Mufti Menk – Supplications Series 2018 EP14

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The importance of powerful words in Prophet's statement is discussed, including the use of "has" and "has" in language to describe actions. The importance of patient patience and forgiveness is emphasized, along with the use of words like "bringing on" and "bringing out" to convey messages. The importance of forgiveness and saving from hellfire is also emphasized, with advice on how to do so. The Surah Al Taala is emphasized as a powerful symbol, and individuals should not be understood as constructive.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu lillahi wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Abdullah he was truly Muhammad Ali he was happy Jemaine, we begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. We send blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his household, his companions May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless them, and bless every one of us in grantors, goodness and mercy. I mean, my brothers and sisters, Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam was cast into the fire by his own father and by his people. When he was young. He called out to Allah using specific words. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used the same words when he was told that

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Abu sufian had now come, he was coming back to actually attack the people were coming back to attack. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam used similar words. These words were very, very powerful. Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about these words in more than one place in the Quran. It's important for us to know what these powerful words are, that made the fire cold. These powerful words of supplication that instilled within the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam the peace the communists, and the tranquility on a day when if it were anybody else, they would have been so

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discontent so worried and concerned has wound Allah who an email Joaquin, Allah is sufficient for us and He is the best Disposer of our affairs. That is the de hacer una la who an email Joaquin.

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Allah is sufficient for us. We don't need anyone else we trust Allah we know that Allah is enough for us, near him and Joaquin means he is the best Disposer of all our affairs. Now, if we take a look at the Quran in surah Toba verse number 129, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us for interval low, if they are going to turn away for cool so O Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam we want you to say has be Allahu La, La La, la, la, la, la La, La, La Rochelle lb, Allah is sufficient for me. There is none worthy of worship besides him, I lay my trust upon him fully. And He is the Lord of the great throne. Subhana Allah, my brothers and sisters, this is a very very strong when you feeling helpless

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when you need to be calmed when you need contentment when you want the help of Allah at a time where you think that there is no way out. There's nothing you could do that would help the situation.

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Husband Allah, when am I lucky or has to be Allahu La ilaha illa Allah, Allah Hito come to who are bhullar shall have him. This is declaring that Allah is enough for us. He is the only one worthy of worship, and indeed all our trust we lay upon Him, and He is the Lord of the great throne. So that was a dude that I felt was extremely important to make mention of while we're speaking of supplications from Revelation, because it has been revealed several times and it has been used by Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, after it was used by Ibrahim alayhis salam and various others. And I'm sure we would read it in the Quran, we would also appreciate its meaning, we would be able

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to feel within our lives the effect and impact of such beautiful prayers that were made by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. As we go further, we will notice that in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about do as of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he instructs him to make a draft for example. What could rub bill Phil what happens when the halal Rahim in Omaha mozzarella Salaam say, My Lord, forgive and have mercy for indeed you are the best of those who have mercy. So this is an instruction to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he is being told to seek the mercy of Allah yet Allah is the most merciful upon him. He was the best of creation, and he is

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being asked to seek forgiveness, yet he did not need that forgiveness. The lesson is definitely for every one of us. If we would like to use that supplication. We say it in the following way. Or a battlefield Warhammer, antihero rahimian or a battlefield Warhammer one Tahira Haman. Oh, my Rob, forgive and have mercy for indeed you are the best of those who have mercy. We are talking here about having mercy upon us, forgiving us. So although it just says it will feel what Have mercy

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And forgiven Have mercy. It is referring to us, and this is what we would actually be benefiting from. It's also a beautiful day that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used and he made the dua, he was instructed to make it as well, because the lesson was more for us. We are the ones who need it. The surprising thing is we who needed don't really make the dua, and those who did not need it such as Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. They made that so often.

