Nouman Ali Khan – The Wisdom Given to Dawud (AS) Ep 3 – Hikmah in the Quran Dhul Hijjah Series

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses various topics related to hikma, including the history and meaning behind the statement of doubt, the use of security measures in public settings, and the fraud situation where a man owns a house and is intimidated by police and other people. The segment also touches on the impact of security measures on businesses and people, and the importance of living in a "hasn't been met" situation to teach people how to work. The segment concludes with a discussion of "how much do you learn from life experiences" in the title of the book " older than than than the people."
AI: Transcript ©
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right I have learned a lot from people with that kind of experience. What is the Quran actually doing here? It's amazing. The Quran is saying life experience. life experience will teach you what

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wisdom. And when Allah says Allah gave thou the other SLM wisdom is not what he say. He's telling us, Allah gave doubt at a salon life experiences that taught him a lot about how people work, how society works, how business partners work, how families work, and that is actually part of the wisdom he's using to understand cases, to understand human behavior. You see what I'm saying?

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This new short series is based on the findings of Dr. Zakir Hussain in his PhD thesis wisdom in the Quran, which was summarized and presented by iostat doorman in front of a live audience. The link to the full paper is in the description.

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So we're going to talk about two prophets are one profit and one nonprofit, but they have something in common and I'm going to show it to you because from here on, we're not talking about hikma in theory, we're going to actually look at actual places in the Quran and discuss ECMO. So the first place we're going to look at is the story of that without a Saddam and here's the place you can find it. Many of you have Quran apps on your phones, so you can open it up in sha Allah, I'll open it up to and I'll read it from here with you. Okay. So this is surah number 38. Solid and iron number 17. Okay.

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It's Medina Maya pollun was corrupt. Derrida would

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aid in novel awam be patient the prophet has been told the patient over whatever they say to you. And remember Our servant dowload who had might, he had the one of great might he kept coming back to Allah. Allahu Allah. And nasaka najiba Ma, who we subdued, we overpowered the mountains along with him, you Sabina Bella. She was a Schrock they used to praise Allah the mountains used to praise Allah along with him in the night and in the morning time. What played I'm not sure. And the birds used to gather around for him called Luna who Awad they used to keep gum coming back towards him, which said that now Malika, who this is the part we're interested in now for this discussion, and we

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gate we strengthened his kingdom. Where are they now? Hold? hokhmah. And we gave him wisdom. Because our discussion is hikma, right? Allah says, We strengthened him, his kingdom and we gave him wisdom. Well, first of all, hip hop, and we gave him decisive speech, powerful speech, okay. Now, now that Allah has said, He's given him wisdom, he's going to tell us a story about him. And I'm not gonna go into the details of that story, but I'll give you the gist. Now, the other is Saddam was in his quarters. And Allah says, attack Annaba al Hassan, did the news of the arguing groups come to you. If the soul may rub the doubt on a salon was a king. And kings live in castles. And the king's

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quarters are usually higher up inside the castle in the more secure area. And he was up in his quarters praying. And Murghab is the corner of the house where it's private, where you pray. And he turns around from the prayer. And he sees a bunch of people in you can imagine in his bedroom, there in his inner quarters. So you can imagine like in America, there's the White House, right? And the White House has extra layers of security. They've got snipers on the roof. And they've got security guards and dogs and they've got all this kind of stuff, right? And there's a presidential residence inside. And the President comes out of the bathroom and there's six guys sitting there. Hey, we got

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a question, Mr. President. Like, if somebody made it through all those layers of security, what does that mean?

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They're gonna kill you. That's what how could they get through all those layers of security and be inside your presidential bedroom? You understand? So he turns around and he sees these people if the Hulu Isla download. They came into the woods company in the backdrop for fasea minimum, he was terrified of them. He was shocked at what's going on here. Right? And by the way that will Darlene Salam is not just a king, he's a military leader. And military leaders have enemies. And if they see someone just inside their private quarters, they know this is going to be an assassination attempt. So this a lot of cars cost money. Bah, bah, bah, no, no, no, no, no, don't be afraid. We just have

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an issue. We just want you to give us your advice about it. I try to one of the ways I think about the stories in the Quran is I tried to place myself in that situation.

