Muhammad West – The Revival #28

AI: Summary ©
The end of the caliphate and the loss of the Middle East have led to the end of the European-criptions of the agreement on establishing a Israeli-issued state. The French-criptions of the Treaty of Seism have been reaffirmed and the UK and the French have agreed to a treaty called the Treaty of Seism. The conflict between Turkey and Turkey is causing conflict in the Middle East, with the British and American agreeing to a treaty called the Treaty of Seism. The new President of Turkey has promised to lead a new Turkey, but faced criticism from some Turks and the Greeks who say he has no political power. The speakers emphasize the need for political reform to reestablish the previouscentalty and emphasize the need for political reform to reestablish the previouscentalty.
AI: Summary ©
Hope you're all well.
May Allah protect us from this weather.
Tonight, unfortunately, we close off with the sad
of the end of the caliphate.
Remember the caliphate started the day the prophet
passed away with Sayyidina Abu Bakr becoming the
And no calamity, no invasion, no enemy
could end the institution of the caliphate
Exactly almost a 100 years ago, March 1924
is when the caliphate was abolished, and since
then, there's been no Khalifa. So let's talk
a little bit about it. Last night, we
mentioned that Turkey was on the losing side
of World War 1. One. And after the
end of World War one, World War one
ends. It was
the 11th
day of the 11th month at 11 o'clock.
That's when Germany officially signed its surrender.
And now after the surrender, all the fighting,
the guns had silenced,
now there was going to be a number
of months, 6 months of, discussing what are
we going to do with the losers.
And the winners got together, the Allies, England,
without inviting any of the losing parties to
decide what are we gonna do with them.
And the well, the mo the biggest treat
is called the Treaty of Versailles. Versailles is
a a palace in in in France, where
they discussed what will be done with the
losers. And we won't go into all the
And, of course, because it was a global
conflict, discussion
we wanna know what happened to the Muslim
lands. So what happened to the Middle East?
Since the the the first,
you know, punishment on the the losing side
was you have no colonies anymore. We take
away all the land that was under your
control. So the entire Middle East was stripped
away from the Ottomans.
And while this was happening and discussing, remember
by now the world knew that there is
a secret agreement between the French and the
British of how they are going to carve
up the Middle East. And, subhanAllah, that hadith
comes to mind where the Nabi Muslim says,
a time will come when the world will
sit around a table and they will take
from you like animals eating from a carcass.
They'll take your lands and they'll divide up
your lands at the table. And the Sahaba
said, why? Will be will we be few
in number? He says, no. You will be
1,000,000,000, 1,000,000,
but you will have no power. And you
can imagine this.
No Arab is sitting at the table. No
Muslim is at the table, but a bunch
of French European men are sitting and they're
drawing lines. You will get this and we'll
get that. So as for the Middle East,
the original plan was Syria, and when we
say the greater Syria, which is Lebanon, Jordan,
Syria itself,
part of Iraq would go to the French.
The French is gonna get this. While the
British will get
Iraq, they would get Saudi Arabia, and they'll
get Palestine. This was the agreement between them.
Now while this discussion was going on, the
Arabs, not wanting to wait, they declared themselves
an Arab state, and they established a Syrian
kingdom, a Syrian Arab kingdom.
Remember we said there's a guy called the
Sharif of Makkah? His son, Faisal, they appointed
him the king. And you'll see the the
back stabbing between the allies, The British
kind of supported them. Why? Because this took
away from French territory.
The British had no problem with France losing
out its territory, and so they kind of
support, go ahead. You can establish your Arab
state. The French would have none of it,
and they immediately invaded this,
this this state. You know,
something to also to mention here, the Americans
I know it's difficult for us to to
to, understand that they were kind of neutral.
In fact, the American president asked them, should
we not be asking the local inhabitants what
they want? Should they not be having their
own opinion? And the American president established what
is called the King Crane Commission,
and he said, let us go in. No.
None of us have gone out and discussed
what should happen. Should there be a Zionist
state? We should ask what the Arabs want.
And the King Kain Commission, it's it's published.
You can see the findings, and it was
The finding was you need to let these
people have their own state, an Arab state
governed by themselves. And he also mentioned if
you were to establish a Jewish homeland in
the heart of the Muslim world, it will
cause immense turmoil. Of course, the French and
British took this thing. They shelved it. They
said, thanks, but no thanks. Not interested. And
they the the French took over Greater Syria,
and then they broke it up into pieces.
