Tim Humble – Practical Introduction To The Science Of Hadeeth

Tim Humble
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the "has been misguided" message in media, citing examples such as the use of "has been misguided" messages in media, and the history and characteristics of the "has been misguided" message, including its potential for disagreement. They stress the importance of finding authentic hadiths in the western world and identifying the narrator in writing, as well as the need for a hazard to avoid mistakes and identifying individuals as strong strong persons. The transcript is also difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of sentences and characters.
AI: Transcript ©
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inshallah Tada, today inshallah we're talking about the science of Hades, and the science of Hadeeth. It's a science that we use as a support. It's not a primary source of knowledge. In other words, you don't study the science of Hadith. For the sake of learning the science of Hadith, you study the science of Hadith as a support to something else. Just like you study engineering, to build a bridge or to build a house or to be a structural engineer or to you study it for a purpose. You don't study it for the sake of nothing at all. This knowledge is studied for the purpose of understanding another kind of knowledge. In other words,

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this science of Hadith is going to let us understand the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And more importantly, it's going to let us distinguish between the authentic and between what is not authentic from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. So this is really the science, this is the tool that the muhaddith carries around when he chips away at the text. And he comes up and he says, This is it. This is authentic, and this is life. And this is not authentic. This is Hatton, this is fair, it's good enough. This is mooncup. It contains something in it, which is to be rejected. It's very, very weak. This is more war, it's a fabrication against the

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Prophet sly sell. Some of them were had defeated, they became so good at this, and so knowledgeable about it, they were accused of saying

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they were accused of magic, why would they accuse the magic because nobody can understand this science until you dive into it, and you surround yourself with it. And you practice it. And you think how is it possible that one person in the middle of Baghdad can be asked about a hadith and he says don't listen to this hadith is Hadees was fabricated by this guy. Then you go to another person in Egypt. And he says you don't listen to this guy. It was fabricated by this. And every one of them takes the same thing just by listening to the Hadith, a couple of names, one name goes to this and this code, and suddenly, they come out and they come to a conclusion. And the fact that many, many

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of the Muslims didn't understand how the science work, it led to some of them, I had the team being accused of being magicians, because we just can't understand how you can go to all of these names and all of these chains and all of these texts and these different books and come out with authentic, reliable, not reliable, partially reliable, this guy is okay, this guy is not okay. How could they possibly do that? It comes through studying the science and the science Alhamdulillah. It's not. The science is a simple science. But it's a science that requires a lot of thinking. And I believe it was to Fianna 30. And I couldn't find the court this morning looking for it. But if my

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memory serves me right, it was so funny and authority Rahim Allah who said, the science of Hadith is a male, it's a man. And nobody can understand the science except the strongest of men. And the meaning of this is not to exclude women from the science of Hadith, because women have a huge role in the science of Hadith. And in fact, many women gave a massive contribution to the science of Hadith. At the forefront of those women was our mother, I shall have the Allahu anhu, who was from the first of the people to criticize the narrator's of Hadees, to say, this person has a good memory and this person doesn't have a good memory. So I she laid rhodiola, and had a foundation for the

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critique of narrators and the testing of narrators, she would send her nephew to go and test some of the companions to see how well they would memorize the Hadees. And then she would listen she would say, I think that he has memorized it correctly. Or I see from this, that he has a good memory. He's a trustworthy narrator. So so patrulla the role of women is very important in the science of Hades. But the meaning of this is that the science of Hades like a man, it's difficult to get hold of. It's big and strong. And it tends to cause you a lot of headaches and pain. And it's very, very, very hard for you to sort of get hold of it and sort of wrestle it down to the ground. And that's why you

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have this statement. And I do recall it was from Sophia Anatoly. But don't quote me on that, that he said that the science of Hades is a male and non content, nobody can handle it except for the strong men, those people who have that kind of strength and that kind of mental ability. And that's why you find that the more highly tuned they are the geniuses of this woman in general. And that's not to say you don't have geniuses for most of

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the scholars of inheritance and other things, but where you find the biggest concentration of intellect amongst the Muslim Ummah is the most the scholars of Hadith. These people are people who memorize 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of names 1000s

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of people where they live, when they died, who they met all of their teachers names all of their students names. they memorize where they made mistakes where they didn't make mistakes, they memorize hundreds of 1000s of Hadees. they memorize books, they memorize people, and they understand all of it. And then they take this science of Hadith. And they chip away at the Heidi thing, they come out and they say this word here is not right. This word here was not said by the messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this phrase here came from this man, and and you think to them, Subhan Allah, this is really, really a very, very difficult science, and hamdulillah. Today, we're

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not going to go over the more difficult parts of the science of Howdy. What we want to do is just to really let people know what the science of Hades really is. And so to use this, and I always like to sort of tie ourselves to a book, because I think one of the problems that we have these days amongst the way that we learn Islam, is we tend to learn Islam from the people who give Dawa, and people who come and give lectures. And they tend to sort of summarize what they've learned from lots of people. And so when you ask them, okay, what have you, what have you sort of done? What is your sort of what have you studied in this time? We said, well, I've attended lots of lectures. Okay, but what have

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you studied? Have you studied Sahara? Buhari? I've heard of it. So you get sort of a confusion because people are not tied down to a particular book. They don't come and teach style Buhari, even though they might be teaching Sohail Buhari, they'll give it a different name, or they'll just take bits and pieces. So it's nice for us to actually have a book that we're going to use as kind of a reference. And I don't think we're going to finish it today. But in Sharla, it's just that we can use as a kind of a reference for an introduction to the science of Hadith. And that book is the book that I have in front of me, it's very, very, very small poem, and it's called mum Boomer album,

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Boomer, lb punia on Boomer Toby Cooney. And this is a poem that was written by Omer, Eben Mohammed, even fecteau halbig Kony Rahim Mahalo to Allah who lived about 1080 years after the hedgerow, which is around 1669 in the Christian era. So if we look at our dates today, sort of, we're looking at what you know, sort of 400 years or something, somewhere around that sort of timeframe. And it'd be less. So he lived around that time. And he wrote a poem, and this poem has 34 lines. And in this poem, he explained a lot of an introduction, or some of the most important things that you need to know when you approach the science of Hades. Now, we're not going to be able to stick to the poem,

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firstly, because it will take far too long for us to finish. But inshallah, we're going to dive in here and there at least, so people can say, oh, I've heard of Albania, this is a poem, it's about the science of Hadith. And I've sort of heard a few lines from it. And I sort of understand what it has in it and what it doesn't have in it. And maybe from there, you can hopefully sort of link yourself to that book, and inshallah, when translations are brought out, or when people's Arabic reaches the level where they can understand a little better, they can tie themselves and they can say, Look, I've done Shemitah Timothy, I've done, a lot of I know, I've done mazuma, typically, I've

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done, you know, a lot of parts I've done, and they've got little books that they've sort of covered in Islam. And that's much, much better. And there's much more Baraka in it than saying, I heard saulsville speak a lecture, and I heard saulsville speaker lecture, because there isn't any Baraka or there is very little Baraka in these kinds of lectures that we do. But the Baraka is when we tie them from the, to the knowledge of the self, to the knowledge of the people who came before us the knowledge of those people who provided us these books that contains so much Baraka, and so much information and so much knowledge. So we want to try to tie ourselves a little bit to the book as

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much as possible, but we're going to need to introduce the topic anyway, before we begin. So this is the topic of the science of Heidi's, like we said, the science of hiding this from the types of knowledge that helps us to understand something. So it's not, in itself a goal. We don't learn the science of Hadith. For the sake of the science of Hadith, we learn this and I'll give you a contradict that with or, or I'll compare that with, for example, aqeedah we learn aqeedah for the sake of learning aqeedah we learn tafsir for the sake of understanding the Quran, it's very, very direct, you learn Tafseer for the sake that's why you learn it, you learn it, and it's your goal.

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But here what we're learning is not a goal. It's a tool. It's a tool to understand another area of Islamic knowledge. And that other area of Islamic knowledge is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So we want to learn the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, but we can't learn it properly without this tool. So we need a tool in our hands that's going to help us to learn the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So you don't find somebody learn the science of Hadith and then stop. He learns the science of Hadith or she learns the science of

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Hello, and then they go and apply it to learning the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam what is authentic and what is not authentic and the essence of it is, it distinguishes between the high and the dive between the authentic and between the weak. It's that simple. The more you know about this, the more knowledgeable you will be about which Hadees are authentic, and which Hadith are not authentic from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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There is no doubt that this is a very virtuous kind of knowledge. It's a very praiseworthy kind of knowledge. And that's because it's connected with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And every knowledge takes its virtue from its subject. Right? If you ask someone, why is medicine so valued? Why are people so impressed when someone is a doctor? It's all about saving people's lives and making people get better with the permission of Allah. It has a very honorable subject, but there is no subject more honorable than the subject which deals with Allah subhanaw taala. And then after that the subject which deals with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Who is the most

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virtuous of all of creation and the best of Allah's creation, Salatu was Salam O Allah. So there's no doubt that when we study the science of Hadith, we are studying a subject Whose call is about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and so it has a lot of shadows. It has a lot of honor and a lot of virtue.

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As cemani Rahim, Allah He said, No, May Allah give you success, that the knowledge of Hadith is the most knowledge, honorable type of knowledge after knowing the book of Allah, because the rulings of the book of Allah are built upon it, and the rulings of the book of Allah are extracted from it. Now if you think about this, the Quran gives us very general rules for most of the Quran, not all of the Quran, but most of the Quran gives us general rules, pray, perform the prayer, give this a car, but it doesn't give us the specifics, when to pray, when not to pray, what we need to do before and after what the conditions of the prayer are, what's allowed what isn't allowed, what to say when to

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read aloud when to read quiet. It doesn't give us any of that before an SES gives a car. But it doesn't tell us how much is a car to give. And it doesn't tell us in which what level of the nisab has to reach the amount of money you have to have has to be before you give this car. So as it says here, the knowledge of Hades is so important because it's going to extract it's going to extract and explain the rulings of the plan. So we know that our last part Allah often mentioned things in the Quran in a very summarized and a very general way, and the sooner comes along and it gives you all of the detail that you need. And so for us to be able to pray to be able to fast to be able to give

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us a car to be able to perform the Hajj. We cannot do it without the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we cannot benefit from the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam without knowing what is authentic and what isn't authentic. So this science here is directly related to understanding the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Alonso JAL commands in the Quran in certain Hashem

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wanna tell como rasuluh wanna come and move into Who? Whatever the Messenger of Allah gives you take it, and whatever he forbids you from, abstain from it, don't take it, and fear Allah and allies indeed severe punishment.

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So think for a moment. Our last product, as I mentioned is sort of

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that whatever the Messenger of Allah give to take, and this word ma is from alfalfa alone from Jen, it's a general word. So don't let anyone say this ayah was revealed about alfei this ayah was revealed about the war booty, maybe the ayah was revealed about the war booty but when a lie so it just uses a general meaning the meaning is general Allah subhanaw taala doesn't mix up his speech, when he uses a general word that means that the idea is general and like to say unable to be in love flabby, who says

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that the point or the the thing that we take into account when we look at an ayah is the generality of the word, the fact that the wording is general not the fact that it was revealed about better or about offroad or about the war booty or about anything else. Allah says what ever the Messenger of Allah gives you take it, and whatever, from the dean from the dounia from the wall booty from the benefit from advice, he forbids you from abstain from it, and fear Allah Indeed Allah severe and penalty.

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So when we look at this, if there is no way for us to implement this ayah without the science of it, we need the science of Hadith in order to be able to implement this is because we need to know what the messenger gave us and what he didn't give us. We need to know and we can't know that without the science of Hadith.

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It was a story I had because he was azorean not Sofia story. As long as he said, the knowledge of Hadith is male, no one understands it except great men. And this is from the virtues of Hadith from the statement of any moment, sorry. And I will ask them and nebia Rahim Allah to Allah He said, Whoever seeks the knowledge of Hadith has sought the greatest thing in the world, so he must be from the greatest of people. And one of the self he said Allah as Allah has put angels to God the heavens, Allah azza wa jal has put the scholars of Hadith to God Earth, and the meaning of this is not to God, the affairs of the earth, like the rain and the wind and the things that Eliza gel takes

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care of, but to God, the things that are our religion for us, at the end of the day, the Quran and the Sunnah, they are preserved through what the Quran and don't think the Quran is any different. The Koran is preserved through narration, it's preserved through somebody telling somebody telling somebody telling somebody, but the Alhamdulillah with regard to the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala has promised us that he will preserve it. And it has been narrated by so many people that we don't have to worry too much about for the majority of the rewrite of the Quran. We don't have to worry too much about who said it and who didn't say it because we have a consensus regarding at least we will

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say the 10 different methods or 10 of the different rewired. But even in some of the other rewired some of the rare means of reciting the Quran, you still need this knowledge, you still need the knowledge of Hadith, even in some areas of the Quran. Was this really set by me Ibis did I shall really read the ayah that way did even you must read the ayah like this or like that. These kinds of things. You need a little bit of knowledge of Hadith as well. So it's very, very important.

