Muhammad Salah – Fiqh of Zakah Part 17

Muhammad Salah
AI: Summary © The conversation covers a range of topics, including the importance of giving back to others, the benefits of giving out in public settings, and the challenges of receiving double payments. They touch on topics such as giving, giving out in private settings, privacy, and sharing information. The speakers emphasize the need for a strong sense of privacy and privacy regulations.
AI: Transcript ©
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You agreed purify you Well, the glue round and where you live. Look at all the good you have to can give a little love your

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hand somewhere to hold on to fee. There's so much that we can do for so many who are in need give our time give our well give, give ourselves a loss each and every hidden D.

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Welcome Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh and welcome to the thick of Zika a group of episodes where we discussed all the elements of sakar we looked at the definition of Zika or types of wealth, who can give it and who can take it with me. The person who's been expounding this information is Sheikh Mohammed Salah Salaam Alaikum Salaam wa rahmatullah wa barakato. And thank you, Jimmy does athleisure wash is checking all these episodes that we spoken about the fit of zygon you've expounded upon all of them to give us the evidence for them. There's one type of zeca which we don't find mentioned in the Quran, but it's something that we know we all have to pay in a certain time of

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the show, you know, this is the cattle fitter. Correct, Chef what's the hikma behind this and give some explanation to this act of giving. Just before the salata lead, Miss Miller Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu lillahi wa Kapha or salmonella arriba de la de nos puffer lecien Mustafa sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira

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there are two types of Zika is a cattle man was a capital of debt zeca on wealth and position was discussed over 14 episodes. And there is a capital of Dan or the body is a cat as a cat on one's body. That is known as the capital filter.

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Even though it's commandment or mandate was not mentioned in the Quran, but in the sound sooner.

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It is collected by Buhari or Muslim and Abdullah hypno Amara or the Allahu anhu I'ma call

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Abdullah him Norma may Allah be pleased with him and his father narrated for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a capital filtri min Rama born so I'm integrin also I'm in sha Allah liability will hurry was Zachary will once our celebrity well Kevin immunol Muslim. He said faraja Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam have this power to mandate and to make things mandatory? Yes, indeed. Allah subhanaw taala gave him this power and he said, whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi salam.

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So the obedience of the Messenger of Allah is from the obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the Quran came as a whole and the Sunnah, explained in details, what was in the correct look at all the discussion with regards to this rate, and the different types and the different different produce and the different livestock which is acceptable and all of that, which we'll discuss in detail, there is no mention whatsoever for all of that in the Quran. So the sooner explain the marshman what was revealed in the Quran as a whole, it explained it in details. So this hadith says that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam ordained the cattle for three also the fertile fit for a man Ramadan and

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Ramadan to be given as saw an income aside is equivalent to form one and if you remember before we set aside approximately equals 2.4 karega of what have terminal dates or body or raising or wheat or the average food of the locality or people rely on most or the need most can it be called yes I'll allow very well her whether the Muslim his servant is a slave or a free man. Main for a female young or old men are Muslim and as long as he's a Muslim. So this is the care covers if the individual every family member

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when and how because when we spoke about the cattle man who said there is an assault Yeah, so what is the case with a Gus was a cattle foot because it covers a greater spectrum than the cathode men. So if I stop you for a moment, you've said all of these categories but all of them p the person who is fine

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Essentially responsible for those who under his guardianship is the one who pays in a state of his right arm a family Father, I pay the capital for on behalf of myself, my wife and my children, and if I have a servant so everybody who is my dependent financially, I'm supposed to pay the capital filter for each person saw 2.4 kilogram of whatever food we discussed, okay now this Sir, this this value what is the real value? I mean, you said 2.4 kilograms, okay, but in this date, you know, we don't do we measure by that? Or do we just take 2.4 kilograms a bag of, of wheat, for example, a bag of rice, remember it is not. If you have a family of six, then it is 646 times 2.4. So to write. And

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before we go into that, some people are asking, who's supposed to pay every person who possesses an SOP. No, Denisov is different here, who possesses in a food for himself and his family, for today, and tonight, for one day, and one night. So I have three means, and I happen to have some extra food

