Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari – World Of Spirituality

Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the classification of Islam laws and the implications for Muslims, including the use of the "naive" term and the importance of the "arads." They stress the importance of learning and teaching oneself about Islam to avoid confusion and misunderstandings and emphasize the importance of finding a spiritual person for one's behavior. They also touch on the physical presence of the soul and negative consequences of various ways of life, but end with a discussion of the "has been there" concept and potential conflict between two ways of life.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim

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hamdulillah midheaven wants to you know be he wanna start Pharaoh who wanna study

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when are all the villa heater item issue the unforeseen our Messiah Dr. Medina Maja de la hora de la la la jolla.

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Chateau de la la hula hula sharika eyeshadow Anna say Donna Wahhabi venerable sua Tanaka, Donna Mohammedan Abu rasuluh

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Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Sayidina Muhammad Ali he

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was heavy his marine mockumentary

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me, Dean Allahumma alumna in Verona when foreign alum Tina was in aroma. So Hanukkah la Houma la Mulana Ileana Atlanta in Atlanta la de Marchi regard,

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respected brothers and sisters.

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Once again Alhamdulillah it's an honor, it's a privilege to be here with you at this Masjid.

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And I thank the organizers for inviting me and all of you as well. for coming today inshallah,

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we hope to discuss a very important topic.

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As it was introduced that previously over the past year or so,

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I started this series of talks, wherein in the beginning, I explained that some of the automa this is not in the Hadith or the Quran, but some of the early scholars and the recent scholars the LMR of this oma by looking at the various laws and junctions, and rules of Islam and Sharia, which are found in the Quran and in the Hadith.

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they categorize these lows into five different categories. If you look at the Quran, you'll find the different various lows, that they are all relating to the old pertain and relate to these five categories. So for example, if you read Surah Al Baqarah, the verses of Surah Baqarah, you will see that a lot talks about matters of the unseen and animal lover even the life hereafter which has to do with one's peed on one's belief. And you will find many verses connected to relating to one's Akita. And then you have verses to do with how you pray like Allah says RP masala, offer Salah pray to soccer team will hijo and Amara, Tallulah so there are loads to do with wish. And then fifth we

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have a birder worshiping Allah there are laws to do with Marcia which was category number three and I mentioned in the beginning that we will not be discussing the first two categories of Arpita and a Buddha worshiping Allah. But we had one whole lecture and a program here on which was titled obligation to the creation of a law which means the hobo called a bird and this this category has been termed more Arusha which means to live with one another social injunctions. Like if you read Surah Taha gerat, Allah talks about all the laws of how to interact with one another as Muslims as human beings, social etiquettes. And then you have verses of the Quran, and many heads relating to

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financial business transactions. So that becomes a category as well, more or less, so you have more are shorter, and then you have more ominous so we did a whole talk on a program and more alysha titled obligation to the creation of Allah. And then we had a discussion on marmelade business dealings in Islam, which was I think, titled, the dodo do the financial transactions in Islam

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and we had a whole talk on that and the fifth category, which can be termed as the category of Allah waterski to pub which is to do with the purification of the heart and purification of the soul. And we find many verses of the Quran and many habits of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that deal with this particular area and category category of the laws of the heart.

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So, this is the classification and categorization, but what I want to say today before we go on to explain some very important things

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is that there is also another classification and categorization. You see because the this categorization and classification is not based on a particular Well, it's not explicitly based on a particular verse of the Quran or Hadith, but this is what the when the order, the scholars, the Imams, and the sort of when they look at the various laws of the Quran and Sunnah they according to their understanding, they say, okay, you can divide them into these categories. You can even divide them into 10

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categories if you want to more are shorter you can say okay, laws relating to the rights of your family members, one category laws relating to the Heroku can rights of fellow Muslims another category. So you've made two categories out of one category, laws connected to the rights and interaction with non Muslims another another category. So you can do that it's not a problem. But there is another classification which I want to explain and this will take us to this fifth category.

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The other classification categorization of the various laws of Islam is that Islamic laws injunctions are only divided into three. And this is actually based implicitly on a Hadith of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when we read when we looked at the, the loose, when we look at the Quran and Sunnah when we read the verses of the Quran, and when we when we read the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu taala, Allah Allahu alayhi wa sahbihi wa sallam,

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we see that there are certain texts that deal with again, just like the five classification in the five categories that I mentioned. Likewise here as well. The first category is Akita okay. So, everything a Muslim must believe in and must not believe in is involved in this category. This is a PETA, the belief system known as Islamic creed, the belief system, many verses like I said, solar Baccarat and numerous verses and and the things that Allah tells us not to believe in the things we must believe in about Allah subhanho wa Taala himself, all the attributes of Allah, it's a topic science on its own. And it's something that we should, as Muslims study take time out. In the

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beginning, I'll tell you one thing before I carry on in the beginning of Islam in the time of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and even in the time of the Sahaba, earlier on in the Quran and oola, the early times, there was no classification.

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There was no classification. If a Sahabi a companion had a question, or an issue or a problem to do with any matter of his life, and his religion, what would you do? Go to the Messenger of Allah Salallahu alaihe salam and say, jasola messenger of Allah, I have a problem. I need to know the Islamic ruling about a matter of divorce. I have an issue I need to know about this matter of al Qaeda is their punishment in the grave. For example, I have an issue to do with business transactions. I have an issue and I want to know something about my rights with my wife or my husband, any matter of Islam, they would go and ask the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, the most simple, people were less agents spread far and wide. There were very less few people in the beginning. So there was no classic there was no need for a classification. And everything to do with Islam was termed as D there was only one term D in Edina and Allah Islam and another term was also used which was felt

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fake right now I'll tell you I'll explain later is used in a different way. But in the earlier times and in the Quran, and so another term used was only fake fake means understanding of D. So like, for example, Allah says in the Quran falola Anna for amin, Khalifa potty Minh, whom Paul refer to later for COVID de comida Roger la him the rune. Allah talks about why is there not a group of people there should be some people who learn the matters of faith and Deen and have a good deep understanding of the Navy comm scholars, they should dedicate their life to studying Deen and let the others go in Jihad and in striving and struggling and travel and do whatever they need to do.

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And then these people are the scholars and the others will follow them. In other words, Allah is saying in the Quran that they must be a group of people who are that humans are the scholars who are the merge the heads, not everybody we can can become a lawyer, not everyone can become a barrister. Otherwise, all the barristers and lawyers will lose their job. If every one of us is a doctor. You know, we won't, we won't have a job left. Likewise, only a group of scholars need to be experts in Islamic sciences, the rest follow them and this is what we call them, which is another topic altogether. But

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in this verse, Allah is saying they should understand the term uses de facto

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one term was used in the beginning of Islam. In the heads of Sahih al Bukhari, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says maturity level be higher on you for houfy de with whom Allah intense good he gives him a understanding of Deen. This does not only relate to jurisprudence, it's a comprehensive understanding of the so in the beginning of Islam in the time of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam there was no classification there was only one term used which has already been Islam that

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Islam do these one or two terms, which related to every single token injection of Islam. This is this is an introduction, which is very important to understand some of the very other important things that I want to talk about. But without understanding this introduction, it will be difficult to understand some things that I want to talk about. And I'm going to be quite frank about some issues, but they need to be said. So in the there is no classification. There was only one one term dnn Sharia or Islam these terms.

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Okay. But then, as time passed, more and more people started becoming interested in Islam and they embraced Islam and Islam spread far and wide new issues came into the open, there were new issues that face the Muslims. There were people who were coming into Islam with corrupt beliefs, people were being deviated new groups came into existence. So many different sects, like you must have heard of groups like the martyrs, ILA, and our age and the jewelry and the pottery, numerous different sects started coming into the Muslim community. Right now, at that time, the Muslims and the time of the dub your own and

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these are the people after the Sahaba some of the Muslim scholars they said, You know what, it's very important that we actually teach ourselves, our children, our Muslim communities, about the matters of faith as explained by the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Sahaba the methodology the manager of the lucerna will jomar and some scholars they dedicated their life to this one topic which is from the Quran and Sunnah of Akita. So, you had great scholars of the past, who actually devoted dedicated their whole life their time the efforts and they work to just a science of Akita, they became known for the science of a theater, it became a science a topic a

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subject in of itself, in the time of the messengers of Allah harness and there was no okay you know, there was no such thing like we will have a course today and a pita. You know, nowadays we have course on appeal

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was of course on appeal and the term of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Of course not there's no such thing as apt either, whatever, all the different categories, it's only one Dean. But later on because of a need, this classification took place. So the first category, the laws of aqidah, the things and these things were discussed and these things were taught and they were books are written on it. The things that we must believe in in terms of a loss of animal data is attributes that are a lot of things that we must believe in. And which means like, Don't hate the philosopher no tada and, and him not being like anything later, chemically shayan books have been

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written, as you know, and the things that we must not believe in the things that we must avoid, like schenkkan. associating partners with a lot and many other things that are attributes of the messengers that we must believe in. There are certain things that are contrary to a person being a messenger, and the matches of the unseen and there are numerous things and like we have books written on this topic, you might want to hear him a whole lot wrote a book. They

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are known as an appeal to the habia, which is a very short brief text, right in the time so how did they read a text less read a book text in either? No, they would just take the appeal from the Quran and Sunnah. But later on books were being written. So this was a first category of Islamic laws or the injunctions or the outcome of Quran and Sunnah, which is the category of aqeedah taken from the Quran and Sunnah.