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And this knowledge, it gets you as close as you can be to being a companion. None of us have been blessed with being a companion of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam foretold of a people who will come and he said, there is a there will be a people who will come that one of them would sell his family and his wealth, just to get a glimpse of me. While law he will law he will love these people of the people of Hades and the scholars of Hadith and they cannot be anyone else. And let nobody say that they are the Foucault how the other scholars of Tafseer there are only one group of people who gave their family and they gave

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their wealth and they gave their time and they gave their lives to get one glimpse of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, these other scholars of Hadith nobody else. Look Imam Al Bukhari to travel for 40 days in the heat of the desert, or for how many months and months in the heat of the desert, just to listen to one word that might have been said by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. This is somebody who sold his family and his wealth, to see the prophets Allah love it.

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So we cannot be companions of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but by studying this knowledge, the knowledge of Hadees the knowledge of the science of Hadith, we can come as close to them as we possibly can. So we can come as close to them as we can, in understanding what the prophet SAW. Selim used to be like, who he was like, and at the end of the day, who is the most knowledgeable of the people about the Prophet size, Helen, it is the scholars of Hadith. And please don't understand from me when I'm talking about scholars of Hadith, that we are taking anything away from the status of the scholars of Islam. All of the knowledge of Islam is Baraka. All of the

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knowledge of Islam is amazing. All of the knowledge of Islam has its virtues and it has its people, and each one of them has that great reward. Look at the scholars of Quran the best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it. The prophet SAW Selim said, and Allah so just as about the scholars of Dawa, who is better than the one who calls to Allah subhanaw taala, who is better than the one who calls to Allah, and does good deeds and says, indeed, I am from the Muslims. So we every scholar, our every group of scholars have their virtue. But today we're talking about Hadith. So we're talking about the virtue of the scholars of Hadith. They are both scholars who strive their

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whole lives, in order just to be able to live day and night with the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam. Some of the the scholars of Islam, they described them, like the gold merchant, when you go to a gold merchant, and you give him a piece of gold, and he just looks at it like this to fake.

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How did he learn to do that? You think? How did he learn to do that without a microscope? He just puts it between his fingers, and he just scratches it with his finger and looks at it, what to fake. The jewelry merchant who takes the diamond looks at it and says, Yeah, that's worth 1000 pounds and he takes another one that looks identical to you and he says that's worth 10,000 pounds. They do that because they live their whole lives with a particular skill and a particular science and what we're talking about

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scholars who live their whole lives, deciding what is authentic and what is not authentic from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they do try to break it down and explain it to us in a way that we can understand. But of course for us it seems very difficult to get from all the way down to that stage. But as you become faster at it as you become more knowledgeable as you get more experience you get a feel you get a taste for the Heidi's this Heidi's it doesn't look like the Heidi's of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given.

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He was given Joanna or Canon

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and Joanna or kelim it means that he said things in the shortest way possible with the most meaning.

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I came across a hadith one day when I went to buy shawarma

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and I went to buy shawarma in Medina.

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Very nice place in Medina called booty very, very nice Shawn. And I went there to buy shawarma and they had a hadith on the wall. And this hadith is known as the Hadith allele Gemma aka the Hadith that covers everything.

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And this hadith was printed on an a4 piece of paper, whoever wants to be the richest of people, let him do this, whoever wants to be the kindness of people, let him do this. Whoever wants to be the most knowledgeable people and do this, whoever wants to be the most noble of people and do this whoever wants to be the nicest people to his parents let him do this. I took one look at I said this is not the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah.

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This is not how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to speak, he did not use to waste the time with these long, long, long, long, long, you whoever wants to be the kind of whoever wants to be the nicest not which is different from the kindness group. This is not how the prophets I seldom used to speak. And those people who spend time with Hadith of the Messenger of Allah so I send them, they look at this hadith. And they say almost instantly. They look at this hadith and they say almost instantly. Looking at this Hadith, they say now this is not from the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu irisin. And of course we don't, I didn't look at it and say, Okay, this is your

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mobile, but it made me sort of in my heart, it made me say, that doesn't feel right. And that came from just a couple of years of studying Hades. Now imagine if you spent a lifetime studying Hades you become very, very, very detailed. Even down to the individual narrator's No, no, that's not Soviet authority. That's not that can't be because that guy didn't meet that guy at that time. And it becomes like a puzzle and you become very, very, very quick at being able to solve it. And so this is some of the sort of the, the virtues of the science of Hadith.

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Continuing on from that, Sophia, Anatoly himself, Rahim Allah He said, The angels are the guardians of the heavens and the people of Hades are the guardians of the earth. And even Ashman said there is no people, in my opinion, better than the people of Hades who only know the Hadith. And Abu Dawood Rahim Allah He said, If it were not for these people, Islam would have been forgotten. How do you think you make a statement like that? Abu Dawood Rahim Allah says, if it was not for the people of Hadith, Islam would have been forgotten, because they are the ones who have preserved Islam. You and me, we didn't know how to pray. We didn't know how to fast we didn't know how to give us a car. It

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was the scholars of Hadith who brought us the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so that we could understand it and so that we could appreciate it.

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Moving on to our introduction, before we look at some of what are the mammal be akoni Rahim Allah said, we have to ask ourselves the question, what's the Hadeeth? Let's be talking about the science of Hadith. Before we talk about the science of hydrate, we should probably ask ourselves, what is the hottest? So Heidi, is that which is attributed to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. And it covers four or five different things. So yes, in a heartbeat, we can talk about

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things that are attributed to other than the prophets lie Selim. But this is kind of like a side point. Really, what we're focused on in Hadith is marital defect in obese Allah Allahu Allahu wa sallam, that which is attributed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Yes, we can use the science of Hadith to tell you did the man Ahmed really say that or not? Does he really say that or not? Did a Saudi really say that or not? But that's a side issue. We're not really focused upon that what we focused upon is what is attributed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in four or five different areas his speech so the prophet SAW I sell them segment Amina MLM Lisa le e m una for

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who all right, whoever does an action which is not in accordance with my sooner will have it rejected. So that that that's something that profits wise alum said. It's attributed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it's something that he said. So it's a call. It's something he said, Okay. We're also interested in what the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam did. He went here he went to this place he fought this battle, he said,

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He made will do in this manner. This also interests us, in terms of a hottie so ahaadeeth what the prophets lie Selim said, what he did, what he approved of his career. Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a unique quality sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in that, when he would remain silent, this would indicate his approval. And why is that, because the prophets lie, Selim would not be allowed to remain silent when something haram was done in front of him. So if something was done in front of him, and he didn't stop the person and say this is wrong, that means that it has to be correct. So we're interested in what he approved of what the companions did in front of him. And he

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either said, You did well, or he either said, Well done, or he said allies pleased with you. Or he said, What a wonderful, whatever he said, or he simply remained silent, and short his approval, or he laughed, or he smiled, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, all of these are things that we find in the area of approval. And then we come to the fourth or the fifth together, the issue of the description of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So we also have within the realm of Hades within the science of Hades, we're interested in the description of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And the reason I said four or five is because some of the LMR, they split the description into healthier

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and happier, healthier is his physical description. So we hear that he had a fine line of hair that would go from his chest to his navel sallallahu wasallam. This is a Hadith, even though it's only a physical description, and also the description of his manners, like the hadith of Ayesha rhodiola, who enhance the hair to Holly and Muslim kind of Hulu. And his manners were the Quran. So description of his manners, his physical description, his approval, the actions that he did, and the statements that he made. These are all what we are concerned about with the science of Hadith. And the reason we're saying this from the beginning, is because many people might sort of listen to a

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hadith and think it's what the prophet SAW, Selim said. But it's not just what he said. It's also his description, his manners, what people said, he did, what he approved of, even if he only approved of it by being silent. So that is very important. So if we find the companions did something, during the time of the prophets lie Selim and it became known amongst the prophets I send did not say to them what you did is wrong, then we know this is the Hadith of the prophets. Why Selim, because this indicates his approval. Salatu was Salam O Allah, the plural of Hadith is a Hadees. And of course, the word has a broad broader meaning in the Arabic language. So in Arabic,

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the word Hadith is quite much broader. It can mean a narration, or even a story, or something that you say, these are all meanings of the word Hadith. But in the science of Hadith, we're concerned with the statements, the actions, the approval, and the description of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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How is the Hadith transmitted? How do we end up with a Heidi? How do we actually make that sort of step forward?

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a hadith has two components. And throughout the rest of the lecture today, inshallah to Allah, we're going to be talking about these two components, and the two components of ahaadeeth of the chain, and the text. So the chain of narrators, it begins with the person furthest away.

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And usually It begins with the person who recorded the Hadeeth down in a book. Now I can narrate to you, I can't, but I could potentially narrate to you all the way up to the prophets, I send them from me.

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And you might narrate all the way to the prophets, I send them from you, and that's okay. And that's still done today. And it's still widespread amongst the Muslim world. But it doesn't concern us as much. Because after a certain time, sort of, we're looking at 200 to 400 years, perhaps folden, 50 years after the Hydra at the most. We have many, almost all of the Hadith recorded down in books. And these books have become so widespread, that I don't have to prove to you the Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari because you have your own copy, and I have my own copy. Now, obviously, in the early days, it wasn't like that. So the chain would begin with the author of the book, who recorded it down. And

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the book became famous. And of course, it can begin earlier, because after all, Buhari, there were people who came along, and they wrote their own books based on the hadith of Alibaba Buhari. So there's nothing to say that it has to start, but generally, it's good to start with an author. So and Emmanuel Buhari narrated in his hate, and he said, so and so narrated to me.

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And now he's starting to move

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up the chain. So and So narrated.

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solid, solid, solid, solid, solid solid. It's a chain of men or women that reach the eventual goal. And normally for the purpose of this discussion, the goal is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And of course, we're ideally looking for a chain that doesn't have any breaks in it.

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So for example, if I say to you,

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Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab said,

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straight away, you can tell, but I never met Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab.

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So you'd have to ask me, oh, Mohammed, where did you get this particular statement from? More than that I can say to you shake a bit of a mean set. And you can say yes, Mohammed, it was possible that you met shake, I'm gonna say mean, because you did become Muslim before the chef passed away or him hold on to Allah. But those people who know Mohammed, they know that he never met, shaken receiving. So for me to say shake with a mean said means that there is something broken in this chain, it's not a connected chain all the way. Because I never listened directly to shake about a thing. Only I could have listened to him via tape, or via a book, or via one of his students who narrated to me

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because I studied for many of the students have shared with me. So I can narrate from shake of the mean. And if I say my teacher who was a shaker, who was a student of shaker plus a mean narrated to me that shake up the thing being said, now it becomes a bit stronger. Okay, you might believe me anyway. But for the purpose of proving that it's true, proving beyond reasonable doubt, to share what it means that that thing, you need me to provide somebody in between, who's the link between me and between the shape, because even though the shape and me were alive, at the same time, I did not hear directly from the shape, I did not sit in front of the shape and hear from him from his words

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directly. So whatever I generate from him, I narrate via somebody else, or via tapes. And of course, this is not something that we're concerned about with the Hadith of the Prophet sly silent, because we don't have any of his ahaadeeth recorded on tape. But what we're interested in, is we're interested in the fact that the chain begins for us really, for the most part, it begins with the author of the book, because once these books have become widespread, we no longer need to prove that we have an authentic chain to the author. So there's another way that I can narrate from shake up and if Amy, and I can say to you shake up a notch, I mean, said because it's in one of his books,

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and you have the book and I have the book and everyone else has the book and you can find the book on the internet. And that's an acceptable way of me proving that the chef made that statement. Likewise, I can say LMR mobile highly narrated this Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim and I don't need to provide a chain to Alabama honey, because all of us have Sohail Buhari in our houses on the internet in our in our in our massages, so we can easily prove that a hadith is present in Buhari or it's not present in Sahil Buhari. So where are we concerned about is astral rewire the age of narration by person, person to person. And of course, how do you feel written down at the very

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beginning of the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Abu hurayrah radi Allahu

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Allahu Allah. And he said that nobody narrated more Heidi's from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam than me, except for Abdullah except for our beloved ama. Because Abdullayev an AMA he used to write, and I did not used to write. So we know that there were companions who used to write during the time of the Prophet bison. But for the most part, most of the Hadith were passed down orally, because people were better at it than writing. You might think, Oh my god, that puts so much doubt in the Hadees. They will aerated orally, suppiler, Allah, these people would not have been trustworthy to write things down, they could not read and write quickly and accurately. Very

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few of the companions could read and write to a level that would be good enough for us to believe that it was reliable.

