Muhammad Hoblos – We Have Lost Our Muslim Identity

Muhammad Hoblos
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of understanding one's political beliefs and the negative impact of wearing certain clothing. They criticize the way Muslims are perceived and the language used in media. The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding one's own truth and values, as well as finding one's own values in media.
AI: Transcript ©
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So, let me just before I start any apologize on the onset,

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what I'm gonna say is very close. And I think it's important. And I'm going to be not rude but quite blunt because I didn't travel for 40 hours and we can play games, say nice words that make you feel good and

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my brother's the reality of our identity crisis.

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The reality of the identity crisis, in my humble opinion, is the fact that

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is the fact that we know very little of LD.

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We're not completely convinced of LD, and we're not proud of LD.

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This contributes a massive factor towards our lack of identity.

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My brothers and sisters, there's something that we have to understand as Muslims, our identity crisis for now let's just worry about ourselves and not worry about what's happening outside. My brothers and sisters, you need to understand something

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doesn't mean you

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don't think for a second that us in any way shape or form.

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The Creator was the Sustainer

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of the seven heavens and the earth, allies and medic is the king before you is the king while you're here, it's going to be the king. Trust me well and truly after you're gone, Allah,

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Allah, Allah is perfection is perfect.

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And almost

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Something that we all fail to understand. The Deen of Islam is not the deal. You know, it's not the deal of a man.

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need to be formation, not talking about the religion that belongs to my father, you know, look, I have the manuscript in my pocket.

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I want and when I want and how I want the denormalized conviction

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of Allah, and Allah has to fit that led to complete and you're

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not in need of anyone to be useful not to be awesome. Allies perfection.

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We need to understand this. And if you choose to be a Muslim, well, Allah subhanaw taala wants from you that if you become a Muslim than you, except you except Islam, completely happy can choose what you want from the deen. There is no compulsion in religion. It's not forcing anyone to be useful.

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Even though there

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have been elements very pleased to the province, you can go if you want, we got one job and your job as a Muslim is to convey the message. They accept that don't accept it.

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Job, my business, my job and your job is to convey the message of Islam. This is our job and this is our responsibility. Now, what am I saying? Sometimes these words may seem a bit harsh, but we need to get basics. These are principles you need to understand.

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It choose to be Muslim. I'm not forced to be a Muslim. There's no compulsion in religion that doesn't work you do. If you being a Muslim is quite interesting.

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What does it benefit to a life I'm forced to pray?

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Now have you been anxious to be Muslim? Whatever. Because this time is perfection. It came from the marriage. It's complete. It's perfection. It wasn't complete and perfect for the nice guy now. It's

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not Oh, no, it was perfection, then it's perfection now and it will be perfection and to withstand the

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Rasulullah sallallahu sallam.

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He was most of the picture his selection was perfection. He was also perfection.

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The problem with our identity is the fact that we're not convinced.

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You are still not convinced that Israel is the best. That is the ultimate. That is the only thing that

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we're still not convinced.

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Because if we were truly convinced we will be having this conversation.

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But then in our hearts were to you know, this this ambiguity you know, it's not clear

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because we're still not

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influenced by this.

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Now, why Islam is perfection. And when you understand this, why you become proud of you, the

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better than Islam.

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Muslims today falling all over themselves, trying to make the deen trying to justify not having to justify my estate to anyone. I don't have to justify what the prophet doesn't when he doesn't have he doesn't.

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He's the Prophet of Allah. He does what he wants when he wants everyone's daily question.

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Who am I?

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Someone comes to me, the man doesn't even wash his hands after he finishes from the bathroom. And he has the audacity to question me about what the prophet of Allah does. How

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Muslims today will why Muslims with Big Sisters in Egypt, still dead?

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And the owners of Allah

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and we asked them why I'm

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confused. What do

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you mean by a confusion? Of course they gotta be confused.

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You know, there's nothing in my humble opinion. There's nothing that non Muslims love more than someone who stands up for principles for people that stand up for what they believe. But we don't

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I don't need to justify myself to anyone.

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People come to be Muslims. Well, why Muslims share? Why does

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Why is this Hello?

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And what understanding Do you have

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it's not like we can't ask questions. You know, he

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he asked the last panel college system. Show me a good place to the day.

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That is understand what I'm saying.

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We can ask. But we don't ask because we

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Brahim has almost

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no clue Allah teaching us. So let's put

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our Brahim Don't you believe?

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Don't you believe in

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all the places No, I believe.

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But to strengthen my heart, I want to see

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if that's the case, if that's the case, then we will show you.

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But we are still doubtful about LD, we're still we're still doubtful about the Panama Canal.

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Muslims now. Honestly, how many times have you heard this brother that Islam means peace?

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seen by this country, Muslims everywhere? plus three now, Islam means peace, Islam equals peace? Where did you get this from?

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Islam doesn't mean these speak Arabic doesn't mean peace, Islam in submission.

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Islam means submission. And those that submit they will Muslims. And the more they submit to

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them, the more peace they will have in their lives.

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is the religion of peace. Yes, but it's also a religion of war.

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Why? Why? Why am I saying this?

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What are you sure about the

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when the time is who this is? This is the beauty of Islam. Now is Islamabad killing people.

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But when the time arises when the time is in need, then the right hook applies. Yes, Islam is dominantly peaceful religion. It's about spreading love and peace and this that yes.

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But when push comes to shove,

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then there are other you know, there are the rulings of the last panel.

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today. We're not proud of this. We shine

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we painted the slide in so many different cultures even Muslims are confused now what's neat about non

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Muslims if we forget why Muslims are Christian

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we're scared and we're terrified

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of Muslims and why?

