Muhammad Alshareef – Quick Ramadan Exercise for the Last 10 Days

Muhammad Alshareef
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the success of their recent video and mentions that they have had success with it. They also mention a recent video about "istic" and a potential opportunity to use it in their upcoming show. The speaker then gives an example of a customer who had a negative experience with a company's service, and how they use it to improve their sales. They also mention a recent video about a customer's experience with a company's product.], [The speaker discusses the importance of customer satisfaction and how it is linked to sales success. They explain that customer satisfaction is a key to success in sales and that they use customer satisfaction as a marketing metric. They also mention a recent video about customer complaints and how it relates to their own sales team. The speaker emphasizes the importance of customer satisfaction in their sales success and how it is linked to sales and marketing strategies.], [The speaker discusses the importance of customer satisfaction in sales and marketing strategies, and how it is linked to sales success. They emphasize
AI: Transcript ©
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At the end of each Ramadan we tend to look back at that Ramadan and do a mental assessment even if it's just subconsciously How did we do this Ramadan we either look back at the Ramadan positively or we look back with regret for some things that we left out. I want you to stop what you're doing right now and take a minute for this quick exercise number one, move back in time to last year's Ramadan. Remember where you were, what you were doing and how you were feeling.

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Number two, list three things that you did in that Ramadan that worked really well for you. Things like how is your Quran tarawih your food, your sleep habits etc.

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Now list three things that did not work well for you. These are things that lessen the quality of your spiritual Endor physical state in Ramadan. So now here's your second chance in this Ramadan make a solid intention to leverage your three positives and change your three negatives. Oh Allah allow us to finish this Ramadan strong with our sins wiped out

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