Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari – Mothers Behind the Stars of Islam

Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari
AI: Summary © The Hadith and Sun parable is a topic that focuses on selecting a good mother for a child. It is important to be careful and avoid selfish thinking about one's own selves. The importance of learning from one's mother and father in learning to cook healthy foods and avoiding touching children during breastfeeding is emphasized. The segment also touches on the impact of the media on people's experiences and views of women, including the need for caution and finding one's own way.
AI: Transcript ©
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So let's murder him

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hamdulillah through the whole story The who would have stopped futile who were to study

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when our ability to Lm insurer and phocoena or even say RTR Marina de la who further mobile Allahu Allah yodelling for the hottie Allah

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wa shadow Allah. Allahu Allahu la sharika Hora shadow Anessa you don't know have you been our SWAT and our eternal Mohammed Abdullah su

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Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Sayidina Muhammad

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was an early HIPAA unit but he didn't was heavy th Marine or other complementary or homebuy son in Deen Allahumma aluminum and Ferodo. And finally, LM tena was in our original Subhanak alumina alumina Illuma antenna inducted into adimec Hakeem

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Allahumma adenan helper Hopko what has already been talked about, they don't want to decrease the level of

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spected brothers and sisters as salam Wa Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakato

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we praise our Lord and Creator, Allah subhanho wa Taala for granting us the tofield to be here today. A very important event.

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Mother mother's behind the stars. It's a unique title and unique topic. And it really requires

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many hours. And I think we need more and more people coming to events talking about the pious predecessors of the Muslim women, the females.

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There's a hadith of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is a very unique Hadith.

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Before I mentioned the Hadith to you

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as far as the chain of transmission of this hadith is concerned, it's slightly questionable. It's not is maybe According to some scholars, not the chain is not authentic enough. Other scholars have considered it to be authentic, including shahada Bernie Rahim Allah He considered it to be authentic even though many others did not. It's a hadith related by email Biblio merger in his sunnah

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the wife of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Aisha Omar meaning Radi Allahu Allah. She says

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that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said now this is like when we're going to talk about the sisters. We're going to talk about women. But this hadith is addressed to men. The messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said it's in the spirit of empowerment but the merger the hero Lilu perfectly well I'm keyhole.

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The first part the hi yo you know, topical, Oh men.

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When you want to marry when you are selecting a spouse, when you are choosing and searching for a wife, this is addressed to the men.

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And also, it can also be addressed to the women because many of these texts of the Hadith and the Quran, sometimes it's specifically addressed to a specific gender, and it's exclusive for the agenda. And sometimes, rather than lengthening the text, it's only addressed to one gender, but it can relate to both. The messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said when you are selecting when you are in a process of selecting a suitable spouse, choose the most perfect spouse, the her young.

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Be very careful, very selective, who you choose as your spouse and where to cultivate your seed. The literal translation is to have to be very selective. Be very careful where you cultivate your seed. You know what that means? The messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is trying to tell us that look, when it's when it's your time to marry. It's not just about you. It's not just about your own rights. It's not just about your compatibility. It's not just about you having a perfect wife. It's not just about you having a perfect husband. Think about your children your you your children have a right from now over you you don't have a child in this world. But the first right you know that our

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rights are book rights of the parents, right. So the children that first right a child has over his parents, is the fact that his father or mother chose a right life companion. That's the first right before anything before your wife is even pregnant before the wife is even pregnant before you've even

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even have children. This is once you before you married. This is the right of the children that you carefully select a woman who you think will be perfect to bring up your children. Select a suitable woman to be the mother of your children. Select a suitable man, to be the father of your children. Just don't be selfish. Don't just think about your own selves and what kind of man I want and what type of woman I want. I want someone to cook for me and that's it. And I want somebody to pamper me all day husband to pamper me and work to cook for me. Just don't think about that. Just don't look at, you know, someone who's going to be good and beautiful and just look so just be don't be

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concerned about your own self. rather think ahead. Its unique. Think ahead, select a perfect mother for your child. Select a perfect father for your child. This is the right of the child from now these are the Roku the heart of the children.