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The second category of laws.

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The second category of lows are those akam and those lows and those injunctions of the Quran and Sunnah of sherry are of the Quran and Sunnah not the Bible, or the Torah, there's a Buddha, the Injeel or some other book. These are the lows of the Quran and Sunnah. Right? that deal with the external physical body of the human to external laws.

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Like all the laws concerning the power of purification, how to purify yourself, the laws of purity, all the all the laws found in the Quran and Sunnah to do with what to do the reversal to do retirement for women for females about menstruation about Haden effects and post Natal bleeding to moon wiping on leather socks, etc, etc. And all the lows to do with

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worshiping Allah offering salah and Zakat and Hajj and down there we said a bird Masha Mohammed a buddy here, a birthmark shadow Muhammad, all of them have been put into this second category. So those five categories was up either and then you have other martial Mwamba. In other words, what's happening here is that those five have become three in such a way that the first one remains the first same category, the middle of the labor that the more are shorter and more ambulate. The middle three, they become one category and the last one remains the last one which we're going to talk about today which I'm

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Moving on to so this is how it's happened. All the laws external laws, rules connected to fastings occurred hedge, Amarah,

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marriage divorce business transaction financial transactions, renting hiring, wills, everything to do with the physical body, hurting someone and all the all the commands and prohibitions just like in a key the in the first category we have what we call our mirror and we have no power What do we have our mirror Nova which means the do's and don'ts, the commands and the prohibitions

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in the first category, what do we have the do's and don'ts, the do's are the things we must believe in and the prohibitions are the things we must avoid. Likewise in this second category there are commands and prohibitions commands Allah says offer prayer that's a command of the masala will occur Do you have to perform an offer your hedge if you have the means that's a command the prohibition is that a parabola Xena don't even come close to fornication it's hard on was in the Hakuna fracture was a Sevilla when I asked about the home Baba do not backbite now that's a ruling to do with martial law but it's in the second category of external because you backbite with your normally with

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your mouth, you know it's external, even though the scholars have said there's a backbiting of the mind as well. Really, you know, if you think negatively of people it's kind of backbiting but it's more or less to do with the external body, hitting someone physical abuse, these are all the prohibitions. Just like we have the commands and prohibitions of the first category. We have the commands and prohibitions

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halala obey our Hara mareeba being engaged and involved in usually an interest transactions. It's absolutely Haram. It's a physical action, it's an external law. Again, it's a To Do With a second category. This second category was termed the category of in the beginning, as I said, one term feck was used for everything. But now later on Jensen will appoint now in the beginning, there was one term which was dean or OSHA, mainly dienen felt used for everything. But now when this classification took place, the first category was known as a pizza. And notice that there were different names actually, you know, the first category, not just one name, because remember, names

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are not important. It's just what the scholars thought they can turn the first category some of them called it a pseudo Diem. Some called Elmo heed the signs of the heat because the heat is one of the very important issues discussed in a pita. Some called it lm alcara different names were given to this first category. The second category is, as I said, known as which now we translate as jurisprudence.

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All the laws to do with the external body, and that's why there's a definition of fifth, the automa give a definition when they explain this anything Hola, Elmo

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amellia Allah Mukta suburban agility head of severe that it's a science that deal with Iman armeria external actions, which are derived from its detailed proofs, which are the Quran and Sunnah. So all the laws of the Quran and Sunnah to do with the external body, with the external of the human, allow him or miroir Hara, or Rick, they fit into this second category known as the category of effect.

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One of the Imams of this oma Imam Abu hanifa Rahim Allah the man who he wrote, while there's a book Some say he wrote something, it's attributed to him a book called akubra

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major fuck

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this book has to do with a pita. Now, he was very early on, he was very early on before the classification took place in his time feck was used for everything like the time of the Sahaba. So now how do you distinguish between a p the effect so you say a P, there is a big effect and the external low Salafi jihadism lesser degree of and this is why he called his book unfair called a cabal, which means aqeedah as opposed to unfair called us over the smaller fair which deals with Salas occur, genre, marriage, divorce, inheritance, will etc. But after his time, remember honey for him hola was born in 80 hijiri. He saw some of the Sahaba he met them he was from the Caribbean and

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this classification took place after his time and the time in the third century. In the time when people like him mama Buhari and Mama telemedia and all these other great imams of this oma who all of them came after the time of your mama what honey for him Hola. So

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this second category is known as the category effect. And then we have the third category and that's very impressive.

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And in our discussion today, the third category of the laws again these are the laws of the Quran and Sunnah not the Bible, not the Torah noticeable, not the Injeel or not some book that you're going to buy from wh Smith or anyway, it's the Quran and Sunnah, right? Everybody loves this and we should the Quran and Sunnah, lows,

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injunctions taken out derived from the book of Allah Subhana, Allah and the Hadith and the sayings and the traditions of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that deal with the inner self, the heart, the soul, the right, just as we have commands.

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And we have prohibitions, we have commands and prohibitions do's and don'ts, alarm or Noa E to do with the external body, and a pita. Just like in the external category of external laws, we had commands like you have to offer sada and prohibitions like avoid Xena. Likewise, we have laws to do with the heart goes to the heart, there are commands and prohibitions, commands such as Allah says that we have to have a lot of sincerity, we have to we have to have the vocal reliance upon Allah to the heart, the heart is inside the heart. Nobody knows the inner part of the heart. You could be offering solar I could be offering solar and just want to show someone that I'm offering solar This

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is it's real, which is the opposite of of showing off ostentation. So the don'ts are the opposite of the do's

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is a command the prohibit shun is

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The command is toward or humbleness and humility. The prohibition is the opposite which is arrogance and pride. The command is a class we said that and the command is ethos, giving preference to others and wanting good for others. The opposite of that is Genesee hazard, which is which is the prohibition which is wrong. We have our cool reliance upon our law, sugar gratitude, these are all these very important laws. Right? I'll tell you one thing here, that many of us sometimes we forget, just as it is foreign, these are for our brothers and sisters. These are Ferraris, these are obligations. These are obligations just like we have obligations externally. There are obligations

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internally but we live in a time where people sometimes forget to pay the necessary attention on the internal because internal is hidden internal nobody knows external we can everyone can detect it and see Whoa, this person is Mashallah he offers Allah He comes to the masjid he dresses like a Muslim, he keeps a beard. He's going hard. He's going Amara so we you know feel like doing them more, but the internal because it's only you and allow me and allow me to learn and nobody else knows your class. Nobody really knows. So we neglect these internal laws. And these internal laws are no different. And rather according to some scholars even more important, just like it is for the aim to

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offer Salah further I'm personally obligatory,

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not for Keifa This is personally obligatory on every Muslim to fast in the month of Ramadan. It is personally obligatory, necessary mandatory upon every Muslim to acquire Islam to acquire in himself or herself the quality of the work good. taqwa the level of Allah, the level of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and avoid just like his harem, just like Xena is haram. backbiting is unlawful. And just like usually an interest is prohibited and a major said just like murdering and killing someone is haram. Likewise jealousy and hatred and enmity and in gratitude towards Allah, all these are majorly hot. These are lows and this third category. What is this third

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category known as?

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This third category? Where is it known as?

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Somebody some people are trying to solve? What is this third category? It doesn't matter? What do you call it? You want to call it green? Call it green.

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Brothers, if you can come ahead of it.

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Whatever you want to call this category, it's not a problem. You know, the Arabs they have the same this is the same lamb Shahada, Phil is Taylor. There's no problem. Don't get too worried with names and terms. It's the concept that matters. You can do Zina and name it Nika is not going to become Nicola is going to remain Xena, right? You can say it's business. I take a loan from you and then I'll say okay, you tell me, okay, it's a loan. And then I'll say okay, you pay me a loan back. I take it

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Did you say to me, pay me 110? back? I said, Okay, I'll pay you 110 back, I'll give you 110 as a loan. And we asked someone asks us, what's happened is that I gave him 100 pounds loan, and he's going to give me 110 pounds loan back. So there's interest. No, I gave him alone. He's saying I give me interest alone, I give you a loan. Is he alone? It's interest. consideration is given to the concept, not the term terms don't matter. You know, we sometimes get too much bogged down with these terms, just like the first category known as Arpita, elementary Delmon color, whatever, you know, category or whatever term was used their own mo use different terms. Likewise, a second category,

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you know, the second category, different terms were used, but mainly It was another term was used, which was Islam. Right, some of the aroma, this third category, some people they like to use the temples of Sufism, but it's not necessary. If someone doesn't want to use that not a problem whatsoever, there is no need, there is no need to use it. You don't become less of a Muslim. If you don't use it. You don't become less of a spiritual individual if you don't use it. But neither is it wrong or haram, or bizarre or shady or something wrong. If you start using it. It doesn't mean if it was not used in the time of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he can't use it otherwise.

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He can't use anything was this method called?

