Muhammad West – The Revival #03

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The history of Islam is discussed, including the first major operation, first major civil war scenario, and the first major operation. The importance of protecting loved ones is emphasized, along with the need for veracity and evidence to the enemy. The upcoming war on Maori Rhodiola is also discussed, with some confusion and uncertainty, and a need for peace talks and providing veracity and evidence to the enemy. The main event is the OMA, but there is a risk of unity, and a new candidate, Sir Sir Shia, is mentioned. The prophecy is said to lead to war between two major groups of Muslims, but there is a risk of unity.
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We will well Hamdulillah we continue with the first fitna, and the first major calamity this Omar had faced with the Muslims had been disunited for about five years, two sides of the Ummah going to war twice already and on the verge of a third civil war scenario on the scene, the lion has just been assassinated. And this follows the assassination of Satan there with MANDARAKE Allah and
off the rate of say nearly the army I've seen the army of the east of the army of say 90 They appoint Satan that was saying about the Allah and Satan Hassan Rouhani Alon as the next Khalifa in line. And we all know much about saving the hassle and waiting remind ourselves of his virtue in a beautiful in the eyes. It's called the eye of the mobile Hala, have you heard of the mobile Hala? It's called the verse of the MOBA. That's the challenge. It's a challenge. Allah the prophets of salaam had a group of Christian monks who visited the masjid. And there were discussions and debates. Eventually Allah revealed ayat Allah said to the Navi salam from enhanced geography mean by
the manager, a covenant room for cool tallow nother webinar. So Allah said, should they continue to argue with you concerning the ISA, after they have been given the knowledge Allah has given to them, Vince a fine, let Allah decide who is right? Say to Allah to Allah, we call a banana our sons, we call our sons will come and you call your sons when he said, and we call our women, our wives, our daughters, when he said, I'll come when you call your women, one fusina One Fusa command you bring yourselves and we bring ourselves through moneta Hill for Naja Allah and Allah and Academy and then we'll ask Allah punish the one who is wrong, who is lying. And so Allah said, now go and make this
mobile Allah this challenge. And when this idea was revealed, so Allah says, Call your son's gonna be some got up, and he went to which has an rhodiola, and by Zen, six, seven year old boy, and Hussein in his arms, and Fatima came behind the visa Salam and said Ali came behind her. And so he said, I am ready, I have brought my family open, are you willing to bring your family? And of course they said, No, we're not going to take this challenge on and the mobile has stopped the but the point of this is the first person that are being grabbed by the hand was this young little boy, six, seven year old boy has an ID Allah and Satan has done everything about him. Subhan Allah and I
recently had prophesy on him. When he was born the day he was born, then at least consistency. Now you bring me my son, let me see him. What have you called him? What name have you given him and say now Ali, as we know is a warrior, a man who found great honor in valor and encourage he said, I've named my son, Herb. Herb means war. So there is no, his name is not war. His name is Hasson his name means good, kind, gentle, beautiful. That's what his name is going to be. And so then, his name is Hudson. His name is Hassan. And that's why when the second son came, they didn't ask they just named Christine. He likes Hassan. So he's a he's a small person. And that's it. That's a unless they got
the memo. So Hassan Rouhani, Allah on this grandson of the salam, everyone knows no matter how little you know about Islam, everybody knows this is that little boy that when the Navy Salam was leading the salah many times and the Sahaba would think why is he taking so long in sujood is because Hassan was on his back, and then the salam allowed him to finish playing on the Navy SEALs back and then he would get up this Salah was not a sunnah Salah he was leading the Salah in the GEMA when Hassan would sit on his back, we know that this is the same hasenhuttl The Allah and when the Sahaba would see him you would whenever there would be on the member performing Juma and he would
see his grandson walking around in the masjid and then obviously would leave the member he would get off from the member and he would take his grandson and hold him in his arms and kiss him in front of the Jamar and he said I couldn't really see him there. I want him by my side. This is that love that little boy when the Prophet sunnah would walk with Him in the road and Hassan would be on his shoulders. So Hobbes said, Well, how young man you've got an amazing mode of transportation, you're writing something great. And then Ivan says, and something great is writing me and something great, someone great is writing me. He resembled the Prophet salaam, the most in terms of features in terms
of his looks. He looks the most like the NABI Salam, when the Sahaba looked at him, they would say he remind you remind us of the NABI Salam. So this is the man who now is appointed as the Khalifa. He's in his late 30s, almost 40s and not a young boy anymore, and now he's a man and he gets to the Grand Mosque of Kufa, the capital of Islam, the capital of the Muslim ummah now and he gives a speech just after his video, his father, Satan, Ali, and he says to the people, that I am, as you know, I am the family of the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Allah has mentioned about us