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This is a Hadith and Sunnah from Abdul Majeed, the high yield in a toffee come because you see the mother that we're going to talk about mothers right. And it's because here, this is general, right father, selecting a suitable father selecting a suitable mother because the whole event is about mothers behind the stars are focused more on the mother, because a mother and specifically the mother, especially in the beginning years of the child's life has a very, very important role to play throughout the life but especially in the beginning few years. The mother has a very important role to play. And we always hear and this is why the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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this, that Be very careful, very choosy, very selective. In choosing the most appropriate mother for your child. Your child deserves a mother that will bring it up into the world that will educate that child that daughter or son, instill in the heart of the child, the Iman and dough heat and reliance upon Allah, educate the child, make the child healthy and make the child courageous, inculcate and instill in the child the qualities of patience of Summer of Love of the Ohana, rather the level of this world, giving preference to Allah and His messenger and Dean over worldly pursuits and worldly benefits, you have to be very careful. And this is this starts on before you can marry. That doesn't

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mean if you're already married and you've gone wrong, nobody's gonna run on Sharma you can still change. But it's it starts from before. And that's why those sisters and brothers if you're not married, think like that, that Who do I want as not just as a husband, who do I want as a father of my child, who will bring my children up in the most appropriate or the Islamic way, you hear this statement all the time behind every great successful you probably hear this all the time today. In this event successful great man, there is a successful woman, mother, sister, daughter, wife. But I will say one thing here that the opposite is also true sister Sorry for being friends, behind every

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evil man more or less, not all the time. But behind a religious evil man, you You will find that there is an effect not all the time, not all the time. So it's not always the fault of the sisters. But in many cases, you know, we have to take both sides. If you give credit to the women and the mothers, you have to also mention the opposite that many of the times if you find a religious person, someone who's very evil, then there is a non upright irreligious woman behind him who is not helping and supporting him making things difficult for him. And

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we also hear the famous statement that the mother is the lap.

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The mother's lap sorry, is the first institution first mother of the child because the role of the mother especially in the beginning few years, few months, the first year second year that the mother has a key role to play. The mother has a key role to play in influencing the character, the upbringing of the child, the how the growth child grows up to be in the world. In his life, the mother has a great race to say, and a great and an important role to play. And we see all these people you know, you know, history. All these greeting moms more or less, every one of them

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who've excelled, the great new moms and the scholars and the sahaba. All of them. They were all young babies in the laps of the mothers it started before the Father can even think about doing something. It starts with the mother. I'm not saying after birth, it starts even before birth. It starts from pregnancy. So you've chosen the husband, you choose the most appropriate mother and then it starts even before pregnancy really, if you see ideally it starts before pregnancy. That this is reason why scholars state that if a couple wants to have children, they need to they should sort the lives out anyway from beforehand if they get married, so the lives out but if they still haven't

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I'm practicing, at least before you have children.

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Change your ways, inculcate good qualities and habits in your life. And then when a woman gets pregnant, it starts from that time how the woman is, while she's pregnant. If she at home when she's pregnant, it has a big impact on the children. The child in the stomach in the womb. It has a big impact. It starts from pregnancy, making dua, a mother should H A woman, the moment she realizes that she's been blessed by Allah subhanaw taala. She should make dua. This is a sunnah it's in the Quran.

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It's in the Quran about the mother of Maria, Maria Salah to have done it asleep. She made the DUA. It's in the Quran. She said in order to Murphy botany Mahabharata and herbal Mini Oh Allah, I take a vow that whatever's in my stomach, I don't know if it's a son or a daughter, but she was thinking it's going to be a son, Murphy botany Mohan free for you exclusively this son of mine in the previous nations and Sharia and the owners of the previous prophets. They used to have this concept that mothers and parents they would dedicate their one of their children exclusively for the works of Deen for the sake of Allah and nothing else. So she made this another she made a vow in interval

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to nappy botany Mahara at Aqaba Mini Oh, Allah accepted from me, exclusively for you. But then she became disappointed when she found out that she gave birth to her daughter.

