Muhammad West – Heritage #03

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The transcript describes the history of Islam in South Africa, including the rise of Islam in Indonesia and the development of Islam in the United States. The transcript also touches on the rise of Islam in the United States and the potential for it to flourish in the future. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning and practicing the principles of the prophets of the world, building a community, and taking small small things back to the community. The importance of being prepared for difficult situations and not letting anyone steal is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are we live on a shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala sherfane was serene saline and Mohammed while early he was savage mine. My beloved brothers and sisters in Islam is Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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appraisement to Allah subhanho wa Taala I shadow Allah, Allah Allah Allah will be a witness that no one has the right to be worshipped except Allah. And we say and we praise Allah and thank Allah and seek Allah's forgiveness and protection for the sins that we have done and May Allah guide us and bless us in this work of Juma and except for sorry about that. We send our love greetings and salutations. So we live interview Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to his pious and pure family, his companions and all those who follow his sunnah until the end of time. Yeah, Allah bless us to be upon the Sunnah of Nabina Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, in this dunya and in his

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companionship in the era. Meanwhile, hamdulillah

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Al Hamdulillah over the last two weeks, we're talking about our heritage, our culture, we're talking about Islam in this country.

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And we did a basic history of South Muslims the cake for philosophy and 50 years, summarize them in to Joomla foodbuzz. And we would like to conclude today and discuss, and things that we learn. An idea is not to live in the past. We have to know our history. And we have to know where we come from. It's part of who we are. But the real objective is about going forward, what will be our legacy after this. And today, insha Allah, we'd like to make this more of a human discussion. And we'd like to talk about two main the two pioneers, the two personalities that played a big role in shaping Islam in the Cape in particular, and in South Africa. And there are many, many other great

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people that have come many people from the Indian background that have come to this country and have brought Islamia but today we'll talk about use of Mikasa and Tuan guru, these are people we should know, and we should know the contributions and learn from those contributions. And as I said, there are many, many great people that did many great things, whose names we don't know. And it's not important for us to know them. It's Allah subhanaw taala knows who they are. And when we talk about Islam in this country, we also recognize the UCM the cape we like to feel that we the we are the most mature Muslim community in this country. We know that Muslims from other parts of the world

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came here before our the Malay Muslims came here. That's surely from Africa, Muslims came that in fact, it's very possible and as is the Sunnah of Allah that MVR was seen to the koi people to the Zulu people to the cause of people as Allah subhanaw taala sins Ambia to every single nation that they will be living here. That is a great possibility. Well, hamdulillah so we'll talk about these two great personalities. Now we mentioned that Islam, really this community of the 350 What happened or why How did Muslims get here, we see that the Dutch colonized Indonesia, and they fought against the people there and those people were obviously Muslim. And they stopped along the road here in

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Cape Town. We were the the ultra city on the road. We were the the stop off point. And so they brought many of the use this country as a detention camp. They use South Africa or Cape Town as a place to dump the prisoners. They slave so the prisoners didn't want they brought them here. And so we begin in sha Allah by talking about chef use of of Mikasa. Chef Yusuf Rahim Allah,

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His real name is Aberdeen. tidier to soap. Alright 616 26 So this is what three 400 years ago who was born 1626 to 1699 lived for 73 years, masha Allah and is more commonly known as Chef use of sous chef usufruct Mala was a man who lived came from was born in Indonesia, obviously, Indonesia has many islands. And before the Dutch came there, there wasn't a country called Indonesia. Really, each island was like a kingdom on its own. They were each individual kingdoms. And Chef Yusuf was from a royal family. So the king of that island, he was the nephew of the king. And he grew up as a young prince, maybe we could say, and he was given the best education. And he in fact left Indonesia to go

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to the Middle East to Makkah to Yemen, to learn from learn Islamic knowledge to become a scholar of Islam. And he leaves his country goes and studies the deen goes and becomes an alum. And he comes back to his country and he finds that his country is being invaded has been conquered by these foreigners. The Dutch have come and they've conquered it. And he therefore spent many years opposing and fighting against the oppression. So this man was a Mujahid was a scholar. He wasn't Mujahid, and he fought and he fought against the Dutch. But of course not every single battle is going to be one as the Sunnah of Allah. These are the brothers which we win and there are hoods that we lose, even

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though we saw Salam. Allah did not give victory in every single battle, and he lost and his country was colonized.