They broke it up into 3, 4 different
countries. And until today, the and the French
would empower one group over the other. The
civil war that we have in Syria
why is Syria killing one another? What's going
on? Because they empowered
tiny a tiny minority called the Alawites against
the majority, and that continues for 100 years.
So this is the Lebanon constant civil war
happening. Why? Because of the French involvement. As
for the British,
they gave Saudi Arabia to the Sharif. And,
of course, under their control, they said, you
can have Saudi Arabia. But they are doing
a deal with the Saud the Saudis at
the same time. And the British were happy
for to say, you too can fight it
out, and whoever is in charge, so long
as you know who's boss, you can and
obviously, the Saud family took over Makkah and
they kicked out the Sharif. So he lost
His other son
was given
Iraq. So the Sharif one son was given
Mecca and Medina. He was overthrown by the
His other son was given Iraq, and he
was the king of the until a
Ba'athist revolution, a military coup,
took him and his entire family, our children,
all of them. 1 of the officers to
kill all of them, a man called Saddam
Massacred the whole,
family, the monarchy of Iraq, and then Iraq
became a country, a secular country as we
know. The only country which remained as a
kingdom was the king of Jordan. They gave
Jordan as well. That's why it's called the
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Why Hashem?
The family of an abi So they gave
Jordan. The British gave Jordan
under, of course, their control. They gave this
to one of the sons, Abdullah of, of
King Hussein. And until today, this is the
one kingdom that they still control, even though
he has nothing to do with Jordan. He's
not Jordanian or anything like that, but he's
the king of of Jordan. As for Palestine,
Palestine, Britain kept it as a mandate.
They realized if we were to bring in
a Jewish state now, it's gonna cause too
much conflict. So they said, we'll keep control,
and we'll decide what to do. And so
for a
they would say in their in their writings,
when they would establish a a a a
they would say that in July 1922, the
Council of the League of Nations approved the
mandate of Palestine under the British, and here,
they reaffirm the Balfour Declaration. So remember, all
the people are coming to Versailles. We all
have letters from the British. You promised us.
The Jews are there. The Zionists are there.
The the Arabs are there. You promised us.
Here's the letters. Here's the email that you're
gonna give us a state.
And when the British said, okay. We will
sort this out, they made it clear. We
are going to honor the Balfour Declaration. It's
a bit difficult to do that now. There's
going to be major uprising in the Middle
East. Let us first take control and slowly
bring in more and more Zionist Jewish settlers
to establish a base.
And, of course, we'll get you know, that
will come to fruition more after World War
2 with the holocaust. So this is what's
happening to the Middle East, cut up, divided,
and basically spat out. Now
what's happening to Turkey?
We said Turkey, of course, blamed as well
because they won the losing end. The Turks
are invaded by 5 armies, the British, the
French, the Italians, the Greeks, the Armenians. From
5 different areas, armies enter mainland Turkey, the
Turkey we see today, and they impose upon
the sultan
a severe treaty called the Treaty of Sevres.
And in this treaty, if you look at
the the next slide, look at how they
divide Turkey up.
So the blue part there on the one
side, they give that to the Greeks. The
western part of Turkey will go to the
Greeks. We're gonna give it to Greece.
That green stripes, that will be for the
Italians. Southern Turkey, Izmir, all of that, the
Italians will take this. The Armenians will take
the one side. And the only little part
of what is gonna be left of Turkey
is Ankara and a few
areas around it, even Constantinople,
Istanbul will come under international rule. There will
be no the budget, the economy, the military,
everything will be under the British and French
rule. The sultan felt I have no other
option but to accept this humiliating
treaty, which basically undermines our sovereignty. So he
agrees to the Treaty of Sevres.
Now many Turks,
the army, the nationalists, they felt this is
impossible. We cannot accept a treaty like this.
And that same general,
Kamal Mustafa Kamal, who had
fought for the Turks in Libya and kept
the British out in the battle of Gallipoli.
He now rallies
the people. He establishes
a second parliament in Ankara. That's why we
ask, why is the capital in Ankara not
constant Istanbul?
Because Ataturk
starts a second parliament
away from the sultan. He said the sultan
is a puppet, and the government is a
puppet to the the the European powers. We
will start our own government here in Ankara.
The army is with me, and whoever is
with me, the people, of course, are are
are with. Especially, what would really cause the
people to worry are the Greeks. The Greeks
have a bitter hatred for the Turks. There's
been fighting between them for 100 of years.