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We move to another beautiful supplication from the Revelation the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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is being instructed by Allah subhanho wa Taala in Surah two Nasir, I'm sure many of us know the surah of Bihar Elijah Anna sola he will in fact, what I did not say hola una de de la huajian when the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala comes and victory and you see the people entering into the fold of Islam in droves. Then Alice's for sub be behind the Rebecca Westerfield who, in who cannot awaba so declare the praise of Allah subhanho wa Taala or glorify in the praise of Allah subhanho wa Taala of Europe was the field who means and seek His forgiveness for Indeed, he is most forgiving. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to actually say Subhana Allah, He will be handy he will

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allow us to boo LA,

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Glory be to Allah and All praise is due to Allah. I seek the forgiveness of Allah and I repent to him. And as I said, he did not need repentance, no seeking of forgiveness. But the lesson is for every one of us, we find in the supplications of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that he used to seek the forgiveness of Allah between 70 and 100 times a day, according to some of the narrations. So we need to ask ourselves, how many times do we seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Many of us the days pass the ninth pass and we haven't even sought the forgiveness of Allah, let's become into the habit of seeking the forgiveness of Allah. But don't just pay lip

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service to the seeking of forgiveness a stone for the last time. I said it 100 times. I said it 200 times and I've done my duty. That's not how it works. How it works is you say it with concentration as many times as you want, you can repeat it as many times as you want. But with concentration. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not use to count how many times he did the Toba or he sought forgiveness. But the Sahaba say more than 70 and other nation says up to 100 times so it was somewhere between there and there. But it's not like you say it's 75 times you say 200 times etc. It goes to show that quality is more important than quantity in Islam. If we look at the religious acts

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of worship that we are instructed to engage in by Allah subhanho wa Taala we will find that every time

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quality is given more importance than the quantity. So if you're praying, if you're reading Koran, if you're seeking the forgiveness of Allah, make sure that you understand the quality is of prime importance. And this is why Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has actually taught us how to seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And I've said this over and over again, we regret we show remorse and regret. We admit, we seek the forgiveness of Allah, we promised not to do it again. But we start off by asking Allah forgiveness, praising Allah subhanho wa Taala declaring the greatness of Allah our dependence upon Allah, the fact that we are

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totally dependent on Allah subhanho wa Taala we need him he does not need us We also send blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at the beginning, and at the end of the supplication that we make.

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Then we move on to more of the of that are mentioned in Revelation. A very interesting two are mentioned in Surah. Allah in Milan,

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in fact, is sort of Bukhara

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where the story of David and Goliath is made mention of Dawood Ali salam, and salute Goliath who was attacking the world and how David without any Salah managed to overcome him, there is a duality that was made mention of

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a bunch of free violinists along with a bit acorda mana.

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comin caffine surah baqarah verse number 250 our Abba pour upon us patience, pour patients upon us and strengthen or make firm our feet you know, they were facing the enemy, facing the enemy, pour patients upon us we need lots and lots of patients suffer. You know, perseverance, forbearance, patience and so on. Or Allah pour it upon us and strengthen or make firm our feet on the ground, make it such that we don't

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falter, we don't give up, we don't run away and grant us victory over this nation that is disbelievers. And obviously this was at the time of war due at the time of distress due at the time of facing the enemy. And it is really a very good deal that we seek the help from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Very interestingly, the issue of patience is not something small, it is very big. Most of us are tested by Allah subhanho wa Taala when it comes to patients,

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and this patience is extremely difficult because everyone is tested according to their level. You know, when you test a baby, you test a baby with

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a baby test. When you test an adult you test an adult with the test according to their level. If we look at education, depending on what grade you are, you will be tested according to that grade. So in the same way when you are stronger in faith and Eman And as you grow older and get closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala you will be tested in that way. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for sobor. And not just a little bit of it, but a lot of it together with seeking from Allah, the patience, we need to try our best to utilize the energies and the understanding that Allah has bestowed upon us to achieve that particular patience as well. So that was a very, very powerful and then I want to

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move on to the end of Surah Baqarah the end of Surah Al Baqarah has in it. Three do us three supplications robina Allah to live in Santa Ana, that's the first one are up. Now these are powerful verses are up, do not hold against us Do not punish us if we have nesina or if we have forgotten or made a mistake. Now this is very interesting.