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And he saw his people enslaved. And he saw a foreign power come and take over. And because of his opposition to them, he was arrested. And he was sent first to Sri Lanka as an exile. Now he was taken and his family as well was taken. Meaning you will see more of a political prisoner, who was maybe a little softer was quite bad been taken from your country, with his family, his wives, his kids, and he was put in Sri Lanka, which was also colonized by the Dutch. He spent 10 years the in Sri Lanka, before they realized that obviously the men continued speaking out against the Dutch, he still had a following. So they sent him further away, and they sent him here in Cape Town, dumped

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him here. The chef in 1694, was brought here. Man is already in his 70s with just moments in the 70s Subhanallah old man being brought here with his family, and it didn't bring him to Cape Town. We the the castle basically was town this is where the the population was. They put him in Makkah, sir, we don't even to now. But Carson is far out. It's not even part of Cape Town. So they put him on a farm in the middle of literally in the middle of outside of Norway, because they feared because of his personality, because of his charisma because of his teachings. And even on the farm, he continued to teach Islam very simple, basic Islam. And what was what attracted not just there wasn't, he was

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giving only Dawa. But when it came many slaves, many people who were being oppressed by this new colonial power, they came to Makassar, they came to this farm, because now they saw that, as I said, they saw is in power, they saw that,

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because I'm dark skinned doesn't mean I'm an inferior person, that he or someone else who has a dark skin, but he's even more educated than the Masters, that he's got knowledge and he's got culture. He's got he's got a religion. And of course, then we also have an Allah ultimately, we our Allah doesn't look at your social status, he accepts you, no matter where you are on the ladder. So people flocked to this form. And people came in Islam sort of spread. And that was the base, the first real Muslim community in South Africa.

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Very limit very small, very tiny. We're not talking about 1000s of people, even hundreds of people, maybe 10s 20s of people, but they we first we had something of a Muslim community. And the sheikh only stayed there for about five years. And many people, you know, the government of Indonesia, or the royal family, tried the best to bring him back to Indonesia. And he's still regarded as a very famous figure in Indonesia today. But of course, the Dutch refused to allow him to return and he died, he passed away. Yeah. And I believe his body might have been Express Express created back to Indonesia, Allah Allah, but he died. So that was the first real community in Makassar. They didn't

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have a masjid weren't allowed to build a mosque because Islam was illegal, or they may be had was a community that got together, and the community that that started the beginnings of Islam. And again, this community, brought people from all different backgrounds together, and started teaching basic Islam. So this issue of use of and he passed away, as I said, 660 99 That's why 350 years ago, passed away. At that time, we talk inshallah today, also, about, really, you could say, The first real imam of Cape Town, the first

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man that he really started to put structures in place that Alhamdulillah we still see today. And it's not just one person, every single, every single success. There are many, many people that supported the person, even rasool Allah so for them, he needed an Abu Bakr, he needed normal, he needed a Khadija even though this is the greatest of Allah subhanaw taala. But it came together with the assistance of other people.

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So to one guru, and you'll see his name driving down Nelson Mandela Boulevard. If you look at those walkway, walk over bridges you will see to Guru bridge. His real name is Imam Abdullah Abdullah kadhi. Abu Salam, that's his name. And Guru as we know it's a it's an Asian word for master or teacher. Guru is a guru, you know, and one is a Malay word meaning master or master. So his master teacher, that's really his nickname. Basically, an island is an island people and Oh, Professor, that's what that basically people call him Prof. That was his nickname, professor. So he was also born in a tiny island in Indonesia, in 1712, so he was born about you know, 10 years after more than

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10 years after him use have passed away. And of course, he was also from this elite upper class family in Indonesia, part of the royal family and his country was colonized and captured similar story, and he fought against the Dutch and he was caught plotting with the British to overthrow