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fuels are few kilograms, then I have to give on behalf of each family member who was under my guardianship, one soccer each, what if I have if we're family of six, and we have Mashallah food in our pantry or the fridge is enough for today. And tonight, but all what I have extra, is just one song. So you give one PSA, and you're exempt with regards to there is still the responsibility on behalf of the rest of the family members. So the value now for example, the actual weight some times in the Western countries, what we do is that we go to the supermarket and we can't get 2.4 kilograms, for example, we get a five pound bag and we go and give that bag out and we can't find

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barley. But like you said, we can find rice and people accept it. So like exactly whatever people are in need

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for in need for most. So when you go to some people who

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would not, for instance, eat corn, and you give them code, they don't want it give them what they need most. What is common amongst them most?

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In some areas, reason is extremely expensive. So give core give

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wheat, give barley give rice, okay, the average and

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you give to those who do not have at all

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and you assume that they're poor. You can attend me Well, what if we keep giving people and somebody collects for me? Six, and from somebody else tensor. So that's equivalent to 2024. Or, yeah, approximately 24 kilogram of food. So he has food not just enough for today and tonight, for the next week, or the next month. So this poor person who's eligible yesterday now has many, he too has to give the soda bottle filters a cuttlefish to others, you see, the best solidarity and cooperation in the community presented in the form of given sacado fifth, or sacchetto, the Hikmah sutra and the wisdom behind that is two things

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explained in the Hadith, which is narrated by Abu lahab napus. May Allah be pleased with him and his father. He said farabaugh Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, the cattle filtery to hottel sigh that is the first hikma or wisdom on your side. We've been fasting for a whole month, we suffered. we tasted the hunger and thirst for some time, right? But each and every day we were hungry. We knew that there is a time at sunset where we will have food and bread on the table.

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There are others

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whether it's sunset, or sunrise or tomorrow, or next week, they do not expect food. So we should feel the need and rush to help. So it is a purification totally aside from what mean I love we were rough.

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While we're fasting we made some errors vain talk involved in mistakes or since. So this sort of will purify this

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sins which were committed during our fasting, what are methylene Misaki, that fulfills a second hegman, which is as a means of feeding the poor and the needy. If you had the Leone and the Prophet sallallahu, see, make them rich today's they didn't have to back. They don't have to beg for food, they don't have to beg for anything to bring the fest on, show them you have really graduated from the School of fasting. And you really felt the suffering of those who are in need.

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Whenever there is a commercial

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in the West, about some poor countries, or you see mainly African people, the kids are only bones, you could see the ribs, they're very skinny, and you can see the skull, what happens, they will suck on the lips and say, too bad, the very poor, and many, many, or in most cases, that people will just flip the channel and soon they will forget. But the practical lesson, and the practical mean of making you feel their suffering through fasting. This is just one of the wisdom behind fasting, that you feel the suffering the hunger and thirst of the poor and the needy desire.

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Now we've gone through is expanded upon this. One thing that we haven't touched upon, is maybe the due time. Okay, now you've given some you told us now that it purifies is very similar to normal Zika. And of course, there's a time of give it as a whole of normal Zika is there due time for this particular Zika specific due time? Yes, it is due by the end of Ramadan.

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As the exact time in our hanifa was chef very in the old school believes that it should be due at the dawn of the day. So right after Ramadan is over in the morning of date.

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Then we have also an Emma Malik and the other opinion of CFA and others say that it's due at sunset of the last day of Ramadan. Well what difference does it make? Well, it makes a difference for a family who are expecting if if somebody his wife gives birth in the evening of Ramadan or past sunset, after Russia for instance, according to an American others, then he doesn't have to pay the care on the newborn because he was born after that you die. But according to Abu hanifa as long as he's born before French, you have to give sort of cuttlefish three on his behalf, which is one sir. Anyway us men have now Pharaoh the alota Allahu Allah used to commend to give sada cuttlefish three

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on behalf of the fetus in the womb of his mother. As long as you know that your wife is expecting there is a son or a daughter of yours in her stomach, then it is recommended not a must to give sort of Battlefield three in order to bless them. Just like with that we're gonna take a short break and return in a couple of minutes. Please do stay with us on the thick of Zika salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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You agreed, purify you well.