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The reason why it is very interesting is because we are telling Allah subhanho wa Taala while seeking from him saying that, you know, if we've made a mistake as a human being or if we have forgotten something, please don't punish us. You know, I always picture a little baby, a little child coming up to a father or a mother saying I made a mistake, please I'm sorry, don't punish me. Or I forgot. You know, I won't do this again. Imagine with us, Allah is much more merciful to us than our parents, our mothers, our family members. So what happens we then ask a lot to see a banner lad to ask him

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in Se Na

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Na are up. Do not punish us Do not hold against us where we have forgotten all we have made a mistake. That's the first one. The second one, which is right at the end of Sudoku. Bukhara robina wala Mila ina,

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gamma Hamilton who Island Nadine

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Cabo, Nina, Oh Allah, do not burden us with a similar burden that you burden those before us with, you know, whatever Allah has asked others to do, even if we are able to do it, we are asking Allah to make it easy for us to make things easier for us. So we are saying Oh Allah don't burden us with that which you burden to the previous people with. That's a very interesting to add, because it goes to show that yes, we have read we have seen a little bit of what the others went through. And we know their difficulty we've been through their stories. We've been through a lot of what Allah has revealed to us, but we want it to be easier for us. Oh Allah make it easier for us. abana Allah,

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Allah Laila Nina is surangama Hamilton who Alan Levine kabhi, Nina, those whom you put on their shoulders a burden before us. Don't put such a big burden on our shoulders. Oh Allah, what a powerful job. And the last part of it.

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Robin Rabanne, our

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nana na catalana be our up or up, do not burden us

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with that which we will not be able to do that which is beyond our strength. And Allah has done this. This is why Allah says, He does not burden a soul with more than what that soul can handle and manage because of this job. Allah says that, you know, the belief is make this prayer and this prayer is recommended for all of us to make our job do not burden us with more than what we can handle.

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And then we are told, what if one, were told to supplicate to Allah subhanho wa Taala call out to Him by saying, What if one figure forgive us one Filipina you know, forgive us again using a different word sometimes in the English language. They say, pardon us And forgive us, you know,

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One is to pardon for the littlest of things and to wipe it out completely. Wonderful Anna and we, we seek your forgiveness as well. And molana You are our protector. You are our protector from sadhana, alchemy, caffeine So help us grant us victory over the disbelievers. So these are some beautiful prayers that are made mentioned of at the end of Surah Al Baqarah. And the surah is so powerful that if we were to read the last few verses, the last two verses of Surah Al Baqarah, every morning and evening, we will be protected by Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is over and above the ayatul kursi that we spoke about in the previous episode, as well as the last two sutras of the Quran, some of

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the scholars add one more surah and that is similar to a philos. So they say the three goals and the reason why they say that is because kohala had algebra, algebra bidness they all start with the term of the word cool. So although the two are more important, because of the power of the meaning of Surah ikhlas it is added as one of those sutras together with the more we that it is usually recited in red, declaring the greatness of Allah because it is indeed the surah of faith and conviction in Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now this is amazing because

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just by reading these verses of the Quran, we achieve protection from Allah subhanho to Allah, we achieve protection.

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You know, by Allah subhanho wa Taala with Allah subhanho wa Taala and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant every one of us ease, we move on to Surah Allah imraan where Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about those who have sound knowledge, those who have sound knowledge, they don't get into Nitty gritties of the debates between the people, they leave things sometimes saying Allah knows best, you know, people debate about certain things that may not be so clear. Allah says, What rasi hoonah imia coluna

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be the people who have deep knowledge they say, look, we believe in the verses of the Quran. We believe in what Allah has said, As for the others who have dirt in the heart or a diseased heart, they start arguing, they start fighting, they start creating a fitna and and a problem between members of the oma because they want to go into Nitty gritties and argue and fight in a way that is destructive and not in a constructive way.

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So if we'd like to address a matter of difference, we need to do so in a constructive way, not in a destructive way.