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She gave birth to a daughter, but when she did give birth to a daughter, she said in the summary to her Maria, Oh Allah, I have Panama water. The Quran says when she gave birth to a daughter Arlette she said in New York. It's a female child. While in Santa Clara, California when you submit to her Miriam were in New York to her bicker with the reata ministry upon your regime. This is the part she's making dua to Allah. Oh Allah. I asked you she's a she's a woman now. She's a she's a girl. She's a daughter. She's Lawson. I asked you you protect her. And not just her but you protect her offspring, her progeny her children, as she was the she was Maria Elena Salatu was Salam, the mother

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of our isa the dua of the grandmother of visa, peace be upon him. Imagine making dua not for a just a daughter, but even for her project. And then she became exclusively dedicated Coloma dalla Alia has a career and how would you define the risk while she was worshipping Allah dua should be made from the moment you recognize and you realize oh mother that you're pregnant, you make dua Rockbridge Ali Lupe masala tea woman laureate Europeana with herbal dua. These are the applications on the Quran. Oh Allah make me someone who establishes prayer. And my children I mean the reality this is a dua in the Quran we should make a habit to meet regularly recite this dua in prayer, even

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before Salaam in prayer and after prayer Robina hub Lennar minars Virginia otorrhea Tina Kurata Reo o Allah habla, blesses Minos Virginia will react in a blessed us with make our spouses and our children the coolness of our eyes Hublin as well as you know the real and Kurata you know what your limit Avena Imana make us as leaders of the righteous and pious and God fearing which means that make our children God fearing making dua for children from a young age. From pregnancy, as I said, you know, women mothers, even fathers, but as I said, and I don't want to repeat this, we're talking about mothers wake up in the middle of the night. To her child Salah offered to look at the 100

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Salam make dua once you're pregnant.

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When a woman is pregnant, it's such a critical role, what she eats what she thinks about if she is going to spend her time in pregnancy in increasing rabada the law of the Quran recitation of the book of Allah Subhana Allah excessive liquor, remembrance of Allah offering Salah with his shoe with huddled with devotion, with concentration, with humility and humbleness before Allah making dua that will have an impact. But if she's pregnant, and during pregnancy, she's watching Bollywood and Hollywood, Bollywood and somebody told me to do Dollywood in Bangladesh. I just found that today, by the way. Yeah, that child's gonna become Salman Han when he grows up. Yeah, it's true. If you're

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going to watch some soaps, then your child become an Eastern doctor. We want to be like that. If you're watching football, on the TV was the woman's pregnant. She's breastfeeding and watching sports. Your child will want to become David Beckham. And if you're watching the apprentice, he probably wants to be Alan Sugar or something.

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It's like that what you think about if you're pregnant, reciting the book of Allah pondering over the verses of the Quran, reading the Sierra, your child will grow up to be like the Sahaba it starts from that aid from pregnancy even before but special

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Now on the time of pregnancy, it's a very important time to read the books. There are books written on the topic of motherhood ideal mother very good book, things to do once a woman is pregnant and recite the book of Allah, increase a birder, worshiping Allah and definitely avoid sins. You know backbiting, jealousy, hatred, all this especially enmity talking ill of others, especially at the time of pregnancy if, if a mother has these bad evil habits, she picks up the phone, she's pregnant, she's breastfeeding, and two hours on the phone talking about the whole world, except your own self and the child will grow up to be a bad biter. He'll have enmity the daughter will grow up the son

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will grow up to be someone who's always bickering and fighting and arguing, because it has a direct link attachment. There are there are examples in history where the mother how her lifestyle was what she used to do while she was pregnant, and while she was breastfeeding had a direct impact and this is even scientifically proven that the child in the stomach while the woman is pregnant when he's been breastfed,

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you know, the child's brain works and his hearing before the child even sees the hearing has the child has this for this ability to hear that our cases some things might be true, some might not be true, but they mentioned about Bucha other quadrille jdrama Hola that his when he when he was born, he memorized many parts of the Quran. It's a story mentioned, I don't know the authenticity how strong it is. But he because his mother used to regularly was breastfeeding and pregnant recite the book of Baba. But one story which is definitely authentic, which is very recent, one of the scholars of the subcontinent chef is a Korean Kundalini rahamallah. He says himself, he passed away in 1981,

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which is very recent. Now my father and this was known amongst family members, their relatives, everybody knew that he said, My father when he is when he was being weaned, which is two years of Islamic age, he actually memorized half of the Jews, he already knew by heart, half of the quarter of first Jews of the Quran. Reason being that every day was being breastfed her mother had a habit, his mother had a habit of reciting the book of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala.