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A lot, the most high and merciful says, invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair preaching. Do you want to join her in calling to Allah? Do you want to spread the message like the prophets did?

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Do you want to share in the blessings and rewards? Why not support Hodor towards these noble aims? Why not sponsor a program of your choice if you would like to help Hooda in spreading the correct message of Islam, please send an email to [email protected] or call plus 20143271 double seven one for more details or facts plus 20238 triple 5251

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there's so much that we can do for so many who are in need, give us time give our well give Allah

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Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and welcome back to the thick of Zika check just before the break we were discussing the information that you gave us we start going into about tsikata fitted this particular car the specials are given in a certain time

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via the body is a deposit bottle is not the one in the world. Now, within your explanation you told us about the time have given this a castle fitted can the cutter fitter? Like he told us before by normal soccer? If we do some estimation and we can give it an advance Can this be given in advance and the scholars have agreed Yes, you can pay the capital for three in advance but they differ with regards to how advanced

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for instance, you know, hanifa says you can even pay before Ramadan begins in membership he says from the first from Iran you can

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pay the cattle foot

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while in in America, Ahmed said you can pay it in advance a day or two before eight.

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They have something in common which is the purpose of paying the cattle footer in advance is to have a chance to distribute it amongst the pool in order to satisfy their needs. So that when it comes to their a day everybody's happy everybody's cool. Everybody have enough food and provision for the day and for the next few days as well. Most important thing so whether you choose Abu hanifa his opinion invade before Ramadan or shefa in the beginning of Ramadan, or manneken Ahmed and you paid a couple of days which is the best opinion of course you pay just close to their aid

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because that provides the maximum benefit a day or two before Ramadan.

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Whether you do this or that it is okay. What's not okay is to postpone it.

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Because saw the fat will filter in case of zakat. One man who said may maybe can take a few days couple of days in order to distribute after it is due. But in case of soda bottle filled, it is late. its latest time is Salatu late. The Prophet sallallahu never said whoever pays it before the prayer. This is

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sort of our agenda and whoever postpones it after they retire, then this is a voluntary charity and he has committed a major sin and he still has to pay it though.

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So many, many people especially in the West, they do not realize and this is something typical, it happens every day come on the day and say I want to give my first law. So what have we been talking from the beginning of Ramadan?

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You must pay us the cattle first before the IE prior Sunni come right before the emergencies Allahu Akbar, what are you gonna do with it? What can we find a fuckload to say, please take the solder from that person. Zack locker. Okay, now let's go back of a chick explained to me again, briefly the value that you have to or possess or the value you have to give as well when it comes to allow more again are of the view that whenever the Prophet sallallahu wasallam specified certain categories or items they have to be given as is for they'll have them in inhabiting the grains from the grains. How do you tabula ignore Omar and Abdullah him not best. So I'm in tomorrow. So I'm sure is

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pertaining a certain measure can be converted into weight of specific grains or food. Okay? No, honey, if I said what if people do not want the rice,

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then give them money. And he says not only if

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in certain cases is it in general, it is permissible to give the value to simply be in the safe side and get out of this dispute a few days before, before Ramadan ends. You can go to any organization or Islamic Center. If you are living in the woods, for instance, and say, here is the money, the value for my Zika they buy the grains and the food and they know hundreds of 1000s of families who will be more than happy to take rice or to take wheat or to take food. So Alhamdulillah if we can defuse this problem and resolve this issue, then we must do that, instead of falling into a dispute. I'm not going to give this account myself. I don't know for people who are going to take a bag of

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rice or whatever. I know an organization would take the money from me and buy food for the needy ones. Issue itself. And it's the same thing as when we spoke about the Zika you're going to give it to them and your obligation is done. You're finished over. It is over you're free from any obligation whether those guys are honest or not Alhamdulillah I did my best based on my investigation and there

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What we say?