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There were some and they did do so. But the majority were very reliable, when it came to the oral tradition. And this continued through Islam, but the balance started to change. So by the time you get to 200 years after the Hydra 250 years after the Hydra, you see that the balance has changed in favor of writing, and people no longer trust the majority of people to narrate something by word accurately.

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Maybe at the time of the Sahaba they would not have trusted somebody to write something down. In case they made a mistake unless it was one of the non scribes who wrote down the way from the Prophet slicin.

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But as the later years came by 150 years more people were writing 200 years more people were writing 250 years, almost everybody was writing

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Nobody was as good as the early generations in rapid reporting things orally. So nobody should ever look at that and feel that that it's a weakness, it's actually a strength as the people changed to being more proficient at writing and less proficient at memorizing the the Heidi's changed to be more in the form of written books and less in the form of oral traditions, and hamdulillah. We have a science that deals with both fields, oral and written. And the science of Hadees covers both of those as we're going to hear.

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And of course, Allah azza wa jal has promised to preserve the vicar and according to the The more, the more sound of the two opinions of the scholars of Tafseer. This includes the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Let's take a moment as well before we talk about the nitty gritty of the science of Hadith inshallah,

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to talk about the books of Hadith.

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Now, I bet this probably most of you can name one or two books of Hadith of the Prophet size. But it might be difficult for you to name many books of Hadith of the prophets I send them so let's just have a an overview of the most important books of the have Hadith that the container Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The first and foremost and the most authentic and the most reliable is the Sahaba. of Eman al Bukhari Rahim Allah to Allah nobody died in 256, after the Hydra, so that gives you an idea. Of course, I Buhari was not the first one to produce a book of the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was beaten to that by probably, maybe somewhere around

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the region of 70 years or more, he was beaten by considerable length of time. But he produced the most strict and the most reliable of all of the books of Hadith, because he was especially strict in which Hadith he put into that he knew many, many authentic hadith that he did not put in insight. And you should not understand from sahale Buhari the amount of Buhari put down all of his authentic Hadees he knew many many 1000s of Hadees other than those that were authentic, but he just put in the best of the best of the best. And that's why his book is considered to be so authentic and so reliable. And that is followed almost equal in status but not quite equal in status by the state of

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his student Alabama Muslim and Lima Muslim. In his say, Rahim Allah to Allah, his so he is known for something. And whenever you're involved in the science of Hades, you need to know the advantages and the disadvantages. And one of the disadvantages of Sohail Buhari is that at the moment Buhari wrote most of it from memory while he was traveling.

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So, compare this Mr. Muslim wrote most of it when he was at home with his books in front of him, so he would look hiraeth copy it down, write it down. Check it again. Yes, Alabama Buhari had an amazing memory. But still in terms of the reliability of the wording. The wording of Sahih Muslim is better and more reliable in the wording of sahale Buhari sahale Buhari has a stricter set of conditions. So Sohail Buhari is good for proving that the Hadith is authentic at the highest level of authenticity. Sahih Muslim is good because it is the wording the exact word for word. Was it a fire? Was it a while? Was it nebby? Was it rhassoul though the exact specific wording is more

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reliable in Sahih Muslim because Mr. Muslim had the help of like an open book exam, he had his book in front of him when he wrote, whereas in emammal Buhari would write down from memory sometimes many days after he heard the Hadees. And don't worry, because he was extremely reliable in doing that. But by nature, human nature, you're going to get some disagreement in words here and there. You hear one word and you remember another kind of thing. You're going to get that here and there. And so Allah Muslim is also in terms of reliability of the wording is better. Also, on top of that, there's another advantage to say Muslim, and that is that the order of Sahih Muslim because again, he was

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writing in the comfort of his own home, so to speak. Lima Muslim was able to really gather all of the Hadith together in one place. As far as I remember Buhari and Emmanuel Buhari Rahim Allah, he would write down a hadith and then hear the Hadith again and write it down somewhere else and then the Hadees and that's why you open up sometimes, you know, Kitab al Hajj and you find the Hadith that has, when you look at it, you can't see any connection to hygena Hadith at all. Whereas inside a Muslim all of the same Hadees are grouped together. Everything is in a beautiful order one by one by one. You if you find one Hadith about a certain meaning, you're not going to find that Hadees

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20 pages now it's going to be the next Heidi's or the one after or the one after. So it's very good for order. But remember Buhari has one more advantage, which we need to take advantage of in his book.

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And that is that, at the moment, Buhari has an amazing understanding of hobbies. And he wrote chapter titles, and Mr. Muslim didn't write chapter titles. So he didn't give us any phip. Mr. Muslim didn't give us any of his own knowledge of the halaal and the haraam in there. He just basically put the Hadith in order. Nice order, nice, reliable, accurate wording beginning to end. And emammal Buhari, he wrote chapters and someone might say, well, where did the chapters in say Muslim come from? They came from an Imam and nawawi Rahim Allah he's the one who added the chapters into a mosque.

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Swami mama Buhari, he writes these chapters, and these chapter headings are not just one word, these chapter headings are sometimes an a4 page.

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They're sometimes bigger than the Hadees that he mentioned. It has a lot of it has a lot of understanding. It has a lot of insight. There are things that you would never be able to understand from the Hadith until you understand when you look at the enamel Mohali and how he explained that Hadith. So it's very, very, very valuable to fit inside of Sohail Buhari is extremely valuable. And sometimes even though LMR of Islam can't explain why Buhari put a hadith in a particular chapter, or they find it very hard to explain and so themselves to Paula I just I don't know he was just too clever for me I can't understand. But suppiler law util through study and through looking at all of

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the different scholars together, you can understand why early mama Buhari chose to put certain things classic example, first Heidi's insoluble Holly, the chapter of how revelation began to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam. Allah Bukhari starts with the Hadith in MLB. net. Indeed, actions are according to intentions. And you look again, the chapter of how revelation began to the prophets lie Selim and you read the next item, the next item is all about revelation and how it began and how it started and how it stopped. And you sort of think, okay, go back to the first Hadees, what has that got to do with revelation. And again, you need to have it explained to you

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that it has nothing to do with revelation at all. But at the moment what Holly wanted to teach you a lesson that your Nia has to be right before you begin anything. And so when he began his book, he began it by talking about Nia and even a there is a it's, it's narrated that he would have put this hadith were able, he would have put it in every single chapter. So he would have almost began every single chapter with enormous amount of vignette as a reminder to the people of the importance of your intention. So that's Alma McQuarrie, Anima Muslim. Remember that any moment Mahatma Muslim, their intention was to gather authentic hadith according to a certain condition. It was not their

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intention to gather every authentic Hadees. Nor it was their intention to gather authentic and weak, but to gather certain, put down certain conditions. For example, if you're going to run a course, and you said you got to be under 25. And you have to be not in full time employment, and you have to be and you put down conditions. That doesn't mean there's no good in the people that are outside of your conditions. But it just means that you set down some conditions for your course. And you're only going to let people in who fulfill those conditions. Likewise, Alabama, Holly and Muslim, they said the same thing. They didn't say we're just gonna, you know, put in any authentic hadith or all

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of the authentic hadith or a mix, they put down certain conditions, and those conditions had to be fulfilled and what fulfilled their condition, they put it in to the books. And again, some of the things that fulfilled their conditions, they didn't even put it according to, you know, not wanting to be too long not wanting to repeat too much and so on and so forth. Just does Sahih al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim contain weak Hadith.

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I have to apologize for drinking all this tea, but I have a very, very bad cold and it's eating away my voice. So does saya Buhari, inside Muslim contain retirees? The answer to that depends on what you mean. In general, the aroma and the aroma of Islam have reached consensus that there are no weak Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim they're all authentic. But that's a generalization rather than very, very, very specific. Because you find the devil cottony comes along and he criticizes 70 something Hadith from sahadi. And he says that the week and a half 11 hajer comes along and he says Rahim Allah, He says adatto cottony was wrong in every single Hadith except six.

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So even a half a double agent, who is the most knowledgeable of the scholars about sahale Buhari says that there are six weeks

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How do you

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what how do we join between the fact that the LMR have reached consensus that everything is authentic and I'll have the different addresses six week Heidi's, and Adele, Courtney says 70, something,

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we'll have to share her value Pamela and others who came after them agreed with some of what Courtney said, and some of what and criticize certain hidesign party, we say that what they criticized, was not the general meaning of the hardest, that the general meaning of the Hadith and the wording, and the chain is authentic in every case, except six. And in six cases, or around six cases, the general meaning is authentic, but there is something specific, maybe one word that isn't quite right, maybe one narrator that maybe isn't quite right here or there, but the actual text itself and the meaning itself is authentic. So you can be sure that whatever you read in Bahati and

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Muslim in a general sense is authentic. And there may be one or two little words here and there one or two extra sentences here and there perhaps an array to here and there that needs to be explained in a way but in general you can take it that whatever you find him hottie and Muslim is authentic. Of course, I'm talking about Bali, most

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Lima Muslim has many, many more criticisms of his book than any moment Buhari. So perhaps there are something like 40 to 50, a hadith in Sahih Muslim that have certain criticisms about them, this word this thing here, but in a general sense, the general meaning of the Hadith, the general ruling of the Howdy, there is no problem with that whatsoever. You can read it and you can take it as being signed.

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Now we come on to the fourth swimlane and we call them the four sunon. But they're not all sulan. Of course, we have the son of

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an Imam Abbey Road, prestigious Daniel Hamill long to Allah. We have the student of the moment nessa Rahim Allah, we have the pseudonym of Le man Blue murgia or Hey, Mahalo to Allah. We have the jam here, of any moment Timothy. Mm, Abu arisa Mohammed Abdullah, a several solar activity, or haimo lozada.

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Why do I call the book by Timothy a Jameer and I call the other books as soon as

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there's a difference between a sunon and a Jeremy and the understanding of the scholars of Hadith. As soon as

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is something which gathers that ahaadeeth relating to the halaal and the heroine, and it doesn't gather the Hadith, relating to the Tafseer to the Sierra to something else. From the prophets, I send them his his description or something like that. It only gathers the Hadith whose primary aim is the Highlander heroine. Yes, they might be one Heidi thrown in there another Heidi thrown in there somewhere about Tafseer or something like that. But in general, the books of the sunon are concerned with the halaal and the Herat, the ahaadeeth, that lead to the hallander. As for the ahaadeeth that don't lead to the * out of the harem, like some of the ideas about the Sierra and

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Tafseer of some of the IR and the virtues of doing good deeds, and the reason why you abstain from doing bad deeds, and sort of encouraged to leave until he's encouraging you to do good things and making you scared of doing bad things. These things are not generally found in the books that we call Sumit. They are found in the books that we call Joanne they're the singular of witches Jameer. So I'll emammal Holly's book is a German and Mr. Muslim. His book is a German you find Tafseer you'll find statements of the Sahaba you'll find you'll find you'll find a lot of Iran you'll find recommended deeds you'll find dreams you'll find all sorts of things in there. And likewise the

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Jeremy of an Imam Abu Raisa a telemovie Rahim Allah to Allah is also a journey. It contains a lot more than just the halaal and the Hara.

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Just briefly looking at these four sunon what gives us an what what do we sort of use each one for do we just sort of keep them together and if we're looking for a hadith we look know each one has its own sort of benefits again and I'm just going to run over a few and I know Subhanallah we're going to try and finish by market of inshallah, to Allah it's a long session, so inshallah The guys are handing out some water as well inshallah, but be the light Allah will persevere for a short time inshallah and hopefully it'll be of some benefit. So Jeremy activity, why is Jeremy activity so beneficial? jammy a tournament is beneficial for a number of reasons. One of them is that it's

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especially beneficial for students of fic because Alabama telemovie and students and students of Hades because Alabama telemovie comments on the Hadith afterwards. We remember we said a Lima Muslim, he doesn't comment. He just

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Get one down to Hadeeth number, whatever. 4000.

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So, an email Muslim he doesn't comment, we said alamelu Buhari comments, but it's in a way that's very difficult for you to understand. You need a lot of thought. But an amount of Timothy's will say something at the end of the How do you feel? See what filled up? on this topic there is a hadith from this person. And so he leads you to other Hadith on the same topic that you might not have known about. He'll also mentioned a lot of the science of Hadith. So he will say how the Hadees will Hassan. This is the Hadith which is hustling harder howdy for hustlers, Hassan sir, hey, this is a hadith which has happened sohei which is authentic.