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The Dutch government and he was captured with this plot and he was arrested and they were very they were more severe with him. Then what's your use of sound found him as a traitor. So immediately they sent him 17 At the chef was in his 70s was 6968 years old. 68 years old. The ship was sent from Indonesia straight to Robben Island in Cape Town say to Robben Island. And sidenote. If someone told me I spelled Robin wrong, Robben Island is what someone's name Robin is, is a seal apparently. Right? So there are a Seal Island as I'm learning what hamdulillah so he was sent to Robben Island from Indonesia, a prince incarcerated 68 is an old man, so old person to go to jail. And

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again, as I said, Robben Island is notorious mostly for the apartheid struggle. But we take pride in saying that the first inmates in the first prisoners they are the first ones to fight against oppression is from those who said La ilaha illAllah. That and as time goes on, as the face of the oppressor changes, we will continue to fight that operation. Whether it was from the Dutch or the British or apartheid, or modern day corruption or cooperations, whatever it might be, we are here our deen will necessitate that we stand against it in any way possible. So this Imam 68 years old. He was taken completely alone, not with his family, not with anything. In fact, he wasn't even

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allowed to take his Quran with you.

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Half of them Quran and Alim something of a judge taken dumped on a prison and he knew you will never see his family again. You will never see his home again. You will never see if he might have thought I might die in this jail and he was kept there for 13 years in a cell Subhan Allah

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Now you spent 70 years of your life devoted to Islam to Allah you've learned the deen you fought for Islam and after all of this basically you can say Allah subhanaw taala you know in inverted commas here gives you this in you go to jail. Now, even if you are it just say okay, this is the end of my life. My story ends here. I'm going to die in this place. I might as well just make my EBA and die. Man What is amazing about this man, he didn't give up. He didn't give up it's like that hadith of the Prophet versus if you know Qiyamah is coming tomorrow. Are you okay? I'm at the time but he's about to be blown. And you have a seedling a sapling, a plant in your hand when planted now. You see

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ya Allah here. Now this thing will never grow. Don't worry about the future. That is Allah's prerogative. You do what you can do now. You look at your situation, no matter how hopeless it is. A true believer never gives up hope. Maybe Yaqoob teaches his son that he's she's kids, when the use of was taken from him. years, decades have gone by. And he's still talking about now the use of and they say yeah, I'll get my father. When are you going to stop to use this Hala is gone, you're never going to see him again. And he says Don't give up hope because I believe and never gives up hope in the Mercy of Allah. We are always hopeful, no matter how bad the situation is, we always believe

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Allah subhanho wa Taala can make your way out above any situation is Allah. So this man, you must have been a busy human being so obviously he's a broken man is he's lost everything, not even the Quran. So he might as well stop any so he starts from scratch. You wrote the Quran as we say we as we all know and you can find it in our man sit here. He wrote the Quran not just one a few copies from memory. I wrote that Quran from memory. And he wrote another book which we not so not so talk about so often a mouthful Islam, the basics of Islam a basic book on fic you could say like your Alma feeder, basically a little bit of everything the basics of Islam and it shows you the man's the

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understanding that I'm coming to you don't that in jail not knowing you'll be released. So yeah, Allah who's gonna see this book. You don't really write for yourself he's the island is really basic. How do you think we do to make Salah because he knew that there are people across the sea that need to learn this. If the book gets they doesn't get there. That's not my job to see to Allah subhanaw taala will know my Nia, my effort.

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cytology another example. You buy Malik's Mamata Mr. Malik's Mamata is a book of Hadith and there were many more workers there were many books like that before and when he said I'm gonna write this book they said why are you writing another book? We these books are here already. Why are you replicating so he said Allah Allah I'm I'm just gonna write it. All those other books have disappeared. And his book remained and his book is one of the things that Buhari is so hey, is based on so you we don't look at the outcome. We do the job. Allah's responsibility is to seek out

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Come. So he wrote this book these books in itself. And we've got some letters knowing that the man was going through a difficult time because he would write letters to people here in Cape Town. And he would sign it. Al Imam of volume. And Matthew. So I got him Resolume the oppressed Imam. That's where I would sign it. That he was so we can imagine, at a time there's no human rights. There is no one that looks What do you think they did to imprison? How do you think they tried to break his spirit and his Iman to lose his faith, but he maintained after 13 years of being in this on this island, the cell is allowed to leave 81 years old. 81 years old, even in today's time with us, you

