Muhammad Alshareef – The Fasting and the Furious

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The speakers discuss the importance of reciting the book of the night and avoiding embarrassment during Marathons. They emphasize the need for fasting, learning from Prophet's teachings, and personal growth. They also provide practical tips for managing behavior and avoiding habit.
AI: Summary ©
Bismillah Alhamdulillah Allah Muhammad Allah subhanho wa Taala serene on a little when I was learning in Cerulean fusina woman Surya, Tiana Nina, Maria de la de la bella mobile Allah woman, you lil fella, * Allah, or shadow en la ilaha illallah wa
Jalla wa shadow Anna Mohammedan. I'm Dora total.
Your brothers and sisters in Islam.
from one of my teachers,
someone who taught me he was in a wheelchair. He said that you wanted to prove to people that you could do something that many others don't do, until he decided to run a marathon, even though he was in a wheelchair.
When you started this marathon, and he completed it, he noticed something very interesting. He said that at the beginning of the marathon, there are many people.
And at the end of the marathon, there are many people.
But in the middle of the marathon, there are very few people.
And in fact, in the middle of the marathon, there will only be one type of person that witnesses
the middle.
They are the participants.
Only the participants witness the middle. So that's not as expected tonight's going to be recorded, and inshallah God is going to be broadcasted into the future inshallah. And as many people do online, they listened to the first few minutes, and then they shut it off. And so if you're planning to shut me off in a few minutes, I would like to give you a little mini lecture in these first few minutes, and inshallah God, I welcome you to stay with me for the rest of the lecture, inshallah. Tada. So now,
I'd like to give you a naziha
give you for free, as the month of Ramadan is coming forward. And as people start to begin this 30 day marathon, that's the high number one is that Allah subhanho data tells us in the Quran, exactly why He created us. People are always asking, Why, what's the purpose of life? What's the purpose of life and Allah subhanaw taala it doesn't look good on on
a lot of time that God says that he only created to mankind and jinn for only one reason, and that is for the better for the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so it behooves the creation of Allah, it behooves you
to practice this and to discipline yourself in the worship of Allah subhanaw taala For indeed you were created and you were made for no other reason than that. Let's see how number two is that a lot, the panel, Darla as the days of Ramadan, come come forward. Or maybe you're not in the mermell bond, maybe you're listening to this later. But a lot of panels Allah gave you another chance, another chance to do so. But to him another chance to pass the normal bond, another chance to pre pedal with another chance to read a call on another chance to get
a signal clean Rahim Allah, he said,
Bye now.
When your market is still open, the stores are still open, and you still have the ability to purchase and worship a less uttanasana because tomorrow will come when the stores will close. You will die, I will die.
The markets will be closed and it doesn't matter. Whatever wealth you leave behind you will benefit you and nothing. So you have this opportunity. Take advantage of it now.
And get in the race with those who are racing. And number three is zycus is the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala everything that Allah put forward is for his remembrance. These are the laws that cast Yeah, you'll always see the verses speaking about the remembrance of Allah Allah just says in the Quran. Yeah, and you have to
go to law has got
lots of ton of data says Hey you, you believer, if you're claiming to have a nine then remember a lot. Remember him they couldn't conceal. When should you remember a lot. Once you you remember him? You should remember him whenever you forget
what's going on.
that's when you should remember lots of panels on I said, I'll be a little horn, speaking about her husband so the lohani was a lot she said turn over to the law. He said the law Harley was the image.
He was always remembering a lot of panels on just like song loop in the people's minds and we surround ourselves with these words are the words that should be looping in our minds, looping on our tongue should be the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala and normal bond is going to give us that opportunity. Number four, is a discourse on Allah subhanaw taala chose to reveal it in Ramadan. Shall Ramadan and live events will appear on on the lesson of night. Allah Subhana Allah says in
rufina illa
because it's such a blessing night, a lot of polygala chose that night through yield on in it. And so this month is the month of Quran. And so a person must open their hearts to the Quran, Allah Subhana Allah says Atlanta
Will they not contemplate the Quran? Will they not think about
mana boo,
boo ha, it's one of two things. Either they're contemplating the Quran or their hearts have locks on it.
And so we open up those locks. Let us enter Roma bond and start contemplating and reciting the book of us the title of Donna. My grandmother Rahim Allah she passed away. She was very old in our late 80s. And she passed away and we went visiting the week after the home of her son.
And I asked my uncle,
as I saw there was a
there's a Quran on the shelf.
I asked him is that her Mazel Tov that her put on
and without him answering, I knew it was her.
And I was so happy for her.
And I wished inshallah tada that if I leave something from the junior, there will be something like this.
Look, hold on. If you know and under law many people are memorizing here, you'll know how much a person has memorized. Look at the Quran, the reading in the pages that they have memorized, are worn. They are dark with the touching of the hands, and they have become inflated and the parts that they haven't memorized, are still fresh and clean, untouched.
And you can tell the person this person has memorized half the Quran, this person memorized a quarter of the price you can tell this person is just starting based on that as hamdulillah when I saw her mcop
the whole thing was puffed up and dark.
And I hoped inshallah I was very happy for and I said to Chela God if I leave the dunion for all of us. This is Ramadan testify that we open the Quran and we made sure that those pages didn't remain untouched. In the month of Ramadan. The brothers and sisters, there's a problem that we're facing in Ramadan, beginning of Ramadan, beginning of the marathon, there are many spectators.
And, and we know this, and at the end of Ramadan, there will be many spectators 27th night of Ramadan, the hutmacher on in the massages are many people at the beginning of the end, what we're dealing with here, the root of the issue is not the beginning. Because hamdulillah there's lots of pressure there to to work hard in the beginning. And the problem isn't the end, because there's a lot of activities in the end, the issue is the middle, I have observed in the massage
something and I call it the five to four ratio, the five to four ratio. When Ramadan starts,
there will be five lines. And then it says I'm talking about like the first day, five lines in the middle of Ramadan, those five lines and when I say middle, I'm talking in some places as soon as the fourth day of Ramadan kicks in, and people start feeling the effects of their fasting and their food. And we'll talk about that. The lines go to two lines. And as I said it's a ratio five lines go to two lines. And as the last 10 nights of Ramadan come in Illa Allah protect us
and grant us you know, forgiveness, the lines go up to four. The reason that I said that is because if you'll notice the last 10 nights of Ramadan, the crowd starts picking up on about the 24th of Ramadan.
And I'd always say to the people around me, I feel so sad. For all the Muslims that would miss out if Laila Qatar was on the 21st of Ramadan. I would feel so sad for them. Because how many people are paying attention on the 21st on the 22nd on the 25th by about the 24th it's like people start waking up Ramadan almost over quickly go to the end line, and let's spectate and see what's going on me I'm not gonna reward everybody inshallah Tada. But what if every Roma bonds are missing it Lila from Qatar? It was on the 21st night.
And so the five to four ratio, we're dealing with the to look to the person on your right, just look at them. Look at the person on your right. Look at the person on your left
in the middle of Ramadan. One of you is not going to be here in the masjid.