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Had a hadith when he he thought this hadith has weakness in it. So Allah Mohammed Timothy, unlike the other imams will comment on the reliability of the Hadith. Now we should mention that all of the four students, none of them are exclusively authentic. So you can find weak Heidi's in a telemovie You can find reliable high definitivamente you can even find one or two fabricated Hadeeth in activity.

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So you can't take a ton of money. Every Hadeeth you open up is authentic. And this is a means by which a little bit

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try to confuse the Muslims. So they say there is a hadith about doing this in the grave and it's in German tirmidhi. And so the average Muslim says Subhan Allah, I've been misguided. There's a Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim, I must follow your way. So hold on a second, what did you say it wasn't even magic? Even magic is not exclusively authentic, there are fabricated How do you think about magic? Bring me your delille bring me your chain of narration so that I can see whether this is from the authentic or from the not authentic? Someone might ask the question, why did they ever why ever woody materials he put Hadeeth being a scholar of Hadith, why would he put all authentic hadith in

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his book for a number of reasons. First of all, his book wasn't written for me and you was written for the students of Hades.

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And so the students of Hades would already have been aware of the authentic from the unauthentic. Secondly, he will often put Hades into warn you against them. alamanda telemovie is famous and I'll give you a famous example of this in Germany, Timothy. Bailey mama Timothy, the Hadith in Nellie lajitas attend what is the inner

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man I saw had an agenda. Indeed, Allah has 99 names, whoever memorizes them learns them act upon them will enter into gender. Okay, everyone's heard this hadith.

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alamanda Timothy continues and he says they are. And then he mentions the 99 names. This Hadith from the point of they are onwards is weak.

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So there is no reliable authentic hadith which gives you the names of Allah one by one by one not one Hadith.

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But this was a mistake by one of the narrators. So either at the moment, Timothy put it in there. First of all, because that was the narration he heard, because sometime maybe he didn't hear the narration in the light, set himself in his mouth, and then stopped. He heard the narration in full, so he narrated it in full as Amanda. I heard it that way I narrated how I heard it, I don't have any opinion about it, I just tell you what I heard.

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Secondly, perhaps telemonitoring maybe wanted to see whether another Hadith would come in another book, because I remember Timothy didn't have, you know, the Google in front of him that he could sort of check has this hadith been narrated by anybody else. So I'll put it in there. Maybe one of the other imams will have a supporting narration. And this hadith will climb up and it will become authentic. And if I hadn't have put this narration in there, then what might have happened is what the other Imam comes along, he puts his narration in because the material doesn't put his narration in, we have no way of knowing that it's actually authentic. So often it will include weak Hadith in

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order for the other imams to look for other Hadith to support them or to criticize them. And of course, it's not a problem that he put weak Hadith in, because he didn't say that is headed for authentic.

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Moving on to Abu Dhabi about what is the benefit in Abu Dhabi. Of course, they all have a huge amount of benefit, but Abu Dhabi is famous for gathering together all of the delille that is used by them as a hub. So if you're a scholar of work, in a particular month Have you cannot live without sooner without sooner epidote needs to be glued to your head. Because sooner Abbey Road is the first book that the students have learned from the books of Heidi's because it's the book of Hadith that covers the majority of the evidences of the mother hip that we know today. The different methods, the evidence is within them, the majority of them can be found within sunon ib doubt. So you're

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thinking about what

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The hardest evidence for the Hanafi is to do such and such in the chapter of whoodle. Most likely not always, but most likely open up widowed chapter of Wu you'll find the evidence that they use within them. And you'll find the grading of whether it's authentic or not. So it's a very important resource for the study of

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an imminent nasai Rahim Allah to Allah His book is famous of having the strongest condition, ie the strongest authenticity of the force in it. And that's because at the moment this I was requested by one of the O'Meara, one of the princes, one of the rulers of Palestine, and he said to Alabama, sorry, gather me together a book of Hadith of the Messenger of Allah. So undecide he wrote the book, which is now known as as soon as Al kouvola, the big student, and he gave it to the Imam to that Amir. And that Amir said is everything in this book, authentic?

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moments, I said, No, no, I just I gathered you together all of the headings. That's what you wanted. I gathered together everything for you. He said, Make me one that is only the authentic. And this is what Alabama and the site produced, which is now known as soon as I now had aluminum and the size stuck strictly to his conditions. And it might have been considered to be a site, a book that is only authentic, but supplied a lot for reasons that he put down. He sometimes went lower than his conditions, and he didn't always stick to his guns in terms of it being authentic. So underside has less authentic hadith than any other, but it still has some authentic hadith an authentic howdy

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within it. And then we come to even magic. Even magic didn't used to be included in the forsan does anyone know what used to be included in a guest what used to be in the fall swinnen before even magic

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we're talking about history wise before people included urban magic as one of the four what used to be in there?

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close but not No, it wasn't the most radical right No.

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Stick with a motto you'll get there. If it wasn't a Muslim woman I met

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the mother Mustafa Malik. Why did they take out the water of Mr. Malik out of the for Sudan and put into sooner even mentioned, because the motto of Imam Malik all of the authentic hadith within it can already be found in the other books. So it wasn't giving us anything new. There wasn't any new material in there. If we could look in the mouth of Mr. Malik, and Mashallah very beneficial, wonderful book, very beneficial for us. But it wasn't giving us something new in terms of more Hadith, because almost all I don't know quite all but almost all of the Hadith in what claimer Malik were already in Bukhari and Muslim and in other sooner.

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So what was the plan, we need something that's going to give us something extra. And so and they found that even magic even though even magic is the weakest of the four sunan, and it has the most weak Hades out of all of them. It has certain authentic Hades within it that you can't find anywhere else. And you find this and this is what we use for the books we call the cooter was Noah it as though it is when an author comes along, and he just writes what extra enabled magic compared to the others? Or he writes zella Muslim dilemma, what extra in the most static amount compared to the others so it's not always compared to the others might be compared to one book two books 10 books or

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whatever. So for example, zawa it even merger I will go to the city all quotable comes the those ahaadeeth which imagine the rate which the other five books don't narrate at all. And there is a good chunk of authentic hadith narrated by Eben Marja in it's the hate that are not narrated in any other place. So that's why the LMR of Hades generally they included it. And now it's become common that the six books are Buhari Muslim abodo than the prior testimony, and even matcha

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and even murgia if you do get chance to read it, make sure make sure make sure that you read the Makati mathy introduction of urban magic, the introduction of urban Marja is suparna lights a book of Akita and he goes to town on bid on the people of bid out he encourages the people to follow the Sunnah. He goes against those people who lie against the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It is a book of following the Sunnah and a book of Akita. And it's a beautiful, beautiful introduction. And in my magic is a huge introduction to the sinner, and to the value of sticking to the Sunnah and following the Sahaba and he does it by Hadees Hadees Hadees Hadees Hadees Hadees so

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very, very beneficial and will Kadima of even magic as well. So, we're going to come on to the issue of authenticity when we come to look at the mumble mumble mumble very corny

01:00:00 --> 01:00:39

But let's look at other important books of Hadith. You have the Muslim Imam Ahmed, for which it said there's almost no authentic hadith that can't be found in the Muslim development. That's not entirely true. It's a little bit of an exaggeration. But it has been said before, that there is almost no authentic hadith that you can't find in the Muslim world. Right? It's the biggest of those books. It's absolutely huge in size, and it contains a huge number of Hadees. It said that the Muslim Ummah doesn't have any fabricated Hadith in it. I think the conclusion is it may have one or two, but it doesn't certainly doesn't have many fabricated Hadees within it, if any at all.

01:00:40 --> 01:01:10

The more thought of Mr. Malik, one of the earlier books that was collected and written down, likewise the student of Mr. macdaddy meet likewise, as soon as kouvola ballymount will be happy, and almost other rock, almost dead rock arysta hain biohacking. And Simon hoceima sir, hey, Evan had done. And likewise, there are many, many, many more. So it's about being familiar. But even when you hear the word say, if it's outside of Bukhari and Muslim, check about whether it's authentic or not.

01:01:14 --> 01:01:53

Briefly, we come to talk about the narrator's of Heidi, but for the narrator's of Heidi, I'm going to go in directly to talk a little bit about the water le moment before any he says in his poem, I read the Arabic for you, but I'm not too interested in translating as much as I'm interested in telling you what we're going to benefit from it. So he says, a devil will have the more Saldana, Allah Mohammed in higher inhibition, or sera. So he begins with praising Allah subhanaw taala and sending Salah upon Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the best of the prophets and the best of the messengers and against the MMR will take a lot of time here to explain the difference between a

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profit and a messenger and whether there is one. We don't have too much time. So we're going to continue he says, What do you mean, Oxfam? And how do you think while kulula hidden at our head, and he says there are many, many, many different sub areas have the sides of it. And that's true. There are areas of the science of Hadith that deal with the text, the chain, the narrator's Joshua tadeo. These are all areas of knowledge, forms of knowledge, some of the LMR had it said there are more than 100 subject areas within the science of Hadith.

01:02:27 --> 01:03:03

And a person could spend his entire life and only cover one. So you're talking about a very vast area of knowledge and the quantity approximately covers about 30 in his * 3035 or so he covers in his poem of the areas of Hadith, but what we're interested in now is to talk about the site for a hadith to be sahale What does it mean? So I remember because he says to us, a word who has for him Hua Hua matassa is not who who will I'm sure the earlier we hear Adam Babatunde admittedly, he martella Adolphe Bob de wannacry

01:03:04 --> 01:03:40

Salima recording gives us two lines. And those two lines basically give us everything that we need to know about the Sahih Hadith. Of course, we can go a lot of detail from that. But it gives us a lovely summary. And this is really what we want to give people today. We don't want to give people the nitty gritty details, just a nice summary that you can take home and benefit from. So he says the first type of knowledge in Hadeeth is the knowledge of the site, the knowledge of the authentic, and it's going to be the first type because a lot of the unauthentic stuff, we're going to use opposites. So we're going to say whatever is opposite to the site is unauthentic. Whatever is

01:03:40 --> 01:03:54

opposite to this condition is like this. So the easiest way to understand this, the hate is to begin by saying that the first area of knowledge that we focus on in the science of Hadith is the Hadith, which is sorry.

01:03:55 --> 01:03:57

And so hey, we usually translate it in English as authentic.

01:04:00 --> 01:04:28

But we have to be a little bit careful, because there are Hadith that are not Sahih that are still authentic. So it's whatever terminology you use is fine. Whatever terminology you want to use, you can say authentic however you want to say no problem. But you need to be aware that you don't cut out for example, the hassle from being authentic as well. The site the most authentic or the highly authentic, it's it's up to you whatever terminology you want to use, but the common terminology people use for sohei is authentic.

01:04:29 --> 01:04:33

And the first condition and the moment before you mentioned what was

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it is that which is more possible, which is connected. So the first condition that we have is the condition of electricity, the condition that the chain has to be connected, connected all the way. What do we mean by connected? We have to have a knowledge or a proof that every single narrator is narrating

01:05:00 --> 01:05:45

from somebody who he actually heard from, because the danger is that we don't want somebody to come in between. and it can get very confusing later on on some of the most complex issues in the science of how these happen when in when narrators get hidden in between two narrators. And so it looks like it's connected, but it isn't connected. So here we're talking about how it has to be connected. Now, all of the scholars of Hadith agree that we have to prove that the chain is correct, connected, but they don't all agree on how we do it. And this is famous in the disagreement between Lima Bahati, and between Alabama and between the others the other imams include, especially in my Muslim, and

01:05:45 --> 01:06:08

this disagreement is not that you have to prove or you don't have to prove the chain is connected. Al Bukhari and Muslim both agree that the chain has to be connected, the disagreement is what constitutes proof that the chain is connected Alomar Muslim, he says like and this is the methodology of the majority of the scholars of Hadith. He says for a chain to be connected, you have to have two main things.

01:06:10 --> 01:06:24

You have to have a law that the two people lived at the same time. And in that way, we mean that they were both alive at the same time, and an age that was reasonable that they could have narrated from each other.

01:06:25 --> 01:06:27

Okay, so

01:06:30 --> 01:06:34

in this, you're looking at, let's say somebody lived from

01:06:36 --> 01:06:51

he lived and he passed away in 1999. And somebody was born in 1980. And he has not yet passed away, there's a good chance that those two could have generated from each other. What about someone who was born in 1999?

