Muhammad Alshareef – People Criticize, It’s What They Do

Muhammad Alshareef
AI: Summary © The importance of tuning in from various social media platforms and sharing experiences is discussed in a series of YouTube and Facebook posts. The speakers emphasize the need for comparison and misunderstandings in education to avoid confusion and misunderstandings. They also discuss the use of examples and comparison in helping people understand things they know, and the importance of guidance and guidance in the context of the Quran. The segment also touches on the use of negative comments and comments from people who do not like work.
AI: Transcript ©
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In about two minutes and if you're tuning in later you're not watching this live then you can fast forward to where we get started. The reminder is only going to be about 10 minutes you might see later on that the length of this is 30 minutes or something that's because at the end, I like to do q&a But the reminder is only going to be 10 minutes inshallah Donna, so welcome.

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thankful that you came.

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It's nice to have you.

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On we've got people in Facebook, YouTube, Periscope, Twitter, and all these other nice locations

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found at your other five social media apps.

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So if you want to just tune in say Sam where you're from, and we'll get started in one minute and a half. Tina Monica Muslimahs smart aleck Muslim. Trisha says it's my first time tuning in from Periscope

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I don't even Yeah, okay. I won't comment about Twitter but much about the political outcome Trisha from Periscope. And if you tune in from like YouTube or Periscope, I tried to give you guys more priority because we've never done lives there. And so this is a chance for me to

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give you some give it give some love to Twitter and

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and Periscope and YouTube. So some are tuning in from New Jersey like Messina Milko in Toronto attic Muslim mn like Mr. Lamb Niddah from saw more Toronto like most of them, saying I'm from Brooklyn and for those who are inside the Visionaire group, because it's a private group. I actually can't see your names it just says Facebook user I can see your name so my bad

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for zonna from Perth Arctic missing I'm on delay in Minneapolis I think Mr. Nam welcome

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Rieti in Michigan Arctic Mr. App

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fuzzy How are you muslim Baba Arnica Messina.

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Sara says All I know is Facebook. There's another world out there other than Facebook. No worries. Me too. Millie Wallach Mr.

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Phase in Dallas on E commerce phenomena while oligomer Salam susu with her life in times in Manchester Alec Muslim somewhere in Sri Lanka, garlic mustard Sri Lankans,

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Shazad in Trinidad and Tobago Allegan Madame semeiotic Muslim we'll get started let's get started.

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Alright, Tip one. I said I'm on a good one. I happen to live in a cave of Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Allah Allah He also be mulwala Am I bad? So as Ramadan has come to an end, I still wanted to continue this I really benefited from going into verses and reflecting upon them. It's all my own personal reflection. I'd love to share with you some of those reflections. I kind of like to stop on verses that make me curious makes me want to think a little bit more about that. I spent some time with it. And then I present you guys here. So the verse that I'm thinking about is this verse in Switzer Bacara Where is verse sorry surah number two verse 26, Allah Spano

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Tata says, I will demonstrate upon our gem

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in Allah Allah stuffy al whatever message

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or or what?

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the melody in

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Hoonah and help ball mill being

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levena catches on fire. Boulogne fire colonna man

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dang long we had

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only Lumi he gets

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the baby get

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one I will win over OB in.

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In this verse, Allah subhanaw taala tells us in hola hola esta He Allah is not ashamed or Allah does not shy away from in Allah Allah yesterday. And so what is that? What is it that Allah subhanaw taala is not ashamed to do? A Neil * by Mithuna math that Allah is not ashamed to coin any analogy or draw any comparison that he wishes upon with Ana. Marula the math for myself I have less paradata says that. Verily, Allah is not ashamed to make any comparison with anything. Whether that be a gnat like a mosquito

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For anything larger and larger could be something even smaller than a mosquito or it could be larger, something bigger like Allah subhanaw taala. If he wants to make an analogy, he will make it like a study. And this comes from Moshe keen polytheist in Mecca. When they heard versus speaking, Allah Spano Tata speaking about making analogies with mosquitoes. They said something to the effect of, isn't God ashamed to make analogies of things like mosquitoes, so they were criticizing Allah subhanaw taala and the verses of the Quran, okay, so Allah subhanaw taala then continues. Mila Melodien ammonoids So Allah subhanaw taala mix these analogies makes these comparisons for me livina

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amorolfine Allah Mona and that will help will not want them. As for the believers, they know that this is the truth from their Lord. Amma Lavina Cafaro fire pull on another or other lobby had MF Allah. But as for the disbelievers, they say what does God intend or what's the purpose of or what's Allah's intentions by making analogies like this? And then Allah subhanaw taala says you will be Looby he kefir on where he be, he could feel that with these analogies and these comparisons, Allah subhanaw taala misguides many and guides many. So with the same analogy, some will be misguided, some will be guided and then Allah subhanaw taala says, Well, now you will lindo be ill and facile

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clean, and the only people that are misguided that actually analogy and the clarification and the guidance comes from a loss and it's a cause for somebody's misguidance it's because they are facet pain to begin with. And facet would be like somebody who's rebelled against against Allah subhanaw taala and so these verses and these analogies, serve as a misguidance I continued misguidance for this person. Okay.

