Mufti Menk – Who Is The Most Honorable Amongst Us

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses his past experiences with shams and how he believes he is better than everyone. He talks about his connection with a dog and how he gives people the jannatul frowns. He also talks about his connection with a shams and how he gives people the jannatul frowns.
AI: Transcript ©
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May Allah bless you guys. Wallahi, I tell

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you something very interesting.

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When I was young, I was living in

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Madinah Munawarra. I used to help volunteer to

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the Hajj. I mentioned this yesterday in my

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Help the and help the people and so

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And, that time now it's a bit better,

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I think. But that time, 1992,

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90 3, 94, and so on,

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we used to be

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immediately, we used to know where the Indonesians

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are. Even if my eyes are closed, I'm

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walking the building. I say, here there is

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I say, How do you know? I say,

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Because I can smell gudangaram.

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It's the cigarettes. Special It's special from this

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country, right?

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May Allah bless. May Allah forgive.

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It's a bad habit. We should quit it.

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No matter how

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how garam the gudang might be,

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But it's a bad habit. In the same

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way, any bad habits we quit them for

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the sake of Allah. If you can quit

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one for Allah, Allah will give you jannatul

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If you can quit something for Allah, Allah

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will grant you jannah. Look, I tell you

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Allah Almighty has granted jannah to those

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who have quenched the thirst of a dog

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for the sake of Allah. Allah gave them

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jannah. When they felt compassion,

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when they felt their hearts were soft, What

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is my connection with a dog? Let me

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tell you what is my connection with a

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dog. Number 1, can we eat dog?

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Haram. Right? You cannot eat. But my connection

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with the dog is the one who made

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me, he also made the dog.

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You see? So, I need to be kind.

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Pig, for example, we don't eat but I

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cannot harm the pig because pig has life.

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Some people, Muslims, they think because it's a

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pig, I can throw stones, I can do

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anything, I can hurt it. That's a pig.

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No way.

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Allah will punish you if you hurt anything

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that has a soul

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When I say unnecessarily, I mean if you

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want to consume

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something that is halal,

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you need to follow a certain method

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making it halal.

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But to harm any animals or birds or

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even the fish or the oceans or the

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trees or the ecosystem,

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and to create pollution unnecessarily,

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and so on. Allah will hold you accountable.

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This earth is not only yours, it belongs

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to me and you in the same way.

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All of us were born here on earth.

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You are entitled to live just like I

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am. You are the same as me. What

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makes you close to Allah is something called

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Allah says, O man,

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we have created you from a single male

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and female,

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and from them we have caused you to

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become multiplied in tribes, and communities,

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and nations, and peoples, etcetera, etcetera.

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Allah says, The most honored from amongst you.

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The most honorable, the closest to Allah. The

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one who has taqwa, is conscious of Allah.

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He will be the most honorable. You have

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a status.

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And when you are close to Allah,

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you do not think that I am better

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than everyone else because that's

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from the devil. What was shaitan's

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first deviation? You know what it was?

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When he saw Adam,

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and Allah created Adam, and shaytan saw Adam,

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he wanted to find an excuse not to

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obey Allah's instruction. He said,

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minhu. I am better than Him. Why should

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prostrate here? I am better than Him.

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Up to today, that better than him is

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a problem with all of us.

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It's a problem with all of us. When

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you think I am better, that is the

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very moment shaitan is holding you and massage.

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Massage nicely. You are better. You are better.

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You are the king. You are smart. Everyone

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has nothing.

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Right? May Allah forgive us.

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sami ilaalimaminash

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May Allah Almighty

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grant us refuge

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in him against shaitan the accursed.

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