01:06:52 --> 01:07:02

That No, because he would have been only a baby within his first year before he had when the other one passed away? What about someone who's Born in 1986?

01:07:03 --> 01:07:07

Maybe not three years old. It's a possibility. But it's

01:07:08 --> 01:07:49

definitely on the side of being read. And even if it is there, you're not going to take a three year olds narration as being, you know, rock solid. So issues that what about someone who's born in 1990, would have been nine years old. Again, you so you balance it up, but you're looking for a possibility that the ages match that there's a chance that they met together, and then you're looking for the chance that they met, they met that they would meet. So for example, they lived in the same city, or they visited one of them visited the city when the other one was giving a lecture, those kinds of things that 40 my Muslim is enough to prove along with the narrator saying so and so

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told me or I'm telling you something from so and so. So when he says I'm telling you something from so and so, of course the word from doesn't prove that he heard it. If he says I heard it, and he's reliable, that's enough. If he said, I heard with my ears stolen, so say this, and he's a reliable narrator. That's enough for us to prove, because his reliability and his trustworthiness is enough to prove that he heard it. But if he says something that might mean he heard it, and it might mean he didn't Anima Muslim says like the rest of the LMR Howdy. He says that if they lived at the same time, and they were present in the same city at the same time, and he says, I heard this and there's

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no reason to suspect otherwise. Because my Muslim puts that condition. There is no reason to suspect otherwise. So we don't have another narrator thing. No, he didn't hear it. Or we don't have another chain, which suggests he didn't hear it. And we have no reason to suspect otherwise. Fair enough. It's connected. The two people are connected. And immobile. Buhari, he said no. And in the moment, he accepted this condition in other books, but in his study and to heal, Buhari, he said no, he said in Sohail Buhari, I want concrete proof that he heard that Hadees. So what I want is I want one single example where he says, I heard that shake, say

01:09:19 --> 01:09:58

semi or had definitely I heard that shake, say and he says if I called find an example of him saying, I heard that chef say I'm going to consider his statement. The chef said or from the shape to be not connected for the purpose of Sohail Buhari. And as you can imagine, that's a bit more of an advanced issue, because you may not always hear the narrator say I heard my chef say he may well say I you know they used the word and just meaning my shift from my shake my shake narrated

01:09:59 --> 01:09:59


01:10:00 --> 01:10:09

Of course, when I say my shape narrated, it doesn't mean I heard it. Mouth to ear, right? If I say to you my shape narrated,

01:10:10 --> 01:10:47

I might have heard it from one of you guys who told me what he said. So, here we come to the issue of how do you prove that my chef narrated means that you actually heard it from him. And Mr. Muslim says if they lived at the same time, and they were known to have sort of met each other because they were in the same city, or they went to the same lessons or whatever, that's enough for us. Alabama, Holly says you have to bring me one example, where the student says had definitely submit one example where the student says, I heard my shake, say, and then we will presume that every time he says my shake said he means that he heard it, no problem.

01:10:49 --> 01:11:11

In any case, what we're concerned about is we're concerned that the chain is connected. And this gets rid of a number of Hadeeth, where the chains are not connected. So it gets rid of it gets rid of what we call Alamo kata, which is the Hadith which is broken somewhere in the chain. For example, like when I say to you, that Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab said

01:11:13 --> 01:11:30

the Hadees which is mukilteo has a break, Hadith which is more unlock. And unlock Hadith is a hadith where part of the beginning of the isnaad has been removed. I'll give you an example of a more Allah Hadith I shall the Allahu Allah has said, the murders of the prophets lie Selim with

01:11:31 --> 01:11:43

this had this for me is more or less. Why I just took off the whole salad from the beginning all the way up to Ayesha. I didn't give you any chain of narration of the Ayesha All I did is just

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zoom in. Likewise, the scholars of Hadith do this sometimes I behati says Khalid Ayesha Ayesha said. So this hadith is not possible until we prove that it has a chain that connects it up. So for example, if al Bukhari says, as slavery said,

01:12:06 --> 01:12:10

that's also said that's also said that's also said, it's also said the prophets I seldom said

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al Bukhari didn't meet with us sorry, they didn't live at the same time. So there's a gap. And that gap is at the beginning of the chain. Therefore, the Hadees is what we call Moloch. It's a hadith which has something missing from the beginning of the chain. So that gets out that copy in the side. And more about and more about is the Hadith which is missing two narrators together or more. So for example, if I say to you, Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab said,

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you say, Mohammed, Tim, let me have a look, Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab, how long ago did he live? There's at least, what 567 However, many foreigners five, whatever, how even if they all lived to 100, there's still a good number of narrators, between you and him. Therefore, this hadith is more about more abolish the Hadith where there are there are more than two, two or more narrators have dropped out from the chain somewhere. So again, this hadith can't be saved. Likewise, the muzzle, which is what the Tabby narrates from the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam and hustle bustle and has an apostle he said that the prophets I seldom said, problem of hustle and bustle you never met

01:13:20 --> 01:13:30

the prophet SAW Selim. As long as he said that the prophets I seldom said as long as he never met the Prophet so I sell them as soon as he didn't even meet the elder of the Sahaba.

01:13:31 --> 01:13:54

Even if he met some of the younger ones. If somebody says even Syrian said the prophets lie, Selim said, this hadith is Mossad. And the meaning of Mosul is that the Tabby re, the guy who came after the companions, immediately who studied from the companions, he narrates this hadith from the prophets, I send them missing out the companion who told him

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this court beside until we find a proof from elsewhere, because for at least a visa, hey, we have to have the connected chain all the way from the very first person all the way up to the profits, I sell them, every single one heard from the other directly, not via somebody else, the chain is absolutely connected all the way. So that's the first condition. Well, who am I to son it's not so it's what it's the chain is connected. While I'm you shed the our UI, he says to conditions that must not be in an authentic hadith.

01:14:31 --> 01:14:51

And authentic Hadees must not have something in it called shadows, or shadows, and the shadows or shadows. It's a kind of an error that crops in the hiding. But it's a specific kind of error. And it's the error where a reliable narrator is contradicted by other people who are more reliable.

01:14:53 --> 01:14:59

A reliable narrator is contradicted by other people or another person who is more reliable

01:15:00 --> 01:15:12

For example, you have an authentic narrator, reliable guy, dead solid. he narrates something, and alima Malik narrates something which contradicts him.

01:15:14 --> 01:15:44

Whose Hadith Are we going to go for Allah Malik was more had better memorization and more reliability than this individual. Therefore, we're going to say that this individuals Hadith is shot. In other words, the guy's authentic. There's nothing wrong with it. But it goes against what is narrated by people who are more reliable. And this deals with a very, very difficult issue in Hades. Okay, you guys have told me narrators are reliable. But how do you know that Mohammed in the chain didn't make a mistake?

01:15:45 --> 01:16:31

How do you know that Mohammed in this chain didn't just have a bad morning and just completely mess it up? Yeah, he's reliable. But he's not an angel. Right? He made mistakes? The answer is, we have this for this reason. The shark is there to pick out the times when the reliable narrators make mistakes. So there's a reliable narrator, but he's contradicted by other narrators that are more reliable. It might be one narrator like the example of Mr. Malik, it might be a group 200 people narrated this and one guy narrated it the opposite way. We say even though that guy that one guy is reliable, we say that no, this has his shad, it has a mistake in it. And the mistake is that the

01:16:31 --> 01:17:05

reliable guy was contradicted by a group of people who because they were a big group were more reliable than him. So again, there's not a fixed rule. And we don't want to get too much into it. Because there are lots and lots of circumstances when when do you prefer a group? When do you prefer a person, it has its own individual taste. But generally, we want to know that there is a case when a reliable narrator might be contradicted by other people, and we judge the other people to be more reliable than him, we say his heartbeat is shot. And therefore it's not say it's not inside of the sky.

01:17:07 --> 01:17:27

Or will you add, and here we come to the most difficult of all of the science of Hades, the site if the science of Hadith is hard, this is where nobody goes. This is the closed door that nobody goes beyond accept the real mahad the scene, and this is the science of lll L L L. Or

01:17:28 --> 01:18:14

mistakes or errors in the Hadith that are so subtle, that it's not easy for you to find them. And the apparent version of the Hadith is authentic. For example, you come to a Hadith, you study this person, this person, this person, this person, this person, you look up each individual, and you find that each of them are authentic, then you look up their birthdays and their death days, and you realize that each of them met each other. And all of them said had definitely so and so narrated to me. And the Hadith looks fine. There's nothing in the text or in the chain that looks wrong. But there's a mistake that makes the Hadith weak that you can't see. And that mistake is extremely

01:18:14 --> 01:18:59

difficult to find. And that's why an ala is something which is a tiny, subtle error, somewhere in the Hadith, which makes the Hadees unauthentic. While you look at the Hadith, and you think the Hadith is authentic, why hero Hadith is solid, you look at the Heidecker, it looks authentic. Everything about it seems to be authentic. But when you go into it, and you spot all that guy who I thought was Abdullah is not the same Abdullah that it always is. That guy who looks like Abdullah is actually a weak narrator who had the same name. Most people are going to spot that right. Especially, for example, if you have a famous Hadees that is narrated, and it's always, you know,

01:18:59 --> 01:19:09

Malik nerfed. It's always like, you know, famous people. And you have someone in the Hadith who has the same name as one of those famous people. But he's actually a different person.

01:19:10 --> 01:19:49

You would look at it and say it's authentic. What do you mean? Malik? nerfed. I've been around, it's authentic. It's fine. You see the person you thought it was there? That's not the person you think it is. It's actually somebody else. Likewise, you might find something in the text, text looks for on. But when you look at it, compared to other Hadees, you realize there's a mistake has cropped up in the text that's so subtle, you couldn't see it. At first, it looked fine. And then when you saw it, you know, there's a mistake in that it's not authentic. The question is basically for us not to go into it into too much detail. But how do the LMR actually find out the shadow and the more I'm

01:19:49 --> 01:19:59

the one that has shoes and the one that has an elder in it, the one that has these kinds of mistakes, because it's not easy to find out when an Imam makes a mistake. Mm hmm.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:41

Maalik makes a mistake, that's not an easy thing to find out. So that's a shot. And the inla, when the mistake is so subtle that most people miss it completely. How do they find it out? They find it out by a principle that we have in the science of Hadith, which is what we call gem total, gathering together all of the different narrations from all of the different books, and laying them out on the table, and maybe drawing a tree. And looking and looking and looking and seeing that it there. That's where the mistake is. Because everybody else didn't narrate it like that, or because this guy actually didn't read from and they when you look into it in more detail, you spot you found you've

01:20:41 --> 01:21:19

sniffed a mistake there, there's a mistake in there somewhere. And then you find Abdullah, that's not really Abdullah, it's actually somebody else. It's Abdullah with the same name as the other guy, but it's actually not the same person. So this is an example I'm just trying to give you some simple examples of Ll Ll are very complicated, and you often don't see them. But the more you study the science of Hadith, the more you compare, the more Attila, the more you read, the more access you have to different Hadith, you gather together all of the wordings together, all of the narrators together, you study each individual one. And you can imagine how long that takes. It's not a five

01:21:19 --> 01:21:58

minute job. I can imagine the scholars of Heidi spending months and months going over the Hadith where it's also intimidating. It's also even magic. It's also here, okay, even murgia said this word, and this guy said this, and he said Abdullah, but he said obey the law, which whether it wasn't Abdullah, was it obey the law? Let me check. Okay, who was Abdullah? When did he die? What? Who were his students? Who were his teachers, okay, who was obey the law? When did he die, who his students were, and so on and so forth until they come to the conclusion. This one is reliable, is my fault. And this one isn't one where a reliable narrator made a mistake, or this one is Selim, this

01:21:58 --> 01:22:34

one is, say authentic, it's, it's healthy. And this one has a tiny, tiny error in it that most people won't spot. And of course, when the guy comes to you, it's like a murder mystery. At the end, when he comes to you and tells you, the Ella, you look at it and say, Oh, so Paula, how did I not spot that? It was obvious, it was easy. And of course, the LLR obvious when you show them to people, but to find them in the first place is very, very, very, very difficult. And in the moment, telemovie is one of the people who Shawn from amongst the people of oma in organizing and in extracting the authentic and the unauthentic, based on these tiny, subtle mistakes that happen

01:22:34 --> 01:22:35

inside of Hadith.

01:22:36 --> 01:22:50

So we have to have a hadith to be sorry, we have to have attached a chain that's connected all the way. And we have to make sure it doesn't have an example of any man making a mistake, or a tiny little mistake in it that would make the Hadees all authentic.