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know, he's the old life is over. You just have to go out to pasture now. But he doesn't start so hang on what was 81 years old, he finds himself a new wife. Well, having the Rila finds himself a wife. He has two sons of them are often Rocky. And another side note you have the Ralph the famous of their old family that we have in Cape Town. What are they known for being Imams, right being Imams go to Mowbray Maqbara. You'd find the Abdullah of graves right when you enter the his family. This is the lineage of his family. So Allah had blessed him. It all started school. Jharia is building a masjid, leaving knowledge leaving a son. All three was given to this man. He built the

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first Masjid. His knowledge is being practiced here. And he's learned he continues to be of the leadership in this city.

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This is how Allah gives for people that give a little Allah gives them without limit. So he comes here so Hanalei starts from scratch, finds a wife gets married, has two sons, starts all over again. And now he goes to teaching the Quran teaching Islam and again, he's not dealing with people that can read and write people that don't know much. So that's why you find okay he got people to get into make dua, in congregation will make do out together so that you can learn how to make dua. He didn't force his Indonesian language. We had to learn Afrikaans basically, to teach them in their language, when he wrote here to write Yes, Arabic scripts, but in Indonesia in an Afrikaans

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language, so that the people could understand. So I said this before and you should know this, that the oldest books in Afrikaans are written with two lists, Arabic letters. So you will read Alif Bertha, but if you read it, it's actually a frequence. The man would sue Nica for the froma. But it's, you know, it's an Arabic. Why? Because Subhanallah they couldn't read and write of records, but they could butcher they could recite the Quran. So the only thing they could read were Arabic letters. And because they could read Arabic letters, but couldn't understand Arabic. It was you Arabic letters we used to write Africans. That's the oldest books of Africans in the world. First

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books and Africans. Our old Lama wrote like that's how they taught, shows great wisdom and hikma of these people. So he came he comes here and like any scholar, he wants to start the class, Santa Claus want to begin teaching teaching Quran teaching people to recite the Quran to make Salah to wash themselves, the basics of Islam, how to eat how to love as a basic Muslim. Where should I go? What can I do to set up there's no place to sit up. So a lady, Sorry, Chief Anika. She was the daughter of two slaves. Parents was a mom was a slave. Her dad was a slave. They work the lives of slaves they earn some money, so they will sit free both the freedom and they gave her the only asset

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she had was her house a while Masjid. So she told chef to Guru you can teach here your madrasa so he started his madrasa in the house. He asked the government give me an opportunity let us we need a masjid. There's enough of us Muslims here. We want to make Jamar Islam was still an outlawed banned religion. So how did they make Jamar? How do they make Joomla companies trickier down the road. This is where they would make Joomla wasn't a masjid. It was aquatic meaning an open area. So they would come Fridays on in the middle of winter rain or shine? Winter summer, they would come and make Joomla the outside because they weren't allowed to have a masjid. Now what's our excuse for those

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who don't come from Java? What's our excuse? I have a deadline and we need to work so Annaleigh

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will even though it was illegal even though they probably got lashed for leaving the job. They understood Joomla is more important. Stand outside and that's where the gives you mark has never been said they had the madrasa in the sister's house. So Ciccone cap house. And when basically as the congregation grew, she donated the entire house. And when the British took over, when the British took over, they allowed that this place 1797 permission to convert that house into a magic oh well magic. So the first Masjid in this country and in fact some will say the first Masjid in the southern hemisphere. Allah Allah Allah which through one of the oldest of the Southern was 250

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yours was given donated by a sister, a woman. There's still some people that don't allow a sister into the masjid even first Masjid in this country was given by a sister.

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How many soldiers were made in that Masjid? How many Bionz were given how many humans were given Ramadan's hard times Han Allah, that is success.