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It starts from a young age, these are the responsibilities of the mother. Right? So it's very important to make dua for your children. Avoid sins, especially at the time of pregnancy at the time of breastfeeding, do not breastfeed your children, and even think about evil things. Try to clear your mind read a book whilst you're breastfeeding doesn't it's not haram or sinful. Don't read the book of Allah, but you know, read a book and see it or read some Islamic book was a woman is breastfeeding. It's very important do not do not for the sake of Allah ever watch anything on the TV, you pass you are breastfeeding mother, because the consequences of that are very bad. And when

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when the child grows up, this is a problem when the child grows up, when the child leaves the path of Islam, we don't we neglect the child when we have when the mother is pregnant. And when she's breastfeeding, she neglects the child, the parents, both of them neglect the child when the child is 1234. We don't think about the Islamic database, we don't think we are not concerned about the Islamic upbringing. We are not concerned we we let them do whatever they want. And when they grow up, or when they're teenagers when they 18. And when they get into drugs and this and that. Then we complain what happened to our children? And then what happens? What do we do? Oh, you know, I don't

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know my child has left the cult of Islam and he's run away with a girl and run away with a boy and this and that. Probably I know someone's black magic. You know, when I say to these people, you've done black magic yourself. Seriously, you've done black magic yourself. Not

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literally speaking, but you have because you've neglected your child. And if you neglect your child, then it's very easy nowadays everybody blames I'm not saying for a moment, it does not exist. But the easiest thing to blame in life is black magic, you can deflect the responsibility from yourself. It's easy. You want you don't want to be known to be someone who's been not a good parent. So using black magic, so people won't say you're a bad parent. Oh, I'm a very good parent. But what can I do? I did the best in my life. But people are doing black magic is very easy. It's the easiest thing to blame. No, this is a big problem in the society. Everyone who has any problem marital problem, black

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magic. Parents have loved the path of Islam black magic to this case that our sister recently you know once she was speaking to me and she got so involved and absorbed by this whole idea of black magic that a spoon falls in the kitchen and she thinks someone's going black magic.

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Anyone else black magic Come on. We can do we are human beings. This life is full of tests and trials. This is not Jana, this is duniya. So anyway, it starts from that time.

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It starts from that time from a young age.

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And we need to add the time of breastfeeding. The mother needs to be very careful of ensuring that she worships Allah. she worships Allah she does not. She does not

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engage in sin.

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Is she avoided since specially a lever and things like that, and she is focused on bringing up a child as a role model, as someone who will serve the deen of Allah, someone who will be a righteous, pious, religious, righteous individual, someone who will be good to himself or herself and lead and direct others to good. Who will serve the deen of Allah who SubhanaHu Dyana concern for the Tobia from a young age.

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We look at all these great Imams come on all these victims when they except with a few exceptions. Some of them were born before the mother panel, you know, they were the mother's passed away before they were born. But generally speaking, all of them the young age, they were nourished, they were brought up, they were looked after they were educated by their mothers. They should be concerned about the Taleem and tarbiyah you know, you've heard of Imam Malik in America, the Allahu Anhu one of the greatest minds of this ummah, if you really know who you are Malik was then you will appreciate this. Imam Malik is a huge figure. He has a huge Imam with a real Hegira he was known as

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the Imam of the abode of Hegira many couple of others, one of the great fapy of this ummah, one of the greatest scholars if you want to list after the Sahaba and the owner of the Allah one of the top 10 scholars ever in Islamic history, you know, Malik has to be in at least maybe in the top five, were Malik is amazing. He's one of the unique scholars. If you read just read his biography, Imam Malik, when he was young, he was a playful child he used to like to chase pigeons is to chase pigeons and run around music singles, you know, singles and people who meet musicians. That's what he used to like. And his parents saw this once his father even his father had a good, you know, very

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influential role to play him. He his father once made a competition between him and his brother, his brother, one he said, and his father just smiled to tell him Look, you're not really good for anything, which means that you're not, you know, you're not really taking your life seriously. And then he said, Okay, you know what I shouldn't run around pigeon. So what I'll do is I want to go and visit the singers and I want to become a musician. At that time. His mother said, Look, son, you won't get anywhere in the world. This is an automatic smother. You won't get anywhere in the world by running around. Singles and being a musician. Okay, you won't get anywhere. The ultimate Island.