01:22:53 --> 01:22:58

Here we are going Bobby to a myth, Lee. We're at Mr. Dunphy bhakti. He when

01:22:59 --> 01:23:25

he mentioned now another condition. And these conditions relate to the people, the individual narrators that make up the chain. So these narrators that make up the chain, you've got Mohammed, you've got Abdullah, you've got Abdul Rahman, you've got Yasser, you've got Fatima they make up the chain. There are two things we need to have from every single one of those narrators for our headings to decide.

01:23:27 --> 01:23:32

One is an idol, or an Adela and one is about

01:23:34 --> 01:23:51

what is Elijah Allah? So a gala is that the person must be a Muslim, who has reached puberty, who is sane, and who is free from major sins and persistent minor sins and bad manners.

01:23:53 --> 01:24:14

So we mentioned a lot of things. So for an arranger to be reliable in his Deen or in her Deen, they have to be a Muslim, the Muslim has to be valid has to be above the age of puberty, they have to be outil, they have to have the same have them have their mind with them.

01:24:15 --> 01:24:19

They have to be completely free of major sins.

01:24:20 --> 01:24:27

And they have to be free of persistent minor sins because a persistent minus him becomes a major sin.

01:24:28 --> 01:24:59

And they have to be free of something we call How are him, Elmo, Elmo, are like the sort of customs and manners, you know, things like standing up and drinking these kinds of things, like, you know, things that people for example, in our time, maybe the Moodle in our time is that we don't put them out on the floor. There's nothing wrong with putting them out on the floor. And there's no deli whatsoever to say that it's haram to put the call out on the floor. But in our custom today, if you put the foot on the floor, someone's gonna get upset and say Brother, don't put the foot on the floor because that's how we approach things.

01:25:00 --> 01:25:03

is an example of Moodle. So you want narrator's that are generally

01:25:05 --> 01:25:35

generally sort of well known that they have good sort of coast customs and cultures and a sort of a good understanding of the People's culture. For example, wearing a hat. In England in the UK, I don't think wearing a hat is really part of what is expected of every Muslim, some Muslims, maybe, but not all. But in certain countries wearing a hat, you can't teach a lesson unless you wear a hat. So not wearing a hat would be an example of going against these, this model. Now, of course, not all of these are equal.

01:25:36 --> 01:26:12

In terms of puberty, specifically, we allow young children to learn ahaadeeth when they're young, but when they tell ahaadeeth, they have to reach puberty. And that's because telling the Hadith is giving a fulcrum in Islam, it's giving a law a ruling in Islam, and you can't have a child that might be making it up might be making fun might not realize what they're saying, when the child actually says what it is that they say, we say that a child can learn ahaadeeth but for narrating a hadith and of course, this is what at the time of the narration not now in these days in these days, it doesn't matter because we can check what people say. But in terms of these, in the time we're

01:26:12 --> 01:26:19

talking about, the child has to have reached puberty, to be able to actually tell the Hadees to somebody.

01:26:21 --> 01:27:02

sanity again, if a person loses their sanity, again, generally, as long as they regain their sanity, the Heidi's will be accepted from them as long as they were saying when they heard it and seen when they gave it out. And of course, they have to be free from all kinds of Fisk, which are all kinds of major sins. And likewise, they have to be free from persistent minor sins. Any narrator who did major sins or any narrator who did persistent minor things and didn't change, their habits would not be accepted from them at all. And likewise, the moral are those customs that less strict, you might accept from a narrator who doesn't wear a hat, for example, you might accept from a narrator who

01:27:02 --> 01:27:27

maybe you know, doesn't, for example, puts his back to the court. And when he's read when he's teaching a lesson or something like that, these are all things that are not Haram in the Sharia. But they're the people don't like you doing them. So in this case, you may accept from someone and it's very rare that a hadith will be rejected solely because the person doesn't follow the customs of the people. But it's something that is definitely a reason to criticize him. Okay.

01:27:28 --> 01:27:40

So with this, what have we got rid of? We've got rid of Al Khattab we've got rid of the liar who makes up Hadith about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, which which of those things got rid of a liar?

01:27:42 --> 01:27:52

It wasn't that he was a Muslim, because you can be a Muslim and still be a liar. It wasn't puberty because you can be an adult and still be a liar. What was it that got rid of him being a gorilla liar.

01:27:53 --> 01:28:40

That is the major things lying is a major sin. So $1 is $1. In general, this concept of $1, he can't have it because he has a major sin. So goodbye, the person who lies Likewise, the person who lies about the people, even if he doesn't lie about Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. He's out because he lies and he says a major sin. Likewise, the fabric, the one who drinks alcohol, the one who commit Zina, or the one who you know steals from the people is out, because he's the first one. Likewise, the one who we don't know how he used to be. Because the one he don't know how it used to be. He might, how can we say that he's going to be reliable Muslim values are no major things, no

01:28:40 --> 01:29:26

minor sins persistently, we can't say this about him if we don't know who he is. So the mature The one who we don't know who he is, is also being removed out of the circle. And likewise, the mutator, the person who does does bid with conditions is also out of the circle, because bid is a major sin and therefore he's out of the circle. However, it is, there are times when the alella accept the duration of a muqtada. And inside Mahalia Muslim, there are generations of people who were from the idea. But there are certain conditions and solve the dilemma. They put four conditions and some of them they put three, the most important condition with regarding to the idea is that the move today,

01:29:26 --> 01:29:55

the person who is an innovator in Islam, he must not be doing a bit of which is mocap for a bit, which takes them outside of Islam, such as who, for example, if we look at the extreme Shia, like Bashar Al Asad, and these guys who say that Ali is God incarnate, and that Ali is Allah, and so on and so forth. These people cost the out of the picture. You can't ever narrate a hadith from these people because their bid act took them outside of Islam period.

01:29:57 --> 01:30:00

The second condition is that he

01:30:00 --> 01:30:39

Must be truthful in his speech. So goodbye all of the rafidah goodbye to the Rafah because the rafidah as an academic nurse, the most lying group of people you'll find on the face of the earth will lie You will not find a Yahoo they are not under surani not a jewel, not a Christian that lies like the rafidah these people are compulsive liars. So generally when you find the rafidah you don't accept their Hadith because they are not truthful in what they say lying is a part of their religion. And you know that the right word, I believe they will not go to gender unless they lie. They believe that tequila or tequila, that deception and lying to people is a fundamental part of

01:30:39 --> 01:30:53

their religion. Therefore, we can't accept even if they didn't leave Islam, even if there was a group of them who didn't leave Islam. We can't accept from them because lying is a part of their religion. But why did the LMR accept from the rich?

01:30:54 --> 01:31:02

Why did the AMA generally accept from the Hawaii they didn't generally accept from the rafidah? But they generally accepted from the Hawaii bridge? Does anyone know why?

01:31:06 --> 01:31:09

what's known about the Hawaii What did hardage believe?

01:31:11 --> 01:31:13

What does the Hawaiians believe about the major sins?

01:31:17 --> 01:31:21

Does anyone know? The Hawaii rich believe the person who does the major sins is caffeine.

01:31:23 --> 01:31:36

Okay, so they believe that someone who drinks alcohol is caffeine to commit Zina is caffeine steals as a catalyzes? A caffeine back bites as a candidate? Okay? Why would that lead to the LMR of Hades accepting their Hadees

01:31:39 --> 01:32:17

they're never gonna lie, because they believe that lying takes you out of Islam. So in less very few of them, not all of them, but the majority of them are never going to lie, because they believe that lie makes you a Catholic. So because of this, we find that many of the Hawaiians underrated from in the books of Sahih, Bukhari and Muslim because generally, they were very truthful people in what they narrated, even if they were very misguided people in what they said. The third condition is that he is not alone in something which is supporting his bidder. So for example, you have a sheet a, let's say, a raffle, at least someone who has a little bit of to show you a little bit of Shiism

01:32:17 --> 01:32:59

in them. And they narrate a hadith about it. And nobody can read the Hadith about it, accept them, what are we going to say to them? We're going to say no, thank you, Mr. Shea, I'm sorry, even if you are not a catheter, even if you are truthful, in speech, you narrated something to support your own bidder, you put something to support your own football team. And there's nobody else in there, who is going to support you with alongside you. And so therefore, you are out of the picture. But if the shear a narrates something about the prayer or about something like that, and he's truthful in speech, and he's not, he hasn't left Islam by what he believes, then he may well be accepted from

01:32:59 --> 01:33:14

him. Where he won't be accepted is when he narrates something alone. If he's supported, it's okay. Because if people are supporting him, then we're not relying on his narration. But when he narrates something alone by himself, which supports the bid that he does.

01:33:16 --> 01:33:51

So the higher generates something about the whole adage that the guy who generates something about the major sins taking you out of Islam, we're not going to accept it from you bring us and bring us somebody else who is not upon your bid, so that we can balance it up. Likewise, the shear enumerates something about debate on return, or it's something about early on, or it's something negative about what we're all about, I'm going to ask for the low andromache mind, anyone anything like this, we're not going to accept because you're narrating something that supports your bitter, and you don't have anyone else to give you a witness. So that's generally and some of them said that he's not, he

01:33:51 --> 01:34:15

doesn't he should not be a die, he should not be any mom calling to the bid, but just an ignorant person who fell into it. But this condition is not universal. And sometimes the even alcoholic accepts a hadith from people who were leaders of Buddha. But they did not narrate a hadith which supported their bid. And they were known to be truthful in speech, and they did not leave Islam by the bitter that they did.

01:34:16 --> 01:34:43

So that gives us an atom. So now we know that how an arranger has to be added has to be it has to be has to be, let's say reliable in his religion. And again, reliable in his religion means that he's not a liar. He's not accused of lying. He's not accused of major sins. He's not accused of persistent minor sins. He's not unknown to us, and he's not an innovator. Now we come to the issue of abrupt,

01:34:44 --> 01:34:59

and this is precision in narration, it's not just good enough for you to be an amazing Muslim for you to narrate a hadith which is saying, it's not good enough for you just to be an amazing Muslim. And the man comes and this is the reason

01:35:00 --> 01:35:17

From from not mistaken and most excuse me in writing some of these things from memory is that it's narrated from Alina Malik, that he said I passed by so many number 80, or something of the scholars of Medina, from the great scholars of Medina, I would not narrate from them a single Hadith, why?

01:35:20 --> 01:35:34

great scholars of Medina sat in the masjid of the prophets I sell and teaching, teaching, you know Tafseer teaching anything great Scott huge scholars of Islam. Why would the Imam not narrate from them

01:35:37 --> 01:35:39

not even from the same group could try though

01:35:41 --> 01:35:46

not he knows about their past their most perfect, wonderful Muslims, you can find on the face of the earth.

01:35:49 --> 01:36:22

They don't have a reliable memory for generating Hadith, or they don't have a reliable writing for writing it down. So it's not enough for somebody just to be a really good Muslim, they also have to be precise in the duration that they mentioned. And for the Hadith to be say, we have a condition that they have to be at the top of the top of the top in their precision, we're talking about people who can narrate for 2030 hours and not make a mistake at all, not even one letter,

01:36:23 --> 01:36:31

you're talking about the absolute a star students. For the Heidi's to be say, we're talking about the a star students in precision,

01:36:32 --> 01:37:15

those students who are absolutely at the top of the top of the top of their knowledge in precision, and bear in mind, precision has two types, precision in writing, and precision in memorizing, okay, what we call Bob to solder on top to keytab the precision that comes from your memorization, and the precision that comes from your writing, and the two are separate. And it may be that someone has a great memory, but he's rubbish at writing. And it may be somebody has a bad memory, but he's excellent at writing. As long as when they are writing, they are reading from what they wrote. And as long as when they are memorizing. They're not reading from their from their book, for example, if

01:37:15 --> 01:37:38

they've got a good memory. So we look at each one individually, for the majority of the narrators who are from the state, they will have precision in both, they will be extremely, extremely precise in writing and extremely precise in memorization, but it's acceptable to just be good at one, as long as that's the one that you use to relate the Hadees to the people.

01:37:39 --> 01:37:47

So, for example, a narrator who has bad writing, and he has a good memory, he's reading from his book

01:37:48 --> 01:38:33

had full color hair color. And he finds a name that he doesn't recognize his memory tells him one thing, and his writing tells him another. It's obligatory on him if he's got bad writing, to put the writing aside and generate from the memory that is reliable. Likewise, someone's narrating from memory and he thinks, oh, was it Abdullah Obaidullah, he's got reliable writing comes back. He says it was Abdullah. Okay, so there are two types of precision precision in writing and precision in memorization, you may have both. But it may be that an arranger only has one. And martela Don't be Bob D, when actually the Imam is giving us an indication that they have to be at the highest highest

01:38:33 --> 01:38:39

level of precision in both memory or in either in memory or in writing.

