Abu Bakr Zoud – An In Depth Study On Thikr – Al Hamd (Alhamdulilah) – Part 03

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of the "will" in Islam, its use as a signal of satisfaction and pride, and its use as a signal of fear and doubt. They also touch on the use of "hamadani" in the culture of the western world, including its use as a signal of satisfaction and pride. The segment then explores the historical context of the concept of praise and value in the context of loss or illness, with a focus on humility and humility in the culture of Islam. The segment also touches on the importance of humility and humility in bringing happiness and success to individuals and teams.
AI: Transcript ©
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I'm in salatu salam O Allah so the last

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two years vying for praise and thanks belongs to Allah Subhana Allah made a peace and blessing of the lobby upon the seventh and final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as follows mighty respected brothers in Islam we continue the series that we started a few weeks ago, and that is the series of a thicker and we shared last time, the meanings and the wisdoms behind that the spear Subhanallah and how that is performed correctly, and when the time's of it when it's supposed to be performed, and the best forms of it so today inshallah tada a few things are not all things that no, the only ethical of course, is greater than what we can imagine that these are the girl

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that are referring to a loss of Hannah data himself, and awards that alarm chose the second one of them, which is, today's one is Alhamdulillah. And then next week, inshallah we share a lot of work about and the meanings of a lot of work about. So when we come to the word Alhamdulillah Palawan, the Annie will be in the discussion with a hadith in we're all sort of lost on the lorawan he was sending me says, When hamdulillah he said that the word Alhamdulillah it fills the skills you need. Some have a lot of this is just seeing it once it fills the skill event in the reward of a person that continuously says Yanni after a solid muscle and 33 times during his day hundreds and hundreds

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of times, and is conscious of the fact that he's saying it every time he's saying it. It's filling one of them is enough to fill the skill, or somehow lie only the biggest issue. And biggest problem and concern and worry we have on the Day of Judgment is when the scale is brought out. The problem is how you're going to feel the scale up. For this already. This solves your problem already and humbly left it alone reserved a loss. You're worried the Hereafter is closed and there's no longer worry with this one. How does that we have anything you just imagine the reward of a person that continuously has this in his day one word solves the problem and humbly let them know that I'm

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hungry left with this word. A servant earns the pleasure of the happiness of a loss and how do I get to the point when we begin our salad? And we say humbly led you're blind I mean, a lot of social he responds back to the servant that says I'm hungry lead and he says hamadani Abdi yeah and he finally my servant has has praised that is declared my praise Lee for this. In other words, it implies the the pleasure of Allah subhanahu wa Tada, Lord last surgeons happiness upon the servant, that Allah would respond to this. And he would say that the only hamadani Abdi my servant has has finally praised me who support among the word Alhamdulillah is is the word love chose for the beginning of

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the quarter for the poor and began with the word and humbly left

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with the first episode of the Fed and humbled me and it is the first word that mankind ordered. This is the first word Adam alayhis salam said, When Allah subhanho wa Taala Yanni breathed within him from his

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abroad at from his spirit, the first word that Adam alayhis salaam said after he sneezed, he said Alhamdulillah it's the first one that a lot chose for mankind to see. And it is the last word that we would continuously say in the paradise when Allah subhanaw taala says, what else little Dhawan Allen hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen This is a word that the the people of the paradise would continuously say when they are in the paradise and hamdulillah they would say just like the breeze down right you will have moon you will have all that the sphere What do I need? What can I

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get it just like you breathe and you and when you breathe down you don't intend to breathe you subconsciously you do it right? It comes automatic and natural in the paradise. Gary Vee with me and what we're as well is something natural and subconscious that comes from the believers, and they utter it and they say it just like they used to breathe in this worldly life. What else could it have been? I mean, mankind began with this word. And that is the last word that they continuously say in the paradise. Whenever you salam, O Allah, you are so loved in the hereafter have middlee where you know there are flags that are carried on the Day of Judgment, right? But

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there is also leeway as well. There are different flags that are carried on the Day of Judgment. There's the flag of knowledge for example, it's carried by wire the Magellan what we are love are known as an abuse of a law or legal system. He says the only way to limit the damage he is he's usually carrying the flag of the of the scholars on the Day of Judgment. There is also the flag

