Mufti Menk – When You Move Through In Distress
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My brothers, my sisters, when you move through
a time of challenge,
pain, you're you're in pain.
Something's happened to you. Someone's wronged you. Oppressed
you. Use the moment to make a blessed
dua and supplication to Allah. It is a
moment of acceptance of dua.
Ask Allah, O Allah bless me my offspring.
Bless everyone. Grant me Jannah. Make things easy
for me. Why? Something massive just happened. You
tested tested me. It was a big challenge.
I'm going through this, oh Allah. But I'm
here calling out to you regarding other issues
that I have. Sometimes we are tested by
Allah. Listen to this. It's probably one of
the more powerful points that you will take
home this evening.
Sometimes Allah designs a test for you. You
have a major problem in the home with
the in laws, with your outlaws, whoever it
may be. You have a major issue with
your health. You have a major issue with
something. Sometimes
because of your sabr and your patience regarding
that particular thing and your dua for Allah
to alleviate your suffering in that regard as
a direct result of that patience and dua,
Allah has blessed you in other ways
that you would never have imagined
unlike others. So you have a gift that
those who are troubling you, harassing you, the
naysayers do not have.
As a result of what they have said
and done. Look at Yusuf alaihis salam. What
They tried
to block him, to stop him, to kill
him, to get rid of him, however they
could. As a direct result of that Allah
elevated his status. 1 after the other, he
went up. So thank Allah, oh Allah. If
this is the test you've put in my
life right now, I thank you because
I can manage this. I can cope. It's
So what if 20 people of the broader
extended family no longer talk to me? Big
deal. If Allah is happy with me, I'm
happy. Allah blessed me with so much more
than all of them put together. Is that
not the case? So thank Allah. Thank Allah.
I will try to resolve the matter because
it is part of my duty as a
Muslim to try to make the
broader circle of my relatives within that which
is without conflict, should I say. To try
and bring them to peace with everyone
in that circle.
But I may not succeed. I'm going to
try, and if I don't succeed, I'm not
going to lose sleep over that. I'm going
to call out to Allah, keep trying to
the best of my capacity. That's God given.
But I am definitely going to thank Allah,
oh Allah. You tested me with this. You
know what? I'm managing. Don't test me with
something else. That's a winner. Did you hear
what I just said?
Oh Allah, you tested me with this. I
have a problem.
This is the issue. Oh Allah, do not
test me with something else. I thank you
that you've given me a test I can
manage. It's tough. It's a struggle. But with
your help, I can manage.
You can't find a job, for example.
But Allah has given you the opportunity to
open an online business that's bringing some money.
Thank Allah, oh Allah, I'm jobless. If I
was not jobless, I would have never thought
of opening this online company. And I wouldn't
have started buying and selling. Wallahi.
When you are pleased with the decree of
the doors of sustenance
shall fling open in a way that you
did not imagine. It's just a matter of
time, and it's a matter
of patience.
SubhanAllah. How many of us here today
lost jobs? And today we're making more than
the boss that we were working for. SubhanAllah.
Allah closed the door in order to open
other doors. That's the message of the Quran.
Look at the sahaba radiallahu anhu. They struggled
initially, didn't they? Some of them lost their
lives like we said. May Allah grant them
jannah, wallahi. They lost their lives in order
for the deen to get to us today.