Muhammad Hoblos – Our War is With Satan

Muhammad Hoblos
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the concept of sh matter and sh matter, highlighting the importance of avoiding becoming a heavyweight puncher. The segment also touches on sh matter's tricks and tactics, including losing consciousness and achieving consistency in doing good things. The importance of avoiding wasting time and not trying to be the boxer that only throws heavyweight is emphasized, as it can lead to chaos and discomfort. The speaker also mentions the use of jahannam and the firing of a law on one's face.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Alhamdulillah Hina Madonna style you know wanna start Pharaoh when all the villa he tal I mean Cerulean fusina comienza yeah Dr. Molina Manya de la huhtala Fela mo de la mejor de Lille Fela head Yella y shadow Allah Allah Allah Allah hula hula shriek Allah wa shadow under Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Walla Walla le he was heavy as mine and my bad fire call Allah subhanho wa Taala Philco en el Karim bodalla Billahi min ash shaytani r regime? Yeah, you hella Dena Amano, Taka, la Hakka toccata while atta Mouton. illa Anta musli moon or praises to Allah subhanho wa Taala, the king, the master, the Sustainer, the Creator of the heavens and the earth,

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and we send peace and blessings upon His Beloved Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I remind myself and remind you as Allah azza wa jal reminds us in His holy book, are you who believe be God conscious of Allah, to not die except in the state of Islam, to not die except in the state of submission? My brothers since the very beginning of time, since the very beginning of the creation of men, we have been at war, at war with a sworn enemy Allah subhanho wa Taala in multiple places in the Quran, he reminds the human being that Oh, human being Oh, son of man, shaitan Iblees is your enemy, so therefore take him as an enemy. So much so. So severe is this animosity of shaitan with

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the human being, that from the moment you are created, there's a very nice narration that says that the first thing you know, ever watched a child come into this world. The first thing he does is he cries, and there is a narration that says, that is because shaitan waits for the baby to be born, and then he pricks him. he stabs him until he makes him cry. So imagine the moment that I came out of my mother shaitan was waiting there, waiting there to declare his war with me and remind me that I am your enemy, until the very last moment of your life. Guess who will also be there waiting. The same enemy. Abdullah, Abdullah, Mohammed are the lot on humor. He says, I was there when my father

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was dying. Mm, imagine mm, I'm had been humble, one of the great imams of this of this oma. So Abdullah, his son, he narrates, he narrates the story, and he says, I was there when my father was dying.

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And he says, and he was laying there on the bed, and he was going through these, what they call Sakura mode, the last moments of life, you know, he's in and out of consciousness. He says, and as my father gain consciousness, he says, law bad law bad. No, not yet. No, not yet. So Abdullah says, you know, I'm, he says, I was curious that why is my father saying no, not yet. doesn t want to die? Is he afraid of death? He says, and then my father, he lost consciousness. He says, I waited, then I was anxious. And I was worried. He said, until I waited until my father, he gained consciousness again. And therefore I asked him, I said to my Father, why were you saying no, not yet? Don't you

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want to die? And then, and then Lima, Muhammad, he says to his son up the lies is to know my son. I did not say no, not yet, because I didn't want to die. I said, No, not yet. Because shaitan was standing in front of me. And he was biting on his fingernails, and he was telling me, oh, you have slipped out of my hands, and you've slipped out of my hands. So therefore, I replied, and I sent him No, not yet. Not until I'm dead and gone is the war over between you and I say from the very moment I was born, shaitan is there and at the very last moment of my life shape on his day, and his day and his oath and his promise to Allah is to show that I will be ungrateful to try and distract me

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and take me away from Allah azza wa jal. And one of the biggest tricks of shaitan is to belittle any good that you do. This is one of the traps and the tricks of shaitan is to belittle any good that you can do. And you find Allahu Akbar and amazing chapter in the Rio de Sala hain about numerous ways of doing

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Good. You see we live in a time now where unfortunately, let's take boxing for instance as a sport.