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betrayal as well as the one who used to betray and deceive and cheat the people in this life he carries that kind of, he carries that kind of flame. When there is some alarm while he was in them being the best of creation, he's going to be holding the best of flags. And his flag is

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the flag of those who used to be praise of Allah Subhana Allah Allah, the closer to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meaning they're the ones who made and hunt in abundance in this life, for the closer the more happy there is in this life, the closer you are to the soul of most of the love Adi assylum. As he carries this flag,

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when Russia and how the word Alhamdulillah it begins Shiva to interview Salalah alayhi wa sallam grow on that day

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before the Greek intercession happens, Allah subhanahu wa tada is angry such an anger that he has never been before and he will never be after right as mentioned in the in the authentic hadith yo Baba button lesbian

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couple of

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Ubuntu cup that was origin has never been angry like this. And so you know of course the the creation would go from Adam are you set up? You know, you're the first that allows origin symptom and kindness you're not a big and he says go to ruhollah you set up we go to the north and we go to Bali are you sir, eventually went to a sort of muscle a Lavalle yourself? And he says, No, I am fourth, I will begin with Shiva. And then Pharaoh jumeau Adam, he makes a search there for a human yearning for one week he makes a search. And he begins it by the praise of Allah Subhana data by the words and hamdulillah and then in the Hadith Allah azza wa jal teaches him words of praise, that

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have never been known to mankind before. And in our praise of Amazonia now, somehow, from our humble little Mahabharat, there are words of liquor that we have for law, so we should teach in the visa law, I need to send them words of 100 words of liquor on the day of judgment that we have never ever heard of before in our life. And with that, Allah subhanahu wa tada would say to him, raise your head and make your shofar and you would give it your Chevelle and then the intercession begins. And then the ASAP begins after this, the judgment. So in other words, we start Russia, the opener of this entire situation of the day of judgment was hungry LED, in other words, how much pleasure and

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happiness there's a person who learned from him is loads of powder who died with this word Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah

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Allah Azza wa sallam once he came out to lead the prayer some some of the prayers It was said that it was solid but also he came out also have all the level I know about praying behind him. And so one of the companions he rises from Roca would never use a llama while he was in them. He says semi Allahu even having that obviously, it's what the Bible says. And someone in the back said Alhamdulillah, you haven't done Kafeel on but given Mubarak and Fie. He said that.

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So when the prayer finished and abuse of Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he looked back at the companions of El Sadat. And he said, Who sent these words? Moncada?

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One of the companions he sent me out all alone for Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says,

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to the head.

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He said, I fooled America, are you home yet, or whatever? He says that this was an incredible, surprising amazing word that you said. I had seen over 30 angels, they rushed, who's the first one to write it and lifted to a loss plateau, Donna, Yanni. In other words, the excitement of the America when they hear the sermon seeing this, the rush that you have to write it down in the books to read the Four Laws of head of data that such a person said, an incredible wicked and hungry lady humbug, Athena. But even Mubarak and Fie, were an instruction to the civil law. He has something nice in this and he says that this phrase, and humbly their Hamden cafe, or even Baba can fee, he

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says it's made up of Yanni, just over 30 letters. So he said, since the hubby mentioned that over 30 angels came to raise it, and to carry it and to ride it, raise it to a loss of paradata. He said the only in other words, each Angel was assigned for every letter. Were at the mean, at the end of these words, which is Hamden caphyon, by even mobile, that that mean carries two letters that we use two letters. So in other words, he said it's as though even for the letter of that we had one Angel carrying and recording one letter, and another recording another letter, and 30 over 30 angels, each recording taking a loss proud of what

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That you can just imagine how much yearly yearly this this kind of praise and this kind of victory and hump is appreciated with the last part of what God said now what does it mean? What does 111 mean?