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So I imagine I'm, you know, I finish here and I go back to the hotel I'm staying at and I go in the bathroom of the hotel, wash up come out of the bathroom, and there's eight of us sitting on my bed

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I didn't get a chance to talk to you there, but

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my cousin works at this hotel and

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we have a question. You said in one of your videos Oh,

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I'm sorry brother

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you see how shocking that would be? And how, like right now I'm not thinking about whether or not to give you the right answer. I'm thinking about whether or not to kick you out of my room call the police or run.

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But the thing that fell on my own but Make yourselves comfortable guys. No, no, no, it's okay. It's okay. Yeah, yeah, sit there. Yeah. No, put your shoes there. Yeah. I never liked that suitcase. Okay.

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So he says when I touched it, why dinner? Illa. So So they say, you know, could you judge between us? And don't? Don't give us a bad answer? Let him know, toasted. Don't don't give us a nonsense answer. And then they say, guide us to the right path. This is my brother. He owns 99 sheep. I only own one of them was Danny will call back Phil Nia. He says give me that one you have also well as any Fill him up and he keeps yelling at me. He keeps intimidating me. He talks to me in a bullying way that Isaiah means to have power over someone. So he uses his power. 99 sheep means he's wealthier means he has more servants. He has more influence. And he uses that influence and talks

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down to me and says give me your sheep, man. Come on, what are you gonna do with it? Just if you were good at the sheep business, you wouldn't have one. Okay. Just give it to me. It'll be it's better for you. And so he keeps bullying me. By the way. Let me give you a new version of this. There's a because I just came from Buxton. So I saw this. There's people they build these housing complexes, housing communities, gated communities, right? Like, DHA is or whatever, right? And they'll they'll build like 5000 houses. And you're you're outside these communities with the gates and the security guards and the machine guns. And you're in Pakistan, you know what that means?

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You're on the highway going this way. There's a guy on a bicycle going this way. There's a guy on a rickshaw going that way. There's a truck going this way. This is the highway. Right? But it's it's a it's truly a freeway. Right? Now, I understood the meaning of the word.

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It's free. It's a freeway, and then you walk through those gates. And all of a sudden you're in California, the streets are clean. Everything's prim and proper. The roads are paved. People are observing traffic laws, there's malls, there's people who think they speak English. There's all kinds of stuff.

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I went to some of those restaurants just to hear what they think is English. Yarn, what the * ya like, I love that. I love it. I love it, it tastes better than the food.

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Anyway, back to the fraud, okay.

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Now what they do is they build these housing developments. And there's one guy who owns this old, ugly little house in the middle. And he doesn't want to sell. He doesn't want to sell his property. So you know what they do? They build all around him.

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And he can't even get to his house.

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He there's no road, nothing he can't get there. You got a choice, where you could just sell it. Because we're going to build them all there. We're gonna build whatever there. You know what that is, you've got people that are very powerful. They have a lot of money. And then you have someone who owns something, but he doesn't have power.

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One has 99 the other just has one. One and the ones that have 99 can believe the one that has one. And that happens in Pakistan. That happens in America, that happens in Australia, that happens in Canada that happens in the United Kingdom and happens in Germany happens all over the world. You know, sometimes governments do this to citizens, right? Sometimes business partners do this to other business partners. Sometimes big business does it to small businesses, doesn't it? And so this is a scenario that happens in the world of business all the time. Now listen to the words of the Dalai Lama get to the point

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he says doubt on a salon says I'm only quoting a part of it that's relevant for our discussion what in that cathedral middle filata layer believe Barbu home Isla down

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actually a huge number of people that are mixed together in business relationships.

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They end up doing wrong to each other.

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Okay, and from the context you can tell who does wrong to who the one who has more ends up doing wrong to the one who has less right and the one who has the power to intimidate and the bullying the other and this happened Hola.