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And when you see this, this thing that you know, we talk about, the scholars will say that when you see a good deed enduring with time, it stays forever. There were many books written many books of tafseer or Hadith, but a few really became famous, they were mainly my dad, but those four stuck, really stayed forever. Why? The some extra acceptance from Allah. Allah really, really loved that contribution. So he gone to the to endure for generations and time and time again. So this was the first Majid to a guru fought for this and eventually the British allowed him to open the to make this the first Masjid Oh, well, Masjid. And a few years after that, he was, Islam officially became

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unbanned. And then they were allowed to teach more freely, to propagate the deen more freely. And not too long after the three years basically, after Islam was now recognized. We had a madrasa. We had a masjid, we had an Imam, he had a successor, Allah subhanaw taala, who was him to pass away, and he's buried up Caronia long, if you go straight up this road to the barrel. That's way Rahimullah to nguru is very just a few meters a few 100 meters up the road. So the point we learn about this disease three, and what we take from this very simple ordinary effect, we can say, almost people on the bottom rung of the circumstances, they were in an impossible situation, do you think

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they could have imagined 350 years they will see this later, they would see this, you think they would have imagined this would happen? They were just hoping to survive. I saw a man said for now, I just want to make salah. Now, they could not have imagined in their wildest dreams, that Islam will flourish in this land like this under that harsh, that harsh kind of extremes.

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So we plant the seed. And the message is so the things I want to take from you. It's easy to give up. Every generation, every group of people will look at the situation and you think our problems are too much. We give up. So we look at our situation. Now we jump to the modern world. crime, corruption. We all watch the news and we see the level of corruption that is happening. We see the level of crime, it's easy to to either give up to be hopeless to say I think only about myself. Easy for Imam tersedia Allah, I've done my job. I'm here in jail. I'm just going to make my EBA and wait for the Hollis. No, I'm going to start all over from scratch. The believer never gives up. That is

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the true defeat. When the believer gives him he's been defeated. We don't ever give up. Because we believe and we know that I might go, my family might go my wealth would go but Islam will endure forever. Islam will always survive. And that's when we look at this history. The people we're talking about the Dutch empire. We don't know about the Dutch Empire anymore. The Spanish empire, the British Empire, gone. Islam is enduring Islam continues. They are harmed, they attack Islam in the side and it will flourish. They they have lost the colonies. They've lost Indonesia. But what they what was left of the the oppression is a new Muslim community rise up somewhere else in the

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world. So the point is, as believers we don't give up. And we should be the first and foremost people to be positive. And we should be agents for positive change. Now one of the big problems that we have in the community now, our problems are not as severe as other communities, not as severe as the past. And we have so much more potential. But there's a level of apathy. Everyone says What can I do?

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I have bills to pay kids to see to

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all the people of the past had those same problems.

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But your point is you do what little you can do. Just a pause here. Last week, we seem to be collecting for the catastrophe that was the tsunami in Indonesia. And again, listening to this I hope it inspires us that our connection with that land is very strong, not just that they are that they are Muslim, but it's not just that they are brothers in humanity are brothers indeed, but actually, they are our cousins. So last week's collection was not that great. Times are tough. I understand but it will ever can we contribute for the sake of helping someone saving someone? You know, we know that story of the prostitute, the prostitute who saved a dog from starving, guaranteed

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her Jana

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Your tender and might save some human from starving. Now what is your word for that? Right? That dog that she saved got her Jana, obviously an in person is way more, you know crater. So Subhanallah again, don't look at the quantum, what you put smile in your eyes, great in the eyes of Allah subhanaw taala. The hadith says, A man will plant a seed, that seed might be a good word, a smile, just one advice to a brother a five round one round in a towel. And Allah will take that seed in your eyes, the seed, and Allah will himself Allah will plant that seed, and Allah will water that seed and nurture that seed. So when you come on piano and you find a forest of good deeds, you say,

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Yeah, Allah, how can I get this? I never did all of this. Yeah, Allah, Allah also that seed that you planted, I cause it to flourish, you don't see the potential.