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You know, everyone likes to think of himself as this heavyweight puncher, this boxer that's going to knock out his opponent with that heavy right hook. And so therefore any other punch other than the right hook, unfortunately even even within ourselves as Muslims we tend to look down upon and this is actually from shaitan is that he is that oh he did? Is that oh you gave Is that all you could do? This is from shaitan the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says in the authentic hadith, never belittle any act of good Don't belittle it Don't let shaitan fool you and convince you that is that it know the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is never believed any

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act of good. If there's any good that you can do, no matter what it is, do it. Allah azza wa jal he says in the Quran, for men Yamal myth Kala Rotom, Hira Yara. Imagine Allah azza wa jal says anyone who does an atom's weight of good What is an atom? how insignificant is an atom to any human being something you can't even see with your own eyes. But Allah azza wa jal says, anyone who does an atom's weight of good he shall verily see it on the Day of Resurrection. So my brothers and sisters, there are numerous ways of doing good.

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Jump on them. Take every single opportunity that you can. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, even meeting your brother with a cheerful face, meeting someone with a smile on your face, that's a sadaqa that's an act of charity. That's, that's that's a means that Allah azza wa jal can reward you with a good anything.

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When life doesn't have to be dramatic, sometimes we think that look, if I can't give $10,000 in charity, well, therefore I shouldn't give any charity whatsoever. Why? How do you know? How do you know by Allah that one good deed, that one good deed could be the difference could be the difference between Jana and Jana? That one good deed, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says that Allah loves the small action that's consistent. Allah loves this more than the large action, but it was a one off.

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Know that consistency, even if it's small, Allah azza wa jal, he loves it. any act of good, do it, don't waste time will love my brothers, this is shaitan at his absolute best when he makes you feel insignificant that whatever good you are going to do that really in the scheme of things, what's it going to really change? No, is it good? Yes, then do it. Do it Don't worry about how, when, where and why and really isn't going to change anything. That's a lost job, your job and my job is that if Allah presents me with a situation with an opportunity where I can contribute something, contribute something. Imagine the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the authentic hadith. He says there

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was a man running in Jannah, a man was running and he was enjoying his paradise.

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And guess what made him into

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he saw that a branch from a tree was coming out, and that it was in the way of the Muslims Yanni it was in the way of the walkway. So the man decided, he said to himself, I can see that this branch has become an inconvenience, it's become a nuisance for the Muslims. So I shall remove it to make things easier for the Muslims. That was the very action that made this man run around in his gender and enjoy his gender for what, what did he do? Well, not in the scheme of things.

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He removed a branch, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, the good and the bad deeds of my own man was presented to me.

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He said, and I found that removing a harmful object from the road was put in the good deeds. Something as little as this abou rider of the L'Atalante who in the authentic narration, you know, he calls upon the Muslim women and he says, oh, Muslim women, or Muslim women don't belittle any act of good.

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Even if it's giving your neighbor, the houfy and imagine the foot of an animal, what value does that have?

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But to give that as a gift to your neighbor, is an act of God.

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And this is Islam, that a believer should be the one who does good wherever he is, no matter what the situation is, no matter what the vibe. If you see an opportunity to do good, jump on it because by a lie, you don't know what may come out of this.

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Think of it as a seed that you planted into the earth. You don't know what's going to come out of it. We do what we do for Allah's pleasure and then we see whatever Allah wants to do with it. And atoms Wait, and atoms Wait, you shall see its reward on the Day of Judgment. You know, the one of the names of the Day of Judgment is, it's called the day of regret.

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Why, why is it the day of regret? Because it is on that day, but of course, then it's too late. It's too late for us to come back. It is on that day we will then realize the weight, the amount,

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the scale the proportion of things that we deemed as insignificant

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to say Subhan Allah when hamdulillah Willa ilaha illa Allah Allahu Akbar words words that are

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they you know, they're very light on the tongue. But you look at your life and you think man, I'm a sinner I have this harm and that harm and I haven't been to the measured in I don't know how long and I can't you know, I mean so much darkness. What's a word going to do for me? Imagine a tree in paradise because of a Subhan Allah, a tree. In the famous Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, Kelly Matan. haffi fatten Allah. Listen, he says, you know there are two words. They're very light, very light on the tongue, meaning that they flow. They flow off the tongue easily. Kelly Matan. Javi fatten Allah Listen, fuckery Latin, but they are heavy, they're mighty,

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they have so much weight.