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It actually also means people that have lives connected to each other like family. Family, right? So in families, for example, there's the dad, and there he has six sons, right? And one of those sons is wealthier or more powerful or politically connected, and the other sons are not, or two of them are more connected, the other four are not. And when time comes for the inheritance, you can almost guess who's not going to get their share. Right? Because the ones that are connected are going to just take out the ones that are not connected or they're not going to get anything, right. So this kind of thing plays out in Tao de la salaam says, a lot of times people that are mixed with each

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other, they end up doing wrong to each other. Okay, this statement that he makes, and then he says Illa Latina Armando, Amiel Saudi Hartwell Cali Loma home, except for those who believe and do good deeds and how few they are, meaning, a sign of people who truly believe and do good deeds as they don't mess with business deals. Right? And he says how few they are. This statement of doubt, think about it. This is Allah explaining what hikma looks like. Allah just said, Allah gave the old what hikma now people came to him and said, This is our case. And before he judges the case, he says, Listen, this happens a lot. But this idea that this happens, a lot, read a doubt get it from? Did he

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get it from Revelation, you think? Or did he get it from dealing with lots of cases.

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He dealt with lots and lots of cases. He's a ruler. He's head of bernisa EAN. He deals with them all the time. He sees many, many, many kids, he's a judge. If you talk to experienced judges, they've seen a lot of stuff. You know, some of the most insightful conversations I've had in my life are with military generals, and judges, and lawyers. You learn a lot from those people. Like I just tell them so what have you learned 50 years sitting on the bench? He goes, You can't learn that in a 30 minute conversation. I said, there's always a start. Let's begin and give me something. Right. I learned a lot from people with that kind of experience. What is the Quran actually doing here? It's

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amazing. The Quran is saying life experience. life experience will teach you what

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wisdom and when Allah says Allah gave thou the other insight and wisdom. Isn't that what he said? He's telling us, Allah gave doubt at a salon life experiences that taught him a lot about how people work, how society works, how business partners work, how families work. And that is actually part of the wisdom he's using to understand cases, to understand human behavior. You see what I'm saying? This is actually an incredible case of for wisdom. Now before this, you might think wisdom is something that comes from Allah. Wisdom is something spiritual wisdom is something if you pray a lot, it will come to you, though, that's the spiritual meaning of wisdom that's there to in the

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Quran. But in this passage, there's another dimension of wisdom, which we almost think is secular. It's not even religious, it's secular. What is it? His role as a judge? He's seen people do messed up things. And it's taught him a lot. It's taught him a lot. What does that do for a student of the Quran like myself, you know what that does. When I'm studying something in the Quran, I'm studying, for example, the there's ayat about divorce, we're going to talk about the Ayat of divorce tomorrow a little bit, because they mentioned wisdom in them, too.

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That's going to be a fun conversation. I'm going to leave right after that. But anyway.

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But the reason I brought that up, is when you look at the Ayat of or when you when you look at, you know, divorce cases.

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And you look at divorce judges and what they have to go through, they have to actually look at real life situations, and learn from them. So when I'm studying the art of divorce, I actually talk to divorce attorneys. I talk to marital counselors, I talk to psychologists, I talk to people that experienced divorces, right? Because they have wisdom that I need to understand these ayat, what kind of wisdom do they have?

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life experience that is an acknowledged form of wisdom and the Quran itself. Through the example of Tao that is undoubtedly Saddam's wisdom is actually life experience. So what I'm saying that is the Quran is very broad in its definition of wisdom. And we're gonna go through each one of those examples of wisdom highlights a new picture for wisdom. So your your grandparents have a lot to teach you from their life experience. The elders in our community are banks of wisdom that nobody's utilizing. They What did you learn from your life? You know, and we're not taking advantage

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Jump that. I hope you guys enjoyed that video clip. My team and I have been working tirelessly to try to create as many resources for Muslims to give them first steps in understanding the Quran all the way to the point where they can have a deep, profound understanding of the Quran. We are students of the Quran ourselves. And we want you to be students of the Quran alongside us. Join us for this journey on Vienna Where 1000s of hours of work have already been put in, and don't be intimidated. It's step by step by step so you can make learning the Quran a part of your lifestyle. There's lots of stuff available on YouTube, but it's all over the place. If you want an

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organized approach to studying the Quran beginning to end for yourself, your kids, your family, and even among peers. That would be the way to go sign up for being a

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