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And we talk about these people of the past. They never saw the potential of the world great scholars, they wrote a book just for themselves. But millions, billions of people will read and benefit from that because it was done with sincerity. Allah does not leak. So when we look at our problems today,

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we should remain positive. We as people of conscience, people that are good people should continue even to do a little Don't Don't try to change the world. Just try to change one thing. Remain positive and remain sincere. Allah subhanho wa Taala judges will not judge us on our results. Allah will not say how many people did you bring to the deen? How much did you billions did you give the man who gave the biggest contribution gets started? No. Allah looks at the level of sincerity. Your efforts might be small in our eyes in terms of quantity, but the quality of sincerity is what Allah will reward us on the potential Yeah, Allah, I want to one day build a masjid. So I will donate one

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then that means it might come might not come but because the NIA for him as it was the you get rewarded for the masjid, the full reward. That's how Allah subhanaw taala operates. We had a wonderful seed of success. Alhamdulillah the weekend, the nightmare and Elon stated we spoke about the cover. And it makes us in this is where we think about it. Ultimately, there are no winners or losers in this life. You You and I came into this world naked, owning nothing being nothing. And we will end up like that, again, everyone's going to end up. But what remains above here to solid heart, the good deeds we do will remain forever. We only have a short period of time and the

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challenges that we have in this dunya that the challenges we face as a community are our opportunities to earn our Jannah Allah subhanho wa Taala as a blessing has put these challenges they to say Who of you will take these things Amanda leather you could look out on Hassan who will lend out ALLAH says who will lend me alone Allah is saying Who will give me a loan, meaning I will give it back to you with interest of dividends multiplied many, many times over, you will get it back. This is our opportunities, our challenges are opportunities to secure our akhira. So we as a community we still very small and we have Alhamdulillah though we punch above our weight, our class,

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we have lots of influence. And we have so much potential, we have so much potential, the challenges we have different to the past. Our challenges now, as we said is on the other extreme, whereas in the past, we were we were you know being forced down all the time and we were being oppressed from external forces. Now, Allah has given us a different kind of challenge where all the pressure is gone on the outside, you can do as you want, you can come to Juma and not come to Juma you can dress correctly not rescued, you can eat halal or haram you can earn your money, halal earn your money, haram. Now the challenge is from within. Now the one that you need to fight is that knifes and the

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opportunity is great to achieve great things. But also the destruction now is very difficult, very great. We don't have excuses now. So we as a community, we know should always as a minority. We don't think as individuals, we need to think as a collective. We need to Subhanallah we spoke about differences we need to put those differences aside for the greater good. We need to understand that in the modern world that we live in what are some of the challenges that I list? We are now a connected community, your kids, my kids, and most of us we would know they're on that phone the tablet already now. They will they may be watching cartoons now in a few not too long, they will

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start being exposed to all kinds of things in the world.

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In the past, it was easy to isolate and cocoon and keep keep away even negative influences can't do that anymore. We are now exposed to everything. Which means that the way we need to do as a community is equipped ourselves

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have equipped ourselves to meet these challenges. So when we look at the prophets of Salaam, we look at the sahaba. We look at these scholars, where did they begin? It begins with knowledge. It begins with having a sincere Nia, it begins with learning and doing the basics. It begins by saying, This is what I have in the set of principles. This is what I am as a Muslim. When it comes to my work, I'm a Muslim when it comes to my family, I'm a Muslim and a Muslim, we don't cheat, we don't lie. We don't, we don't harm someone else. And those are the set of principles if we keep that intact, they will last if we teach our kids those basics of of the deen it will help them Inshallah, in the

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future, and in do and remain. It's not about how many Muslims we built, or how many, you know, tangible things. It's about the the intangible stuff that the principles we leave behind.

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We need to start you know, subhanAllah, again, look at ourselves as a community, look at ourselves and ask what can I do and contribute because every one year, you have a much better position than my grandparents, your grandparents,

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you and I have greater opportunities and potential to do amazing things. When we look at the problems in our community, that is our problems. That is your problems. They have not for yourself to fix them, they for your kids to fix them to the your kids will have a better future. So you and I Subhanallah where do we begin? And where do we start? Again, don't look at the big picture, the big problems because it overwhelms you. Ask yourself in your community, the school that your kids go to the mercy that you attend, what can I do? Go and speak to your Imam asked him what can I do? You're not offered to donate like Sochi to donate your house to be the Masjid. But surely you can donate

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your time.