And we're just being on one he is not going to be here. If it's not going to be them. It might be you. And that's what you're dealing with the five to four rituals or ratio, Allah pannacotta says knock on door.
Nikita, Gino 14, amin arriba, Deena. This is about how Allah subhanaw taala gave the detail in the book and inherited to it.
Those whom he chose from his servants.
And then a lot of times out, it says that the servants of his these slaves are divided into three types of slave. Ask yourself which slave Are you the mean whom Bonnie Marina
amongst those slaves are those who do learn to themselves. And in the future, it is said that who is it that learn for themselves, it is those people who do not recite the Quran in order to implement the commandments of Allah subhana wa Tada, the minimum volume will lead up to
and then Allah subhanaw taala, just the second group of slaves, woman who
did this word mocked up it is actually interesting. It's a word, sometimes translated as economical.
looked up to
the second group of slaves, or economical, they just do what they have to do. And they don't do anything other than that. They just do what they have to they don't do anything more meaning they read the Koran, perhaps. But they don't share it with anybody else. They don't convey it. And we know many people that we know Allah protect us. That's what they do. They read the Quran, they go from their house, they go to the masjid, and it's not shared with anybody else.
It's kept even though a lot of times I mean, inherited this drawn from our divisions that came before but it like came to the most of the people the slave, and they decided to stop passing on the message. And they're in the middle of a lot kind of on a road for them. They're still doing the phone, but they don't do the noesis they don't do this enough, and they don't race for the good deeds. And then a lot of how to dialysis is a third group, one in homes.
And the third group of slaves are those who are sad, and they're racing to the highlights by the permission of Allah. They're racing to the good deeds. These are the people who learn the C'mon, read the Koran, and convey it and share it with other people. These are the people who do the farm.
And they also do the Noah fill in the Sunnah. And they're always looking for more opportunities to get more a different lesson panels on
what group of slaves are you in, I would assume it's all decided that if you're listening to the lecture, this lecture, this lecture is nothing that's electronic that you included with the third group of slaves
among those who served on the hierarchy a lot, but even if you're in that third group, you still got to deal with a five to four ratio.
And this is how we deal with it.
In the UK, there's this, there's this thing if you go on the tube in the UK, which is the subway, there's the statement that says Mind the Gap. And anybody that comes from outside of England has no idea what that means.
You guys don't mind the gap. Mind the Gap. Again, if you visit me again, you don't know what it means you don't know what it means Mind the Gap, Mind the Gap until you are stepping out from the subway and you fall in between your trip in between the subway and the platform and then you realize, Oh, that's the gap they're talking about. And they're telling you to mind it. Pay attention. This a tip is coming. That's what they're saying. Mind the Gap. Now in everything that happens in life, almost everything except the things that we love to do. There is a gap
If you start at a gym, you'll find that as soon as you start, you're very excited in the beginning, and then you did you stop going to the gym. If there's a new you start memorizing Quran, and everything is all exciting and stuff like that, and you're very happy, then you dip. And I thought that this was so brilliant, let's figure this out. I said the panel is so amazing and relevant. It's so amazing. This pattern of dipping after starting is a human condition, Muslim and non Muslim, that when we start thinking as humans, we did soon after that, and the normal bond is not an exception, we start a normal bond very excited and motivated. And then we did if you can solve this in Roma
bond, consciously solve it, you will have a template of how to solve it in every aspect of your life. We say that again. And this is what's so amazing. Ramadan is so brilliant, not so much about us alone. What if we have the tip if that happens, if you can solve the Ramadan dip, the five to four ratio, if you can solve that when it gets to two, then you will have a template of how did you do it, you can implement that inshallah data in every aspect of your life, all throughout the month of Ramadan, and I have a good news for you. inshallah, Tada. That's what we're dealing with tonight. That's the issue that we're dealing with. We're talking about the gap.
The prophets of Allah how to send them said, Sumo professional. He said, SAS and you will become healthy. I once went to this place where I was doing was like a health workshop. It was one week long. And it was health workshop, we were factoring. In the the organizer was saying great people of the past have fasted people like Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In other words, they took it from us, and they're trying to implement it, but they had a different way of fasting. Their fasting was liquid only. So I went seven days liquid only, no solid foods. What happened in these, in this seven days with something very interesting, they had described to us what's going to happen to your
body, and your emotions and your hormones and all of that stuff. I saw it on paper, and then I lived it.
This is what happens.
When you start faxing.
The body basically gets a break all throughout the year, we inject poison into our body poison such as coffee, poison, such as pond poison, such as
what have you got biryani? Basically it is include everything that you do in your life, except for on right. So we inject poisons from the cars, we inject poisons from you know things in our life, that stress, it's all poison that gets piled up, if someone smoke has a huge poison that goes into their body, all this poison comes up into their body. And the body basically has to be a can deal with this. Because we're always the next meal is coming up. And the next poison is coming up stuffing ourselves with food and so on. Ramadan comes along or when a person says fasting, the body gets the chance to cleanse
until the first thing that it will do it will do everything it can can get to the panel, and then they'll handle other love give you a body like it doesn't get angry at you and just say, you know, I'm sad it with you, the body starts cleansing a person, let's look at a person who smokes. If they smoke, when Ramadan starts, they will immediately get a headache
because they've been poisoned, you will immediately get a headache. The first days, you know, the headache starts kicking in the poison is actually trying to come out.
And if you get a headache and you're thinking but I don't smoke, it could be the oil that's in the food, it could be the poisons of the coffees that are being drunk, or any of the you know, basically our lifestyle is very acidic as they say. But now if you give the body a chance, the body will start to make you more sick. Even a chance. It's not a bad thing that's making you sick. If you're 11 months before I'm abundant or making you sick, and the body's trying to cleanse, it's actually a six day cycle. If you do it properly. If you do it properly, the body will start so you'll start to get headaches. You'll start to get pimples. You might be in the middle of Ramadan fasting day and you're
going school. Do you like where does that come from? I'm fasting. That's been like from last month.
It's been sitting there, right? Okay, maybe not last one. It is a little too far. It's just cleansing. Okay, if you give the body a chance, have mercy on the body, it'll cleanse, you'll start to get a headache. You'll start to get acne and pimples as it's trying to come out of your body. And then by about the third day it's going to get really bad
After it's taken care of the lights up now feeling, you'll start to spin, your head will start to spin. And it basically starts twisting and turning. But then maybe about the fourth day 15 it's different for different people before, you'll actually have like an easy fog. And if you've been in Ramadan days, you kind of feel like disoriented, right, by about the fourth and fifth day, the fog starts to lift. And then by about the sixth day, if it's done properly, and people have different bodies and so on, you might actually come out stronger than when you started by the sixth day.
And here's the problem though. That's how the body will work in fasting. What does the Muslim do in Ramadan time?
them in home volume, loneliness.
So, here's what happened. Usually, it's like Ramadan is coming. The month of Food Festival.
I didn't hear that translation for Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of feeding, not eating.
There's a difference. You can feed people and give, go open, you know, go to shelters, your poor people, it's Ramadan, we will feed you.
But it's not the month of eating. So if the body is detoxifying, and it's cleansing, then the person comes along, and it's our time and slams down all the voids. And it's the first day of Ramadan, bring it down, bring it down, bring it down, bring it down. And then that's before mother prayer. That was that was a full meal.
And now they pray moment of and then they're like, then we'll go eat.
And then the food goes, their food goes and I hear there's a lot of fog here. And some of you are leading how do we create something interesting about the person who's leading the title, we I lead the total weight when I see that type of eating, I know that it is impossible to lead with that much food in your stomach. It's impossible. You can't you will actually your head will start spinning. You'll maybe get like you know heatstroke or something like that and you'll fall down you can't breathe. And then when I see people eating foods like that, I'm thinking to myself, there's no way you're going to make it for total. Yeah. And that's exactly what happens. What's taking in the five
to four, what's making the two. And taking so many people away from the message is this overeating that happens in Ramadan. Some person I read up with like a Diet book. And he says, look, dieting doesn't work. Look at the Muslims in Ramadan. When Ramadan time comes along, they gain weight.
And that was very sad that this is the case that people start feel the starvation is this they're never going to eat food again. And you know, the sixth day where the person comes out and they become stronger for the person who floods their body emergency flooding. And it's our and it's their horror. And most people usually if you're in the shoe category in the middle, you'll pick up the phone as well. Because you're eating so much in the evening. You're too tired to get up in the morning and the prostitute A lot has been said that the huddle, the inefficient, od Baraka, he said half the hook because intellicode is Buttercup, the person who's stuffing themselves in the evening,
wake up for support, and they've missed out on that Baraka. And so the person goes into the two because they're exhausted after 60 days, they're not stronger, they're actually weaker. And in the middle of Roma bonds are weaker Still, if you look at the profits of a licensed mineral bond the last 10 nights, he intensifies is very bad. It doesn't get slower, it gets faster and you worship more as the month of Ramadan goes by meaning that the energy is starting to spike. If a person sat properly inshallah Donna
did a quick suggestion that I'd like to give you you might have seen infomercials for this. There's some I guess Chinese guys called ab You're familiar with this. I know you're familiar with
av if you go to the website, you've got a detox program to clean cleanse your colon cleanse the inside, especially with fasting you want to give your body the chance and support it in cleansing you so if you you don't have to purchase it online I think if you go to the mall As Seen On TV type of stores and go by the the detox it's called Aftermath calm that's the prison papers I need to herbal teas and stuff like that in order to cleanse and inshallah tada that'll acent your energy level by about the middle dip of Ramadan, you'll actually be stronger, you'll feel more energy unlike energy you've ever seen before and solid data and you can think a lot
about it for giving us from a bone bank, the fast thing that allows pannacotta gave and then big draw for me and so on.
go on. Yeah, Johan Levine.
And then go to Ghana.
Ghana patina on an arena me
Hey believer Are you person who's claiming to be a believer?
Who shivalik Muslim. I made that thing for you.
As I made it on those who came before you
and you're wondering, why did you make it public? Let's kind of Allah says
the perhaps more so that you will have Taqwa. Now this word taqwa has been translated into the English. It's a term that we often misunderstand words like God consciousness. God fearing righteousness, those English words, they don't carry too much carry too much meaning and a lot of people are confused about about it. So I wanted to give you this explanation of tough What is my own analogy that I find to be very beneficial for myself, and it's all about us. I think you'll find it very beneficial. Imagine yourself you passed in the mall.
And you were kind of shady, you're like a Muslim and stuff like that looks shady. You're wondering if anybody's staring at you. looking around at the faces of people, you're frowning at them. You're wondering if they're staring and nobody's staring at you. But then all of a sudden you look up and there's a camera
that is pointed at you. You hadn't noticed it before. You just now became conscious of it. As they say smile.
You're on camera. So you look at the camera. Was the camera looking at you when you were not conscious of it? Was it looking at you? Yes. The only difference is that now you become conscious of it and ATM machines for example. The cam here like punching your you're wondering, Well, you know nobody's here and stuff like that. And then you see the cameras right in your face staring at it zooming and even like, you know, it's got your picture. You go in a taxicab, you're not noticing it. They've taken your picture in the taxicab. Everywhere you go. CCTV cameras everywhere at all times. You're being recorded and documented. You just unconscious of it.
To become conscious of the cameras. It's taqwa
consciousness. You're actually conscious that the cameras watching you, but the learning methods that work I find the best English translation to be thought consciousness where a person is conscious that unless the Pentagon is watching them, and so when Allah subhanaw taala is when they're conscious of it, and they have that taqwa of Allah. Allah will do what Allah Allah commands and stay away from what Allah Subhana Allah forbid, if something really amazing about taxing on Ramadan. And that is Ramadan is specially is a training ground for taqwa. Especially because you can pray if you don't pray, someone will see that you didn't bring or you didn't go for high fever like
a you know you need to go for hygiene socks, but when it comes to CF fasting, you could take you could break your fat at some point during the day and no one would ever know that you didn't pass the prophets that Alon is an unsaid. And I do see that a lot of times Allah does kulu ama live nasm Allah who feel the phone,
every action of the Sun of the atom is for him except fasting. The inner Julio vv, Allah
says that rarely fasting is for me.
And I will be the reward for that person.
in Ramadan, we're talking about a tip. Now that's just in that analogy. But what specifically is going to do I have these five things? Five, very bad, the focus is that kind of like get emphasized in Ramadan. And so we want to define for it, what is it that we're dealing with, and out of these five, there's actually two of them that are most specifically if the dip is going to happen. The dip is going to happen in these two things. Number one, so out of the three bad debts that are emphasized normally, of course, fasting is emphasized VM
and so as we said it trains for the profits of a lot. It's Adam said that in the hereafter there's a door called Allah yen. And the word euro yen is $1 for dollar yen, it's specified for the passing for people, only those who used to pass needed their characteristic will enter from the door of my dad arrived, he needs to have your thirst quenched.
And it's the feeling that the person who holds back from drinking water and moistening their mouth during the month of Ramadan and in fact the making it their habit that a lot the panel data made a door a paradise called finish all the data they will enter from
Did you point though that we want to emphasize where the dip is, because the thing about fasting is that sometimes people who are they don't even pray, they still fasting Ramadan, if you look in Muslim countries, like everybody passes, like a big celebration hamdulillah and people are fasting and hamdulillah now that I was one of the reasons that's the case, the shell team are tied up in Ramadan, they're chained up in Ramadan, hamdulillah a lot of good comes from fasting. So fasting inshallah Gada, I don't think will be the problem. If you got a problem with fasting, you got to be profitable, or not dealing with that here, have the other two issues know that that where the dip
comes in come from pm, and put on the AMA lane, which is totally throwing that away, and their citation of the Quran. And that is for those people who are seeking those extra rewards trying to move forward and benefit from, you know, all aspects of Ramadan. These are the two issues that you need to focus on pm and go on. So with regards to pm, one of the beautiful pm meaning tunnel, we're what pm means to stand up. One of the beautiful things about tunnel wishes that it trains a person to have for sure, for sure, for sure, is to concentrate in prayer and have that focus. Now.
When it happens, many people don't understand what the Imam is reciting. Sometimes even the Imam doesn't know what he's reciting.
And today we have Hamza, and they stand for hours and hours and hours all throughout the Ramadan. And they're training themselves to pay attention, and they don't understand what's being recited. But they're still paying. What if you decided to learn what you're reciting? Would that increase in the pressure? He would increase it but the base up for sure. How do you pay attention for those long periods of time is being intensified and trained throughout those those days of Ramadan as a person comes for them? Even Okay, Massimo long said, there are two times that a person stands in front of their Lord, the first time is when the slave is praying in the dunya. And the second time is in the
hereafter. He says about him, I like that whoever takes care of the standing in this dungeon and there's the law, the second standing will be made easy, it will fill the heart of their salon and whoever neglects and lets go of their standing in front of a lot in this dunya they're standing in front of a lot in the hereafter will be made very difficult. And so we take care for our Philips and again in normal downtime, there's a lot of focus on petal width. But if you come from mother prayer, you'll notice that just a few people in the messages come across the prayer and everybody's sleeping comfort or less. And that's
that's a form of prayer. There are a lot of there's so much focus on the federal level. And that's beautiful and that's amazing. But one of the biggest lessons that you're going to learn from the Federal Reserve is if you can stand for an hour or two hours
then the solar the five daily prayers during Ramadan after Ramadan is something very easy. I'll come to the end so trains this app for sure. how slow are they allowed Alanna there was an issue with hospital the line and the profit put a lot into them. With the marriage issue. Some you may have learned about it. You realize that I'm King to the profits that a lot incentive is authentic hygiene. And he told her she told him put a lot of time to forgive hopslam this is not a sentence. He said last year I bring her back that in for one song kawana did you realize that I'm said that about half a lot of Ilana. He said that if that hopper is so Juana that she frequently
called Juana that she's frequently standing in the worship of Allah soprano, Asana, and she was protected because of those things. They had been suggested to her and I were looking at how the wives of the Prophet said a lot is how they dealt the prospect um, came into the like the masjid and he saw
a rope and he said, What's that rope? And they said, this rope is Virgina, Xena vintage villarica when she prays, if she feels tired, she will hold the rope so she can stay and continue praying to Allah Subhana Allah
and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said take the rope down and that a person doesn't push themselves to that level of a Mazza. If a person is tired, let them rest and then inshallah Tada. They have the strength to stand up.
So that's with regard to the preamps with regard to Quran
if these are the
the What about the understanding and the guidance of Allah sent down this Quran so that
We would contemplate it, sent it down so that we could live by the Quran and it would give us life. And so we need to understand it. That's our instruction. So the prophets of Allah harden us in the Quran, Allah Subhana Allah says 110, mikako annina, Shiva
move meaning a lot of ton of data sets and we send out from this for odd that which is shifa, it is a healing mechanism of meaning, and it's the mercy for the believers. And so in our lives, there's so much stress, we've been talking about poisons of food and the air and stuff like that. But what about the stress from inside the stress in our minds, the poisons in our minds, the coupon is there, to detoxify that and a person needs to
focus and pay attention to upon so that they can get that internal detoxification as well by learning the words of a left panel azada you know, Malik Rahim, Allah was very famous for having more plamen Malik is, you know, when Ramadan would come along, you know, Malik would close the Hadith books. And he would focus entirely on the book of Allah subhana wa, Tada. It's also mentioned that agility, especially mobile, also, this was the case that they focus on heavy all throughout the year, but when normal Valentine would come along, they close the book, there's books of it, and they would focus on the book of Allah subhanho wa, Donna.
In other things, the focus so we've been talking about fasting, we're talking about pm I'm talking about folks have gone to other things that I'm not going to go into detail about, but should you pay attention to them our protocol, protocol is charity, and Ramadan is the month of charity, it's sort of the the province that Alon is kind of encouraged us, whoever feeds a fasting person has the reward of that fasting person without diminishing from the reward. So how can you have so much reward by you can get it by cleaning fasting people, and here's a tip, you don't necessarily have to have the feeding take place at your house. Because sometimes that can distract people from the
brayer if you live far away, and you spent the whole day making this big buffet and stuff like that, and everybody stops themselves, they're not going to print them and you're not going to print them and probably there was so much food you might miss the food. So what's the alternative? How can you still get the reward from Allah data? And this How about feeding people at the messages? Okay, feeding people at the message have your gift czar party at the messages so that as people come to the message and you know even if someone else is having an affair or you come with your pockets full with goodies that you can also benefit from the ward is all about us bring some milk, pour some milk
for people you're bringing the data from delivers lots of data. So if you want to get people distracted with something else, you know, you bring your milk everybody will drink your milk, inshallah tada Sophia starts happening in the masjid. And it's something something modest. You'll find the people eat it and telecom maybe relax and now they have now they know where the message is.
And you can get them
in the five to four, do your Guevara's a message especially in the middle inshallah Tada, and you got them in the messages. Now there's a question that comes up person might ask, Well, I don't know Arabic. And I'm going to be going for tunnel width. And I don't understand what's happening. I'm just there in the prayer understanding what can I do if I don't know Arabic? So here are some tips for those who don't know Arabic but still want to benefit from the Federal Way inshallah Tada. Number one is read the translation of what the man is going to recite before the federal way of making like your daily habits. So for example, you get a slow reciter someone like today fee or
someone like that they were sending slowly out to the bosses. And I slowly citation so you can follow along in your translation, as you're reading in the translation is, again, this for people who don't understand Arabic, you're starting to realize, Oh, this is what the Imam is going to be reciting tonight. And this is another verse, oh, I've never seen this. In fact, when I was leading the way in my early days, this is how I would do revision of the of the sutras was to listen in Arabic, and then read a translation to see so that I get familiar with what I'm reciting in the prayer so that it becomes more solid while I'm leading the prayer. Okay, so reading through
translation. Another thing that you want to
do is even if you struggle with the words, Soviet struggle, that's the key word struggle and do it. Because if you're struggling, you'll get the reward for your struggle and who knows perfect Arabic, except that they went through a time when they struggled. If you look at our language whenever I hear, like, urge you, for example, and I'm not Bugs Bunny, and I don't speak Urdu, but I interested people are talking
For example, there's a term in urgent called governor desk.
It sounds like somebody slipping, something's never done. And so I always hear people things over and over just
so I would you know, if I'm going to hear it a lot, I'd like to know, what are they talking about? What is the burden? I'm not asking I already know.
So now the question is if that needs whispers, you know, what about you with the book of Allah? subhanaw taala? Why can't you hear an ayah? And I asked and find out what does that word mean? I hear that word being repeated. It's like Jenna, what is gender mean? And Allah Hassan explains it in the Quran. And you can ask him find out struggle, and inshallah Tada, the fruits of your struggle be yours. You want to contemplate what you understand, just because you understood something doesn't mean like, Oh, that's what that's what it means. And then you move on, you actually want to contemplate it. So reflect on it again, and again. And again, the same verse, you could be reciting
again and again and again, understanding what God is saying. And now here's the thing for the person who finds themselves in cuddle with the don't understand with humanity. And cutaway prayer is going along. And they're like, what do I do now, I want you to imagine yourself standing in front of a panel with data. Imagine yourself standing in front of a lot of data, your head will go down, you look down at you said the place and a lot of Hamilton is talking to you.
And you just remember that you don't understand what it is kind of out of thing.
A lot of has guidance and the guidance is there. But you don't understand what it is. As I was saying, if there's something to cry for, I would say that's about as good as it gets. You don't understand what the left hand side is telling.
You can just sit there and cry and cry and I hope inshallah tada that it is sincere tears, because sincere tears will lead you to learning the words of Allah subhanaw taala. inshallah, there was a mad one when the Muslim army had gone to a sham, the army of armor blocks or the alarm. And this army was being led by
how did it not sorry, for the lockdown on being led there. So the the present in the Roman leaders, they were very knowledgeable of the Scriptures. They are very knowledgeable and wise people. And so what this person did this, this king, he's actually has it he has a name very similar to
It's cooked up. That's how you pronounce it in Arabic. That one of our arbic teachers saying when you translate your needs to Arabic, it sounds so good. I'll cook color, but it might be the cobbler.
Okay, so he sent a person on earth by he sent an Arab spy, to go amongst the Muslims. And to find out who these people are, that have come their armies to this Arab Arabic fight. He goes in amongst the Muslims. And he comes back with the news to the king, he says, and this actually made the king very, very disturbed, and made him very fearful. And he said that they're going to take over this land. But here's the description. He said, How did you find them? He said, I found them. Well done on belaid. For example, when
he said I found the Muslims to be monks
in the evening, but warriors in the morning, it segments from them delayed for several minutes. It's a very famous statement and a lot of Muslims quoted.
But I found it very interesting because I looked this up and I found the continuation of what you said there's more to it
than that person told the king video they are from venom delayed three after ourselves, you know, this is apply to us. No, not necessarily.
But he continued, and he said he that Sarika hypno, Maliki him are weird. He said, If the son of their king feels they will cut his hand off what either done or GMO. And if the son of the king commit Zina and fornication, they will stone him and they will lash him.
And then that resenting leader said, if they have that type of justice, then they will conquer. If they have that type of Court of Justice, I want you to get that keyword there, then nobody can stop them. Now the word justice, I want to bring you to a fact that holds people back and affects them in normal bond and it's a very painful issue, which causes the dip and cause the person to not fully get the full reward from from a bond and that is those who cut off their brothers in
It's not an cut off for sisters in itself. They're not speaking to this person, and they're not speaking to that person, if they come to the messages, they don't want to pray beside this person, because they haven't been saying the lamb for a long time. So I'll just pray on my corner, and you will pray over there.
That is how long it is a major sin. And there's a hadith in which the prophets have a lot of them said, then everybody's forgiven on Mondays and Thursdays, except people who do this vision, their forgiveness doesn't come to them. For those people, it is said, wait until they make up with one another.
And the province of a lot. So instead of both those two people are talking about three days, after three days, there's no right to cut somebody off. After three days, the effects and the poison start going into your heart and mind. So you're wondering, how come I can't focus in my prayer, I wouldn't tell you go to a pawn class, I would tell you go forgive your brother.
And when you forgive them, you might come to settle with a client.
And that was really the root issue.
Because here's the interesting thing is that we don't go in the dip for things that we love. You love to play video games, some of our young brothers here, they love to play video games. Do they need motivation? Do they chastise themselves when they keep a video game play? No, they're always playing. Some people like to watch television. It doesn't even take any thoughts. So watch TV. I know what it is for the sisters. Maybe they like to chat on MSN and on the computer and stuff like that. But nobody needs to motivate them and they don't go into any depth. We don't need motivation for things that we love. So the question is, what's holding you back from loving the Quran? what's
holding you back from loving tuttavia? what's holding you back from loving Allah subhanaw taala.
There was a journalist in Ottawa, and he was writing an article about Muslims in Ramadan.
And so he came for kind of an afterthought away and he's like, well, this is a long prayer. They said,
they said, come back after three hours, we're gonna pray for the end. He's like, Oh, you just finished praying. They're like, What? Come back, we're praying again. They came back 4pm or later, like two o'clock in the morning, these people, let's just pull the emulator. And then he's like, Well, that was a long prayer. And then they said, come back for federal prayer.
He's like, you guys are gonna pray again. He's like, Yeah, but your brain is like in an hour, we're gonna ask to her and then we're gonna pray again.
And he's just a little phrase like this.
And then hamdulillah Muslims are there. That's your venom delayed mela, on Asana makers from throughout the year that we've made this amongst those who pray family is actually something interesting, something that I noted and
you know, if you fast Ramadan
and then you maybe I shouldn't tell you that one. Let's move along. You want to know? Okay, I'll tell you how often So
have you ever like had like an iPod or your cell phone, and you plugged it in, and then you just said La la la la la, I'll come back, it'll be charged lalala I don't really have to focus in Ramadan, it's charged, it's charging. Because it's Ramadan, you just automatically going to be recharged. And then you find yourself when you go to your cell phone, that something slipped. And it wasn't actually plugged into Ramadan.
And then you find yourself that it was a little in the beginning. And now you have to go quickly. So you try plugging it in in the end like 27 nine in the Ramadan and stuff like that. You try plugging it in the end, but you actually find that the energy that you get is very small. So lasts you for a little bit, you're able to make one phone call two phone calls,
but then the charges out.
Now you're stuck with another 10 months before the next Ramadan. You want to be careful. Are you really plugged into Ramadan? And are you really recharging? And so inshallah tada I'm going to give you some practical tips. Very practical, very specific on how to charge yourself and make sure that you're plugged into Ramadan, all throughout Ramadan. And these three tips Actually, these tips they're going to be based on three major issues Number Number one is are you plugged into Ramadan with regard to your time The second issue is going to be related to are you plugged into Ramadan with regard to your health
and the third issue is going to be probably the most important issue but these other two lead to it is are you plugged into Ramadan with regards to your email?
Okay, so the first thing with regards to time are you plugged into trauma bond with regards to your time as you go into the dip in normal bond as the you know, first few days have passed and initially
segment is as past, now you're in the dip. Here's something that I tell people this is when I do life coaching, when a person is a time of intense motivation, I would say that don't truck think that you will have willpower to get through the upcoming days. Because your willpower is not going to work. If you just try forcing yourself, it's not going to work. When you have the motivation. You need to automate whatever you're going to do, automated. So if you have motivation to start saving money, and you pay every month, I'm going to put money aside, what you do is you set up an automatic withdrawal that takes your money and puts it somewhere safer, where you don't have access to it. If
you're talking about your health, you say I want to lose weight. When you have that motivation. You sign up with a personal trainer who schedules exercise six months into the future, so that you're paying for it. And now you're there. Now what about Ramadan time, I thought to myself, how can you automate your motivation throughout Ramadan, I thought there is one technique that is like the master of techniques and that is use your mom.
Use your mummy your mum.
This might not be the case with everybody, then everybody has a mom that wakes up with her and makes her home for everybody. And for example, little gela daughters, it's not everybody like that, but I'm assuming that inshallah Tada, most of you are like that, that your mom really is like she's always there. She's motivated. Yeah, how many people have moms like that from the brother town as well, mom. Okay, so we're looking about maybe 70% have moms like that come to LA, even if your mom's in another country, or in another city, you can still tell her that you know what, I need some automation here, I need you to like call me and like, needs to hear from me and stuff like that.
Okay, so tell your mom that you're going to become my Ramadan, buddy. You're going to become my Ramadan buddy. And together, we're going to make sure that we wake up for support. And together, we're going to go for a title, we're, when I was younger, my father used to take me for total wit, like every day, and then every day. And if it was up to me, I would not go. If it was up to me, I go playing outside basketball or something like that. But I'm delighted to have parents like that, that are always going, they're always motivated, then take full advantage of it, buy them gifts, they did not go off and it'll motivate them. And they will keep you know, pushing it in solid products.
Another way to automate a normal bond like, for example, is prepare your support. You know, when you should actually prepare yourself, prepare it before you go for total week. So that when you come back from petroleum, you can just go to sleep, you don't have to wait time everything's already ready. You have your toothbrush ready, everything's ready to go pajamas like on your chair, everything has been prepared. So when you come back from Columbia, you don't have to wait one hour before you sleep, everything's ready to go. But I would say put a bowl of like fruit by your bed, or you know, just maybe like a granola bar or something like that, or a glass of water. So that when
your alarm clock goes off in the morning, or your mom's waking you up, you can just roll over and just drink it. So at least something's going into your body. You don't have to like get up and make breakfast or all of that stuff. Your cell phone is ready for you has been automated in that way. Another way to automate it is plan your meal plans in advance what are you going to be eating a normal lon prepare that in advance and actually get the meals like flash freeze them or something like that. So you can just you know, zap it in the microwave, have your, your extra and then you can go and you know, rep half an hour before title we didn't go for title we did you just keep focusing
like that to show that not everything will be automated. Do your shopping and buy your stuff. Now. Buy your stuff and do your shopping now. So your groceries for Ramadan, get them all from now, the stuff that you're going to have for each prayer on eBay, you're going to find like a new new clothing or something like that. nothing stopping you from getting it now so that in the last 10 nights of Ramadan, you're not spending those nights in the shopping mall. Right? It's like Laila to the culture could possibly be tonight you're at the gap.
Like you got a lot that this there's no preparation there, prepare it in advance, so you don't have to focus on these things.
Also, you want to what if someone invites you for an absorb? What if someone invites you for a start? Should you say no to them? If it was me, I would say no. And the reason that I would say no is that it distracts from the tidal wave. Because in Ramadan time, if you go to someone that thought they're an hour away from the message you go that you're not brain kind of weird. It's like are you going to do this? How do we how are you going to go for some of the thoughts and so if we can start creating more like a habit, let's bring the thoughts the massages so that people can be near them.
tested. And if you are going to do an go to someone's house, do it sparingly varyingly so that inshallah Allah you know, like a little bar party here for our party, maybe a big one that everybody can come together and then increase this habit just let's focus more on our a rather than necessarily just having like a third party. I know some people might have issues with that.
booked time off for the cast as well. So yes, the cast gonna come along, they'll come in the last few nights of Ramadan, and on the 23rd, where you've already missed like, two, three days last night and say, Hey, I have worked to go to stuff like that. Put that time off in advance your vacation days, put them in the last two nights of Ramadan, and do it to cap the Pentagon, oh, bless you so much for that.
in Ramadan time, people when they look at Ramadan, this is with regard to time, they think I want to read the Quran for the whole Ramadan. And I want to, you know, get set up for the whole Ramadan, and I want to
read and the translation of the Quran, all of Ramadan. And what happens is that when we get into that dip, they think I messed up the whole thing
I wanted to do for the whole Ramadan. Now I messed up one day, she comes on even out of not out whispering but you still got whispers going through your head saying, There's no point, I'm not going to finish my goal. Let me just give up. Here's the thing, this is my tip for you divide Ramadan into five day blocks for days where you do something intense. And then the fifth day you celebrate it and you don't have to do it anymore. So for example, you say I want to review what the Anam is reciting, don't tell yourself, you're going to do it for the whole Ramadan, tell yourself, I'm going to do it for four days. If I find benefit hamdulillah and I find I have the time for it.
I'll continue maybe, but I'm just going to do it for four days, you can give yourself a break. Firstly, it's going to be nice. Second day, you will dip but you still do it because you're like, well, I only got two days left. And then you do third day now you're trying to get motivation for it. On the fifth day, there's an important psychological thing that will happen where you say to yourself, I give you permission or body to take a rest today.
And then the body will say no, but I want to learn more. You're like, Okay, let's go. Let's learn some more fun. And then make another goal. Here's another five days, and you do it for days doing the work. 50 break 40 doing the work, it's a great if you're doing an F car party, for example, you would like that. Four days, you're like focus on the total week, maybe the fifth day, you know, go for a start, it's okay. Give yourself a break. And that interval training, you know, four days like this one day did four days in Ramadan will be divided into six parts, six parts, and inshallah Tada, once the last tonight. Again, you shouldn't have a problem with it. When the beginning parts of
Ramadan starts you shouldn't have a problem with it. It'll be in the middle where you need to implement something like that. All right, how are you guys doing? You're doing all right.
Second thing is your energy. Your health? What can a non Muslim retiree teach you about how to get a professor every single day?
What can you teach? There's a in our, when I was living in the US, there was a man who every time we'd come out for for federal prayer, there's this old man standing standing basically with like suit drift clothing, and he's smoking.
The smoking.
And it looks it's like four o'clock in the morning.
It looks this was in the afternoon, there wouldn't be a big deal. But it's four o'clock in the morning. He's in full suits, smoking a cigarette outside in the dark. So if it happens once not a big deal. This guy's always outside. He's always there. So somebody asked him Dude, why are you awake? Because only Muslims are supposed to be awake at this time.
He said, I used to be in the army.
And we always were trained to wake up before like at dawn. And he said with all those years of being in the army, I find that I can't break the habit now. So he gets up and he has nothing to do except smoke a cigarette. But there's something happening here. And it's something that I'm going to tell you about it. And you might not know the term but you know the effect of it. It's called circadian rhythms. circadian rhythm. dm means de circum in circulation circadian rhythm, which means that in a 24 hour cycle your body becomes accustomed to when you should have energy. As we all know, for example, like sometimes women's are not the best in the morning.
But after that they're okay.
There's no agreement.
They're like I don't do morning.
Their circadian rhythm has hit you know, at 11 they'll be fine. 11 in the morning, not 730
Okay, that's
okay moods, moods also have times of the day, you know, when you're energetic, you know, when you lack like energy energy. Also, when you sleep, have you ever noticed that you wake up at the same time every day. And then when you forget to turn the alarm on, you'll actually wake up at that same time, right? So like your alarm, for example, goes off 430 in the morning, 430 every day, you're doing like that. And then you find yourself. If you slept properly and didn't eat a big meal the night before, your eyes will like open at 429 your body has a rhythm that's going along. Now Ramadan comes along, and your rhythm is messed up.
And at the same time, it's being strengthened, you can benefit from this, if every night of Ramadan, you go to sleep at the same time and wake up at the same time. If you do that, your body will get into a rhythm where it will become like second nature to you, you will have no difficulty going to sleep, you'll have no difficulty waking up, inshallah. And then also with the fasting itself, it's starting to change your rhythm so that your rhythm becomes stronger to someone who fat and fat properly, they won't have difficulty going into different time zones, they're more healthier, and they're in control of their rhythm, their sleep cycles and so on, they actually get stronger. So
basically, the point is this, that if it's going to come to your food, or come to your sleep patterns, make sure that you're doing the same thing every day. So that a rhythm is happening, inshallah.
With regard to stuffing yourself, versus stuffing yourself, for stuffing oneself,
if you come in Ramadan time, and someone's invited you for a star, you can accept like the star, but it doesn't mean that you need to eat everything, all the foods that they prepare. You want to eat, for example, on a plate, that is like a T saucer, t saucer. That should be your serving plate.
And you say put, that's not enough food, it's okay, go get some more. You want more food, it's okay. But eating those portions, what you'll find it after you take a portion like that, you find that you're not actually hungry anymore. And it's too much effort to get up and eat some more you might actually stop from that. But if you're hungry this minute, go ahead and take another one. In a plate like this. What you find is that people might not be used to you eating less like that, even though your folder does not use it to eat a lot of meals. There's this thing where people say we don't want to waste food. children in Africa are starving. How many people heard that one before?
There are children starving and other places other than average, children in Africa are starving. I asked you this question. How is stuffing yourself going to help children in Africa? How does that work? doesn't help. Now Someone may say, but we should be thankful.
I think that thankfulness comes from giving further, would you agree? thankfulness is not stuffing ourselves, the province that Alon is that has given them a local unit, you're given a soldier. He said it is enough for the son of Adam, a few morsel of bread so that his back can be stripped. So if you find yourself with a big plate of rice and all this extra food and three or four chickens just waiting for you to consume them, and you said yourself but I want to be thankful to Allah subhana wa Tada, what should I do? You are faced with one of two
I would say Mancha
one of humankind's one of them is wasting the food that is a mantra we agree. The second monka is stuffing yourself.
Because that's against the signal that a person sets themselves. Now, if you're faced with both of these things, which will you choose to waste the food or to stop yourself? A lot of times people make the choice they say let me stuff myself even though I'm not hungry. I would say let let the pain of throwing the food out. remind you that tomorrow take less food
or give it to the birds or give it somewhere else. forgive others and focus on it. But don't make your stomach a rubbish bin. Don't make it a trash bin where you just start stuffing all the excess food you just dump it down into your into your stomach don't make that as we said before. If you do that, you're probably going to get messed up. Your fasting is going to get messed up all throughout Ramadan, you will become a spectator and you will not become a participant with regards to a man now.
I would like to do an activity with you would you like to do an activity
Okay, so this is the activity. Basically what happens in normal lawn is,
in general, this is we're going to do like a job setting, not goal setting. setting, a lot of times are the same draws that we've been making for a very long time. And we haven't really focused on the power of what the stock can do for you. So very, very into stand up, don't make noise, just stand up to just zip it up
and apart.
Alright, so I want you to imagine, I want you to imagine that a loved one and wants to get you know, thankful to Allah out, put a smile on your face, that doesn't allow gave you the opportunity to smile. And now think that a lot of how God is giving you, you will give you anything that you want. This is not your ability. This is a lot about his ability. And you're only allowed to get one thing from the dunya. And one thing from the app.
The question that I asked you know, wants to think about it, what would be the things that you asked for? You can ask for two things. One from the dunya and one from the alpha. What would the afternoon one be?
So you don't have to sit on a large device, you're not influencing other people. Okay.
So what would you ask from the app? Hello?
Okay, and it's a mutagen? How about Genesis?
How about being with the prophets analyzing them in Genesis?
Okay, now from the junior what would you ask for Now this could be something materialistic could be something maybe someone wants to get married someone wants children or something like that someone wants like a nice big fat house. Nice car whatever it is something from the junior something from the
kid you got it?
all right. So now you got a lot of thought it teaches and they'll put on that he loves us to say about it Tina Fey Jr. has done a walk in fear it has done what Lena
will add to the next few jobs European
LS Monica loves it when we say oh I love Eva or Lord give us good in this life. And that's why I said pick something from the junior that you can ask them as funds out of four, six something personal photo, whatever it is that you want. You want some materialistic tickets, okay? because Islam is the natural way. But you couple it with your drop for the afternoon as well. And you have your job for the better and you protection from alpha. Now in normal bond, this is what my suggestion is for you. These two things that you made attitude protection from alpha, make it your job and you start time every day for Ramadan.
Every day for Ramadan, make it your job because at the time of its got basically the faxing person their job is not rejected. And it started time specifically Allah Subhana data frees people from Hellfire every applause
and so that's the time you know, the Russian novelist Peridot is coming down. You know before if God was in San Diego, then you're eating your days, you're making lots of electronic data, that job we just set right there. Make that job throughout Ramadan. One of the gods that I made when I was younger and I did something like this was that a lot of God blessed me to complete the memorization of
hamdulillah two years after I was making that normal boss was on a data bus and I completed the memorization of the Quran. When I see somebody my data people who would like to memorize the Quran, and so many people raise their hand when you say blush, they memorize all the info that I would say you're not making it off when you say you want it, but you're not making it off. Because that's the number one thing that will get you what you want is making lots of a lot of data and focusing on his power. Now I told you two things, just so we can do the activity. Would you like to add things to the list?
Yeah, sure, that'd be good. So why don't you when you go home inshallah Tada. add things to your job list and make it part of the things that you make job for this Junior Nexon for the ASPCA and things of the asset to add things as a junior Don't forget good character. Don't forget making God for your your parents and making God for your family members. If there's somebody that you've cut off for they've cut you off a job that alumnae you know men's the hearts between them. The thing is to be focused on these laws and repeating them consistently. throughout your life. I'm telling you specifically at a time, but you can do it all throughout the month inshallah Tada, let's go to
women, and Ramadan comes along their menstrual cycle begins and now for six, seven days in Ramadan time, they're not going to be praying for
Are we and they're not fasting. What does the sister do? Here are things that Muslim woman can do, even though she's in her menstrual cycle. Here are some things on her iPad that you can focus on. Number one is nobody's stopping her. So even if the last 10 nights or Ramadan come along, she has your menstrual cycle, she can still stay up at night, make exhaustible latanoprost. She's not praying knuffel prayers, but you can still make God, she can do this, all of us can do it at any time a person. They don't have to. They don't need to do that. So she can be remembering Allah, Allah with vigor, she can volunteer how many times that massage and the kids are like running around
like this kid, for example.
And they're making noise and disturbing she could say, You know what? Well this is, you know, my menstrual cycle. I'm not going to be praying so we're so why don't I go and take care of these kids volunteer for the sake of Allah upon ozada. So she's always in the masjid even in those days and helping other people folks in their salon, she'll get the reward for that. So volunteering, dour, here's a something that people forget about and I'll move on time is that all the non Muslims think it's really cool that we're fasting and they will all like presentations about Ramadan, but the Muslims are tired because they're fasting there's all this poison kicking in stuff like that. So
someone a woman's in her menstrual cycle, and she's not fasting you know? Bismillah let me go to the public schools and start giving lectures about what Ramadan is for the Muslims and start creating like doubt that's just one example. But there's so much Dallas you can do you can make like Ramadan gift baskets that have like a Huggies, maybe some sweets or something like that and then share with people if the messages help them break their phone at the same time they can learn something from the Sunnah of the Prophet telemonitoring she can read email and yes book like books that have a man she can read those books there's no problem she can listen to lectures online, she can listen to
listening to great lectures.
Something the issue of is it permissible for a woman in her menstrual cycle to recite Quran?
Was 15 years here? it okay. So, okay, because that's that's the opinion that I have here as well. So the issue of is it permissible for a woman in her menstrual cycle to recycle come on and I'm researched inshallah, Tada. It is permissible for a woman to recite Quran even though she's in her menstrual cycle. There's a hadith that says that the person who's in a state of Genova and a woman in retrospect that they shouldn't recite the Koran however, it is weak hygiene. It's not authentic. And so other than that, there's nothing that says that you can recite Quran. There's a hadith that says that, like a man male or female in a state of Jehovah, which is like the sexual impurity, they
can't recite bond but if you take a shower, you know, it's done as for the menstrual cycle, inshallah tada woman can recite the Quran however, I don't know the beginning is about touching it, but I believe like you shouldn't touch it. So she can recite it. For example, if it's on her computer screen to sign upon, just open up the page, and she can reset on a normal bond. Another issue that comes up is with regards to people when they start Ramadan, and they want to not go into the fifth, but it's human nature to go into a dip. When they go into the dip they say oh, I'm not perfect. And you know, what am I going to do? I'm so bad I'm so horrible. And I'm so dumb and I'm so
stupid if this is how we talk to ourselves, we get very aggressive in the language that we say to yourself they don't talk I would say in my suggestion is don't abuse yourself verbally. Don't start to chastise and punish yourself for missing something if you miss something Soviet there's a lesson to learn in that come back to the lecture go listen to the lecture again implemented another technique to a five day immersion four days try to implement something and take a break implement the techniques but don't beat yourself up instead say it's okay. You what you can do your best and it's all about the rest with the lots of panels on it. The third thing is how do you pay the cap in
Ramadan time a lot of people's account comes along and people they don't really know how to pay the cap these kind of like throw money out in normal monetary Bismillah good so hopefully allow forgive us for knowing jack about the guy.
Okay, so here is a quick formula on how a Muslim woman in payers again for the men decide to do with cash. Gold is representative of money. Okay? You take your gold and you weigh it basically you value the gold How much is this worth? She goes to like a gold person. You can if you're doing it at home you like with it tells you the grammage or the ounces you go online. What's the price of gold, it says this much. So your gold amount is you know, for example is $1,700 and then you look at your bank account. You
In your bank accounts, you have like another $1,000, for example, altogether, you have about $2,700, you pay 2.5% of that, okay, and you would pay it on all of it, you pay 2.5% on all of it. So the minimum is 85 grams. But if you turn that into cash, I'm not sure the exact number, it'll probably be something in the range of $2,000 $2,000. If you've had $2,000, in a savings account, or bank out somewhere, and you've had it for the entire year, and you need to pay 2.5% on it. For a woman who has a big stack of gold in our house, maybe she doesn't have any cash, but her gold is so heavy, it's worth more than $2,000. Then she needs to pay 2.5%. She paid that in cash, and she can pay to
get set up as gold as well as she wants.
So yeah, that's how you pay the cash. Is it clear? You hopefully, let me let me like, just make it really quick for you. You have $2,000 and it had you had it for more than one year? If the answer is yes, then you pay 2.5% $2,000. You have more than one year? If yes, you pay 2.5%. If it's no, then you don't have to pay the guy.
All right. In conclusion, inshallah, tada, I would like to just go through a quick review. I know we've set a lot of things here. So it's not afterwards, you can like listen to the audio, if you want to review it, we spoke about, I'm just going to go backwards. rewinding all the way back to the beginning, we spoke about how to pay the cat, we spoke about how a person if they're not perfect, there's no problem. We spoke about what a woman would do in her during the time of the month when she's in her menstrual cycle, we said that there's three issues, practical tips, how to deal with your man in Ramadan time, how to deal with your health, and how to deal with your time. And one of
the key things about the time was making things automatic rather than just trying to do with manpower. We spoke about that Roman person who said that, you know, it's because of their justice, that they would be successful. And we said justice, one of the ways to be just is to be just with our brothers and sisters. And to make up with one another. We spoke about what a person should do if they don't know Arabic, and they're praying and petal width. And we said that the differences read a translation, listening to the pond slowly so that when you go for tunnel, we do understand what the man is saying inshallah Tada, the main focus of the Jeep, when we said five to four, the main dip
will happen in your PM, it will happen in your PM, or it might happen with your relationship to the cron and we spoke about some other football in the Quran, and some of the football family in the province that a lot. It's been said to SAS and you become healthy. And we gave an example of what happens to persons who fat and how they go through like a dip and then they'll come out. But if a person stops themselves and put more poison at a thought and therefore and it's sleeping late and all of that, what will happen is that the person will find themselves not becoming stronger, will actually get weaker and weaker throughout the Ramadan. We spoke about you know this gap and how a
person should protect themselves from it. And in conclusion, inshallah Todd, I want to remind you that a marathon start with a big crowd at the beginning and a big crowd at the end. And in the middle, the only people that wizards the middle are the participants in your life. There was many people who came adopting
and they gathered around to celebrate your birthday, and inshallah tada when you die there will be many people at your janessa in the Middle Passage you have control over the middle is yours. What will you do with it? That's going to determine where you're going after the marathon over in sha Allah Allah botanical only Hanukkah shadow Allah Allah, Allah and Africa, two legs