Dealing with Difficulty #05 Spending

Mufti Menk


Channel: Mufti Menk


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The pandemic has caused people to avoid spending on their individual families and focus on charity and small businesses. They stress the importance of being aware of one's wealth and not wasting it, as it is a waste of money. The speaker emphasizes the need to use one's wealth and personal knowledge to earn one's own success and happiness, and to not overestimate one's potential and not give too much of it.

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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Welcome to a new episode of dealing with difficulty many people find it so hard to give. They cannot put their hands in their pockets and spend. Many wealthy people are very miserly many people don't spend on their own families. This is a difficulty we need to deal with it. Because remember something when Allah has given you wealth he expects you to lead a life of relative comfort. Allah Almighty teaches us through the blessed lips of Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Leah Vihara. Ethel Rania Mata Lucha Lake, when Allah has blessed you with wealth, he wants you, he wants it to show on you that he's blessed you. So you don't have to be

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proud and arrogant about it. But you need to spend from it don't suffer, knowing that you can afford something better. So those of you who have wealth and you're not spending it and suffering or causing the suffering of your family members, your children, your spouse, and your those who depend on you. Remember, you are doing the wrong thing. When you spend Allah gives you more when you spend Allah gives you more for as long as you spending in the right cause and the morsel of food that you put in the wife of sorry, in the mouth of your wife or your family members is an act of charity because that's your duty. I'm actually spending on my family. It's the best thing do you know to

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spend on your family is so important that Sadiq know ABI Waqqas Radi Allahu anhu, who was relatively wealthy when he was unwell. He told the prophets Allah Allah, Allah Selim, you know, I have one daughter, I want to give my money in charity. Okay, so he was generous, but he wanted to give it to charity. The Prophet peace be upon him says no. And at the end of the Hadith, he explains that you're not allowed to give more than a third to charity, the others, you need to leave it for your heirs, whomsoever we chose, as your heirs, leave it for them, it's better to leave your heirs wealthy than to leave them begging on the street. So your money who is it for Wallah, he primarily

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it's for you and your family members, and then the poor and the needy outside? And this is why when it comes to giving, Allah Almighty says that's a test you didn't have, we lead you to a good job or some good business deals, we gave you the know how to be able to be at the right place at the right time to get all the deals. So we gave you the deal and the money and the profit in order to test you are you going to spend from it or you're just going to amass it and die like the Pharaoh or die like a man known as our own, who kept his wealth and did and he was so miserly at the same time. And you want to be known as a miser I know of millionaires, whose kids and family members are suffering

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because they don't want to spend, they say, No, I'll spoil my children because I don't want to spend on them. We're not saying that overspend on them, but give them a reasonably comfortable life. That's an act of worship. If you're not going to do that your charities Charity begins at home is also an Islamic teaching. Because Allah Almighty says what are the then orba hubco When Myskina Obinna sabe wala to bet Victor Vera, what a beautiful piece of advice, Allah says, Give the family members, your closest relatives, first you give your closest relatives then do they have a right in your money. If you're a wealthy person, you've got to make sure your your wife and children are

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leading a reasonably comfortable life, then look at your brothers and sisters. Look at your folks look at your uncles and aunts and your cousins and so on. Look at the people in your extended family, then look at your community and let the search go broader.

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That's an Islamic teaching. So Allah says RTL CORBA hubco Give your close family and relatives their do in your wealth. Subhanallah because Allah knows your diet without spending it, you have no reward for it. It was a waste. I didn't spend it. I didn't spend my money in good things. I kept it I held it. I used to walk. So because I didn't want to use money for fuel. What are you talking about? You're a rich man. You should have a vehicle and you should have a bus taking other people as well. Just an example. So Allah Almighty says, well, to bet the tap dear and don't be wasteful because the people who waste there are the brethren of the devil. Don't be extravagant, you know, but give the

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people that you and Miskin after that those who are poor, those who are wayfarers, those who are like we say people on the street who can't really afford things spending them, give, if you're finding it difficult to give. You haven't understood where your money came from. And the fact that you're going to leave it when you go, you came with nothing. You amass something on earth. You go with nothing, just a shroud. So you either have a lot of charities that you've participated in or given that maybe the boreholes the way