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Seek knowledge. By the way, there's nothing wrong with being on a sheet singer.

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The ultimate Island, seek seek knowledge, seek knowledge, and then in America. In America, the Allahu Anhu used to this is a famous statement of no money. You'll find this in every book. When I was young cada to me to a memory. My mother used to place the turban on me in some other rewired in some other narration mentioned she made him wear the Libous the clothing of the clothing of the OMA and the righteous people and the pious people and the educated people and the scholars. Got it on me to our memory sheet when I was a young child five, six, she used to place the turban on my head. And then she used to say to me on day one for the hoody in the hub in arrabbiata. Go you need to go and

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study by the Greater RM of the time, whose name was Roberto Roy Robbia male scholar a great huge amount Multics is one of my Mannix main teaching in heavy r&b I go to an Obeah and then she said that the Isla de be he covered cobbler anteater Allah mini only learn from his other from his mannerism from his advocates from his character from his attributes before you start learning from his knowledge. This statement tells us so many things. Number one, his mother said you need to study. Don't be a musician. She knows she's interested. She wants to have a say in which career his her child will take the path that the child will take. And then just imagine she knows the scholars

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of the time she knows who the greatest scholar of the term is. Just telling him the look, you need to go and study by Robbia don't go by this chef right now. You need to go and study by the chef This is a mother and then she's telling him instructing him about the 13th the order what to study first, whether Hadith or Feb of zero o'clock or what? This is a mother being directly involved teaching and educating the child but the ultimate aw couple of anteater Allah Mini Me and we see this you know with everybody with Mr. Schaeffer, you know Imam Shafi, another email from the major four Imams Masha, Allah Who agrees, a great Imam he was born in Hassan, which we call it today, rasa which is a

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Palestine and fell asleep. He was a young child whilst his mother was pregnant father

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As to a single mother, a unique example of a single mother. Amazing read about these people. Unique example. She was young. She was very beautiful, but she for the sake of her child never married. That doesn't mean that you can't marry it's actually sometimes wrong to think that a woman who's divorced or a widow not to marry, but she chose him somebody doesn't want to she sacrificed another marriage for the sake of a child. And she saw that Mr. Musharraf that he was more taller, be blue, Pauline. his lineage goes back to the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was a Qureshi. There was a saying, through lineage. She made hijra for her child and single mother, she

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was extremely poor, no wealth. The journey was very difficult. But still, she took a young son moved from Gaza in front of screen all the way to Makkah animal karma because scholars were there and she wanted her child to be a great scholar of Islam, and shall not by you know what, what time is a train, take the train and you're there in about 10 hours or five hours. This is on the camera on the foot. Imagine this is Imam Shafi his mother or the Allahu Anhu.

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And she despite being poor, she had no no money to fund education. But what happened Allah bless her. She relied on Allah Tala Quran, Allah and the scholars down there they saw that this single mother young child, family of the messenger of allah sallallahu taala, it heard he was starting to sell them, they taught him for free, and even Musharraf. It became a huge immense individual of this ummah, a fapy, a great jurist, somebody who was a master of the Arabic language, read his books, he has a RUSADA an ohm and then if America Dhamaka of Hadith, Imam Shafi he became a poet as well he was a he was a huge poet, a master of the Arabic language for 300 Listen can never even listen. He

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was eloquent in his speech, and he actually studied with him America is a student of your Malik and so this you know, taking shoes off a very educated she was a scholar herself, Imam Shafi his mother, she's actually got certain things that she spoke to the scholars of the time and she gave the views and references and she's you she became a scholar of the time.