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forest gate? Mr. President, you have another name? Your mom's a courier? Was there a message in the time of the messenger sallallahu Sallam call your mom's a courier? I know, you. Like friends, you have different categories. You know, there's another you have another science called the science of now. The science of South Arabic grammar syntax. It's become a category a science.

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It's a category mustela rasulillah Hades, the science where you look into research into the heartbeat whether they are sorry, whether they are hassen, whether they are dying, or whether they are fabricating mobile or not. And you look at them with the water and the mushroom and the disease and every morsel and the numerous types of honey. Was there any categorization in the time of the messengers of Allah or anything? So how about this is a sorry, Heidi, this is a very Friday, come on, you know, your last semester, you know, from a you know, he's speaking himself who made these classifications categorizations later on. It was a scholars in the actually very late on in the

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fifth sixth century. There's a definition given for a Hadees which is sorry, there's actually a definition a Sahih Hadith is is a Hadees which comes to us. There's five conditions there's interesado sunnen, the chain is transmitted it's connected our delta ra we every single narration is sorry, Narita is upright or barbet Nakamura, we every single narrator it has the quality of preservation and good memory and then you have other mooshu route which is known not having isolation I mean, this is not time to elaborate but it doesn't have a little cause they have a defect now, to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam make this definition and make put these

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five conditions did the Sahaba there was no such a thing if you if you when the time the Sahaba Hades sorry, has a warzone that nobody knows. There is no there is there a definition mentioned anywhere in the Quran and Hadith. Is there any definition the water Sahih Hadith is later on scholars, they made this definition. This they made this definition. I remember I mean this is off topic by remembers incidents Once there was a scholar, a huge scholar, actually one of the scholars that I took ijazah from in the subcontinent. He went to Harlem, his pastor and although he passed away like 10 years ago in 1996, he was in his 90s he

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went to Harlem in Makkah once and he somebody came to me said I want to debate with you now he says, Look, I don't do these debates and debates don't do debates brothers and sisters. It's not a time to do debates. But he says I want to talk to you about an issue of fact he had a problem with him about some issue about how to pray sada whether you should raise your hands or not raise your hands or whatever all these small petty issues anyway so the scholar said Look, I don't you know, like debating if you want to know something or a particular something I'll tell you inshallah, whatever knowledge I have says no, I want to discuss this particular issue of Salah he was maybe I don't know

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what he was maybe about amin loud is something which really you don't need to discuss. I mean, there's he's dealing with all these issues, and you have numerous types of Heidi's of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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indicating different things.

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But he said, Look, I want to have a debate with you. And I want to discuss this particular issue. And he was a follow up one of the schools of the four schools of thought, and he said, look in your school, I think, you know, your evidences are all weak and that's why I want to have a proper debate. And I want to discuss these issues in light of the Quran and Sunnah. Let's talk inshallah not debatable. Let's talk. So the brother said, before we carry on I have a condition. So what's your condition? So my condition is as we will discuss this matter of Sala effect, in light of only verses of the Koran and absolutely rigorously authenticated

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Ladies say that I don't want to know about any other proof you're going to bring from anywhere else that this amount said this and that amount said this

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proof in light of Quran and Sunnah which is greater hamdulillah but not even just normal he said

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that your evidence is we will only discuss in light of Quran and Hadith. Sorry, that's it. Nothing else. You understand my point? So the chef said, Okay, no problem. No problem. We'll talk we'll just be verses of the Quran. Who rigorously authenticated Hadith Sahih. Whether whether they are inside here, Buhari, was he Muslim or so? nofima metromedia. Mr. Duffy, Mama, wherever they are. But he did say

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that he said, Okay, before we carry on, then the sheriff said, Look, I have a condition as well.

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No, so he never said he can. He said, Okay, before we carry on, he said, I want to ask you something. So what's that? said? Can you define me? A happy side? What is the definition? So this every child knows, well, every student of knowledge has studied those five conditions.

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I try to test with a No, no, I'm not trying to test you. I know you studied and you studied and you have a lot of knowledge of Islam and everything. But the only point here is that so that we are on the same wavelength. And we both speak the same language. Let's just you know, just tell me the brief definition of how do you decide you know, whatever, you know, so I know that you have the same understanding of Hadith Sahih in your mind as I have. So the brothers started saying, of course, he sees a simple who doesn't know so here are the five condition How do you say the definition is that there's the when you start he said, Wait, before you carry on, I have a condition as well.

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Just like your condition, I have a condition My condition is no different to your condition. My condition is give me a definition of harissa. He in light of a Quran verse or a hadith.

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You said, Don't tell me who made these conditions up. It was made in the fifth century. I don't want you don't tell me this Imam made this tell me there's a verse of Surah Al Baqarah Al Fatiha Bismillahirrahmanirrahim a Latina man Oh, you believe this controversial root five conditions of Felisa is reverse like that. Imam reading Salah

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is only when the Quran kotomi De De De De De messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said there's five conditions are headed. So he is like this, and I have some one is like this. You have to go back and say this Imam and these Imams, and these scholars are the ones who made these conditions.

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Right? So the point here, this was besides the point, what I'm trying to say that not anything that was not mentioned by the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam, or the term used becomes a bit out or wrong or sinful. So somebody wants to use the soul superficial neural problem. And you know the word the soul Wolf, which is an Arabic term, which was used later on nobody used in the time of the Sahaba. Right? Nobody used it in the time of the messenger sallallahu it was sent him and nobody has to use it. I personally, I tell you, me personally, this is just a personal inclination. I personally don't like to use the term.

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Seriously, this is my personal inclination. The better term that I like to use, it's just a personal preference does gear to caliber is in the Quran. purification of the heart does care is a word which is in the Quran, which is in the Quran. But somebody wants to use a template. So what are some of the arguments? And why did how did this term become so renowned, they actually looked into the root word, some studies from the word soup, which means that you know, some of these scholars who had some of these Muslims who were dedicating their life to spirituality, they used to go into the like,

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in the desert, and they just wear wool and things like that. That's why they became known as Rufus. Some studies from the word safer because safer means a character trait. What did we say this last category of laws are those in which

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what is the last category we said commands and prohibitions in which a Muslim has to avoid all the prohibitions? And these prohibitions are known as blameworthy character traits, known as a rather in in Arabic, we have one the singular is asila tune, the Purell is a rather ill blameworthy character traits. And what's necessary is to replace them with fidella and forgotten which are the Praiseworthy character traits. So these are character traits, traits, qualities, attributes is also known in Arabic as safer. Those of you for some of you who know Arabic, the word cifa in Arabic means an attribute. So if somebody has an attribute of allows an attribute of the word call an

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attribute or giving preference to others, then that person because he has a cipher, he is Sufi, the one with the attribute.

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Right? And some other reasons, but it's just it doesn't matter whatever the term they use. So this this category was known as

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The science of the soul. And actually there's a definition or element your RF will be your RF will be a noir or an alien. Okay, fear to Serbia? Well, Europe will be an alien, okay for you to Eastern Arabia. It's a topic, it's a category. It's a science in which a person learns the various praiseworthy attributes and character traits and how to acquire them and achieve them and implement them in his life. And

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it's a science in which a person learns about the blameworthy character traits rather, and how to avoid

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some, some people use the term this third category, also known as alimony. And that's why we said a HELOC as well, one of the terms used also does here to column I just mentioned that which I personally like to use more than the sole, you can call it whatever you want. And there's actually another term which is a term of the Hadith which is actually very good son,

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son, and this is taken from the famous hadith of gibreel. And this is why I said implicitly, this three category classification is based implicitly on this famous Hadith, of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you all know most of you will know the famous Hadith which is in the Sahara for Buhari and elsewhere, Satan ameriglo hataoka The Allahu anhu He says, we were sitting beta man, New Jerusalem, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we were sat in the company of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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His father Elena Rajan. Suddenly a man arrived in the masjid shady Dubai, all the fear. Extremely white clothing, shady Dubai, all the severely sharp, extremely black hair. Now euro Ali, Ethel suffer. What are you ready for him in the service disabled Armando katavi says he was quite ironic and intriguing and funny because amazing. Reason being was that nobody recognized him.

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Yet he had no effects of travel on him. The dinner was smooth. Everybody knew everybody. Right? Not to become nosy. But then you everybody to help in our communities. We know everything. What's the neighbor doing? What's people in the next every one in our communities? Because we are nosy. Do you know they've got marriage problems? Do you know that person they're doing this to their business? They know they're working there. They're making the money they're making Did you see that something's came you know how they earning, you know, they get benefits. They're doing this all day long rebury belly. But anyway, that's another topic. Muslims supposed to know one another to help.

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And if they don't need help the mind your own business, being nosy in Islam is actually how long

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it's actually a sinful activity. What are the Justice within the Quran? Surah Surah. Allah says don't become a sous a nosy individual, don't go go and investigate and spy on people. It's a haram activity. But they used to know people because to help one another, right? So he said nobody recognized him. So which means that he must have come from somewhere from outside of Medina, but he had no effects of travel on him. His clothes were white. And as you know, there are ways to travel in trains or the underground tube network or on the bus or in the car in a four by four. You know really nice BMW that they can keep their clothes nice and neat and clean even in nowadays, we can't

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keep them you know, you especially with very good buzz, and long bulbs that you know, you're eyeing them and they get creased, each set in these cars.

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But no effect of travel. So it was quite amazing and intriguing. And then he said he came to them and you know this Halley's I'm not going to go into the details of the Hadith, but he came to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he asked three questions. Well, he asked many questions, but three of the questions that I want to just mention to you here, men, Eamonn men, Islam.

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What did he say? What is he man? He said to the message, he asked the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Arneson, what is a man?

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So the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alisson responded by saying what? And don't mean, he omega equity wakatobi He also he will Yeoman alpha will padri hideyo Surely, what is he man? This is the first category. The first category man, that you believe in Allah, you believe in the Messenger of Allah you believe in the final day, you believe in life after death. You believe in destiny under whether it's good or bad. All of this determines which category The first category, therefore the first category, you can also turn it as a man. Like you term it as

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aqeedah Islamic creed, you can term it as a man. Second question was men Islam what is Islam?

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He said, The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, unto a masala with tortillas

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What asuma Ramadan how * in Mr. Tata in a service that you offer your Salah, Salah is to do an external internal,

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external, your activity and you offer you you give your soccer you pay your soccer what to do with the heart and heart patients of God like some people actually do that my heart is paid

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no seriously one but he said he said, You know I feel very spiritual that God is all from you know spirituality does care. So you know I have you know my heart in Sharla I feel you know, I have a lot of concern and feeling for the Muslim oma. So this is my cause from my heart.

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socket is external internal. Its external hedge. Some people do hide the heart as well. You know, they do in the dreams. You know, they go Harlem and mocha and they dream about hygiene. It's done we live in I'm going to talk about some of these issues later on as well, because there is another side to the sofa as well, which is very important. And unfortunately, we live in a time with this extremism in most of the things that we see today with Islam connected to Islam hirundo Mario Soto has the best of ways is the middle way hieromartyr Osaka we have to always remember.

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So there's an extreme as well approach to the whole issue of the soul which we need to discuss as well. But

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Islam he mentioned all these external laws. And then he said my son, what is your son? This is a high level more common status has to do with the heart and darboux the law has to enter the Torah who worship Allah with your heart that you are as you are seeing him. You can't see your love but it's from the heart. That's why you know the reward for the people who have axon of us isn't the Quran. Lila Dena Arsenal? Prasanna was he added to those people

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who have the quality of axon in this life? The reward is a listener which is paradise as explained by the combination of the Quran receive good was the death on an extra you know whether x rays

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anybody know what's that extra?

00:42:09 --> 00:42:16

The connotations of the Quran the Mufasa rule they say the extra zero this is unanimously agree is the vision in the sight of Allah in the next life.

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Email is no Raja well handily, Rahim Allah great team and hungry man. He explains he says, You know why? This reward is given for axon because in the dunya, the man of axon was seeing a lot with his heart so the reward is in the next life sing along with the eyes. This is why this is so appropriate. This reward of seeing Allah for the people of axon because the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said yeah, son is under our Buddha law. gungnir Katara This is the response he gave, and terrible de la Katara that you worship Allah as though you are seeing him for lm tekun Tara Hussain, who Yurok if you cannot reach that level, that position that macom that status that

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you are seeing along with your heart, then know that at least know this much that Allah is seeing you. So worshipping Allah with a full horseshoe with loss and sincerity with the heart, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam described that with a song. So this is also a term used. These are three different categories. If you look in the Koran, these three laws connecting to these three categories, sometimes they mentioned together, and sometimes on different places like different places, you'll find the Quran in surah baqarah, you might see something to do with Akiva and Suraj, you'll see something to do with

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the aspects the external laws. And you might find another verse to do with the internal laws. But sometimes Allah talks about in one surah famous Surah Surah

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Surah Al Azhar in two lines Allah gives us examples are for actions which deal with all three categories, while asset by time in an internal if you hustle, verily mankind is in loss. What is the loss after that? He lilina Amano except those people who believe eema category number one, what amilo solly hertie with also bill Huck, they do Armada saleha external actions and they advise one another council another of which has to do with the mouth you're doing it externally says from the second category. And then he says what also the sub patience is to do with the inner self, the heart and the soul. In one surah Allah gave us examples of lows of injunctions, which deal with all three

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categories. So these are three categories. And this third category can be known as axon or the soul for the skeletal column. From this explanation you understand brothers and sisters.

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That does key to purification of the heart. purification of the soul.

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tasawwuf ehsaan Sufism wherever you want to call it, whatever you want to term it is, has got nothing to do with the other than Quran and Sunnah it's to do everything to do with the Quran and Sunnah it's from the central teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. And this is something that nobody disagrees upon. And this is really what Sufism is. Everything else is extra. It's on the side, this is the main objective. This is a winch understand what is the main objective purpose, aim goal. We live in a time today, there are so many differences. So when you problems disputes, you know what I'll tell you one thing, most of our differences are issues that are not even important.

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You know, if you see if you take a package of the soul of Sufism, the main objective is purification of the heart of the soul. 80% 20% some extra things here and there, that helps some agree, some disagree. You can carry on agree and disagree until you know you leave this world, you'll never come to conclusion, but 80% the main heart, everybody agrees upon. And that's really what the soul is about. And that is the real central obligation of the soul. It has to do with the heart. That's key to the purification of the heart. There are numerous verses and Hadees that talk about purification of the heart. One of the objectives of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam coming to

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this world alone mentions this in the Quran. He says we're living by Arthur Philomena Rasulullah Minh and footsy him it is a law who sent a messenger from amongst them from the humans. And what is his job description? What are the objectives and primary objectives of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said,

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yet to do it he Maria de la Mohamed kita. Well, hermeto is a kindra for primary objectives of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he recites the book on them, the Quran he teaches, he taught the Sahaba Sahaba today follows the book of Allah, He teaches them

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you are live yet Lou and he he reads teaches them how to recite the book and then you animal Makita he teaches them the meanings of the book, second job description. This is the reason why Allah sent a messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam and then you will hikmah teaches the wisdom which comes through his Sunnah.

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And then he said, we'll use the key him.

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He teaches them how to spiritually purify them from the diseases of the heart. This is in the Quran. But a flat Herman de Vaca ha Berman de ser, the one who purified his soul his heart, he has indeed achieved success and salvation for now. And the one who corrupted his soul has indeed, become become a loser. hub. He's he is in Los, he's in a loss. Himalayan farmer water balloon. Allah tells us in another place, on the day of judgment, nothing will be of benefit. Nothing, man, whenever no wealth, no money, no children, on the day of judgment. Allah says illuminata law has been sorry. Only that person will be in benefit is the one who comes to Allah with a full boon saline saline in Arabic

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means sound purified, someone who comes to allow it to sound hot, and this is an obligation. We today, brother and sisters, we all day long, argue about issues that are not going to benefit us at all. In the east. And the central obligation, we overlook it. There is no benefit. There are people arguing about peripheral issues to do with a subwoofer. And the same people. When they argue they neglect all the laws connected to the mosquito control. There's jealousy, there's hatred, there's enmity, there's pride, there's arrogance, me We are group, this group, that group. The whole reason why the soul wolf was prescribed was to purify the heart and the soul. That's the central

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obligation. It's part and parcel of the teachings of Islam, there is no other objective. Everything else is a means to this objective. Everything else. Everything else is some people living there. So what spirituality has to do with the objective is not to you know, it's not to see dreams. If somebody wants to become a Sufi to see dreams and, you know, just keep seeing dreams in a different way. You don't need to become It's nothing to do with seeing a dream you might want you might allow might bless you with a dream fine. It's got nothing to do with seeing dreams. You don't have some spiritual healing powers. It's got nothing to do with amulets. It's got nothing to do.

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With that, you don't someone doesn't become a Sufi to start healing and doing this and having miracles. You can unlock hunger somebody with a miracle or a problem. Marja is a miracle given to the prophets kurama ism is a miracle given to any Muslim Allah can choose anybody any one of us can have a cut on it can happen you might already have happened to you You haven't probably even noticed. Sometimes you might think this was amazing just so lucky this which karma you know, karma some people again you know, karma means in Arabic, Allah zona de That's it, no big deal. I was honored you

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are honest people in different ways. That's what karma means. Karma is not some really, you know, hidden some sacred holy word that it basically means Allah Allah Do you? Sometimes you hamdulillah today, you know, I was just wishing this and this happened. How many times happened to us? Any Muslim Allah can honor so this can happen. It's not a problem. But the objective of the solve is not Karama. It's not some amulets, it's not spiritual healing powers. It's not to do any of that. Even you know the different types of liquor and people do that's not the objective. The Quran itself is an objective like Colossus and Quran. Yeah, you and Alina, Corolla, the current era. But when some

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of the people connected to the soul, they do certain types of vigor. That's not the objective. It's not it's not running around behind a spiritual guide. And that's not the objective.

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We unfortunately live in a time that these all means means have become an objective and the objective is overlooked.

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The means people think the solve is I've got to share. I am a Sufi far from which is kind of you you someone can be a Sufi without a chef, and someone can be a complete totally opposite of being a Sufi and Salah Misha.

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It's not that's not the objective. It's a means. It is a means to an objective. The main objective is this what's mentioned in the Quran is a key him We are lemuel Kitab al hikmah.