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allows so many brilliant, beautiful causes. This is the month of Ramadan, learn to spend Allah multiplies the reward, he'll create ease for you in so many other things because you spent your wealth, but you're having problems you're having health matters. You're having this problem that because you've got so much of money, but you don't spend it in the right way. And don't spend it to create splits in communities and to destroy people. Use it in the right way. Feed the people, educate them, grant them, goodness, maybe build a masjid, the madrasa school, a college some, you know, help people, empower them with small businesses, whatever you'd like to do have a few secrets

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between you and Allah Almighty, where you are spending on people, to empower them with whatever they need, such that one day Allah will be taking care of every need of yours. SubhanAllah. So remember, you're finding it difficult to give because you don't even realize the reward there is in giving. Look, Allah has never given anyone everything in our times. Nobody has everything they want. In fact, the general human beings, this is the way Allah has kept us he escaped perfection for the hereafter on Earth. We're not going to be having every single thing. We're going to be having certain things, whatever you have,

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you need to spend it in order to build your hereafter Listen to this verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Quran that to our own they said to him, what military theme

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color who doubt, Hera while

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Santa swinging back I mean dunya Well, I seen karma. Sand Allah Who a lake Walla, WA real fossa, they fill up in Allah, Allah you him boom of CD, Allah says,

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work towards or search for work towards your hereafter through what we gave you. Whatever we've given you use it to earn, use it to what use it to earn your hereafter. What did Allah give you, Allah has given us all different things. Some people have the intellect. Some people have this, some people have wealth, some people have authority, some people have whatever they have, Allah has blessed everyone uniquely, you're all blessed, we're blessed. Whatever you've been blessed with, use it use that thing, it might not be money. But if it is money, use that money to earn your hereafter. And don't forget your portion of this world, which means you got to have reasonably comfortable life

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and you can earn and you can spend and you can enjoy to a degree where it doesn't come between you and the obligations you have Unto Allah, you love your wealth, but you love Allah more than your wealth. That's it. So Allah says, Don't forget your portion of this world. And don't spread chaos, corruption on F. Don't be mischievous, not on F don't create problems. When you have a lot of wealth, you think I'm going to fix this guy and this guy, I'm going to show this guy, I'm not going to give this guy I'm going to do this with this guy. I'm going to show them how I'm going to sort them out. And though that attitude is the attitude of a small mind, that's not connected to Allah,

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you have wealth, my brother, that is a responsibility, you have no guarantee you are going to breathe a single breath beyond this. Your heartbeat is beating, you don't even realize it could stop at any moment. The wealth of the whole world will not help you like it is never helped those before you and I, unless we've spent it in a good cause. So do something with your wealth that when you're gone, your reward keeps clocking in, but learn to give. Would you give first, I said it already. Spend on yourself spend on your children's spend on your family members and consider it an honor. Allah will grant you more obviously be intelligent, you earned your first 1000. Don't just go and

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get a loan of another so many 1000 and blow the money. That's the other extreme. You don't need a loan, don't take a loan loan is something that is discouraged in Islam, you can take a loan that is within what is permissible in Sharia only if you need it. But if you're just going to go about borrowing money from everywhere, here and there, it's going to be problematic, but my brothers and sisters,

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the best loan is to learn Allah to give Allah How do you give Allah by spending in a cause? Allah says, I'll multiply it for you. This is the month of Ramadan, give you a wealth, it's multiply more than 700 times in the eyes of Allah and you will reap it, you will get it back. When you use what Allah has given you in a good way. Your health improves your wealth improves, your family improves, your connections improve, everything else improves. If you have a lot of wealth and you ask totally discontent and your family is fragmented, and you're fighting and you're not contented at all and you don't even pray and you don't do anything that's pleasing to Allah, then that wealth is actually

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a means of destruction. seek Allah's forgiveness and ask Allah to open your doors because we don't want that type of wealth. May Allah Almighty bless all of us and help us to

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spent in a good way I could only have a sallahu wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad