the Rasul the Messenger of Allah is close and dear to the believers than their own selves, he's closer to us than our own self, we know this, we love our Navy very, very much on a lot and sell them. And then Allah subhanaw taala says, that he's wives, that they are the mothers of every believer, every single one of us, every one of us that says, I should have Allah Allah, Allah, or shadow no Mohammed Al Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, every Muslim, Allah has positioned the wives of the Prophet peace be upon him, as our mothers, as mentioned in the Quran. And there is nothing more important than one

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getting to know who your mom is who she is, the mother of any one of us is a important person, we need to know who this lady with these ladies are. So in this course, insha, Allah will mention 12 women around the messenger with the list has already gone out, these are the 12 women are on the last column. And if you and I want you to take this moment to sit down, and maybe pause the lecture, and I want you to see if you can list all 12 women around the messenger sort of some of the 12 personalities that we'll be discussing. And if you start writing and you get stuck, then this course is definitely meant for you. Because as the number one objective, and as a very easy objective. I

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hope that by the end of this course, you'll get to know who these 12 women, what you'll get to know about the personalities, you'll get to know about the type of women that they were, and to have a bond with these women that are your mothers inshallah, also you will find that these are the best. And these are the greatest women of the soma. And in Islam many a time we are about the great legacy left behind by the the male heroes of Islam. There are many, many sisters, many women that have contributed tremendously to Islam. And for our sisters in particular, here are a list of women that have contributed to the spreading of Islam that have both been through the through the hard work and

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the imagine and dedication that this Dean would not be where it is had it not been for both the contribution of men and women. So it's it's for our women to look at as role models. But more than that, these women, and you'll find Alhamdulillah we when we get to know about the lives and the details, the controversies, we'll find that they are that the human side of the Sahaba, the human side of the prophet SAW Selim, how they dealt with domestic disputes, how they dealt with, with sadness and happiness, how they dealt with jealousy, and hatred. These are things that human emotions, the Sahaba were human after all. So we get to learn from them and we get to learn in our

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with our in our daily life from them. We also know that in the modern age, there's a lot of questions around Islam, and feminism, Islam and gender issues. Many, you know, you know, modern Western writers have accused Islam of being biased or sexist, being oppressive to women. And this cannot be further from the truth. There are some very awkward questions. There are some questions which we might not have learned in our migration studies, questions around, for example, polygamy, why can a man marry for women, but a woman cannot marry more than one husband? Why is it permissible for a man to perhaps marry a Jewish and Christian woman, but it's not permissible vice versa was I

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shadowed Yolanda at nine years old when the Prophet medida Subhan Allah

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Why did the Prophet peace be upon him many more than the quoted the for the for women for a limit that was stipulated this course will hungry law. We've drafted it and put it together here in Cape Town and it has come about mainly because of questions that our sisters and also non Muslim women have asked about Islam, they've asked for clarity on some of these issues. And it is in fact if I were to share a personal story with you, growing up, I always had in my mind this question Why did the prophets of Allah marry so many women? Why if the Sharia has set the limit as four wives did he marry more than four. And usually when you find out any leader or any group where the laws apply to

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the followers, but it doesn't apply to the leader, you should have, but it should give you some kind of concern. So growing up, I always had this question. And I remember as a young boy, I must have been eight years old or nine years old, any mom mehleb Listen, he came to the masjid in Paul. And he gave a lecture on the wives of the prophets of Salaam in Jamaica, where he explained each and every wife of the Prophet peace be upon him in a very short, very short story on each one of them. And the reasons why the Prophet peace be upon him, marry them. And that clarified all those misconceptions. So in our in our we are a dean of knowledge we are a religion based on, on on on intellectual

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understanding. And while we don't look to be controversial, we understand in a modern age, these controversial questions are out there. These are the questions that we might not we might not be comfortable with him. These are the questions that our youngsters are being asked they are. They are having these questions on their mind already. When they get to old age when they get to university, and they interact with people of different backgrounds, these questions will be something that will confront with so the best we can do is to take these questions, discuss them and address them. And believe me, Islam has the answers. And we should never be afraid to ask these kinds of controversial

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questions, we should be more afraid when we stop asking questions when we stop studying and researching. So we'll tackle these very awkward kind of questions around gender and Islam, around women and Islam. And in sha Allah, we hope that we'll clarify as we go through this course will clarify it. But ultimately, this course is going to be a story, we will get to know the wife of the Prophet peace upon him on a very intimate, very personal level, there will be some humor in it, there'll be moments where you will laugh, there'll be some drama in it. And as we go through the story we'll get to learn about we'll get to learn a lot about our Deen about the laws of marriage,