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So we're talking about analogies. So the first point that I want to make is the importance of analogies, the importance of comparison, in education in helping people to understand something you know, let me give you this exam you know, when Ramadan begins, and people say Ramadan is like, and you're welcome to pose that I've actually said this in my other lecture, but

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I've said this in either what is the analogy or the metaphor of Ramadan? Some will say and you're welcome to post as in the comments if you will. I'll give you five seconds what the analogy of Ramadan is what you what is the metaphor of Ramadan, I'll give you 10 seconds 10 Nine, eight

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Ramadan is like

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Alright, as you guys now the comments will start popping in when I continue on. So some people will say Ramadan is like a guest. And just like a guest comes from out of town and you prepare and clean your house yet the first comment was referred says an honored guest. Yes.

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Just like a guest comes from out of town you prepare for this guest Yeah.

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You've got on the other side, somebody will say Ramadan is like a special offer a special limited time offer like last two nights of Ramadan, worth 1000 months, get it while it's hot, because the time is going to come to an end.

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And some people will say Ramadan is like a bootcamp or a gyms preparing you building up Taqwa for afterwards. And the the lecture that I gave before was I wish people would start thinking about Ramadan as

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as a vocational institutes of Vocational Training Institute, a career college, because if you think of the honored guest metaphor, that when the honored guests leaves, your house goes back to the kind of like the, the disorder that happened before, if you looked at the special offer type of analogy, then you might say that after a Manuel, there's no special offer going on. And I only worked PLO special offers and stuff like that, and then people might fall back. And that's what and bootcamp. The reason I don't like boot camp as well, is I'm not saying these analogies are bad. I just want you to understand

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the benefits and cons and how important it is because how important these metaphors are the lessons that we derive from them. If you look at the metaphor of a gym or a bootcamp, a lot of times people go to the gym and then do nothing with what they've learned. So okay, you're lifting up some weights, but it doesn't lead to something afterwards. And it's just like just going through the motions. That depends on what gym means to you. Now,

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when you think of vocational Institute or training college, you're there in the college training just like in Ramadan, you're praying your soul

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And you're fasting, all that you're training for what comes after La La contenta con so that you'll have Tableau afterwards. So the point of all of this that I'm just sharing with you is the importance of analogies and comparisons, and metaphors in education and in helping somebody to understand what's going on. You also see, and we benefit from this, that if this is Allah subhanaw taala, who's teaching us through analogies and comparisons, and Allah loves for us to understand it, we should also learn that we want somebody to understand what we're saying, we don't just like information dump on somebody. And just like, you know, what, I hope you understand I don't care, but

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we actually care to come from a different angle trying to explain things in different ways. And once you start opening your mind to, you know, the Quran and Sunnah being like analogies, you're actually going to start seeing these analogies and comparisons, all throughout the Quran and in the Hadith, and I'll get to in a second, give you something now, examples of that.

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You will also want to learn from this, that criticism that nobody is going to avoid criticism. It doesn't matter what you say, or who you are, and you could be perfect. This is Allah subhanaw taala. And they're criticizing Allah azza wa jal, you're the province that Allah is Adam, when he received revelation, they said, he's crazy. They said, He's Majnoon, they said, He's a magician. They said, he's a poet, everybody will receive criticism, and that's Allah and His messenger. And anybody who takes this path and just being human part of being human is Subhanallah that people will criticize. And it doesn't matter what you do, that the criticism will come. It's just how do you respond to it?

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Now the the beautiful lesson that we learn here is Allah subhanaw taala says, Allah's response to it is, Allah is not ashamed, or not live strategy and you're living with and Allah is not ashamed to give any analogy that he wishes, whether that's a mosquito or anything larger than that, anything larger, anything smaller than that. Allah is my machine. And so let's find out about it doesn't respond to God can make analogies in this in that Allah just found out to us panel data says so what? Like, so they make a criticism. And the response is, so what? And so if you are in this path, and you're, and you're educating and teaching people things, you'll have two groups of people, there

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will be the person who appreciates what you say. And you have the person who doesn't appreciate what you say. And a lot of times when somebody's just hating on you. It's not because they're so concerned about what you said, but they're hating on you from something that's deeper than that. That is Allah subhanaw taala says, well, manual little OB he loved philosophy, that it's from their FISC, from the rebellion against Allah subhanaw taala that they want to find the criticism, they want to find a criticism. So let's talk a little bit more about analogies, metaphors. What's the difference between an analogy and a metaphor? What's the difference between an analogy and a

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metaphor? And you know what, let me also teach you something else here.