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And how first discuss the word and hum very quickly so he can understand and humbled him over law they see

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a shoe clue what that shoe

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or a sugar was

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to similar things. Now, how is two components with these two things you form and hum the first one they see that and how the first part of it is for that, that means to praise the last part of what they added are all times with Cincy love, it must be done in this manner praising allows origin with love. Now, whether you recognize is famous upon you or not. That is that doesn't matter whether you recognize a fever or not, that is considered for that. And this means what it means to praise a large origin. It means to acknowledge and to believe that the most perfect names and attributes belong to Him alone SCADA data, this is what it is. When we say to praise a lot, what does it mean

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to praise Allah, it means to acknowledge and believe that the most perfect names and most perfect attributes belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. That is what praising a lot means. What Sugar Sugar is to displace and see thanks and gratitude to him. So part of our data when you recognize a fever, in other words, sugar, and it is a difference now between the word hump and sugar. Sugar is part of how we eat understand why was that a shoe cruelly LED, for example, the beginning of the soul of the Federal sugar, the lack of blood? I mean, how does that relate to the difference between sugar and hemp? That basically the difference is this, that a sugar is something that happens with

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the limbs. Sugar is something that happens with the limbs a lot. So he says airmen who enter the Buddha shoe club, when he gave instructions to the family of their food, he said to them do sugar act out the sugar. In other words, sugar is something that is done on January on the limbs. So when you pray, that is sugar, when you fast, a third that is sugar, when you give a solid cut, that is sugar. Sugar involves the movement of the limbs, right? walking to the masjid is for example sugar that allows you and gives you the ability to go there and pick up on your tongue. This is a form of sugar, because it involves limbs that move and maybe some A lot of us end up when you pray the

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entire night, of course, and then I shall be alone. I know she said the way you're praying the entire night when a lot of soldiers forgiven you for our sins. He said akuto abdun shockula right. So he said Shall I not be ungrateful sleeve use the word shakugan to define his action. So his salad at night was a form of sugar because it involves the movement of the limbs. But I'll hum and hum. And sorry, sugar. One more thing. So if we said it involves the limbs, and the other thing it's done in response to a fever someone does to you. So it's an acknowledgement of a fever. Someone gave you something shukran right. A lot. You can recognize a fever of a loss or when you see a sugar lead

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when you recognize a fever.

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He is whether you recognize a favor or not. So I'll have this for example. When a calamity befalls you, let's see, when a calamity befalls. You don't have sugar in there. You say and Hamdulillah, right? You say I'm hungry left and how is said whether you recognize a favor or not. Whether in tough times are good times and humbling that is always the case. And unhemmed only happens from the heart and the tongue. That's it and has nothing to do with the limbs and comes from the heart with sincere love. And it then comes from the dump when a person says I'm hungry, and the forms of an umbrella that we'll discuss at the end for either Alhamdulillah are these two components and

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magically led praising Allah subhana wa Adana. And that is by believing and acknowledging that the most beautiful and perfect themes that attributes belong to Him. And it is also sugar and sugar is to display the sincere thanks to a loss origin by using the limbs and unbelievers that you recognize in your life. And

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now, basically the word and how

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has to be based on sincere love and honor and complete submission and humility to a larger home cannot be faked praising has the decency and it

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has to be a form of submission to the last part of our data. We cannot have fakes, fake, fake come full loss of how to hold on. Now when we say and how do we learn? Let's discuss this Alif lab at the beginning Alhamdulillah like, you know, you might all know that it's translated as what Alhamdulillah How do they translate it? All praise belongs to Allah. So if I said Al Kitab Al Kitab is translated as what the book How come here we didn't say and how that means the praise belongs to Allah, where do you get all from, with the word all come from? You see, the words Alif land in the Arabic language has more than one usage. And one of the usages is like a look daddy and daddy would

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mean the same. If I say a leaky tap, it will mean the book, then and can be used and imply something else. And it can also be used something known as a loan is the HELOC. At least, the HELOC is still locked means entirely entirely. So when we say Alhamdulillah, it means All praise belongs to Allah Zoysia.