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Hamza and the heads of Jabra in the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam What did you say? Allah in FL Jessa de moda

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buhay, let it be known. Phil just set the mood Allah in the body, there's a piece of flesh, there's a part there's a Ogun, Allah nfhs at the model is a subtle, sort of hija de colo, way, the faster that faster just to do cool. If that is sound, the whole body sound, if that's corrupt, everything else becomes corrupt. He said earlier, we're here to

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let you be known. It's the heart, this heart You know, we're talking about the heart. We're not talking about the physical heart. This is the spiritual heart we're talking about. It's the spiritual heart, you know that it's not the it's not the heart that a surgeon, you have heart surgery or a heart, you know, bypass operation or whatever, not that hot. It's the spiritual heart. This is what Allah is talking about. It's an amazing part. This is what he mentioned the Hadith. And the alum have actually discussed the differences and I don't have the time to go into the difference between the rule and the heart and the octal and the Calvin the rule, the spirit. books have been

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written on that for another term used for the heart. But it's the spiritual heart which Allah has blessed, every one of us and even the spiritual heart is connected to the physical heart. Right? It is, and and therefore, it's the spirituality of that heart, which is on the, you know, the left hand side of every human. And some of the earlier Amanda said everything we do in this life is to impact the heart. Even the non Muslims know how important the heart is. Everything we do externally is connected to our heart. Even our expressions are based on our heart.

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You know, someone who is a harsh hearted person, warm hearted person, cold hearted individual. My heart skipped a beat.

00:54:03 --> 00:54:04

Yeah, it happens.

00:54:06 --> 00:54:08

This guy's got a heart like a rock.

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Some of the elements said that even the reason why the Arabic language and Hebrew as well. It starts from the right is even writing and reading the Quran. Everything starts from the right initial impact. The heart goes to the left.

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It's not a Hadith, it's just some dilemma they they see the wisdom

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that everything in Islam, even reading the Quran, you're reading from the right you go to the left, and you're impacting the heart. It's the central part because the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what did he say? He said Allah in a village so the Moodle is a solo, ha if that heart is sound, everything else is sound and if this is corrupt, everything's corrupt. So this is the central objective. This is the central objective maksud aim, purpose and goal.

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Which is does gear to the

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purification of the heart. And the opposite of that is having a diseased heart,

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a diseased heart, Adam with a skeleton. The objective is to have a purified spiritual heart. And the objective is to acquire all the Praiseworthy character traits one by one, every single one of them and remove well before acquiring you need to remove. If you have a wall that's really dirty, we need to first clean the wall. That's why the scholars This is a term this is a proverb or a saying some of the early scholars they said Dalia cobbler Kabila, Talia, Talia means removing empty and killing Dahlia is adorning. So if you've got all the diseases like pride and arrogance and hatred, remove all of them first, kill your heart, the wall of your heart, and then start doing our heart with all

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the good praiseworthy character traits. But they go hand in hand as soon as you remove the pride. Instantly, you'll get the and you acquire the quality, the attribute the Praiseworthy character trait of tomato and humbleness humility. Now, just like all the others, just like the other two sciences,

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the first signs of a leader, no Muslim, nobody can

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learn the signs of a pita on their own can they know nothing in this world? Can you become a doctor by yourself on your own? or learn English and I'll pick up I'll go to the medical science department in the library. I read all the books of medical science, they're written in English and in Chinese I know English. I'm a professor of the English language. I'll read the books in on the topic of medical science. Can I become a doctor? No, no government, no one will allow me to play with people's lives. Can you become a practicing barrister lawyer just by reading the books on law? No, let alone all these complicated.

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subjects and sciences, the basic art of cooking as well. Nobody can cook by just reading the ingredients in those ingredients box tried, especially if you're a husband, man, you will never continue. I've tried to

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get those Indian delights, you know, the Indian delights, or I don't know, some people have made Bangladeshi delights. But there's a book they have these books. Try it. And you see for yourself what you will you make. Nobody can every woman who learns how to cook learns how to cook by a mother or an aunt or a grandmother, a qualified chef because you know these programs have been cooking and all of that people learn even the basic art of cooking. That's how it was created is every science we need teaches the science of Ayurveda, we need a teacher. It became a topic you know the science of appealing the time of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. There was no science of appeal.

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Later on, it became a science a topic a subject. books were written I told him how he wrote a book, Imam ghazali wrote books, and many other scholars wrote books on the science of aqeedah. It became a science you need a teacher to teach you either, otherwise you people will be deviated. Likewise, the second category feck the laws of external laws, sarasa car hedge passing business, trade, marriage, divorce, inheritance, all of these things, they require a teacher, it became a science. That's where we have these four schools of thought that came into existence because it became a science and more and more issues came into existence. Scholars just like some of them, they devoted their life to the

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first category. Some scholars dedicated their life to the second category, they are known as

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a therapy is a jurist, or a move the origin story therapy, someone who is a special who has a specialization in this external loads.

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Likewise, you have people who are specialized in the first category, and you need teachers. Likewise, the third category of laws. You need a teacher seriously, you need a teacher, somebody might think why do I need you? I mean, who needs to tell me that I you know, this is pride. Oh, do I need to learn? Of course. First and foremost,

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no one will think they've got pride of their pride. He needs someone else to tell you that For starters,

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if I have pride what I would think a proud person is proud anyways, you're gonna think is proud?

00:59:24 --> 00:59:37

Imagine a proud person an arrogant individual. He's arrogant anyway. Of course. No, no, I'm proud Aren't you think I've tried? Of course not. You. For a starter you need someone else to tell you.

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These are internal hidden, there's more of a need of a teacher to detect and to help you.

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You might you might make your wife your chef make intelligent detects no problem. But you need someone at least just tell your husband You know, every time if if you think I've got a spiritual disease

01:00:00 --> 01:00:09

Like pride or arrogance, or too much level of the junior, you know, this really good wife makes you a chef. Every time she wants to buy a handbag or shoes and level earlier.

01:00:10 --> 01:00:14

You can buy this you go to which level of the world right but

01:00:15 --> 01:00:47

you need someone and then that's someone you're not going to make sure on that person because he won't tell you. Right so you'll definitely make someone who's a Muslim. You're not gonna tell some non Muslim guy for telling you you know why, you know? Can you tell me you know about my spiritual diseases? And you know, of course not what is you know, are you going to tell any Muslim so you'd now you need a Muslim? Are you going to tell someone who's pumping and clubbing? You know what? I want you to tell me? What the my spiritual diseases?

01:00:48 --> 01:01:22

Of course not you want a practicing Muslim? Then do you want a practicing Muslim who doesn't have no knowledge of Islam, just some random practicing individual? No, you want the best, which means that you will look for someone who himself is a very spiritual person who has actually worked on his heart. He's gone through the process. He knows the ins and outs, you want to buy a car, you won't go to the grocery man, you go to the mechanic, right you if you want to buy groceries, you won't go to the mechanic. You go to the expert, this person knows the industry.

01:01:23 --> 01:01:41

He knows the industry. He knows the area, he knows the field. And also he has knowledge of Islam. He's a scholar, very important condition, kind of joy hills, absolute ignorant people to start telling others because a limb is a prerequisite knowledge is a prerequisite for anyone being a spiritual guide.

01:01:42 --> 01:01:50

elemis definitely, I'm not saying you have to be someone who studied eight years, nine years, whatever, but knowledge of Islam is a must.

01:01:51 --> 01:02:21

Knowledge of Islam without you can't be That's why, you know, even Michel Foucault the Allahu anhu he said in one of his poetry, him I'm sure if you use the word Sufi, you know your mama chef, every one of the great imams of this oma. He has he was a poet as well. He has a book called do the one on the mama shelf, he said in there for p harnois. sufian sacoolas. Our hidden for any behalf CCleaner he can sow further legal costs in boo token jehlen okay for the jarius law.

01:02:22 --> 01:02:39

He said fapy hanwa sufian for Khoon laser wahida. Don't be just a puppy. And don't be just a Sufi. In other words, don't be a man of just a second category. And don't be a man just have the third category. Don't be someone who just deals with external laws

01:02:40 --> 01:02:48

and just acts upon Islam without knowledge. And normally just be a spiritual individual who thinks you know what, I am a very spiritual individual but has no knowledge of Islam.

01:02:50 --> 01:03:07

Don't be one of the to be both at the same time, have the knowledge as well as spirituality. He said You know why? He said for India we have the law here. By Allah give you sincere counsel. He said further legal costs in the former one that one the first one which one?

01:03:08 --> 01:03:35

What did you say first for Bo Sophie? for tea, the former one, the one who knows all the dry lows of Islam. He is causing he has a hard heart cassava lamb yellow color blue token. He's never tasted taco and the love of Allah in his heart. He knows all the loose halaqaat on heroin. Heroin is a solid all about dry, loose. This is allowed. It's not allowed like this like that. How was it? How's the cow? Allah says, You know

01:03:37 --> 01:03:39

what kind of car this is just dry information.