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you'll get to learn about these controversial issues in a very easy and enjoyable manner inshallah. Now, if you're a male, you might be asking yourself is this course for me? Well, of course, this course is for you as well because Alhamdulillah These are your mothers as well. You also get to learn a side of the Prophet peace be upon him as a domestic side. So we know the Prophet peace be upon him the teacher, we know about him the spiritual leader, we know about him the warrior, but as a husband, What was he like when he was alone with his wives? What can we learn about being the best of husbands the best of men, the best of fathers who will learn about the love system as a father as

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well. So this course is really for all of us in sha Allah, and we hope that Allah subhanho puts tofik and listen in as we as a community, we we know that the more we learn, and the more we acquire knowledge, Allah subhanho wa Taala will bless us. We don't only learn these things simply for the sake of learning. But we hope to implement this in our lives that we become better husbands will become better wives that we aspire to be like the prophets of Salaam we aspire to be like like our mothers the meaning we hope to be closer to Allah and as we know the beautiful Hadith the Prophet was on him says whoever you know takes upon himself a journey to learn and this is a journey of

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learning that Allah subhana wa tada will make easy for him the path to gender. So let's praise Allah will bless this initiative and you will be hearing more of this as we go along during the weeks to come. We will also we are even though we are submitting this via electronically we are we welcome any and all questions. So any questions that you may have, you can either respond to the WhatsApp message, or you could email us you can email me personally with [email protected] any questions about the lecture that was that was unclear any comments you'd like to make? Anything you disagree with? We happy to discuss that as well. And any questions even over and beyond? The the course

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itself? If you have a question completely unrelated to the course submit those those questions in and we hope to at least spend five minutes each lecture answering a question or two that comes through the through comes through the email. So let's start our course. The Prophet peace be upon him in his last few weeks on this earth. Now it's hot season right now he's on our minds. The Prophet peace upon him. He performed Hajj, the great the grand farewell

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We 100,000 plus believers were around him, he spent time with him on Hajj. And in every, you know, different different types lift Mecca, and the Prophet peace upon him was on his way back to Medina. And before he reached Medina, he gave a very powerful sermon. And he advised the Sahaba about a number of things. And he advises them, that they should take care and they should love an idea to the Quran. And they should adhere to the sooner as they should love and adhere, and be good to the animate the family of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, that we should always see the oma path of loving the Prophet peace be upon him. Part of our respect to him is to respect his family. And

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without a doubt, the wives of the Prophet SAW Selim, or his family from amongst that part of his family, part of it is part of our belief in him and loving him is to love the wives, the women that he chose. In fact, these women we believe were not chosen by him. But in fact, Allah subhanho wa Taala chose to be his companions in this dunya and they will be his companions in gender as well. So the Prophet advises us that look, after I remind you to be respectful and keep, and to be good to the people of my household, and at the very least, showing respect to the Prophet peace upon him is to know who these these people, these people were.

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Also, as we said, that Allah subhanho wa Taala has made it such that they are mothers and it's a compulsory aspect of our Deen to get to know who they are as well as the wives of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

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So the first mother inshallah we'll be discussing, the first of the wives of the prophets of Allah we'll be discussing is, of course, the first wife being Khadija being hated Khadija being Whalen. Now, I want to take you back 1400 years ago, 1400 years ago, what was life like in Arabia, if you were in Saudi Arabia, or in Mecca 1400 years ago, when the world would be very, very different. You lived in a time when there were absolutely no rules, no laws, no rights pertaining to women. You lived in a society where women were completely dominated and oppressed by the men. In fact, in most societies, not just the Arab societies, women were not seen as not only as equal to men, they were

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seen as subhuman. In fact, they were not seen as something that was human. Men, for example, they bought and sold, their daughters, their sisters, they exchange their wives, they even they would even, and we know in the Arab culture, what they did before Islam, that when a woman gave birth to a to a daughter, Allah Subhana describes how this man would take these daughters. And they would in fact, bury them alive, that they didn't have the right to life, that you could do what you wanted with your women folk, they would like your castle, they would like your camels and sheep, if you wanted to allow them to love you, it was your property completely. In fact, Allah subhanaw taala has

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to tell these people, these pre Islamic Arabs in the days of January and the days of ignorance, Allah says, that is haram for you, omein, to inherit Women Against the wall, meaning that when a man would die, his brother would come, and his brother would inherit his money, his animals, and even his women, his wives, his daughters, they became the property now of the the man who inherited from his brother, women were purely they were a commodity, they were just a commodity to be used and abused as men so forth. And this was not just in the Islamic context, the