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So it implies an Escalade, which is entirely in other words, the entire incomplete praise. All kinds of praise at all times is due to a loss of how the whole attire This is what it means when you say before you say the word hump when you say you're saying that all the praise, all kinds of praise that you know about all of them, at all times, belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is why getting into when you say Alhamdulillah meaning you're saying that the praise belongs to Allah before you were born, before you existed, before the universe existed, after you die, and after this entire universe disintegrates at all times, and how the proper praise always belongs to Allah

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Subhana. Allah Dad, this is different to saying but the law. The law is a verb. When you say I'm a doula. It's a verb and a verb is bound by time it's limited. So I'm a doula meaning right now, I make and I declare preys on a lot of Zoysia. It wouldn't mean all times, the only word that would mean all times whether you existed or not, would be the word Alhamdulillah that began with the Elif lab of entirely. Now, I'm having to let you see this lamb Hill, this lamb that is attached to the word Allah, that land that implies if the source exclusivity. In other words, Allah Zoysia is the only one who deserves him. Now when you say that, when you say, and Hamdulillah, you're saying all

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kinds of praise at all times belongs to Allah, and only to a lot and no one else, you get that meaning from the word he let that land there, again, is the source exclusivity, meaning this kind of phrase only belongs to Allah, and no one else. So now the more suitable definition for the word Alhamdulillah is to say the perfect, most beautiful praise is only for a loss of Hannah who are done. And so we say Alhamdulillah out of love, honor with humility,

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complete submission, sincere gratitude to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Now, that, as we said,

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is a form of vigor that is supposed to be sent first from the heart, and then on the trunk of the tongue. And it is enough to earn a person the pleasure of Allah Subhana Allah, Allahu alayhi wa sallam he says, In the lower layer, and in the Atlanta area on

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the origin is completely pleased with the service, that when he eats something, after his meal, he says and hamdulillah or when he drinks something, after he says I'm hungry leftovers That's it, and hungry, lack of the food and humbly lack of the drink is a reason for why one herbs the complete pleasure of Allah Subhana data and have you been Muslim, when having to learn

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this word is enough to fulfill all your worldly and hereafter needs. Anything you need in this life. And anything you need in the hereafter the word Alhamdulillah is enough to fill up where did we get this meaning from? When? When we say semi Allah holy man happy the semi Allahu the man happy that what does it mean? What does this word mean? It means a lot, a lot of meaning Allah has answered the one who continues to praise him. Semi Allah. Allah has answered the call and the dryer and the request of the one who have been who have gone who continuously

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breezes him. subhanaw taala so off the record, you say a lot better when I can have the field on the human modelica fee because you heard somebody I love with him and how they you see it as a response. Right? The word semi I love would even happy that Alonzo Shelley's informing us that he answers the request and he answers the dryer. And he fulfills that request of anyone who continues to praise him. And remember, the praise is supposed to come from the heart first, and then upon the tongue. When the result Allah wa alayhi wa sallam, he says, have borrowed and humbly learn who the best is Alhamdulillah How is that humbling?

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Because when you say and hamdulillah it's as though you're saying Allah, I acknowledge your favor. And I think and I praise you for it, and Allah, keep it coming. Continuously shower me with your blessings in your fevers. This is why it's considered the best of land Do I have, it is a two as of the moment when you say and humbly learn upon a blessing or a fever that a lot of soil is bestowed upon you. Or when you say Alhamdulillah for any kind of situation in your life. If you're acknowledging, and you're saying, oh, Allah, I declare your praise. And this only came because of your praise. And I and I ask you that you continue this praise upon me, and you continue these

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blessings in these fevers upon me, without them any been discontinued for as a result, it was considered a bonus. The best of his saying, I'm humbly left with the you know, that one of the rights of the Muslims towards another Muslim

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is the Schmidt Without this, you know, this is one of the rights should not how incredible this works. Kashmir without this dish will put out is basically means that when someone sneezes, he says I'm hamdulillah that you say your macula back to him. That's the Shinto analysis by you know, the word Schmidt it comes from the word Chevette Chevette and they used to say chemin to death, but a poet.

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Data data other other feet, other legs basically have an animal, you know the legs that it uses to stand on. So in other words, without this happening, a person feels a person loses he cannot stand his ground. So without it in life is nothing which is where you can learn so often that we say to each other when we say things now

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when one sneezes, he says I'm handling that right. Of course this came from the story of Adam alayhis salam when a lot of social and first created it, and he blew breath into him.

