Abdal Hakim Murad – Between Two Hopes

Abdal Hakim Murad
AI: Summary ©
The importance of hope and faith in the religious context of Islam is discussed, along with the concept of praying for one's future. The discussion touches on the idea of bringing a new car and the potential for luck in life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of these elements in achieving success and hopes for a better world. They also discuss the history of the Holy Prophet salGenerationu, including a song by Donald Trump, and the importance of the Kaaba in shaping the culture of the United States.
AI: Transcript ©
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Cambridge Muslim college training the next generation of Muslim

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thinkers Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah.

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Were early he was a happy woman Well

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I'd like to talk today about hope and hopefulness.

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This is what we call a jet in our religious vocabulary.

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Men Cana Yara drooly Allah He for in Agile Allah healer at all a

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Sunday all alim, however, hopes for the meeting with a lot that

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time is coming. He has the hearing and the knowing

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and this Rajat this hopefulness, to take so many forms and so many

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that it should in fact, be the air that we breathe. And it's

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different from

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other kinds of hope that take up are other times or shadow times.

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So Rajat is the hopefulness of Allah's mercy and the looking

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forward to his forgiveness and two good things blessings in this

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world, whereas what we call 10 Mende kind of vain hopes idol

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hopes but a min now Allah Allah

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Elijah is an expert on if so however whatever now a lot this is

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a Hadith okay you Salman dad, and if so, who Amina Lima about the

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most intelligent person is he who calls himself to account and works

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for eternity what follows death? Well, it is a woman about I never

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said Well, how about a minute Allah and the loser.

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Inadequate is the person who allows his ego to follow its

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desires and then just hopes that Allah will kind of forgive him or

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bring a good outcome. That's vain hope. That's a wrong attitude. So

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in a sense, we go in our lives, not just between fear and hope,

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but also between two kinds of hope, a good hope and a bad hope.

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And the ego is very good at producing false hope. Not really

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very good with my prayers, but I hope Allah will forgive me, oh,

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I'm not very good at this. But in sha Allah, it'll come all right,

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or it's the gamblers hope, in a sense, the gambler knows that the

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odds are always stacked against him, otherwise nobody would be in

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the industry. But still, he has this vain hope maybe the scratch

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card will bring me a new car won't be a millionaire. This is the to

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many, this idol hope, which is very Islamic and is often based on

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the wrong kind of understanding of

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divine power.

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So the believer between Roger and hope, hope and fear, but also

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between Roger and Tammany, in our good times, we just hope for

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Allah's mercy and through actually acting in obedience to Him. And in

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our bad times, we mess up and we just Well, I know it's a gamble,

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but I'm gonna gamble with God and hope that this comes out all

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right. And very many of our sins are accompanied by this too many

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I'm gonna do this bad thing because I'm feeling depressed and

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down and I'm going to do it and Allah will forgive me for Rahim,

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forgiving, merciful, this is something that can

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facilitate sin.

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Now, one of the great messages of Scripture is that Allah subhanaw

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taala brings about apparently unlikely hopes.

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Who would have thought that the Israelites would be rescued from

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Iran? Very unlikely, who would have thought that Noah had his

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people would be delivered? Who would have thought that the

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Blessed Virgin Mary would be vindicated when she comes with the

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apparently illegitimate child to face the music back in Jerusalem?

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Who would have thought that Satan the use of in the depths of the

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well would ever have had any kind of life but all of these

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flowerings come about through people not losing hope? Yes, is a

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The holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam can do hypothetically,

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he used to love optimism. In other words, we are doing what we can as

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Muslims, and we hope that things will come right. And we look at

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the dark state of the world. But we hope that there'll be a new

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dawn and this is, this is what keeps us sane. And scripture is

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saying if you do that in the right spirit, don't underestimate the

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divine power to achieve any kind of outcome, even these amazingly

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unlikely ones.

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So, one of my favorite

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Islamic CDs at the moment, prophetic praise and some of you

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will have heard about it which has. It's really a celebration

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from around the world of different voices who are in love with with

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holy prophetic presence and Allahu alayhi wa salam and

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semi your stuff is on that alley killer, but there's a song that I

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particularly like is my favorite, which is by Donald wants to be

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Ali, where he really talks about the kind of long history of the

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story of the Holy Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam in terms

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of his Abrahamic ancestry, so old Abraham was God's true friend.

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I've got the lyrics here. I'm not gonna sing it for you. Did wife

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and son to him commend truisms and God did both defend and on the

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twain did mercy send the sages seeds to admit the weeds of

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Jerome's vein and heathen deeds, but God kept clean that string of

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beads of profits can no idle heeds. So here the lyrics are

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saying that parent hopeless exile Hotjar and kid out in the TRAPPIST

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desert, with nothing to drink through not getting way to

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despair, the wonder of London unexpectedly happens and it's

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still happening. We drink from it ourselves behind a lot. And then

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despite that, as it was spiritual desert into which they have been

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projected, surrounded by drilled home and key Nana and ignorant

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pagan tribes,

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with nobody, by God to support them. Still, through that trust, I

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build the Kaaba shrine of monotheism in the middle of

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Arabian wastelands and paganism, as the purest place on earth. And

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despite the inrush of paganism into the harem, Allah subhanaw

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taala brings out of that obscure, partly hopeless story in the

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middle of nowhere, the greatest prophecy the greatest Scripture,

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the greatest civilization, the world has ever seen that wonder.

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So that's the old song and I'm very,

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very hopeful on the basis of this Allah subhanaw. Taala wishes us to

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be people of Rajak

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people of hope and in the

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current circumstances of the Ummah, we need to remember that

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the OMA has been through hard times before many times

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we think of the disasters in Baghdad.

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But then, perhaps we forget what it would have been like

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800 years ago when the Mongols Hulagu sacked the city of Baghdad

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and trample the Khalifa under the whose forces and filled the river

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with all of the great books of the Muslims precious beautiful

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manuscripts so that the horses could ride across the great river.

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The river was full of books, the city on fire, the women raped the

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city destroyed, ethnic cleansing on an inconceivable scale

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mountains of skulls and then silence after Daraa salaam dermal

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filler for the greatness of what was the greatest city in the

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world. silence or ruin smoking rubble. And then what happened?

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The Mongols converted Islam upon the love to the efforts of the

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* in

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the people of tariqa. And then they become great upholders of

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Islam. So the great enemies come over to the truth. But how was

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that made possible? Because the automat had Sabha and had Rajat i

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They never despaired and the thing that will carry us through this

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period in the history of the Ummah, is not despairing, not

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succumbing to depression and anxiety. But having confidence,

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Allah subhanaw taala is the one to whom everything returns. Allah

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Illallah he took zero or more. So if Rajat was possible for her and

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Izmail are leaking in that vast, arid desert, should be possible

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for ourselves and this is how Allah wishes us to be knowing that

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he is the author of history, and that there's always a dawn after

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every nightfall. So may Allah subhanaw taala in this month of

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Ramadan, make it a time of new beginnings for us and keep us on

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the straight path which is the path of the Raj and not the path

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of too many insha Allah polyclonal fecal coliform income person mo

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Cambridge Muslim College, training the next generation of Muslim

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