You look at Cyprus still today, there's a
half Greek side, half Turkish side. So the
Greeks made it known,
when we get to Turkey, we're going to
repay you for many, many centuries of your
hostility against us. Your women are not safe.
Your mosques are coming to an end. And
so they could they saw already that this
was a free for all. These
occupying armies were gonna brutalize the country, and
so the army rallied around Mustafa Kemal, and
they fought what is called a battle of
independence against the sultan. They fought a battle
against the the wishes of the sultan. The
sultan even had to issue a fatwa. He
had to issue a fatwa that
Ataturk and all of the guys fighting for
independence, their al Kufar,
Ataturk, they have their own will issue a
fatwa that the sultan is a puppet, And,
subhanAllah, of course, in the middle of all
this, the deen gets lost. But nonetheless,
the Turks rally around Mustafa Kemal, and they
fight a bitter
war of what is called in the well,
the book say war of independence. The Turk
call it the war of survival,
that the entire state was at at, you
know, at risk. And if you look at
the numbers,
staggering, the the the forces that invaded Turkey,
the Greeks sent 250,000 men into Turkey, the
British, 50,000. The French, 60,000. The Turkish army
has less than a 100,000.
as, Allah would decree that this man, Kamal
Ataturk, was a military genius, And right towards
the end, he was able to defeat and
push out the keep them at bay for
entire year until these allied forces basically said
we had enough fighting. We are done. And
the Greeks were forced to retreat. And by
this, he was able to completely
scrap the Treaty of Sevres and form a
independent Turkey, which looks like the Turkey we
see today. They were able to keep their
homeland as we have today. And with that,
it was quite clear now who has the
power in
Turkey. The sultan has no power. This new
government is actually the government of Turkey,
and he becomes a the, he is now
appointed the new president of Turkey, Ataturk. He,
and that's why he's called Ataturk means the
father of the Turks. He starts a new
this is a new Turkish Republic. He abolishes
the Ottoman Empire. We are no longer an
Ottoman Empire. We are a country called Turkey,
and it is based on nationalism,
upon people who speak Turkish language
irrespective of a religion, irrespective of it is
all about we are Turks, and we have
nothing to do with Arabs. We have nothing
to do with Muslims. We are a nation
on our own, and this becomes confirmed in
a treaty. And so now it is a
new Republic of Turkey and Ataturk
is the father of this republic. And now
he brings in a few reforms. As we
said, one of the first things he did
was he abolished the sultanate, not the caliphate,
the sultan.
The sultan was sort of the one man
one man boss. The sultan, I rule everything.
I'm absolute control. That's how the concept of
sultan. He said, no. We don't have this
thing called sultan. We have a president. We
have a parliament. This is a modern kind
of politics, and so they abolish the sultan.
We have no need for you anymore.
And after he abolished the sultanate,
of course, this brings an end to the
600 year Ottoman Empire. There's a new country
called Turkey.
He didn't abolish the caliphate
to begin with because this would be greatly
unpopular to all the Muslims around the world.
Muslims in India, Muslims across the Middle East
said, if you were to abolish the caliphate,
this would be bring something to Islam. And,
it was envisioned there would be a Khalifa
that's a fig figurehead. He has no political
power. He's just there like the Pope. He
doesn't have any he's just the a spiritual
ruler even though, Islamically, the Khalifa has political
power. That's the reason. He's the Khalifa because
he's supposed to be,
the the law of Allah.
Ataturk, as he gets more and more power
and his policies become more entrenched, he then
caliphate. 19 as we said in,
3rd March 1924,
the Khalifa
was issued a, you know,
a a a a vote in parliament to
say, we should abolish the caliphate. There should
be no such thing as a caliphate,
and he, you know, issues. So he issues
a decree, and with that, the last Khalifa
comes to an end. In fact, it shows
you his his mindset when so we had
this time, we had no Sultan where the
Sultan was gone. He was just a Khalifa.
Abdul Majid is the last guy.
When he wrote to Ataturk, Ataturk basically said
to him,
the caliphate, in my opinion, has no power
or position except a figurehead.
And in reality, your office is nothing but
a historic relic. Really, you should not be
there. For you to even write to me
asking for allowance, asking for some kind of
concessions, you don't deserve to even write to
me. In my opinion, you should be abolished.