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The first thing Adam, Allah you set up did of course, because the the soul traveled from his from his head first. And he began to travel until it reached his foot. And this is how the soul is removed from a post and it begins to come out from his head. And he keeps on coming out and coming up. There are generations this way and then our narrations in where it comes out the opposite. So it comes out from his leg until it reaches his knee, and then his hip and then until it comes out from his mouth or from his eyes. There is nothing specific in the Hadith that mentions where exactly the the soul comes out from but more of it comes out from the top and subset from the bottom what level

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and what it is. But other money syrup when a lot of Georgian blue breath into him, it went from from head to head first. And as it came down, he sneezed his knees and the angels they said to him say Alhamdulillah he said that humbly Allah, Allah azza wa jal, he responded and he said, Dr. hamaca, our book that allows origin who have mercy upon him, right, this is the first word that mankind heard from Allah Subhana Allah, that Allah Lama would encompass them the first one that we heard. So, then the idea of this is

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the idea of this is this, that when you make proper hunt of a loan, it leads to His mercy upon him, right, because he said Alhamdulillah and the response you heard was

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and then what are you supposed to say that?

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Yeah, the kumala

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In other words, one of the signs of a lot of Zoysia has mercy upon you is that he guides you and he rectifies your state, is the guidance of a loss of habitat was upheld Allah, you see this, someone sneezes and humbly let me come alongside welcome is actually the structure found in solids and Fatiha full of the very happy gap and humbleness lillahi Rabbil alameen. The next day I was on what manner or him go down a little bit more a bit of syrup I was 13 So in other words, this is like kind of a trend when you make proper handover loves origin, that supposed to lead to the mercy of Allah azza wa jal in your life. So I'm having to the lay of the land. I mean, if it's said correctly, and

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probably it leads to a ham clause that allows origin is mercy

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And blessings open up upon such a person. And the first sign of laws blessings and mercy upon a person is that he guides him to the straight path guides into the path of Islam have a lot, you can understand how important it is when someone sneezes that he says Alhamdulillah you think they melt hamaca model he says yes, deca below is that this is actually the structure that is found in the beginning of SWAT in Philadelphia. But you

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interview someone live, while he or send them informs us that the first people that are called to the paradise on the Day of Judgment, who do you think they're getting, they're not the ones who prayed the most, and fostered the most and gave the most sort of hard luck, and maybe some alarm while you send them he says in a hurry in whatever new engender and Humaira Dune, the first people that are called to the paradise of those who used to make come in abundance in our revenue dial agenda. Have you sign up when the paradise there is a house called beat with

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the house of praise.

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And it is reserved for those who used to continuously say it hamdulillah in good in good times tough in difficult times and remain patient over the trials and the tribulations like if someone wants to lose a child and so on him Obama, they said that beta is not only exclusive for a person that loses a child, even though there is a heartbeat that comes in that meaning in a way if someone who was a young child in his life, and he said Alhamdulillah a lot of soldiers would ask the angels what's the first thing that he said? They said you're happy that costo jack? He said Alhamdulillah he said in that elaborate night legalize your own. So then Allah says to the angels. Yeah, and he give glad

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tidings to my servant. Yeah, and he or she will be waiting for gender beta, House of praise for him. But a lot of what they said it's not only for them. This Hadith gave an example of a toughness and a difficulty in life. Otherwise, any kind of hump that a person says over any tough difficult situation in life, then be the lead there is also a house that is known as bait on hump reserved for the paradise. Now the question is, how does a person reach this level? And how does he reach this rank? By seeing Alhamdulillah?

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in difficult and tough times? How can you only How can one say this word in difficult times? How can you guarantee for yourself that B is the lead if anything wrong was to happen, or something difficult was to happen that you will say this word should understand everything that I have online says a person must be conscious of two things. If he's conscious of these two things, it will become very easy for him to say it humbly like in difficult times. Number one, he said to always be conscious of the fact that allows origin

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always deserves to be praised and thanked, because he's the most knowledgeable and the most twice. That's the first kind of knowledge you need to have, that he deserves and humped at all times, because he's the most knowledgeable and the most wise keep this kind of information

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in your in your subconscious, that this is always the case. And number two, to always be conscious of the fact that whatever allows you to choose for the believing slave, it is much better than what he would have chosen for himself. With this, these two kinds of knowledge in your mind, almost with any situation that happens with a person that he sees that you'd be able to say it hungry left immediately. Number one was to be conscious of the fact that laws origin team always belongs the praise because he's the most wise and the most knowledgeable. And number two, to be conscious of the fact that allows origin only chooses for him before the believers that which is good for them. And

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you if the matter was left for you, you wouldn't have chosen what was better for you let the muscle calidad knows what is in the unseen and knows your affairs in the unseen. So how Allah is set up for him a whole lot.