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Let me write it down before I forget.

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What's the difference between analogy and metaphor? So a metaphor, an analogy is something direct and explicit. So you say something is like something else. So he said, Ramadan is like,

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is like an honored guest. Ramadan is like a training institute, you could say that that's an analogy. It's explicit. And it's direct. This is like that. Yeah. Or photography is like,

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is like making an idol or photography is like looking in the mirror. Right? Two analogies that will come to two different conclusions.

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Another what's what a metaphor is a little bit more vague and implicit. So it's a little bit more vague and implicit. It's more open to meanings. It's more open to contemplation, you could say a metaphor is like, life is like, a journey. Right? It's very, it's very general, what does journey mean? What does that mean to you means different things there. So you can say it's a metaphor, And subhanAllah for myself, as I have, you know, years after, especially these last two years, I've really tried to look at the metaphors that I use, and try to change them. Because once you change your metaphor, you actually change your action. And when somebody comes to me, and they have

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problems, oh, I have problem. I can't get married or have problem in this or that. I like to ask them. What's the metaphor for this thing that you're having problem with? And usually when they say their metaphor, they'll give me a metaphor that's like, it's like being in a suffocating box. Like it's a very serious

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type of metaphor. And when you look at somebody who doesn't have a problem with that issue, their metaphor is different.

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The other thing that I'd like to advise you about this is metaphors. A lot of people when it comes to argumentation about Islamic issues, this kind of like is we're all here listing Muslims and stuff like that. A lot of times when it comes to argumentation in Islamic issues with people who don't know Quran and Sunnah, they don't know the Quran, they haven't, you know, reviewed the Hadith, they like to fall back on analogies. So they'll say, wearing hijab is like, and then they throw an analogy or doing this is like that. And they tried to base their argument on an analogy, and I would tell you that the sources as soon as I'm arguing with somebody, and they, if they say something to

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me like that, they throw an analogy at me, I would this is my response, I would say the sources of Sharia, the sources of how do we know something is from Allah and His messenger are four things four main agreed upon things number one is the pull on number two is the authentic sunnah of the Prophet of Allah Islam. Number three is

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HTML Mau. Mau is the consensus that OMA has agreed upon this throughout centuries. Hmm, ah, and the fourth thing is, PS and PS is analogy. And so I would tell this person what you just said, Your argumentation, the argument that you just made, you're trying to use the fourth source, which is clear paths, which is analogy. And we know in Islamic law, that if an analogy goes against the Quran or goes against the authentic sunnah, it is rejected. It is rejected and you don't even know the Quran and Sunnah. And this is the idea that is explicitly says the opposite of your analogy. So let's just take your analogy and throw it to the wall.

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If you and usually just you break it down like that analogy is not valid if it contradicts the Quran analogy is not valid. If it contradicts the authentic, some of the prophets have a lot of setup.

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Okay, so let me give you

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some places kind of topics that Allah subhanaw taala uses analogy for in the Quran. So, first thing is when it comes to Eman when it comes to puffer when it comes to neufeldt, Eman Cofer belief disbelief and hypocrisy. You will see Allah subhanaw taala uses analogies to explain what these things are. Another area that we see analogies is

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encouraging good, encouraging good and pushing away. Bad so you'll see things like when it when we're talking about pushing away harmful, bad things like backbiting. Backbiting is like, everybody every muscle is like eating the flesh of your dead brother. Right? It's an analogy. That's what Backbiting is. I have hiboy hydrocone Aquila, LACMA teammate and look at a demo. You'll also see the the analogy of for encouraging good is like their award for charity. And as Ramadan is common, you've been to fundraisers and you've heard the analogy is like a stock and each stock has you know, somebody who gives him the path of Allah gives them that for the sake of Allah, and it breaks into

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it's like a stock that bear seven foods and each of those has

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seven so then you're seeing like, it goes up 700 times.

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The analogy the reward of doing good, you'll see that analogies come when it's something that's halal and lawful and analogies comes when something's haram and harmful. Another area that you'll see analogies in the Quran is when it distinguishes a righteous person versus a not righteous person.