This was, like, 2 years. So if it
is mindset was always, I need to get
rid of this caliphate. And people were writing,
especially in India, a movement called the Khalifa
movement, a movement to try and preserve the
caliphate in India was was moving. The Muslims
there. And they wrote to Ataturk and saying,
you cannot abolish the caliphate. Eventually, he had
enough of this, and he simply said, well,
there's no reason for this. We have nothing
to do with this caliphate business, and he
abolished it. And Muhammad mentioned here, Abu Majid,
he was given a a phone call or
he come a person came to him in
the middle of the night and woke him
up and said, parliament has decreed that you're
no longer the Khalifa,
and you've been stripped of your nationality. You're
not even Turkish. You and your entire family
are not Turkish. You have a train that
is leaving. You are exiled to Italy. You
must get your things together, and you must
leave immediately.
The Khalifa was
dumbfounded. He was shocked. How how how is
this possible?
And, of course, nobody did anything. Nobody stopped
it, and him and his family boarded the
train. And it's mentioned here, SubhanAllah, when he
boarded the train,
the police basically, like, took him into custody
and he boarded the train. He said his
goodbyes. When he got to the train station,
the person in charge of the train was
a Jewish
person. And the person said to him, we
I speak to you on behalf of my
fellow countrymen. We owe the Ottomans and the
Khalifa a great debt. You people took us
in when we were expelled all over from
Europe. It is my honor to serve you
now. You are still my Khalifa. In this
last moments of of your difficulty,
I am honored to serve you. This brought
some tears to Abdul Majid, but he was
eventually exiled and he was taken to Italy
and then eventually
to to France. And he dies in France.
And even after he dies in France,
they wrote to the Turkish parliament, allow us
to bury him in Turkey. They refused. His
body is not allowed to come back to
to Turkey. So for him, he's buried in
Janat al Baqi in Madinah. They accepted his
body in Madinah. So now we have a
new Turkey.
Secularism is gonna be forced down the throat
of the of the people. So we must
say Ataturk is a is a character where
the good side, he reforms Turkey. He builds
roads, universities. He, of course, had protected the
Turkish people of of of, invasion.
But once in charge, his policy, he's deep
for religion,
and he modeled himself after the French. So
the French, as we said, had a great
disgust for religion, and so he has the
same kind of thinking.
He bans
the reciting of the adhan in Arabic. It
is resulted in Turkish.
It is a crime to make salah in
Arabic. You get fined 3 years in jail
for reciting salah or reciting the Quran in
Arabic. It must be recited in Turkish.
The fiz
is illegal to wear in public. The hijab
of the ladies before it's illegal in France,
illegal in Turkey. The land which was the
capital of the Muslim empire, women couldn't wear
hijab. This continued until 1950.
Until 1950,
these laws were in place where it was
illegal to even speak Arabic in public. The
script the Turkish script was in the Arabic
latest, the Tullis, then they changed it to
the Latin script. And so,
this is the new Turkey. And today, you'll
see the tension that remains.
Erdogan, which is, of course, an Islamic party
trying to reform and bring Islamic,
ethos back to Turkey, has a lot of
opposition from the military. He was trying to
ex he was almost assassinated a few years
ago because the Secular Army
and many people still believe in the principles
of Ataturk.
The idea was it is because of Islam
and because of this backward thinking that we
lost the war, that millions of people died,
that we were,
you know, brought to our knees. And if
we go back to the Islamic way of
thinking, we will be back in the stone
ages. And so this tension remains. And so
with that, SubhanAllah, the sad chapter, the Khalifa
faith has come to an end. We will
talk more
tomorrow and reflect on the last 100 years.
What has the ummah been like the last
100 years with Altaq Khalifa, and what should
we do now? Should we fight for an
a Khalifa and reestablish 1? Is the is
it something that we need to do? And
how do we move forward as a Muslim
all that, we'll discuss
Just, we go through our questions.
how much
the the the German Kaiser
had given the Ottoman Sultan 2,000,000
Kurus. I don't know how much a Kurus
is, but 2,000,000,000, 2,000,000,000 Kurus.
Sister Aisha Dokrat?
Mohammed Daniel Peters.
Mohammed Daniel Peters not here?
Watch the Schroeder.
Watch the not here.
You got it? You want?
Tazakah, tonight's do we have no question tonight?
Oh, we do have a question tonight. It's
not on the slide. So the question tonight,
who was the last caliphate? The last khalifa?
So, subhanAllah, the first khalifa, say,
The last khalifa
for now, inshallah for now, we're not to
say that there won't be another one, but
for now, who was the last khalifa? It's
a easy one.