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This is taking part we talked about doTERRA. We talked about pregnancy, influence on on the child pregnancy. We talked about importance of taking an active interest in the education of the child, even to the point that cooking food at the house has an important role and has an impact. Who cooks the food how the food is cooked seriously, we don't think about is halal food. Allah says in the Quran Colombian novel out of the halal the Yerba is that which is lawful and pure, wholesome food, the one who cooks not just halal, you know, the one who cooks if someone cooks the food if your mother if my mother if our mothers, our wives or cooking or our daughters are cooking the food with,

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you know, remembrance of Allah, the vicar of Allah, if she's a half without the Quran, she has memorized the Quran, imagine cooking, cooking food for the family, and she's making Huttons of the Quran. Imagine, you know how much Baraka a new will there be in that food, you need food, you can never get that type of food. And there's another type of food you go to a restaurant and you don't know who's cooked and how it's cooked. And whether he's been swearing while it's cooking or what Allah knows best. That's why you know, try to avoid as much as possible

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food in restaurants because it has a big impact the food cooked by the person individual and then stories, you know, there's incidents

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when she's cooking the food and she's got a TV on Bollywood that said again, you eat that food and you become a Bollywood actor.

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If she's got a massive 32 inch HD high definition you know game between Liverpool Manchester United and she's watching it she's got interest in football, she's cooking for a goal and she's she's cooking away or she's watching the apprentice or whatever reality show salad celebrity what is the jungle get me out of here and all that business, then you will probably end up in a jungle what after eating the food.

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You understand the point it has an impact. There's a story I don't have time to go into it. There's a story between Imam Shelfari and Imam I haven't been humbled another great Imam, Imam Muhammad he was amazing as well and the stories about his mother, how he inculcated how the mother inculcated other in his life. But there's an incident about Imam Schaeffer, he was a teacher of him up and there are different variations of who visited who but in one of the versions of the story is that Imam Schaeffer when he became old Imam Ahmed, who was a student became a huge scholar himself. Imam Shafi once sent a message that look now you become a huge scholar. I haven't seen you for a long

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time. And see for a long time it would be nice to see you say mum took time out despite being extremely busy, such as you know, you shall I know it's been a long time you're my share. Of course, I need to come and see you or visit you and then they fix the time. So you came

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To visit Imam Scheffer, Imam Shafi actually left his village and went to the outskirts with all his students and companions to go and receive his amazing student who has become the great chef of the time. Anyway, Imam Muhammad lived and stayed at Imam Shafi his house for a couple of days as a guest, his Imam chef is doing due to cook the food. Okay, anyway, cook the food he ate after eating. What happened was, they gave him the room. This is where you sleep. And him I'm sure for you at home had always been praising him. Oh man, I have a student unique student has become the great Imam of the time. You will never I am so proud of the student. He told his daughter about all of this.

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Anyway. After they were professional Salah he came back home and his daughter said Dad, you've been praising your straight student but I think I don't really rate him. I think you're mistaken. said why? Said I have three objections. Number one, he eats too much. I cook food. I've never seen someone eat that much. Great people don't eat that much. Number two, I did his bed and I put some water there for him to wake up at 100 So I went in the morning when you guys went for Fudger in the masjid. And the water still is it did anyone pray tahajjud Salah and number three he needed to do for future. What kind of student you're saying is a great team on team I'm sure very after fajr he

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you know I trust you but what's happened? Have you changed or what's happened? You know my dude is complaining. He said look, number one, the food that I ate. I have never felt the baraka and blessings of their food ever. In my life ever. It seems that someone who was cooking was reciting the book of Allah there is so much new in the food and that's why I just ate you know I normally eat very less but it was just the blessings of the food. And number two, because of the baraka the blessings in the food, I did not sleep all night. I never needed to use the water I never slept all night I did not pray tahajjud Salah because in my mind about some say 20 or some say 30

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rules and accom of Islam I derived from the Quran and Sunnah through the bulk of the food they were just just just coming to my mind. It was just an opening of the heart in the mind the bulk of the food and number three idea and do we do because for furniture because I prayed Fudger with the same will do of

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Imam Shafi don't say that he told his daughter this is the reason and the food is cooked by the daughter this daughter was the one who cooked the food Imam Shafi is daughter with a lot of this is he has an impact impact on the child so we need to the mothers the way they cook food instill though Hey then you have been I'm going to end inshallah but you know we need mothers need to from a young age tarbiyah we talked about food, we talking about education, instill Iman and European and to healing the children from a young age. A mother has to do therapy of the child, even a father does. But a mother like you have a five year old son comes back from school, I want food every day but now