01:38:40 --> 01:38:58

Because precision is where a lot of it comes down to. We're not really interested in the liar. The liar we know is high detail not going to be authentic, right? The one who is drinking alcohol, we're not really going to seriously listen to him and say to him, tell us the Hadith from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while you're drunk. We're not going to do that.

01:38:59 --> 01:39:37

But where we confused other reliable, pious upon the sooner Mashallah, it's about a cola, except that he has a bad memory. That's where the problem comes in. So he sits up and he's our chef, and he's so respected and we give him we all sit down in front of him. And he says, The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and he says it completely wrong, not because he's not a good Muslim, but because his memory isn't strong. Or in the early days, you had people whose writing wasn't strong. And you have people who were changed in the later part of their life, and so on and so forth. So they started off with a strong memory, and maybe they were afflicted with an illness

01:39:37 --> 01:39:59

and their memory went down. Or maybe they were afflicted by some of them, their books were burnt. They used to read by book, and their books would be burned. And of course, the person feels like they've lost everything. So what's he going to do? He's going to narrate what he can remember. But the problem is his memory isn't good enough to generate 100% accurately. So the likes of Ebola here

01:40:00 --> 01:40:37

Others people who are famous and reliable from the rating from their books, and then their books got stolen or lost or burnt. And then they had no choice but to generate from memory and their memory became weak. And so they were thicker, they were reliable at the beginning and they will die at the end. And that's part of the a lot of the subtle things you look when you see or so and so Mashallah is authentic. I know him. Although you perhaps you didn't know that towards the end of his life, he lost his memory. He developed Alzheimer's towards the end of his life or some similar illness, and he lost his memory towards the end of his life. So anyone who narrates from him in the latter years

01:40:37 --> 01:40:54

of his life, don't listen to them. Some of them they say he's no reliable when he narrates to the people of Sham and he's weak when he relates to the people of Medina. How would that happen? He's reliable when he narrates to the people of Syria, and he's weak when he narrates to the people of Medina.

01:40:58 --> 01:40:59

why might that happen?

01:41:01 --> 01:41:04

Not to do with the dialect. It's good, good, good. So

01:41:09 --> 01:41:19

what might have happened between Syria and Medina? Or if he lived in Syria, what might you expect of him to have had in Syria with him?

01:41:22 --> 01:41:55

His books for maybe those books were too much and too difficult to carry on his journey to Medina. So when he was in Medina, he narrated from memory and when he was in Syria, he narrated from his books. Therefore, his narration from people who are Syrian is reliable, and his narration from people who are from Medina is not reliable. These are all things that we come across. So now let's move down to Allison. The definition that I'll be only gives for AlHassan isn't doesn't really help us very much. So we're going to step in and replace it. He says,

01:41:57 --> 01:42:00

Well has an aroma rueful token Walker that rigid hula

01:42:02 --> 01:42:06

abacha replaces this with a different

01:42:07 --> 01:42:27

wording because what element of a party gives us here doesn't help us very much in knowing the Hadees which has happened. And he's a Buddha. He says, what has no coffee for Bob 10 is Raja Raja Lula Casa esta hora. What does that mean? What it means is, we have to lose one of the conditions to move from a safe to hazard.

01:42:28 --> 01:42:30

So we had connected chain.

01:42:31 --> 01:42:40

We had no mistake from a reliable narrator. No hidden mistake, no.

01:42:41 --> 01:42:46

Narrator which has a fault in his religion, and no generator which has a fault in his precision.

01:42:47 --> 01:42:48

Five things.

01:42:49 --> 01:43:27

Which one are we going to get rid of? or which one are we going to lessen? In order to accept a hadith as being authentic? Because the Hassan Hadith is authentic, but it's not as authentic as the site. First of all, are we going to get rid of the connected chain? Are we going to suddenly start accepting Hadeeth? That are meaner rating from Asia? No, we're not going to get rid of the connected chain. So you still have to have a connected chain? Are we going to get rid of the next one? Which was that the man who makes a mistake? will say yeah, fair enough. Let him make a mistake. If he gets it wrong, he gets it. Roll it All right, we'll accept it anyway. No. Are we going to allow hidden

01:43:27 --> 01:43:56

mistakes to creep in? And say that? Oh, it's alright, if it has a hidden mistake, if people don't notice it, because antic still no? Are we going to accept a narrator? Who is a liar? Or who is authentic? Or who drinks alcohol or committed dinner? No, we're left with only the fifth one, the issue of precision. So the difference between the hassle and the Hey, is that in half, and we accept a little bit lower standard of precision.

01:43:57 --> 01:44:02

Don't get me wrong, we're not moving from an A star to a C here. We're moving from an A star to an A.

01:44:03 --> 01:44:20

So we think somebody who doesn't quite get it right 99% of the time, but gets it right 95% of the time, or get it right 85% of the time, or get it right 90% of the time, they Heidi's will become caught will will come under the topic of a hassle.

01:44:22 --> 01:44:37

Why do we bother if then rates if they're reliable anyway? And they're like, say 90% memory, and they only make a tiny, tiny mistake every now and again. Why do we bother to separate the hassle and the side? Any ideas?

01:44:40 --> 01:44:50

Both of them are authentic. We act on both of them. We treat them both as reliable. We base our religion upon both of them. Why do we bother to separate between the two

01:44:51 --> 01:44:59

between the narrator that is at the top of his game and the narrator that is it. He's good, but he's not. He's not the best of the best.

01:45:03 --> 01:45:14

keeps up the standard. That's one thing. When would you think we would need to keep it? When would it? When would there be a concern? When Could you imagine it being useful to have separated between the hassle and side?

01:45:16 --> 01:45:34

Brilliant when the two of them conflict. So what do you do when the husband conflicts with the site? It's very rare. But what do you do when your narrator who's 85%, he's an A student is 85%, he gets contradicted by the narrator who's a 99%.

01:45:35 --> 01:46:17

You need to know the difference between the two so that you can prefer the narrator, who is the more reliable of the two. And that's why we have a hazard. And this What I'm talking about is one type of hazard. There are two types of the type I'm talking about is Al Hassan Lee that he has done which is has an inner of itself, not because of something else, it's hassane on its own, and ahaadeeth, which is haston on its own is a hadith which has a connected chain, and it has no mistakes by reliable imams. It has no hidden weaknesses. It has no narrators that are accused in their religion, but it hasn't the races that are slightly less precise than the narrator's of the Hadees, which is fine.

01:46:19 --> 01:46:39

So that's what we're going to accept in the Hadith, which is hazard. We're going to talk about AlHassan diversity in a moment, because at the moment because he says we're kulula and Ruth patella has Newcastle or he says console, bar info or XML couteau. He says everything that is less than hassane.

01:46:40 --> 01:46:42

Everything that is less than hassane. What is it?

01:46:44 --> 01:46:44


01:46:46 --> 01:46:48

If it doesn't meet the level of hassane.

01:46:49 --> 01:47:38

It's dive Now not all and he says well, who examined Cousteau? It's many different types. Because not all of the dive are of the same level. For example, the worst of the dive, for example, is the mold war, the one that is fabricated a deliberate lie against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. That's not the same as uncle Mohammed who just got a bit old in his in his old age and he started to forget. Those two are not the same. They're not equal in each other. Yes, so the dive Yes, everything that is less than hassen is life. But those weak those life hobbies, they're not all the same. Some of them are strong enough to climb up over the boundary and become Hasson and some of

01:47:38 --> 01:48:18

them are never ever ever going to climb anywhere. So they were in the depths of Johanna. Okay, how do we compare these? We have sort of cutoff points, depending on the different types of life hobbies. So we say for example, the Matador forget about it, throw it in the bin, no benefit from it, the fabricated Heidi's lied about the prophets lie, Selim doesn't matter if you bring me 50 of them, I'm still going to throw it in the bin. Next one, the narrator who is accused of lying to the people, likewise, not really interested, it's not going to help me anything. His narration isn't going to benefit me anything. Really. He's his being there and not being there is exactly the same.

01:48:19 --> 01:48:28

But you have certain narrators who have their a bit weakened memory 5050 memory, you know, like, for example, there are levels of of mistakes in memory.

01:48:30 --> 01:48:51

For example, say you have, which is the one who if someone is said about him say you have he has a poor memory, that means 50% of the time he gets it right. Consider the earlier mouth, he's considered the one who gets 50% of the hardest right? To have a poor memory, and his hobbies, his life. If you only get it right 50% of the time is how this applies.

01:48:53 --> 01:49:36

Or even 60% is still failure. F is still life. He's still but his weakness is not the same as the one who lies. So his weakness, we might find a partner. Or we might find another generation somewhere that is going to grab his narration and pull it up, because we can prove it was from the 60% that he memorized. But we can't take the risk if he's on his own. And he only gets 60% of the time, right? We can't take the risk that this is one of the times he got wrong. So we're not going to accept this Hadith, but it has it gets put into our little folder in our mind, and we keep it in our memory. And we remember in the hope that there's going to be another Heidi's going to come along

01:49:36 --> 01:50:00

with a bit stronger or equal. And it's going to pull that Hadith up to what we call an hacerlo Li Hadith which has happened because of another Hardee's it's not happened in itself. So in itself, it's missing the conditions to be happen. It doesn't have the five conditions. It doesn't have a connected chain or it doesn't have

01:50:01 --> 01:50:31

Or it has a mistake by any mom, or it has an error in it a hidden error, or it has a mistake in someone's religion or it has a mistake in someone's precision. But the mistake is quite small. That small mistake, we find another Hadith, which is a little bit better than it, or another Hadith, which is the same as it, what can we do with this Hadith, we can put the two together, pull it up, and it becomes Hasson because of the other Hadees.

01:50:32 --> 01:51:10

And sometimes you can even have three or four howdy theravive. Because they all came from different places and different people, they're just a little bit weak, a little bit weak, a little bit weak, they come together and you say, you know that's weak, that's weak, that's weak, that's weak. But all together, they give us enough strength to lift it up and say, Actually, these Heidi they support each other. And they work together, and they actually hasn't laid, he hasn't because of another level, he means because of another. So it happened because of something else. It's not happened directly, but it's happened because of something else. So we should be careful not to put the dice

01:51:10 --> 01:51:25

had it all on one level. Some of them we keep for later use so that we can pull them up to the level of hassle. Some of them, we leave, because we can't do anything about them, like the mold war, and so on, and so forth.

01:51:31 --> 01:52:14

Let's take a minute, just to talk very briefly towards the end of the talk, because I'm conscious that we've already done sort of six, seven lines or so out of 34. So we're not going to we're not going to finish it. But let's at least in Sharla just take a moment to cover some important points that are very, very important for us. In terms of the site itself. There's not just the difference between site and happen. There's also a difference between different types of site. Not every site is on the same on the same level, okay, some of the site is stronger than others, even inside of the site, even inside of the condition 95% Plus, still there are differences between the narrator's and

01:52:14 --> 01:52:20

differences between the hotties. So what would we look at what is the most authentic hadith in Islam?

01:52:24 --> 01:52:30

The most authentic Hadees that we can have is that which is narrated by both Bukhari and Muslim together.

01:52:32 --> 01:52:59

So it's the high and it's narrated by Imam Al Bukhari, in His sight, and by a Lima Muslim in His sight. You can take it to the bank, this is the highest level of authenticity. And this is what we call what ethical ally agreed upon when you see it agreed upon doesn't mean that Abu hanifa and Malik agreed upon it. It means that Al Bukhari and Muslim both agreed to put it in their side.

01:53:01 --> 01:53:10

Then after that, if we can't find it in Bukhari and Muslim, then the next level of authenticity is what we find in Buhari only.

01:53:12 --> 01:53:13

It's not in Muslim but it's in Buhari.

