Mufti Menk – Who Should Remind You

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of learning to be a powerful Muslim to achieve a peaceful life and avoid conflict. They emphasize the need to change one's life to focus on one's faith and acceptance of Islam. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of learning to be a member of the Musloum community to avoid negative behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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So the question is,

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who do you want

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to remind you to turn to your maker?

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Who do you want to remind you

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that you need to be a good Muslim?

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it is,

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you can hear them reminding you. Nowadays,

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it's just a few buttons away. Say the

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person's name.

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Who ever, whichever sheikh, whichever person

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appeals to you,

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say their name.

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Google them

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and listen. They will give you the same

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Exactly the same reminder.

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And then, we're just going to listen and

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say, powerful speaker.

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Powerful speaker. But did your life change? No,

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it didn't. So that wasn't powerful enough.

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It wasn't good enough, really.

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What's the point of us attending conferences and

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and lectures

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And listening to so many lectures on YouTube

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and perhaps on the telly and perhaps on

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the radio and so many different places. But

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our hearts

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have not moved.

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Our lives have not changed.

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I cry

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when I think of how much Quran we

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read. We call it a khatma.

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Which means we complete the entire Quran from

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cover to cover. Not once but so many

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times. And our lives have not moved.

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Sometimes we have not even cried the warm

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And yet, there were enemies of Islam in

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the past.

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One verse

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was enough to shake up their whole lives

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and they turned to Allah

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Why? It's the sincerity.

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It's the search and the thirst,

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and the acceptance of Allah

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My brothers and sisters, life is not all

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about entertainment and enjoying yourself

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beyond limits. No, it is limited.

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You should know how to enjoy yourself. You

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should know what it is that will help

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you in this world lead a peaceful life

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and in the life after death. Help you,

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insha Allah, earn paradise. May Allah, unite us

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in paradise. Ameen.

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But it's amazing how we read the Qur'an

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again and again. We haven't even changed.

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And everyone says, Oh. That sheikh.

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This sheikh reads very well. Beautiful recitation in

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my car. I enjoy this recitation, and that

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My brother and sister, Islam is not just

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about enjoying a recitation.

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Do something about it. Come on, man. Allahu

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Akbar. Change your life. It's not just about

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saying, yeah. We want you to talk about

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this and that, because our men are doing

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this and our women are doing that. So

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talk about this, this, this. It's not just

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about talking about things. Change your life first

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to start with, the rest of the world

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will change.

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May Allah grant us goodness. May He open

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our doors, really. I am passionate about what

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I am saying. And I've kept it quite

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simple because

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in life,

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we have so many things that people are

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telling us, bombarding us with so many things.

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Yet, it's the simple things that would actually

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change us.

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May Allah make us better. We cannot resolve

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disputes within our own families, our in laws,

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within our own communities, and we expect to

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be known as the best of people.

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The ummah that others should be looking at

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and saying, Masha Allah, we want to be

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How do we expect that if we ourselves,

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accusing one another of things that we have

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not done?

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Allahu Akbar.

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So many crises. People are today,

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I don't know about this part of the

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world, but where I come from, I know

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that it's happening.

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Businessmen will tell you, I don't want to

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deal with Muslims.

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And you say, but why? Oh, they are

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they will not pay. You know, they scrounge

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for the biggest discount.

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And on top of that, they will complain

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about the product.

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If they were to buy the same product

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from someone who is not a Muslim, they

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will pay the full price and they will

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never complain.

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What is this attitude?

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We are abusing brotherhood in Islam.

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Trying to just find a discount out of

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the word brotherhood. To say, brother, I'm your

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Muslim brother. Come on. Can't you see? Masha'Allah,

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We go to the same masjid. You know,

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brother. If you're selling this thing at $50,

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you know, I'm I read salah with you,

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my brother. You can give it to me

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for 20. And the next day, it's not

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working. I told you it's not working. But

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brother, did you follow the instructions and this?

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So the best thing people tell you, I

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don't want to deal with them.

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We should cry if we hear those statements.

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I've heard a statement saying,

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if a check bounces, it's a Muslim. A'udu

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billah. I hope that's not the case in

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this part of the world. But I've heard

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that happening.

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People will tell you that, you know what?

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When you find

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those who maltreat their women, they are Muslims.

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Is that true? I hope it's not. We

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are trying so hard. We are trying so

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hard, really, with our families, so that we

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can lead a life of happiness and goodness.

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Remember, I always tell people, you know, you

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got married, masha Allah.

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And you have a life, masha Allah. You

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have your children now. Concentrate on this family

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that you have.

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Don't try and get everything else. It's like

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a person, for example, he's got a business

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that is barely

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making a profit, and he wants to open

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another 2 or 3 branches. What's the point?

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Brother, concentrate on that one business, insha'Allah. And

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what will happen? You let it grow, and

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insha'Allah it will grow, it will become successful,

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and people might be able to take it

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over and so on. And alhamdulillah,

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this would be more beneficial for you, than

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if you were without operating properly with 1.

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You'd like to just get to another and

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a 3rd and a 4th. It won't stop.

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May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala protect us.

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