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And I'll end with his last analogy the Prophet said a lot is said um, said that the analogy or the example of somebody you sit with that is sada is a righteous person. And somebody you sit with, who is

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who was a bad influence in Su is a bad person is like sitting with somebody who sells perfume, and somebody who plays with fire. And so the person who plays

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the person who has the perfume, you either are going to get perfume from this person or at the very least being in this person's presence, you will enjoy the beautiful smell of being with that person and the person who is playing with fire he's either going to burn you or you will come with your clothes stinking from that fire. And so I hope it's challah to Allah that these little reminders that we that we do together our insha Allah Tala jelly sauna, that I get to sit with you and benefit from your good perfume inshallah Tada and of course, I enjoy reviewing

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Quran with you guys because the Quran is baraka and we wish for that Baraka in our lives. Allah Allah Allah Allah ma reminders done you guys want to chat or have questions we'll go about 10 minutes inshallah

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Zack Allah Hi Ron

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thank you so

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I commend cinema Abdul Basit

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and Anybody got a question

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honor guest

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Jenny's will follow

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Jim Zadie says Zach hola hey I really appreciate your visionary emails

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does talk a lot

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during the last days of Ramadan

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Yeah, you know it's messed up

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yesterday at work today it didn't work so my apologize for the Instagram people

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okay, cool. MB 1429. You didn't quite understand the whole criticism of the law. Sorry. I know. It's a bit of a stupid question, though. It's not stupid. No problem.

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Don't Don't call don't call it questions stupid.

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All right. And so this is the criticism so Allah subhanaw taala. In the Quran. Mentions like sorts of ankle boots or ankle boots is the surah of the spider and Allah subhanaw taala says, Can method can method uncouple the data the data like the home of the spider is so flimsy. Allah subhanaw taala says for example, that that what they built, you know their, their worship the polytheists what they have is like a beta Lanka boots. It's like the house of a spider. It's so flimsy. So that's an analogy another so you get to so Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran mentioned analogies using insects, used mosquito use spider used ants a lot I'm about ants but

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so the Mushrikeen wanted to criticize Allah subhanaw taala and they basically says, Isn't Allah ashamed to give analogies of something so small and insignificant and petty? Like a mosquito? Or so Allah subhanaw taala responded in the Luddites study a little bit Flm so that was the criticism.

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A lot.

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Less question

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How do we know if we are have righteous or non righteous companionship or company? So I guess you're talking about like, how do you know if you yourself? Am I? Am I good influence for the person I'm sitting with? Or am I bad? Are you talking about the person? The simple response to that is in your companionship with somebody else? Are you encouraging good, forbidding evil, basically. So if there's something halal and good, that is being spoken about in your companionship with somebody else, then that's a righteous companionship. If what's happening in this in this companionship is like backbiting and gossiping and and doing harm things or encouraging harm things that is non

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righteous companionship a lot

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Thank you

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she says I took Dreamwalker last year and have to still work on my cards and I'm a little bit lost. Would you still recommend signing up? So I'm just generally speaking, whenever

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you know, I should this is calling for Irish and for people who take visionair you know when people take visionair for the first time and and then the people who have taken it multiple times kind of turned back and say, you know when I did this for my first time I wasn't really in like my mind wasn't there wasn't really present. And now that I'm you know, I'm back again. I'm going to be more serious I now that I've experienced, what it's like, you know what I'm taking the effort

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To make this count and so even for me, it may be if I if I took you know, Visionaire 2030 I taught the class and maybe I wasn't fully present and doing my own work. I'm looking forward to teaching it again. And okay, I know what mistakes I did, or how I didn't put my full mind and energy into my work. I know next time I do and inshallah Tada, I'll get stronger and better. Now if that's the case with you, I show that you say hey, you know what I learned from this past and I want to get back into a group and I want to get it done now that I've experienced what happened in the past that I'm ready to

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take better action this time that it definitely inshallah Tata will be worth it.

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Does that go ahead Tisha, thanks for tuning in. One thing about, about the Quran. When I started a mushroom Institute, I did this little survey. Back in the day, I remember I was at George Mason University in Virginia, and I was, you know, hanging up the survey and I asked people, what was the first amalgam Institute class that they would like to learn? I mean, it was like 2002. And overwhelmingly, people said that they wanted to learn about Quran. And so the first another seminar was tafsir * Omna, which was touched by an angel the first class ever taught in, in and it launched a mammogram Institute. And one thing that I learned from teaching that class of Hala how

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much love people gave me, and I realized, like, you don't even know me, but your love is for the Quran. And I really experienced the baraka of, of teaching Quran so it's not that you know, I'm doing a service to the client or the client is doing service to us, he Tablelands and now he later Mobarak that Allah subhanaw taala sent this book Mobarak and as we saw in yesterday's live about the Quran being he day and if we want more heat, we should more guidance we should can connect ourselves more with the Quran. So Allah subhanaw taala says that you can Kitab la vie Buffy who then limited it's a guide for them to clean so if we want to be more guided one Allah subhanaw taala the answer

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that guide us to the straight path it didn't allow them was to him we should get more in connection with the Quran. Which I know you do teach us so from the

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need your views? I need your views

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Jim Zadie Jim Zadie says some schools of thought scholars don't recommend show well fasting need your point of view I've never heard that before. Like I've never heard somebody say that

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fat fasting shall while is not recommended and let me just fasting shell

00:28:08 --> 00:28:10

One moment please let me just see

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I need to check something

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Okay, so yeah, so the Hadith it speaks about fasting in sha Allah is narrated by Messiah Hey Muslim were fast Ramadan and follows it with six days of the show. Well, it will be as if he fast for a lifetime so it's in

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Sahih Muslim and so it's authentic so done deal doesn't matter what people think. Like I said before

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I'm gonna take like one or two last questions and then we're and then we're done

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Xena Bob de esoft We'll talk about that maybe on on another topic. I guess it's kind of like you're gonna crush my brain going into a different direction. Right now. This is a nice comment. Yeah. I hope you had a greater you handle I was very nice. How was your aides? You guys some people are saying with aid locked down they actually had a really nice time. They didn't have to visit so much from with immediate family and they had a great time. How was your year with the lockdown?

00:29:39 --> 00:29:49

Sugary says through a mushroom Institute and Touched by an Angel I have the CDs and listen to it in my car hummed Allah may Allah protect your CDs from melting and salah.

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Alright, last question. Good question here, Shia how to distinguish between constructive versus destructive, destructive criticism. So our last question is like Allah. Hi, Ron, what?

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Constructive criticism. So first off, I guess there's from your side of things like, so we're talking about people sending you criticism. So you actually want to, even if

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so, here's some, some some kind of like tips, you want to look at the person who's giving the criticism. And you want to ask yourself this question that, you know, look at the results that they're getting in their life, and ask yourself, Do I want these results for myself. So if they give you criticism, and like, let's suppose you are a, I don't know, just really bad analogy. But let's suppose you're an actor or a theatre actor. And then the person who's who's criticizing you is this great theatre actor, and they're criticizing you. And whether it's painful or whatnot, you want to listen to that person, because they have experience and you you respect the results that they get.

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So that constructive or not constructive, you want to listen to that kind of person. If you have somebody who you don't kind of respect the results that they've gotten, which happens a lot online, just kind of like nasty comments, generally, just a nasty comment. Of course, you can pass that by. But if you find that those comments are coming up repeatedly,

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then you might want to pay attention to what's being said. Because even if it's saying in a destructive way, if it's being said repeatedly, there's probably some truth to it. So I would the sort of second thing is the repetition of this criticism. So sometimes when there's a criticism, I would ask the question, how many people had the same criticism, and independently, so not that one person went around and told everybody, but how many independent people had a criticism like this, and then you might want to address it.

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And so the other thing on the On another hand, is, sometimes let's suppose you've got 100 people, and 98 of them love what you're doing. And they're actually really benefiting. And then two of them,

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you're a loser, you're gonna have fire, they hate your guts, there's two of them. So 98 People love it. So if you decide to just call or follow everything that a critic says, And just so you don't kind of like rock the boat with anybody, you may do something that is pleasing to these two people who don't care anyway, whether you listen to them or not, they just want to criticize you. But you might change something that the 98 of the 90% of the people are actually benefiting from. So give me an example. Let's suppose all Muhammad Sharif gives jokes while he talks. And you guys like that, and I'm really cool guy and stuff like that.

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But then somebody somebody comes in the comment section and says, brother, you know what this is haram, you should stop making jokes. You're talking about serious things. And then I start crying. And I'm like, Yeah, I couldn't make jokes. And then so the next time I come and I'm giving a speech, it's just all serious. And I'm all like, I'm not being me. And then you'd say what happened to Muhammad so actually, it things become worse because you listen to the critic. So those are some ways to analyze whether criticism is constructive or destructive. Does that go okay and everybody from the light hope you had a good time inshallah Tata will be doing this daily I don't know what

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the exact time I'm letting it organically happen where I find myself leaning towards the timing. So just keep when it says you know, tell me when I'm gonna shoot goes live. Just press that button inshallah thought if you're online, then that's great.

00:34:03 --> 00:34:05

All right. Bye, salad equal Abdullah.

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