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And they used to meet up with each other. And they used to ask each other about themselves know how are you? How are the children? How is a knowledge? Well, how is the the family? Well, how is your brother? Or how is this and how is that they used to ask themselves these questions to each other, just so they can hear and humbly lead from each other. Just so they can remind themselves and each other about the fevers of a lot and remind each other to see this word and humbling that and to hear it from each other those it was the only reason for why they asked each other about personal affairs a lot. When Navy summer marwadi Gani, he teaches us that the mean blessing getting just seen and

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humbly let this blessing of saying this word is far greater than any blessing you'll ever receive in your life. Whether it's why

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or children or, or Yeah, the marriage, whatever it is you can think of in life, the ability that you're able to see it humbly, that is the greatest blessing that a lot of social has ever given you in it. How do you feel sorry. And the reason a lot while he was telling me he said, Listen to Holly, if you said, Man, I'm in love data, and it didn't matter for God and hamdulillah elekid levy Abba Jani, the word that hungry, they let the cat out of the mouth. And the reason the llamada celery says, a lot, this must be

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a blessing upon any server. And this server, he says, and hamdulillah

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except that which he said, is greater than that which he received. That which you said, which is the word and humbled Allah was far greater than whatever you received in your life, as good as it is it as big as he imagined it is. Alhamdulillah is always a great blessing to say to our most panatela a few more things we have here. There is something special in the Quran.

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That whenever Allah Subhana Allah spoke about a prophet or spoke about a situation and how the believers are supposed to say the priests. There is always the word and living in between the only for example, a lot of stories really says about Ibrahim Ali said, he says Alhamdulillah Allah de Waterbury Allah coverings very low is hump. And hamdulillah. And levy had an early and humbly legged levy of about 100,000 and so on. When you receive something, you say, 111 and levy magnonic. For example, you say the word 11. Now why, when it can be replaced with the word,

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Jani, where the question is, we'll discuss these two things, and hamdulillah and how that

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would mean Alhamdulillah and hamdulillah. For Alhamdulillah Oh, praise belongs to Allah for the fact that he guided us to Islam, and what's the difference between an allele and another unloving? We said that the most appropriate to be used is to say Alhamdulillah and what happened era giveaway is very what is hot for example, and the word and hamdulillah and had entered Islam.

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But you find that it's always the word living in a loving means the one who so you say yeah, oh, praise belongs to Allah, the One who guided us to Islam, the one who, and whatever or him Allah, they said that the difference is,

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is a priest for that specific thing. So when you say I'm humbly LED, and had entered Islam, meaning you're saying, oh, praise belongs to Allah, for the fact that he guided us to Islam and you're pointing only to this one blessing. That's what I would suggest. The word Alevi suggests something different. When you say I'm humbled Allah, and Levy, Hidalgo, alley Islam, it would mean All praise belongs to Allah, the One who, from the many blessings he has given us, one of them is that he guided us to Islam. So in other words, when you say Alhamdulillah, and Levy, and then you mentioned the blessing, you're renewing the thanks and praise to Allah for every other blessing out. And now

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you're specifying whatever he's giving you. That's new, right? How to light incredible. That's why when you say Alhamdulillah, Allah Levy, what it implies is that you are praising Allah for every other blessing that you have. And then you're seeing from among these blessings is 123. And you mentioned what it is, right? But this is the difference between a levy and the word. And this is why it's always felt as though a lot of Zoysia is teaching us to always continuously keep a record of the failures that he has done for you and I. Now, this brings us

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coming towards the end. And that is that we're supposed to have something called one or two noun in our life, what