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Many people argue they debate and they want to, you know express their feelings, their ideas, what they believe is absolutely true from the evidence presented in the Quran and the Sunnah, etc. But they do so in the most destructive way. This is why Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about wisdom and hikma and Allah subhanho wa Taala says the one who has been given wisdom has actually been given much, much goodness, he has been given a lot of goodness, because to know something is one thing but to be able to communicate it to someone else requires wisdom, the wisdom of application, the wisdom of passing the message on in a convincing way. So if we would like to discuss matters and learn, we

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need to do both of those in a way that is constructive and not destructive. So as for those who have sound knowledge they see and Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of this in the Quran,

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or barnala kulu bana badda if they hadn't eaten our banana

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they say oh are up, do not deviate our hearts after You have guided us and bless us or grant us from you. Mercy. We want the gift of mercy from you to us. For indeed you are the giver of gifts. Amazing to

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the people who have sound knowledge, they know that while they have the guidance, the guidance can be taken away from them. There are so many people who saw the light and thereafter they turned away from Allah, just like there are people who did not see the light and after a while they saw the light and they turned towards Allah. So we don't have a guarantee that how this is going to end. So we actually would be required if we had some knowledge to continue asking Allah to keep us rightly guided and not to let our hearts become a straight after Allah has guided us. Hence this is absolutely important, or a banner led to the kulu banner that you've had a 10 hour Millennium in the

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dune Cara mutton in the end

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Wahhab, verse number eight of sudut Allah in Milan, we Allah is making mention of it and that is our job, do not deviate our hearts after You have guided us and grant us mercy from you as a gift for indeed you are Allah, you are the one who gives you are the giver of gifts and so on. So, that is also a beautiful that is made mention of that those with sound knowledge would actually be calling out to Allah with so my brothers and sisters, this is a another example of how Allah subhanho wa Taala has taught us through the Quran all these supplications imagine, every day we are talking of supplications and the Quran is fooled with these applications. We have not yet even moved to a

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different type of revelation which is known as the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I've only touched on a few of these two hours. I'm really excited to be moving into those two hours inshallah, at some point in the series, we will be going through the two hours, the supplications within the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but here is another dua that is made mention of in Surah. Allah Imran regarding seeking the forgiveness of Allah and being saved from the punishment of the grave, or the punishment of the Fire.

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Allies praising the believers and he says they are the ones who say the following and levena coluna. They are the ones who say the following are a banner in Nana.

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Nana, Nana joaquina

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are up. Indeed we have believed so we are asking you to forgive our sins and save us from hellfire.

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Two things I made mention of here, you're telling Allah that because you have believed, therefore you are asking for forgiveness. So you deserve the forgiveness. The justification of it is that I have believed in you Oh Allah, you promised the believers forgiveness. So I'm asking you for forgiveness. You promised the believer savior from hellfire. So I'm asking you to save me from hellfire. That is so beautiful. So when we say a banner, Amanda,

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in our app, we have indeed believed and there is another example of this also in the Quran, where Allah Subhana Allah Allah says in Surah, Allah Imran abana

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Bhima Zelda, tabanan Rasulullah efecto banana shahidi in our up, we have believed in what you have revealed and we have followed the Prophet. So I've done some good deeds, what are the good deeds? Oh Allah, I have believed in what you have revealed and I followed the Prophet. So write me from among those who have borne witness you know, a shahidan, which would mean those who bore witness. So, this shows us that when you do good deeds, it is correct. It is permissible to seek Allah's help and to call out to Him by making mention of the good deeds. So you're going through the fact that you've done some good deeds, Oh Allah, I followed the Prophet, Oh Allah, I'm trying my best. So I want you

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to forgive me, or Allah, I'm trying. I follow the Prophet. I'm a Muslim. I've said the Shahada, I obey you I read to a cat of Salah I've been doing good deeds, or Allah, I want you to help me to kill me to grant me etc, etc. It's called Getting to Allah subhanho wa Taala and asking him by making mention of good deeds that you have done. So we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, to make us from among those who definitely do good deeds, so that we are able to please Allah subhanho wa Taala when we call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala even without mentioning those good deeds, Allah already knows them May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us or goodness I'm excited about the next session of

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this beautiful series, and the next episode inshallah, where we will go further in this beautiful, beautiful garden of great supplications akuto Khalifa was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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