01:03:41 --> 01:04:20

And then he said the other the latter one, the Sufi, who doesn't have the knowledge has a Jae Hoon? This guy's an ignorant individual. Okay for the jelly. How can a person of ignorance be a person of Salah of piety of righteousness and how can you guide others? For some people if you feel good that Islam remember Islam is not about feeling good. Islam is about waking up in the morning when you have to wake up for solitude further and it's difficult. It's not about feeling good. Actually. The Hadith says big battle Jelena to Bill McCurry entering gender is veiled by difficult things, it's not about how you feel. Otherwise people will start saying you know what, I get a buzz in a

01:04:20 --> 01:04:37

nightclub as well. Here people sometimes they can go to that extent. It's not about how we feel. You can't prove anything how you feel. It's not about the feeling. It's about first and foremost, what's allowed and what's not allowed. It's based on the laws. And then after that you can do whatever you want, if it's legitimate. So anyway,

01:04:39 --> 01:04:59

this is what your mama share for the Allahu Allah He said. He said, so I was saying you need a teacher you need someone to detect. This is a science. The so wolf Hassan was a science that was taught is still taught books were written, just like you have a course on Coursera course on the fact of pride and arrogance.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:15

On the lows of prime Americans, we should have courses. This is why Why? Because we live in a time we'll do courses on marriage, on divorce on business transactions on a one day course on the laws of pride and arrogance and humility.

01:05:17 --> 01:05:23

We need to learn because there are things to learn about. I'll tell you, I'll give you an example. You must What do you need to pry?

01:05:24 --> 01:05:26

Is this rocket science? What do you need to learn about?

01:05:27 --> 01:05:31

You know, I'll give you just an example. There's something called gibberish

01:05:32 --> 01:05:43

it's which is pride and arrogance. And there's something else called it is to knifes. self respect or to Hades. benaroya. Allah says in the Quran in surah

01:05:45 --> 01:06:01

Arabic of death, if Allah blesses you with an AMA sate in the hadith of Buhari in Allah you have a euro author in a birdie, Allah loves to see his the effect of his net bounty on his slave.

01:06:02 --> 01:06:18

Allah likes dress world look good, you know, have respect about your own self. Okay? This is assertiveness, have your own respect. Don't be a foolish individual and don't joke to an extent in the community that people lose respect for you that's actually wrong.

01:06:19 --> 01:06:21

There are levels and there are limits for everything.

01:06:22 --> 01:06:55

That's why to preserve self respect, that doesn't mean you become aggressive and pride. No. Now this is this is the this is the issue is a fine line. Where is it? Is that enough? And then where does it go? It's borderline, it's going into pride and arrogance. It's something you need to learn about. Someone else will tell you someone who's qualified and somebody who's a spiritual individual, he will tell you look, you know what, you're crossing the border here. You're crossing the limit. Until now you had self respect. And now you've

01:06:57 --> 01:06:59

trespassed you've gone into the

01:07:00 --> 01:07:36

category of pride and arrogance. Move back a step. This is this is a different you have to learn this is an issue there's one issue likewise toward humbleness humility is required of us in hiding the messengers that allow it was said and what did you say mantova alila. Rafa, who was the one who is humble, and has humility, allow and elevate him. Now, the Waldo is a required from us, but at the same time to grade oneself to an extent that everybody loses respect for you and you don't even respect yourself that's actually sinful and wrong.

01:07:37 --> 01:07:49

It's wrong to say you know, I'm to be I'm so humble and that's it, you know, everybody walk over me and you know, that's it, hit me on the head and pull my hair and I'm just, you know, that's actually sinful.

01:07:50 --> 01:08:13

We are not required by Islam to be as humbled to the extent that we lose our respect totally in the community. Now, when is it the world? When is it the little knifes degrading one's own self? Are you really you thinking you might be humble, but you might be degrading yourself? And you might be degrading yourself thinking and so although these are things to learn, these are just two examples of

01:08:15 --> 01:08:23

these are and then I told you, I mentioned the look, we need someone else to tell us so this is where in the science of the soul and spirituality

01:08:24 --> 01:08:46

We need someone a teacher, a guide and now here again, don't worry about terms. You want to quote him you know, you know the clock pulling the clock, don't call in the clock. You Some people say what's this be or it doesn't matter couldn't be changed, change the you know, and whatever you want to call, call him, my teacher.

01:08:47 --> 01:08:55

No, these are just terms spiritual guide. Some people like to use the term Shea Shea literally means an old man.

01:08:56 --> 01:09:05

linguistically, literally chef means an old man. That's what it means. Really, if you look a look in dictionary, chef is an old man. It's in the Koran Allah uses in that sense,

01:09:07 --> 01:09:17

call him shape, a modal shape, modal shade, from the word Arusha, the Euro Shibuya, Russia that in Arabic which means to guide someone. murshid means to guide someone.

01:09:20 --> 01:09:21

Right, it means to guide someone

01:09:23 --> 01:09:29

and so you can use the motor sheet as well. You know, there was I just remembered something one of my friends is from direwolf

01:09:30 --> 01:09:31

I think

01:09:32 --> 01:09:37

I think from Morocco, he was one saying that in the Arab world, you know, you know, these navigations that you have,

01:09:38 --> 01:09:42

you know, the navigation, tom toms, everybody has them now on the phone.

01:09:43 --> 01:09:50

He said I said what would you call them in Arabic And now I mean in Arabic is a new item, some a new thing.

01:09:51 --> 01:09:55

What do you call it in Arabic? He said Well, it depends who you are.

01:09:56 --> 01:09:59

If you're a Salafi, you could believe that he indicates

01:10:00 --> 01:10:03

indicating you're a Sufi you called murshid guide.

01:10:06 --> 01:10:07

Anyway, I don't know if you understood that joke or not.

01:10:10 --> 01:10:11

A motion means a guide.

01:10:13 --> 01:10:33

You want to call him Shay or Mauritian or whatever, teacher. Now this teacher doesn't become your God. This teacher just like you want someone to teach you the rules of Salah, does it become your God? does it become a prophet? does it become a messenger? Is he a prophet of Allah? No is teaching you the rules of Salah

01:10:34 --> 01:11:16

is he some supernatural individual that has existed and come from Pluto or the mouse? He's a human being know his as normal as you. He is just a human being he has more knowledge than you maybe of Islam, maybe more pious and righteous than you. So that's why he's helping you. And we don't exaggerate. People should not exaggerate in their veterans of their teachers. We should we should definitely have respect for anything connected to Islam. Whether it's Allah, His Messenger, the Quran, the house of Allah, you know, we should respect anything the books, the Quran, everything and anything related to Allah, a small child who has memorized the verse of the Quran we respect him

01:11:16 --> 01:11:34

because he has the words of Allah in his heart. Anything I mean, this is in the Hadith. There's a Hadith of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Lisa min mela Amir Hamza Leona. Whenever you can be Ronna Willem de la mina haka sound sound authenticated, so he added

01:11:36 --> 01:12:18

the one I think it's in the Muslim, Mohammed, but I'm not too sure I can check the reference up for you later on. If somebody needs to reference, the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the one who does not respect our elders, parents and aunts and uncles and grandparents, and generally our elderly people, anyone older than your age, the one does not respect the elderly, and does not show compassion and mercy to the young ones. And the one who does not recognize the right of our scholars, is not from us. This is a sound idea. I'm not saying this, that because you start respecting me because I'm not a scholar, by the way, I'm just a student. But this is a Hadith of the

01:12:18 --> 01:12:28

messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, roughly limina hakuho. Imagine. So you respect him, of course you will respect him.

01:12:29 --> 01:13:10

This is not veneration to an extent that you make him a god or anything like that. He is not supernatural human being. He is a slave of Allah. He is a pious, righteous, knowledgeable individual who's helping you like you have a teacher. And actually, this happens in the real world. You know, I used to meet friends down in our world, don't use the term shave for different Easter differentiates like I said to one, you know, one of my friends I said to lose your shirt. He said, Well, if you ask me a shave, he is such and such, my chef, in fact is such and such, my chef in Hades is such and such, my faith in now is such and such in grammar, my show him spirituality to solve is such and

01:13:10 --> 01:13:11

such not a problem.

01:13:12 --> 01:13:40

It's just different teachers. And that's why sometimes another extreme we find in some of us is that one person, everything that said, Nobody, nobody else counts at all. That's also a bit of extremism, it has to be said, you know, that's it. Nobody else exists in the world. And that's it, and you don't respect anybody else. I'm going to mention some of those things. But the point here, I just want to finish this point. So there is nothing is there any objection of having a spiritual guide or a chef is just a teacher?

01:13:42 --> 01:13:47

Then the question might come Finally, the last question in this sequence, is that,

01:13:48 --> 01:14:05

um, what is this? Because you see normally that the objective is spiritually purifying yourself. And it's difficult to do that on your own. So you need a teacher? What is this thing called? beta? Now people ask, pledge.

01:14:06 --> 01:14:36

First and foremost, that's a completely peripheral issue. You could live a life and not know what that is, you could be a person entering gender. You don't even need to know. It's a such a peripheral issue on the side. It's not even the this is not the as I am explaining, continuously, it's not the central obligation or the central essence of the soul. But we don't know that we think the sell wolf shake bear straightaway.