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And have to build the Masjid. The Masjid is the but support the Masjid. If you're not happy. If you're not happy with the madressa level education of your kids, firstly, they should be going. And if it's not good enough for your kids, then who's going to fix it, who's going to fix it, if you are not willing to fix them adresa of your kids who's going to do it.

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If you're not happy with our old Mr. Structures, rather than working against it, work with him. Both things, it's easy to destroy things and break down the world doesn't look so good. So we demolish that's not the way of a believer. That's not the way as we move forward as a community work with instructors. So start small, contribute something give something back. One thing I mentioned this in the in the talk last week, on the weekend, Allah subhanho wa Taala is looking for an excuse to put us in Jannah doesn't want to put us in Jannah. Even if you have one excuse to say Allah, I did this one thing, I did the basics. And I did this one extra thing. That was my excuse for Jana, there are

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multiple doors to Jana, you don't have to get in through all of them. But try to get in through one of them, either through your character, through your charity, through your knowledge, through your whatever it might be. But do something and give something back to the community, give something, do it for yourself, your family and give something back. Because as again, as I said, we are minority. If we don't look after each other, and we don't fix our house internally, then we will disappear. That's a murder that happened. But that's when we start disappearing, when we stop going to madressa when we stop eating at Halau places when you stop dressing like Muslims, when you stop acting like

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Muslims, when we give up on Islam internally, that's when externally the deen disappears completely, but then disappears completely. So throughout this this long, 350 years, it's not the story of one or two great people, it's a story of a community that no matter what challenges came their way, they stuck to the principles and they maintain this deal. It's our turn to write the chapters of our history. Now, it's our turn, if at the very least we say this flame of Islam will not be extinguished on our watch, at the very least, we will just hand it over to the next generation maybe not take it forward, well then that's the very least, but Subhanallah we could put something in and

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write something in our history books, that this generation this group of people sitting here, took it to the next level those people who could not so that one person can give a buy on on, on Ahmed so and so and so and no not for names but you want Allah subhanaw taala to mention our names like that one day.

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So when Allah subhanaw taala bless us. May Allah Subhana Allah protect us as a community. We have a beautiful history and may continue for many, many generations. May the next generation be better than the previous one. May this land which is so desperately in need of the dean. So this will be in need of the principles of Islam. May we have the ability to give it over.

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Tomorrow inshallah panorama Masjid there

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In an open day a masjid opened and something we should do here in the masjid. They inviting non Muslims to come now when they it's in the north northern suburbs, it's a little bit like apartheid, they still a very hostile environment, that when they end up pamphlets for Han Allah, you know, subhanAllah kids, they'll give up pamphlets inviting them to the masjid if people throw it back at them, you know, we don't want you here. But we'll work on them. We'll hamdulillah who will work on that's our agenda. So if you want to you have a co worker, you have a colleague, you have someone that you too shy to speak about the dean and you know, to duty and bring them to Panorama Masjid 11

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o'clock tomorrow morning, we'll discuss what Islam is all about. We're not here to cause harm just to get to know about Islam, not to convert them, but simply to know who their neighbors are. So that's happening at panorama Masjid. Tomorrow, we continue with our series that we made on the messenger with the officers wives.

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Also, if you want more learnings on Islamic knowledge of history at Hamdulillah, this masjid or this organization, but I know Islam splint, there are many gay people that put a lot of effort into compiling there's a book called The Magic massager of the Buddha. The mosques of the book of Muhammad David's Rahim Allah was lived across the road Professor Herman David's you compile this book File History, all the mosques Why do we have 10 budgets? Where did the split happen? Why do we need this magic open we need that magic open. So if you want to learn more, we'll sell that book in sha Allah it's it's available will you can put in the order and next it will be here and in sha

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Allah. Begin we'd like to thank those who attended the course last weekend the nightmare illustrate those who contributed Hamlet was a great success, my life saved from us. And again, any questions concerns with like these lectures or wait for triple to 13? Because like I said, don't worry Kumar hula barakato

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