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Masonic context, the Arab context was not just an Arab phenomena. This was the case in many, many societies. Of course, this was all pre Islam, and Allah subhanaw taala would come and rectify this society would rectify this situation. So a woman really, in the heart of Arabia 1500 years ago, the best you could hope for your biggest aspiration, your biggest goal in life would be if you were born to a father, that was kind you were lucky. And if you ended up being married, of course, you didn't have a choice who to marry. But if you found yourself being married to a husband, who was also kind, then really, this was the very best, this was the very best you could have, could have hoped for. In

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the heart of Arabia, in the heart of this kind of patriarchal backwards society, you find this woman hadiza being awaited. And as we go through this course, I would like for you to have a, a mental sort of picture of who each why each wife was you'd find that all of them, they had their own unique personality, their own unique style, which also shows us Islam, you know, to be a good Muslim, it's not just 1111 mold. You can be a pious Muslim in different ways. You can be a shy person and be a pious Muslim, you can be a very vocal person and also be pious. So Allah will show we will see from the personalities that you can be different different types of people, and you can still be close to

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Allah. Howdy, Devin. Hello

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What was she like? So, Khadija She was the daughter of a man called Whaley who was a, an important man in the Arab society. He was something of a tribal chief. He was a chieftain of grush. And she came from the for a very prominent, well respected, wealthy, powerful, wealthy family. And her father was, you know, he had a business dealings that was quite successful. Now in Arabia at that time, there was not much in terms of resources market doesn't even today, he doesn't grow much agriculture. He doesn't have resources in terms of minerals and mining. So before the the market economy was built on input, export markets in the middle of the desert, and it's between

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civilizations. So if you need to get goods from one side of the desert to the other side, the people who are best suited are the desert people, the Adams, so the people of Mecca, they excelled in importing and exporting goods, they will take goods from Yemen, and they will, you know, transported through the Arabian Desert, all the way to Syria and Jordan, and back and forth. And this is how they made the income. So for this is dead.

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He had a business doing this, he owned many camels, and therefore he ran a few caravans, Felicia rhodiola, Anna, she was born 15 years before the Prophet peace upon him was born. So she was born 555 see 555 and she was born before the Prophet peace be upon him by 15 years. In her young age, she was married to to one husband, and he was called Abu Haida because they shared a Sunday they had an eldest son called abou Holla Holla. And so she was known as Allah and her husband, her first husband was wahala Avada passed away of the of the of the of wahala. This, she was left with two kids, she was left with a son and a daughter. And it wasn't long after that it had aegir married another man

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called ateeq. But this marriage didn't last for too long. And he either passed away or he was all he had, was she had divorced him. So she had two husbands before the prophet SAW Salem. She had two kids from a previous marriages and each of our husbands when her first husband passed away, she inherited some some of these assets and resources. And then her father would also pass away before she married the prophets of Salaam, when, when her father passed away when Hawaii passed away, of all the children of Hawaii, her Rita showed the most aptitude in running the family business. So she basically took over her dad's business and she was extremely gifted and skilled in that she was a

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very smart businesswoman. Very, you know, very sophisticated, very confident. So her personality, we get to see that she came from a well to do family in Makkah, she would have had a better education than than normal women. She would also have been exposed to a lot of the the business dealings and the High Society of maca. And she thrived in that environment. She would be she would be a woman you would imagine in today's time, a corporate woman, very sophisticated in the boardroom. Very,

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very adept at business and business opportunities. She had a very good ways with people. And in spite of her, you'd say her intelligent business dealings. She was at the heart of it, a very warm, loving woman. So after her two marriages, she became she invested herself in her dad's business, and she expanded the business so much that of all the caravans in Makkah. Her caravan was the biggest, at some point at the height of Empire. It was said that half of all the merchandise that was being imported and exported of Makkah was going through her Aegis business, and she became very for the wealthiest woman of Mecca. Many men proposed to her. Many men wanted to marry her, because that

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besides for her wealthy side, she was a philanthropist. She used what money she could to uplift the poor of Makkah. She was refined, she was classy, she had a confidence he he spoke in a way that was always lady like, she was very, very confident. She went through the things that she like if she wanted something, she would go go to go off the bat in a way that was always diplomatic, always refined, and many of the men of Mecca proposed to her. But when she looked at the quality of the men of Mecca, she found herself that there was not much there was much to be desired from these men. And therefore she basically resigned herself. She was still a young woman, she was probably in a 30s

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that she no longer wanted to marry any of them in America. She was completely happy to run her business to raise her kids and to use her money in uplifting the poor of Makkah and to expand her business dealings. Of course, Allah subhanho wa Taala would have something in mind when he would place the Prophet peace be upon him in her way, how would she meet the Prophet peace upon him? How would she cross paths with Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam in sha Allah, we discussed

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next lecture of the Prophet Khadija got married to Zack Allah Hi, I hope that we meet again in sha Allah Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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