In the Quran, that he has purified us with a special kind of purification, and he's made your love for us to the family that are gonna be some obligatory on you. And that performing good acts should be in line with loving us as a family of going to be some of them. So now I take your oath he sang to the to those who follow if you're going to support me, if you're going to follow me then take the bait. You will you will make fuel we will fight those who fight me. Are you ready to go to war with those who fight me? And they said yes. And then he said, Are you willing to live in peace? Were those I make peace with? And they said yes. And so Hassan's army rallies. And he's in a position of
great strength, Maori Rhodiola and the later it seemed to him Oh, Moussa give your pledge of allegiance to Hassan. He's the new Khalifa and Maori Rajon refuses, and he knows that the tide is against him. And months go by negotiations continue. And Hassan says finally that if you're not going to risk you're not going to accept the caliphate to me as the Khalifa when we have to settle this, unfortunately, it looks like we're headed for a third civil war. And he rallies his army once again reminding them that they took the pledge, they're going to fight for him and they're going to die for him. And they already and he goes all the way towards Satan them out here. And just before
the battle begins, he sends a letter to Mao out of the oven and he said, I have thought about this issue. And it's time we reconcile. I'm willing to abdicate my position as Khalifa, and I'll pledge to you as the Khalifa. But there needs to be some kind of terms. Before I do this, we need to agree on certain points. Now we are done since sends him back since Hassan radioland a letter. He opens the letter it's blank, I don't know what is this blank letter, Ma said whatever terms you want, put it on the I Agree to it, oh, a blank check. Whatever we can do to end this once and for all. If you're going to abdicate, then list your points. So as an RA the ALLAH and he says that you promise
you will rule as Halifa in line with the Quran and the Sunnah. And that we will have peace, no more fighting. And there'll be amnesty, no retribution, whoever fought anybody, this one killed that one, it's finished, there is no retribution. We have complete peace and they will be complete amnesty for everyone. And those who have suffered financial loss, you will pay you will pay compensation for that. Mao Rhodiola immediately accepts to this. This agreement was done secretly, this agreement was done behind the scenes. So you're gonna say Now let's say the Hudson is bringing the army they think they're going to walk and He's agreeing in secret to make peace. Now he has to do Can you imagine
this, people are willing to die for you fight for you who have been we've gone to through to second wars, or wanting to go for a third one. He now needs to make a speech in front of the people. And explain to them what he has done. You can imagine what they were going to think of him some people call calling him a coward even saying that other than his own brother was shocked, was appalled. said how can you do this? How can you go what your father went to war with Maui? How are you going to to abdicate your position, the OMA is willing to fight to die for you. And he gets up and he makes a speech and he says I've looked at this matter. And for me the blood of a Muslim is more
important than this issue, that I would rather abdicate my position to spay another so that another another drop of Muslim blood is shed. And he says if I if Mao is better than me to be the Khalifa, then he is the Khalifa. And if I am better than him to be the Khalifa, then I've made a decision in that capacity that I've abdicated for him. So he's your Khalifa. And he I will be the first to give my pledge to him. Subhanallah his own army attacks him stabs him Subhanallah his own army are willing to. They're so angry with him, calling him a coward. But he takes us on himself for the sake of the ummah. He takes this great sacrifice five years, nobody could broker a peace. Nobody could
solve this issue. And this man comes forward and the OMA is willing to die for him. And he gives up his position. He's right. And he gives it up also and once again comes to him and says how can you do this? And he says to her saying there are the Allah and Allah has already blessed our family with Naboo. Allah gave us an IV in our family. Perhaps he intended that the Khalifa ship should be in another family and I'm happy with that. And I'm satisfied with my decision and he packs up and he goes to Medina and he lives a very quiet life obscure out of the political aisle out of the arena. Maori are the ALA now becomes the Khalifa of the Cena Hassan gives his pledge. Hussein gives his
pledge. Everybody follows and obeys the command of Imam Hassan and Mao becomes the Khalifa and he must be saved now. Yes, we all know that Hassan Rouhani of Iran is not of the caliber of say Nason is one of the caliber of saying it. But now we have one Khalifa one united front what happens 20 years malware as the Khalifa and the jihad continues, the OMA expands strength continues. The Romans were on the verge of Erie invading Syria and Palestine. They couldn't make
Are we since the first campaign to almost conquer Constantinople? So we see that even though it might not be the first choice, it might not even be the best choice. But having one voice is better than having multiple voices. And this Subhanallah when this happened, the Sahaba was still alive. They realized that this was prophetic. You know that maybe someone would give them a hadith, and they would take note of it, but they would forget it, until it would appear to them afterwards it Ah, now we understand to prophecies than a reason sit to the Sahaba they will be after me. They will be a caliphate, a Khalifa ship, Anwar, it will be in line with the Ebola for 30 years after I die
for 30 years. They will be a caliphate who will rule exactly as I ruled. Then after that, Allah will establish a kingdom it will be a kingdom it will become a dynasty and Allah will give it to him, he will say, when you there'll be some pass away.