01:53:15 --> 01:54:03

This is level two. Level Three is the Hadith which is in Muslim, but it's not in Buhari, because we know Buhari was a bit stricter about his meeting people. So his condition comes a little bit higher than the condition of Imam Muslim. Then what is on the condition of Al Bukhari and Muslim? What do we mean by the condition of Al Bukhari and Muslim? Basically, what we're talking about is that it meets the same criteria, as Bihari and Muslim would have used to put into their book, but they didn't include it. So it's a Hadith, which would which could have been put in Bukhari and Muslim because it matches the criteria same narrators, same level of authenticity, same everything about

01:54:03 --> 01:54:44

it, but it wasn't included. Why do we put it lower down? Because the fact that it wasn't included? We don't know. Perhaps it wasn't included for a reason? By there's a reason why alima bahaya Muslim didn't choose to include it. So it doesn't mean it's not authentic, but it's a little bit less down from the list. Then what isn't the condition of a Buhari? So if you find a hadith that is good enough that it could have been in Bahati, but not in Muslim and then what is the condition of Muslim so those hobbies which would have been good enough for a Muslim but would not have been good enough for fire Buhari, and then finally anything that fulfills the conditions of authenticity, which we

01:54:44 --> 01:54:59

said the five conditions that we mentioned, so we ideally looking for highly Muslim, if not Buhari, if not Muslim, if not the condition of Buhari and Muslim what they call Allah Shakti Hema, it's upon their condition, meaning that the same rate as the same order

01:55:00 --> 01:55:39

The same Heidi style everything about it but it wasn't included. Then the condition of Buhari then the condition of Muslim than any Hadith which fulfills the conditions of authenticity. And of course even within them we can keep on going and say the Hadith is full of imams like Mr. Malik and nerfed and even Irma is more reliable and the Heidi switches got people in which were authentic, but we're not famous like they were famous. So there's no doubt that there is even within the slader levels within the hasedera levels. At the top is the Hadith which is almost the Hey, but maybe the guy just missed 1% in in his reliability. Some of them say say some of them say is Hasson is kind of like

01:55:39 --> 01:56:16

borderline. That's right at the top right at the bottom is a die hard is that the only reason it's inside of the of the circle at all is because we found another dice Heidi's and we put them in together. So you see there's a big, big, big B many, many, many shades of grey in deciding which hudy are more authentic than others. And again, we may use these if there are contradictions, because of course, there are no contradictions in the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The contradictions are either in our understanding of the Hadith, or they're either in a mistake in the narration. And this is what we call an ala, a hidden mistake where this one looks

01:56:16 --> 01:56:24

right, this one looks right, but you put them together and they don't look right together. So there's something wrong somewhere. And that's what we start to look into ourselves.

01:56:31 --> 01:56:51

I'm not going to go into the terminology of the Hadith, according to the end, Muslim Marcel malkuth, mutawatir Matura. Had, briefly we'll talk about mutawatir, just for a moment, because it's quite important mutawatir machico and I had

01:56:54 --> 01:57:38

matamata are those ahaadeeth, which have so many chains, so many chains from so many different places, it would have been impossible for there to have been a lie or a mistake. So imagine that you switch on the TV, and you hear something being told you switch on another channel, the same thing, someone comes in and folds you up and says, you know, I'm just outside. No, it really happened. Then someone comes in the doors tonight, did you see what happened? Everything news is coming to you from so many different places, it's impossible that there was a lie or a mistake. Now, there's no fixed number for ahaadeeth to be motivated 10 chains, 50 chains, 100 chains. Sometimes these can be

01:57:38 --> 01:58:18

motivated by five or six chains. Sometimes these can be motivated by 100 chains, it depends on the quality of the chain. So if you imagine Anima, Malik, Anima, shefford, animal Akhmad all agree on a particular Hadith, and they all have chains to support it. That might be enough for it to be motivated for us. But you might get another one that's full of weak narrators. And you need a good 20 3040 chains before you can say that it's I remember when it's motivated, you don't even look at the conditions for authenticity. As soon as it reaches the level of mortality. You don't care whether it's a cadaver it's mold, or it's whatever, because once it reaches mortality, you don't no

01:58:18 --> 01:58:39

longer need to investigate whether it's authentic or not. It's been narrated by so many people, that it is an impossibility to be a liar or a mistake and example. The prophet SAW I sell them saying when kandivali Allah Mohammed and Italia turbowash Nakata, whom Allah love whoever lies against me deliberately let him take a seat at hellfire.

01:58:42 --> 01:59:09

This Hadith was narrated by 10s and 10s of the companions perhaps more than 80 of the companions, who in turn had hundreds of students who narrated it from them. Within the durations of this Hadees you can find people who are liars, people who will drink alcohol people who used to commit Zina, it doesn't matter because so many people have narrated it by now, there's no need to even check whether it's authentic or not.

01:59:10 --> 01:59:27

in contradiction to that you have the upper hand and the I had all those Hades which have only a single chain of narration. The Hadees has only a single chain of narration. So it only comes from one person.

01:59:29 --> 01:59:59

Nobody else okay. And of course you have as seasonal mature as he is, which has two narrations two by two by two and or two at least in one place. And you have animashaun which has three and you have a monster which has more than three. These are kind of gaps in between. I had an in between a lot of it, but I want you to look at the Mozarteum I had in a simple ignore as easy and mature and all them in the middle because they all really just sub branches of our heart. I had other ones that are too few

02:00:00 --> 02:00:16

To reach the level of motivation for the purpose of our discussion today, and I had all those chains that are too few to reach the level of motivators, so there's not enough chain for you to guarantee that there hasn't been a lie or a mistake.

02:00:17 --> 02:00:34

How do you guarantee then that there hasn't been a lie or mistake, since most of our religion comes from the idea which most of our religion doesn't come from the hotties which are majority, the majority of our religion comes from the Hadees which I had the * interval Ama rubinius is I had

02:00:35 --> 02:00:57

the hajis Kelly metallic coffee fatality. Ira Lisa, Attorney Alameda suppiler la will be heavy metallic, man subtitler will be handy suppiler light of him. The two words are the end of sahadi two words that are light on the tone heavy on the scales pleasing to a rough man the Most Merciful subparallel behind the subtitle ahead of him this howdy this I had

02:00:58 --> 02:01:41

the majority of that Hadith about the names and attributes of Allah and about the halaal and the Harada had so how do we prove them if mutawatir we don't need to care about because it's just so many people that there's no way that there could be a mistake how do we actually deal with our had we act upon them using the science of Heidi's that's all what we just discussed now. All checking the lol and checking the narrator's and checking the dogs and checking the adult. That's why we act on the Hadith which are our heart. We don't take the hadith of one person and say, there you go. It's reliable like we do with the mortality. We check him we check his reliability is precision, we

02:01:41 --> 02:02:04

check other people we check his students, we check his teachers. And when we've done that whole checking in that whole detail, then we say to him, this is authentic, even if it's only one person. Likewise, if for example, a brother came in who you know very well one of the people who run the masjid very very good brother very reliable and he told you something that happened. Why wouldn't you believe him?

02:02:06 --> 02:02:44

Because he's a reliable brother. And he's good and he's honest in his Deen, he's got a good memory. Why wouldn't you believe him? You would believe in there's nothing wrong with believing the Hadith which are ahead and rejecting a hadith which are our heart is a bit which the people of which I did from the mortality learn from others who rejected the Heidi's which are ahead and they said we only take the airhart Heidi's in the less important matters as for things about Allah or about important things about halal Haram, we don't take the ahaadeeth we say you destroy the science of Hadith from its from its foundation. Because the whole point of the science of Hades is to check the Hadith

02:02:44 --> 02:03:16

which are our heart. As for the Hadees, which are motivated, you don't need the science of Hadees check them. Once you've had a million people tell you something like you don't need anybody else to say well, where those million authentic or not authentic, you don't need to check because there's too many people for it to be wrong. But that are hard, or those that it's possible is a mistake. So we have to check using the tools. Once we use the tools to check we can be sure and confident that that Hadith is authentic, and we don't need to worry about the possibility that somebody made a mistake.

02:03:17 --> 02:03:23

Briefly, another type I wanted to really very, very briefly talk to you about is a hadith which is Al Hadith.

02:03:25 --> 02:04:02

And it's not Pudsey. A lot of people who don't know about the science of Hadith they call it from Cozzi. But we're talking about Hydra which is cool to see. And that's a hadith which the prophets lie Selim narrates, from our last panel to Allah. And the belief of Allah sooner Gemma is that the wording is from Allah and the meaning is from Allah soldier and not like the people of the water can the mean the people of Kalam said that the meaning is from Allah, the wordings from the prophets lie Selim. This is a lie against Allah azza wa jal Alliance's messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we don't say this we say the wording and the meaning is from Allah subhanaw taala. But it's not what is

02:04:02 --> 02:04:11

narrated by recite ation of the Quran. But it's something that prophets I send them said, Your Lord said Allah said, Allah did and so on and so forth.

02:04:13 --> 02:04:48

Of course, you have the Hadith which is hiding neverwet which is the Hadith which the prophet SAW, Selim said, and you have those things which are less, and we can call those Hadith but we normally call them as, after and after is normally something which is that not from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam as sort of a sort of Abu Bakar the asset of American abdulazeez the asset of a hustler basally whereas generally when we talk about Heidi's not always but generally when we say Howdy, you would expect howdy never we Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and a hadith kudos he is the one that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam narrates from Allah azza wa

02:04:48 --> 02:04:55

jal. There's a lot that we haven't talked about, and there's a lot to continue. But the science of hydrogen is difficult.

02:04:56 --> 02:05:00

And I won't deny that it's difficult to listen to

02:05:00 --> 02:05:35

As well, it's not an easy subject to listen to. But it's a subject that is a vital vital importance. And really what I want you to do today is really just to get the subject out there, to get people listening to it, and to get people maybe to be inspired to actually go on and learn a bit more about it than they have done. And maybe to go on to learn about Tetris and to learn about all the different types of weak IDs and why they're weak and what we do with them. And to learn about the details of what it means to be connected or disconnected. And to learn about all the sort of narrator's and general ideas and approving the ratings and criticizing the raters. All of these

02:05:35 --> 02:06:17

things are things that come after. But what we did is we just began with a very, very, very simple introduction to Hadith what it is to the books of Hadith, a little bit about what we mean by a Hadith, the chain and the text. And then we did at the beginning of alma volmer Lb Huni Imam Al bei Cooney Rahim, Allah tala, when he talked about the conditions for the Sahaba and for the Hasson and for the dice so inshallah tada we're going to have the other basic elements our model, and we'll finish up very shallow to Allah. I'll be milling around for questions inshallah for 1015 minutes of the seller, if anybody has them, but until that inshallah is Aquila halen, so practical or more we

02:06:17 --> 02:06:26

have the cache to Allah, Allah, Allah and as the federal court to relate salatu salam ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edgeline

We have undoubtedly sent down the Reminder, and We will truly preserve it. (Al-Qur’an, Surah
al-Hijr, 15:9)
The above promise made by Allah is obviously fulfilled in the undisputed purity of the Qur’anic text throughout the fourteen centuries since its revelation. However, what is often forgotten by many Muslims is that the above divine promise also includes, by necessity, the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), for it is the practical example of the implementation of the Qur’anic guidance, the Wisdom taught to the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) along with the Scripture, and neither the Qur’an nor the Sunnah can be understood correctly without recourse to the other.

Hence, Allah preserved the Qur’an from being initially lost by the martyrdom of its memorisers, by guiding the Rightly-Guided Caliphs, endorsed by the consensus of the Messenger’s Companions (may Allah bless him and grant him peace and may He be pleased with them), to compile the ayat (signs, miracles, “verses”) of the Qur’an into one volume, after these had been scattered in writing on various materials and in memory amongst many faithful hearts. He safeguarded it from corruption by its enemies: disbelievers, heretics, and false prophets, by enabling millions of believers to commit it to memory with ease. He protected its teachings by causing thousands of people of knowledge to learn from its deep treasures and convey them to the masses, and by sending renewers of His Deen at the beginning of every century.

Similarly, Allah preserved the Sunnah by enabling the Companions and those after them (may Allah be pleased with them) to memorise, write down and pass on the statements of the Messenger (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and the descriptions of his Way, as well as to continue the blessings of practising the Sunnah. Later, as the purity of the knowledge of the Sunnah became threatened, Allah caused the Muslim nation to produce outstanding individuals of incredible memory-skills and analytical expertise, who journeyed tirelessly to collect hundreds of thousands of narrations and distinguish the true words of precious wisdom of their Messenger (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) from those corrupted by weak memories, from forgeries by unscrupulous liars, and from the statements of the enormous number of ‘ulama’, the Companions and those who followed their way, who had taught in various centres of learning and helped to transmit the legacy of Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) – all of this achieved through precise attention to the words narrated and detailed familiarity with the biographies of the thousands of reporters of Hadith. Action being the best way to preserve teachings, the renewers of Islam also revived the practice of the blessed authentic Sunnah.

Unfortunately however, statements will continue to be attributed to the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) although the person quoting them may have no idea what the people of knowledge of Hadith have ruled regarding those ahadith, thus ironically being in danger of contravening the Prophet’s widely-narrated stern warnings about attributing incorrect/unsound statements to him.

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