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they used to speak about it, what is it, it's a list in where you've listed your your fevers in life, the feeling of loss or Shell has done for you in life, that you list them on a paper, and you hope that someone would read them out for you, as you're dying on your deathbed, that if there's someone recites them and reads them unto you as you die, why, then there's such a thing improves your good foot in a manner that when there is some

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of vulnerability that could be wet, do not die, except that you have good foot in a loss of habitat. So a lot in the past, they used to have a pee pee and where they used to write the blessings of a laceration upon them. And they used to have in their car that when I'm dying, someone read this letter out to me, someone read this listing and as the list is being written

00:35:00 --> 00:35:04

You think you remember that you wanted to get married a lot. So I

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got you married, the day that you are hungry and a lot Zoysia the day that you were still you're born and you're being raised up and all that entire years of upbringing Allah azza wa jal looked after you. And when you are in the belly, in the womb of your mother in law, so she looked after, at least at least, right? The day that you were thirsty, and you found water and you drink, the day that you had no job. And then you found a job and you started working that day that you wanted to buy a car and have the lawnmower solid you bought on the day and so on whatever it is the day that

00:35:35 --> 00:36:13

blessed you with a passion you didn't harsh, or unnormal, all the things that he guided you to Islam and to the property step. And then the day that you started coming 10 verses that you started praying, all these kind of blessings, keep a record, so that when they are recited and read upon you as you die, you begin to learn more today, that you're going to meet the one who gave you all these kinds of blessings, and all these kinds of failures. So a person at this moment begins to look forward today. And he looks forward to meeting this era of ease that did so much for him in this life. Now he's hearing it all in one go. It makes it easy upon a person and this is the initial part

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a lot what the limit amount they used to advise one another in doing fair any one needs to acknowledge and recall. What is he making him to allows origin for is why there's supposed to be at least otherwise, as shavon quickly distracts a person at the total humbled and humbled Alhamdulillah

00:36:34 --> 00:37:13

distracted if you have no list in your mind, what are you saying that how many left for Gani hamdulillah Allah He had no he had Alhamdulillah he love you whatever they are very, very low is the what's your hump for keep a list lead to this list begins to encourage you bit by bit. And then when you sit down record for every hump while you're making this hump, that will be much more encouraging for the hump to come up from the heart and then upon the tongue and humbly lead for whatever it is that happened recall the blessings during the day. And humbly let me salon Scylla used to see this word when he used to wake up. And hamdulillah Olivia here no matter what

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it says. He says me and I didn't have a right to live another day. But somebody left that you gave me the blessing of living for more than and talk for one more day. Right? I'm hungry let me say he used to recall it for every single blessing that was happening in his life. And Miss encourages a person to continue on hump of Allah subhanho wa

00:37:38 --> 00:37:39

Taala he

00:37:43 --> 00:37:44

once we're sitting in the machine,

00:37:45 --> 00:37:47

we're halaqaat infamous

00:37:51 --> 00:38:06

for the VSA model, and he was suddenly he came out to the companions. And he said to that manage this? Why you people sitting in the masjid for he's asking? Why you sitting for the sent to Genesis net of Gula. What a mother who had entered Islam.

00:38:07 --> 00:38:27

So in the midst of a lohani here, somebody said to them, Why are you sitting here? They said, we're sitting down, making the kind of a law and we're recording. He said, Yep, what a mother who are mad at Islam, and we're praising and we think your life's origin for the fact that he has guided us to Islam after we have been in ignorance and

00:38:29 --> 00:38:31

so now VESA Muhammad eurosender He said to them,

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law marriage, that's a Camilla dannic. He said to them by Allah. Is that the only reason for why you're gathered here? For they said to him, we'll learn measureless their 11 live Eric said hello. We're only sitting because of this reason. for newbies of Allah wa alayhi wa sallam, he said, I'm in Isla Vista live come to metallicum he said, by Allah. And I did not say to you, by Allah and took an oath from you, because I doubted in you and I disbelieve in what you said, and I didn't believe you. When I came nevel attorneys you believe burning under law so as you can lay your bear he became malayaka. However jabril just came to me right now and informed me that allows origin has taken