01:14:37 --> 01:14:50

Seriously, this is what we think. It's called nothing to do with the central essence of the soul, and Sufism and so on. And so it's something on the side, to the point that there are scholars today,

01:14:51 --> 01:14:59

today, who are masters in the science of the spirit of Caliban, Hassan, who don't who say, you know what, this is just a side issue.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:01

Like I know one show

01:15:04 --> 01:15:39

somebody asked him I want to give pledge to you and do bear with you all in the science of the soul. He said, You know what, we'll do that I don't have time right now I don't know. We'll see but start the work job this is not about just you know, getting part of a cultural group and micro any sort of code. This is not a cult business. This is a work you have to do and also that he said that look, this does not mean that as soon as you give br that said you're somehow blessed and that's it. It's effort. The effort is on the individual of course the chef can make do it for you. No problem, you know, surely stay in the company of right people good people. It's in the Quran. Yeah, you're Latina

01:15:39 --> 01:15:48

Manu, taco la Baku. Masada pain, oh, you believe fear en la remain in the company of the righteous pious.

01:15:49 --> 01:16:30

There's numerous the Sahaba will cause the Hara because they remain in the sub companionship of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Al Moreau, Allah Delia, he says a man is on the deen of his brother. I mean, we know this, that we can influence one another. So stay in his company you might be affected, you might be affected from the shape because you stayed in his company, you might be affected, because maybe he's taught you something you might be influenced. And you might come onto the right path. Because you see his ways you see him or the way somebody came to speak to him. The way he responded out of absolute or the humidity, you're learning from his individual action,

01:16:30 --> 01:17:05

how he implements the sadhana. But he is not going to just touch you on your face or your heart and that's it. supernaturally, you are completely transformed. That's it, you're done forever, that that's not the objective of the soul. You have to work hard. Beta is not the end is just the beginning. And I will tell you this evidence is on the bay as well. It's just the beginning. In other words, it's just a pledge. It's just a pledge. You know what it is? It's a promise. And you know what to promise means? It's like, basically, you have a teacher and a student, when a student goes into another so what does he do?

01:17:06 --> 01:17:42

He makes the pledge that you know what, I will constantly come to the madrasa you go, many of you are attending universities, you sign on the forms, I will not skydive, I will not break the laws, I will not violate the laws. I will not go against the ethos and the principles of this university. You take you go to another country, you have a visa on your passport, what is that I would obey the laws of the land. So basically, you're doing a br pledge to assure it's just a promise, you don't have to put your hands you can touch his head if you want to, or you can just say verbally, there's no specific way seriously, is just a pledge that look both it's both party pledges, it's a mutual

01:17:42 --> 01:18:20

pledge, the shaman saying that inshallah I am taking on this job now this is I am promising you that from my precious time that I need to spend for my with my own family, my wife, my children, my work my home, my 100 and other activities and duties from there, I promise you I don't want to deceive you that I'll tell you that you know what, I'll help you and then every time you want to see me then I don't have time for you. I am taking on this responsibility. I promise you as a individual, that anything any guide you want, shall I will help you and he's saying that I will implement all the laws and everything you teach me I will implement and this is the objective of the soul. And this is

01:18:20 --> 01:19:01

where it is this is what the soldier is and they are itself is not followed. It's not worded maybe you can say the most is so now there's evidence is like in the Quran Allah said that female companions would come to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam either Jericho minute you by Allah Allah. Allah He cache on what is now what is Nina? Nola Donna. Tina people attorney of Torino vida de novo Julie hinda. That O Messenger of Allah when these females women come to you to give their pledge and they come to pledge they will not associate partners with Allah. This was not the pledge of Islam. They were already Muslims, that they will offer establish prayer. They will

01:19:01 --> 01:19:44

give Zakat they will not steal less revenue. What is Nina they will not phony Kate, what they will not kill the children. They will not falsely accuse people of others in the Sahih Muslim God bin Abdullah. He says they are Torah pseudo law he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I gave Bejar to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I gave him a pledge on what on Jihad? No. on being a Muslim no on you being mean and I'm going jihad. No. on other economies, Salah eater is that what news Haleakala Muslim, I pledge within the Messenger of Allah I will offer my prayers from today. I will give us a call from today. I will provide advice and counsel to every Muslim.

01:19:45 --> 01:20:00

So this is it's established. But for you know, it's very important that even though it's established, don't make this the aim purpose goal objective of the sole Fender skater calm somebody wants to

01:20:00 --> 01:20:18

Do that fine. Somebody doesn't want to no problem objective is the schedule call. Unfortunately, we are living in a time where we'll spend 10 hours debating whether this beta is you should ever share or not. And the whole objective it's like 10 hours eating ice cream and the main food you're avoiding it.

01:20:19 --> 01:20:31

We argue that ice cream No brother ice cream is fun. No, it's not. It's not fun. You should have ice cream after after food. No, you should have you know, just some nice cake or something. You're talking about the you know, just the peripheral issues.

01:20:33 --> 01:21:17

The dessert and the starters. And the main food you just don't want to eat. Forget about the starters and the dessert. People can argue somebody doesn't want to somebody doesn't want to fight. But the central obligation is what this is what it is. Basically every single character trait take every individual on commission and every individual character traits one by one. Look at hazard. It's further is upon every one of us that we remove this disastrous, dangerous disease of jealousy. Woman Sheree has it is a hazard. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam What did you say let the hazard do do not do not what have jealousy and hatred towards one another.

01:21:19 --> 01:21:21

Do not have jealousy and hatred towards one of them.

01:21:24 --> 01:22:02

Yakumo hazard is a hadith of Sinan of Lima without beware of jealousy. Final hacer de Aquila, Hassan Kamata, Coronado, hetal jealous eats away all your good deeds like fi Ito a word. Now, this is objective to be a spiritual person. You need to see Do I have jealousy work for years, four months, four days on removing this blameworthy character trait, find somebody who will help you and guide you if you want. And if you don't want to, that's up to you, but at least do this for the basic removal of this dangerous, disastrous, destroying disease.

01:22:03 --> 01:22:14

If you have the disease, and you have a few you have the disease in your heart, you have 10 million shapes. You're not a Sufi, and you don't have the disease and you don't have no shape. You're a Sufi.

01:22:15 --> 01:22:54

Unfortunately, this is a problem because we have our focus in the soul in this day and age is all on what they are Sufi share, this cult that group this study, that is our group, we are distinguished from them. We all dress older, you know, we all have wear the same type of hat. So we all look similar. We all wear the same color. We all share the same, same cause it's become a cult. Really, it's become a cult in some places. That's not the objective. This disease is the reason why the soul came into existence that really the main thing is not found in the people of the soul. Some not all I'm saying so.

01:22:55 --> 01:23:25

There's jealousy, my share your share of jealousy between two groups. The whole objective for you to come into the science of the soul was not to have jealousy. Yes. Now like one of my friends was saying is a chef famous chef. He says I think the most crucial diseases are the people of the soul in this day and age. I don't know if it's true or not, but it's found and sometimes you might find some normal individual has nothing to do with nose Sufi group order. And he has a keen heart like you can never imagine.

01:23:26 --> 01:24:03

His emo Sufi or that person who's got going to all these different groups with his shell. This individual, Allah loves these kind of people. Rajan ash Alba, the Hadith the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam What did he say? Ramadan ash aza Alba. Lo oxymat Allahu Allah Bara there are sometimes people who are just shown to shove clothing hair, clean hearted people. They are such that if they were to take an oath on a lot alone and make that happen, sometimes we take these kind of people for granted you know, some man who comes to the mosque and he just puts the chairs in the corner nobody gives him any importance is just, you know, just a simple, clean hearted individual.

01:24:03 --> 01:24:05

This is what I call a Sufi.

01:24:06 --> 01:24:10

Seriously, these are the type of people Allah loves them far more than some of us who we think we are clever and sharp,

01:24:12 --> 01:24:32

clean hearted people who have concern for everybody. There's a hadith in the Muslim Imam Muhammad Rahim Allah famous. The messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was one sitting with his companions. And he said, Yo, I think I mentioned this before you have to learn how to manage Illuminati agenda. A man the next man soon to appear will be a man of paradise.

01:24:33 --> 01:24:59

So let's have a look at the soul that saddled up waqqas has entered the second day the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam same remark, here to Laurel Erna de como Raja luminor agenda. The man soon to enter the merchant will be a man of Paradise there so it's against I don't know your cause. Same story the next day. One of the other companions of the law have normative laws, go to law and we said

01:25:00 --> 01:25:38

After three days, I ran behind him. And I said to him, Well, I kind of tricked him. But I said to him, Look, I have some issues at home. I just want to stay with you a few days. I didn't tell you why, but I wanted to know and see and know for myself. What was he doing at home, so unique that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam described him as a man of gender. He probably is offering tahajjud prayer all night long and doing this and doing that. I stayed with him for three nights. He said, I saw nothing. He prays the ratio, winter goes to sleep. In the middle of the night, he might wake up, he might stretch his hands and just say, Hello to go back to sleep normally 200 prayer,

01:25:39 --> 01:25:43

that doesn't mean we shouldn't we should pray. But at that time, he wasn't praying. And he said

01:25:45 --> 01:25:46

he wasn't

01:25:49 --> 01:26:00

offering tahajjud prayer. And he carried on and he said he would wake up and go to sleep after he would go to sleep, but he wouldn't do any No way. But I didn't see anything major with him.