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The repetition. They're known in the society those people are honest, this is it. Okay, now, let's move on to the next part, which is the whom? Whom do they pay this circuit? Very simple. Same eight categories, which were discussed in the past with a Gus was a cat in verse number 16. In the Masada photo, or even a second to them, so the same eight categories, it can again, the preference or their preferences and those correct Exactly, exactly. Okay, now, I've got a question now, which is out of the cutoff figures. But

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it's a question that pops up Now then, because it's a real issue, especially the days that we live nowadays about partnerships. We have a situation where three four people own a business together, say lively stocks, for example, and they own them together. How do you go about looking at the Zipcar when it comes to partnerships, if the share of each partner

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does not reach denosumab then there is no cap on any, even if collectively, the ads have to make double dinosaur, because in this case, each person is responsible for his share me and you and a third or fourth person, when in a company or I bought some shares in a company, this company is very, very wealthy,

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multi million dollars, but my share is that much

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then I will be responsible for paying his account on my share, what if the company pays his account on whatever shares and my share exceeds or equals attains on a sub and exceeds any sub. And we all agree that our accountant will calculate this account and dispute it. And I have nothing to do with it. If we all agree to that, as long as my share attends and it's up by itself or in addition to other investment or positions that I have, then this is permissible. But the trick is that if somebody is share, does not attend, then it's up and he doesn't have any other position investment, then he does not go in his account does that now as we're looking at the cow Of course, so the car

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is that which is voluntary and that which of course is obligated upon us. When we look at Southern Cotton's Akasha How does somebody actually give that because sometimes you see that people give it in public you'll see the names and the boards and so forth. And some other people say oh, this is not allowed we shouldn't show people when we're given a cigar or silica what's the ruling on this clinic clarify this first of all, whatever we discuss we've been discussing that as the the mandatory charity and its rate is very little.

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It doesn't mean this is perfect. No Allah Almighty encourages us to do business with him through giving in a charity men's locker one has an enviable hula hoop over half and kathira messalina Murphy severely like Emma Sally have better and better serve as an Herbalife equally some bullet, to have the will la who live fully money share one single sadhaka burns the word of 700 an even more and Allah gives more and more to him ever he was given in a charity is like giving a goodly loan to Allah subhanho wa Taala allow it accept it. If it is from a lawful earning a lower phosphorus will grow until it becomes as big as a mountain of art. As we discussed before, here is a very important

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point which is Shall I give it in public openly? Or it is better to conceal it? The correct answer is that the Quran says in total. So the hi Tiffany and Maggie, if you show your charity, it is good. It is excellent. But we're into who has to help.

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And if you can see in it and give it to those who are entitled for it, this is better for you. So the scholars concluded the following, sometimes given does occur in public with the charity, showing your charity for a purpose such as encouraging and motivating others to donate is more recommended than if you give it in private. So there is a fundraise and everybody is reluctant to

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donate or to give any charity. Somebody raise his hand and say $10,000 what? So he encouraged others. And he gets there were a similar word of everyone who donates after him. That's like our bucket and almost our bucket. Everybody saw him give me so much it pushed over to a point where he wanted to give so much exactly. But if somebody is afraid

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That he wants to make sure that he is sort of fine other conditions is 100% accepted and sincere, then given in private is the best the Prophet sallallahu wasallam counted among the seven who will be sheltered under the shade of the throne of Allah on the Day of Judgment. Roger on The Cube you saw the hot in

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hot tala machine marylu metal, so holla So, a man who give in a charity in such a very concealed fashion that his left hand does not know how much did his right hand, give any charity just after his shirt Mohammed for all the knowledge that you party to us and all the explanation about this very important topic. Again, this series on DACA is a series to explain to you the importance how to calculate it and how to distribute it. Until next time, I live with a Salaam alaykum. warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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You agreed purify you well look around and where you live. Look at all good. You have to give give a little love your

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hand somewhere hold on to fee. There's so much that we can do for so many who are in need. Give us time give out well Give. Give ourselves no loss each and every hidden D

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