Top of robiola will close the novices birthday and death is almost the same in the robin oh well, has an abdicates. 3030 years after the abuse was in the labial oh well in fact close to the birthday of gonna be to the tea almost to the day for two years as an MBA Salam had predicted Cena Hassan abdicates his his position, and yet an even more amazing prophecy. Once a hobby This is in Behati. in Sahih Bukhari.
They mentioned that when Senator Hasson rallied his troops and was about to march on to Moussa, Moussa is sitting with his, you know, his generals, and he says, an army like the mountains is coming upon us. If we go to war with him, that will be it, the OMA will be finished. If we win, or they win, it means we all lose. There'll be nobody left in this OMA to defend the women of the children. What are we going to do? And then Hassan Rhodiola and sends him the letter to say, let's talk peace. I'm willing to abdicate, let us make peace and in this matter, and the sahabi that narrates this, he says, I remember sitting in the Juma one day in front Friday, and Hassan walks
into the masjid with his stove a little too big and he stumbles and then I'll be Salam leaves the Juma and he picks his grandson up. And he stands before the Sahaba This is a Hadith in Bukhari, and he puts Hassan on his side, and he says, also harbor, the son of mine is a sacred, a sacred meaning a leader, an honorable person. And Allah will make peace and Heath Allah will cause that he will make peace between two major groups of Muslims that are fighting one another, he will bring peace to the Ummah and he'll bring unity Subhan Allah Sadaqa Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. So the Sahaba said I remember now 30 years later, it dawns on me this hadith attributes I just said it passingly one
Jumeirah, we didn't even really take note of it. But this was the the that moment that prophecy is fulfilled. Now, as I mentioned, this was the first fitna and this year the year that say no, say no has been reconciled. The school the year of Jama is the year of unity. Once again, the Ummah comes together. And what we learn from it is even the best stuff people can disagree, and they can have legitimate and valid grounds and I've even said to parties of the Muslims, two sides that have they both have the arguments they both had the the opinions, it happens that we argue about things. Yes, maybe you are right, that it must be on this day. Yes, there is a a an argument to be made for
calculations versus looking lunar calendar versus hedge. Who's what we keep IID with maca. But isn't it more beautiful than we all have one opinion? Isn't it more beautiful that even if my opinion is not the best, even if my opinion is the best opinion, but the fact that we can all unite on an acceptable opinion, isn't that better for the Ummah and one of the reasons for our downfall is that we are not willing to give in and forego something because we believe we are right. We believe I'm right. And then in that process, you are right. But the OMA loses as this as the Allah mentioned, there's a difference between being right and being righteous. Hassan ragi Allah and chose the path
of righteousness. He chose the path that I will choose someone who is not the best. He is we all know Satan Hassan is the rightly guided Khalifa that his Caliphate was more he was more deserving deserving for the caliphate. But the only way to bring us united what bring unity once again, was to abdicate. And by doing that the Ummah was revived and saved and now we have the Alon was righteous king, he did many good things for the ummah. And he established one of the things of course, which will become our topic of tomorrow. He began as the novelist predicted a dynasty. He would be his family, the mayor would become the first dynasty in Islam, one father and a son, and this this
family that have been Omiya would rule with absolute power. And when you have absolute power, it corrupts absolutely. And so we'll talk about the next great fitna, not that we were at a low point, but we're so high and so mighty, that we lost our spirit and lost our way and inshallah we'll talk about how absolute power
And one Khalifa changes over that and brings the caliphate back to what it was meant to be inshallah tomorrow Nila just a quick announcement. We have three days to go for orphan program we need we've got only 24 sponsors in sha Allah 24 People times 400 So we can get all our orphans to be sponsored beat Nila. Last night's quiz, we ask well, we'll say nearly stabbed which place was it? He was of course that in the Grand Mosque of Kufa. Kufa is in Iraq. Tonight we ask okay, let's go for the prize giving
system the route via
Warren so that we are here? No. Okay.
And Fadwa Sally.
Yeah, but it's only for the
others looks like Fadwa fareeda. Sally, okay. Bismillah Shia. No.
Aisha. Okay. But the intake, the intake the price, and you see Williams, you see?
Oh, there we go. She couldn't so much. Our question for this evening. The Hadith that I've used in CS Al Hasan, the son of mine is a is USAID is a Sir, he's an imam. He's a chef. And may Allah make peace between two great parties of the Muslims through him in sha Allah to Hadith we all learn today because unless you learn so much, we'll see you tomorrow with Allah or salah, say now Mohammed, voila Sufism serene Canaanite datamine said I'm gonna go to