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Why Why?

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What name do they have? That's better than house? Yeah. And

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I don't want to show you that.

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because deep down in my heart, I'm still not completely convinced.

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A problem is revealed far more than what it is outside.

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Because you know about siding, you see how Muslims deal with certain things that they believe in Hawaii, it's amazing. It's amazing. And forgive me.

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It's really unfortunate that I'm going to use this example. But for the sake of understanding, you know, 2030 years ago to be homosexual was such a, it was such a friend.

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But they used to celebrate

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this evenings.

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They celebrating and singing and dancing and wearing all sorts of clothes, because it's something he believes

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that we used to laugh at them before. Now he meant to be heroes. Why? Because he was persistent or not, he believed him.

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They didn't sacrifice what they believed in you, like we do have to sacrifice we want to compromise, we want to know that, you know, we need to apply wisdom, what wisdom

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This is my this is my, this is my, this is my channel. This is what I live for. This is what I died for.

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What do you want me to compromise?

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For? And the question is really

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establishing the theme of

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This is causing major problems.

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And the truth is something that's better

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if there was another solution, if there was another way that was actually doing better than Islam, well, I understand, but what is the

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what is pay?

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Look around the world, put your finger in any direction in and out of it. People think that if we got rid of a slave and we got rid of Muslims, then everything will be fine. What it really

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gives me a country where depression is not on the rise, anxiety is not on the rise. Sexual Abuse towards children is not on the rise. Suicide is not on the ride that shocked me when a

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crime is not on where ratio me just point the finger at which direction

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and you have to we have solution, we have the cure, we have the Dean of a law that came to solve the problems of all of humanity.

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What before

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we want to, like Muslims, Muslims are shy.

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Now, of course, I never speak like this in public. I'll never speak to novices not please my mother's nervous understand, we shall not that we shall shall wisdom, because that's also the sooner that's also the this is also from the identity of

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perspective. It has evolved when I say Muslim questioning

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any views?

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He doesn't faze me. He doesn't bother me. But the Muslim who sometimes is there is

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some of

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what's wrong with us.

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Give me something that's better.

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You know, we heard you some women, that this is a question that the people are backwards and what

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we cover up and this is the big deal, though, you cover you even even what did I have to cover the face and why?

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It's amazing. It's amazing. You know, there used to be a time when men had shot.

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The Muslim they used to be

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the ruling came down from behind the man

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didn't sit right with Him. That happened the lives of

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the mothers of the believers, the women who, who will make her own permanent home anyway. It didn't sit right with you. How can our mothers be exposed to men which made the most profitable and the best of men, so he came to the rescue of Australia. This

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brother has a nice car with his wife.

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Where are you in love

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but it is

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He knows every person that looks at he's looking at your life and

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what do you have to cover? You know, it's funny.

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You don't do any man, any personal news. Anything that's valuable is covered anything, it's valuable. It's covered your money when you put it on the front window.

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Your jewelry when you put it on the front window for everyone outside to see when you put it.

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It's, it's in a safe, it's, it's in a black box. And we all understand whether it's valuable. It's precious.

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Women are more precious to us than your jewelry. And

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we come here are women, not because we're bad was because of the most precious thing we have. That's why we cover them

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She had jobs he had to

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close down. Why? Why? Why are you shy? Now? Of course. I will never speak

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publicly about this stuff. Understand? We're not convinced. That's

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why have you been given me a nation that doesn't have a defense?

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Give me a nation.

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Forget when an invading army, refugees, Syrian refugees, people that were running for their lives when they came, people attacked them.

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Read Syrian refugees were attacked for trying to seek asylum.

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What does that say about that nation that when an army comes to invade you that you're gonna throw rose petals at them, you

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know, every nation has a defense force. Why? When the time comes, if

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you fight for resources, and this Wi Fi to establish the

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fight for anything else, you want to talk about what's right and what's wrong. Come bring your

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maybe if we spoke a little bit more about the

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that the CNN wants to show me

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and his opinion.

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Maybe we will have some decency.

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Look at the demo of us.

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When you go to fight them, if you imprison them, you treat the prisoners like you treat your army. You feed them for what you feed your army. Don't touch the women don't touch their children don't touch their moms don't touch the priests. Don't go the trees don't have the livestock doesn't touch the schools don't touch the hospitals.

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Let's compare

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one of the companions he killed Amanda.

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He killed a prisoner of war that

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he killed him. He said no, that is the Prophet of Allah. He says to be killed him and he said the Shahada

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to save his life. The Prophet kept telling him you kill them and he said China you killed him. The Sahaba said I had wished I had not embraced Islam before this day.

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Why? Because you made a mistake.

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They will see with a suit and tie. They walked into Iraq many many years ago. They read the nation they brought it down to the ground.

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all gathered today to try to restore it. So it will take 100 years to get back on its feet. Then when the nation down to the ground, convincing us that it was weapons of mass destruction after 10 years What did they turn around and say?

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Well, we thought they were there but we were wrong. Forgive us Canada walked away. We're not a problem with

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But we have a problem with the GMO.

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We need to understand

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if you are not convinced of the Dean of Avast Tyler

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the Dean of perfection.

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And it's not for me anyone else to justify the deal? Oh, yes, we can talk about the Hong Kong the wisdom.

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Yes, we could talk about

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what does it mean to be

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an Islamist factions.

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Islam is what changed the world.

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slim is what changed the radio.

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Slim is what made the Sahaba is what made the Sahaba that was true success.

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And when we come back to our Trudy

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when we come back to the identity of the Muslim, proud of the way, I'm proud of you.

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mistakes, yes, I'm not the best.

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But my identity is the identity of those who lost lost.

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