00:39:19 --> 00:39:59

pride in each and every single one of you that sitting and has mentioned his name to the angels allows origin when he takes pride of the server, meaning he makes mention of his name in a manner in Atlanta among the angels. A lot of social you know, snow, when someone takes pride in something you take pride in that which is precious, valuable, something that has value thought for In other words, when a large Zoysia takes pride in his servants, meaning they are honored and they are praised in his sights of how to more data. Why then they sit down and making hunt of a large Zoysia over the blessing of Islam. one form of hump they did in their life was enough for a lot of Zoysia to

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Other than and value them to the point where he begins to speak and mentioned their names among a lot of the angels in the paradise. In other words, and how do you this habit teaches us that have a list, have a list one or two now have a list of blessings and favors that you recall from time to time. And you think a lot of social for them. And of course,

00:40:22 --> 00:40:27

the best of him that nobody saw a lot while he or something teaches us as in the hadith of Abu Muhammad where he you

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know, he's Allahu alayhi wa sallam seen all over all the Allahu anhu making the good that he came in. He said, Look, I don't mean the clicker, Marlena man the * Shall I not teach you and inform you of a vehicle that is better for you to see that engaging the entire day with the night in all the other kinds of the one kind of the kid would equal and it is much better than making liquor of a bazillion a day with the night he said to me,

00:41:02 --> 00:41:44

he said to him put an humbly lady other than a holla just like the one we shared with a spear with so Pamela it comes also in the form of an hum he said to say and humbly mahalo and hamdu lillahi mille Alhamdulillah other the method similar to methadone and humbler, he added an archetype of what humbly Lega, Allah socketable and hamdulillah he added the cliche Alhamdulillah he made a cliche, seven phrases you memorize, and you see them once. It is better and more rewarding than making general liquor in the day during the entire day with the entire night. one lawanna and one final thing is to say that you don't have

00:41:45 --> 00:41:49

the visa Lamar while he was alive, he says in the last row feminine kurama

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chose four phrases only for his servants to sing. So how long have they know they know a lot more long work from a goddess who had a lot the one who seems to have a lot to do at level

00:42:02 --> 00:42:48

20 has a letter written for him and 20 so yet removed and whoever said a lot like about 20 I said I've given 20 So yeah, and whoever said Larry to handle a lot today I said I've given 20 cigarettes remove woman clothed and humbly there have been irony been clever enough See, and who said and humbly let your bladder in from his heart in Cuba nuptse kuchibhotla who federal food Hassan well hope buttonhook fellow una say yeah, it now opium further has an ad and it removed 3060 ad truth and hum meaning it comes from enough's and look at the reward that he had much better than anything else that he said whenever you saw the love wanting to send them teaches us that when one says

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00:42:51 --> 00:42:57

says it 100 times how many hustler doesn't give it 100 if it says that it gives him 1000 has an

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alpha he doesn't say what and humbly that 100 times we add to it, we have the Subhana Allah we have the it gave him 100 palm trees in the paradise it just changed just with the addition of the word by even the resource and then he says La La La La La La La La La La La lots of

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insert put inside of a thought and what happens and maybe some a lot harder to sell me says of model the other one that I've been covering later a lot

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of what I could be sharing the truth just the addition of the word and help with later in the month it became the best kind of Yani thing that maybe some of our values and all the prophets before him had said for muscle panel that we are the game changer changes the entire thing that we need and humbly lead toward So how am I on its own as a as a as a reward add to our we have the has a special reward CD ROM on its own add to it what they have the it becomes the best thing that the Prophet and the prophets before him

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they ever said In other words, and and humbly leg up in it is supposed to be the only one of the dickens that a person concentrates on during his day and during his night, the lay down and next week, we share a lot of work on the word Allahu Akbar, that I shall be a lot one has used to say when in the vsam Allahu alayhi wa sallam used to hear it you know of course London then begins with blah blah blah. can know who they are. If we know what it is though. We get it we've never seen him like this before. And he doesn't know us right? Sure. Some have a lot of people used to do something

00:44:45 --> 00:44:58

that is unexplained. All of like polish the beginning of a solid one love what is the word that is used to move from one position of the solid Tada. And the opinions and the scenes of all the hubbub about it was so how about your loved

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Have you heard me I have concerning a lot of

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data. We'll share that next week. I would love for some levels and all that I gotta beat him while he was here

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