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and then say son, we ask Allah gives us food. Allah gives us assistance. Go to your room, make go into the bathroom, remove your clothes first get you to change it into your good clothes. Make will do over to the garden. If you pray and ask Allah Allah will give you food and then come back and then say look, you pray to God, Allah is giving you food. This is training of bringing from a young young age it's very important. And a mother has an impact. You know, it has an impact on the child. You know the famous story of Susan armarios he's an armadillo photographer in LA who had mentioned couple of things and and Susan Amari blew her top Radi Allahu Anhu once while she was a Khalifa, who

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was doing the rounds, you know the story and he overheard a daughter and the mother, remember, the daughter and the mother. And the mother said, daughter, you know, just add some water into the milk. said the Holy Father woman has banded he can't see us the mother said to draw she said to me, I Lola Where is Allah that is no matter what you want to do now Allah was outside hearing everything you want until the next day to call for the daughter. And he was so effective and impressed by this daughter that he proposed for His Son House him he went to his son house him and he said look, this is amazing, unique woman and you need to get married to her and he did and from their progeny was

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produced the likes of Satan and Omar, Abdullah Abdullah Cesar the Allahu Allah.

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This is this is a woman making an impact. You know, there's another incident which is a unique incident. It's a hadith in the ballpark of American Muslim Muslim and elsewhere. Abu Taha almost Laila Bhutan has the husband almost name is the wife. They had a son who was extremely ill and sick, right one day and we thought he went to work he left the house and he saw that came back home, said to the wife, how's our son hamdulillah much more in peace better than before. I mean, unique woman you know, these kind of women qualities. Sometimes you think it's very rare to get the kind of women in this world, shallow they will be but just imagine, you know, suburb patients, more patients in

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the man you know, having suburb and patients and the quality of ethos of giving preference to others. She said don't want to use it.

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very peaceful. And she cooked prepared food for the husband made him eat and then actually adorned herself. They actually had a sexual union that night after they fulfill the needs. They said to the almost labor or the Allah Azza ciabatta that Oh, my husband can ask you a question said yes. If our neighbors borrow some oil or something from us, and if they want it back, is it wrong if we don't give it back? Of course it's wrong if we don't if we if we borrowed if we bought something from our neighbor, and they asked him and demanded and they want it back, of course we should give it likewise Allah had blessed us with the sun and Allah has taken us back. He got a shock. Firstly

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became upset, but he was gobsmacked what a woman is she's amazing, you know, just how you know how much thought she has put into this rather than you know, just completely losing it. Some of our patients, he went to the messages of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam offers a lot of passion and informed the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. What had happened the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was quite impressed and he made it do RM says Baraka Allahu fi they let the Kuma May Allah bless you Union last night. And the Hadith states that from because of that DUA and that sexual union of this, Allah produces great scholars of Islam and great for Ross

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Ross's recites of the book of Allah from the Union from the project progeny, they had immense amount of Baraka. So, this is what a mother is has a direct impact. She you know, she, whatever habits, qualities attributes a mother has through her pregnancy through her breastfeeding, it gets transferred, if she's courageous, have courage is transferred to the child. So he's going to honor once was when he came into the Medina, all the children saw him saw him coming. They were scared, so the old flood

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is coming. It's coming, everybody runaway. One child just stood

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alone said, Son, how could you not feel? Why don't you run away? He said number one, I haven't committed any sin. So why should i three and number two, the road is not that narrow that you can pass you can pass this What's your name? What's this guy's name? Is Abdullah is away. He says No wonder you know I'm not surprised he's the son of asthma wintry but as well as the daughter of buckled because she was very courageous. He's the son of asthma because she was very courageous. These guys this kid is very courageous.

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These allow these habits they get transferred into the chart, if a mother is has all these qualities of summer of patience, of courage, of courage of of preferring the ocher over the dunya and I will definitely end with this. The messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one of the reasons that shoot he was he exceedingly loved his wife, Aisha Radi Allahu, I mean he has mentioned many virtues of his wife. And one of the one of the main reasons was

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she preferred the author over the video

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pre apprentice Okay.

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