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In the in the scales of Allah azza wa jal. So the heavy,

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supine Allah will become the sopin Allah loving, so panelo behind the so Pamela Levine, ways of doing good, Allah Don't belittle any opportunity. You know, imagine imagine the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he narrates to us.

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You know, sometimes you think I'm such a sinner, what good can I possibly do?

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A story was narrated that a woman from Banu israa, in who was a prostitute. Imagine this was the woman's occupation, right? The worst of scenes, one of the worst of scenes, things that are unimaginable, right? This woman did this for a living.

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And in this was this was her job that a prostitute was walking

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and that she seen a dog that was thirsty.

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Again, now this is shaitan This is how shaitan works. in the scheme of things really, what is she going to do? And look Subhan Allah Eonni from a Muslims perspective, it's a dog.

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A dog that is nudges.

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You and it's not like one night it was a beautiful, colorful parrot that touched her heart or no, no, no, it was it was

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a stray dog, no owner.

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But this woman, she was able to get to the world, Waterworld and drink and that she seen the thirst in the eyes of this dog and that this dog couldn't get to it. So something moved her in her heart. So she did an act of good. She brought some water to the thirsty dog and she allowed the dog to drink.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that Allah azza wa jal entered her into paradise, because of this one good deed that she did.

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And this is Islam. Don't belittle any act of good. any opportunity you get, jump on it. Anything if it's goodness, be the first one there.

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Don't be fooled. Don't try to be the boxer that only throws the heavyweight punches. The knockout punches. No, there's multiple jabs in between.

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Right and you wait for that moment. You wait for that moment.

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Any good that you can do, in Shall I will end with this one Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his describing the Day of Judgment.

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And, and this is what's amazing.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam speaking about the Day of Judgment,

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the hardest day in all of our lives.

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And he describes

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, Every one of you will stand in front of Allah and speak to Allah directly. And there shall be no interpreter between you and Allah.

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So right away, you, you sense the tone.

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you sense the severity of the Hadith.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he continues on to say, he says, and then you would look to your right.

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And all that you will see is the deeds that you

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You did and then you will look to your left and all you will see are the deeds that you brought forward and then you will look in front of you

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and you shall see jahannam the fire of * burning in front of you. What a description.

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So you think you know

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you think Allahu Akbar How can I save my soul from this?

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, So save your soul from jahannam

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even if it's by giving half a date in charity,

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half a date.

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Imagine now I'm standing I'm going to be speaking to a law I've got john m in front of me I've got my deeds to my right and to my left, and people are scared and people are petrified and this is the scariest day of my life and and this is the moment of no return and now the Prophet is advising me see how shaitan is telling you brother if it's not hard, if it's not a million dollars in charity, if you're not going to give up a limb you know in a no no, no, this is this is shaitan belittling anything that you do is that it is that oh you could do is that or you could say is that or that you could give an imagined your indecision you know the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying so

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save yourself. Save yourself from this calamity from this small sliver.

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Even if by you giving half a seed, half a date in charity.

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This is Islam

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that any good that you do, you will find that on the day of judgment

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and today you are alive.

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You golden opportunity to make the most of it.

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Don't waste my brothers and sisters. Don't waste your time.

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Any goodness, Allah, any animal care anything in anything, no matter how insignificant it seems to you.

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It brings the pleasure of Allah.

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Allah Allah azza wa jal and yafa lil mama Nina well moved me not even human and what? llama salli wa sallim wa barik Allah Muhammad wa ala Ali Mohammed come about Allah Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim Filomena inaka hamidah Majid

Friday Khutbah during Coronavirus

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