01:26:01 --> 01:26:02

Nothing major with him.

01:26:03 --> 01:26:21

So after three days, he said, I couldn't resist, but ask him. Look, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called you a man of gender. What is what is that? You know, quality that actually that's something that you're doing. He said Maha Lama, right? This is a hadith Sahih Muslim

01:26:22 --> 01:26:40

mahari Lama, right? Whatever you see, this is what I have. I don't do nothing. availa and Nila edgy. doofy calbee. Leah Heidi middle Muslim in English. When I say to either hide in a hula hoop. I hadn't had a hiding alpha hula hoop. And another River. He said what a

01:26:43 --> 01:26:55

dreamer only I had a minimal sleep when I sleep at night. He says I can only think of one thing every night when I take my bed when I go to sleep. I sleep in a state that I have nothing negative towards animals.

01:26:56 --> 01:27:12

This is where you go to sushi. No matter how much big Vicar a person is doing and how much Sufi gathering is going to any resentment, animosity, hatred in the heart can nothing nothing you don't you're not even close to the server. Not even you haven't even tasted the flavor of it.

01:27:13 --> 01:27:29

This is what you call a Sufi. This is what you call the skater. The companions were the highest level of the skater. And this is why some people said earlier on in the early times the self was a reality. Sufism was a reality without a name. Now it's a name without a reality.

01:27:31 --> 01:27:43

In the earlier times, it was a reality that lived in every single Muslim without a name. Now we everybody wants to make a big deal out of it, but the reality very few people have it.

01:27:44 --> 01:28:27

So this is what's important. Every single spiritual disease jealousy combated if you have a share, what do you do? You take his counsel, you take his advice you take him as a teacher guy. And that's why the scholars say that look, you inform you try to get the solutions, and then you obey and command and obey the command and follow those solutions. If you have a spiritual disease of lust, lustful nature, you know, you can preserve your eyesight every time your eye gaze is wandering around and local things you teach you speak to the shape the spiritual guy or the teacher, whoever it is, and say, Look, I have this Tommy something from the Quran and Sunnah. What are the remedies?

01:28:27 --> 01:29:05

What are the ways you know how how I mean, if you've combated that illness that you How did you combat it? Can you teach me this is this is how this is what you call to serve, and then acting upon it. It's a process. It's a system. It's it's a course that carries on all day long. And I was saying that I know some chefs, they don't even do this issue. pledge. I know one student who went to a chef and he said look, I want to give away I said forget but I will do it he doesn't he doesn't have a problem with it. So we'll think about it. That's not really the real essence and objective the solve is to start work right? He was in another country said he said don't worry when all your time maybe

01:29:05 --> 01:29:39

whenever we'll do the beta Don't worry, that's but the real objective is to start work. So from today, write everything down how much Salah you've missed, how many backbiting how much this that started working on yourself. If you are jealous if you've broken ties with people, your family members, relatives, one by one, stop going seeking forgiveness, start the work start the job, this is what his office and he asked him after six months before the shift regarding obey, obey will get time to do it. He told me this brother, he's a chef himself that he was about 12 years and Chef still hadn't been given no bear and he was he was a guy he was he became the chef game ages into

01:29:39 --> 01:29:42

taking beta from others but he never gave beta

01:29:43 --> 01:29:59

he would there was no pledge. Because that's if you've got time in your life, not Don't worry about it's not a big deal. real objective is to start working on the heart. That's why this is what we call this we call the soul. And this is called the Skittle column and the brothers are moving and they will meet I think finished

01:30:00 --> 01:30:08

I've told you said yes carry on. So no I'm gonna finish in Sharla Finally, but I will just say one thing and it will end in Sharla with the ITA that

01:30:11 --> 01:30:16

this this is what this is the objective of as I said this the solvent Sufism

01:30:17 --> 01:30:35

we must be very careful in this day and age because we find two extreme isms we find two extremes within the Muslim community one extreme on the right is that some people they just outrightly objector rejects the soul of Sufism altogether completely

01:30:36 --> 01:31:20

surface you know, I went to university once on it and a lot of times what do the Sufi say as a Sufi is that some kind of like you know, a sect like Christianity is what the Christians say or something, you know, what, why did the Sufis they just have a very negative picture about the soul there's two reasons for that. That's one extreme complete reputation anything you just hear the word Sufism tasawwuf suddenly there's a complete rejection of it head on bizarre schilke you know, all these things come into the mind there's two reasons for that. One is the Arab state is a car either an insane or do we imagine a human being is an enemy of something that is ignorant tough.

01:31:21 --> 01:31:31

If I don't know the reality of something, I'll just naturally become an enemy. This is all wrong. If I go investigate Oh, is this the truth? Right right. Okay. Now it makes sense.

01:31:32 --> 01:31:58

That's one reason they need to learn what choose to surface and the second reason why they become enemies or the rejects outright is because of the other extreme found, which is of some people who came to these movies, who actually in the name of the subwoofer and Sufism, practice certain practices and do certain things, which have nothing to do with lecture on the subwoofer. Nothing to do with Islam.

01:32:00 --> 01:32:37

And that's another extreme so that extreme aligned with this extreme on the right, they need to start learning about the true reality of the soul of spirituality is true views and shapes and what it's all about, is basically what's in the Quran and Sunnah. Is this good or calm and nothing else? Some few peripheral issues. You can have a difference of opinion, Vicar this way this group that this group recur individually suddenly, it's a matter of which Jihad Allah says do Vicar you're Latina, Allah the Quran kathira you know, do it standing up sitting down silently, you know, you can do a sudden loudly. Allah says in the Quran about the would peace be upon him was a haram or the

01:32:37 --> 01:33:16

Buddha Ji burn, you sabana pyre, the we control the mountains and birds to make Vicar with Gouda Salah to have the same you know why? So that he has more concentration, the person doing something himself sometimes might get bored. But if you have people around you, you might have more concentration you you study at university, you study on your own, you might just have to 30 minutes go to sleep, but you have people around you, helps you these are just remedies that are remedies. So these are perforation 70 doesn't like it fine, somebody likes it fine. These are just don't just don't go into those peripheral issues, deal with the real purpose. In our argumentation and debate

01:33:16 --> 01:33:40

of the peripheral issues. we overlook the central obligation. So that's my advice to the people on the right, learn about the truth of soul, Sufism, and the peripheral issues. It's a matter of which the heart leave them you want to do by leaving if you want to let people do it's not a problem. On the other hand, the other extreme is those extreme of those individuals who in the law in the name of the soul,

01:33:42 --> 01:33:44

they do things which have nothing to do with Islam.

01:33:45 --> 01:33:48

They take the soul to an extreme level.

01:33:50 --> 01:34:12

they violate the laws of Sharia. And when you go down that show that you know, watch what happened to you. I'll give an example what happened. I met one cell when I was studying in Syria in Damascus, once there was a Masjid there. There was a vicar mention is taking place. And I saw the back. There's a couple of I thought they were non Muslims. But you know, two individuals from the west

01:34:13 --> 01:34:48

sat there. So normally when I see people like that, you know, I go and talk to them because I think needs they speak English or whatever, because a lot of a lot of tourists come. So I went and incidently they're all from London, as all you guys are from London said, you know, talk to them and said Oh, so you hear they came this was a Masjid named Masjid Abu Dhabi because it was next to a place where one of the studies Sufi is Medina Arabi Rahim Allah used to teach in his graves next door to it and so it's just a mercy there. It's a proper Masjid Salah takes place, but in it there was a gathering of Vicar taking place after salata version in the morning. And one of the chefs was

01:34:48 --> 01:34:53

there so these two brothers were sitting while two individuals or brothers, whatever there was sitting,

01:34:54 --> 01:34:59

leaning against the pillar. So after that I went had a chat conversation with them.

01:35:00 --> 01:35:24

I said oh so Mashallah you've come here he said, yeah, we love Syria and we love that, you know, especially you know there's a great saintly godly individual spiritual individual who is buried here and you know where Sophie's as a wash Allah I you know I thought Sophie's for Thank you Mashallah, it must be some really special I said, Okay. So when did you embrace Islam? Well actually we're not Muslims, but we're service

01:35:27 --> 01:35:33

This is the extreme of the people who came to the service and they take it to an extreme level.

01:35:34 --> 01:35:58

You can't be yourself if you're a Muslim, as soon as it is validating this the soul has become like some spiritual mystical path there are non Muslims you can see for your own self don't but if you want to maybe just a glimpse of non Muslims in circles men and women skirts and you know dresses to just kneel and doing recurrent saying, You Lola is on YouTube go check it out.

01:36:00 --> 01:36:25

Seriously, this European women who Western women men, women, they they they've got dresses curse and l. l and the difficulty that I mean, this is not the soul. It's got nothing to do with the soul. Basically the soul is purification of the heart which is from the Quran, which is from the sun. Allah grant us to Sophia and to practice on the things that I said. Caputo colheita was Sofitel La Casa La La Silla. maliseet Mohammed Salim, Osama.

World of Spirituality, Tasawwuf, Sufis & Shaykhs

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